Monday, September 5, 2022

Lessons in "How to Play the Game". Not funny or fun but having-a-thrilling good ole boys time abusing and using/killing and raping/plundering and exploiting blast of violence fascists & Teleportation terrorism: proving once again, the MAGA actors Trump puppetry and fascist overtake (with the Europigapes in the background instructing them on fascist Nazi protocols) proving as always that they are NOT FUN and not FUNNY whatsoever. Their antics are based on the premise that they are entitled to endless monopolizing the industry, with the promise from the bipartisan political buffoonary of fascist bringers-on of the next wave of the 4th Reich into overt appearance without the frills of pretense--the aim of the outright MAGA proponents. Their entire paradigm is being indoctrinated into the minds of the viewers by the skanks and violent expletives of Whorewood, GmbH, Ltd you all call your "celebrity" "beautiful" heroes of salvation for your apathetic lackluster ability to analyze and understand (this is for the viewers and the fans who may be persuaded to begin to rethink their initial assumptions about how sexually grandiose these celebrities really are. I was teleported to another mind-manipulation of oppression, racist hate, and injustice aimed at deflating any sense of self in myself. It is years of this ongoing without a single person intervening to stop this from Congress, but only sleaze politicians rushing to get their private pleasures out of the promotions available. How disgusting to have seen the Speaker of the House and a complete array of former presidential candidates from the Democratic Party (2016) who are overtly fascist and disgusting and violent and absolutely soldiers of fascism when they get a chance to pump their hate into the target who is not compliant to the technocratic fascism and slavery they are really endorsing in this contract.

"The controversial photo album showing the smiling assassins of Auschwitz". SBS Dateline. June 10, 2019.


Their every action is to block my access in this form of discrimination and oppression of my spirit and abilities. Just the act of typing is so fraught with disruptions and my body is so attacked by the microchip implants so my fingers literally can't move to the keys when I try to press them (or the "pulsed" remote technological attacks aimed at shutting down various targeted regions of my brain so I can't move, my motor skills are afflicted, my cognitive processes are diminished into a ranting hyper-emotional rant by the end of every post I fight to pound out),.


Last night after having written my post about how not funny the celebrities are--because after I wrote my post about my Uncle's comedy and the H-wood "Golden" years of family-sitcom and socio-political revelations for the "Positive"--I got a slew of videos of the celebrities on my YouTube page "playing" with their screaming and laughing children--they were above the average of having "fun" they were akin to hyper-excited and playful in a way that was theatrical and hysterically laughing in a way that seemed pretentious but constructed. It hit a spot in me like a target trigger--of the children of the rapists--their partners in this endless violence against me, as the ever-lengthening list of celebrities never dwindles but in fact grows on a monthly basis. Their children are being taught that they are entitled to having people to torture, rape and steal ideas from and then crush them like candy when they are threw with them (sic). 

The rotten creep children of the rapists for the past decade--your (sleazy) rapist "romantic" lead men--two white males and their endless rotating concentric circular swarm of lessor celebrities vying for jockeying in this lucrative contract--of rape, abuse and etc. Just as a little aside, yesterday I saw that Tiffany H. was accused of molestation of a minor--or rape, along with some other woman. This is one of the minority minions who has completely performed her role in assaulting me, using anti-Semitism as her platform. When I hissed at her in rage (in teleportation, not really able to hide or disguise my emotions while I am in that state) she laughed and said, "Yes" to my accusations that she is enabling rape and racism--and does she agree with this really?--to which he laughed and glowed with joy and almost shouted "yes" and then later that year was put into various awards red carpet and was promoted without end. Her legal accusations of raping or sexually abusing some other woman is undoubtedly a "rite of passage" into the halls of sleaze that are part of the indoctrination and ritualistic rites of passage into the Whorewood "elite". When I watch them playing with their children--like the rotten spawn that was spewed out by Depp and now Pitt and his rotten ugly wife--who made sure in this injustice to mutilate and poison my body so poison remained stuck in my intestines while I was tortured non-stop--a shock to my immune system, creating collapse, my skin breaking down as they smeared poison on my skin and inserted objects under my skin (every night for years) poisoned my food and then stole ideas I screamed out in rage as they glowed and fed off the violence and the hormones of sexualized ecstasy that they then emit in their every fake appearance of being benign social protectors of the "weak" and mostly--for the skank women, as "feminists" as two women who participated in the rape and mutilation and poisoning and theft of ideas have become "ambassadors" of feminist ideology after--AFTER--they tortured me in order to extract these ideas which I studied and they have not. AS a result feminism is on the brink of collapse as abortion and all kinds of equality is "on the chopping block" by the MAGA organization which really only wants an "elite" group to control all with everyone underneath them either compliant to stepping down and back in obsequious deference (even if they get promoted in having done so, but always as an inferior and always a supplicant to the fascist bigots posing as "godlike" fascist pig-sniffing-the-air elitists for their photo-ops).


Keeping in this tradition of breaking down any attempt for me to fight back, in teleportation, their favorite new tool and stepping stone break-your-body and bank-account tool for those they target--they had me "playing" some stupid game of "cards" but it was plastic bags I was shifting around, and I was told that this was "fun" as I made jokes and I "lost" in the last round and tried to laugh and have fun with it as it was a "game" as I was instructed--don't know exactly what the hypnosis entailed but it was most definitely of minion worship for blonde bigot pig ape culture. Suddenly there was a blonde woman in her 20's-30's--excessively groomed with expensive clothing and looked like she had decades of beauty treatments behind her. She had cards in her hands and not plastic bags which were in disarray, as they had with me in this "game". She said with this "confidence" that was scripted and she was of course told what to say--for this "power-over" "game" which was nothing short of violent psychological hate and NOT FUN by the way--as they never are, but with their hyper-children they can "play" because they can express their hyper immaturity and lack of restraint--which they have harbored inside as they torture, rape and plunder. You must see photos that have circulated online of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp guards who took photos of a picnic outing they had in the midst of the atrocities--they were laughing in a very glowing exaggerated way--thrilled, huge smiles, playful in a way you NEVER see Germans behaving--like frenetic and frantically glowing with excitement because of all the violence, the stress release, the money and power they were accumulating (which has resulted in Germany controlling the financial EU with all it's resulting punitive austerity measures, for so long and it's a direct result of all this loot they plundered from MILLIONS of people they most brutally massacred). But not really off the point of how much "fun" these filthy and greasy scumbag celebrities and politicians like Cliton are having as fascist Nazi America is showering them with parties alongside their rotten shitty children--all glowing with joy as the violence towards me is NEVER stopped by a single one of these pig ape whores and parasites.


So this rotten not fun blonde woman with long, straight hair looking very polished and wealthy and that she is "entitled" began to state calmly that she always keeps her cards very neatly away and plays and wins--while I sat smiling because I was under hypnosis to "believe" that this was a "fun" game and that it was harmless. This same sort of programming has been ever-present all my life but now I am sick of pig apes like her and the group forcing this endless crap upon me. The entire thing was a contrived power-over "game" which had nothing but hate and no "fun" except for the smirking scum skank who "played" this unfair game upon me, who felt a surge of power and as usual was "glowing" from the hormone "high" she and the rest of the group of crap from Whorewood all obtain--along with their hyper-nasty crappy children--when they are instructed by the US Government and it's endless line-up of politicians and law enforcement personnel that they are being handed all of this so the "game" is always tilted in their favor.

With the endless block of my telecommunications I can't perform a single business transaction-even when I am in the United States and even when I go in person they are ready with terrorists at every single business who take the role of the employee--or operative or government official or they have their network of corrupt cops so I can't ever get legitimate legal protection or support.


Their "game" of not being fun but they are mentally masturbating to every game they play in this fashion--is always that they break and abuse mentally, psychologically, FINANCIALLY and sexually and in every other way their opponent and this mind control technology is one of the tools they are using not only to perform this upon me in their decade of violence that is non-stop (every single night there is hate, death, rape, sexual violence, abuse, insults and humiliations without end as they keep trying to break me completely while politician-after-politician jumps in to see what he or she can obtain out of participation--oh how the Democrats who operate alongside Biden have been more openly hateful and vicious even than Trump--making him appear like a kindly but kind of nasty attacker in comparison to their death threats and screaming hate at me when I just resist even slightly their abuse and threats--which they begin immediately --and like Tiffany Haddish, they get patted on the back and put into  higher levels in the organization of hate and violence and death for their every rape, assault and act of bruality --then they get more attention and more money and more promotions out of it but they are put in front of society as being "bad" which only gets more adulation. Depp is one of the most perfect examples of this. I dare say Elon Musk had a great hand in major mind control operations to push public sentiment away from Heard, (my "theory").


AS they get away with more and more of these crimes, they are laughing and giggling ever more openly like the Nazi guards who were creating ways of murder every day that encompassed the most brutal crimes of murder and dismemberment. They are all being encouraged to have parts of my body mutilated or sliced or cut out or off and they all glow with more energy afterwards. Like those photos of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp, they are playing around (with their not-fun children) who are being trained to become the next generation of parasites upon the planet.


When I wrote yesterday about my (Great) Uncle (brother to my paternal grandfather)-- who had a strong work ethic, ingrained into him by his family and surroundings in New York, perhaps brought-over from Europe (they were 1st Generation or 2nd Americans)--compared to my Hollywood Hills indoctrinated (wanna be eternally slacker) cousin (who actually is something more like a transitional younger generation to my father's age group)--who used me in that H-wood way but not as viciously as the expletives I am now dealing with. My cousin, in fact, warned me about Whorewood and shook his head "no" about the peeps there, but would not elaborate (because he knew we were both under non-stop surveillance). Because my family--my uncle more specifically--represented an "attempt" to unify races, to form a level of understanding between the earlier versions of MAGA (The Archie Bunkers--but NOT FUN OR FUNNY in the modern context) with the Jews, the Blacks and whatever else--who were the outcast, those slated to be crushed like candy as a game--for consumption, to be supplicants to bigot pig apes of 4th Reich outward appearance as part of a global minion army fighting for their promotions by enforcing white supremacy albeit even if in disguise as being "activists" fighting for "equality" (or a chance--just let me abuse your targets and we don't care and will glow with joy and agree to do whatever it takes--thanks Tiffany you just encompassed, as representative, the entire spectrum of sell-out culture. How I hope my teleportation "sessions" have been kept in a videotaped recorded archive so one day perhaps these experiences I fight to elaborate upon with all the obstructions to my keyboard and brain will be backed by real evidence. For now it is just anecdote and part of a blog where I can't even feel safe to compel myself to put my "real name" in this blog--although I mentioned my "uncle" using his name, so discovery of who I am will be a no-brainer to anyone doing research, should that ever happen in connection to this blog or this subject matter, which is of such CRITICAL IMPORTANCE AND IT IS NOT A GAME and it is not fun).


To try to re-connect the dots that were lost--as I fought to try to post the video (above) I realized I had not "finished" my thought about my cousin--the brain-altering technology just blocks my ideas. 

Let me finish: my uncle and his group represented an attempt to connect the disparate groups into a discussion that was centered around comedy--done so extremely well by the actors in All in the Family--. My family later on was targeted, I believe, by the fascists of H-wood because of exactly this desire to unify the opposing sides of racist divide. They want endless splitting/divide-and-conquer to reign as one of their prime operating principles of tearing down in order to build up their power structure with bowing slaves who are told they are "free" but only if they obey and do what they are told to adulate the bigots who are by rote supposed to be entitled by automatic assumption without having to really compete against anyone outside of their "entitled" group. I tried to say that this mind control system and embedded technology, remote mind control blanking out of function and capability of the brain, and all their manufactured (by the Governments of the world) in order to establish a one-party rulership that appears diverse and multi-racial (so they can diffuse any claims of racism--ie. the Ukrainian leader Zelinskyy is pointed at as being "Jewish" and therefore he certainly cannot ever support any kind of fascist Nazism in Ukraine that people like Putin are accusing him of doing. This type of black and white reasoning for public brainwashing consumption was so rife at the onset of the conflict beginning in March when these claims of Ukraine Nazism were put into the mainstream media to dispute.

But it's just another tactic and use of a manipulated political theater--as I have written so often, this "program" (which is tied to pograms of the past) is to inflict me or any "minority" with Nazi blonde ideology iconography worship and to intermarry with a "handler" pig ape with blonde hair or "fair" complexion only to be manipulated, perhaps slowly poisoned or abused to death albeit so slowly it appears like quickening of aging process---as filthy pigalina and pig pit have been forcing upon me with endless insults to how I look ast they have kept poisoning and abusing me non-stop--day and night--

but this is how they "play" and it's not for "fun". The "game" last night--or this morning, where every single thing was "rigged" in favor of the pig ape Nazi who was so smug and glowing with satisfaction is no less of the hormone high you can see in the photos of the Nazi guards above--thrilled with the injustice, feeding off abuse and torture and suppression and oppression--laughing and smug and glowing and sexualized and glowing with hormones of highs from murder, rape, torture and theft--psychological trauma that remains as the prime time indoctrination that these pig apes from Whorewood are now dancing with their little spawn children because they know that their "game win" is assured and people like me are just going to be endlessly tortured in their deep healing sleep state and abused by their terror operations--ideas can be pumped out through thought-reading technology and poison and drugs administered through meals and injections and fake prescription pills and etc to the people they want incoherent enough to appear somnolent but also zombiesque enough to walk and talk as if they are just not capable. That is the state they have also mostly forced upon me, but claim they are inherently superior after all this poisoning and drugging that has been non-stop for decades to quell my every attempt at having any single thing. I remain nearly homeless and always on the brink of being put in jail for things I have never done--their favorite "minority" diffusion of power game-and microchipped so I can't sing, talk or think clearly expecially when they are attacking me.


But back to my cousin--he was attacked in Whorewood and basically "fled" to Portland, probably assuming it would be hip and alternative and not fascist and outright nasty racist like the H-wood Hills and LA in general. Instead, as I know very clearly, it's just a pretentious granola type of fascism that appears as being "liberal" in Portland and the racism is very strong in that place--despite all the social programs put in place. It's just a more "mellow" version of hyper-nasty LA. My cousin used this attack system upon me in order to be granted some kind of re-entrance into LA and thus he got his inheritance--oddly very shortly my Great Aunt died after he had attacked me--he got loads of money and abandoned his photography studio in the very wealthy area of the Pearl District (he lived in the more elaborate neighborhoods--always with wealth at his disposal). I was at his disposal as well and creeps from LA converged upon me when I went to his photography openings--by invitation. Nazis and fascists out of LA coming to re-instate the "threat" to the hate divide that they are always creating in the media in order to keep the "Civil War" looming as a threat in order to divide and conquer and slash all hopes of integration between opposing factions within the US. Only if you obey, serve and attack for the "master" will you be "allowed" to enjoy the status that Tiffany Haddish is now "enjoying" after having suffered being nearly homeless in Los Angeles and has "learned her lesson" in how to "play the game" for "fun".

Sunday, September 4, 2022

I'm not writing my posts to or for any of you out of Whorewood, inc along with the creep politicians involved. I am writing this as a testament and as a record of this experience and crime. I write for posterity I write as resistance I write to relieve stress from your endless violence against me that is never stopped--not by you s-head creeps out there whose movies and crap I could really not give a damn about.

Imagine...IMAGINE IMAGINE what my (Great) Uncle would have done with today's MAGA movement if he were still writing/ producing socio-political satire tv shows for H-wood---would he get death threats for his comedy I wonder?




 1987You Can't Take It with You (TV Series) (executive script consultant - 1 episode)
Episode #1.10 (1987) ... (executive script consultant)
 1979-1980Archie Bunker's Place (TV Series) (script consultant - 24 episodes)
A Small Mafia Favor (1980) ... (script consultant)
Veronica's Ex (1980) ... (script consultant)
Van Ranseleer's Operation (1980) ... (script consultant)
Father and Daughter Night (1980) ... (script consultant)
Archie Fixes Up Fred (1980) ... (script consultant)
 1976-1979All in the Family (TV Series) (script supervisor - 70 episodes)
Too Good Edith (1979) ... (script supervisor)
The Return of Stephanie's Father (1979) ... (script supervisor)
The Family Next Door (1979) ... (script supervisor)
Edith Gets Fired (1979) ... (script supervisor)
Stephanie's Conversion (1979) ... (script supervisor)
 1968-1971Here's Lucy (TV Series) (script consultant - 72 episodes)
Lucy Goes Hawaiian: Part Two (1971) ... (script consultant)
Lucy Goes Hawaiian: Part One (1971) ... (script consultant)
Lucy and Carol Burnett (1971) ... (script consultant)
Lucy and Aladdin's Lamp (1971) ... (script consultant)
Lucy's House Guest, Harry (1971) ... (script consultant)
 1968Carnival Nights (TV Special) (script supervisor)
 The Lucy Show (TV Series) (script consultant - 84 episodes, 1964 - 1968) (script advisor - 8 episodes, 1966 - 1967)
Lucy and Sid Caesar (1968) ... (script consultant)
Lucy and the Lost Star (1968) ... (script consultant)
Lucy Helps Ken Berry (1968) ... (script consultant)
Lucy and Phil Harris (1968) ... (script consultant)
Lucy and the Stolen Stole (1968) ... (script consultant)
 1966Vacation Playhouse (TV Series) (script consultant - 3 episodes)
My Son, the Doctor (1966) ... (script consultant)
The Hoofer (1966) ... (script consultant)
My Lucky Penny (1966) ... (script consultant)
 1962-1964The Joey Bishop Show (TV Series) (script consultant - 53 episodes)
Joey and the Andrews Sisters (1964) ... (script consultant)
Joey and Milton and Baby Make Three (1964) ... (script consultant)
Joey Meets Edgar Bergen (1964) ... (script consultant)
Double Play from Foster to Durocher to Joey (1964) ... (script consultant)
Zsa Zsa Redecorates the Nursery (1964) ... (script consultant)
Hide HideWriter (14 credits)
 Archie Bunker's Place (TV Series) (story by - 2 episodes, 1979) (teleplay by - 1 episode, 1979) (written by - 1 episode, 1979)
Barney's Lawsuit (1979) ... (story by)
The Cook (1979) ... (teleplay by)
Building the Restaurant (1979) ... (story by)
Archie and the Oldest Profession (1979) ... (written by)
 All in the Family (TV Series) (written by - 17 episodes, 1975 - 1979) (teleplay by - 3 episodes, 1975 - 1979) (story by - 2 episodes, 1977)
"All in the Family" Retrospective (1979) ... (written by)
Barney the Gold Digger (1979) ... (teleplay by)
The Appendectomy (1979) ... (written by)
California, Here We Are: Part 2 (1978) ... (written by)
California, Here We Are (1978) ... (written by)
 Here's Lucy (TV Series) (created by - 144 episodes, 1968 - 1974) (written by - 28 episodes, 1968 - 1973)
Lucy Fights the System (1974) ... (creator - uncredited)
Where Is My Wandering Mother Tonight? (1974) ... (creator - uncredited)
Lucy Carter Meets Lucille Ball (1974) ... (creator - uncredited)
Lucy and Phil Harris Strike Up the Band (1974) ... (creator - uncredited)
Mary Jane's Boyfriend (1974) ... (creator - uncredited)
 1971The Jimmy Stewart Show (TV Series) (story - 1 episode)
Pro Bono Publico (1971) ... (story)
 The Lucy Show (TV Series) (written by - 16 episodes, 1964 - 1968) (teleplay by - 1 episode, 1968) (writer - 1 episode, 1967)
Lucy and the Lost Star (1968) ... (written by)
Lucy and the Stolen Stole (1968) ... (written by)
Lucy Gets Involved (1968) ... (teleplay by)
Lucy and Viv Reminisce (1968) ... (written by)
Lucy Sues Mooney (1967) ... (written by)
 1965Vacation Playhouse (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode)
Down Home (1965) ... (writer)
 1964The 36th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (written by)
 The Jack Benny Program (TV Series) (written by - 32 episodes, 1951 - 1961) (written for television by - 5 episodes, 1953 - 1955) (writer - 1 episode, 1959)
New Year's Eve (1961) ... (written by)
Autolight (1959) ... (writer)
Jackie Gleason Show (1955) ... (written for television by)
Jack Is a Contestant (1955) ... (written by)
Jack Takes the Beavers to the Fair (1955) ... (written by)
 1961The Danny Thomas Show (TV Series) (story consultant - 2 episodes)
The Whoopee Show (1961) ... (story consultant)
You Can Fight City Hall (1961) ... (story consultant)
 1959Sunday Showcase (TV Series) (1 episode)
 The Milton Berle Show (TV Series) (6 episodes, 1958 - 1959) (written by - 1 episode, 1958)
April Fool's Day (1959)
Eydie Gorme, Walter Pidgeon (1958) ... (written by)
 1941Ice-Capades (additional dialogue - as Shavelson and Josefsberg)


Imagine...IMAGINE IMAGINE what my (Great) Uncle would have done with today's MAGA movement if he were still writing/ producing socio-political satire tv shows for H-wood---would he get death threats for his comedy I wonder?
Of course---I--I "can't" make any jokes and "boy" I would love to do so--I could think of a lot of jokes about certain people in a group which sorta rhymes with SAGA---but...I get death threats for jokes, and so I only write hyperbolic hate rants calling them pig apes--my best joke for my personal entertainment---they are only satisfied if I sound like I am on the brink of a nervous breakdown in utter rage and hate--but if I make a joke (perhaps it's in my "genes") they become infuriated and there is torture--but if my PROFESSIONAL uncle were alive today and kickin' it in H-wood what a field day he would have with that SAGA MAGA...

"Produced by...."

"All in the Family--HD with lyrics". Lennie72. August 13, 2013.


"...Written by..."

"The Lucy Show/Lucy and Phil Silvers/SO5E13/Classic Comedy TV". November 23, 2021.


..and you have to know/understand how much my (great) Uncle's Brooklyn upbringing brought about this sketch in racist "understanding" but especially Jewish jokes-----Just as a little aside--or memory--driving with my bro's and sisters and parents from Champaign to NYC--taking I76 through corn fields and then hills and then mountains and then a black haze in the distance--NEW YORK!! Crossing bridges--(this was all done 2x per year during my childhood) and only to sit through endless lunches and dinners at restaurants in Great Neck or in Manhattan to hear an endless round of Jewish jokes and then gossip about people who I had no knowledge of--Fidgeting and waiting for hours as my parents and grandparents "argued" lovingly about who was going to pay the check finally after the 6th course meals where I was just dying to get up and do something else for the 3 hours it took for all this commiseration about jokes and gossip--it was not funny--but when hearing it portrayed for just about 3 minutes by my Uncle who also obviously grew up with the same Jewish joke routine for his life in Brooklyn growing up--perhaps an entire culture that very few know about but it was portrayed here in this clip; where it's immortalized and actually hilarious in a comedy clip--it's funny as Hell--as long as it lasts for about 3 minutes!"...Written by..." 

"Archie Bunker's Eulogy--Stretch Cunningham--All in the Family". Anthony Trendl. January 24, 2013. 


"M.C. Hammer--U Can't Touch This". MC HAMMER. February 24, 2009.

p.s. the sleazy dumb stuff that is cranked out nowadays just can't touch these very extraordinary talents of these "golden years" and that includes the expletives who laugh about rape and torture who dance around and then TRy to imitate things like Lucille Ball--dumb and rotten personality who has no inkling of that era or that sentiment or that feel--not even from this country--can't touch this (fool)---(also so not funny in every scene just stupid--it was a "reward" for participating in this mind control torture/enslavement tyranny--proving how much any incompetent celluloid product cranked out with tons of $ fascist funding gets "awarded" but is just so meritless nevertheless--no one is watching this crap after it "won"---it's just collecting dust in the circular bin of antiquity---of lost and forgotten bad movies that won top awards due to skanks who sucked up to the not funny who hold out a lot of money---$$--for everything scummy---if you are just sleazy and chummy with their scam--but when I watch these clips I remember when there was a time when there actually was real entertainment and not hate and sleaze mind programming pumped out to the public--So Whorewood, watch these clips and you must least in terms of comedy and political satire---(but in terms of hate, violence, death, murder, and racist ideology you are superlative programmers in your porn publicity propagandized grandized---


My uncle was no superhero "Golden Days" innocence out of H-wood making light-hearted comedy with underlying darker strains of political commentary. His son, whom I spent some time with when I lived in Portland (Oregon) was fully into the gang stalking terrorism, albeit in a "familial" way, which was participatory and as usual for all who are involved--selfishness, greed, sleazy exploitation underneath a lying facade of fake friendly overtures were the features that I recognized but only in retrospect, after I realized the extent of this problem that has plagued my life for all of my life. The patterns are as repetitive as the seasons but this is like global warming with only one season, and one single protocol of behavior that all follow--if you follow what I am trying to convey. Everyone acts alike, there are no variances and it is only the season of terrorism whenever people gather to attack me, regardless of the actual season. Regardless of socioeconomic status, gender, race, educational level, financial attainment, regardless of relationship status or seemingly in a "love" relationship everyone has this strain of hate that they must force upon someone else--and they all follow all the directions. I mean all of you are following instructions and have no personal identities despite being famous for performing as if you are original and unique.

I believe Steven was helpful towards me, but not sure. His friends out of Los Angeles surrounded me when I attended some of the photography openings during the "First Thursday" art walk in the Pearl District (Portland). They were predatory, as you all are. They wore designer clothing. They drugged me and when I spoke they scoffed at it--one of them attacked me in a way that was like some sleazy exploit--I was so drugged I should not be held accountable for reacting and participating. My cousin organized it all. He told me that he had some problems with some people in LA, but after attacking me, apparently he was suddenly able to obtain what he had really wanted--but claimed that his financial status was weak and poor for the interviews that Portland offered as explanation for why his studio was closing. He was given an inheritance--part of the residue from my Uncle's estate that his mother (not my relation but married to my Uncle) was holding, sort of like in escrow, so that Steven would stop trying to remain a skate punk all his life (surfer junkie) and get a real job, which he did. After he received his inheritance and his mother died, his entire contact with me stopped--so it was my Uncle's influence that got Steven to support me but what little support he did give was tainted with attacks at every invitation--to the level of being very nasty and criminal. Like all of you, he believes he is "entitled" to doing this to me (or anybody he can get away with this crime who is not being supported by anyone or any legal entity and silenced--as you all want to happen to people forced into this situation so you can always have a replenishment of people to attack and then press a button or get your network to silence them and you can all go off playing with your little kiddies and displaying what fun and gregarious kindly people you all are--(not).
MY uncle, the one and only time I ever met him in a cognizant state (my parents got divorced when I was one years old) so he may have visited me when I lived for one year in NYC and my father's family all paid their respects to my father along with my other family members (me in a crib perhaps).

Despite being a significant personality in H-wood who put out tv shows and comedy that weren't reliant,--as most of the bs you all put out--on murder, sexuality, gyration, sexual exposure, hints of sexuality, overt sexuality, murder, plots about killing or revenge--even in so-called comedy which is the modern trend--the same programming it seems--and the comedies I see usually involve a lot of programming involving race. As you can see, my Uncle's output dealt with inter-racial couples and issues surrounding racism, but in comedic form. The hate and sexuality and violence was omitted and the content is packed with thrills and interesting adventures in thought without having to rely on these tricky plot devices. Not following formulas, as you all do. This ties in with all following the one seasonal program protocol of being exactly as sick and violent as all your other partners in this crime. Formula plots and formula plot devices and endless repetition in terms of lack of personality.
To this extent, and to this point only have I referred to my uncle. Otherwise, although I can only ascertain the extent of the hostility my uncle may have aimed at me (he was excited and overly friendly towards me, he focused the entire visit of my brother, sister, my mother and me in their Hollywood Hills mansion or home--and talked really only to me. He made a lot of jokes and kept trying to "sell" my cousin Steven to me--and in fact that influenced me into having made contact with Steven in the first place at least 30 years later. I am glad I hung with Steven in some places of my soul, but otherwise, his behavior now is of absolute negation of me--and that was only after the last vestige of my Uncle and his wife, who obviously was sharing this concern and comfort aimed at me, was relinquishing the last hold she had on Steven, which was the dangling inheritance that he got after she passed and so did all my contact with me. The year and a half I lived in Portland after I had been there, left and lived in Miami for a little short time (year and a half as well) and once his mother didn't have that hold upon him any longer, so went his "obligation" to me. But my uncle still was trying to push my cousin onto me and this I believe was his intention: to get his lackadaisical kinda spoiled H-wood brat pack son into instant recognition by the 4th Reich power structure by exploiting me. 30 years later he did just that and got some LA creeps to kind of harass me when I was at his studio just enjoying the art exhibit. They attacked me there, he profited off it. As for the Los Angeles H-wood Hills mentality--the rotten children of so many of the predatory violent people who have tortured and maimed and permanently damaged my body all have their little crappy (shitty) children participating in attacking me. This is a never-ending series of shitty children with their even more shitty parents from Whorewood attacking me--now for decades non-stop.
My uncle was an original and didn't rely on the formulas for making his truly unique art which also is so much more politically correct than stand-up vulgarity that passes as "politically correct" commentary and jokes on the state of racism. The jokes are really unique and witty, in a way that is gone from H-wood completely in terms of the type of work that is coming out. It's also of a very hokey kind of traveling circus style of joking perhaps for the one-liners that went along with vaudeville comedy--(my Uncle born in 1911).

The times have changed, but the terrorism and gang stalking has only gotten more vicious. Little children of terrorists cavorting around while the psychopath parents are thrilled because they can commit all kinds of violence and get paid for it as being "elite" and "glamorous" and "beautiful" and "most talented" is just odious, not fun not funny the children are just part of the systematic problem, so it would seem. There are no or perhaps a tiny percent of the spawn who actually have been trained to think that these types of crimes are anathema, instead they are stepping-stone opportunities. If my uncle was pushing this like a drug pusher to his then surfer dude slacker son and 30 years later that same dude attacked me using this system so he could get out of "work" and his mother just up and died, releasing him from his obligation to act like a "Mensch"--a real person, perhaps even like a real man.

All the pc stuff my Uncle cranked out escapes me, and I rarely if ever have watched his shows. It's like a few days ago when that "Freedom & Democracy" platitudinal speech by Biden was so contentious because it was so scripted patriotic. Hum de-dum I listened and then got sickened a bit; I listened and just blanked out and turned off the lecture because it's so unbelievable, knowing what I know about also Biden's complicity in this matter of this endless torture and hate aimed at me, unjustly I may add. Same with these "pc" shows my uncle put out. Same with the bs you participants and financial partners with these terrorists who have nearly cut all the blood vessels to my fingernails and toes from nightly slicing into these thin and fragile areas of my body; severing out part of my uterus; having my hair PERMANENTLY fall out with huge balding patches on my scalp that half a year of trying to heal it has not succeeded in bringing back; my skin slathered with damaging chemicals so the skin integrity is blotched and looks like chemicals have burned into my skin; nightly rape while teleported and then also by the creeple terrorists breaking into my room--killing animals I have taken in and loved; stealing my cat, which was like taking away my last family member; making my home so toxic that it was another murder attempt; poisoning me slowly to death; all of this and so much more for over a DECADE just by the whorewood psychopath association along with the political satire joke that runs the country; so many more attacks I can't begin to list them; all ordered by the pig ape pieces of shit you all party with in your orgy mansion in Whorewood, all following the protocols and all laughing afterwards with your little kiddies and friends believing you are far and above all law and only entitled to do whatever the f you want to anyone who you can commit such crimes against and of course get exonerated by the MAGA politicians (including Cliton and her ilk) who also participate. What a jolly good time you are all having also hacking into my writing and putting your bs on my social media.


Friday, September 2, 2022

Cognitive dissonance: Middle-of-the-night rumination about ruin and regeneration. Ruminating about the celebrities who somehow have finally been pried off teleporting me and the weird (not in a good way) world they inhabit but how they haunt the real world with false promises like bad entities luring the gullible into chasms of despair of unattainable paradise. Underneath is a tarmac where crushed bodies lie in symbolic rot without burial; the crimes committed fester and the psychopathy becomes a promotional stepping stone for performance upgrade. //The DSM IV-TR is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders--4th Edition (Revised). personified as programming for exemplary celluloid celebrity political status--my Criminal Justice studies seem like an alternative universe and the planet is being programmed into psychopathic mental disorders by the celebrity planet hellwood complex.

"DSM IV TR Explained--Vita Creativity Company". Cavin Weber. September 21, 2012.


"Narcissistic Personality Disorder Diagnostic Criteria (DSM IV TR)". August 13, 2010.


I have a hard time sleeping. I am always detoxing. The poison that was put in my body all my life was stuffed with various amphetamines, I am certain of that. As the detox reaches the very lower depths of the hard shell laced and cemented into my spine/intesines, etc that have been stuck, hard and making me sick, semi-paralyzed and etc for decades--I find I can't sleep. The amphetamines are coming out;  It is middle of the night. I tell myself to get to work but I am too ill to move most of the time. I find that my energy is wan in the morning until evening and once it reaches mid-night I am awake and ready for a party. It takes me literally ALL DAY to heal from the nightime of being re-drugged by the terrorist organization and I am tired and sick of being sick and tired. ( I must add that hacking once again prevails, the keyboard is mostly inoperable but I am capable of writing very slowly/pounding out/backspacing/etc and thinking of course is blocked the usual continues/obstruction.)


As this is my personal "party" time of the late night, unable to sleep, I just was sick and I am always getting this poison out of my body--I'm always either too sick to move or eliminating poison and feel like I just was artificially pumped up in artificial energy because of the drug cocktail that was lacing the hardening/bloating poisons (to keep the "mind control drugs" endlessly inserted into my nervous system and of course to destroy my body and eventually kill me through some "idiopathic" life-threatening "disease" and my "disability" status which was, like everything else that is problematic in my life, due entirely to the attacks upon me and not my any natural deficiency or "disability" I caused or was born with.


I am looking at the celebrities who tortured me for years on my internet "social hour" because it is fascinating to see them now that they are not a direct threat to my life any longer for this brief moment--I am sure they are lurking around and being handed more deals out of this contract but the main perpetrators at this point are the mafia and the senator who is trying to use and exploit me to circumvent having to testify...(if you are up on the current news you know who...!). It is amazing that my situation has remained a kind of top secret amongst the seriously deranged people who are at the pinnacle of a power system that is ultimately devastating the planet in so many ulterior ways--maybe their particular contributions are trivial compared to the toxic waste of huge refineries or other factors--but they "represent" these factions who choose these mostly psychopathic personalities to have zero emphatic human personality traits solely for their trained and coached perceived ability to convey such sentimentality in ways that are entertaining. People prefer fantasy to reality, and that is what they are selling. The real thing they are selling is a death cult culture. They are the MAGA actors guild but sold as products of a "Democratic" fairness and equality facade.


I am looking at some of them and because they are NOT teleporting me at this time, such a relief, I can look at them without their continual harassment and hate asking me if I thought them as equivalent to divinity and utmost beauty and talent after I clicked on something they were presented in. I see them, and always have, as human beings not exalted--I was brainwashed to a huge extent concerning one of them who I initially disliked extremely for about a decade and then under the stress of being a target I found the fantasy of his character as being somehow "alternative" extremely appealing--as the "real" alternative culture posed hypocrisy and a threat (to my life, ultimately) as there are so many fakes involved in each and every "liberal" or "alternative" "subculture" group or entity. All has been co-opted by this most fascist organization and all must point in the same direction but get acceptance for wearing alternative fashion---in effect.


I can look at them for the first time in years without the ensuing violence they inflict upon me, because for one thing their endless violence against me has made me detest them, so seeing them in any clip, click or photo or movie isn't exactly wonderful an experience I hardly view any of them as being exemplary human beings after their sleazy and violent rape and torture of me only for their sleazy upgrade in their career potential: and also of course for their own personal dysfunctional needs or bigotry or hate or sexism or whatever labels they cling to as their secret desired hate pockets which they can pull out of a drawer in their pants and stick back into the hole protruding and keep all their hate in that warm, safe spot for the next time they pull it out to inflict and fling it upon me.


They actually believe and from all the millions of "fans" they are convinced that they have every entitlement and right and are some and so elite that torturing me for YEARS without end, stealing ideas from me, having me beaten, poisoned to the point of my body disintegrating and being bloated and sick as they insulted everything about me, every day, for years--(and it's still ongoing with subliminals I can hear all kinds of hate sentences and abuse phrases coming non-stop--it's completely never-ending at the subliminal but at the edge of slight hearing capability--it's like "whispers" but is of an eerie and sickening quality in my "inner ear"--the sickening and creepy is all this organization is all about, despite their icons who are ingrained with the concept that their celebrity status makes them on par with a pantheon and they are "gods" or "royalty".


If you studied their behavior and put it into a Criminal Justice categorization, they would instead be pathological, border-line disorder, psychopathy/sociopathic and many other assorted deviations from the "Social Contract". They have, indeed, altered the "social contract" in the duration of this ever-present situation of me being teleported and have helped to install what is now being overtly called a fascist overtake and corruption of Democracy--the very government is now on the brink of a fascist elitist Nazi overtake--but the media pundits call it something just MAGA which is supposed to be synonymous with all things corrupt and fascist. 

However, these celebrities are ever and always exempt from any scrutiny from the media except for gossip about their sexual proclivities or "beefs" amongst one another. This is perhaps how they are imbued with the sense of absolute invulnerability and that feeds into the psychopathy they always exhibit when they teleport me. That they are never held to account, are given these technologies in order to project into the consciousness of the world a sense of psychopathic exemption from law, giving them the appearance of fascist elitism albeit packaged in a "humanitarian" and "cool" guise is part of an elaborately designed mind programming "scheme"--if you will give me leeway to write a "conspiracy theory".


I see them in their posturings, their huge smiles after years of causing misery, endless fighting for my life, mutilation of my body, home, my animals as they sauntered off smug and being paraded with applause afterward--


But if I looked at any movie, any photo of them, they would immediately teleport me to violence afterwards--I usuaully responded that I could not stand them or their movies and explained why--they then tortured me and "punished" me for not responding like a typical screaming fan yelling in approval of everything without any consciousness of interpretation or analysis--just dumb approval endlessly saying all they do is great they are more human than gods who are exalted--they slap, rape, kill animals I love or steal them, make my home filthy, mutilate me--all done by their proxy minions, mostly of minority status (including those in their cliques and their seeming "partners")


I can't see them as being exalted. Firstly, I have studied Criminal Justice in grad school and had to read the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition) and had to read about various mental disorders. I also had to read the posts of my fellow classmates, as this was an online course so I got not only my work but also read through what others had studied--(everyone got to pick their own disorder but it was not a random selection, so many disorders were covered).


What's more crazy though? the people exhibiting these behaviors or the society and government which is actively promoting such behavior?


Speaking of which, I see that H. Cliton has been going through the celebrity photo-ops for some movie thing in Venice--and that her celebrity and media coverage has highly increased since she began her vicious assault upon me. AFter her yelling and violence displayed at me (and attacked me just last month alongside Graham) and she's now being featured--and her huge smiles and new fresh plastic surgery and glowing delight--as all these villains have after they torture me and then get promoted like this--and they appear so happy, glamorized, and are so promoted. What underlies all these huge smiles is the psychopathy that makes for this kind of schadenfreude feeding frenzy that pumps up their dopamine and seratonin, makes them glow just like they had huge orgies and were glowing with sexual satisfaction for their prime time photo-ops and joyous jumping around after torture, release of hate and violence upon me and just for that--voila! instant glorification. 


I see now that the politicians who viciously attacked me personally are going to trial because their crimes expanded so exponentially it's now global news. But the celebrities--who truly "beleive" that they are exalted beyond human recognition by now, all these decades of glorified screaming to get a piece of them by the screaming zombies--as they tore and beat and fed off pieces of me for years, every day--pieces of my ideas which they stole and then called me "stupid" and blocked my every attempt to have my own ideas and life put on some reasonable par of life success to having anything but a miserable destitution which they have thoroughly enjoyed forcing upon me then calling me a "loser" for having been forced into this situation-=-as if that is my natural state. They then are pumped up even more by this division and they have gone after me to get pieces of me sliced off (cuts into my body extending to cutting out part of my uterus--cuts into my toes every night for months--destruction of my body, poisoning keeping me paralyzed and sick--I think it's still going on) 

but they were bought off--they were sent away=-and now it's something like some mafia Brooklyn pesonalities and Graham and who else now? But I can look at them, they were handed more prizees more millions they are off with their lovers, friends and family having a great time with all the new deals and prizes--typical of psychopaths absolutely thrilled with what they have been allowed to get away with and then paid for by dear ole boy good ole boy network liberal radical Uncle Scam is promoting psychopathy in teleportation gang stalking systematic programming.


***Please note is is exceedingly difficult for me to type, write or think under the oppression of all these suppressive obstructions to my keyboard, my hands being able to move and my brain being blasted so my cognition is altered or diminished.


Afterthought: It is VERY HARD exceedingly hard difficult for me to write and think clearly---so I have to stop writing, get up, do other things so my brain--out of the brain-zapping zone--can "remember" ideas or think of new ideas. I am so blanked out that in my last post I could not count the most basic simple sums and got the wrong number--it was such a case of my brain being completely blanked from analytic thinking I could not subtract simple sums. The mind control gets my brain "stuck" on the wrong number and it's like I "know" that this is correct. Only to get away from the place or situation and realize that I was completely under some atrocious brain-altering technological tyranny and could not subract something as basic as 70-64--I got the number 4 and that stuck in my brain--I literally was so flabbergasted by this I realize how badly I am always under such similar attack--but I am so busy fighting the hacking it's impossible to even control the cognitive blocks while I am fighting every word to get the letters to print out.


I wanted to say about the above, on the DSM IV TR (that is what I studied in grad school for CRIMINAL JUSTICE) and thus, the categories I studied were only in the first two or so "Axis" and not the broad spectrum of the more physical aspects affecting mind/body/cognition. 

We had to study diagnoses and clinical observations and categories as relating to CRIMINAL behavior. 

What is deemed "elite" status and "entitlement" in the world of psychiatry and criminal justice--for the "poor" for those who are diagnosed by a posse of clinicians is--if you watch the video above--part of an entire categorical enslavement of psychiatric incriminations for the poor, the disenfranchised. When it comes to the "entitled" wealthy and the celebrities, who have and hold more power than politicians when it comes to unaccountability for crimes--they are so exempted that they are above and beyond the measurable exemptions that various politicians "enjoy" in their lofty status. This contract out on me was like a bonanza for people like Hillary Clinton who has latched on in envy because Trump got the contract before she did, and she has some catch-up to do. After her nasty entrance into this fray of violence with the celebrities (and now she's being paraded around on red carpets and etc) after like the criminal (yes, lock her up) she is, she exhibits so many mental disorders but of course--this is grounds for promotion on the part of those who put such people into the power positions. Who are these people anyway? I don't know, I only see the aspirants who appear as the deflecting points of light genuflecting from the emissions of the black holes which direct their energies, which suck them into their gravitational spheres and then hold sway over anyone they can pull into their black holes for mind control programming. The planet threatens to implode on a quickening pace, literally you can see it is on the point of some kind of catastrophic collapse. These are the people responsible for selling this entire larger-than-life selfishness psychopathy and greed cult--call it MAGA if you will. it includes so many of the "radical liberals" so I would not call it MAGA but the media calls it that.


Inculcated psychopathy, but for those who are not included into the ultra white supremacist 4th Reich, these behaviors are deemed mental disorders and put into a category and if possible those who perform such acts are thrown away "to protect society" along with the key to understanding. Those at the top keep selling this type of behavior and are put on red carpets to "thundering applause".


"The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison Overview Part I". September 3, 2020.

You/One can "thank" the sociopath/psychopath couple Clitons for this prison population explosion with their Omnibus Crime Bill--creating the prison-for-profit explosion in the Stock Market and etc....Hillary is no more a criminal than the other politicians who have participated openly in this teleportation torture criminal situation I am the target of (and/or how many others are targets or will become targets the longer all of you just keep allowing this sick technology and group to continue to torment and murder people who are microchipped and teleported and drugged/raped/poisoned/mutilated?).

But there's Hillary at  many H-wood celebrity parties now, after her latest plastic surgery, after having violently attacked me (after she began abusing me, the slicing into my toes began every night for months until it was to the bone, it was cutting off blood flow, I was risking losing my toes, and I had to fight to protect my body while sleeping which I still cannot do). She has been promoted ever since. I thought of this book The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison because I had to study this book as well for a Criminal Justice class--it makes the endless broken record that Bernie Sanders (another sick fake, absolute fascist in sheep's clothing) repeats--this is the real research--peer-reviewed study after study--contemporary not outdated. The website, even if the book was published long ago the website keeps updating articles and research studies. If you compare this book to the cocktail photo celebrity red carpet you can see how this book exemplifies the zeitgeist and the ghost of the shadow that was the United States and a Free World in the promise. What this technology afflicting my life and their greed and violence pumped to huge highs in hormones and status (they are the ones being mind programmed into fascist 4th Reich protocols and disorder "new order" mentality).


The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison (website--the site is no longer taking current submissions and most of the old archives are no longer posted on this page--I was wrong I had looked at the site a few years ago, there were links to many peer-reviewed research articles they are all deleted or gone from the site--this is very suspicious in my opinion. Only links to the book published 20 years ago are included and only a handful of older articles remains--it looks like someone or something took all the relevant current information off this site and the editor is gone or deceased--) //The actual title of the site is: CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY: An International Journal


Paul's Justice Blog


"Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Heaven on Their Minds (Carl Anderson) Eng sub--A. Lloyd Webber". JuanRa Rives. December 13, 2016.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...