Wednesday, August 24, 2022

FREE Florida from the gripes of the "Armor of God" enslavement society of bigotry and assault and a warfare-technocratic society of fascist Authoritarian Dark Ages sociopathy. What DeSantis means is the "freedom" to wreak death upon "enemies" deemed to be "Satanic" or "Radical Liberal".

 "Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Marco Rubio team up on campaign trail with a stop in Tampa". 10 Tampa Bay. August 25, 2022.

Oh yeah, it's running for President supposedly in 2024. The scary part is that even if an overwhelming number of Americans vote against this hateful organization in the presidential elections upcoming, the contrived new MAGA election officials can just negate votes and use their own electoral collage influence to change every vote count in as many States which will put these MAGA-endorsed "white Christian soldiers fighting the Evil Demonic radical liberals" they want to execute on the spot if they had their way.
All cloaked in Redneck patriotic music and it looks like a State Fair where you can get your corn dogs along with your politics as you gulp down and can't wait for entrance to be whites only into the unfair Fair of their intended political machine.
I can't express much admiration for former Republican Governor Charlie Crist--the Democratic Party in Florida has shifted so far Right that this man (who almost walked into my motorbike while I was driving on Ocean Drive, on South Beach/Miami at around 10 pm--walking across the street with a coterie of journalists taking photos--as I drove directly in front of him--a bit suspicious considering my situation and the oddity of this seeming "coincidence" at such a late hour, in the dark road while almost everything was winding down on Ocean Drive--he was coming from the East side of the street--the Ocean side towards a dark corner --5th Avenue--with cameras flashing at pitch dark of night --10 pm--towards me just at the moment I was driving directly in front of him. I can't express how many terrorist gang stalkers do this exact maneuver while I am driving nearly walking or driving into me from a side angle--as he did--suspicious I would say) and THIS is what is considered by Dems to be a good alternative to DeSantis in Florida.
I went to Florida in 1996 or thereabouts (when the Oklahoma City bombing occurred, that very week but the hacking is so bad I don't want to fight to pound down and wait for pages to finally open to retrieve this information)---Miami was extremely friendly. All the people who had befriended me were gone, many were treated with hostility and kicked out in the gang stalking terrorist operations that swept through South Beach and then throughout Florida (not in that order). It was taken over by hostile 4th Reich operatives, many of them with purchasing power of the Euro which enabled them to dominate the financial zones and control all--buying out, putting in some new appliances and calling the double/triple raised rent an "upgrade". The gang stalking was so hostile it was deadly. '
Florida is the most unfree place now as I experience it every time I go there now.
DeSantis is running on a "keep Florida Free" campaign. Help us all if he becomes President. The violent and psycho idiots will run amok with their murder technology and hate campaigns and mind programming institutions.

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