Saturday, March 9, 2024

Yet another expletive on my s** list. This filthy stinking rat creep RAskin will not stop his endless body-shaming attacks on me while I am fighting to type out the rage and frustration of hours u pon hours of his abuse--because I said no to Netanyahu who sexually has harassed me constantly to get his free deal, working in conjunction with the shit from England who are anti-Sesmitic white supremacists claiming they are defending "Israel" but they are British Israelists who want GENOCIDE and anyone not heping them to wrest control over The Holy Land will be derstroyed--according to their dictates. .The U.S. follows completely, as a Vassal State of the English crown which they defer to. All the Constitution and Bill of Rights exempt for me and all legal immunity for 'THEM" the traitors of the nation put into highest office. Disgusting ugly sick Raskin is now on my death wish list for his endless violence towards me, his collusion with bigot Nazis in p oisoning and torturing me slowly to death but stealing ideas non-stop as this blathering sick cloan has been endlessly invited to lecture in front of interviews, cameras for his role in the J-6 inquiry, but really because of his attacks upon me. A "representative" now with years of university lecturing berhind him on the Constitution which he NEVER follows and only feigns to care about when providing absolute immunity from prosecution for the Nazis and rapist bigots he is joining with out of Whorewood.

 I can't express the sininster and ugly violent look of hate and threat on his ugly disgusting clown face when he is assaulting me and his comments are vile, as he is but appears with this "gentle, intellectual" sort of style adapted from the NE "liberal" intelligensia" ( I am struggling to look up the spelling but literally I can't open another tab to look for correct spelling of intelligensia--underlined in red. Very often my words are underlined in red so I check using an online dictionary and I have written the word correctly--but right now, I can't even open a tab to do a search for spelling--literally nothing will open, everything is literally frozen and inoperable)

more blocks to my train-of-thought.

Immediately after helping to promote this foul and ugly dirty stinking rat Jewish Nazi--as the blonde bigots sit back smirking and gloating that their system of hate is working perfectly. The Divide-and-conquer strategy which has been working for millennia is now in full operation at highest levels of the U.S. Congress.  This dirty university professor who is exactly on the same level of incompetence and lying ignorance as the Harvard prof who said at a Senate hearing that anti-Semitism on campus using genocidal references to killing Jews is only applicable under various "contexts" it depends upon who and what is being threatened (that means, if I were on campus with genocidal bigots surrounding me, the context would be, "she's not blonde and is a target thusly the context is attack her without any censure") And literally that is the unspoken context of what I am now experiencing.

If you look at the Knesset you will see a sea of blonde-dyed hair or "natural" Jewish blondes. The racism of the Jews is not only a major factor in Israel but in America--and indeed in my family as well.

this filthy ugly sick clown psychopath Raskin, or "Rah-skins" as MTG calls this filth bucket ugly sick hater in Congress, so elaborate with his diction but so lacking when it comes to a private hate promotional Nazi assault upon me. Because he has NO justification he remains silent just making sick insults about how I look and complimenting the Nazi women who have ordered me dismembered, raped and brutalized with so many damages to my body that it's by now countless and the damage continues every day.

I told Netanyahu, who came to sexually assault me, to insult me while I was in the shower using teleportation and every time I am getting undressed Rah-skins begins insulting my breasts, my hair--they cut my hair so that it's completely shredded and damaged and I have been working for 2 years to grow the 60-80% of hair loo that they forced upon me using chemicals--there is a tiny bit of hair at the tip, which is so damanged from years of fungus and mold being put on my hair from behind as I sat in a daze, too much in pain to move and daily rape and my hips and spine being put out-of-alignment with bloating and hardening stinking poison, sewage water inserted into my bladder--and the pig scum ape Rah-skins, the Jewish Nazi obsessed with being welcomed into every top level possible by proving hate and violence towards me.

The piece of rotten shit, who looks more rotten as time goes by and acts more violently towards me as the rewards, promotions, global attention increases his automatic violence towards me is now entrenched. The greasy scum asked me on day #1, 2 years ago, if I thought his son was murdered because he was "Jewish" and I said it was probable. Considering what I know of this group and Rah-skin's absolute affinity with Nazism but also of pretending to be liberal, or he once may have been more inclined in that direction but now fully immersed in the fascist creed of the Congressional 4th Reich--as so many Democrats are, those of the "liberal" and "Progressive" ranks have rushed to assault me for the same purpose of proving that they only mean freedom for the 4th Reich and death and enslavement of everybody else (black Nazis are also part of the "elite" by the way).


So he's going on about my hair looking like a rat's tail, as I scream that he's an ugly piece of shit and I hope he dies, finally this is my final assessment of the shit pig apes who come and glob on latching onto assaulting and attacking me--for years. For 3 years Rah-skins has watched me fight for my life as my body has swollen up. 

In America, I NEVER could get health care despite having Medicaid. I was lied to, I was re-poisoned, and doctors knew about my situation and fully complied with the 4th Reich. How many others are being killed in likewise fashion, and now moreso because of the homeless crisis many are just being made homeless--some perhaps because they lack adequate health care.

All of this (above paragraph) is a SICK JOKE to the pig ape pieces of shit like Raskin, Pelosi, Biden, Trump, et al they laugh they gloat the dump on more poisoning after I have fought for my life to heal for over 13 years. Once I begin to try to exercise after years of being so badly poisoned by shitalina and pig pitt and co that I am unable to move, literally and I am still extremely disabled and in pain every day and too much in physical paralysis to move or get anything done. They torture they laugh about how my body looks constantly. This is what the filthy and dirty psycho-clown Raskin is now doing.

Unfortunately I have just promoted that dirty and ugly rat pig ape piece of shit, and participated fully in the Jew-hating-baiting mind programming situation. I have asked him to go away every day non-stop and am now screaming and wishing him death and to shut up constantly as he goes on and on. All of this because I told Netanyahu for the 7th time to stop sexually harassing me after he obtained a tarot reading out of me. He began asking me about Israel and I had sobbing fits because I could feel the transfer of his grief and stress that hit me like a wave of misery--and his undoing is, in part, his own fault for colluding so constantly with Nazis--but what "choice" Have Jews been given? However, if more and more and more of the Jews keep acting like greasy scumbags and attacking the "darker" Jews or people who are not as white as possible, then they will get what they deserve which is to be slaves of the 4th Reich and so they are. They then assault me like the slave minions that they are viciously with every possible insult and threat of violence and because I cannot block them out as they shout every insult and threat at me for HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS every day. It is now 6 hours of that fucking piece of shit jabbing at how deformed my body is compared to shitalina, the stinking dirty skank who has had me poisoned with intention to paralyze and murder me for over a decade as all of Congress has invited her to the White House and to the UN to lecture about women's rights and for the Violence Against Women Act, which they seem to have passed and yet, I am the sacrifice for her abusive blonde bigot husband to beat and abuse (pig shit pitt) a slew of Europigape Nazis who she slathers with embraces as they rape and beat me along with their rapist sleazy dirty wife whore snaks

abused non-stop for defending myself against a Nazi racist program of women who are not blonde being turned into prostituted sex slaves and myu work, my intelligence my beauty my home and my finances all destroyed by this group of shit--with filthy lying ugly sick people like Raskin working with Marjorie Taylor Greene in this non-stop Nazi assault. 

Raskin is, in fact, working WITH Trump and is being promoted by the Trump team out of Whorewood and Congress. 

I have now helped to further promote that stinking and foul ugly violent vile piece of shit Raskin, along with MTG by just writing about the sick filth that they are and what they do for this 4th Reich Nazi group. 

Hoping once more that someone will be responsible and get this filthy pig ape piece of shit off me, like all the other endless and by now countless scumbag filth shit who have been handed this tech by shitalina and fucking filth pig pitrt so endlessly awarded and partners with all the "Oxars" award-nominations because he has partnered with  by now a few hundreds pieces of shit in Whorewood to get in on this endless free deal of just abusing and mutilating raping and poisoning me to death while everybody watches on doing nothing. The coungtry is now faililng miserably but they keep the system going. They all expect to retain their mansions and privilegae to rape and plunder and get more and more and the monopoly for themselves and their shit incompetent children is far too enticing compared to human rights, adherence to the Constitution or rule of law that they are constantly blathering about in front of cameras.

Raskin is one of the worst. The ugliness and hate of this fucking dirty stinking piece of trashy crap is too much to bear. 

Jewish Nazis are particularly violent towards me. It has been the Jewish community en masse who have pushed for my poisoning and death and mind control torture and enslavement. They push  to continue the program and they get businesses out of it. Members of my family live in splendor due to having participated in absolute violence from the Nazis towards me.

The trend is not anything different in Congress. 

One would be inspired to say "shame"  but they have none, they are proud of participating with Nazis. The Israelis I have met, many of whom, are some of the most nasty and abusive of the Jewish Nazis I have ever met, next to my own disgusting family who is so foul and so ever-blonding the genetic strain of my family to the point that the nieces and nephews are all Christian, as blonde as possible, and they have all attacked me to get more promotions with intention to have me killed as a sacrifice. The Jewish community at large has done this all my life. 

They are despicable, but the society that has forced a group to have that much self-hate is more guilty. The racism towards Jews in America is now in the corners of the Black and Latino populations as well, and Asian too. The racism towards Jews in the Jewish community is a shame, it's a disgrace, and it's prevalent. 

Now another sleaze scum is attacking me from Congress, along with Trump, Graham, Cruz, Kennedy, AOC, Pelosi, The Clintons, and they are all "friends". They are the 4th Reich blocking any real opposition to an actual Contitutional Republican Democracy of the United States they are ALL bringing in utter genocidal racist Nazism with Mafia in particular using violence to support all the white supremacy blonde pig apes possible (Raskin is now becoming just like the highly anti-Semitic "Italian-American" Mafia, maybe Pelosi is his inspiration as she sat next to Republican Terminator out of Austria who hugged the German rapist scumbag and had Pelosi do his dirty work of threatening dismemberment and death for just saying NO to sexual violence and enslavement). This is so titillating for so many people to have people being raped with full permission of Congress and of the "feminists" and the Jews are in no way obsolete from this practice. Just look at Epstin Island and connect all the scumbags who indulged in sex trafficking. 

Now it's being done with teleportation. As I struggle constantly they are re-posining and mutilating my body. The "punishment" for exposing the lies, he abuse and the criminal acts--CRIMINAL ACTS OF RASKIN et al--is body shaming as they continue to poison, torture and mutilate me. 

Will someone get this stinking filthy dirty disgusting Nazi piece of rotten crap Raskin off me, goddamn he's been profiting off allowing for rape, poisoning and torture of me since he came out with his media debut for more and more media and political ascension into higher ranking by his rank and foul collusion with a Nazi group, with Trump in fact, a rapist cheerleader a sleazy dirty hateful bigot minority minion. The more media exposure he is promised for participating in this sex trafficking, racist Nazi microchip implant torture 4th Reich pogrom on me and many others, the more that ugly dirty spat-out chewed-up loathsome fake opposition Raskin is violent abusive threatening and the more into Nazism he becomes. It has always been people like him who helped grease the way for pogroms and for genocides against Jews and any other race. 

When I see the destruction of Gaza, by now I can't help but associate the obvious racist proclivity of Israelis towards those of "darker" complexions and the killing off of the "brown" people of Palestine--because they are doing this to me, as a not-so-white component of the disapora that they have been instructed by their English and Nazi "masters" to eliminate. Make Israel as blonde and white as possible and help the Nazis to kill off the rest. That truly is the program, and women in particular I believe are more targeted if they are not as white as possible. 

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More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.