Sunday, November 13, 2022

Terrorist Terrorist Report://Today my bathroom flooded by mechanical arms opening tiles used as portals for invasion---opening up spigots connected to the water spray nozzle/toilet (two separate turn mechanisms on one central metal piece). The water floods my bathroom. This is being done 2-3 times per week now. They also pour grease, hair, insects, grime into the water flooded area. //nothing can be done, no one can EVER interfere in this despite all the hell that has come of this exact contract out on ME and the people who have been put into power for having exploited and tortured and raped and poisoned me for all these years. No, no none of you can do a single goddamn thing to actually fight for Democracy when it really comes to actually risking anything of your crappy sleazy selfish lives.

 I now have a line of grey hair spanning my forehead, which has also been so damaged it won't grow and just behind that forehead line of hair is a bald spot covering the entire curved span of my forehead area due to the chemicals that were poured into my hair and scalp to make my hair fall out and the follicles die completely. It is now one year of wearing layers of turbans around my skull, tied with rubber bands and strings fighting to stop the complete erosion of my hair on a permanent basis. Too late, I could not stop it until the damage was far too long gone. They also raped me when they were able to get into my room (the terrorists and gang stalking minions where I live, under instructions from really genocidal filthy and nasty Nazi Europigapes (which is why I use that name, as they no longer fit into any category that is of a decent denomination--and the "elite" wealthy in Whorewood are as filthy, disgusting and inhuman as the pig apes they use as their crutch proxy terror filth and rape and torture and attempted murder agents here in what should be beautiful Phuket--a place I ran to in order to get away from murderous Americans who are so keen to follow in fascist Europigape genocidal holocaust behavior--(aka gang stalking).


I write about the defunct United States government as I have experienced it in this covert teleportation situation, and the problem of how fascism and what the media calls "Autocracy" (but it's just fascist Nazism and almost Plutocratic/technocracy with the aim of creating more genocides and holocausts without any hesitation or concealment.

This group of filth from Whorewood has so fully brought this situation into being, along with Trump (but their promoters and followers have truly and silently brought this situation into fruition by their endless covert terrorist death squad activities for so many decades and even generations until it's a way of life that is unrecognized and still left silenced and protected.


The "threat" has supposedly gone, but it remains as a dormant cancer waiting for it's chance to re-emerge in the next "Democratic" election cycle. Or maybe the next, or they may not want to wait for an election they may just go full out frenzy in order to pull off a take-over using death squads and all the technologies they have at their disposal--you can thank Elon Musk for having helped in establish networks of satellites and highest military-grade equipment if his group wants to take over they truly are able to now. That is due to this group of shit --Depp, his filthy stupid whore daughter, pitt and filthalina and pitt's former wife, the list is so long I have written of them for now a decade and it's still them being awarded without end.

If not for THEM AND THIS CONTRACT OUT ON ME Trump would NEVER have obtained this kind of trajectory and neither would Elon Musk--who has fully helped to bring Trump to power as well and has been "awarded" in an international fascist 4th Reich carte.


I write about it and have not stopped writing on a daily basis (except when the pig apes had my laptops broken so I could not write, and had to fight to afford to pay for the cheapest version, and that version I did buy has the processing chip replaced by the slowest version possible; plus hacking.

My "reward" for having provided sleazy and sick stupid fascist pig ape whores from Whorewood with feminist ideas, and they have verbatim copied and stolen ideas and writings I put on my Facebook page or wrote privately--murdering me in return and stealing my money and blocking my health and wealth to the point of absolute desperation and I am now fighting death---my body is corroded from poisoning I may be dying from a cancer I don't know. The hate and stress have never stoppped as shit politician after politician has joined in, notably Pelosi who threatened to kill me because I am fighting their pigs breaking into my home, raping and inserting fungus into my hair and ears and vagina and cutting part of my uterus out and raping and pounding the poison they keep putting in my food and water---

fighting for over a decade now non-stop and this rotten election cycle has come and I predicted that a Democrat win would be delivered for both House and Senate. Pig Pelosi will continue to slur her filthy vile bs about caring about "Democracy" while she's as racist and disgusting as Senator Graham---they both may have some "black" friends but that's the extent of it, otherwise they adore and love this social vetting gang stalking murder operation and have made my life so much worse after their input into me fighting in actuality for Democracy. Add Jamie Raskin and Kinzinger into that, and you get a total FAIL of the United States government in actually acquiring a semblance of Democracy in actual real-time politics not in posturing photo-op bs blathering, which is what they all do with polish and have been trained by the Whorewood machine which is pumping out fakes and bigots feigning anti-racist and sexist Democratic heroism to the nth degree endlessly churning out a rotten revolving door of the same monopoly of faces which appear year after year in rotation. it's the same with the same people attacking me to get their annual awards by torture and I am dying from it now. My body is riddled with poisons and I am dying from something that is making my body stink from internal poisoning that is still ongoing.


I'm writing about it but to whom? People who will not do anything. I beg and beg for my life and nothing happens. The same people remain to blather out their K-rap crap about how much they care as they latch onto torturing me to death for their promotions out of racism and hate and for whatever reasons they can make up. All they have to do is teleport me and have me drugged and under hypnosis and while sleeping any and everything I say under duress and threat they turn into a rational to torture me to death. For one of the black pig apes who had, by the time I called her an Aunt Jemima after two years of her inclusion in rape, beatings, poisoning and non-stop theft of my ideas which she also had partaken (she also was part of a production stealing an idea I had written of on Facebook---) and I called her than in rage- -for over THREE YEARS she and a host of blacks who later got awards, prizes, promotions, lead roles in movies came to call me a racist, slapping hitting demanding an apology as I told them it's they who owe me not only money for the ideas they stole but also for compensation and also for this crime--as a slew of blacks came to threaten to kill me, they used the mind control while I was sleeping, insulted threatened and etc and that went on for really OVER three years because I did not "apologize" for calling this black criminal fake white supremacist puppet an Aunt Jemima after she had very happily watched on as the poisoning and rape and theft and torture was passed from one of her white Nazi racist pig ape "friends" after the next. My reaction in rage was met by me being called the racist, blacks came to threaten me and said spitting and hitting me that this was what I deserved for what I had done to blacks--as if I had used the "n-word"---I had to explain that these terms Aunt Jemima and Uncle Tom, as they all knew, were more the 60's terms that I had heard while growing up---used by blacks--but it's not socially acceptable now, and they still have not apologized to me and even when this scandal with Kanye came out, they have not uttered a single word in public about how this is racist on Kanye's part.


That is all I have been writing of since 2013 and before that I was literally being murdered by two white pig ape Europigapes taking turns teleporting, poisoning and beating and raping the poison as deeply as possible into my body. When I began, after YEARS of asking them to stop, calling them "pigs" in messages I sent to them at their incognito social media pages, I was then thrown in jail and I am now in a precarious situation in all respects--and I have been tortured by one piece of rotten Europigape-influenced scumbag out of Whorewood after the next, all vying to get lead roles, Oscars without end year after year for perpetuating this fascist Nazi contract. Trump is just one of them, but America whooshed in to create this fascist Nazi movement that is nothing like an Autocracy--it's a fascist Nazi dictatorship replete with death squads and these technologies used against me are part of the modus operandi of Totalitarian regime oppression.


Silence, no help, I am dying from poisoning and stress--the account of the endless attacks are by now so long that I wrote of how blacks reacted and that was for just openly stating something without being racist myself. I believe that, as I know that my intention was to point out the utter RACISM of people like the prominent blacks of Whorewood who are so fastidiously attacked to performing all the hate acts for further celebrity support by the white fascist pig apes (mostly out of Europigapeland) who absolutely hand them carte blanche every kind of award in the millions of dollars for their social engineering project which these pig ape celebrities further, deliberately. One of these has been and still is Trump. They all fostered his rise, they included him in this contract and as I have been writing for years, the week that Trump got a hold of attacking me his primary election campaign soared into top position FROM LOSING TO WINNING the Republican ticket in 2015.

That wave has turned into an Insurrection, two Impeachments, National Security Fraud, etc etc and the country on the verge of stopping Democratic voting. 

STILL NOTHING prompts the useless and worthless crap in the US Government to block this heinous technology because they have joined in and also want people like me to have no chance in society and to be a raped and destroyed "slave" for men to beat and rape and destroy while their nasty filthy whore women watch on laughing and smiling as cheerleaders.


I wrote about the problem once more today and got a filth attack. I am drowning in sickness from fungus and filth sprayed into my hair, vagina (every night I was raped, my hips and spine put out of place as fungus was inserted into my vagina--_) they cut into my toes every day and dug under my cuticles every day (for over 6 years every SINGLE DAY) etc etc my body stinks from sickness I can't heal my body I have become paralyzed and deformed--I am fighting to heal but the violence is never stopped. 

They now are trying to torture me (to death) to have a "baby" with someone who follows these protocols--which are extremely violent, abusive, loveless, sleazy, hateful and all the men who participate follow exactly and all with vicious hate and fascist domination. The women like filthalina who has used and stolen my writings on feminism while Amber Heard stole my writings and concepts on domestic violence which I wrote about her and Depp for years before their fall-out and both are now public "ambassadors" for human rights and for "women" as they BOTH still cheer the men to beat and abuse and rape and assault and steal my health, youth and then they all sneer in hate that they are so much more "beautiful" while I am literally dying from poisoning, mutilation and non-stop abuse and stress that hasn't been stopped on a deadly campaign to absolutely break me for a decade as politicians all come and throng to join in.


I write, I wrote I am writing and nothing is being done. Goddamn America and this fucking bullshit I have been fighting for to save--there is nothing to save about that shit country any longer it is lost the threat of genocidal fascism is operating with shit like Pelosi and Schumer and the crap like Michael Bloomberg and AOC and KInzinger and Raskin and I have begged for my life for a decade and gotten zero response except for more and more and more fucking pigs coming to exploit, beat and rape and torture me along with their mommies and little lolita daughters and shitty wives and children, et al.

A DECADE of Whorewood knowing about this and congress as well and still NO ONE can ever come to defend me or stop this even after the Insurrection even after all this shit has almost toppled the country you stupid worthless fuckers reading still and you still can't do a fucking thing ever to stop this sick contract which has nearly destroyed the country--not just me, you fucking pigs reading this who think this is entertainment but the entire goddamn shithole country the USA.


And I wrote, and wrote, and wrote posts every day about how this situation--back in 2013--was going to change America into a fascist Nazi system. I wrote this when Will Smith and his yelling ugly sinister wife assaulted me with Depp after he had raped me endlessly for at least one year at that point and I was begging and screaming to get off me. Telling him that I was seriously poisoned as he had me under surveillence would not stop him, seeing me shitting stinking diarrhea every day in huge piles didn't stop him. He kept going and going because I could not find a way to stop him while I was unconscious and in a sleeping, teleported state. Within two weeks that greasy sickening disgusting pig whore stole my cat, which has been my last family member and this group of pigs and whores has kept her for all these years using her as collateral, a hostage, and I had better provide some rotten filth pig ape whore rapist out of this group (and thus all of them by connection to this torture situation) with a baby for their Nazi genetic programming crap or for whatever reason--every reason except for anyone would want to have a baby with someone you at least have some concern over. But no, it's like a commodity they are fighting with death upon me to obtain. They have severed out part of my uterus as I fought and fought to get them off me and to stop the rape. I wrote about it, Whorewood promptly put the pigs raping me into lead position, Depp and the Smith's rancid daughters were featured by Nazi Lagerfeld in his collections and a slew of skank models out of Europigapeland latched onto the contract as well--along with a slew of former but now current acting whores from places like France and England and then German pig apes and now it's an international menagerie of less-than animal whores stuffed into a room watching me get slapped, abused and insulted every single day and they are constantly pumping "loser" "bitch" subliminals into my inner ear, which I can hear non-stop.

People like Rachel Maddow from MSNBC     came to threaten and insult me, and now she's using the mentality and some of the words I have used in her rantings about how she is concerned with human rights. Still no exposure of this system and definitely never an end to the torture and murder. My body is now completely aged to a degree that I look like I am dying, I really am this is so much violence my body has broken down. The poisoning that never ends (i.e. my water is being poisoned with stinking sewage water and there is nothing I can do about it--these are gallon jugs I have to reuse and fill up and lug into this room and once they are in this room the pig ape minions come and put stinking substances and poisons and stinking filth into the water. I can't avoid this. The pig apes who have made so much money out of stealing my concepts afer they rape and beat and poison and have me beaten and mutilated and poisoned with my body smeared with blemishes and hair gone from c hemical poisonins and etc--my skin blotched permanently from their attacks--they then demand more and continue with the hate and torture because I am fighting for my country not to be over-run but no one will defend me and everyone who is "fighting" for "Democracy" is still following the dictates of this global hate organization so I am still exemlpt from friendship, a career, a living wage, a home, love, sex, money, friends, a life and all I have are death attacks every day that in culmination are sure death and I can see I am now dying from it, my body is exhibiting signs of death and I know I am dying from this at this point.

------------------I have been writing about the demise of Democracy and America all these years and fighting and fighting for my protection and for my rights and for my life and for my country and I have been tortured by piece of shit from the US Government coming to partake of the wealth this contract and the promotions affords. Trump being the most tenacious of the bunch of politicians. He's still there behind this current person who is helping me in some ways but also dearly wants this contract for his performance space for his career and he's part of the gang. He rapes me in front of the shit of Depp and his spawn and the pig apes like filthalina and pig pitt who have been murdering me every day for over a decade by now (they were in the background while the Europigapes took turns then handed them, via Stallone, this contract out on me--one of the Europigapes, an Italian Mafia creep scum is a partner with Stallone whom I only briefly met in 1997 in Miami and had no contact with until he began teleporting and raping and pumping the poison he ordered into my body to be pumped as deeply as possible; the goal he let me know was to put me into a coma. 

And so, you fuckers can't do anything still after all these years of the Insurrection, of Pelosi the shit pig and her partner being threatened with death by what I think was a component of this gang stalking terrorism, probably a mind controlled and drugged/brainwashed pawn used as a death squad "lone" wolf (but truly not alone at all).

nothing can be done, no one can EVER interfere in this despite all the hell that has come of this exact contract out on ME and the people who have been put into power for having exploited and tortured and raped and poisoned me for all these years. No, no none of you can do a single goddamn thing to actually fight for Democracy when it really comes to actually risking anything of your crappy sleazy selfish lives.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...