Friday, November 11, 2022

A very political post. NOT about the Midterms. An unfriendly "go to hell" requiem dedicated to them via Mozart's Masonic Funeral Music. //Their tyranny is almost worse than that of Putin but truly it's all the same K-rap crap and they are no heroes, artistic geniuses or politically positive defenders of anything but a sleazy and decrepit "elite" system of devouring conquering worms.

"Nine Inch Nails--Head Like a Hole (Official Video). Nine Inch Nails. December 25, 2009.


"MOZART--"Masonic Funeral Music K. 477". NeoClassical. 

This is one of those "hush-hush" subjects that is subject to more torture from the knee-jerk reactionary terrorist fascist 4th Reich expletives attacking me. I refer to Putin, yes that Putin the infamous friend to Trump. When I moved into this condominium here in Phuket, now it's years ago (I think it was around 2017 or 2018)---I got a series of YouTube trigger videos from Russian Prez Putin. It was only just one more famous personality putting his/her videos on my  YouTube channel and Facebook feed page. There were photos of Ivanka Trump with Putin's daughter living it up in the Oligarch wealth living large style. There were photos of someone claiming to be Putin's mistress. There were many videos about Putin and there were RUSSIANS invading this condo and one very tall Russian man who would appear just as I walked past one of the doors in my otherwise vacant hallway who wore black leather during 90+-degree weather to follow me into the elevator (it happened almost every time I walked in or out of the condo to go shopping). There were Russians in the hallways at other times as I returned from shopping and more sprees of Putin photos, videos and etc and commentaries by Trump (the "hander" of my terror contract) about his friendship with Putin. I had to associate all of this with Putin being involved in one way or another with this teleportation/mind control/enslavement contract out on me. 

I have to now associate that nationality with someone who claims they are "fighting" what Putin represents. I will not go as far as to name that person because I have written of that person (and by association I can't imagine how many others are involved) and yet, it's the typical hypocritical duplicity about the public persona "fighting" against evil but when it comes to private pleasures of all the sadistic sexual deviancies they truly are on the same page.

Obviously raping and abusing women (cherry-picking which ones they want to discredit, leaving the Nazified women mostly alone to claim their false superiority because the others are so downtrodden, raped, beaten and abused by this "elite" force of "masterful" rapist "elites"--this form of cherry-picking enemies of The State, whether from the vantage of Putin or the 4th Reich--is something that both Putin and their adversaries belonging to the NATO Europ-a-land alliance all cling to; in particular if these women (and men and children) are unprotected, as targets all become because the system is of isolation for both the former and current Soviet Union System, which is nothing new to Europigapeland or America or anywhere else on the planet. As for my targeting,  I fear out of paranoia it's mostly due to racism.  Upon retrospection, I think that point is untrue as probably if any woman were in my position as some undoubtedly are, they would also be attacked almost on the same trajectory of violence that I have been, no matter what color they appear. There truly is no justification outside of that I don't agree with their premise that they have a "right" to subjugate me and they have formed a universal cartel of criminality disguised as righteous rhetoric and performance to the contrary. Even their mafia celebrities are ordained as entertainers but are as vicious as any underworld thug and indeed they truly are of that ilk. Still nearly worshipped for pr presenting this "freedom" to "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" they are expressly allowed to continue to do almost whatever they want to me. The torture is now so deadly but on a slow drip-scale of poisoning and abuse to death but they are all given carte blanche to do so. I have been utterly abused y one of them for the past 4 weeks, who also is helping me to learn correct posture while I am struggling to get the poison they KEEP inserting into my bladder (or they were, the result is such far-gone damage that I can't tell any longer how much poison they are still inserting into me or whether they have stopped). They are still drugging me nightly and inserting stinking greasy foul dead meat substances into my vagina and/or it's the stinking mess of hard poisons that are making me die internally. No amount of writing begging for help in this regard has resulted in a single politician or entertainer to begin to intervene, I only get more worms coming to devour me in this contract and the list is never-ending widening. This current one is giving life-saving assistance in some kind of health care help, at the same time slowly murdering me with the endless pile-up of abuse that reaches critical mass and is a death sentence never-ending ongoing by now. He's piling it up like the rest of the endless rows of them sitting legs apart in these chairs applauding him in his violence towards me. Once he drugs me via poisoning inserts into my vagina and then assaults me after violence that is killing me--until I "react" due ot the drugging, my sleep or while in the shower state and drugged up, udner deadly assault that never ends, I respond as a human being to stimuls and that opens a portal of exploitation. Immediately this h ateful ugly person begins to insult me and when I tell him his art is fantastic he hisses in hate at me that he doesn't like me. The pig apes who have gone on and on stealing ideas from me and then slowly mjurdeing me, having parts of my body cut out and severed and permanently destroyed as they rake in millions of dollars and years of annual Oscars and awards just from the prizes associated with this contract, pat this nasty ugly man on the back as they all join in on insjulting me after he rapes me and I respond in a positive and evden loving way--while drugged up, under constant threat of death, while unconscious or semi-conscious or my consciousness put into an altered state. Politician after politician has come to first ask me for ideas or compliments and t hen they insult and threaten me likewise sitting next to the sick and disgusting celebrities--they all get their media moments and awards for their genres and then they all abandon me to more torture to death. So this next pig ape scumbag I have hit him punched him tried to kick his genitas call him pig tell him I wish him death tell him daily I don't like  him don't want him get off me--he forced this out of me because the stinkiing death coming out of my body (insertions into my vagina to poison and drug me and keep me sick and dying while their protocol is to have me tell them that I love them as they beat, rape and abuse me and steal every single thing from me they could possibly deestroy or take away and then they are promptly promoted into much higher positions in their fields--as I wrote. So under this endles threat of slow murder, which is not going to end whether I submit or not--as I was being murdered while I unintentionally "submitted" and was so drugged I can't explain verbally in this small hacked and brain-manipulated post how badly I cannot think clearly under these circumstances. I write this post because, thankfully, I looked up a recent video of this man who began his escapade of bs regarding Putin. As a man who probably has his mansion in France (he speaks French, obviously lives there and considers himself and is told that due to his classical ballet he's one of the elite nazi white supremacists and behaves like this, with the pig ape whore celebrities who also live in France (but are American) fully sitting there urging him to beat, abuse, insult, rape and when I respond with "love" while sleeping, under hypnosis, under threat, in agony from pain, from a ddecade of non-stop torture while they've all gone out part ying to their promotions immediately after abusing and torturing me and handing me off to the next pig ape piece of shit to continue the endless wearing me down to death--

so I heard this bullshit artist who is really a pu ppet for the Europigape zone, of NATO--speaking "out" against Putin and the war--but obviously doing so because he's a rotten socialite with his roots now in France and of course, is bringing Europigpe fascist elitism into America and all that traditional Medievel peasant-master-slave entitlement brings with it. They abhor me, someone like me from that dreaded race that they have beaten down for 2,000 years, not just 500 years like African-Americans and the slave trade but 2,000 years of their shit and violence until Jews are so weakened and have been so slaughtered that I can't get a single jewish advocate to defend me around the planet. I have much more luck with Blacks in that regard, and only those outside of the bs celebrity entitlement zone, and all of those have viciously attacked me sitting next to their genocidal Holocaust hissing pig ape friends who all are trying their best to behave, dress and talk like French and europigapes like this creep dancer who is so abhorrent to me but he's constantly grabbing me and attacking me and abusing me and I physically can't take any more so I am being brainwashed. His former dancing is like a past life and he's just another rotten disgusting creep feeding off using and exploiting me for his rotten career--and life and debauchery and lack of light, spirit and joy on this planet. i can't get him off me, nor any of them. I write this post today because I heard this con artist descrying Putin and how much he, personally, is so happy to live in America and have "freedom" in my country which he is helping to turn into a fascist Nazi gangstalking State with hate, racism and genocidal and Stazi KGB practices. The ultimate h ypocrite and the pig apes of Whorewood are so thrilled with his very extensive background in these types of human violence aka gang stalking, which the Soviet Union has abounded in since at least the says of Stalin. And voila! His father was a Stalin military type of personality and it's just an apple off the same tree. Great job of bullshit blathering about how wonderful and working and fighting for "freedom" he is in regard to Putin---but what this pig ape really is doing is fighting for the Europigape zone of NATO to expand and especially for him and his piece of shit Europigape ilk to infiltrate and expand into the United States in order to create the Old World system of murder, genocide but hidden and disguised unde "gang stalking" terrorism, a la KGB/Stasi and the Secret Police of the former Soviet Union. So although I have been trying to ignore his videos on my social media, this pig ape along with the rest keep having poisons and drugs inserted into my food, water, vagina and anywhere else they can so I am too drugged up to think. I click on their shitty videos and see them 20 years ago  youthful and beautiful and happy. I don't look at them "now" because I can see that most of them are on a career decline and this contract out on me is a sure way to form an hegemony cartel and monopoly in the media, sponsored by the fascist Nazi 4th Reich which obviously controls politics and Whorewood and the media to such a covert Dark Money degree it's unfathomable. I luckily and finally decided to get out of fantasy-land today and after his endless 20 year old videos about himself when he was still beautiful and looked like he could stil love (and while he's an athlete and can still get it up, as for authentic emotion, thats as flaccid as the stinking intestines they forced into my health system and that stink and rotting death is their filth and vile hate and blackness---I truly want to not succumb to poisoning but after more than a decade of this deadly poison being forced upon me and for many years prior to that,b ut with this endless non-stop abuse I am not going to survive this much longer. Nothing will get a single person "in political or legal" responsibility to ever come to my aid or stop this murder of me. No one will budge an inch and do nay single thing to help me. So I have to write about this now. I got out of fantasy land and brainwashing and looked at this fake and hateful Nazi rotten fuck with fresh eyes because I don't want to be deluded and saw this Europigape rotten personality who I can see any day with a 20 year-old Thai women here in Phuket attacking me in gang stalking. They all have their rotten white supremacist wives somewhere else as they exploit the "minority" women--in Thailnd it's to obtain land but they can only do this by intermarrying with Thai women, for the most part. In Whorewood this contract out on me is almost the same thing, similar in respect. However, because I was being murdered due to me not being a subservient Thai but of my "race" which, unfortunately, has complied with the Nazais in eliminating me--I can't submit to pigs like this so he and they all have been going at me for a decade and I have been fighting for my life for much longer than that. I looked at this ultimate jerk-off and heard his Europigape pawn/puppetry about how he is fighting for America this country he "loves" but absolutely hates me for representing freedom in America--the Freedom is for white Europigapes out of Europigapeland to come and exploit America while shit like the pig pitt and filthalina gang try their best to become Europigape aristocrats of the pre-French Revolutionary type--the kind that were so vicious and violent to their "underlings" that the revolutionaries danced in the streets flowing with the blood of the aristocrats they finally slaughtered. That group has risen and is now trying to take over America. Some of it is the MAGA group, and these actors and these pig apes like this europigape scumbag rapist hater genocidal piece of shit is of that ilk. Behind them all is Trump and this contract he is still using for his promotion by that Nazi alliance that is global. Putin is included in it. I would like to say it's something like The Illuminati--something like a Freemason alliance. I Play Mozart's Masonic Funeral Music for them, for their demise and not mine. At this point my body is rotting internally from their poisoning and violence and repoisoning and non-stop violence. I really prefer them to be exterminated and not me. If only the US Government would not participate in this and would actually also care about Freedom in America and the Constitution none of this would be happening and I would not be in this death wish state towards these rotten creeps. I tell them this every dfay and they just continue and it's by now a running joke to them when I try to kill them and I am so weak they laugh as I try to punch them and strangle them in this teleportation hell that the government--not AOC, not Kinzinger, not Trump, not Graham, not Hillary Clinton, not Jamie Raskin, not "philanthropist" Bloomberg (and look at how much his district just voted for Republicans and I can attest he's a jewish Nazi and a most disgusting example of that most unfortunate trend that is never exposed by the non-Jewish controlled media but in appearances only. None of them does anything but viciously ttack me when I try to write anything on their facebook page they rush to attack me; bloomberg being one of the most nasty of them all. But now I have this Europigape man out of Russia mocking and smirking and raping and abusing and poisoning and helping me to  try to heal--saying and doing sleazy and ugly sexual things while the pieces of shit celebrities then insult me immediately afterwards as this pig ape whore creep dancer glares with ugly sinister eyes (that used to be beautiful) in his attempt to impress the fascist nazis of his cherished Europigapeland fascist cartel--now used as a pawn in the media to "speak for Freedom" against Putin. So far, he's worse than Putin or almost exactly the same when it comes to violations of human rights, but only on this most secretive covert torture situation that I seem the only one to have to deal with or maybe I am just the only one who has withstood so many murder attempts that I actually am dying from it but still fighting. Eventually my body has given out and I have succumbed to the bullshit scum of this creep but thankfully I looked at him as he is now, this year and not when he was beautiful and young and I hear his blathering crap with a weak smile about caring about Freedom and so grateful to America as he's fighting to turn 9it into a hierarchical slave society with Europigape shit controlling the sleazy crap of Whorewood who in turn influence the rest of society with their equally blathering fake movie and music crap.




Shall I continue on this train-of-thought? What does "freedom" mean to these men? What does it truly mean for them when they blather in front of a microphone expounding on the injustice of the enemy adversary invading a country but perform the EXACT SAME sorts of actions when it comes to attacking me? Obviously the concept of freedom only is threatened when it comes to them. The true concept of individual freedom, thusly, appears to be a meaningless concept paired with exploitation of the vulnerable and the outcast and discriminated against versus the white supremacist model they all represent and fight for (and against me--both Putin and the "freedom" advocates in the entertainment and media/political complex).


I won't say who, but you all know. It's a holographic image that only differs in external feature but is always the same programmed mentality. One of the most defining features about this discrepancy between actually caring about human rights and freedom and which group to CHERRY PICK in the Orchard OF Life remains the same: whomsoever has money and a lot of it is more worthy of freedom and justice than those who have been dispossessed of human rights, and thus ripe for the picking and the pricking of a thousand liars laying in wait for victims to devour. As society is to indoctrinated into not caring about human beings who are left defenseless and thus assaulted, raped and the memes and stereotypes, bigoted cliches remain, the cherry picking of the orchard of life remains as whether those selected are "worthy" of concern due to their socioeconomic or racial status. Freedom thus only applies to the mostly perpetrator class, white supremacists and male chauvinist rape culture, which so many women cling to because big daddy is going to reward them with a lot of presents if they go along for the rape ride in the cherry orchard of cherry-picking which victims to care about and which to also pluck and devour, sucking down to the kernal and the seed, sucking out the juice and then disposing of the poor picked cherry once so beautiful with such flowering petals now crushed underfoot by the "freedom" and "equality" hypocrites, marching for peace and equality with their big black boots (disguised as soft slippers and velvet gloves with warm smiling faces when in the lights of the cameras for their close-ups).


The kind of interesting fact (which I can't "prove") about how or why Putin may have stopped the infernal attack upon me by his coterie of Russians and his triggering social media hacks into my connection streams--is when I was AGAINST Navalny and without any prejudice towards or against either Putin or Navalny, I just wrote a post on Facebook about how I thought Navalny was a fake, and I really felt that Putin was far more competent to lead Russia than Navalny every could have begun to mimic in his frantic appeal to oust Putin. After I wrote that post, Putin's face appeared on a photo/post on Facebook staring seriously but friendly into the camera and since that time the Russians have gone--but now returning via a "freedom" against Putin personality and I wonder what it would take for HIS terrorism to be stopped against me? Would I have to compliment him, but the contract states, out on me, that once I compliment or give positive affirmation the expletives then turn upon me in hate and viciously abuse me and poison and rape and attack me. If I so much as "dare" to post a complimentary sentiment about their art they come to pound poisons via rape into my body, threaten to kill me, the join in with the other terrorists and in their rows of celebrities (out of H-wood) insult, threaten and abuse me so that my body is worn down and aged, I am fighting their poisoning as they inhibit my immune system from literally daily and nightly violence in every kind of way that is deadly but keeps me appearing like I'm just deteriorating with no evidence of their endless slow "soft" murder crime.

At least Putin had some kind of threshold for his violence whereas there is nothing stopping the "liberal" celebrity fascists from their non-stop violence towards me. Nothing I ever could say to compliment them or give assurance, and if I "played their game" they would undoubtedly continue to poison and abuse me to death and even moreso after I would, parenthetically, give this "love" they are all trying to suck out and destroy--like that cherry they all want to devour to the core and spit out in hate after sucking out the beauty and joy. Nothing satiates their emptiness and black hole parasitism. At least Putin had a stopping point, albeit it took years for him to get to that point. I think supporting him against Navalny was something that he held very dear at the time. With these celebrities, someone giving them "love" means almost nothing, it's just like an energy drink they suck out piggishly and then spew hate into afterwards; that is the endless protocol they all follow. This person I am referrring to now raped me and then had the women who have had me raped and poisoned and beaten for YEARS non-stop by their husbands and fathers is one of those. His admonition to Putin when I hear it in an interview is like listening to bullshit extraordinaire. His and their endless verbal blathering crap aimed at me is about how they are so wealthy and "classy" compared to me, as they endlessly block my every financial earning capability and of course my government complies absolutely in this     UNFREEDOM injustice aimed at me. How is Putin really any worse, or the former CCCP system of surveillance and lack of privacy and a fascist Totalitarian system of oppression? What they call "freedom" these disgusting celebrities is their FREEDOM to fuck people like me over and suck out life and beauty and joy and call me bitch and pig and loser afterwards and beforehand. They then NEVER stop attacking me while I'm sleeping with their shitty sleazy and sick teleportation technology and they NEVER stop doing the same while I am in my most relaxed state in the shower as the poisons expand due to the moisture and heat and I am foggy and need to heal and relax, they come with hate using this creepy technology to suck out my energy, abuse me and etc etc.

Their tyranny is almost worse than that of Putin but truly it's all the same K-rap crap and they are no heroes, artistic geniuses or politically positive defenders of anything but a sleazy and decrepit "elite" system of devouring conquering worms.


*my poem--not written by Poe**

And the conquering worm comes at night in the howling storm

my crimson bed of joy to devour

and the crimson worm comes to threaten me

and I cry out that he's a whore

the US government pours money into this decadent Babylon

like it's pouring money into the UKraine War.


*now my poem, written partially in jest, under duress:

And they threaten me and they curse and rail, they come without fail rain or hail

they come but they never come they are cold as ice

they come to graft and grift me and carve out a slice of my life


He comes to my private life and threatens me without end

he makes public statements about Putin which he cannot defend

the same fiend of whorish hate drives the enemy and his defector

all stuffed into the smashing woodchipper of the hooded selector.

They are conquering worms, 

coming to feed off the victims

they are the conquering worms

coming to appear in the sitcoms.


This next one who speaks out against Putin: He's abusing me so much, and after a decade of one worm after the next having poison that bloats and hardens into the intestines plus stinking toxins sprayed on everything in my room so I am dying from poisoning-- and the threat of dying from stress and poisoning is so great by now that I am succumbing to the brainwashing just to try to not die from these non-stop attacks which have not stopped for a moment for over 10 years. I remain staring into the unwanted face of the Conquering devouring worm flying in the tempest of the night to take away my beauty and sight and with sighs of hate they rape and torture the US Government never intervenes and is of the same acting and dancing and musical troop they all behave like a conquering poopy worm, perhaps something inserted into your colon or your brain. A complete and utter drain of life and love and beauty, happiness and health. Notice that the poem by Edgar Allen Poe combines the theater with Death and the acts and faces and costumes of the parasite Worm of Death and it's many Acts in the drama of destruction.

"Edgar Allen Poe: The Conqueror Worm (read by Vincent Price)". Christopher MacIntyre. March 25, 2015.

The Conqueror Worm

By Edgar Allan Poe

Lo! ’t is a gala night
Within the lonesome latter years!
An angel throng, bewinged, bedight
In veils, and drowned in tears,
Sit in a theatre, to see
A play of hopes and fears,
While the orchestra breathes fitfully
The music of the spheres.
Mimes, in the form of God on high,
Mutter and mumble low,
And hither and thither fly—
Mere puppets they, who come and go
At bidding of vast formless things
That shift the scenery to and fro,
Flapping from out their Condor wings
Invisible Wo!
That motley drama—oh, be sure
It shall not be forgot!
With its Phantom chased for evermore
By a crowd that seize it not,
Through a circle that ever returneth in
To the self-same spot,
And much of Madness, and more of Sin,
And Horror the soul of the plot.
But see, amid the mimic rout,
A crawling shape intrude!
A blood-red thing that writhes from out
The scenic solitude!
It writhes!—it writhes!—with mortal pangs
The mimes become its food,
And seraphs sob at vermin fangs
In human gore imbued.
Out—out are the lights—out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, “Man,”
And its hero, the Conqueror Worm.
Source: The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Terrorist murder by poisoning report: The day after the elections which will not put into power ANY representative that is willing to protect me from these crimes ordained by the U S Government fascist destroyers like Pelosi, The Clintons, Jamie Raskin, AOC, Biden, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Graham (S. Carolina), McConnell (partnering with Graham), Trump & co, almost the entire A-list of H-wood celebrity "liberal" fascist actors and their directors and conglomerate backers, et al (the list is far too long for me to even remember the entire list of terrible terrorist teleporting life-screw operators attacking me who pose endlessly as heroes of society.

 My drinking water is being poisoned with horrid stinking fluids. I can't protect myself against this as I store large gallon jugs of water which I drudge behind me on a mostly broken carry cart which terrorists have stuffed greasy hair and strings into one of the wheels so it barely turns (they are doing this daily with the chair I use to try to regain focus as I sit here all day in front of the laptop being assaulted with mind control triggering by celebrity-after-celebrity trying to get me to click on their infernal media output so they can teleport and rape and abuse and torture me alongside their partners who urge them to follow them in pursuit of breaking me absolutely in every way possible without outright violent murder--so they are poisoning me to death and it's non-stop toxic filth inserted into my body via my vagina, into my bladder and this violence has gone on for at least a few years--I think it began during the Trump reign of terror but mostly these types of murder attacks began maybe in 2012 (but many were earlier and the poisoning to death began years before that but began in earnest in 2011, just as I was finishing my graduate degree which is now useless as I have been repoisoned perpetually day after day with hardening/bloating poisons mixed with mind control drugs, inserted either into my body or into my food and water; plus toxins sprayed on my clothing and all furniture while I have remained partially paralyzed and unable to go outside, can't exercise and am stuck sitting breathing in poisons, perpetually cleaning stinking filth that is endlessly sprayed into everything so my rooms are covered and coated with brown stinking goo that stains permanently and stinks--into my clothing and now since Graham they have been poisoning my drinking water with stinking substances and they do this after I lug these huge gallons of water--I obtain around 4 huge gallon jugs per trip to last me for days--it's so heavy for me, my body is so plagued by hard poison latched into my spine and skeleton/hips extending in every direction into my hands and feet--completely rendering me stiff and unable to move as all the rivulettes of poison are latched onto my spine in criss-cross fashion.

The water is stinking and putrid. They are inserting stinking fluids into my body so I have a rancid filthy gooey oozing filth in my interior cavity which is being put into my body by mechanical arms while I sleep. My body has completely broken down from a decade of endless abuse, rape and beatings violence endless insults subliminal hate messages ceaselessly pumped into my brain. 

Every pig ape who teleports me has this agenda to be as violently abusive without physically demonstrative evidence of their intentions to beat me to death--slowly but destroy my psyche, will, energy, love, beauty and suck and drain every positive out of me, steal all I do for their own conceptual output and then they dump and pour their hate on me non-stop and are told to go on viciously as long as possible and they all get top positions in their field for having done so. The list is now so long and the abuse has been so non-stop that my body, in addition to the torture and poisoning and deformation and mutilation (they have broken my toe twice--just this group--they have tried to have my teeth knocked out and they cut into my lower jaw gum tissue every day to try to get my teeth to fall out, they are now with no gum tissue protecting them in the area that they nearly broke after they had a car hit me, the handlebars of the motorbike I was riding remotely swerving downward so when the car hit me, the brakes didn't work and the handlebars swerved like a piston to the right as I smashed into the cement on my JAW. My teeth were not loose until the next morning when I awoke, as usual the terrorists had broken into my room and the accidents this group orchestrates they then always turn into serious deformities which literally result in making me disabled physically. Meaning I go to bed with an injury that can heal, I wake up with fractured bones, broken bones, fractured teeth. They have (this group of celebrities) continued to have me poisoned and it made me deformed and bloated and has been murdering me. They are extremely happy about it and are still going on and on although for years all I have written is that they poisoning me and are murdering me. So far all the politicians I have mentioned above have done NOTHING to stop this, or not enough to stop the destruction of my body which means my death--literally this is now at the murder point of this operation and the next pig ape who I detest is so ugly and foul (Baryshnikov) and he's going on and on with calling me a "bitch" and "loser" after he rapes and beats and abuses and threatens and calls me these names when I describe how his Nazi shit friends (the celebrities, in particular out of France which is probably the country he loves the most and lives in, I don't know this but I assume it as he speaks French and is calling me a bitch and raping me in front of the ugly skank piece of shit that Depp spawned who has not stopped feeding off rape and torture has stolen ideas from me and has been alongside filthalina and pig pitt while they went on and on torturing an dabusing me day and night for over 7 or 8 years--pitting one celebrity after the next against me. I called Oprah an Aunt Jemima for her absolute participation with these anti-Semitic/Holocaust referencing murder-threatening pig ape celebrities and I got a slew of black celebrities coming to violently threaten my life (Snoop Dogg, Billy Porter, Whoopie Goldberg--in addition to Spike Lee participating in this contract as his career shot off into higher orbit--but that was years ago during the Obama admin and he's off enjoying his Nazi affirmation party while I remain sitting here begging for this murder to be stopped).

Baryishnikov is like a font of sewage hate filth being spewed upon me, and the accumulation of him and also Graham who also had so much filth and muck spewed into my drinking water (this originates from his torture protocols, he's still participating in this as is Trump who was so violent I thought I would not survive if he were re-elected and put in direct control over this murder operation against me, as that is what this truly is by now I have absolutely no doubt.

Baryshnikov, as I begged last month to get him off me and this pig ape scumbag has just followed in the footsteps of Graham who is just doing the same things to me that he began in July, and is probably still ordering all the sickeningly disgusting attacks such as my water being tainted and stinking and I can't protect that or stinking putrid goo being inserted into my vagina while I am sleeping by their endless mechanical arms spewing toxins into my home literally all day and night every day and every night. My living space is stinking and filthy and broken down and every month so many items are broken or stinking with poisons that never come out no matter how many times I try to get the stink out I have bags of stuff I bought 2nd hand which I can't even use. My body is so deformed because they have continued to poison me I can't wear clothing that is nice anyway and all I have has been sprayed with stinking foul stuff repeatedly.


I need to stop writing, but each one of these filthy pig whore scumbag celebrities and politicians whom I have only been writing of for years gets more promotions the more viciously abusive they are towards me until I have to write about what shit they are as human beings--which promptly gets them promoted into highest office, the pig ape terrorist organization uses this endless cyclical cycle of violence and reduces the violence or pulls the psycho sickening ugly pig piece of shit creep off me (the list of the revolting revolving door of the terrorist politico-celebrities) and the next one resumes all the violence. They have scripts and protocols they all follow it. Some of them, like Baryshnikov, are fantastic at their art but I assume that in this organization they have blocked various types of people from being allowed to compete against them and so I have to wonder what kind of talent they and their group have either killed or mutilated or harmed so that only they appear as "the best". 


It is not stopping it's never-ending I am dying by now from poisoning. I still cannot give these putrid pig ape whores the contract they are only abusing and torturing me to obtain and then demanding that I somehow "respect" them as they block all my opportunities, literally for even my own website to earn even a small amount of money--calling me a "loser" perpetually, mocking my every sentence as people do here in Thailand, in particular the nasty Thai women so I can't talk to anyone any longer without hate and insults or some abuse game being played while my brain is blocked from functioning--literally. They rape and poison and abuse and slap and punch and abuse and threaten to kill me one pig piece of shit after the next. No one will stop this, so after a decade of the shitty game of me writing, the abuse being temporarily reduced only to begin with another piece of shit, only for the first piece of shit to never leave who also enlists his wife/mommy/daughter/gay lover/partners in business and each pig piece of shit "famous" scumbag has an entire coterie of creeps and hanger ons' who they sic on me who then get their own promotions so the list of abusers has now grown so long and the attacks on my memory is so profound that I can't begin to list them any longer without having to endlessly pause to try to regain parts of my memory, and even then there have been so many that I can't list them all in one sitting.


I must stop this sickness and although once I remain silent, people will probably not even bother to consider me as anything to think about--I write and people are reading my posts to steal ideas and concepts from for their own output--

the bullshit is never stopped. There are some new politicians being put into place but obviously the system is so corrupted that no one who thinks actually according to righteous adherence to the Constitution is allowed to be put into highest position. These criminals in "power" adhere to the boundaries of the law and go far outside those boundaries whenever possible and it's egregious how sinister they are when they have this silence protection in this teleportation terrorism that they all latch onto; these are the Democrats and the Republicans don't participate very much because they all--by now with no resistance from anyone--openly are racist and violent, but the Democrats are feigning so much that they must necessarily keep up false appearances about how they are "fighting" for Democracy. I am the true litmus test of how much they are "fighting" for Democracy and they have failed, utterly in this regard. As for blathering platitudes about how great they are and how assiduously they are working for a more equal society, at best the Nazi women and their minority minions are fighting for the Nazi organization females on the "liberal" side to have first pick of all positions available to them, always omitting me from all consideration of having "rights" under the Constitution.


I want to make some line drawn and discontinue this useless attempt to gain support or protection as it obviously is never going to happen with the criminals reading my posts at this time.

I have begged endlessly for my life and to have one piece of sick crap famous celebrity--or non-famous scumbags, it makes no difference to me except that the celebrities are on this disgusting ego power trip and that makes them even more revolting in their assumption to have the "entitlement" to rape, beat and steal anything and everything from me and block all my chances and call me "loser" afterwards as they get paid in millions for the ideas and concepts they stole from my writings on this blog and on my Facebook page--all these years. Not just not a penny paid out to me, but my money literally stolen from my wallet for YEARS--so I was literally not able to eat by the end of the last week of the month, every month, for years. They broke parts of my body, they would put my hips and spine out of alignment every single day and have me raped with stinking semen oozing out of my vagina every day--for years it went on so now they are just inserting stinking toxins and putrid substances and mind control drugs into my vagina every single night while I can't defend myself, can't fight to protect myself against them opening portals they open from the rooms on either side of me, I can't close my patio doors because of the poison they spray into this room every single day---I breathed this all in for YEARS to try to stop the rape and violence and it made me extremely poisoned and it probably is a huge factor in why I am now breaking down and probably poisoned to death but still alive and also being tortured to death slowly from endless and repetitive systematic torture psychological and sexual and verbal abuse and hate from one pig piece of shit go all go off laughing to parties afterwards and then they get plastic surgery and are put into lead positions. 

now the dancer out of Russia by way of some Soviet Bloc country is really slowly murdering me, using the same stinking attacks that Graham used a few months ago (he took over abusing me from Graham, so Graham and by extension Trump are ordaining this violence against me and Trump has been going on and on exploiting this contract out on me since 2015--the spawn ugly filthy daughter of Depp and Depp and Heard since 2013 (or earlier) and pig pitt and filthalina probably even earlier than Depp---so they've all gone on and on for more than a decade just attacking me and gaining lead roles, Oscars (pitt year after year_) and in return they have stolen my concepts, and are torturing and poisoning me to death with me writing endlessly begging the planet to help and stop them. All these politicians and more I have listed above have come to assault an dinsult and pat the pig ape celebrities on the back; all of the politicians are relying on media coverage for their shitty careers in promising gold and providing more crap K-rap (the "k economy of the division in the wealth gap, which they ALL promote in private but yell obstinately that they are "fighting" against as this divide widens year after year and they all of course belong to the wealthy side of the division.

So I am going to stop now. The blood moon was yesterday, a DECADE of asking for help has produced only more of the pigs and I can't stop them from teleporting and poisoning me and I have begged for this foul murder to be stopped and it is very unlikely that even if a Democratic win in the House and Senate will produce anything but more greedy and sleazy liars feigning concern for human rights when it comes to covertly and secretly teleporting someone in order to force them into a cock-sucking slavery violent murder situation so Nazi 4th Reich shit Europigapes can promote and protect their surge in Nazism that has swept over the planet. Death squads will continue to ransack individuals just as they did to Pelosi and she will continue to protect her "people" which are her "friends" in the Whorewood of Congress and in Whorewood the media fantasy mind programming fascist social engineering studio for subliminal hate and divide-and-conquer strategies. She is still just simply ignoring the situation that she has endorsed with death threats upon me when she participated in the goon squad, her friends like S-negger and co, who laugh and giggle as they order their foul and nasty minions to break into my home, break my bones, rape and insert fungus and semen into my body (rape in other words and then inserting fungus and poison into my vagina after they put my hips and spine out of alingment, put spider veins on my legs and poison my food so I am perpetually dying from poisons which are trapped into my intestines. 

I told nasty foul Baryshnikov about this as he followed their orders and called me a "pig" while I was gulping food down because I am being suffocated internally by the stinking and bloating poisons that remain trapped into my body (these poisons are so adhesive that sometimes they literally come out and get stuck on the porcelain of the toilet bowl--literally they stick to every substance and are glued into my body and there is a rock hard shell embedded into my body and it's so painful getting it out; while I struggle to get rid of this poison they pig ape millionaires and billionaires are blocking all my financial earnings, I am stuck sitting in literally one spot because I am so ill every day--they abuse me so badly in sleep state with endless violence, abuse and hate that it takes me hours to get their hate and nasty negativity out of my body energy--I am stuck not able to exercise. These pieces of shit then feel relieved of their hate and pent-up stress as they dump it on me every single day. one sick putrid creep after the next, all are extremely foul and disgusting people on a personal level and yet they appear so charming for the audiences. They pour the pent-up hate and psychological problems they all have in this life-fuck organization and in how they program people to be so hateful in the first place, and how much they need to abuse others in order to feel powerful and relieved.


 I am stopping. beseech people to goddamn finally do something but a decade of begging has resulted in people doing exactly almost nothing and this is the trend for all the stalking targets. Obviously most of society desperately needs people for "witch hunts" and not the stupid labels that abuses like Trump call anyone detracting from his bid to absolute power, but a real witch hunt replete with rape and torture and murderous violence that is so ongoing I literally am being slowly assassinated just from the stress alone. That is the entire point of their exercise in eliminating anyone who doesn't do what these crap parasite want for their false claim to superiority.

It is going to go on and on and I ask for people to stop this system before it reaches a critical mass of destruction to society. I wrote about this for years, beginning when Depp began his rape and violence, even before Trump got on this contract (openly, he probably was very aware of it for a very long time, as all of these pigs and whores have been in the wings waiting for their stage entrance into destroying and raping and beating and murdering me with all their hate and sickness. But I was writing about how Depp and his shit Europigape French and English and etc group are fascist Nazis, how they are infiltrating America to turn it via the media takeover into a divide and conquer overtaken colony of fascist Nazi Europe. No one listened and I was tortured without end and still am and the pieces of shit are still there--Depp and his Europigape whore fascist Nazi group. Then pig pitt and filthalina took over Depp, but that was when Trump began and pig pitt and filthalina only acted as proxy Trump because Trump was too busy in politics to daily torture adn rape and beat me, but oh how he fostered the endless increase of Europigapes into this contract and they all have been put into lead positions and awards categories for all these years since. 

And then Graham who has begun poisoning my water with something that stinks  like sewage water and makes me ill immediately. THis is in addition to stinking foul substances that are greasy being inserted into my vagina every single night while I am sleeping. 

My hair has been chemically so damaged that I have huge bald patches covering the crown of my skull so there's very little hair left. I have been trying to regrow it but like all the attacks these pig whores force upon me, the damage is permanent and it won't grow back. they have damaged my body so completely every single inch of my body has a scar, blemish and vein popping out and huge welts and bruises and permanently engrained cuts into my skin, objects inserted under my skin to appear like cysts--which I can't afford to even pay to have removed and also can't trust any doctor to not inflict worse damage to my body if they get a chance (especially to cut into my body). The damages are so long I also can't recall them all. They also cut out part of my uterus.

But Baryshnikov, is calling me a "bitch" for telling him while I am eating in starving hunger from sickness of being poisoned with my body bloated and the stinking black poisons which sometimes pour out are stuck in my intestines--I tell him that his friends, the blonde Nazi models to whom he defers to in adoration and hisses with hate and glares and threatens and grabs me by my neck and partially strangles me and sodomizes me in front of them and calls me bitch in front of them and calls me loser as they yell it at me as well--for me writing about their participation in Nazification and fascist fashion, for me writing about their violence and crimes and writing accurate analysis of their fascist paradigm which has now completely overtaken American politics openly since they brought Trump into this group--still ignored by EVERYONE and the media claims it can't quite understand how this surge in fascist mentality has come to the forefront in the USA. They, too know about this contract out on me and they remain silent and participate in the terrorism so I remain with nothing but violence and writing about it repeatedly any longer only brings in more worthless pig apes who just pass me around from one sick ugly pig creep to the next who beats, rapes and poisons my food, water and destroys my property--calls me bitch rapes threatens to kill me steals my ideas calls me stupid tells me to shut up has my home sprayed every day with stinking filth my food poisoned my body mutilated and they ALL get huge top positions in society for participation in the mind programming which has made them all covert fascist Nazis posing as "liberals" but the Republican are now open about it thanks to them putting Trump, the friend of people like Pelosi (which is why they are so vicious against her, as she has been following their system but didn't help to get Trump reinstate in 2020 so they want her dead). And otherwise, everyone else like those politicians I wrote and listed above are all in the same system but play the game of pretending they are the opposing side, as I have written of for so many years to just all of the US Government sitting idly by allowing it all to continue indefinitely. 

They all obviously rely heavily upon brainwashing people and mind control and so this operation is integral to the operation of hegemony and monopoly that all these politicians and celebrities are actually "fighting" to obtain; none of them are "fighting" or fighting for anything else as much as screwing people's minds and opinions in order to retain their control, even when and especially because they truly are not the best, or if they are, they cannot sustain that title without having the chance to knock down competitors and so this system remains protected and I am endlessly begging for my life and obviously they want me dead so I will stop. 

If anyone ever can do anything to protect me I would be extremely grateful for that fucking miracle. So far it's just greed, lies and sickness from my society and every society on this planet and I am innocent and do not deserve this kind of torture-to-death or pig ape shit men forcing their greasy and ugly dirty pig penises on me or trying to demand I must have a baby with some shithead piece of bigot sleazy dirty ugly shit I never want even to look at. They all plan on disposing me either with murder or some disgusting act after they obtain everything possible out of me. I plan on killing them if I can. Would someone please stop this sickness and insanity against me? I can't write any longer. The situation is sheer torture and poisoning to death, I have been writing of this absolutely non-stop endless violence but this is a system the government devised and it's not going to stop now; even if fascism threatens to take away their country they are all really unconcerned ultimately because they all are living in comfort and security under the umbrella of this global operation. All have either vacation homes in Europe or lovers/friends/ etc and are completely enamored with the deception and lying psychopathy that Europigapes are so craftily well-trained in performing, and Americans are always always going to follow a deceptive entertainer over a serious truthful person or situation.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day but there is no representation for me regardless of outcome. And after more than a DECADE of waiting for responsible leadership to stop this out of America or anywhere, now the election is a divide of fascist autocracy versus "Democracy". Obviously the "Democracy" leadership has failed utterly and this contract out on me is a very large reason why. This has been a training ground, blueprint for every kind of elitist fascist Imperialist autocratic type of mentorship to filth and scumbags outside of actual Nazi training camps.//The same pseudo-fascist Democrats will block all exposure to this Republican fascist Nazi protocol system of torture, rape, dismemberment and murder via teleportation, torture, gang stalking and all the rest of the sickness that has made America bankrupt and on the verge of Democratic collapse. Yet there is another disgusting ugly putrid Europigape piece of shit rapist I have been writing of for the last month who raped me yesterday in a way that was pornographically violent and disgusting. The spawn daughter of Depp has been behind so many acts like this, along with Filthalina the wife of pig pitt the actor. They are an abomination and yet they remain with these technologies, handed to them by Democrats I will list who have profited and joined in on the "fun" of abusing me for their career enhancements. One of the worst was Kamala Harris. Along with Oprah --for their "strong black woman" caucus, which is just similar to Kanye West but only with more superficial blatherings about feminism and equality than what Kanye has stated openly with his Europigape-influenced probably mind controlled racist rants--there was kamala Harris using mind control WHILE I was teleported, drugged, in a deep sleep state, repeating that I thought Kamala Harris should become president (this was before Biden was elected but after the primaries when Harris had already dropped out of the race because her ratings (rightly) were so low. Now an embarrassment to the Democrat Party Harris was put into VP position after having participated in this fascist, Nazi hate technological torture system which of course Elon Musk has fully conjoined with to help augment more of these technologies so more dirty and foul sleazy parasitic wealthy people and their greasy foul minion can also feed off human beings while they are sleeping, drugged, under torture conditions, deprived mutilated and then teleported so they can wreak their hate and violence upon someone and then press a button and the victim disappears and the disposable victimization is being so highly coveted that Harris used it to be propelled and has abruptly disregarded my YEARS of begging forf help and for protection. To that end, Pelosi, Raskin, Kinzinger, AOC, Graham and of course Trump have all participated with hate, insults and threats to be a willing victim of their tyranny. Now the elections are upon America and I was just raped by this dirty and rotten Russian Dancer after writing about how violent and nasty he is, last month--and now it's culminating in pornographic rape, stinking fluids being inserted into my vagina every night--stinking filth is being sprayed everywhere in my home--more than usual and that is the filth and ugly foul psychic energy of this rotten dirty whore Russian dancer who has probably been a complete sleaze for at least 5 decades after his celebrity red carpet walk of Fame by dumb Americans welcoming in every Europigape piece of shit to just spew their hate and filth upon America--and in particular with their rabid racist fascist mentality upon me---then emulated by Americans who were always glued to their Europigape fascist Imperialist colonialist heritage in the first place.

 **Nota Bene: The hacking and brain-altering effect of tech just blasted this post into ranting and rage. I was pounding each key as the keyboard is (even now) hacked to the degree that I must pound down as hard as possible to just get letters to print, then despite everything, the hackers insert spaces or juxtapose the letters as i fight to pound down, I must backspace continuously and rewrite. The hackers, as I see, deleted 80% of the commas and grammar and deleted words so this post became intangible early on. They are affecting my brain functioning as well, as usual, so I can't move my fingers, I can't think clearly, and it's coming out as hyperbolic rant hate---please note when reading this.


As I have been writing for years and years, there are always women behind the violence these men inflict upon me. The German violinist last year began slapping my face and sodomizing me while I was so drugged and under mind control tech I responded with this passion that I truly reserve for people I love--but sucked out of me by the tech, while sleeping, teleported to utter ugly scum I always, immediately, tell to get off me. They present such handsome and grandiose romantic personas for their media presentations, and I am continuously surrounded by sick and ugly people surrounding me, the men are dirty and nasty and insulting and abusive so I have to remain absolutely alone in addition to being outcast from all of society. Thus, while non-stop torture is ongoing without end, as I have to fight to get permanently-embedded hard poisons out of my body while the pig apes who are billionaires are blocking everything from my typing, internet, ability to earn money and thus health care (and I can't trust a single doctor for any kind of real care, I risk my life every time going to any doctor all are involved and none will provide me with actual real health care--everywhere I go it is the same the entire world is ensconced in this hate violent operation of "gang stalking".

But the celebrities with their posturing bluffing about how romantically exciting they are is a greasy scum bubble that is popped almost immediately upon actually "meeting" them in teleportation where they have an audience of the former rapist abusers sitting in chairs with their legs spread encouraging the good ole boy pig apes to do what they had done--stick their greasy pig penises in my body and slap and abuse me and then insult me afterwards while they continue to insert stinking foul mind control poisons and drugs into my vagina so it's stinking as I respond with "love" to loveless bigot racist fascists who are being promoted for "successfully" implementing this hate and murder crime using the tech that Elon Musk has become so wealthy helping to further expand into the planet. 


Yesterday it was Baryishnikov--now so repugnant to me I have to ask once again for people anyone to get this shit off me. Behind that ugly sleazy whore pornographic pig ape is the never-ending clutching and clinging of the daughter spawn of Depp, this filthy and stupid skank who has been latching on this contract since she was about 13 years old or a teenager--whatever--I never looked up her information except one time quickly to see what kind of shit I have to fight against--but there are so many it's never ending and I never look them up any longer. They paste their videos on my YouTube channel as I fight to look for any way to find any support in this endless travail but the internet is so completely hacked all I get are more losers but who are puffed up with millions of dollars or put into these slots of media exposure and I can't get a single bit of realistic information for any group or person even who may not be another shit stain on the fabric of Life who is attacking me to get another promotion.

This rotten and foul dancer has been using the voice-to-skull and all the microchip implants in my body to "see" through my eyes--they can "hear" what I hear so when the hard pieces are cracking while I am stretching they tell me they heard it. Because this group of foul filth from Whorewood and the Europigapes before them blocked all my health care, and I was blocked from receiving it even when I had Medicaid in the US--just lied to, discriminated against usually and almost always by the "minority" types of clinicians--it's always the same story everywhere of minority minions--attacking me viciously while white supremacist Nazis listen in or watch from a short distance away (or on their cameras, etc).

But he's become a rapist pig ape and he's so vile and ugly and nasty I can't bear this disgusting creep any longer. Not that last month my writing about his abuse did ANYTHING to stop him, no, no one not the politicians who have all participated in this hate crime (plus media scumbags like Bloomberg, a most repugnant ugly sinister sick minion with most hateful anti-Semitic violence but he's just another Jew married to a blonde Nazi with a screeching ugly daughter and they are sinister and part of the problem and not any solution).

So this dancer has been inflicting the rotten and disgusting daughter of Depp upon me. Two days ago he raped me and the both of them began calling me a "loser" after this greasy pig old man ugly and demented in his sleaze and filth and elitist stance because of his ballet--like Pelosi (who, I just saw when looking on IMDB, was part of Whorewood yes that ugly disgusting thing also is a part of the Whorewood cult/sect of rapists and white supremacist Nazis with all the blacks fully welcomed into the gang who participate--like Kamala Harris, et al).

But that was two days ago, and I told that ugly rotten pig I would try to castrate him that he is disgusting (he has tried to force sex on me before and I have politely declined, and thus his violence has increased because he truly believes that he, like they all, are entitled to doing whatever they want to me with my full permission and otherwise, as they berate, insult, poison and pollute my body and home, I "have to" not fight back and "accept it' as they steal my ideas block my career and the US Government fully complies with it all.

The pig then raped me yesterday slapping my face and sticking his huge greasy whore pig penis in my mouth as I responded with absolute sexual ecstasy because I was sleeping, I was drugged (they stick foul and stinking poisons and drugs into my vagina every single day---along with a DECADE of non-stop murderous violence inflicted upon me every single day--EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT--with drugging that never ends, my home stinking I'm breathing and absorbing poison as they keep inserting it deeply into my bladder to really murder and deform me--fighting every single day for my life as one filthy dirty pig whore ape comes to abuse me to gain leverage in the media empire which control CONGRESS and top leadership positions in the Whorewood/media complex which rules the entire United States. The people who are part of that criminal cartel are NOT AMERICAN and are aggressively working to undermine the United States through this portal of violence and part of that is this insidious contract out on me.

STILL unrecognized as a THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY that this contract out on me entails--the pigs think it's just a fun exercise in power, the Senators like Graham scream in hate at me that this is just another part of their former lynch mob culture, the rest are being trained into Europigape aristocratic Medieval absolute exploitation that has lead to revolutions where the poor rose up to massacre as many of the pigs as possible (i.e. French and Russian revolutions).

Now it's this skank scum filthy daughter of pig Depp with the French mother and her crew of Imperialist fascist Nazi Europigapes who are so welcomed in because they "represent" fascist iconography in "fashion" (Please note that Kanye's anti-Semitic hate and threat of murder against Jews came out of his Paris fashion debacle in order to more impress the Europig fascist fashion industry which so highly controls all the US political leaders and they are adverse to supporting or protecting me and are fully endorsing fascist Nazi takeover--and that includes Jamie Raskin the Jew who fully threatened me for my exposure of what the skank daughter of Depp truly is--writing about how Lagerfeld put that ugly dirty stupid piece of crap into a modeling showcase after endless violence from the Depp family with the French mother, formerly a model, clutching on and advising them on old school fascist "aristocrat" pummeling of people they want absolutely crushed. No "equal opportunity" America any longer, and all I have ever done is just compete and win in many forms of competition including being beautiful and so now all I do is fight to stop being mutilated and poisoned to death while piece of shit after piece of shit comes to join in and all follow the same protocols.


Similar to my situation, the lack of concern about these protocols being further spread and implemented by people like Musk--the hate, the racism, the fascism that truly put Trump into power--as his rape of me in this teleportation hate crime, the technology handed to him by Elon Musk and Amber Heard just after she dumped Depp and latched on to Musk (thus generating for this B-Actress millions and millions of dollars in prizes for so fully helping to administer this racist policy--as usual, pig ape Heard like filthalina and the shit daughter of Depp stealing ideas I had written about how sick and vile they all are--to promote herself as being a "feminist" and advocate for women. And so, like all the calamities that this contract out on me has helped to produce, the only thing that generates concern for this most incompetent of governments that I am watching undergoing a slight change of administration but of course only those people already deemed to be full and active participants in this hate organization are "allowed" to apply for leadership position. The vetting process (death squad and blacklisting) has fully ensured that so I can't even expect that if crap like Pelosi or even Biden (fully welcoming this racist Europigape fascist Nazi protocol system because of their absolute racist proclivities--Obama fully welcoming in the advertising and media promotions for himself and his wife by allowing it to continue with Biden behind him--all those years ago back in 2015 and the years of me begging to get Depp off me--as he just kept getting awards and lead roles and this dirty ugly sick daughter did as well and welcomed and now she is an absolute fascist Nazi completely high and sexualized off of torture and violence and being told endlessly she is "entitled" to it, along with billions of dollars thrown to these scumbag low-class grease-bags while I remain here fighting to get stinking substances out of my body and asking for this piece of shit Barynishnikov to be stopped from further rape and torture along with that stupid ugly skank whore daughter of Depp endlessly latching onto attacking me so her mediocrity which would be more suited to porn flicks than top media productions is put unjustly into top role position.

As for Baryishnikov, he is so foul and nasty I can't stand his ugly personality any longer. What a sleazy and ugly whore. But what he encapsulates so clearly is the old Europigape rape and mutilation and destruction system that you can read of in Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities. I can so fully understand the desire of those completely oppressed by this hate system to want to murder with as much blood flowing in the streets as possible if only to get some kind of leadership into power. Unfortunately, as in all cases, the same mentality has risen to the surface of both Russian and French societies and is being brought to America via this media Europigape fascist media cartel which control news outlets, news anchors, newspaper scumbags like Bloomberg, all the Whorewood directors--and lets not forget the Mafia of course especially coming out of Italy.


So, here is the election. The greasy disgusting creep with the ugly stupid sick porno skank scum of Depp have raped me two days in a row with that ugly rotten creep daughter who has obtained her ENTIRE career out of having men like her father and this dirty piece of rotten old man sleazy skank shit Baryishnikov rape me because he's really raping me for the benefit of the extremely wealthy French who are behind that stupid ugly dirty skank--as she's just a portal--a pawn or a tool if you will--of fascist Nazi infiltration into America, as I have been writing of since I had to be exposed to these pieces of shit in Whorewood--the Depp debacle of creepy foul hate and violence--for all these years as the United States is now an openly fascist country because these same pig apes put Trump into the rape and abuse seat of power using this technology--with Kamala Harris also participating, former Whorewood actor Pelosi this incompetent slurring rotten dirty thing who has helped to usher in the home invasion and death squad culture in this contract and technology being used against me--as the prototype which has ensued in a cascading effect and now America is on the brink of total fascist takeover on this election day.


Yet I beseech you readers to finally put an end to this hate violence heaped upon me perpetually day after day by one sleazy and ugly loveless whore skank "famous" personality after the next. It would appear that they have "love" as they pose for photos in embraces with other lovers, but I can't see that they are capable of anything other than deception and illusion which leads ultimately to a miserable mentality that they then promulgate through their media exposure--in all it's intricacies of course.


As for B the dancer--he has had his Europigape fascist Nazi partners here in Phuket absolutely discriminate against me in a most stupid and sick way--I went to a small shop for the first time to buy medical marijuana because I am always so ill and my muscles are so tense from not only violence but also poisoning that hardens into the body. The dirty Thai women in the tiny shop literally told me that the prices of the goods listed on the shelf were wrong after I had purchased and walked out of the store with the items. She came after me, grabbed the things I had just bought and paid for and told me she had the wrong price. Because I am not able to go to the police I had to play along with this game as I have no legal protection in small shops like this. The place I had bought the mj was a large department store but marijuana is being fought against by the alcoholic community and so it was pulled from the larger store where I could just have bought it without problem. This Thai skank, who had been staring with a group of blonde Europigape gang stalking scumbags as I walked into the store, as they all began to cough as I approached the door--she was not the store employee by the way, as with all these operations she is an agent sent to attack me. The woman who actually worked at the store was there going along with everything--so like all the pieces of shit in this organization who attack me, they all get a prize, a deal and of course the more wealthy and white supremacist they are, the more prizes they are awarded. Baryishnikov is obviously getting a heap of promotions for his crappy plays and nastiness by absolutely trying to almost brutally enforce this hate racist old school tyrannical Nazi mentality of me being a "slave" he rapes and abuses and thus has "entitlement" to making m yhome and body stinking and poisoned if I don't just accept and "love" or "Obey" this rotten disgusting pig afterwards. All fully endorsed by greasy and nasty Graham, Pelosi, Raskin, Kinzinger, AOC (literally, yes) I forgot Bernie Sanders is part of this and knows about it, has insulted me once years ago when Hillary Clinton joined in, just before a spate of media slots featuring her were then put into the mainstream--as I saw, it was more of a surge for her endorsement and of course more plastic surgery has been heaped upon all of these fascist pretentious pig apes of the Old Guard, fully followed by the younger shit like the skank of Depp.

It is the usual hacking so I am fighting to pound out every word. My brain is under assault as I begin to rant. And after more than a DECADE of waiting for responsible leadership to stop this out of America or anywhere, now the election is a divide of fascist autocracy versus "Democracy". Obviously the "Democracy" leadership has failed utterly and this contract out on me is a very large reason why. This has been a training ground, blueprint for every kind of elitist fascist Imperialist autocratic type of mentorship to filth and scumbags outside of actual Nazi training camps.


Because I could only "remember" what I was in the middle of writing but got so lost in backspacing, mind control tech blasting my ability to think and the endless interference of the keyboard--I was going to write about this hate discrimination skit that the Russian has, through his operation of Europigape fascist Nazism--orchestrated against me. I went into this marijuana shop to buy packaged MJ bags, which were sold in a large department store called Big C--now taken off the shelves due to Thai government interference. I have to resort to the closest store which sells this product--in the very Nazi infiltrated part of Phuket (as they all are) called Rawai. The harassment began as I approached the shop. I walked in, looked at the menu, and saw the bags i wanted on shelves with prices listed below them. The two Thai girls (the real shop staff was sitting on a chair, the terrorist Thai was standing encircling me and blocking my every move and etc lying and claiming she "no understan" and can't really speak English and etc (they cater in ENGLISH to English-speaking clientele in this million-tourist/year enclave of Thailand). I finally bought the packages that were listed with 125 baht on the shelves. I left the store and was about to get on my motorbike and this terrorist agent came out apologizing and just grabbed the bag I had just bought from my bag while I was literally FROZEN by the tech (they can FREEZE my body, even if it's for a second or a few seconds, I literally can't physically move or think while the terrorists attack me. She just grabbed the bags out of a bag I had put them in around the handlebars of the motorbike--I could not move or think. She then walked with what I had just bought back into the store. I had to follow. I could not phone the police nor get any kind of legal representation, as usual (for reasons I won't detail here). She then told me that another form of the packaged MJ was the real price, and I told her that I had bought this product at Big C under the price I had just paid, and I told her to get on the website as these Thais always operate in stores using cell phones. She refused to get to the website and just kept repeating what she had been told to say. Meanwhile two blonde Nazi pig apes came in, part of the terrorist attack, speaking to them with perfect English the Thai women catered to them as they all interrupted what I was saying, and had been saying as I felt this surge of artificially-forced rage--they make me enraged while they use this brain-mapping technology to pinpoint various forms of emotional hyperbolic reaction--ensconced in rage and anger understanding that this was an attack--and I could do nothing but wait it out and try to not succumb but I was blasted with brain-altering tech while surrounded by shit creeps and I NEED THIS MARIJUANA FOR MEDICAL REASONS I can't express how helpful even the cheapest version of Sativa has relaxed my muscles and helped me exponentially to heal. I couldn't just dismiss this shop because the other tourist areas in Phuket sell stronger brands at almost 7 times the price so I am stuck using this one brand. The other shops in Phuket are hours of driving away where I can find this same product. Big C is just a 10 minute drive from where I live--so convenient--it was like a dream to get it so easily now the cartels that want to encourage alcohol are blocking it's sale at larger stores. 


After 10 minutes of me getting more angry as the blonde Nazi filth came in to participate in the hate attack, while as usual--as I had experienced for years here in Phuket before the pandemic--Thai people operating just like Kanye in glee and determination to help Nazis enforce racism upon other groups as they are elevated into the dominant strain of fascism and racism. I finally told them to give me to the other type of bags she said were actualy the other price. I finally got her to stop blathering bs at me yapping and nasty--as I walked out with the bags of the other type of MJ she once more followed me and put her nasty dirty head on my shoulder like an embrace and apologized--under mind control, my brain absolutely not functioning but appearing "normal" thus, also in the back of my mind understanding that this most critical of medical health care I need--because all other options I truly need like ultrasound to break up the hard poisons are beyond my subpoverty income that the billionaire pig apes are forcing upon me (the actors, politicians and et al). She once more grabbed the bags as I was "frozen" and then I had to follow her for the 2nd time into the shop because she said "I only work here one month I no know price" as the prices are listed on the shelf. Also, when I finally got this sick skank to open up the website and show that the price I had paid was the correct price, this nasty foul whore of the Nazi whores attacking me said, "this price of website, not store in Rawai" (using stupid broken English, but of course mating with perfect English to any Nazi out of Europigapeland possible, as these women really are only functioning in their lives to have possibility to join in. The product of Imperialism and Colonialism). The slave then, after this most discriminatory of actions, followed me outside and as I put my earphones on, after taking the initial first product I had paid for 15 minutes or longer before she began this most nasty attack--as my brain was pummeled with the tech, after being raped and abused while in this room by yet another filthy ugly dirty pig ape celebrity who, as they all do for their filthy promotions, go on and on and on and on attacking me for hours and hours and hours and hours day and night day after day after day--all hidden, all disguised. So I was exhausted, and then under this brain-altering attack. She began to yap something at me with this look of ugliness as she stared as deeply into my eyes as possible while I turned to have to deal with her one foot away from my face. I began making fun of her in a silly way, which made all the Thai women standing around outside giggle. This made the stupid skank back off as I continued to make this weird silly noise and hand swirling in front of her face instead of demanding her to get off (if only I could have made a video and sued this shop for discrimination, as I may have been able to do in my own country).


I have to get up from the laptop and fight to clear my brain from sickness and dizziness that is being forced upon me as I write by the brain-altering tech (mind control). I get up so dizzy I can't think I can't even walk straight. It takes at least 5 minutes to begin to clear my mind and think about what I was in the middle of writing and got "lost" in backspacing and pounding out while, I am certain, subliminals are being pounded into my brain so I am absolutely "lost" in intangible phrases fighting and then I get into cursing as my emotional centers of my brain are being enhanced while subliminals of hate curses are being pumped into my subconscious brain "hearing" so I repeat it. Likewise, when I try to re-read the posts. I see that hackers have completely deleted parts (i.e. about how bad the hacking is, which is the discrediting plus the mind control affecting my (in) ability to articulate without getting into hyperbolic hate ranting and cursing. They also inserted portions of paragraphs into random other paragraphs to completely disorientate the coherency of this post. I wait for my defunct government to "change" and will they wait until it's an absolute fascist tyranny before "the people" will be forced to have some kind of bloody revolution to get rid of these parasite people put into wealth and power positions who are absolutely mediocre crap on a personal level. They are so foul and low but so exalted in the media with all this packaging and coaching on how to posture to appear attractive (endless plastic surgery to conform the contours of the faces to appear as Nazi-iconography as possible). I am then mutilated, poisoned, my body deformed as they constantly use this tech to force their filthy and unwanted persons upon me, calling me all kinds of names only due to the endless various multi-faceted assaults they have all forced upon me, not due to my deficiencies but to their State-sponsored violence against me. I am now fighting to get my fingers to move to the keys, my brain's motor functioning is being hindered, I can't think, I am dizzy and sick from what they are blasting into my brain. It is horrible how much these parasites can get away with discrediting me. My only crime has been to not accept their abuse and discrimination and to work to achieve top levels according to my ability AND I used to be very happy and beautiful. It was far too much for the millennia of Europigape fascist racist mentality to bear. They must infiltrate AMerica, they must ensure that people like me can NEVER be a threat to them unless I suck and serve crap people so they can have power-over and abuse and exploit, steal and rob and rape with impunity. The vote is on us today as Democrats expect a Red Wave. They still do nothing to help me or stop this tyranny and so many are fully aware of it. It is unbelievable to me that they cannot equate this mind programming contract out on me with this surge of open and expressed fascism in the United States (always cloaked under well-trained posturing of calm "Democracy" by the covert fascist Nazis out of Europ-a-land.) Always welcomed into America by the thieves who have stolen the mantles of power and are ensuring the blockade to fair and equal opportunity that America used to represent is thwarted, infiltrated with minority minions like Kanye openly expressing the real programming going on---.


I'm listening to DeSantis' win speech right now. I think of the criminals people like DeSantis and also Charlie Crist both and uniformly have endorsed to participate in this gang stalking mind control terrorism. All go off with money poured into their lives, and cheers even if they lose their controlled races where both sides are controlled by the same fascist centrifugal force.


Baryshnikov, in addition to endless Nazi youth celebrities yelling and assaulting me (the dumb generation brainwashed on fashion and entitlement and are just the next generation but even more dumbed and numbed down on Nazi programming).

But the items in my house, not only being thoroughly doused with brown stinking goo and sprinkled debris/filth and grime and dirt he is ordering that screws are taken out of this office chair that I had to fight to be able to afford. It's being taken apart by their mechanical arms and I am stuck with people who "no speak English" at every store, discrimination without end, not being able to function on any business level to try to fight this off or replace screws or get anything done in any business here in Thailand.

He's having the materials I glued and pasted to the walls and floor ripped up daily. The entire room is a stinking frayed and broken down mess because I can't use any of the endless row of cupboards that the terrorists installed like a row of portal entries from the flimsy panels that separate my room from the terrorist in the next room (on all sides, top and bottom). He's having people call me all kinds of names, insulting me, raping me, using violence against me, having all kinds of very nasty gang stalking skits by absolute Nazi filth creeps which is like an exponential increase after the pandemic was listed as being "over" but the pandemic of these locust parasites has now resumed as global warming and destruction of Freedom and the upsurge of fascism now appears openly around the world (except in wonderful "Democratic" Europigapeland Europe--I discount those from that country who actually are authentic and I would gladly call them European if only I could meet a single one who is not a disguised Nazi fascist).

Monday, November 7, 2022

In the tenor of Twitter--the tone is F-Flat*(ulence). It's Time for the Year award for unending my permanent suspension from American life and Democratic Rights under the US Constitution. To Hell with Twitter. I wrote and wrote and warned about that persona who is now being identified as part of this surge in fascism. I wrote and was tortured (by him and the same people who have gone on for YEARS and are still going on and on with deadly assault upon me--I have aged so badly my body has been so badly poisoned I remain fighting and I see that for years what I had written of, tortured for each and every post, has turned out to be 100% correct and is a threat to "Democracy" in all ramifications and I was only tortured for having written and warned about these people, their technologies (which remain silenced, as my situation is endlessly silenced). In the end, even if Dems win the election tomorrow, I will still be labeled as a target by the Democrats, there will never be an end of politician celebrity wanna-be famous media clowns who will come and see what they can get out of torturing me. My only consolation is that I am a true Patriot and more than any MAGA protestor trying to debunk the last prez election. I am still being left to be tortured, raped, beaten, poisoned and slowly murdered by politicians who have known about my situation and gloat and laugh as they sneer in contempt and then get more media exposure immediately afterwards, while I remain listening to my words echoed by news anchors as I have been left with less than nothing and am still being murdered and poisoned and raped and beaten and abused without end day after day every single day non-stop. I can only comfort myself, as I am still shunned, turned into a universal pariah, and only can calm myself in knowing that I HAVE FOUGHT unlike anything I have ever heard of--that is day after day and night after night with one violent disgusting rapist abuser group of celebrities and politicians after the next--taking turns, to break me absolutely. I have gotten no support, no comfort from anybody all I can do is know and stand firm in that I have exposed the threat, I have fought for my country in a way that is so admirable and yet I am sneered at in hate by leading "Democracy" Democrats holding office and in the media for my attempts to actually do the real fighting instead of the mouthing and posturing as they all do. But back to Twitter--I warned and warned and wrote and was tortured for my efforts and now, far too late to stop this tsunami of money and power and adherence to the fascist uprising in America--now it's too late. But I fought, I am still fighting and they are murdering me for my efforts while these politicians look on, having dismissed me and gone on their way to interview on the news lecturing on the ideas that I wrote of, which they are now appearing so wonderfully "patriotic" about, while I remain under non-stop murder conditions. I can only understand the "unknown soldier" who fought in mud trenches and was either made paralyzed and then spat upon his/her return to a callous country, or died from the war effort and was promptly buried under a mass grave of patriotic remembrance. If the war was lost, the soldier may have been forgotten completely. I am one of those I fear, and all I can do is find some consolation in that I have fought in a way that deserves honors and medals for courage and power but I only get more violence and silence from the leaders who SHOULD HAVE STOPPED THIS SITUATION BEFORE IT GOT TO THE POINT IT IS AT NOW. My teleportation contract is absolutely one of the portals that helped to usher in this very condition and split in country that threatens to destroy the fabric of Democracy (using the old chestnut phrases you always hear on the news--).

 Exercises in writing pseudo-Twitter posts:

1. WTF: I wrote specifically about the celebrities and politicians teleporting and using terrorism against me (rape, attempted murder, poisoning without end, violence that has never stopped for a single day). I wrote specifically about many people and what at that time was never publicly recognized by ANYONE except for me in my writing (that I know of); The rise of fascism and the promotion of these personalities attacking me and what they are bringing about. Since then, only one or two of them are now publicly made spectacles of emergent fascism because of their very open and blatant smug actions which cannot be ignored any longer as fascist ideologue. This awareness that I wrote of,  beginning in 2014 or so, was met with only torture and being ignored by my YEARS of writing and begging online help, the warnings I issued endlessly about allowing these celebrities and politicians to continue on their course. Now my writings are what news anchors such as MSNBC are featuring in their discussion--my ideas are not so unique I just wrote them before no one could deny them any longer, and in that sense, they were too shocking and I was dealt with like a "radical liberal" and thusly targeted for slow murder--and I still am although now what I had written is common nomenclature in terms of analysis of these signs of the Times. 

In return, for my writing with dire warnings of allowing these people to continue with this teleportation terrorism unabated, with politicians joining in who are now making public statements descrying the very personalities I wrote of. I remain being raped in teleportation, tortured gang stalked my property stinking and foul my body broken down from poisoning and stress. WTF 

--I guess the paragraph above is too long for a Twit-universe.


2. Why do I mention Twitter in connection to these concepts of my writings falling on deaf ears but bludgeon fascist thuggery trying to beat me slowly to death--and why do I write of this specific company now, of all things in this post? WTF.

=That was I think short enough for a Twit audience. I won't get on Twitter though. Twitter suspended me sometime this year, although I had not written or even gone on Twitter for at least 2 or more years and I was not blocked the last time I was on Twitter. I have still not posted anything and almost never get on that media platform.


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Waiting for the Midterm Elections to be the beginning of the end of the 4th Reich;---**I can't express how much interference I have had from hacking terrorism for the HOUR I have spent recopying and rewritng and entire pages deleted while in the middle of writing this post--absolutely blocked endlessly it has taken me over one hour to write the equivalent of one or two pages which this entire post covers--such a small amount of writing but ENDLESS blocks and deletions and I had to rewrite this post 5 TIMES.// But first, here is my Unfortunate Midterm Election prediction, on the predilection of favoritism towards Barnes. Necessity to a realistic perspective of what will be elected in that State, as I used to know it, demands that I recognize The bitter reality check of what Wisconsin is, or was 40 years ago, as I have experienced it having lived in that State and travelled around during my high school years (1979-1982). It was long enough to be exposed to just a small number of the various Nazi networks in that State, being the MK ULTRA target I am, I am always exposed to that circuit everywhere I go around the planet::


**Orwellian moment: Completely out-of-it-correction to this post (written a few days later): I was under "mind control" and hacking assault and thusly, I must correct this post that Barnes is running for THE U.S. SENATE and not Wisconsin Governor. I was looking for this campaign to ensure I was not just blustered by mind control and hacking incessant interference to my thinking and written efforts--I got on the internet on a search that they were running for Governor---(Johnson v. Barnes). Literally the campaign information was hacked and in Orwellian fashion rewritten to discredit my writing---I was so drugged and sick at the time that I just struggled to write the post. I "knew" that something was wrong and as I did a search the subliminal wrong information was "confirmed" by the hacked and skewed and misleading wrong information. ***

I do not want Johnson or anything like him to win any of the upcoming elections but I believe that Wisconsin will not put Barnes in the final position of power of Governor. I find that sad, but considering that outside of Madison and Milwaukee, with a perhaps exception of Green Bay, the rest of the State is like a yee-haw white supremacist haven (as in Neo-Nazi Party). I hope I am wrong, how I hope I am wrong. I know from having lived in Wisconsin and being sent to various places with Nazi enclaves (rural areas) that indeed their true wish is that various elements of society NEVER have a chance to have a decent life, only subjugated and serving them if they want any crumbs from the table of plenty that they grasp in a most greedily way--
That is "The American Way" according to those folk.

I hope, I hope that Milwaukee will override the endlessly sprinkled around Wisonsin, highly (redneck) conservative hamlets like La Crosse (Fish Frys on Friday nights, baseball games on Friday nights with little tents put up for sex forays--getting drunk and playing pool to music that accompanies such arenas of white supremacy). Neo-Nazis up to the highest ranks of Milwaukee (who I attended high school amongst and know how fascist they truly are and conformist and demanding to conform and submit--in a very deadly way--) who definitely will vote for Johnson.

It is amazing that someone like Mandela Barnes has even won the Democrat nomination in the first place in that State. I so hope Barnes wins but my prediction is Johnson.

MANDELA BARNES for Governor of Wisconsin.


"Tour of Greater La Crosse, Wisconsin". La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce. September 19, 2020.

I rode bicycle from Minneapolis to La Crosse in one day with a friend/fiend from my dormitory (female-only dorm called Comstock at U. of Minn./Mpls).--She introduced me to the locals and bars and food and culture and an Elvis contest (really great imitators of Elvis at that party---seriously great imitation in costume and vocals and body movements it was the best I've seen). Lots of very fattening food and laughs---but extremely White Supremacist---The ride on bicycle along the Mississippi and into the country of La Crosse (it was du ring Autumn) was more spectacular than I could begin to describe in this little post--beautiful country, and the peeps of that area (and all the areas around the State just like it) want to keep it White and Right (wing)--


"TOP 5 PROS and CONS of Living in Eau Claire". Living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 15, 2022.

Oh boy, I am so befuddled while sitting in front of this mind control apparatus--memory is so completely distorted that I had the wrong city. We rode from Mpls to EAU CLAIRE Wisconsin, only 90 miles away not the 170 from Mpls-La Crosse. This was way back in 1983 so memory served me unwell while brain-altering tech blasted into my brain to disrupt functioning--as it always does in every verbal and written encounter I have whether online, in teleportation or in person (it's very bad in all cases)--Eau Claire is much smaller and rural--a real small town but the atmosphere is definitely marked by what I had written above and the socio-political atmosphere. Most of Wisconsin is dotted with towns like Eau Claire. Of course, since the time I was in that area the demographics of Wisconsin have indeed changed, but probably not by much as the blocks are still supporting the Nazi networks that run the gamut of the State (and elsewhere of course).



Nota Bene: "First of all, hackers completely rewrote this section of the post, and I am now endlessly correcting what they destroyed of my writing. Sentences were partially deleted and then strung and pasted into other sentences which were also partially deleted. I could not understand what I had written clearly expressed after hackers got through with their terror operation of discrediting me. As I type, the page I am writing on jumps to another part of the screen so I "lose" the very line I am writing on, and all the other attacks are ongoing (keyboard won't operate, the internet is being turned on and off repeatedly while I am fighting to surf. I had to wait for over 20 minutes earlier just to be able to use the computer at all as it was frozen. It kept freezing and I had to reload and restart and then it was frozen again (I clear out the cache a minimum of 2x/day--I just did a restore operation two days ago--hacking is ever-present. My brain and body are also under attack. I have not checked the post above, but by the time I get to the 4th paragraph for any post hackers and brain-altering tech have skewed my cognitive capabilities, motor skills, keyboard functioning and then they delete words and rewrite entire sentences after I am finished typing (correctly, cohesively and clearly).---------------------------After having corrected this post for the 2nd tim I can't do it any longer adn the entire post is a mixed jumble of partially pasted together sentences that hackers just cut copied and pasted together after deleting parts---------------------------------------------I am not obsessed with Nazi and white supremacist culture, but being this MK ULTRA mind control victim where people can manipulate me while sleeping and etc, I have been surrounded all my life by denizens of all races, who have been incorporated into this huge "gang stalking" mind control organization, which I label as the 4th Reich from my lifetime of experience having to be thrust upon it's concentric circles of operation. So I am fully aware of their leanings and activities at least to some degree, the degree to which I have been invited and privy to their operations against me and also against others--who in turn attack me and others and then they too are under attack but don't realize it. In particular Wisconsin was very much open about it's racist and neo-Nazi tendencies, albeit cloaked and not openly Nazi but hinting at it at every opportunity (and that was 40 years ago)-- when I lived in that place whereas in other places such as NYC the "liberal" groups discriminate with as much fervor against me (i.e. "Jews" who I have also been subjected to, which I must admit are not the entirety of the culture for that location but they did constitute a large majority opinion and behavioral activity relating to participating in white supremacist operations---I have had very wealthy relatives operating with full exemplary hate at me using all the protocols of this organization--sad to say they even attacked their own children--with absolute hate when they didn't comply with the racist hate protocols--against me--and that cousin is now dead from "cancer just as her parents also died from "cancer" and my family in all it's branches has been poisoned and drugged so I have serious doubts about how they actually died and the reality behind their deaths). What I am trying to say is that this upcoming election is almost my lifetime of fighting against this group put to the test whether America will continue to outright support this now not concealed fascist and Neo-Nazi organization. People can easily see that the problem of white supremacy is not confined to "white" people alone, although the media pundits will not expose the reality as such they juts label the one or two "extreme" black and otherwise "minions" who blast out their hate diatribes but don't get to the root of the problem. They conceal their true affiliation much more cleverly to the point that they can't even admit their participation even to themselves, but they are as hostile and pro-white supremacist as the peeps belonging to the same organization in good ole Wisconsin. Hopefully this trend and group will be eliminated in the upcoming election next week; I hope in my lifetime I will see the utter exposure and destruction of this organization. I am working towards that goal. I will not enhance it further by participating with any single terrorist of that organization and certainly not to have an unwanted "baby" with one of them or live around them or have any relationship with any of them on a personal basis. Note that well M-fu**ers hope the upcoming Election will bring a cycle of change into the world so this elimination of that insidious evil pernicious group will create a different paradigm. I hope I can contribute to that. F-U and waiting for the elections to determine the fate of how well a change long overdue will arrive or be squashed once more.

It has taken me over 30 minutes to rewrite this post as hackers deleted the entire page after I had posted it--it was just deleted so I had to fight to type and paste and scroll with endless blocks and deletions. I could not get through retyping the entire thing a 3rd time so there will be inconsistencies in this post which I cannot fight to change any longer. My brain is under a "fog" of mind blanketing from brain-altering tech (aka mind control bs).

I wait for any intelligence to stem from upcoming newly elected human beings instead of the corroded and corrupticians who have created all the chaos that has brought about this near collapse of the United States' Democratic system of operational elections. As I wrote in an earlier post (on Facebook) I predict that Democrats will win both the House and Senate for the 2022 Midterm Elections. Whether that prediction comes true or not may not be resolved for quite a while, but the election day is just three days away and that will tell quite a bit about what will prevail or fall away. What needs to fall away is the endless selfishness and greed and participation with this covert 4th Reich terrorist organization that so many put--wrongly--into high positions of power belong to. They become inhumanly corrupt and play a Janus game of deception about their false ideologies versus the ugly reality of their "backroom deals". They love torture, rape, brutality, lies, theft and murder on a huge collective scale. May they be ousted from office and it must begin to be realized in the next election. They cannot be allowed to prevail and hold sway any longer. The reasons for why they must be ousted range from environmental destruction because they all truly don't care about nature or life or sustaining the highest quality of life on the planet (only for themselves, but they languish in schadenfreude delight in destroying entire communities and forcing people to live in filth and squalor and sickness--my experience as a microcosmic example of what they force upon the majority of the planets' inhabitants on a macro level. They are foul and filthy and life fuckers they must not be put into highest office any longer.


"What The Fuck?"

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

Your fire is melting both soil and soul,
In plan maybe, is that not enough?
Your war and raving of it is so total,
You're consumed by it as you'd consumed us.
Would you see the fire from your sanctuary of death?
What terrible pain you need to hide,
In your hatred you'd seek to destroy the earth,
What is it that you have been denied?
Your mind and its rantings are so barren,
What the fuck are you thinking? What the fuck?
Your eyes and their vision, empty, staring,
What the fuck are you seeing? What the fuck?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

So singular your motives, yet impossible to define,
How finely lined my destiny in the cobwebs of your crime.
So insular your future, so alien your plan,
Take all of this if you will and I'll take what I can.

A town that is no more,
"My god", you say, "what have I done?"
But you won't heed what's gone before,
"What pity?", you say, "There is none."
And so you drive the world to war,
But this war will not be lost or won,
The desolation that you've seen but never saw
Is the lesson that you teach, but never learn.
But would you see the fire in the world where you exist?
Will your hard eyes register the pain?
Are you so cold that there is no distress?
Where there's death would you give death again?
No flowers in your landscape, some withered rose
Kicked amongst the corpses where they lay,
Halted where all hope died, froze,
By the horror of your acts compelled to stay.

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

Unnoticed all this in your lusting after death,
How determined that your darkness should be shared.
Unnoticed in your blindness this miracle of breath,
What element of beauty attracts your cruel desire?
Would you see the burning? Is that your delight?
Would you have me see it in your stead?
Would you feel my yearning? Peace, life light,
Body, breath. Would you take all this?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

What is it that you're seeking, so cold & so deprived?
What is it that you dream of in your empty eyeless head?
Why must I share your lust of death? Can you not die alone?
Why must I share your fear of breath, light, life, PEACE?

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).