Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Terrorist report: August 10, 2022. Because every phone call I make is diverted to terrorist agents, The Miami-based "mail service" I paid too much for (they overcharged me for unlimited service) is not reporting my mail and refuses to answer any inquiries about my mail and doesn't report my mail.

 This is a company called Mail Hub North Miami Beach. I was trying to obtain services of a national service that caters to electronic mail with immediate notifications. All the services I searched for online claimed they provided a "street address". Every single service I phoned, and I spent days and days on the phone and writing emails--every single one informed me that they only had "Suite" number addresses--which of course is a business address. All were lies, I got zero correct information. I was told even on the phone that I could sign up for a street address but the "apartment" number would have to be in the 2000 range---which is absurd, considering that in that part of Miami where the address was located, all the apartment buildings are mostly two-storey with about 20 units per floor. The high-rises in that area only extend to about no more than 500 units per building, approximately. I was lied to so continuously that by the time I got a phone number for a service which had to personally offer me an account using their "Mail Hub North Miami Beach" service (claiming they had three mail services operating out of the same physical address and location).

A Latino male answered the phone and claimed his name was Diego. He offered me a street address and told me that I had to pay twice the amount that the initial digital mail service had for the type of service I needed. I was so exhausted and needed a new address (my old mail service was closing, so I was told--and they stopped reporting my mail at least one year or two before they closed down, made my life a hell by sending me letters claiming I had one day to phone government agencies or my finances would be stopped, which happened anyway, etc--all completely orchestrated).

I was still under the illusion that my phone calls were actually reaching legitimate mail services at that time. I now understand that every phone call never reaches the intended target or I only get terrorists operating from within the agency or business I am phoning, and all information is privately skewed and I get lies and discriminatory treatment every single time I phone any agency or business.


This Mail Hub NMB has not reported a single letter to me since I opened the account in January. I phoned in June requesting information. The person who answered the phone never said, "Hello this is Mail Hub"--like this man Diego who answered the phone back in January when I was inquiring about the service after weeks of getting lied to and told no service would help me anywhere in Florida--lied to perpetually given the run-around not able to find a single business which would help me--all calls diverted not able to obtain basic services for mail.

This man Diego answered the phone with a nasty and suspicious "hello" like a thug. He got excited about offering me twice the normal price for "unlimited" service with no extra costs for scanning. Since then, after I paid, not a single letter was sent to me by email. I phoned in June and another Latino woman answered the phone with the same wary and nasty "Hello" with no business or professional demeanor. I had to ask if this was the mail service I was paying for, she hesitated and said "yeah". I asked where Diego was, she said there is no Diego here and I don't know a Diego. I then told her I had opened my account with him, she then told me that he no longer worked there but worked for another Mail Hub office in another location in Miami (I phoned that location and was told that he was busy and to phone in three hours or the next day in order to reach him, which meant he was not working for any of these services and they just did what they always did, which was to lie and then keep me waiting indefinitely to get any kind of lying service).


This woman told me that I had gotten three letters. I asked her why I was not electronically informed of the mail. She said nothing but told me she would scan the letters. She scanned (crooked, barely able to read) three pages of one letter. I sent another two emails asking her about the other two letters, and got no response. 

I gave up because of the endless violence being inflicted upon me by the terrorist teleporting celebrities and all the hate surrounding me and the sickness in my body they all forced upon me. I have only a small amount of energy in my body to deal with all this stress and the years of it ongoing day and night with no support or any kind of legitimate legal protection I can't just fight endless while my internet is blocked from all access to basic services and correct information.


I sent another email yesterday, the third time I have requested information which should have been immediately sent to me via email notification, as this is the service I paid twice the normal rate for. I have gotten no response.

I could phone them, but it's so exhausting to deal with people with hate in their voices lying to me over the phone. I don't know if I will be completely screwed over, but I was told by this woman that the next time I want to renew this service I would have to pay the same double price for the annual service but this time including extra for any copies they may send.

I remain without any kind of mail service except for what these minions are informed to send me by the corrupticians who are backing all this tyrannical obstruction of my finances and life, with every kind of dangling threat to my life as a result. If I miss my mail it could completely destroy my life as I must respond immediately to various agencies should they send me letters notifying me of immediate action required. 


I don't know what to do. I am still healing from the poisons that have come out in the last two months because the poisoning was somewhat stopped 2 months ago for the first time in decades (or not as much poison as before which made me semi-paralyzed every day; I remain semi-paralyzed and sick every day still. I used to be a very strong athletic person and they have rendered me completely paralyzed in every facet of life--this is a financial and mail block to my life in addition to the physical and economical and of course a block to simply sleeping in peace and living in peace.


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