Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Terrorist murder by poisoning report: The day after the elections which will not put into power ANY representative that is willing to protect me from these crimes ordained by the U S Government fascist destroyers like Pelosi, The Clintons, Jamie Raskin, AOC, Biden, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Graham (S. Carolina), McConnell (partnering with Graham), Trump & co, almost the entire A-list of H-wood celebrity "liberal" fascist actors and their directors and conglomerate backers, et al (the list is far too long for me to even remember the entire list of terrible terrorist teleporting life-screw operators attacking me who pose endlessly as heroes of society.

 My drinking water is being poisoned with horrid stinking fluids. I can't protect myself against this as I store large gallon jugs of water which I drudge behind me on a mostly broken carry cart which terrorists have stuffed greasy hair and strings into one of the wheels so it barely turns (they are doing this daily with the chair I use to try to regain focus as I sit here all day in front of the laptop being assaulted with mind control triggering by celebrity-after-celebrity trying to get me to click on their infernal media output so they can teleport and rape and abuse and torture me alongside their partners who urge them to follow them in pursuit of breaking me absolutely in every way possible without outright violent murder--so they are poisoning me to death and it's non-stop toxic filth inserted into my body via my vagina, into my bladder and this violence has gone on for at least a few years--I think it began during the Trump reign of terror but mostly these types of murder attacks began maybe in 2012 (but many were earlier and the poisoning to death began years before that but began in earnest in 2011, just as I was finishing my graduate degree which is now useless as I have been repoisoned perpetually day after day with hardening/bloating poisons mixed with mind control drugs, inserted either into my body or into my food and water; plus toxins sprayed on my clothing and all furniture while I have remained partially paralyzed and unable to go outside, can't exercise and am stuck sitting breathing in poisons, perpetually cleaning stinking filth that is endlessly sprayed into everything so my rooms are covered and coated with brown stinking goo that stains permanently and stinks--into my clothing and now since Graham they have been poisoning my drinking water with stinking substances and they do this after I lug these huge gallons of water--I obtain around 4 huge gallon jugs per trip to last me for days--it's so heavy for me, my body is so plagued by hard poison latched into my spine and skeleton/hips extending in every direction into my hands and feet--completely rendering me stiff and unable to move as all the rivulettes of poison are latched onto my spine in criss-cross fashion.

The water is stinking and putrid. They are inserting stinking fluids into my body so I have a rancid filthy gooey oozing filth in my interior cavity which is being put into my body by mechanical arms while I sleep. My body has completely broken down from a decade of endless abuse, rape and beatings violence endless insults subliminal hate messages ceaselessly pumped into my brain. 

Every pig ape who teleports me has this agenda to be as violently abusive without physically demonstrative evidence of their intentions to beat me to death--slowly but destroy my psyche, will, energy, love, beauty and suck and drain every positive out of me, steal all I do for their own conceptual output and then they dump and pour their hate on me non-stop and are told to go on viciously as long as possible and they all get top positions in their field for having done so. The list is now so long and the abuse has been so non-stop that my body, in addition to the torture and poisoning and deformation and mutilation (they have broken my toe twice--just this group--they have tried to have my teeth knocked out and they cut into my lower jaw gum tissue every day to try to get my teeth to fall out, they are now with no gum tissue protecting them in the area that they nearly broke after they had a car hit me, the handlebars of the motorbike I was riding remotely swerving downward so when the car hit me, the brakes didn't work and the handlebars swerved like a piston to the right as I smashed into the cement on my JAW. My teeth were not loose until the next morning when I awoke, as usual the terrorists had broken into my room and the accidents this group orchestrates they then always turn into serious deformities which literally result in making me disabled physically. Meaning I go to bed with an injury that can heal, I wake up with fractured bones, broken bones, fractured teeth. They have (this group of celebrities) continued to have me poisoned and it made me deformed and bloated and has been murdering me. They are extremely happy about it and are still going on and on although for years all I have written is that they poisoning me and are murdering me. So far all the politicians I have mentioned above have done NOTHING to stop this, or not enough to stop the destruction of my body which means my death--literally this is now at the murder point of this operation and the next pig ape who I detest is so ugly and foul (Baryshnikov) and he's going on and on with calling me a "bitch" and "loser" after he rapes and beats and abuses and threatens and calls me these names when I describe how his Nazi shit friends (the celebrities, in particular out of France which is probably the country he loves the most and lives in, I don't know this but I assume it as he speaks French and is calling me a bitch and raping me in front of the ugly skank piece of shit that Depp spawned who has not stopped feeding off rape and torture has stolen ideas from me and has been alongside filthalina and pig pitt while they went on and on torturing an dabusing me day and night for over 7 or 8 years--pitting one celebrity after the next against me. I called Oprah an Aunt Jemima for her absolute participation with these anti-Semitic/Holocaust referencing murder-threatening pig ape celebrities and I got a slew of black celebrities coming to violently threaten my life (Snoop Dogg, Billy Porter, Whoopie Goldberg--in addition to Spike Lee participating in this contract as his career shot off into higher orbit--but that was years ago during the Obama admin and he's off enjoying his Nazi affirmation party while I remain sitting here begging for this murder to be stopped).

Baryishnikov is like a font of sewage hate filth being spewed upon me, and the accumulation of him and also Graham who also had so much filth and muck spewed into my drinking water (this originates from his torture protocols, he's still participating in this as is Trump who was so violent I thought I would not survive if he were re-elected and put in direct control over this murder operation against me, as that is what this truly is by now I have absolutely no doubt.

Baryshnikov, as I begged last month to get him off me and this pig ape scumbag has just followed in the footsteps of Graham who is just doing the same things to me that he began in July, and is probably still ordering all the sickeningly disgusting attacks such as my water being tainted and stinking and I can't protect that or stinking putrid goo being inserted into my vagina while I am sleeping by their endless mechanical arms spewing toxins into my home literally all day and night every day and every night. My living space is stinking and filthy and broken down and every month so many items are broken or stinking with poisons that never come out no matter how many times I try to get the stink out I have bags of stuff I bought 2nd hand which I can't even use. My body is so deformed because they have continued to poison me I can't wear clothing that is nice anyway and all I have has been sprayed with stinking foul stuff repeatedly.


I need to stop writing, but each one of these filthy pig whore scumbag celebrities and politicians whom I have only been writing of for years gets more promotions the more viciously abusive they are towards me until I have to write about what shit they are as human beings--which promptly gets them promoted into highest office, the pig ape terrorist organization uses this endless cyclical cycle of violence and reduces the violence or pulls the psycho sickening ugly pig piece of shit creep off me (the list of the revolting revolving door of the terrorist politico-celebrities) and the next one resumes all the violence. They have scripts and protocols they all follow it. Some of them, like Baryshnikov, are fantastic at their art but I assume that in this organization they have blocked various types of people from being allowed to compete against them and so I have to wonder what kind of talent they and their group have either killed or mutilated or harmed so that only they appear as "the best". 


It is not stopping it's never-ending I am dying by now from poisoning. I still cannot give these putrid pig ape whores the contract they are only abusing and torturing me to obtain and then demanding that I somehow "respect" them as they block all my opportunities, literally for even my own website to earn even a small amount of money--calling me a "loser" perpetually, mocking my every sentence as people do here in Thailand, in particular the nasty Thai women so I can't talk to anyone any longer without hate and insults or some abuse game being played while my brain is blocked from functioning--literally. They rape and poison and abuse and slap and punch and abuse and threaten to kill me one pig piece of shit after the next. No one will stop this, so after a decade of the shitty game of me writing, the abuse being temporarily reduced only to begin with another piece of shit, only for the first piece of shit to never leave who also enlists his wife/mommy/daughter/gay lover/partners in business and each pig piece of shit "famous" scumbag has an entire coterie of creeps and hanger ons' who they sic on me who then get their own promotions so the list of abusers has now grown so long and the attacks on my memory is so profound that I can't begin to list them any longer without having to endlessly pause to try to regain parts of my memory, and even then there have been so many that I can't list them all in one sitting.


I must stop this sickness and although once I remain silent, people will probably not even bother to consider me as anything to think about--I write and people are reading my posts to steal ideas and concepts from for their own output--

the bullshit is never stopped. There are some new politicians being put into place but obviously the system is so corrupted that no one who thinks actually according to righteous adherence to the Constitution is allowed to be put into highest position. These criminals in "power" adhere to the boundaries of the law and go far outside those boundaries whenever possible and it's egregious how sinister they are when they have this silence protection in this teleportation terrorism that they all latch onto; these are the Democrats and the Republicans don't participate very much because they all--by now with no resistance from anyone--openly are racist and violent, but the Democrats are feigning so much that they must necessarily keep up false appearances about how they are "fighting" for Democracy. I am the true litmus test of how much they are "fighting" for Democracy and they have failed, utterly in this regard. As for blathering platitudes about how great they are and how assiduously they are working for a more equal society, at best the Nazi women and their minority minions are fighting for the Nazi organization females on the "liberal" side to have first pick of all positions available to them, always omitting me from all consideration of having "rights" under the Constitution.


I want to make some line drawn and discontinue this useless attempt to gain support or protection as it obviously is never going to happen with the criminals reading my posts at this time.

I have begged endlessly for my life and to have one piece of sick crap famous celebrity--or non-famous scumbags, it makes no difference to me except that the celebrities are on this disgusting ego power trip and that makes them even more revolting in their assumption to have the "entitlement" to rape, beat and steal anything and everything from me and block all my chances and call me "loser" afterwards as they get paid in millions for the ideas and concepts they stole from my writings on this blog and on my Facebook page--all these years. Not just not a penny paid out to me, but my money literally stolen from my wallet for YEARS--so I was literally not able to eat by the end of the last week of the month, every month, for years. They broke parts of my body, they would put my hips and spine out of alignment every single day and have me raped with stinking semen oozing out of my vagina every day--for years it went on so now they are just inserting stinking toxins and putrid substances and mind control drugs into my vagina every single night while I can't defend myself, can't fight to protect myself against them opening portals they open from the rooms on either side of me, I can't close my patio doors because of the poison they spray into this room every single day---I breathed this all in for YEARS to try to stop the rape and violence and it made me extremely poisoned and it probably is a huge factor in why I am now breaking down and probably poisoned to death but still alive and also being tortured to death slowly from endless and repetitive systematic torture psychological and sexual and verbal abuse and hate from one pig piece of shit go all go off laughing to parties afterwards and then they get plastic surgery and are put into lead positions. 

now the dancer out of Russia by way of some Soviet Bloc country is really slowly murdering me, using the same stinking attacks that Graham used a few months ago (he took over abusing me from Graham, so Graham and by extension Trump are ordaining this violence against me and Trump has been going on and on exploiting this contract out on me since 2015--the spawn ugly filthy daughter of Depp and Depp and Heard since 2013 (or earlier) and pig pitt and filthalina probably even earlier than Depp---so they've all gone on and on for more than a decade just attacking me and gaining lead roles, Oscars (pitt year after year_) and in return they have stolen my concepts, and are torturing and poisoning me to death with me writing endlessly begging the planet to help and stop them. All these politicians and more I have listed above have come to assault an dinsult and pat the pig ape celebrities on the back; all of the politicians are relying on media coverage for their shitty careers in promising gold and providing more crap K-rap (the "k economy of the division in the wealth gap, which they ALL promote in private but yell obstinately that they are "fighting" against as this divide widens year after year and they all of course belong to the wealthy side of the division.

So I am going to stop now. The blood moon was yesterday, a DECADE of asking for help has produced only more of the pigs and I can't stop them from teleporting and poisoning me and I have begged for this foul murder to be stopped and it is very unlikely that even if a Democratic win in the House and Senate will produce anything but more greedy and sleazy liars feigning concern for human rights when it comes to covertly and secretly teleporting someone in order to force them into a cock-sucking slavery violent murder situation so Nazi 4th Reich shit Europigapes can promote and protect their surge in Nazism that has swept over the planet. Death squads will continue to ransack individuals just as they did to Pelosi and she will continue to protect her "people" which are her "friends" in the Whorewood of Congress and in Whorewood the media fantasy mind programming fascist social engineering studio for subliminal hate and divide-and-conquer strategies. She is still just simply ignoring the situation that she has endorsed with death threats upon me when she participated in the goon squad, her friends like S-negger and co, who laugh and giggle as they order their foul and nasty minions to break into my home, break my bones, rape and insert fungus and semen into my body (rape in other words and then inserting fungus and poison into my vagina after they put my hips and spine out of alingment, put spider veins on my legs and poison my food so I am perpetually dying from poisons which are trapped into my intestines. 

I told nasty foul Baryshnikov about this as he followed their orders and called me a "pig" while I was gulping food down because I am being suffocated internally by the stinking and bloating poisons that remain trapped into my body (these poisons are so adhesive that sometimes they literally come out and get stuck on the porcelain of the toilet bowl--literally they stick to every substance and are glued into my body and there is a rock hard shell embedded into my body and it's so painful getting it out; while I struggle to get rid of this poison they pig ape millionaires and billionaires are blocking all my financial earnings, I am stuck sitting in literally one spot because I am so ill every day--they abuse me so badly in sleep state with endless violence, abuse and hate that it takes me hours to get their hate and nasty negativity out of my body energy--I am stuck not able to exercise. These pieces of shit then feel relieved of their hate and pent-up stress as they dump it on me every single day. one sick putrid creep after the next, all are extremely foul and disgusting people on a personal level and yet they appear so charming for the audiences. They pour the pent-up hate and psychological problems they all have in this life-fuck organization and in how they program people to be so hateful in the first place, and how much they need to abuse others in order to feel powerful and relieved.


 I am stopping. beseech people to goddamn finally do something but a decade of begging has resulted in people doing exactly almost nothing and this is the trend for all the stalking targets. Obviously most of society desperately needs people for "witch hunts" and not the stupid labels that abuses like Trump call anyone detracting from his bid to absolute power, but a real witch hunt replete with rape and torture and murderous violence that is so ongoing I literally am being slowly assassinated just from the stress alone. That is the entire point of their exercise in eliminating anyone who doesn't do what these crap parasite want for their false claim to superiority.

It is going to go on and on and I ask for people to stop this system before it reaches a critical mass of destruction to society. I wrote about this for years, beginning when Depp began his rape and violence, even before Trump got on this contract (openly, he probably was very aware of it for a very long time, as all of these pigs and whores have been in the wings waiting for their stage entrance into destroying and raping and beating and murdering me with all their hate and sickness. But I was writing about how Depp and his shit Europigape French and English and etc group are fascist Nazis, how they are infiltrating America to turn it via the media takeover into a divide and conquer overtaken colony of fascist Nazi Europe. No one listened and I was tortured without end and still am and the pieces of shit are still there--Depp and his Europigape whore fascist Nazi group. Then pig pitt and filthalina took over Depp, but that was when Trump began and pig pitt and filthalina only acted as proxy Trump because Trump was too busy in politics to daily torture adn rape and beat me, but oh how he fostered the endless increase of Europigapes into this contract and they all have been put into lead positions and awards categories for all these years since. 

And then Graham who has begun poisoning my water with something that stinks  like sewage water and makes me ill immediately. THis is in addition to stinking foul substances that are greasy being inserted into my vagina every single night while I am sleeping. 

My hair has been chemically so damaged that I have huge bald patches covering the crown of my skull so there's very little hair left. I have been trying to regrow it but like all the attacks these pig whores force upon me, the damage is permanent and it won't grow back. they have damaged my body so completely every single inch of my body has a scar, blemish and vein popping out and huge welts and bruises and permanently engrained cuts into my skin, objects inserted under my skin to appear like cysts--which I can't afford to even pay to have removed and also can't trust any doctor to not inflict worse damage to my body if they get a chance (especially to cut into my body). The damages are so long I also can't recall them all. They also cut out part of my uterus.

But Baryshnikov, is calling me a "bitch" for telling him while I am eating in starving hunger from sickness of being poisoned with my body bloated and the stinking black poisons which sometimes pour out are stuck in my intestines--I tell him that his friends, the blonde Nazi models to whom he defers to in adoration and hisses with hate and glares and threatens and grabs me by my neck and partially strangles me and sodomizes me in front of them and calls me bitch in front of them and calls me loser as they yell it at me as well--for me writing about their participation in Nazification and fascist fashion, for me writing about their violence and crimes and writing accurate analysis of their fascist paradigm which has now completely overtaken American politics openly since they brought Trump into this group--still ignored by EVERYONE and the media claims it can't quite understand how this surge in fascist mentality has come to the forefront in the USA. They, too know about this contract out on me and they remain silent and participate in the terrorism so I remain with nothing but violence and writing about it repeatedly any longer only brings in more worthless pig apes who just pass me around from one sick ugly pig creep to the next who beats, rapes and poisons my food, water and destroys my property--calls me bitch rapes threatens to kill me steals my ideas calls me stupid tells me to shut up has my home sprayed every day with stinking filth my food poisoned my body mutilated and they ALL get huge top positions in society for participation in the mind programming which has made them all covert fascist Nazis posing as "liberals" but the Republican are now open about it thanks to them putting Trump, the friend of people like Pelosi (which is why they are so vicious against her, as she has been following their system but didn't help to get Trump reinstate in 2020 so they want her dead). And otherwise, everyone else like those politicians I wrote and listed above are all in the same system but play the game of pretending they are the opposing side, as I have written of for so many years to just all of the US Government sitting idly by allowing it all to continue indefinitely. 

They all obviously rely heavily upon brainwashing people and mind control and so this operation is integral to the operation of hegemony and monopoly that all these politicians and celebrities are actually "fighting" to obtain; none of them are "fighting" or fighting for anything else as much as screwing people's minds and opinions in order to retain their control, even when and especially because they truly are not the best, or if they are, they cannot sustain that title without having the chance to knock down competitors and so this system remains protected and I am endlessly begging for my life and obviously they want me dead so I will stop. 

If anyone ever can do anything to protect me I would be extremely grateful for that fucking miracle. So far it's just greed, lies and sickness from my society and every society on this planet and I am innocent and do not deserve this kind of torture-to-death or pig ape shit men forcing their greasy and ugly dirty pig penises on me or trying to demand I must have a baby with some shithead piece of bigot sleazy dirty ugly shit I never want even to look at. They all plan on disposing me either with murder or some disgusting act after they obtain everything possible out of me. I plan on killing them if I can. Would someone please stop this sickness and insanity against me? I can't write any longer. The situation is sheer torture and poisoning to death, I have been writing of this absolutely non-stop endless violence but this is a system the government devised and it's not going to stop now; even if fascism threatens to take away their country they are all really unconcerned ultimately because they all are living in comfort and security under the umbrella of this global operation. All have either vacation homes in Europe or lovers/friends/ etc and are completely enamored with the deception and lying psychopathy that Europigapes are so craftily well-trained in performing, and Americans are always always going to follow a deceptive entertainer over a serious truthful person or situation.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...