Monday, August 15, 2022

I regret having written anything adverse about the abused woman re the Amber Heard defamation trial, even though it is real, true and legitimate because she helped Depp to rape and beat me for TWO years prior to him turning the violence upon her, too. He had me poisoned and then raped me in what seemed like a regular basis for the two years as I endlessly begged him to stop; but he just had me tortured after rape, stole ideas, and then continue the violence while Heard watched on enjoying her promotions out of the deal. They stole my cat because I said no so often, and I have asked and demanded for her to be returned to me alive, if she is still alive. Otherwise, I defend Heard now because the stakes are so high for this verdict of Depp being innocent (he's a guilty as sin and hell) and it has to be reversed. My personal anger against Heard is legitimate but that pig scumbag being awarded for having "won" in what may have been a rigged outcome is so unjust that I fully support Heard at this point--and what the outcome of a real guilty verdict will bring. So hope the courts are not influenced and that this will be a fair trial (it seems so much money is backing an innocent verdict for rapist greasebag Depp and one of the wealthiest men on the planet is fully backing Depp because this contract out on me entails that this acting group is legitimate in the eyes of public opinion). You must win this upcoming appeal case, Heard.

Amber Heard Reveals New Legal Team Amid Johnny Depp Defamation Trial Verdict Appeal 

**warning** this post is extremely enraged, hyperbolic and filled with immature ranting name-calling. I am tired, it is midnight my time, I have been in pain for over the last month in this detox situation but I have been tortured every night for years while I sleep--the attacks are never stopped, I am exhausted, there is no end in sight from this endless violence so some ultra wealthy pieces of shit can capitalize on torturing me without end taking turns as they all get deals and promotions. I have harmed not a single one of them. The list of shit celebrities attacking me just with pig pitt and filthalina for YEARS taking turns, and now they are directing, producing, their have their own product lines, they have been put into awards ceremonies and have been handed top awards for crap movies and creepy acting and violent movies that have no reverberating appeal no one watches these crap movies which "win" and they "won" because of rigged awards ceremonies, and this contract out on me has put piece of shit into power and awards positions for years. The abuse towards me is never stopped, it's one of these creeps coming after me after the next, with crap like Depp and pig pitt endlessly being awarded, handed every single thing for handing out free passes to attack me to wear me down and abuse me into slow death--poisoning me non-stop along the way and drugging my food and then torturing me in teleportation--night after night. Politicians also come and go, the last one greasy Graham such an ugly and sinister sick politicians associated with Trump, just one of the Whorewood rapist criminals but still--Congress still won't stop this contract out on me and pigs like Pelosi come and attack me viciously alongside all the fascists who are part of this Whorewood team. One of the celebrities has apologized to me but has done nothing ever since to quell even the carnage endlessly being aimed at me. Behind all of them are Europigapes mostly out of England and France. They are all agents of foreign intervention in US media and propaganda for the 4th Reich takeover of the US. Pawns all. All so greedy and not a single one will apologize (except for one, one time) and repay me for the damages they have inflicted upon me, and no justice appears upcoming for me ever in the near and distant future. Despite new politicians being elected, this contract out on murdering me slowly and extracting and sucking out and raping, beating and abusing me without end one piece of rotten shit (all controlled by Europigapes ) after the next come to get their free deals after attacking me. Huge smiles on their rancid faces in media promotions afterwards for years-- One of them has been Heard and she's made millions in connection to this contract out on me. Nevertheless, I can only hope that her appeal will be a fair trial and that justice at least on some level will prevail towards this otherwise disgusting rapist abuser beater and pedophile apparently he's really only in love with his creepy daughter. They really are a pair of disgusting crap people, at least as far as I am concerned. They are nearly worshipped by the fascist French. I so hope that despite the ultra wealthy group that Heard must fight against, that for once one of these scumbags participating in this crime against me is not paraded around as being a hero for having raped and beaten me--or any other women. But I really need to get off this internet bloody exposure of my guts in writing these posts. This hell has been ongoing without a day of any ceasefire or release for me for over a decade and I am INNOCENT and have done nothing to any of these pigs except fight for my human rights and fight to defend myself against their racist attacks--and viciously attacked by the Jews participating in this crime even before the teleportation it's just recurrent hate directed at me by the minority minions but endless violence directed at me courtesy of the United States Government endlessly endorsing these torture methodologies and weapons and drugs, death squad groups and there appears to never be an end in sight I am exhausted, disgusted by the shit people but even moreso by the really crap US Government and society for helping this along--and if you Europeans try to assume that the problem is a dysfunctional American society and government the problem stems from Europeans as far as I can tell-the situation is no different in your crappy countries so don't put any crap on my internet about how sick America is compared with your even more sick countries--at least America recognizes the sickness your well-heeled societies are adepts at disguising your real fascist proclivities and fake deceptions with polite trained behavioral expectations. The fascists in the streets of Europe are open about it, though. You people with financial means are very cool about concealing your affiliations of fascist Nazi import. Don't blame American society blame yourselves and your own societies, oh guilty Europ-a's out there endlessly hissing about how much you really hate America but so want to just move on in and take over all you can out of my country. I don't believe really anything any of you claim about how wonderful your country is compared with "stupid" America.
I have to stop writing about this hell because I've been detailing exactly the violence endlessly being directed at me and it's never stopped by anyone. It's diminished perhaps but then some other scumbag takes over with pig pitt and depp and the shit associated with them fully backing the action and getting more and more promotions for their inclusion--it's just like a snowball effect of shit rolling down a hill-more and more latch onto the bandwagon of torture. I sit here writing about it and it's enthralling for people to masturbate over reading about all this violence while I struggle for my life to just heal from poisoning as they keep poisoning my body, my sleep, my home my food and you all think it's wonderful. I have to stop writing it's enough by now. I just hope some day, how long will it take? This will be recognized as a CRIME and not a promotional opportunity for creep scumbags to participate in while claiming they "love and care" and fight for social justice and all that bs crap you all make millions off promoting.

Years of my body being inflicted with fungus, mutilations, parts of my body broken, cut out, my hair, skin and every other part of my body affected by nightly assaults upon my body--the list is so long I can never get through the endless attacks upon my body for me just fighting for justice and human rights and to not be raped by ugly sinister men I have no attraction to who are looking for an easy promotional deal and an outlet for their woman-hating racist violence--as their crappy shitty whore women watch on so relieved that the pig ape men they "love" are raping and abusing me, they feel so entitled-Heard was one of these types of women and probably still is of that mindset. Nothing but silence and the hell continues. Not a single penny for damages much less the ideas most of them have stolen or watched as I fought and I continue to fight for my life to be left in peace, but not left destitute or forced into some kind of domestic violence slavery to be raped and beaten and abused slowly to death (or quickly, who knows..) with some baby extracted out of me by some pig ape man I would rather destroy who probably plans on killing me after he and his filthy pig wife and friends have obtained all they want to suck out, steal and destroy out of me. The US government continues to claim it is fighting for "Democracy" as it spends millions and billions to help bolster foreign countries. The very same politicians come to assault me with vicious death threats and violence, in full support of this crime against me because they want a class of people who have NO CHANCE to compete in the market forces where only those they choose (white supremacists, their donor base) have any chance whatsoever to compete--the rest must kiss up or get out (die). Become slaves in everything but name---I fight this and am threatened with murder by politicians and these celebrity pig apes as a result of fighting for constitutionally protected rights which are unprotected as I sit here writing and the most famous people in America are reading this and my posts for YEARS and not a single one has done any damn thing to stop this. So I must STOP this writing, you are really not the people I want to connect with anyway and none of you really ever has been high in my personal opinion of high regard--I don't hold your opinions or the fact that corrupt scum like you people (most of you, 99 % probably_) reading this have been unjustly put into power. The politicians are traitors and treasonous--they should not be in power. The celebrities are sell-out whores who are puppets of Europigape fascist Nazi 4th Reich regimes disguised as "Democratic" institutionalized kindly entities.
It is hard to forgive this person but I felt a pang of regret when she lost. One jury member said that she appeared sobbing one minute and cold as ice the next, so he concluded that she was faking and discredited her testimony. I know from years of torture (years from Depp in teleportation) that after the initial shock you can shift from being extremely upset but after so much times is consumed by reliving the trauma by having to confront it (I write about it, thus "confronting it" and Heard is "confronting it" in endless weeks of testifying, with years of consulting with attorneys. You can very easily go from extreme emotions to being cold because of the numbing effect of having to go through all the reliving of the bs. The jury member has no idea what domestic violence does to a person and also the blame game for victims.

To Amber Heard: please make sure the jury selection process eliminates dumb people who have no awareness of the impact of domestic violence. I hope you win. I regret having written my posts during your trial--I wrote some unkind words but it was justified in my opinion. However I was extremely sad that you lost and now fully support your effort. I think it's a sick crime that the fascist Nazis out of Europe i.e. France and the fragrance company are endorsing Depp like he's a hero. His allegiance with foreign countries such as France and being a completely brainwashed pawn by these Nazi entities has made him immune to the supposed "feminism" that is used to attack people like Polanski, but otherwise when it comes to this pretender fascist Nazi puppet being exploited by the French and the fascist Europ-a fascists, he's exempt from all moral responsibility. Put into a role as being a monarch and then put into position as a fragrance promoter for a very "fashionable" line of colognes for men. It's a complete sexist support for violence against women--especially since it's an American woman--and of course Depp teleported me to Cannes where he was disgusting and sleazy but put in a very "fashionable" situation during the Cannes festival--back in around 2013 or 2014--so many years of endless attacks against me I can't off the top of my memory recall without having to really think about this--I think it was 2013--


A most disgusting creep. GOOD FOR YOU for your continued fight.

Please SUPPORT AMBER HEARD in this next trial. MAY SHE WIN MAY YOU WIN this creep cannot be exalted any longer for his rape and brutality against women. The Europigape models such as Moss are complete scum who love the fact that he's such a good pawn for EUropigape fascist overtake of American media--which she herself plans on being a part of-alongside f-ing Pig pitt and filthalina and the goons who have endlessly attacked me--for years, just right after Depp stopped--they took over with increase in violence against me.

How I wish there were endless trials against them all. But I can only hope that Heard WINS AND WINS and I fully support you. That you lost and immediately that disgusting rapist abuser violent greasebag scumbag was handed roles making him seem like some royalty is DISGUSTING and I have for so many years only felt like the French at that level of wealth who are truly fascist Nazis are disgusting and foul--I was invited by the late wife of T-rump to go shopping in the South of France and I declined--while under hypnosis--or while sleeping, teleported and just said "those fuckers" to which Trump smiled but Ivana began a campaign of inserting fungus into my EARS, having French tv blasting outside my window every day for hours for at least 6 months without end. construction going on and on. And more and more violence just because I said the wealthy French (fascists) are fuckers and I don't want to have their clothing--even if for free. I was raped in a most disgusting way by rotten greasy Depp at a Cannes "private screening" of me being exploited in this most disgusting way--it was a lavish and wealthy set-up in some room at Cannes.

I do not intend to include of course every person in that country--just those associated with this contract--and I have been attacked by wealthy French for years in Miami Beach--when I worked at a 5-star French restaurant and then in clubs (selling cigars) and I have lost all respect for that culture (not all the people, just the wealthy, that can also include English in some respect, but not much. The same kind of behavior is true to form in England, America and indeed France and in every other country. Blaming America for being a sick country is so erroneous because Americans who are of this fascist MAGA style group set take their behavioral cues from Europigapes and that means English even at lowest levels of society. It includes French even at lowest levels of society.
But Dear Amber Heard, please focus on the jury selection and emphasize people who understand the effects of domestic violence on victims, and that victims can also "fight back" physically after being abused--that women like Heard hit that filthy creep back is supposed to be some indictment of her "violence" against that pig ape creep--his daughter included. I mjust add though, that Heard has participated in attacking me alongside Depp's rotten rat daughter and that was years after the initial divorce and dv accusations.
But goddamn WIN Heard and take the cues from the problems of the first court case where
Depp the rapist abuser violator and scumbag was awarded so much for being such a creep--by society, by the jury--I would suggest that money paid for the verdict as well as Elon Musk also was and is involved in this Depp/Pitt/etc terrorist group from Whorewood and perhaps there was some underhanded pay-outs and incentives for this pro-Depp the pig ape innocent verdict. The jury member I read who was interviewed sounded like an idiot who has no awareness of what violence is or how trauma affects people.
I so hope you win, win win reverse this unfair verdict. The creeps associated with Depp i.e. the terrorists who have attacked me for years after the years of Depp attacking me--the good ole blonde bigot pit and his filthy wife the rapist scumbag "feminist"--oh, how sickening they are. If Depp continues to "win", pig pit also wins and so does filthalina and the other skanks associated with this crime (so many of them).
------Btw one of the black rapper parasites who verbally threatened me with violence after participating in this hate crime is being awarded and awarded and awarded with so many promotions--it's just one f-ing scumbag attacking me after the next being promoted by this insidious group--which also has fostered Trump into power through his violence against me--which you, Heard participated in. maybe you support Trump, but what Trump has done is set women far back in power--and so you should rethink your willingness to do anything to appeal to men in power and think about what they actually represent and how you participate in violence yourself--which has boomeranged against me. Having said that, win and get that pig Depp and then please reconsider your support of rapist men (i.e. Trump) and that group, including Depp's filthy rat daughter.

This post has been a very emotionally ranting "immature" hate vitriolic expression or rage that has been festering for so many years because the hell is never stopped--the teleportation violence is never stopped--the attacks on my property and body is never stopped by this sick government. So hope one day this US Government will also be held responsible for the terrorist domestic violence simulation that they create using this insidious technology and gang stalking terrorism.. They have forced domestic violence upon me without me having "allowed" it to happen. I am tortured for fighting to not be a victim of shit like Depp or pig pit or their crappy wives. Please rethink your former decisions, Dearest Heard, and do not allow this kind of torture technology or situation to continue to be allowed, if you can get beyond your own personal rage, then rethink the decisions you have made to continue to support this technology which enables men to rape and abuse women (which has a collateral effect on women "like" you, Heard, in case you are able to connect those dots at all).

I have been under far too much attack and for too long. That Heard has reached global media attention for her claims of DV while I am TORTURED by members of Congress for fighting to not be artificially forced into a domestic violence torture victim raped status without my "allowing" it to happen or "doing something to deserve it"---; by now I am fighting one disgusting pig ape creep rapist and abuser after the next. The list of them is endless and they all "worship" blonde women like you, Heard--but when they finally can't pretend to be good guys and with a lack of women to abuse, they turn against women like you too. That is why women like you love this technology--but eventually the men become so sick that they turn into ultra violent pieces of shit and the women do too--so please try to extend your fight and the people who support you into fighting to stop this kind of enforced DV on people like me who are innocent and have been tortured for YEARS to try to force this shit upon women who are not married to pigs like this, who need women to beat and rape and abuse in order to vent their hate for women on the women who they are not married to--

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...