Friday, August 12, 2022

Why so many famous men, who have women at their disposal and they do, they do dispose of them frequently--a status symbol--but why, in part, so many of "them" love this rape and disposal contract of pressing a button, raping and abusing a women (or man, or child, or animal I think there is no limit to their list of people they want to abuse and torture)-I truly know that I am not "jealous" of those filthy rotten skanks and this is not a lament about being unrequited in rape culture, teleported rape inflicted upon me "luv".-

 Just one iota of the creepiness and craziness of this sick psycho contract out on me, which so many gravitate to and want to participate in---is that the internet "triggering" message relay system. This is hard to understand if you are not a "victim" of cyber stalking as I am-and it is indeed cyber STALKING. I write a post after a nighttime of being assaulted by some rapist creep's fantasy world of abuse and hate. The psycho creep is then applauded, awarded, praised, and the more lascivious and devious he/she is in their attacks, the more promotions and media exposure they get. There are limits of course because this group wants me intact enough, somehow, to produce a "baby" for some pig ape scumbag who wants to exploit me absolutely until the murder of me--which of course the pig ape forcing a baby upon me would also execute if possible. That is how much pornographic snuff stuff is involved in this psycho drama that the US Congress is building an empire of semi-conductors in order to produce more victims for more loveless, sleazy perverted rapist scumbags of all walks of life--of course, only the wealthy Nazi bigots come first. 

Now, part of this sick mind control programming is for me to be drugged while sleeping, as I awake and after the rape/homelessness/murder skits are finished. I have to spend over one hour putting away the things I wrap around my body to stop the years of destruction of my hair/skin and the rest of my body. Years of fighting to protect myself and I still can't stop the mechanical arms from breaking into my room so I remain poisoned, drugged, my home ransacked every day, stinking substances are a daily event of cleaning and filth I must breathe in and live around as I stumble in pain from hard poisons I can't get out and my body is deteriorating from stagnation and stress they keep pumping into my life from one psycho creep after the next attacking me--entire groups surrounding me at all times, not a single human being coming to defend me or stop this as far as I know...(they never make their presence known to me if anyone is doing anything, I have no idea).


After I post something under drugging, after hypnosis, because the ignoramus expletives in H-wood need ideas to steal perpetually in order to appear "liberal" and "alternative" as they get more minority minions surrounding them to do their filth attacks upon me and anyone else, as they are handed an empire based almost solely upon their theft and criminal propensities and all is handed to them FOR FREE i.e. production costs, etc etc. Then the awards are handed to them almost gratis at the end of the year of daily torture.


They "respond" to what I write by posting videos on my YouTube channel. I search this page to look for information--mostly about politics at this point as this is my one and only means of knowing who and what is going on. They "respond" to my posts--these celebrities and politicians involved in this crime that is always rewarded--by putting ideas that are connected to what I have just written but according to their slant of the analysis I just wrote of--which they would steal verbatim if they could use it.


I posted something about this endless assault by the blonde Nazi fascist you are all putting into lead position for power in Whorewood and what I got was an actor/rapper out of LA putting up a post about a jealous woman/girlfriend attacking an innocent woman who was picking up her purse at the (occupied) man's house--as the jealous woman watched on making a row about the woman coming out of his house making an assumption they had just been intimate. (I am now struggling to fight to pound words out as the hacking is making it impossible to type quickly or accurately--my brain also of course under attack).

I had written that the pig with his nasty wives and daughters had been attacking me and I hoped they would al fall into the sea in the new mansion they were handed by the Budget Committee KKK grandmaster of corruption, tied to the most criminal president in all of US history who is under continuous indictment or suspicion and must testify and claim the 5th at every given chance. The blonde Nazi bigot pig ape and his fascist Nazi "feminist" wives are responsible for having helped to install such a corrupt, racist regime.

So the black "activist" rapper (not considered as such I think by now from the really activist community who are aware of his media commercialism at this point in his career--a euphemism for selling out, a sell out in other words).

He put this video on my YouTube recommended top page as I perused it looking for information on anything related to current news. I search the newspapers but find videos are more enlightening as to exactly what is going on, so I keep looking. I think I am programmed to look on this page it's like an "addiction" and I believe firmly this is a mind programming trap that I fall into every day.


so I wrote of the rape and violence enabling of these "feminist" wives of the pig who beat and raped and had me mutilated for over 8 years--pitt pig in other words. The usual black minority minion absolutely defended pitt pig by putting this "jealous" woman clip from his 80's movie on my page--as if I were "jealous" of the women and really "wanted" the rapist scumbag pig pitt instead of being enraged about rape, torture and violence endlessly aimed at me because doing so represents endless FREE promotions in the millions for every psycho sicko who participates. Pitt pig just got a facelift to conceal the drooping hate on his nasty face--he is delighted and is now frolicking around in his new mansion Graham just pilfered/stole money from the US and Government in order to keep funding more fascists into luxury lifestyles and prominent positions--with the help of Jewish Nazi Bernie Sanders stealing money from the US in order to fund every goddamn Nazi possible attacking me--or was it shit Clinton Hillary with the backing and collusion of Sanders who helped promote people who are absolutely from fascist racist factions who assaulted and stole from my room while I was staying at their crap filthy resort--handing them money to obtain a 5-star resort after they made it clear they were smug and smirking about knowing of the absolutely filthy attacks they forced upon me while I was paying to stay at their resort in a temporary search for another place to live because of endless attacks by landlords here in Phuket and the Thai police assaulting me for trying to protect my human rights--the usual story that takes place in the US all the time but at least I am in my own country--no agency has ever helped me to protect myself when I have taken neighbors to court and I am assaulted by bailiffs and the judge and the people assaulting me get patted on the back. It's the same with the sleaze celebrities and the promotions they receive for behaving like filthy and vile subhuman scum--but that is considered "elite" status and entitlement according to the pig apes in Congress who keep funding such activities.


But back to the "jealous" woman meme that was put on my YouTube channel as if I am just Jealous of the women this pig rapist scumbag pitt pig loves and admires but they trample on everything I accomplish, steal it for themselves if they can, destroy everything else I make and create for myself to enhance my life, insult my life, my body after they mutilate it, rape and torture and dismember me for asking for justice and for their endless promotions to be stopped on my private, blocked (but hacked by them to steal ideas for YEARS) Facebook page--raped by pitt pig in a disgusting nasty version of prison culture porn--(on his part) after I had asked for justice--just asking for Justice and that he be stopped from being handed year after year Oscars for his shitty stupid movie roles which are touted as being only the most fantastic movies of the year but are such crap no one watches them after they are disposed of, like the crap that this man goes through for his endless titillation and consumer voracious appetite to appear like he's the big, big "man" in Whorewood. The pigs are all like this, he's not unique. They also advocate for consumer culture which of course fuels the climate crisis, but no one even begins to criticize these expletives for that angle of what they are selling off.


But the black supporter of this crime who has put out endless politically-motivated rap songs put on this "jealous woman" type of clip, which I took as a response--and the crazy creepy "response" triggering has been going on in YouTube for years. When I write about it, it's supposed to make me appear "delusional" or "schizophrenic" but it's also part of the discrediting tactical assault--but I write of it nontheless.


The fact that women are part of the rape and assault is nothing, according to the rapist men who want women to submit to their consumer culture disposal "manly" womanizing==sleazy porno sex, perhaps some arm candy, and on to the next--as symbol of what a virulent and important male this is. They can't stand actual real feminism to interrupt this "manly" pursuit of actually consciously or unconsciously trying to impress other men in a sublimated homoerotic attempt to seduce other men--


But this post is supposed to be about why men love this rape and torture contract. It's a version of a "backlash" against feminism while promoting the rapist enabling women who participate (steal ideas about feminism while I am under rape and torture conditions from the feminist classes I took and life experiences and my studies about domestic violence and criminality--yes, I studied Criminal Justice and also had to study these concepts officially in grad school)--but they just steal all that fits nicely into their little purses of pocketing money for this crime--the women that is. The men want to believe that I am "just jealous" because these men are supposedly so irresistible (according to the rapist male fantasies) that I can't do more than get green in envy for the women they patronize with lavish gifts and a few slots in higher positions in the "feminist" hierarchy of power but only as long as they remain in the upper-most positions of power. The "feminist" rapist enablers who pursue this hate contract out of racism--RACISM--because if any women are "supposed" to be granted positions of power, they had better first be subordinated to the rapist men, fit nicely into the power structure but appearing like they are independent and politically correct with a host of minority black and brown-skinned minorities surrounding them at all times for their "I'm not racist" public persuasion performances as photo-op propaganda. Only "they" are entitled to any higher position of power within the white supremacist male hierarchy. Blonde bigot pitt pig is of course now being lifted up artificially and in every other way---years of him stealing ideas from me obtained out of torture, stealing verbatim ideas and then having me mutilated and raped and beaten and poisoned afterwards. Not a single penny going to me for any single thing. Laptops broken, my teeth nearly knocked out, they are now fragile as a result of pitt pig having a car hit me--as "punishment" for ASKING FOR JUSTICE and him not being handed Oscars year after year for his participation in this crime. So he tried to have me killed (Malania told me  yelling that she ordered this hit upon me, Trump standing smirking as usual next to her after I was hit). They tried to break my teeth out while I was sleeping and then they began slicing gum tissue away from the loose teeth and they slashed and cut that gum tissue all the way to the mandible of my lower jaw so the teeth are now so fragile and there is no gum tissue surrounding the roots--I fight to protect my teeth. Pitt pig then raped me in a kind of pornographic hate assault while hitting my face--and then he had my laptop broken, and then he abused me nightly for the next year until Trump and criminal Co. put pitt pig into Oscar award for his role in the really kinda not great movie about Whorewood--in which filthy violent pitt pig was brutally killing people as the finale of a dumb movie which put women into either blonde iconic roles or sleazy dumb whore mode--hippies and the anti-war movement discredited and only blonde Nazi Whorewood given any kind of decent exposure. Playboy Bunnies the ultimate in blonde Nazi culture. Prostitution for the rest of the lower class women. This is one reason why the pig apes of Whorewood love this contract out upon me. But as for being "jealous" about pitt pig for his violence against me for over EIGHT YEARS on a nightly and daily basis--no, I am not "jealous" of the piece of rotten shit, plastic-coated scumbag porno whore group and their nasty Nazi female coterie of really nasty whores who are endlessly adulated for their sleazy appearances in movies and film and in public life--all a complete farce and pretense on every level whenever they claim they are caring, helping or concerned about humanity or human rights on any level whatsoever.


But they want to include the "jealous b-word" fantasy upon their rape culture fantasies and "bad girl" and minority labels they are forcing upon me (because I have never assumed the mantle of the racist cliches that they are now trying to superimpose upon me, they are using this kind of non-stop torture for years to try to inculcate this into my psyche using torture and endless violence and sexual abuse and humiliation).

The Stockholm Syndrome victims, the "political" rapper, assumes I am another victim of programming as he is into the racist male rape culture which permeates that Whorewood culture.


I truly know that I am not "jealous" of those filthy rotten skanks and this is not a lament about being unrequited in rape culture, teleported rape inflicted upon me "luv".


I have to reiterate--to repeat endlessly--that I have done NOTHING to "deserve" a lifetime of attack like this by anyone for any reason whatsoever. The "crime" was that my family "sold" me to government mind control experimentation and the pig apes have come after me because somehow I excelled instead of being a numb and dumb rape victim endlessly floundering so I could be easily discredited for having been poor, and thusly a rape victim justified by them. I kept winning at what I was doing, competing against the Nazi crowd and beating them in competitions ranging from sports to academics to creative skills to musical accomplishment. They poisoned me to the point of paralysis and there has been an ongoing rape and torture program put out on me for over three decades or longer from one Nazi bigot pig ape after the next coming after me to assault rape poison drug disfigure mutilate steal everything possible from (creative concepts and ideas) and then the women get involved as well. I have fought to have a decent love relationship--was ALWAYS drugged and date raped by these pig ape men and I "believed" I was "in love" due to the extreme physiological effects the microchip implants and the mind control poisons and drugs had on my nervous system along with the subliminal commands to "love" some ugly pig ape scumbag who I didn't even know. I can't describe how physically and mentally overwhelming these drugs really are. Most of you reading this only see the victim angle and think this is wonderful. You can't imagine that it's been done to you or ever will happen to you. The ignorance and narrow-minded greed and selfishness you all live by as a kind of personal but undeclared motto is part of the reason the planet is being devoured in both climate crisis and also in wars for profit and every other vice you all live by. Including of course the downfall of "Democracy" and you can thank pitt pig and filthalina his rape skank whore partner for pushing that agenda so they can install and blonde Nazi fascist cartel that already existed in Whorewood but now established by the farce that Sanders & Graham incorporate into their graft schemes to push this Nazi agenda. Good boy Sanders, so typically a Jewish Nazi put into fake "liberal" positioning in Congress. It's such a ubiquitous problem in the destroyed and demoralized Jewish community, that type of behavior is to commonplace in the higher echelons of Jewish society particularly out of NYC (where Sanders comes from, where my family comes from, where my millionaire/billionaire relatives come from--I know this intimately, I lived in NY State one hour drive from NYC and my family lived in Great Neck amongst the wealthy--having sold their children out to obtain this higher status in the Jewish community--my grandmother being blue-eyed and blonde hair with a half Nazi heritage--nearly adored everywhere in Great Neck for being a blonde and blue-eyed fascist who sold her children and grandchildren to be experimented on in a Nazi contract to control the Jews and everyone else). so I know a LOT about people like Bernie Sanders and their fake liberal facades. My mother is one of them, much beloved by Clinton and Graham alike (they are very much alike, actually, when it comes to rape and torture of me and the racism they both imbibe in almost the same virulent hate paradigm they embrace racism, both of them) and Sanders does as well, while selling off anti-racist blather for Congress only to create the facade of a balanced system but it's of course skewed completely in favor of fascism and anti-Democratic National Socialism (Nazism, in other words).


Political ranting, but it's inter-connected. Sick of these pig apes being put into power and getting away with this crap.

That I am so brainwashed as to "love" some pig like pitt and his filthy skank stupid whore wife who both mutilated my body--all I see on my body in sunlight is endless blemishes they both ordered to be put on m ybody--I can't move my body is in endless pain, the poisons never come out I fight and fight it's going on 11 years of being re-poisoned and fighting endlessly to get this crap out of m ybody they kept putting in. 

But the crap out of Whorewood and the programming is supposed to be that I will "love" some abusive scumbag who rapes and beats and insults and steals and kills my cat and destroys my property--only because I have no positive stimulation whatsoever, my home is a torture chamber with vile scumbags on all sides of me--the beautiful nature has been literally blasted away by little packs of dynomite--trash litters every place I live as scumbags operating for the manicured lawn millionaires and billionaires are ordered to throw plastic hangers and bags all over the front of my view of the trees that are mostly killed and dying and etc...all the flowering vines killed and gone--the entire hillside was covered with flowers, there were birds everywhere. not a single animal is on this natural area, only bags and plastic crap thrown and dying trees and dead silence as all animals are shot and killed if they venture out into this area in front of the view where I live.


surrounded by shit scumbags every single place I go in huge groups doing everything from flicking crap on my clothing to ripping tears in my bags to pushing and banging into me or bending over with their nasty butts stuck out, hovering in the area I need to get something on a shelf--as they spread out and take over the entire aisle so I would have to push past their butts and their ugly bodies--they are all disgusting crap trashy people who operate for these celebrities and politicians--which I only associate with the inner core of what these famous expletives really are--just trashy crap with a lot of plastic surgery or money to prop up their mortal filth that is adulated endlessly for a few crappy fake things they do for public consumption into fantasy American hegemony.


Ranging as usual. They want to believe I am just jealous and I am brainwashed and Love being abused and love the abuser. Just to have the abuse stop, they promise me that if I just go to their prisons in their homes to be raped and abused and whatever else, but providing them with this contract--a baby--with me disposed of afterwards and the "baby" being programmed into both disrespecting and hating me, being a Nazi and then working to establish more of the fascist Nazi organization--like my family has done, like Bernie Sanders has done, like the wealthy Jews of NYC have done--etc etc etc like the minorities surrounding pitt pig and filthalina are all doing on a daily basis--Aprah being one of the worst, most vile racist enabler rapists of them all--blathering huge whale of a piece of white supremacist aunti jemima shit of this entire group--as the "black woman" who "fights" in rage against racism because she was put in a movie and played a role--in reality what a disgusting parasitic fake.

But going on now, these are the "women" who I am supposed to be jealous of or think are superior or feminist or whatever other fantasies the rape culture men and their complacent and adoring women who love them for abusing me all want to pretend is the reality I have accepted from all the years of their torture and violence.


All because I wanted to have a real love relationship so I got rid of abusers who drugged, poisoned and then began stalking me after I got rid of them when they became inevitably abusive. Not a single person ever informed me of the position that was being forced upon me, but they all make it clear that I was supposed to have known somehow, even though society lies and lies about the "Democracy" that America is and how "free" this country is--not. They then try to murder me in accidents and poisoning and now years of torture amounting to slow murder along with the non-stop repoisoning of filthy toxic sludge stuck in my intestines and body while under non-stop hate and torture by your celebrity pig ape scumbags you all worship and pat on the backs and adore. Blonde Nazi pitt pig especially-the symbol of Nazism that America Nazi culture embraces and Whorewood keeps promoting. The lies about being altruistic are an especially adroit cunning sales pitch that everyone wants to buy into, understanding what a pig fascist blonde Nazi smug creep he really is--but they want to push this and racism is just something that Whorewood must completely push in every fake subliminal pretense possible. Politicians telling me point blank they come from the KKK as Graham as done, threatening to kill me too while making this claim in teleportation, are pulling money out of the US Government to fund lavish millions of dollars in awards for pigs like Pitt--the homeless population keeps growing in America (the need for a fascist overtake is one of the reasons so many people are being disenfranchised--).


Oh well, I am writing only to the supporters of this system. Hopefully there are some people out there reading this who may be inspired to NOT allow this sick system to continue to proliferate. The US is now pushing for a "Chip Act" so America will produce semi-conductors and microchips instead of being reliant upon China or Taiwan. This means endless more microchip implants, programming and mind control surveillance and murders by the corrupt US Government upon people in the US civilian population who are not guilty--as I am not guilty of any crime_-for wanting "The American Dream" which is only "supposed" to be reserved for the bigot pigs like pitt the pig and his filthy whore women who fully support this rape and mutilation and torture agenda of discrediting me--I have a graduate degree (not officially obtained because the financial aid office screwed me over and demands a payment in order to get my actual diploma and degree)--

they discredit it all and lump me into the "loser" and "nothing" prostitute sex slave category after they steal ideas I have studied for and been part of feminist lectures and etc--creative concepts stolen non-stop by this group until I have had to stop creating or writing anything--and I was so drugged and sick from poisoning I couldn't get ANYTHING DONE before I finally began the endless process of eliminating this poison while pitt pig and co continued to have poison pumped into my body via my bladder inserted with tubes or whatever--for over 8 years and longer I have fought every day to heal my body. I remain in absolute pain, needing a swimming pool that is private--it's so cheap here in Thailand the pigs have blocked every financial opportunity I can't earn money online--I think i would have been able to make an online business or doing something to earn a few hundred dollars per month in order to afford living in a place where I could at least nominally protect my body from mechanical arms instead of this cheap studio where all walls are panels that can be opened from the other rooms--and the walls are plaster that crumbles when I try to pound in hooks to secure the panels so I literally cannot defend myself--am stuck in subpoverty income--yelled at endlessly by the pieces of shit attacking me how much of a "loser" I am and a "nothing" as they continue to block my financial earning capability. THey have my body endlessly mutilated until now it's completely covered with blemishes, broken and crooked bones jutting out, my body in so much pain I can't move, and I can't exercise I can't even stretch still--it's too painful. Need a swimming pool I can easily jump into and exercise without being sexually harassed and attacked by children and men jumping in and groping and kicking and pushing into me--as always happens in a public pool situation. 

But the pig apes who have stolen my cat, my body mutilated so it's wrecked and broken down, yelling that I'm not as beautiful as the skank pig ape whore who has ordered these attacks endlessly yelling that she's more beautiful as they continue to pummel my body with attacks every single day--forcing me into such poverty I can't afford food that I need and must fight to barely survive in this subpoverty income they have forced upon me.

They want to believe that I "love" these pieces of filthy shit out of some mind programming protocol Stockholm Syndrome fantasy fiction. They blame me now for being "jealous" instead of enraged and wishing destruction upon these whores and pigs--they want to believe that I am really "in love" with a rapist set of pig apes who have stolen my ideas and then insulted every single thing about me afterwards and destroyed all my opportunities--they must also have their shitty rat children promoted as well so the exploitation is non-stop and without end for all these rotten divorced middle-aged pig ape men and their shit wives and stupid rotten children. I think they have obtained college entrance from their dumbed down stupid mainsteam crappy children, or tutors--I mean they get EVERY SINGLE THING offered to them for free for this hate crime endlessly forced upon me. They keep calling me all kinds of names because I have never "accomplished" anything--the names are like pouring acid on wounds they inflicted--and they forced it all upon me because some Europigape fascist Nazis told them to do it for their promotions. and pigs like pitt pig can't stand to see women like me compete against him or his rat wives or shitty stupid rat children and actually win. Also I fought against being exploited by people I never loved but was drugged and date raped by but not knowing what the hell was going on--kept lied to endlessly. 


I am not jealous. I truly think of them as shit human beings unworthy of love or jealousy or any emotion other than justice--finally justice they deserve to be in prison or worse--just the only desire I have or feel for any of them--meaning most of you reading this today, now or in this relative time frame. I am innocent and have committed no crime yet I am under non-stop torture conditions for just wanting to compete and be happy and have love and a real life. To have my own power and not be subjected to oppression or inferior status. To this group of fascist Nazi thug pig apes, that is a capital offense. They should be stopped, none of you are willing to do more than cheer them on. For some of you, you will see the unfortunate results of your unwillingness to stop this when they want to take away all the free gifts they offered you for your help and participation in their racist hierarchy, where some of you will be toppled in your assumption of inclusion. But that may not happen for a while, they still need a group of black and minority representatives cloistered around this f** group in order to appear that they are not racist and care.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...