Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Winning the Award for the Most Talented Artist Teleporter for 2022 (and all preceding years combined). Perhaps he will be known as the most talented teleporter of all time in history--as surely once the technology filters downward into mainstream society mere scumbags will have access instead of celebrities---and the poor people victimized by this tech will have to deal with grasping people searching for meaning in having a victim to torture and attack and then voila! press a button and they are returned to another part of the world---what a trip. I can imagine ne-er-do-wells having access to teleporting and demanding obedience just because they are terrorists.

 "Mikhail Baryshnikov Spectacular Turning Point Solos". Kent G. Becker. 

What movies publicly accessible should be, what they could be---(again)---because seeing an endless array of superhero movies is such a non-turning point to flying high on an art experience--To say something trite like, "simply incredible" would be to minimize the performance--

"'White Nights'--Opening scene". FunnyDancerAnn. 2009.

I can imagine ne-er-do-wells having access to teleporting and demanding obedience just because they are terrorists. In addition to me having this expert in physique in my aural vicinity at odd moments of my life, transmitting a physical sense of power that I have never felt and is drawing me close to my center in a way that is akin to a rebirth of my physical state and being. The others who come after me will not be so lucky, at least in that sense. What an amazing artist this is. I have always respected his ballet and above all the other male dancers he has always stood out as being exceptional to me--although there must be others. So I am lucky in this sense. After all the years of having my body stuck with poisons and poisonous people attacking me, at least there is a glimmer of some redemption for all I have fought for as I am receiving probably the most stellar physical advice on body alignment from a most powerful personality in this regard--something that is like a rare gift in life that few experience. All this other hell from the teleportation terrorists is somewhat lessened in this regard, although it's all intolerable:

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