**Hacking terrorism is extremely obstructive for this post below--during the entire lengthy process of fighting to get around the hacking--which is keys not operating when I have to pound down, not press but pound with my entire hand, every letter must be pounded down as the keyboard is made with malware too stiff to operate. Then they obstruct the keys--I press a key and some other letter or a space comes out. They kept turning off the internet connection while I wrote this--as I tried to write below, this is now a non-stop attack so every 10 minutes or less the internet connection is turned off--. I have to disengage the connection and then connect to the wifi connection to get where I was after the obstruction. They are then deleting words, grammer and changing what I have written so it's completely grammatically incorrect, impossible to understand as the coherency is gone--they delete/rewrite and change what I write constantly--you can see the result below--it is impossible to understand in most parts. They are also blasting my brain while all the rest of this is going on--with cognitive process inhibitors either through the microchip implants in my brain (yes, this is not a conspiracy theory) and/or remote attacks, but my ability to focus and relate without losing the thread and then going into rage and hate tangents is inescapable, especially after YEARS of this ongoing without a single human being coming to me with any support or help or protection so I am just endlessly being assautled. So I try to write but with all the drugging, the endless assaults on my property as I must constantly pay to replace what is broken, destroyed and clean and clean as I stare at my broken down body which is mutilated and stained and scarred every day--while the planet remains silent and sees and does nothing, almost nothing. Celebrity after celebrity puts their goddamn crap on my youtube connection trying to get me to click on so they can somehow latch onto this lucrative contract. Pig pitt and filthalina welcome all of you as they are told by shit like Graham they are in charge and can include as many fakes and whores as possible into this deal of terror aimed endlessly at me (and other targets, the situation is of psycho scumbags having free access to dump on and suck everything positive they can from people who are INNOCENT while the guilty are being paid in millions for participation).
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Terrorist Report: Since having written my last post this morning, the topic was politics and a very brief mention of one of the latest terrorist politicians who I called names, since he is not worthy of having a real name in my opinion any longer---right now I have to clean stains which have become permanently sprayed upon clothing I had hanging outside--the clothing was sprayed with stinking odors for days since the last time I clean them (my sleep pants and shirt)---foul odors, which I clean with spot cleaning but then cleaned the entire set (which I did about 4 days ago, as they were stinking with the foul odors which I tried to spot clean every day, always cleaning the stains off so they sprayed all the clothing, bed linens, etc and brown water came out of the initial rinse when I washed everything in the bathroom sink. BEcause the poisons they have kept putting in my body have made bending over to this top-load cheap Thai washing machine nearly impossible for me while I'm in so much pain--from detox, while I was endlessly attacked by this foul and pestilent politician who is now covering the news with his crimes against the United States--for which he has attacked me, a victim of his inclusive crimes against freedom and a fair and Democratic society--in this terror contract).
*I remain having to fight, clean this stinking filth--and I still can't defend myself against poisoning or the endless destruction of my property.
They are spraying stinking filth on my clothing and they once I have to hand wash it all--they then spray permanent brown stains which look like paint splatter on my clothing--ruining my property and this is going on now every day. Yesterday it was a hat I was cleaning from stinking sprays, then stained with paint splotches while drying outside as I have no drying with a spin cycle everything is dripping wet so I put it on the patio--which is stained with hairs and filth and debris and brown goo stains on the white tiles--the pig apes put using their endless mechanical arms. You can all call me hysterical now from over a decade of this going on every single fuckiing day with one rotten president after the next participating or putting their good buddy Senators, Hillary rotten Clinton, etc Greasy Graham (spiritual partner with Clinton--as greasy, lying and corrupt but with a hypocritical "Christian" moral superiority grease stain posturing behind his bs posturing--Clinton has pseudo-religious "feminism" as her moral crutch--just like filthy greasy pigape-alina married to pig pitt and the rest of this creepy crew of crap from Whorewood who are stains put into my life I can't get the filth out---
But back to my clothing. I wrote about him *Greasy Graham Cracker the criminal Senator** only using a vague reference. my clothing was splattered with permanently staining spots all over the pants--washing them doesn't stop the stains. Yesterday I had to hang up a pink hat that was stinking from having been sprayed and it too was then splattered so I can't use it unless I want to wear something stained, shabby looking and just unclean and messy-- (since I can't put it in a closet, it was laying on top of my couch which is loaded with bags and pillows because I have no closets--as they stink so badly from endless spraying I can't use anything that is enclosed. The stuff I have hanging on the racks and on the furniture (organized as much as I can also while not being able to move or bend most of the time due to the permanently affixed poisons that have been put in my body for decades and continuing with my endless detox for over a decade as more was put in my body and food by this group of criminal celebrities and politicians).
so to "punish" me for writing about their filth, their criminality for yet another time--*at this point hackers deleted entier sentences so this is completely incongruous--I try to write and the hacking is so bad I can't even write about the hacking--))but I was trying to write that when ever I write about how sick and vile and disgusting and criminal they are, they break and destroy something else. When I remain silent, they continue with poisoning, destruction and torture and abuse every moment. It doesn't matter therefore what I write, they just are murdering me with non-stop attacks, torture and just the stress levels are enough to kill.
But now I am trying to make this coherent--I was writing that when I tried to be silent and not "provoke" more torture, even though all these pig pieces of ape shit do is attack me to provoke a response so they can then torture or destroy or maim or try to murder me if I react--but they go on and on nevertheless to obtain a reaction of hate and rage--poisoning and drugging with drugs inserted into my bladder continue now--I remain drugged up every single day--every time I turn around there is some other destruction in my room and cockroaches and filth and things destroying my furniture and clothing--all I have bought on subpoverty income adn the pig apes have forced subpoverty income on me with threats of taking every single thing away from me--so with pig pitt no matter what I did he would attack me--because I tried very desperately not to react to the nightly violence and hate and negative very bad energy of pig pitt the filthy nasty hater inflicted and still inflicts upon me for his dirty and foul nasty profit and endless Oscars and the crap he gets for being a sick and disgusting pig pitt---he seems so cavalier when he's making his photo-op speeches about how non-chalant he is about everything--an uptight vile prick filled with nervous bad energy and aggression that is really off-the-charts when he's teleporting me--EVERY SINGLE DAY and the residue of his negativity stained my energy field every day with awful, life sucking energy waste that he drained and fed off with more awards. He never stopped the attacks regardless of how much I tried not to react.
The awards were too great to get a reaction out of me every day, so pig pitt just kept going on and on. The pig apes who promote him have to see me slowly dying and being emotionally and psychologically, sexually and physically ripped to shreds every day but ever-so-slowly, a horrid slow death and that has been ongoing.
So greasy Graham Cracker or pig pitt or some other sick rotten parasite in my vicinity--some white trash Europigape with a host of brown-skinned filthy apes doing the dirty work for him/her--a group of the white trash pig apes no doubt with even larger ratio of brown/black minions performing every filth act possible. They order these attacks upon my clothing, endless stains, stinking odors--and all because I am fighting to not be raped and murdered by one greasy, rotten loveless filthy pig prick creep and his foul white supremacist-enabler wife (so many black people attacking me for the purpose of being promoted into the white supremacist "elite" status as visitors with limited extension for staying power but they don' t give a damn)--
Every day they spray things and make stains, filth and all things destroyed.
They keep embedding strings, threads, hair and I even yanked out a safety pin out of the rolling wheels of the (expensive, for me) office chair I bought as an extravagance so I would not have to push a chair back and forth on the floor to try to get out of a space where I have no room to maneuver between the "kitchen" sink and this table, next to the bathroom door--there is literally no space and I had to drag a chair back and forth and I kept heavy pillows on it because of the inability to sit normally on a normal chair--I had to prop up my body--so it was cumbersome. I scratched my leg on the hooks I had put on the sink cabinet doors below the sink--to close off the areas where the mechanical arms were getting through (and still are) as they sprayed my hair from the back while I sat in front of the laptop dazed, sick from recurrent non-stop drugging and poisoning--for a decade. The pig apes then put some brown permanently staining liquid on the scratches which became infected and permanent brown stains of the relatively small cuts in my thighs against the hooks because I could not push the chair--heavy with pillows, back and forth so I bought this chair which they are now destroying every day by embedding filth, grime, objects and hair as deeply into the axes of the wheels as possible. I have to burn them out, and then try to dig into this tiny crack of the wheel axis to get the hairs and grime and materials out--using a long lighter to burn away the plastic shields of the wheels encasements--this takes 30 minutes and a great strain on my back--I have to prop the chair up, lift it up and it's heavy--to try to burn all the way into the tiny cracks of the wheel axes between the plastic coverings of the wheels--they do this with mechanical arms EVERY SINGLE DAY i have to fight this. I remain stuck to this chair most of the day because of healing and pain and stiffness, as the pigs keep having me injected through my bladder with liquids and undoubtedly they are STILL poisoning and obviously drugging me up. I try very hard to not react but then I see more objects splattered with paint and it remains stained--washing while the stains are wet does NOTHING to get them out. NOTHING gets them out. My clothing is ruined. I have no money NO MONEY to pay for everything that is broken and they keep spraying filth into my fans, a necessity since they spray this room with toxins so the furniture adn the entire room stinks of foul toxins--fungus and mold and etc sprayed in cracks I can't get to because everything is piled up with stuff because I have no closets and I also have to put things on top of things to try to protect other things from the mechanical arms--and my entire life is just endlessly fighting to protect my body and material objects and I can't do it--I then spend hours and YEARS ENTIRE YEARS writing about this shit and it is NEFVER STOPPED BY YOU FUCKERS READING THIS.
I splurged to buy this black office chair--a higher price because it has little pillows and a ergonomic sort of back support system--with rolling wheels. Every single day they embed hair and strings and muck, grease and safety pins and other objects into the axes of the the wheels where they rotate--in the metal joints of the wheels. They insert the stuff so deeply I can't feel it unless I really press my finger hard into the crack where this axis is--for each side of each wheel--5 wheels in total, ten tiny spaces where they insert endlessly, day after day, these objects so the wheels won't rotate. I have to burn the stuff out--it takes about 30 minutes to make the wheels somewhat rotational every day--the wheels are being destroyed because I am burning the plastic covering off each area of the wheels, but not enough to get into the tiny little crevices where they are stuffing this stuff into the wheels. Every single day this goes on and on . Every single day they are spraying my bed, sleep clothing and objects i hang outside to dry from this endless cleaning as everything on the racks I use for my entire wearable wardrobe stinks so badly--that in order to actually wear anything I have to automatically wash it repeatedly. I washed things I made by hand yesterday, object after object that had been cleaned.
Greasy Graham the sick creep associated with Trump really believes that he is not only not responsible to have to testify before the Georgia court system for his attempt to fraudulently overturn the legitimate votes for Biden, but also that he's far too important as a Senator to have to deal with county prosecutors, much less me, who he claims "Ain't S***" as he keeps attacking me because everyone else has been doing it for years. They shout and yell at me and say with soft hate that I am nothing, a loser, have never done anything in my entire life as they endless torture me to extract information and ideas I have studied.
Not wanting me to have any chance, greasy Graham is so adamant about forcing this _non-existent status of invisibility and being a nothing unworthy of any legal consideration and only to be abused, beaten, raped, torture and this greasy rotten creep even used "Christian" moral superiority when he teleported me to his enclave of righteous abusers and users in his hometown (his family) who began a very subtle campaign of moral high ground while they were criminally attacking me using every righteous "moral" justification that I am somehow "radical and liberal" and thus deserve torture-to-death as "punishment" for this crime. Claiming that they are wonderful Christians the entire time. When I declined his offensive offer, which he didn't even say openly just that I was to come to his nasty bigot KKK area and no questions or explanations were needed by him--just to comply without question (as all of these pig apes including Clinton who so resembles Graham in so many respects--sans the Christian BS posturing--offering me a vision of wealth and that without any explanation I must submit to whatever they want without question. Yelling and rage and torture as a result of me even politely declining as I hd done with both pieces of greasy, nasty and foul shit who have been polluting Congress and the United States with their bigoted agenda, very similar in most respect to one another (they had been friends also when Hillary was not running for president, prior to 2016/2015). Bigots from the North and from the South--just acting in almost exactly the same ways but the Southern Christian thing Greasy and sinister GRaham tried to inflict upon me was most offensive in all respects of his supposed "Higher ground" along with his status and the discriminatory destruction he not only applauds and gets so excited about but also steals money from US government funds to pay the millionaire/billionaire pig apes like pig pitt and greasy filthalina with huge sums stolen, misappropriated, as Graham's partner in the budget Committee--a "good friend" as he says of Clinton--to pay off every fascist Nazi bigot who attacks me. I wrote of this earlier, but I repeat it only loosely again today in this diatribe. See, I had written nothing yesterday but they attacked me anyway. They attack me with sick teleportation death and homelessness and murder and abuse and rape skits every single night--for over a decade and yelling fights with this group of shit (celebrity pig apes) which has gone on for at least 2 years non-stop every day (pig pitt at the helm, greasy filthalina the skank whore sitting alongside him with her beady and nasty greasy eyes glaring in hate at me, saying she wants me dead, insults as I yell at them--they smirk they gloat and go off getting more and more money and awards from shit like Greasy Graham who has been behind all the orchestration of this sick and disgusting plot to destroy women like me, people like me who the pig apes like Greasy Graham claim are "radical liberals" which equates in their greasy filthy stupid ape minds as death contracts but first slow torture-to-death just in case the target--me in this case-survives all the murder attempts from cars hitting me while driving to poisoning that has never stopped.
so I am writing about these pieces of shit now in hysterical rage mode. My property vandalized and destroyed every single day--and why? I was being murdered while the filthy Europigapes prior to this group of shit from Whorewood took over the contract--beginning with greasy rotten psycho Depp and his foul group to pig pitt and filthalina--who are glowing with joy that they have gotten away wtih this for all these years=--they laugh and smirk about it like the psychopath rotten crap that they truly are but you only see the creepy posturing they have been trained to model themselves after and ideas they stole from me make them appear like they are original and care about feminism and society in general.
But greasy and nasty Graham is just a foul and perverted sick personality who is openly racist and really says disgusting things personally and for the media--the faction he supports are the murdering bigots who all want "Civil War" now--ultra right-wing fanatics who are "above the law" or was that "Politics is above the Law" as he said--making himself exempt from legal prosecution in the eyes of his stupid pig ape constituency of radical fascist Nazis disguised as "patriots".
So no matter what I do, the torture is never stopped nor ends. I had written a somewhat decent post this morning without getting into hysterics (as I fight frantically to get this keyboard to function, I press keys and different letters appear or spaces where I am in the middle of trying to type at something close to my perfect 75 wpm pace--or faster, I am extremely fast, when the keyboard is not hacked my writing is almost perfect and I write like lightening speed--but can't do this, have been blocked from t his for over a DECADE of this going on and on as these rotten pig apes keep calling ;me a "nothing loser" etc who has never accomplished anything. They keep coming out with ideas they stole from me, even when I think ideas they can use the thought -extracting technology and steal it.
They continue to destroy my property every day. Today my pants-a tied-dyed pair of pants I sleep in--I have to cut long strips into the pants section because the pig apes spray stinking sprays into the crotch area to infect my body--while they are inserting liquids into my bladder by the way--with the mechanical arms entering into my room which I cannot stop no matter how many years I have spent fighting to be able to afford materials to hammer into the panels of the walls--all cabinets are sealed off and etc--they are still getting in. I cannot close the patio doors any longer because the pig apes have sprayed such stinking poisons into the room that I was essentilaly breathing in toxins trying to stop the entrance into my body and room by this group of foul and rotten shit you all worship nearly--these pig apes in w horewood and the shit of Congress--like Greasy Graham, and the more I have to deal with him the more odious he is and it's apparent that he's unworthy of any respect. He claims that I must respect him, I think of him every day on a lower basis of a little grease stain put into the Senate who is a traitor and a fascist Nazi with a superiority fantasy--and this hate and racist technology system, which used to be the KKK and lynch mobs had once done what this technology adn the covert "gang staling" death squads are now accomplishing for rotten and dirty pieces of greasy filth like pig pitt, depp, graham, filthalina--but they are so loved and this "system" of torture so necessary for that group of incompetent crap to be endless put into power so people like me can't have a chance. Every chance they get they demean me, say I have never done anything, am a nothing a loser and just a prostituted free disposable torture/rape victim who had better only say yes. I was "complying" unknowingly to these pigs outof Europigapeland who were poisoning me (knowingly) to death while they teleported and raped me. I was so bloated from poisons and sick I believed that I "loved' these rotten men who I detested when I actually came close to them in reality--but in the dream drugged up under non-stop torture situation they forced upon me, a fantasy of some loving creep who I dreamed about seemingly was better than endless violence coming from rotten old greasy men and disgusting white trashy and nasty minorities endlessly attacking me every place else--
but now I just think of them as shit, no matter their wealth or status or plastic surgery surperficial appearances or how much the rest of the gang stalking planet worships these idiot creeps and their real lack of inner artistic capability or leadership ability. They are crooks and criminals. You keep supporting and protecting them. Now America is worried that the entire country will collapse as a result of the shit you put into power. You all keep applauding these filthy stupid ape pigs.
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Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
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