Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Boycott the "HIp Hop" Nut-rape-cracker Baryshnikov and his greasy pig penis rape factory, which of course is derived from the pig pitt A-hole list of rapist greasy pig penis meat filth out of Whorewood and so many politicians from Congress and millions of creeps doing their proxy dirty work everywhere else around the world. How can anyone feasibly boycott them all? //The next pig ape whore rapist Nazi piece of shit promoted by Whorewood for teleportation rape and torture of moi. Working with the people who have had my body poisoned for a decade (besides a lifetime, while fighting to get the poison out they kept me paralyzed and poisoned) as they stole ideas from me and blocked my finances while destroying my home and life and killing any loving animal I harbored after stealing my cat. Stealing my money from my room and destroying my home to the point that it's constantly a foul and stinking broken-down living space--on and on, they have not stopped. The next pig ape has done the same and got his first tv appearance in over a decade in just the last month. He began physically and sexually assaulting me 6 weeks ago. The promotion by Whorewood was immediate. He took over polluting my body and home and torture from Senator Graham, who took the rape and abuse contract over from the decade (they are still there) of pig pitt and filthalina and psycho Depp and his spawn filth dirty sleazy foul daughter and the list goes on and on so long of participants who are all "famous" pieces of shit I can never actually name them all while I am under this mind control attack while I write. Death to them all.

"Ken Russell's The Devils (1971) Opening Sequence". Roger Spark. July 16, 2020.


"The Devils//Torture Chamber". Ean Carlson. September 21, 2018.

The clip (below) exemplifying through art the partnership and collusion of The Church and The State (known as The Monarchy)In the political realm of the Kingdom of The United States--unfurled as of yet, the flag of despotism and autocratic Totalitarian 4th Reich rulership--with ersatz religious fanaticism used as a mechanism for mass revolt and zealot justification for violence---- analogy---below. 

The corollary to the United States in our current zeitgeist: What you see in The Devils, by Ken Russell equates to current albeit covert versions of historically-utilized Mind control techniques for mass programming, mind control technologies, chaos and trauma-based conditioning all utilized in various cycles of repetitive violence upon The American People by leaders all espousing dictates of "Freedom" and "Democracy" and "Victim" status which people must "fight" (and especially to sacrifice and kill) in order to resolve. 

"The Devils (1971): Grandier versus Richelieu". Adam Clarke Cinema. August 18, 2021.


I write this just fresh from having been assaulted in teleportation by hate skits and being teleported to homelessness and shit crap scumbags who participate in the hate and slow murder operation of torturing my  psyche so all I can do is rant and write these posts as the government continues to shift it's focus from one group of foul scumbag crazies (appearing "sane" as the Democrat Party) and the aspiring fascist Nazis on "The Right" who behave in the kind of insanity which this contract out on me echoes but not nearly as lopsided in sanity as what these filth pieces of crap are doing to me to obtain their promotions. All of them behave like this kind of mentality has completely been ingrained into their personalities long ago. With this Europigape scumbag Baryshnikov, as I wrote earlier, he's just another Europigape piece of crap rapist who slaps my face and forces his disgusting greasy pig penis in my mouth as the technology BLASTS my brain into a kind of drug-interface form of passive sexual desire--absolutely manufactured--and this can be done in ways that people reading this may not be able to imagine, but perhaps have already been victims of as I believe this technology and rape protocol system has already been very fully implemented into mainstream society by the pig apes you all cheer on as your leaders--on both "sides" of the monopoly which seems to teeter ever closer to implosion year-after-year now that the tech is becoming more widespread and people are going berserk with the mind control that is being pumped out via various mass-controlling technologies that are unheard of--but can transmit undoubtedly over a huge swath of the public to drive them into various states. On a personal level, drugging someone and using this drug-technology interface to force them into a passive "rape" situation where they believe that they are "in love" or desire the ugly filthbag whom they never would otherwise even approach if not drugged/poisoned and under mind control, I have no doubt it has been more thoroughly passed around to the scumbag Nazi pig penis meat crew of bigots (all races, colors of skin, political and religious affiliation there is no stone left unturned by the major white supremacist pig ape organization in how to create a spectrum of collaboration with the greasy and greedy populace which greedily and happily latches onto instant rape, theft and torture protocols and technologies.

Baryshnikov even raped me, as I reacted in "love" to an utter filth creep whom I had been screaming for weeks to get off me, calling him names, telling him he's a piece of shit for weeks--(as he was passing me around to the group which has been murdering and maiming me for years--no hair left, it won't grow back, they keep slathering stinking chemicals on my hair so it's destroyed, falling out and won't grow back--I have only strands of hair covering huge bald patches which cover extensively my entire scalp--won't grow back--only because I fought off rapist after rapist with his pig ape whore wife and set of cohorts and lovers all attacking me as they have all obtained endless promotions and lead roles--stealing my ideas as they go along. I have not mentioned Janelle Monae for many years but she keeps being put on the roster of celebrities in focus and she's another absolute Aunt Jemima but on a fashionable tier of the spectrum rather than the more traditional appearance---I wanted to not forget about her, why her name is suddenly coming to me now is probably due to mind control as subliminals and the hate and poisoning that continue while I am sleeping--covered as much as I possibly can to stop the mechanical arms from completely destroying my teeth, feet, hands and hair as possible--I can't block my orifices otherwise from endless insertions of stinking foul putrid fungus and poison and bloating/hardening murder chemicals and this has been the prime focus of their physical assaults upon me for years--

the stinking foul putrid fungus/dead meat/sewage liquids that had been inserted into my vagina have been stopped since I performed a pornographic act--with "love" induced by this death threat---to the filth that is Baryishnikov. What is more disgusting is that this filthy ugly pig whore is a trained ballet icon---and because that exemplifies the "old European" values of elitist wealth, a division of  impoverished who were never allowed to participate in this elite form of traditional art (along with classical music)--the Europigape wanna be's of Whorewood like filthalina put on their best Europigape wanna be aristocrat charm (performance) for the performing rapist pig ape Baryishnikov. I, under mind control, while teleported, bespoke of how I  had watched his Nutcracker performance that was filmed circa 1980---and how wonderful it had appeared to me in my Minneapolis college dorm because I had never seen ballet performed in this exaggerated manner. I had been taking ballet but of course I was at that time already so poisoned I couldn't do much with my body---stiff and unbending and poisoned and bloated all my life essentially--I studied and I only watched this ballet on tv. I had come to the conclusion that this dancer was truly exceptional and he was---and so, voila! Now the pig ape is in another Whorewood production after more than a DECADE of no appearances, within the 2 months of him latching onto attacking me he's now in a modern hip hop version of the Nut-rape-cracker put to black people cranking out supposedly hip hop music--I don't know, I will never watch this shit and I urge people to boycott that pig and the rest of the shit--get Senator Graham out of power if possible, and put Trump in prison for at least his other crimes but in addition to the crime of me being raped, poisoned attempted murder endless theft home violation thanks to the US Government and you can also include Jamie Raskin along with the pig Trump into that category who is an atrocious liar and pompous pig ape put into power.

It's all so disgusting, they are so foul and disgusting. I remain with yet more damage to my body and I have spent the last 6 weeks while this piece of rotten pig shit Baryshnikov has spent his rotten filth time getting a tv special, dancing with a bunch of glorified performers, as he had my body infused with stinking sewage water stinking fungus into my vagina every day until I finally succumbed to being raped by him. I could feel my body curling up and literally dying internally from not only the endless abuse he poured on me using this tech--along with a stinking crap filth creep out of London DJ whose music I had written a post about and admired (my "reward/punishment" for liking the artistic shit these pig ape whores come out with is endless violence, abuse and deadly assault because once I even click on a video they produce or under mind control write something complimentary about them, they literally run to participate with filthy spawn of Depp shithead and filthalina the endlessly latched on parasite who has obtained idea after idea which she has turned into her movies (including yet another movie she is now making) which I wrote of--as she has been ltierally poisoning me to death and abusing me to death in return. Filthy ugly dirty Baryishnikov, I did not even click on his filthy crap I just wrote that I wished that the US were not in war with Russia (proxy war, I mean)---

and that parasite as he truly is a latching parasite leeching onto every perceived and real vulnerability--and by now I am so ill and dying from stress I only have vulnerabilities as the US Government continues to allow these pretentious pig apes to murder me as one politician after the next comes to also participate and get deals and wheels for their careers (some of the most violent and openly disgusting have all arrived under the Biden administration---an endless rotation of Democrats but filthy and disgusting crap like Graham the cracker have also spewed stinking filth into my home and body and viciously attacked me with death threats for my writings, for defending myself against all these Constitutional laws that are continuously being abrogated by these politicians and sleaze filth performers (none of whom are glamorous and righteous in any sense--unless you consider rape culture to be glamorous--rape culture is an age-old form of subjugation which obviously the "elite" have always used to destroy any upstarts and etc--but is it glamorous or fashionable after all?).


Because I am writing about this next rapist scum whore who has participated with the filth of Whorewood who have not stopped viciously and violently with murderous poisoning and insertions into my body and putrid toxins sprayed into my home and people breaking into my home while I am unconscious, being teleported to rape and beatings and violence and abuse and insults--which, when I defend myself, the attacks on my body and property are increased and the cycle of violence has never stopped for a single day--if I remain "silent' they increase the torture to get me to react, and then they reduce the violence and after a while they torture me for reacting. All the while stealing my concepts and ideas I am writing of as I philosophize constantly--I can never write any creative output or stories any longer or even a creatively-written sentence--and still my ideas are being stolen in the short bits that I do write by members of the media and etc. But this cycle of torture and slow murder has never stopped for over 12 years--the Whorewood group of celebrities openly taking over the contract from Europigapes who I met once each--not liking them, their insults and sexual abuse tactics I ran from--they used this teleportation and gang stalking apparatus to have me poisoned to death while I reacted in "ex-stasy" to their rape while I was sleeping--as hoards and hoards of people attacked and discriminated against me openly and viciously every single place on the planet--without end. Zero support system, not a single person informing me of my plight or defending me except for a few, extremely rare occasions as the person then receded into the haze of a blank void that fills the rest of this situation with no one ever doing  any single thing to protect me or stop this murder and torture rape system. How many other people are being afflicted and slowly tortured to death, usually unbeknownst to them, I have no idea but it must be an ever-increasing number of victims per year as this tech gets more promotions by the "dark web" of the media circuit and funded by the Dark Money groups which appear to control them all--(you all).


My hair is turning grey from lack of nutrition, my body being endlessly poisoned and attacked (the body cringes from abuse, it contracts from inserts and slashes and cuts--which this group does every single night while I am sleeping while they are torturing me endlessly in teleportation skits).

Almost balding and the hair they chemically destroyed so it almost all fell out--greying and my body suffused with poisons, hard and unable to move or bend any longer--scars litter my body--my bones are crooked from the hard poisons latching onto them and literally making all my skeleton go out of alignment and then the poison permanently hardens in these curves into my spine and legs. Not a single penny for the ideas these dumb and sleazy stupid whores have stolen--pig pitt also literally and verbatim stole ideas from my writing--not ideas, the words literally. filthalina the rotten dirty skank ugly whore has not stopped stealing my concepts and promoting them as herself, while having me blasted by one filthy ugly rapist pig ape after the next while she lavishes them with caresses--obtaining endless awards by this crap and shit government--no matter which Party is in power they are all aligned into this death rape mob technological tyranny---

many others have done the same, including Janelle Monae which I write of above--I keep seeing her rotten posturing in every celebrity page possible, I don't know why but of course she  has completely been paid off for her participation (she also stole ideas from me, but the years of torture and my brain under chemical tyranny I can only remember that she made a mini-short video or movie about mind control and literally stole my writings almost verbatim---but exactly what I can't recall at this moment and I wrote of it YEARS ago--

but this has been the trend going on and on. As I sit in filth and my body is broken down, aged and dying from stress and poisoning and abuse that never ends--as one filthy pig piece of shit comes to viciously verbally assault me, have their minions insert knives under my cuticles and into my skin and poisons inserted into my bladder via my vagina and as I am dying they call me ugly, stupid, a loser, etc

stealing my money as well, and of course all internet attempts at earning money are blocked just as surfing, obtaining any emails from anyone who is positively disposed towards me--all has been deleted, blocked--all animals I love have been either killed and their dead bodies left in front of my door, or stolen and used as manipulation to get me to hand some rotten ugly pig ape a "baby" so he and his lover/wife/mommy et al and group of fellow pig apes can obtain an empire.

The viciousness of Europigape Baryshnikov is of course bolstered by his classical bacground in ballet--something that appeals to "royalty" and thusly the fascist underpinnings of elitist exploitation and a master-slave society is almost epitomized in this foul and disgusting dirty rapist scumbag--otherwise that is what he is, but this "elitist" rape culture, as I wrote last week or two weeks ago about Dickens' novel, A Tale of Two Cities--rape culture of the "elite" upon the "peasantry" has been a fully supported arm of the Royalty or Government, if you will (give and take which century any government had even been established) for centuries, or millennium.

So KEEN on destroying the "freedom", the real freedom that America could possibly pose towards the old Europigape and earlier dynasties of encrusted power upon a desperate slave society--the Europigapes like Baryshnikov throng into Whorewood as filthy whores ugly and sinister parasites like pig pitt (mansions in Europigapeland--) filthy pigalina, his wife, endlessly posturing with the training her English mother instructed her in, as an AGENT INFILTRATOR of the English Crown. I described this exact observation which I believe to be very accurate to the crap that was Kinzinger as Rep in the House (or soon out) and rotten and disgusting Jamie Raskin--the Jewish Nazi along with Kinzinger who stated hissing at me about how I was attacking "Germans" and that he is a "German" (what about "Country First"? Means nothing in the secret alcoves of rape culture elitism for these pig ape f-ers).

So I am dying, and the hate crime is never being stopped. How I would like to think that Whorewood would for once actually have a courageous hero that sees this crime and actually fights to stop this egregious crime against humanity that this technology of teleportation and the adjunct surveillance and proxy torture gang stalking/death squad capabilities are doing to the actual, real principles of "Democracy & Freedom". The Europigapes are loathe to let someone like me have even a clean home to live in. Americans of the white Nazi supremacist and all their minority minions jump right in to creating a mini vassal State of the US controlled in effect by the sleazy and foul sinister "elitist" rapist nut crackers like Baryshnikov, so fully indoctrinated and trained in Soviet-style and Stasi style death squad surveillance and murder operations of any dissent (to their rape factory). 

Still nothing but more support for this terror operation foisted upon me from the US Government, so obviously defunct and corrupt and out-of-control (probably and undoubtedly most of the political leaders have been fully mind controlled by now and it appears like this is the case when I see them all behave in exactly the same manner as if they have no personality--and they don't). The US Government--it's a pathetic joke probably not laughed about around the world by now. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...