Sunday, November 27, 2022

I am turning grey from poisoning, torture, non-stop decades of abuse and violence via these teleportation and gang stalking technologies---lacking money for healthy food and medical care--writing these posts for a decade begging the world to intervene. Still I am being raped or I think it's called sodomized by the scum filth that is the next filthy and disgusting ugly wealthy "elite" Europigape in the row of the shit that has lined up for years--welcomed of course by "liberal" Democrats who are now lambasting Republicans for the facade that is the deception of a Democratic and Free society.

 **I just read through about 5 paragraphs of this post below (written two days later) and saw how many of the sentences had been deleted and then strung together with other sentences--portions deleted and strung together in other words. Words were changed, grammar deleted, and it all reads like a rambling incoherent mess. This type of partial deletion and stringing together of sentences in order to discredit me is also part of the endless discrediting and poisoning/drugging/violence protocol system. Because no one ever comes to defend me and I have no outlet for protection, support, friendship, love, financial stability, no legal support anywhere on the planet unless I provide solid evidence of these crimes I further remain standing alone with this mess being associated with "me" and it's not me, it's the terrorist operatives forcing this upon me, as usual.

I have been so badly poisoned that I am perpetually sick. The pig apes of the pig Pitt and filthalina and dirty disgusting Depp and his rat spawn and friends and then the endless encircling rotating rotation of the celebrities and Trump, Pelosi, Kinzinger, Raskin, AOC, B. Sanders, H. Clinton (and partner former husband in the shadows), Graham, McConnell, and undoubtedly many others who have sat back in the rows of chairs where I am stuck facing a crowd of parasitic filth attacking me for their promotions--trying to break my body and spirit so they can obtain more free promotions for this endless exercise in racist anti-Semitic hate and pre-genocidal mind control torture--leading of course to the next Holocaust. Jews of course in prominent positions fully operating with black-eyed smiles helping the bigot Nazi white Europigape-centered filth that has not stopped poisoning my body and damaging my skin and hair and cutting out part of my uterus and breaking my toes so they are sticking in different directions also trying to break my teeth out--endless disgusting pig men sticking their filthy greasy pig penises in my mouth and under threat of death forcing me to utter, on my knees, pornographic statements while I write prolifically in response concerning feminism and womens' rights--which the bigot filth women who sit next to the men--their wives, watching and cheering and smiling and insulting me--endlessly watching me break and die physically from poisoning and torture--cheering the rapist pigs sticking their filthy greasy pig penises in my mouth as the women like filthalina, the shit spawn of Depp, anniston that ugly creep, N. Kidman with her hubby (former) Cruise who has happily obtained his promotions--Tarantino and his crew of "Italian-American" directors and the hate forced upon me by deniro and pesce-which probably brought on more grey hairs that these dinosaur ugly old men rotten filth duo sucked out of my youth from YEARS of torture adn abuse that went on and on and on and on. THere was the black continent endlessyl assaulting me with threats of violence for having called Oprah an "Aunt Jemima" as she hugged the anti-Semitic Holocaust speech hate bloated icon of fake everything bigot nazi white supremacist celebrities who help shit like her remain in power because she's such a sell out and they require blacks like this for the deception of "fair" opportunity in Whorewood. Add rotten and brainwashed disgusting Whoopie to that. Add sleazy foul violent S. Dogg a most foul black wanna be white supremacist and of course Ice Cube always coming to physically and verbally assault me sitting next to Europigape fascist Nazis.

Right now as I have been writing of for over a month, it's this sleazy and disgusting fascist out of a Soviet bloc country--a dancer and either his brain has been coddled and fermented from too much jumps to his brain and brain functioning--like a boxer who has dementia from being pounded in the skull too many times--too many jumps, too many whore sleazy meaningless sexual power trips for the sleazy dancer--but I'm his target and victim now. As I wrote yesterday which he responded with the usual fascist response of increasing and continuing the violence, he brought on the filth of Depp's spawn to once more laugh and giggle as I am being raped and beaten by yet another disgusting and sleazy pig ape while I'm very sick, sleeping, exhausted, dying essentially from stress--this one is a most fervent latching leech who nearly jumps to suck out my life force via rape and threats (essentially it's duress under threat of death at this point for me)--the pornographic display he is undoubtedly having an audience for, as after more than a month of endless stinking filth inserted into my vagina and I feel my body now shriveling with death from stress, poisoning and torture-_i have complied with his pornographic hate sexual display for his filthy promotions for his nasty elite liberal arts community friends as this pig goes off dancing to the money he's pouring into his filthy bank account from the endless money flowing to every pig whore who attacks me--from the trickle that the poorest get in street hate attacks or shopping store attacks (like free food, or something like that) to the wealthy pig ape whores who obtain, as this filthy creep and the rest of the wealthy "powerful" parasites of the government and media have also been handed by this global pernicious organization completely orchestrating a fascist nazi takeover of the planet--very successfully by now I must admit their system has over-ridden every other form of society that used to be seminally in place before it's been taken over completely by fakes and liars who essentially are all actors playing on a global stage for a final effort of this global takedown of freedom and democracy.


so he's slapping, insulting via the shit he brings on which has had my uterus severed out, the filth of pig pitt and filthalina were the waste product of the years of Depp and his shit foul parasitic leech daughter latching onto raping and torturing me. The filthy daughter has been at the forfront of violence against me and has been so absolutely showered with plastic surgery lead everything and money poured into this fascist effort. She was supported by Jamie Raskin as I told her to f** off as usual and what a slime piece of shit she is--which no one can apparently seem to ascertain-they just see plastic-surgery modified sexualized vampire sleaze filth which feeds off violence--which all these pig apes attacking and assaulting me likewise all do--and they feed collectively off it.

So I am now covered with grey hair--my body is rancid and broken down--I have been living in stinking filth for over a decade due to terrorists spraying filth and permanently stinking and staining substances--courtesy of the US Government agencies responsible for passing around all these drugs, poisons and mind control and remote non-touch torture weapons to every sleazy dirty thug group of Nazi and fascist crap around the planet).

I am dying from stress and being endless raped and beaten by shit like Baryishnikov, who unlike all the other pig apes has been plastering exercise videos on my youtube channels and has been using the camera surveillance and the microchip implants and he can hear the poison cracking inside my torso when I do these exercises--he watches what I do and instructs me on correct position which makes a complete world of difference in how the body response to these stretches and exercises. But he's manipulating me and sticking his filthy penis in my mouth and slapping my face and under threat of murder is forcing me to say all these rotten porno things in a "master-slave" type of fantasy which through violence and a decade of non-stop murderous violence I can't stave off any longer alone with an entire CROWD of Trump, Pelosi, Raskin, AOC, Graham, McConnell, the entire A-list of celebrities taking turns threatening raping beating and always they are poisning and drugging me--alone, without a single person coming to defend me after a decade of it going on 24 hours a day without a single person anywhere on the planet doing anything--I can't take it any longer. Thoughts of suicide are now more frequent, as there is no hope of having anything but rotten shit people I wish were dead forcing their filthy shit selves upon me as the government continues to allow this sick and sad situation to further increase the fascist regime that they are all working to achieve. Without a doubt they are all in on a complete fascist Nazi Totalitarian regime and the utter destruction of any semblance of a Working class. Add Bernie Sanders and ALL the "Progressives" I have been subjected to who have also participated in this violence against me; some have participated in the teleportation and some have just endlessly plastered their fake liberal blather on my youtube channel. All are working with fascist racist Anti-semites and Nazi holocaust wishful-thinking bigots from around the world. I am currently being assaulted in a mind control operation by blacks who are part of a "Socialist/Communist" YouTube media splinter of the Progressives who as usual are enthralled by the Europigapes who tell them what to say and think. I see them lovingly describe how French and Europigapes are so open-minded and "liberal" compared with America. If only they understood what brainwashed puppets they are of fascist Nazis and if only they had lived in Europe as I have for years and tried to assimilate into the "liberal" groups only to discover that entitlements from a Socialist system, derived from the National Socialism of the Nazis--pushed into all of Europigape culture extending into countries like where Baryshnikov originates and now into the US (as it was in the 30's) and on and on--but everyone has to be deluded.


The one thing that all of these pigs assaulting me have in common is first they steal ideas from my writings (or even my thoughts) or, likewise, they all silence me and deride and assault me for their promotions as often as they possibly can. Secondly, they all assault me for saying truth about their operations and about the deceptions and for my thoughts--trying to brainwash me into not looking beneath the layers of lies that they are all being paid and lavished with plastic surgery and mansions and sex orgy escapades endlessly for portraying to the public--in order to further the fascist Nazi cartel to which they all belong--that means almost all of you reading this post today (on this date) but in the future--who knows what will happen if the planet will be able to sustain your shit group or will it be levelled by the catastrophes that your filthy and ugly sinister underpinning of reality has forced upon the planet; always disguised as something sexually erotically beautiful and righteously pristine and fair and concerned for justice and democracy and human rights.


but sleazy nasty creep Baryishnikov and the rest of you filth who have done and followed this same protocol towards me: I am not reacting to your porno racist hate rape sexual displays for your promotion out of completely destroying everything about me--my sexuality, my hair now streaked with grey from years of sickness and abuse and torture non-stop as filth pigs take turns attacking me--from Trump to Kinzinger to Raskin to AOC to Pelosi to Hillary Clinton to Greasy Graham the should-never-have-been senator from redneck KKK-land--to McConnell just a fraction more reserved and less obnoxiously redneck racist than Greasy Graham--who has put so much stinking filth into my home since his violence on me--and on and on. 

I do not react because you are desirable. I react because my body is dying I am now unable to look at my body it's so damaged from poisoning and broken bones and hips and shoulders completely out-of-alignment because the filth you keep putting in front of me while I am in the shower, relaxing and sleeping to heal--the shit spawn of Depp whom everyone wants to see have everything including a decade of me being a personal torture victim of them all--feeding off this energetically they all do--and I am just sitting here praying for their deaths. Because they can "hear" my every thought and what I utter, they assault me when I am praying for their deaths by now. When I am masturbating just to try to extend the muscles along my spine, they rape me while I am doing this --it's more of an exercise--they made me so paralyzed with this hardening poison that the poison had formed an internal hard-as-rock shell along my spine so that was all I could do to not become completely paralyzed. While I was doing that they would teleport me to insult and mock my sexuality and what I was doing and rape me using this teleportation while I was trying to fight to save my body from complete paralysis. Stuffed poisons in my intestines for over a decade or longer as they abused and raped the poison more deeply into my body--fighting to get them off me, they then used chemicals to make my hair fall out after weeks of telling one of them after the next to stop--permanent damage to my hair, which is brittle, they cut out part of my uterus as "punishment" for not being able to withstand pigs pumping their pig penises into my body while I'm sleeping or teleported as my body is affected in both states--people entering into my room to rape me, I would wake up with stinking semen and fungus substances coming otu of my vagina--also they put it in my hair and they put my hips and spine out of aligment so I would try to get out of bed and I would not be able to walk and I could feel what they had been doing. I spent 2 years fighting to be able to afford to plaster every single space in this torture room with paper and other coatings and the pigs would come in and rip it off while I was gone. I can't stop the mechanical arms but by now i have seemingly stopped the home breakins through a terrible fight to block my front door from being opened from the inside by the mechanical arms. Stuffing things into the cracks of the door and piling objects against it; not being able to use any drawers or shelves almost in this room which--most of the space has been taken over by this fake wall separating my room from the next with panels that can be removed from the other side. I can't use anything, no closets nothing. Everything is piled on the floor--stuffed on furniture packed behind it in huge series of secured bags so I can protect my property from being destroyed and stained and sprayed--my bags for when I go shopping. I carry around a minimum of 15 pounds of objects in bags just to protect things I don't want stolen or destroyed in this room when I leave.

So I am dying from all of this now. Will anyone ever stop this or defend me as this is a kind of crime that is so absolutely disgusting and yet the entire power spectrum of the United States, Europe and in all countries this is being protected and used as a stepping stone for more promotion.


When I listen to Marjorie Taylor Green speak and how she is being victimized for speaking her realities to the public--I think that the Democratic Party stripped her of her committee assignments 2 years ago because she is uttering something akin to the reality of what the corrupt system is--which they truly need to disguise. As for politicians, I realize I am "supposed" to "hate" her but comparing her to Pelosi I find her at least not a sinister sleazy fake slurring out bs propaganda--also like fascist Raskin in the J-6 committee he's a most bombastic grandizing fake behaving in an absolutely fascist manner while spouting out endless rhetoric about Democracy. These people fighting the Trump take-over just don't want to have their power cartels over-ridden by a more central authority that Trump represents. That is the only difference.

I don't know how much more of this I can take. It appears that suicide is probably my best option. I can't stand Baryshnikov any longer and he's a most depressing life-sucking parasite upon me. As I wrote, he has done what none of these pig apes have ever begun to do, which is to seminally help me. He's helping me to heal while trying to force a pornographic ugly hate "master-slave" rape situation with me on my knees sucking  his greasy pig penis as he slaps my face and has the people like the filth spawn of Depp insult and abuse me alongside him immediately afterwards. He's been going on and on and I am physically dying now and I have succumbed out of the agony of more fungus and poison inserted into my vagina and of filthy goo and muck perpetually sprayed on my floors, into my vagina, on my clothing, on the walls my entire room stinks of it and this has been the case for years and years.

I can't stand you greasy dirty fuck Baryishnikov, because you forced this sex response out of me is meaningless exercise in power as you get your dirty nasty awards adn the shit spawn of Depp you keep putting as your partner in this rape scenario as you insult and threaten and slap and rape only makes you a most disgusting perverted filth just like that shit of Depp you are partnering with. That no one can understand this reality is way beyond me and only ensures the further destruction of the United States by a most disgusting and foul set of promoted filth apes put into powerful positions.


I am not naturally suicidal and I think this group of shit from Whorewood are pumping in suicidal subliminals into my mind--the filth spawn piece of whore shit from Depp and filthy nasty foul manipulative Baryshnikov--I have done these filthy apes no harm ever in my life nor to any of you. I used to be very beautiful and talented and this is how far away from a Democratic Society that America is. Shit like Baryshnikov this fake blathering for photo-ops about how he came and defected from a totalitarian regime for the "freedom" of "his" country is a most insidious fake and fully a fascist vampire piece of shit pig ape. Wish American would stop obsessing about the fake "fashion" and "elite classy" image that these pigs portray with their trained and learned posturing and fashion. That America has completely allowed Europigapes to take over fashion has proven a theory that Americans have no fashion because it was orchestrated that way--so that the brainwashing into how "classy" the Europigapes are (not) would be more fully ingrained because America has so fully sold out to the Europigape control over all--media, fashion and politics. All these pieces of shit attacking me only yearn for Paris Fashion Week or the Met Gala, and that is their true end-game for their lives and nothing else matters to them.

I am not actually suicidal but this filth assaulting me currently is having absolutely deadly assaults put on me. Even my cat has been taken away from me and I am surrounding in filth and poverty and assault an dabuse. My hair is now streaked with grey, I have been paralyzed and pumped via rape with poison and my uterus partially severed out my fingers inserted with metal objects objects inserted under my skin to appear as cysts my hair mostly chemically destroyed and balding my skin destroyed from chemicals slathered on it to destroy it--

I can't live with this any longer. I can't stand Baryishnikov sticking his filthy greasy penis in my mouth and slapping my face while this group of shit out of Whorewood and the politicians I named above (and more) watch one patting the shit rapist creep on the back as he adn they all get more and more lead roles promotions etc etc etc).


I wrote 2 months ago begging anyone to get this fucker Baryishnikov off me--no one did anything but allow the next rapist piece of shit to continue. Now it's this filth creep parasite slapping raping and essentially threatening me with suicide programming being installed into my brain while I sit here fighting to heal and I can't do it any longer. Eventually my only goal will be death--if I can get my hands on one of them to kill them without having to suffer any legal ramifications or myself--as so many targets have finally "checked out" of this hell you are all welcoming like it's a fun heroic game of social engineering.

I have told this pig B-=that I can't stand him and the torture became so deadly in that "soft kill" way of poisoning--stinking rotting meat stench coming from my body as they inserted it into my vagina every night while sleeping--I could feel my body dying--my hair is now very much gray, what is left of the tiny bit that has not fallen out--my scalp completely damaged by the chemicals they put on it to permanently destroy it because I was fighting to get another German rapist piece of filth from endlessly pumping poison with his huge disgusting body into my body via this teleportation rape--the poison he used to force a kind of sexual ecstasy on me while he was thusly murdering me also was of a lethal type which has also been pounded into my body.

At this point, I am ranting endlessly and the keyboard is being absolutely hacked so every letter I pound out to try to get to print is juxtaposed with another---it's now impossible to type any longer. The parasites hacking in will undoubtedly be deleting and rewriting this post--

fuck you all for doing nothing to stop this, may your group be completely destroyed. Get Europigape shit like Baryshnikov out of the United States. His "I'm a defector from Russian Totalitarian fascism" is utter bs. He's a complete fascist Nazi filth rapist pig ape and make no doubt about it. He's just of the "artsy" Clinton section of the 4th Reich--get off me fucking ugly disgusting pig. Can anyone EVER EVER EVER get this piece of sleazy whore filth that Depp spawned off me--ever? It's now been since 2013 that this rotten piece of crap that Depp spawned has fed off this torture and promotion al contract---her entire career has been derived from it. Filthy ugly Baryishnikov is bringing her in to assault me after he rapes me now it's becoming every day --I hope your mashed in brain finally implodes rotten sleazy dirty ugly man--with that skank you keep brining in to assault me, with shit like Raskin pointing his greasy finger at me to "obey" this rotten dirty spawn of Depp--even after she has stolen ideas from me like they all have and they keep latching on to obtain more an dmore and more and more out of me. I am dying from this. I do not deserve this kind of endless hell for having been born into a Jewish family (non-religious not part of the Jewish diaspora, more like Jewish Nazi converts endlessly catering to bigot sleaze and slime like the filth surrounding me continuously which has now controlled the planet with their lies and porno filth and life-fucking usurpation of the planet).

I do not deserve this kind of aging process forced upon me because I used to be happy and beautiful and competitive and I won most of the contests I fought to win at--long ago--they began poisoning me after I was a championship athlete a top student and a classical musician in a symphony by age 12--that has been a death sentence and since then I have tried and tried to get out of the drugging and poisoning swamp this group of shit has forced upon me and even when I am now bloated, paralyzed, greying and dying the pigs won't stop raping and beating and assaulting me to get more promotions. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...