The terrorists have so much surveillance on me that if I cough while sitting in front oft his laptop, too much in pain to move as this poison the ape network forced upon my body never comes out--despite sickness for years, fighting for years, asking for help for years--it remains a huge bulge of hard poison latched into my hips and spine which I must fight to deal with every day.
If I cough the terrorist in the room to my left-hand side makes a thudding noise on the wall but it sounds like it's an apparatus that has been put inside my refrigerator--it makes a loud thudding knocking noise but it's like a mechanical hammer being remotely tweaked to hit something inside the interior of the casing for the fridge.
The sickness I must endure in sleep state--the creeps keep making this throat microchip implant close off my esophagus constrict so there is a disgusting choking/snorting noise, sometimes it sounds like something is churning in my throat--it wakes me up constantly--then the teleportation skits while I'm in deep sleep of people with their bofdies tied up, being murdered. Cats burning in fires. I am always homeless in the skits, as homelessness is the major threat and the pigs are always telling me that I will come to live with them in luxury if I just give the shit ugly old men and their rotten skank pig ape whore women Nazi filth wives and mommies what they want--a baby out of me, me disposed of in some horrid way--them getting an empire out of forcing this upon me--me murdered or stuck with a baby out of some putrid creep I find deplorable at best--
They have now made this blog impossible to write on. The script is disappearing beneath the page and I can't scroll high enough to see what I am ty ping. There is a black streak with "update failed" covering what I can barely make out of what I am typing now.
The stress has gotten to me today. I had to kill two living things this morning as the pig apes have made my home infested and I have to now kill the poor creatures that have been forced into my home--not coming out of any kind of filth that I personally create--the creatures are forced either through the removable cracks in the panels or tiles in the walls or put there whenever I leave--always happens, therei s an endless infestation every time I leave and return.
The sickness of these parasites attacking me is endless filth and hate and ugliness that is never stopped. I can't see what I am typing any longer as the hackers are endlessly dirsupting keyboard functions--. I would do a restore type of operation but I am about to take a shower and if I leave the computer theyu will use mechanical arms to mess up the cleaning process for the harddrive or seriously impair the system--while I am in the shower they continue to insert hair, string and muck and greasy filth into the wheels of the chair that are embeddedintside tiny cracks of the plastic casing surrounding the axes of the wheels--they do this every time I am taking a shower so I get out and have to for the 4th time of the day clean out these areas. It's now never-ending, along with filth sprayed on my clothing non-stop. All of this since nasty ugly Greasy Graham the cracker began his assault on me,k since his buddy Trump got away with it for years, Obama allowed filthy depp and pig pitt and filthalina dn their entire Europigape crew of fascist Nazis to get away with it--the country has allowed psycho groups of terrorist thugs to get away with it, teachers have allowed it, professors have participated, now the President, his Senate greasy Nazi buddy is attacking me with a wave of hate and filth, which is what i consider him to be internally and he looks like it in outward appearance--he spreads this filth in teleportation.
One ugly disgusting filthy pig ape rotten old man after the next associated with Trump and then with PItt it's the younger folk who just emulate the rotten elders who have handed themj ev3ery kind of automatic promotion only due to a need to eliminate freedom in competition around the planet--a fascist Nazi systematic hierarchy and elimination of peopl elike me from having any autonomy in any single thing--the technology enablers them to endlessly "punish" me for reacting in anger against the ideas they steal because they are so blank and filled wtih bs and hate and stupidity and mediocrity but are sexualized porno crap personalities pushed into lead power positions--inclucing the sleazy filth in plotical positions--all seem to gravitate towards rape and sexual violenlce but when it comes to a woman they will even go against a blonde white supremacfist like Heard if only to support this faction of greasy ugly old ape pig men just to keep the fascist Nazi system of overtake of the US continuing without a hitch.
But ugly, dirty old man Greasy Graham the Cracker filth machine of hate and lies and bs is just yet another ugly old man with his coterie of blasphemous Christian hyhpocritical family assaulting me while they were breaking every law, every Christian value and triying to seriously screw me over so Greasy Graham can (and is now, as I react because I'm being drugged and tortured every day and for over a deacde non-stop while after fighting day fater day to not get murdered by poisoning with no health care of su pport and always under non-stop attack--including deadly attacks like heart palpitations).
But this has been an entire year or longer of rotten old filth parasites who are extremely wealthy assaulting me viciously as i fight to defend myself and my human rights. Ugly rotten creeps out of London who have been so blatently Nazi in open genocidal speech as I called one of them a piece of sh it while she tried to get me to call her some nobility title--to me sh'es just a rotten whore who has been awarded for the pretenses of fighting against every kind of discrimination possible while getting endless plastic surgery and lead roles after having her friend out of Ireland rape me--thus endless wavew of vicious and hateful rotten old people who are famous celebrities assaulting me--but YEARS of rotten deniro and pesci such foul and rotten ugly old men with filth and porno hate and racism embedde dinto the core of their shitty filth personalities--endless assaults every day by this due of shit and crap and hate and stinking foul bad filth energy--porn commentaries about my body and every excretion I made the scatological pair of filth made jokes and sickening porno hate comments about my every sickness form the poisoning while they kept having me poisong. ...
btw...I am unable to literally see what I am typing as hacking has made the page unreadable and blocked from my view while I am typing--as the page scrolls up there are endless typos in the words I could not see as the keyboard is manipulated to not function with every pounding effort I make to get anything to print out.
Then there was nasty foul Bloombertg, the billionaire who was so violentlyu abusive about defending white supremacist Nazi culture that the endless hate he and his stupid rat daughter inflicted upon me was so foul that I fought to get them off--resulting in heart palpitations from the attacks they ordered--leading to ugly greasy Graham who needs a "get out of jail card" just like filthy Trump does so the attacks upon me to either promote these foul nasty ugly people as they get put into positions of leadership as a result, with their careers flagging behind the potentialities of a new wave of creators put into the media--but now stuck with these ortten old pieces of crap putting out their bs and crap endlessly--for how many more decades the blobe has to be subjected to their filth while they are unable to discern what is excellence and just stupidity in movies and entertainment any longer---
But Bloomberg, having me put on ropes dangling from a helicopter because I told him after endless insults by his nasty rat Jewish nazi daughter about what a "loser" I am, although I hve done more than her and had to do more than she will ever accomplish and with the pigs she bows and scrapes to who teleported me--the filthy pigg pig gang with filtahlina and co of fascist Nazis mostly out of Europe--the blonde Nazi bs operators who teh Jewish Nazis are so lovingly affixed to while they vicious tyrn against me--so after Bloomberg hissed in hate that he had so much more money than me, I just responded by saying, "and what did you do to get all that money in dirty New York City?" to which he had me danging in teleportation under a moving helicopter hovering over some city block in NYC or some place--don'tknow where. The ugly rotten endless sucession of rotten ugly old men, their Nazi wibes and shitty foul children has been onn-stop every day in teleportation for years--but for the last year it's been so much violence and I have done NOTHING to you ugly foul pigs--I just degfend myself and no one else does. So I am ranting--it's a fuin joke to you fucking pigs reading this.
I tried to stop reacting to the sickness in society that is unfolding in America, which all you fucking pigs helped to create by watching this group being handed more and more power as you stupid people reading my posts have done nothing but watch as fascist moronic piga pees, rotten old men their shitty filthy wives and dirty crap children have been destroying the United STates. None of you cares, and my situation you consider a fucking running joke.
Meanwhile, after years of fighting to get this poison out, and having spent the last month in agony and painful suffering while greasy Graham the filthy ugly slime parasite slithered in to attack me, with me saying no politely not even saying no just not saying yes immediately as this filthy crap peraonality really believes I hvae zero human rights and he is some exalted scumbag who is "above the law" as he was waiting for a fascist Nazi system to unfold so filth like him can so easily claim that his rotten mediocrity and that of his filthy family and group in his bigot KKK zone are "superior" while they have me surrounded, poisoned, and I was in so much pain I could not move to one side--and I have had to eat and eat since that time because my body really eliminated a lot of poison--only to find that what is buried just expands inside my body, I must eat to create a cushion because it's just to close to the bone and I have no more muscle tone because the wealthy pig apes of whorewood would not contruibute $100 a piece--so I could pay for rent in a small house with a swimming pool--the cost is about $800-$1000 here in Phuket--the pigs owuld not even do that--and laying and sitting all day in one position in agonizing pain while they kept having the bloasting and muscle constricting poison put in my body has left me so emaciated that when I do eliminate the poisons my body is too weak and the mscles and cushioning of flesh is gone--so I must eat my body demands it until I am bloated and huge again--the hard shell of poison remains sticking out--and I look months pregnant with a huge bloated abdomen wityh a hard "shelf" of poisons that is excruciating to thepoint of having muscle and flesh ripped out of my body every time it finally comes out--just a little bit at a time--with poisons so toxic I am exhausted and literally can't do anything or move for an entier day--or days--and I remain like this--so I am alway sdisfigured, they keep slicing into my body and spraying filth and inserting poisons into my bladder (( believe they are still doing this) to keep me drugged up, so I become "hysterical" while they keep asaautling me no-stop all day and night with various mechanical arms and weapons and teleporting me to murder, death, hate, homelessnes,s animals and people being killed--etc etc
as ugly rotten old men torture me for not saying "yes" to being raped, tortured, exploited beyond comprehension in a modern-day slavery situation that the fucking US Government with shit like Graham fully endorsing and paying off filth from Whorewood who already have millions and billions of dollars-- unfortunately this includes shit like Bernie Sanders one of the biggest fakes and false leaders of preposterous opposition to fascist culture (alongside many, many of the "progressive" pundits in the media--i.e. so man of t hem have participate in attacking me--famous media personalities who claim Sanders is their leader--all part of the fascist white supremacist league, including the blacks --those who are part of this group--not "all" but so many, so many and in every part of the globe this is a reality that no one will admit to
The typos above are endless-as I wrote, I can't actually see what I am typing due to hacker interference and the line I am writing on "disappears" below eye-sight as hackers insert typose into every word almost--
I am completely wasting my time writing these posts as you fuckers play this game of reducing the torture so I keep on writing in hopes that one day some decent human being out there will actually do something to sotp this--so I keep writing. YOu fucking mind fuck operators keep reducing the violence when I write about it, then it resumes as yhou keep either strealing ideas from me or just find it amusing that I am this rape and torture object never having a chance and always being ahused by one rotten disgusting old man after th enext-raped, beaten, torrtured, disfigured, the wives and shit mothers and mommies and children are enthralled adn join on in and themommies of these rotten loveless pig apes always wan ttheir little piggy boys to rape and beat me as they feel wonderful probbly because big daddy beat and abused them all (even little piggy boy who is now a reapist). As the cycle goes on, and domestic violence issues are being handed by rapist enablers like Hillary and filthalina--as pig men like this are being put into positions of power because they are rapistas and racists--adn the world keeps showering them with honors and prizes. Depp the filthy pscho greasebag scum is one example of this. Working with the pieces of shit who have attacked me since 2q013 when filthy Depp finally unlatched his parasitic rape greasy grip on this contract out on me--forced undoubtedly when Heard gave this contract to Trump--
now Trump associates like mafia deniro and pesci and graham and the company of greasy filth who are all claiming they are "liberal" are all being awarded for being racist rapist pig scum but becuase it's "me" they are attacking people just keep allowing it to go on and on. I am so fucking wasting my time writing these posts at this point.