Friday, August 12, 2022

Continuation of crimes, silencing, censorship, injustice ad nauseum endlessly aimed at me by the US Government in collusion with H-wood celebrities, foreign governments, death squad "gang stalking" groups; your silence is participation.

 Tortured and attacked in teleportation after writing enraged but silly nasty comments--very short, a few sentences--seeing the scumbag actor who has tortured me personally for over 8 years with his filthy skank wife--both of them verbatim stealing ideas from me for YEARS and having me tortured so they can extract ideas, information and concepts to bolster the image of facsist Nazism that appears "alternative" and "liberal" and "original" in order to endlessly create the Nazi white supremacist myth that only pigs like them are creative, original and are progressively working towards a more fair and equitable society. They have a dearth of brown and black-skinned (and lighter skinned minorities such as the vicious Jews associated with fully supporting fascist Nazi white supremacy as they are paid in BILLIONS for their roles, but representing the "Jews" when the s*** hits the fan and the Nazis want to blame the usual scapegoat for the financial woes that the Nazis actually created, but use these symbolic ass-wipe albeit in appearance "good Jews" with various whiter skin tones in order to project the image that it's the "Jews" who actually "control" all these financial situations which deplete the wealth of the country, turning all into a cartel of theft and thievery and destruction for the "good working class" fascist Nazis who want to execute and assassinate anyone they don't like--including the "good" Jews who willingly play these roles but later get killed because they were put in place only as pawns to "represent" a scapegoated minority).


The scumbag actors have, like most of the Nazi white supremacists all have, circles of black and brown peeps surrounding them as they order attacks upon me, or any target. If you didn't understand this system, you would assume that it was a Latino or Black assault group instead of ass-wipe clowns acting on behalf of their plantation "masters" as the Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas that they truly are--celebrities play these roles and are paid, like the "good" Jews who later get slaughtered because they are blamed for all the problems--but they all play their roles to the tunes of millions and billions of dollars in rewards. The money stolen from the US Government to fund these operations and hand out awards and prizes is unlimited. Paid for by Budget Committee Progressive and fascist KKK scumbags Bernie and Graham, both simultaneously and undoubtedly one leading the other by an invisible collar around his fake posturing sell-out neck.


So I am thwarted as usual from writing about anything. I wrote about pit pig that rotten fake bs parasite who tortured me and tried to have my teeth knocked out, had part of my uterus severed out, killed cats I took care of (all of this performed by the Nazi proxy terrorist agents and their endless swarms of rotten brown-skinned minions)--but upon order by these pig apes out of Congress and Whorewood. Prior to these pigs it was pitt pig alongside Trump, and of course Graham waiting for his turn to torture a women who he calls a "radical liberal" and thus a target for endless rape, torture, mutilation and all prizes going to the filthy apes like pitt pig who stole ideas mutilated and poisoned my body--claims he "didn't know" (for EIGHT YEARS) that I was being repoisoned which kept me stuck laying in bed and unable to move--as I remain now, endlessly sick and shitting out this poison--as they all claim I "deserve" it and then block my every attempt to regain any semblance of financial stability or have anything beyond filth, stinking grease sprayed on everything, my body covered with bruises, scars, broken bones, broken vertebrae, hard poison literally cemented into my spine and hips extending from toes to the top of my skull--as they have kept pouring this crap of bloating and then hardening poison into my body EVERY SINGLE DAY and saw me running to the toilet every half hour because they injected so much stinking water and bloating poison into my body via insertion into my bladder. Every day these pigs had me poisoned.


But I wrote a few angry sarcastic comments on a YouTube video about how pitt pig was handed, just two weeks ago (when Graham was busy torturing me and abusing and having me viciously yelled at by sick and ugly creeps in teleportation; last night it was rape once more by some ugly filthy parasitic porno scumbag upon order of this group of filth and scum you all celebrate and worship--for their Nazi imagery and fake altruistic orchestrated performances for the media).


I wrote this comment about how this pig owes me for the YEARS of torture and information and ideas he and his skank scum sleaze wife both stole as they sat side-by-side and glowered and smirked as they ordered pig after ape to attack me--for them, with fascist Nazi Europigapes coming in to pat pitt pig on the back for his promise of helping them to come on in and take over Whorewood as long as this filthy pig could continue to get free mansions in places like Carmel for his support of fascism into political power, his and filthy pigalina of course, the dearth of black and brown clinging terrorist clowns endlessly encircling them while the one and only thing they truly want is to be welcomed into the all-White clubs of Europe for fashion and fascist wealth displays of elitist entitlement.


I wrote a comment and a art design I made on my balcony was crushed by something they threw down on it from above. AS pitt pig is handed a free $40 million mansion (I assume this was the huge payment that greasy Graham handed this pig so he could finally get a grasp of having women to beat, abuse and torture as he probably wanted to participate in for so long. These fascist scumbag men, including the fake "progressive" and "liberal" men who play the fake opposition but really are part of the torture (i.e. so many of the comedy political commentator clowns who are endlessly quoted--the white aged grey men who make jokes about politics and have a monopoly on the entertaining political commentary angle of fascist Nazi propaganda--)

So I am silenced without end. I think of the S. Carolina Nazi white supremacists marching around with torchlights chanting, "The Jews will not replace us"--this is an area of the country that I was invited upon pain of torture to come and be a victim within--and then tortured for having said no. Thinking of how these parasites in politics with their greasy nasty constituents can't stand to see someone like me have a chance to compete, have original ideas, capitalize on them, have a semblance of any power, and then get to have my own home, my own business (my aim was to have my own business) and live in peace without having to be dominated by some fascist Nazi pig ape I was drugged and forced to have to be around because my brain and body were (and still are) so suffused with mind control poisons and drugs and the mind control tech does the rest for programming into compliance to a kind of virtual slavery but it appears like constitutional choice and "freedom" of choice. 


The pig was handed a multi-million dollar mansion both for having helped to put Trump into power, then for his role in promoting fascist Nazism using minorities as a theatrical prop to appear like he's just not racist or fascist (along with his roles of violence, of which there is no end and this titillates the viewers and violent Nazi Youth in the form of a 58-year old plastic coated empty and vacant but posturing bs operator is what America and indeed what Congress needs for their "National Security" under the Homeland Security anti-terrorist offices which probably covertly fund all these multi-million dollar hand outs to every fascist pig ape who participates in this terrorist operation against me--and aimed in large part against society when the semi-conductors and the technology is further enhanced and implemented by Elon Musk, who likewise was handed all the wealth in the world and fame and endless fake posturing (trained in Los Angeles to appear "alternative" and like all of these pig apes, being coached and trained in how to appear "liberal" and loose but in actuality are fakes really implementing a kind of Big Brother fascist 4th Reich which may be unparalleled in history for it's global spanning of the planet in controlling and silencing and promoting only the fakes who have been trained as actors--including the politicians--oh, they are really also actors --Sanders being one of the most famous and no one questions him at all. Since I have been attacked by his group in large part (that includes all the "liberals" I met when I lived in America, who were not called "Progressive" when I left the country because of the endless viciousness I encountered very often from the fake "liberal" types--blacks most vicious of them all--then Jews, then Latinos, and then the whites sitting back smug as they have their pawns and uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas doing the dirty work for them.


I can't write anything, I am writing this today and it's just naming four names out of scores or perhaps by now just out of the famous list of celebrities and politicians the numbers is extending to more than 50 at this point--after a decade. Not  sure, I lost count.


So I can't write my commentary on the Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant and how many lies I see in the media coming from those who want "civil war". I can't express how much they have turned all the terrorism against those who are upholding the Law instead of breaking it constantly as a matter of their own internal "due process" which has nothing to do with law or constitution.


They continue to be pushed in the media with their blathering hate diatribes. I am silenced and tortured with every threat facing me constantly and more attacks for every single thing I write. I can't begin to write creative fiction as years of experience has shown that my ideas are IMMEDIATELY stolen and the celebrity criminals then paste their stolen concepts from me on my social media pages or search engine results (also censoring and blocking the real information I am searching for and limiting my information mostly to their mind programming but mostly to themselves).

Every time I get on YouTube I must block out at least 10 videos of movie clips and videos by the expletives who are attacking me or who are participating in this crime. People like Taylor Swift have been hacking their crap into my pages for years--and I never once liked a single one of her crappy songs and find her voice awful, as I find most of these pop singers to not be exemplary singers or performers, but the videos that are produced are interesting little movie vignettes which have nothing to do with the so-called "talent" of the singing pig ape who has forced their rotten crap onto my social media with me constantly deleting and trying to block out their filth forced upon my vision and my social media--it's non-stop and constant.


Censored and blocked. I have to wonder if ever I will be able to write anything without being attacked afterwards. Meanwhile, for over 8 years filthy pitt pig and filathalina tortured and drugged me and kept me in a prison of internal poisoning and mind control drugs so they could steal and obtain ideas for themselves and their shitty friends in order to usurp ideas in order to take-over the "liberal" angle of the bs media push which is ultimately pushing and subliminally organizing mass Nazi ideology endlessly foisted through the fake posturing crap that is constantly being pushed by the insidious fascists controlling the media--making a huge "blanket" statement but from my position seeing how many of these vicious and fake creeps are being promoted for displaying fascist and Nazi torture protocols aimed at me only to promote their crap about how much "luv" they have for all human rights (mostly sticking to their little nasty subculture groups--).


Filthy, immature and nasty pitt pig with pigalina both were threatening to kill me almost daily before Graham finally handed pitt pig a $40 million mansion in Carmel as a gift of dearly beloved gratitude by the white supremacist continent for his role in helping T-rump get put into presidential power. It has been pitt pig for years supporting T-rump and helping to use the "Dark Web" institution of his "Brotherhood" to promote Trump as a bigoted rapist racist by the teleportation and terrorist/gang stalking attacks upon me. AS this version of a prototype against the "Jews" who are not "good" like those I have mentioned in the past, vicious and sick people who are so violent in supporting fascist Nazism that like the blacks, it would appear that they are actually Stockholm Syndrome clowns operating as violent terrorists for Nazi take-over. But being "bad" and wanting self-determination, a right that is somehow associated with the US Constitution as part of "unalienable" rights of human dignity--as I fight endlessly they want to humiliate, rape and punish and torture me into accepting humiliation, being told that my ideas are their for stealing and for free and the repayment is mutilation of my body because they also don't want me to be beautiful, strong but crooked, bloated to appear as being ungainly fat, deformed, with hair balding teeth missing fingernails blackened from object inserted under them every single day for years--my toes all broken and crooked--one sticking at a 45-degree angle into my other toes because it was broken twice while I was unconsciously sleeping. My skin marred by pimple scars on my thighs and arms because they smeared horrific chemicals on my skin and then had them tattooed on my skin as permanent blemishes--and the list never ends. Plus all the attacks from the embedded microchips in my brain and nervous system (in my back, throat) which are tweaked at moments such as when I am falling asleep they make my throat constrict so I wake up from this lack of air as my throat makes horrible noises literally waking me up; this last torture goes on every night every time I begin to fall asleep. They continue to do this for around one hour. I am always so sick from detox from their poisoning I fall asleep anyway but they keep me in a state of sleep deprivation while I desperately need sleep). In addition tears flowing from my eyes every day for years, making my skin so destroyed it's now permanent as well. 

But besides all that (and much more) they continue. They threaten me with murder and making me homeless CONSTANTLY. The sexual violence just happened last night once more while I was teleported. I reacted in hate and rage to pitt pig's endless Oscars and mansions and deals he has obtained from the years of his participation in the rape and poisoning/mutilation scheme he has just shrugged off as his fascist little Nazi boy Hitler Youth appearance entitlement as a white supremacist--with his rotten minority blacks and Latinos surrounding me waiting for handouts. He performs with them and hugs them in public, In private he joins with white skinned Nazis out of Europe as his real partners and people he only really admires and wants to emulate.

Pigalina his filthy dirty stupid wife is the same stuff, but pitt pig is more vocal about his smug attitude. Filthy pigalina does things like urinate on me and hiss in hate. Stripping for Greasy Graham while the pair of the pigs were being offered endless million dollar deals for the years of their Nazi protocols forced upon me in torture, mutilation and poisoning and violence and rape and theft of ideas--both of the pigs--Graham then had filthalina the "feminist" strip for him as his reward while I stood in teleportation trying to get away from filtahlina sticking her naked rotten body in front of me as if I would be turned on. Years of saying "I'm not bisexual" means nothing to them. Years of telling them I can't stand them also they can't comprehend, they just assume that like everyone else I am brainwashed completely by Nazi ideology and they can't fathom that I have any kind of iconoclastic propensities where I see crap like them as the fakes that they are, promoting the fascist racist imagery that has made them such fake icons in the first place (thanks a lot in part to plastic surgery modification of jaw lines and blue contact lenses--which so many of the pigs in teleportation have--when I see them in this state they look like versions of "Children of the damned" because I can "see" the fake blue color like it's a monstrous and inhuman sort of creepy thing in their otherwise rotten eyeballs.


So sick of this. Wondering how many more years it will take for people to not want to fully support politicians or people like this. As long as I remain silenced the bs of their iconic fascism will remain as being "alternative" and "liberal" in order to sell off that somehow only Nazis have original ideas, care about society and the epitome of art is based only upon these fakes who must torture in order to obtain any kind of original concept. Endlessly supported by fellow white supremacists like Graham with his "The Jews will not replace us" constituents. 


A few hours later. As I had turned off the internet I realized that I was, while writing the above, drugged, under mind control influence (they induce me to write every day) and had been assaulted (raped) in teleportation. 

I wrote of the filth that pigalina the wife of pitt pig and one of the disgusting attacks she forced upon me while I was asleep/teleported/drugged/under hypnosis/placed into a position where I didn't know what was happening or where I was/and assaulted by her foulness. I was a bit more explicit above but only basically referenced the filth act this piece of garbage skank whore crap did to me. The "reason" this ugly filth parasite did this to me was because upon her asking if I thought she was "beautiful" (for at least the 30th time in that last 6 months, the same questions and they always repeat the same questions to try to ascertain if I will respond, under hypnosis, with an answer that they "like" instead of my honest opinion. They put me under "truth serum" effect/attack so no matter what, my opinion of them is honest but they can't accept it. So they torture me and then expect somehow that I will respond in the positive to whether or not I like their movies or think they are super cool, beautiful or the best or whatever. Their attacks only lower them in my estimation so their violence towards me always remains, the same questions continue (for years) and I begin to scream more violently in the negative for each time they question this and pursue this pseudo psychological programming technique, which obviously doesn't "work" to alter my opinion towards them except for the worse.

They continue like the psycho parasitic torturing idiots that they are, and endlessly try to extract information but I am trying to not answer them and I have stopped writing all creative ideas any longer so now they are just basically abusing and assaulting and insulting and threatening me with death or homelessness and/or both with rape and insults and humiliation and abuse every single night. My opinion of them never changes from dislike until now all I do, like any real torture subject, is hope they get destroyed asap.


filthy and ugly pigalina asked me if I thought she was beautiful, I said in  honesty no and that I thought she was an ugly skank whore. That has been my response to her for almost 8 years. It never changes. They keep asking me. The filthy stupid ugly whore, in addition to stealing idea after idea from me in order to present her filthy and stupid ugly self as being "feminist" has ordered me to be mutilated and disfigured--part of my uterus severed out---it came out in the shower--it was cut out with a knife it was obviously slashed--a small internal organ coming out with a complete clean slash cut. They broke toes, put hardening stuff on my toenails so they never grow. Etc etc etc. So much mutilation of my body that the skin looks like it's degenerating.

I asked the millionaire and billionaire group of pig apes--the Brooklyn Mafia thugs, the Whorewood ugly filthy stupid but conniving lying whores, etc the billionaire Aprah who also stole an idea from one of my posts on Facebook about A Wrinkle in Time--which that ugly bloated filthy thing stole  in order to present herself as being some loving advocate of fighting against a tyrannical technocracy. This same crazy parasite attacked me for the thoughts I had regarding her and her actions, and quoted my thoughts and then tortured me for them. Just to accentuate how insipidly fake and hypocritical these ape whores are especially when and after they steal concepts from me in order to present themselves as being "fighters" against any future fascism that they have helped in great and large part to usher into mainstream politics (and of course in the embedded symbolism they endlessly project with their pig-sniffing-the-air posturing while claiming they are humbly fighting against all kinds of white supremacist sexist rape culture and hegemony. 

Since she did her foul but typical behavioral attack--as she's just another piece of shit and her action only demonstrated what she really is--but you all love pieces of shit like her don't you? Sleazy and pornographic, will do any thing and will always present herself as being sexually accessible but a "feminist" "fighting" against rape culture but wholeheartedly participating in it when it comes to raping women who are not white supremacist labeled as such--(me, i.e.). I'm also being pegged into their racist role for the Jewish slots but they are not enforcing this upon the "good" minions of that supposed culture because they fully acclimate to the stereotypes and allow insults and being suppressed, even it it's done very subtly they really fully have integrated into allowing this kind of 2nd rate or lower status but being put into head positions only to "represent" but never to actually be strong individuals secure in their personalities and not allowing this kind of filthy crap to be inflicted upon themselves or anyone else of their supposed "culture". A completely dominated and oppressed group, which I have actually BEEN fighting to not be sucked into this slot, and thusly I am attacked most viciously by one and all, especially the so-called "Jews" who look for favoritism if they most viciously attack me.


so my body is covered now from head-to-foot with blemishes, scars, most of my hair damaged and won't grow back from chemicals that made it fall out. Parts of my body made hideous with silicone injected under the skin so as to appear like cysts (placed above my knee cap, for instance, a place very unlikely for a cyst to appear). It is obviously not a cyst by the way, it's perfectly round and hard--not cancerous--it's silicone injected. They put this on the side of my rib cage as well. Just to add to the marring and scarring filthy ugly whorealina has ordered to be inflicted upon me body. The pig ape scum who participate looking for promotions, media exposure and the like all chant in a chorus that filthy ugly whorealina is "more beautiful" as they allow the pigs to poison and torture me. I keep telling them that I have been mutilated and that this is ongoing. Not a single one of them ever intervened in this, only accusing me of not having had enough plastic surgery and beauty treatments to compete with a millionaire ugly whore who has been stealing idea after idea from me for at least a decade, year-after-year. This year I think is one of the first years this pig whore hasn't actually stolen an idea or concept from me to make her shitty fake sleazy ugly whore films. As I wrote, I have stopped writing my creative ideas and have only stuck with the terrorist reporting this group of crap has been inflicting upon me, hoping in vain that this would spur someone to actually stop all this injustice. It seems to only draw in more celebrities and politicians for every detail I write about torture and violence. I am still writing to try to document the sickness you all applaud and cheer on. BTW: hacking is endless, I am backspacing every other word can't get anything out and they are rewriting my post as I write--but, not going to go back now and rewrite I will leave this in whatever messed-up state the terrorists are forcing upon my writing. 

I know you all love and love these creeps who are torturing me. You love them so much and just hand them mansions as payment for violence and torture. The homeless crisis is mounting but filthy apes and whores are getting free mansions courtesy of Graham and Sanders who have the purse strings of The Budget Committee at their disposal, and disposing of money to pig ape fascists is all they do. That's a "good" Jew according to greasy KKK Graham cracker....


AS I wrote a few weeks ago, Bernie Sanders told me that this cheap backpacker's bungalo/restaurant place I stayed at, where I was assaulted with all kinds of theft, assault and attacks (my documents were stolen--driver's license, my American ID, my birth certificate--and it was just stolen and taken from me by the staff and owners of this lodge. They put crap on my bed, they had sleazy Europigape men follow me in 3-inch wide spandex bikini underwear at the swimming pool when I swam at 7 a. m to try to avoid a mess of people. They put dead frogs in the water, etc etc at this early hour as these rotten men sat staring at me with their 3-inch suits with legs spread. I was attacked by the terrorists "staying" at this place, and I had left a very nasty place where I lost my deposit and needed a short-term solution to look for another place. That was years ago. Nasty "Good" Jewish Nazi Progressive Bernie Sanders who then stood behind filthy Clinton (this is all within the last few years) who had been screeching at me because I just tried to avoid her entrapment---nasty, violent and a true bigot not a feminist but a white supremacist lying fake--Clinton---"feminist" only for the whore skank crap like filthalina and pig pitt the rapist scumbag Nazi mama's boy creep--that is what Clinton's "feminism" includes--wealthy, fascist Nazi women who strip for racist rapists and abusers from Congress, but are welcomed into political positions at the United Nations to "represent" and of course, the pig ape rapist white supremacist Nazi men love her for all her skank sleaze and filth and posturing bs which passes as "feminism". I can assure you from my lifetime of having lived in the US, as I am indeed a citizen and not some immigrant or terrorist as these pigs are making out as if I come from a terror background and have to be eliminated--the label "liberal radical" is all they need to have a death contract put out on me, and anyone else of course

but that is what happened, I didn't mean to "turn you" f-ing scumbag apes on with my depictions of that kind of violence. I Know HOW MUCH you love the pigs when they do sick and stupid things--you award them, you praise them, you have politicians like Graham hand them millions of dollars in awards and free mansions and lead roles and positions of power for their "Humanitarian" work of tax-loophole credit non-profit org orgies.


For people who think that a society based on some kind of rule-of-law which abides for EVERY CASE to the Constitution of unalienable human rights, that this kind of filth and crap is not just illegal, unconstitutional but also sick and dirty and foul, unseemly for a dignified country to actually promote people from within for that kind of behavior. Alas this is the reality. Everyone accepts it and welcomes it. I was writing above but got "lost" in backspacing, rewriting and the mind control which is always skewing my thoughts: the majority of "feminists" and also the "Jewish feminists" I have met all my life are FULLY, completely in line with this white supremacist program and they all completely participate in entrapment and rape and poisoning of me. They "love" filth and ugly skank crap like pigalina and of course pitt pig, the rotten and nasty foul creep who you just want to represent Nazi Hitler Youth up to the age when his plastic surgery can't disguise how nasty and hateful he truly is. He's been stealing ideas from me for years. I told him years ago that he was boring because he's so mainstream and unoriginal. He's stepped up his game and has gone "daring" with outlandish posturing as of late. I think he got the idea from my endlessly telling him that his mainstream stuff is so ultimately boring. 

But all of them give nothing. I begged them for a long time to please donate a few hundred dollars to me per month-if each of these wealthy pig apes had just offered me $100 each I could have been able to afford living in a small house with a small swimming pool. My muscle tone is now so flaccid that my body looks like it's melted into complete muscle decay--after more than a decade of being paralyzed and poisoned--they refused even a single dollar they just kept re-poisoning me and claimed that filthy ugly whorealina was more "beautiful" in endless choruses of the ape whore pigs chanting the same thing. The shit that promotes all the pigs told them to say this obviously and they all got media exposure and more promotions. Whether they believe it or not, they made sure to block my every attempt to heal and allowed the endless mutilations of my body to continue indefinitely while blaming me somehow for it and endlessly comparing me to a pig whore who gets beauty treatments paying out thousands probably per month--but being paid to have my body made polluted, to affect the liver, kidneys and keep me bloated with deadly toxins stuffed into my intestines --for years. Smirking and laughing about it, and then threatening to kill me as I kept saying that she's an ugly stupid skank whore under hypnosis even as they kept making my body worsen and deteriorate more and more. That is the length to which this ugly piece of stupid crap has gone to in order to try to break me in the ways that are most important to her--physical upkeep. I always worked on keeping my body strong and before I was so drugged up I wanted to be beautiful and did things to try to make at least some attempt at this endeavor. They mutliated my body so much I have not been well enough to do anything but sit in dehabilitation for over a decade due to the poisons and torture. They have then since had me abused night and day, the sublimninal and voice-to-skull by people like deniro and pesce making every kind of sleazy and disgusting comment for hours and hours each day--so foul and evil and disgusting it was cringy in a way that curdled every fiber of my being until they were so disgusting it would make me feel sick just hearing their voices. They kept on. I kept writing about how foul and sick they all were and still are. That was when Bloomberg came along (I wrote a comment on his Facebook page) and then because Bloomberg was abusive and nasty but helped stop the poisoning, along came Graham to once more install absolute hate and violence upon me to negate any "good" that Bloomberg had done (it was nominally nothing, but still life-saving. How Bloomberg knew I was being poisoned and the pig apes of Whorewood claimed they "didn't know" as pitt pig said in his lying stupid voice the pig is just so disgusting....

so that is what they are to me. I hope that this payout to pitt pig has meant that he's never coming back and falls off his new cliff and breaks his rotten disgusting pig ape neck along with his whore daughter who is his incestuous version of his mommy and his former wife but now much younger and more malleable and not an ugly skank just yet but is ugly and rotten underneath all her youthful plastic surgery and body modifications.THis is how much I detest these fucking disgusting pigs at this time, I so hope they fall off the cliff of their new rock house or die in some plane accident and rid my life of their filth and hate and ugliness and sickness and parasitic hate. But there are always more and more pieces of shit waiting to take their place.

Waiting for Congress for YEARS to put a full stop to this sickness. So far Pelosi, Clinton, Graham, Trump, AOC, Sanders, and many others (Progressives, alternatives/Democrats) are fully in line with this. The rest don't do anything or intervene. I could name more names but the nasty ones of "the Left" I just named so the "hope" that there will somehow be some rescue effort on the part of this current Congressional fake opposition is marginal if non-existent at this time.


I'm always getting "lost" in backspacing and fighting to type and I "forget" due to mind control blanks to my brain to finish my sentences and thoughts: Bernie Sanders told me that this backpackers lodge, here in Phuket, where my documents were stolen, they assaulted me, probably had me raped while I was sleeping, etc etc the owners (South AFricans) harassed me endlessly while I was there as did their staff--Clinton, after yelling at me because I was not immediately compliant with her agenda, which she never actually spoke out to me just assumed I "must" go along and somehow she also assumed that I would only "look up" to her as some kind of infallible leader and "feminist" and not question her devious motivations or lying screaming bouts aimed at me as anything but her absolute entitlement and right. I never thought anything close to what she was expecting and thus after she didn't immediately get what she wanted--not telling me exactly what she wanted so I didn't know I only knew, in this sleep teleported hypnosis state, that it wasn't to my benefit--asked her about security for this place she was offering me to live in, which I knew or sensed was some kind of a trap, and I didn't say not but I didn't say yes--I just asked more questions and she began yelling furiously at me. Veins popped out of her face and I told her to calm down. Then Bernie Sanders stood behind her as she sat and he said, "She is my FRIEND' and then with stupid sarcasm in his Brooklyn accent hissed like a schoolyard accomplice to a bully that this backpacker's lodge (Shanti Lodge it was called) would be closed down "within 60 days". I wrote about this a few weeks ago. It was closed down and re-opened as a 5-star resort and now it's a luxury villa resort vacation expensive plantation instead of a grungy and dirty nasty backpackers lodge with hippie design and filthy and nasty grime everywhere and hand-made designs that were sloppy but seemed to fit into the "Hippie" atmosphere. Misleading to me, as I assumed that meant that I would not have problems staying there by the "hippie" south africans but racist and bigoted Nazis wearing casual clothing greeted me to abuse me until I left flying out of there as I had flown in having just left another Europigape hate apartment where I lost money--again, always being stolen from or ripped off by the pigs I rent from.


That is what Bernie did, and he's now partnering with Graham from the Budget Committee and the $$ is flowing into all the terrorists and fascist Right-wingers with full help from Sanders the "Progressive" and his fascist "liberal" accomplices, many of whom have also viciously or very nastily attacked me in teleportation alongside fascist Nazi filthalina and her Imperialistic Europigape group with pitt pig alongside looking for full hero welcome by the Europigape fascists who love him, adore him and he plays their game and brings them into the fascist cartel that includes Trump, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, AOC, Pelosi, a long list of celebrities all of whom are charity and humanitarian fund-raisers and etc.


Just writing about it. How loathsome they all are. How is it that America keeps promoting people like this and not stopping this situation--I am still shocked that it's never ending and there are still politicians being put into power who just take over the roles of their predecessors who keep this system going without end. There is no change in terms of this hate system of techno-terrorism from administration to every shift of the political spectrum. Just shows the real agenda of the politicians who partner with the lying, fake posturing celebrities. 


Last add on: definition of what entails the concept of "Beauty".

The eye of the beholder? Programmed expectations? 

When you see people in teleportation you get a different--literally a different dimension of sight. It's similar to a photograph's negative concept except that the colors and grain is diminished not reversed in black and white. The expression in the eyes whether contorted, affected or feigned, becomes more clear as the practiced deception of facial appearance wanes. Through the lens of the "eyes of the soul" I see the intention moreso than the made-up face and hairstyle and clearness of skin. When I see the same people in their photographed postures, I see something almost completely different but it's still the same person (I am capable of recognizing people but I am referring to what lies beneath the surface that becomes more apparent as the facial features are more blurred, the eyes, the expression, the intention seems to pop out more.

Not always, of course, but often enough for this to be a more defining feature of eyesight (for me in my experience) of teleportation. The concept of beauty I also have had a more basic understanding of growing up outside of pop culture as I did. I do not want to elaborate as much as I would if I were really trying to define this. When someone is hatefully and unjustifiably attacking me, I do not consider them to be beautiful and when they do so in this teleportation experience I do not see the carefully constructed facials and face creams and make-up and hair styling affectations at all. I see what they are feeling as they attack me unjustifiably for equally unjustifiable reasons of greed, selfishness and the pure desire to harm another person out of the need to dump and pour inner misery out upon someone who can't defend themselves. If you want to see ugly, you see it when they are in the throes of these actions.

Thus, when they ask me if I think they are "beautiful" it's impossible under hypnosis to say "yes", or even in a more aware state. I can also see when they are faking courtesy and polite mannerisms and that becomes something sinister in the context of their disguise of their otherwise endless ugliness that is endlessly poured out upon me like a sewage dump of psychic rot.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...