Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Kennedys are Dead (including those with the name but not the brains=braindead who married into fascist Nazi thugs in Whorewood) and the Dead Kennedys---Unannounced Martial Law in America: It has already happened in technocratic, surveillance, microchip implant and brain-altering, mind programming America, but H-wood/Whorewood has yet to make this announcement because they are so busy torturing people like me in order to steal ideas thusly to project how much they "care" about Democracy as they usher in the 4th Reich through the greed & sleaze protocols of the elders of Dark Money progammers/benefactors/controllers/handlers, et al.//When the "media" decides to perform an autopsy focus on how Whorewood influences politics and public opinion and is actually an actual arm of the global fascist Nazi/mafia "elite" Party (unnamed as such) it will be a day to FREE California from that grip (along with such sickening side-kicks in Congress like Pelosi and so many others of her Janus-two-faced filth ilk.

 "Jello Biafra--Martial Law". Andrej Modic. August 13, 2009.

"We interrupt this program
To announce that
America is under Martial Law.
ALL Constitutional Rights will be suspended...."

(this unannounced lock-down of martial law and all Constitutional Rights permanently suspended has already happened to ME thanks to the Whorewood/Congress A-hole, Rabbit hole partnership and the rest of the American and global society that participates in this while the "sheeple" watch on passively never "daring" to do a damn thing about it except perhaps a few bits of support for me at random moments and then they recede into the Sheeple fold for protection out of FEAR).


Today's hacking terrorism, brought to you by Whorewood, GmbH, Inc Congressional approval Dark Money global incentive, has been going at the censorship and Big Bro silencing via obstructing the keyboard, blanketing my brain with remote tech and internal chip implants causing confusion and emotional hyperbole--as I point the cursor to copy and paste the cursor moves just as I am clicking to another function--the pages disappear, what I am writing is erased, etc. They use this hacking malware of making the cursor move to another function just as I am clicking on it very often--it jumps immediately without a split second to the function above or below what I am pointing and clicking on---brought to you by Whorewood and Congress and the Executive Branch, probably the CIA and FBT and yes, Martial Law has already been established with a global imperative to stop people like me from having anything as the fascist racist bigot organization goes into full swing despite what the Swing States elect into power--slowly they are killing off people like the drummer from The Dead Kennedys in "accidents" which are rarely if ever examined as if it were a covert assassination--even Pelosi with her own experience of this will continue to chew her gums and smile and slither her blather about "The American People" while the fascist white Nazi "liberals" in California will hand her another cocktail as they so smugly enjoy their corruptocracy and fascist Democracy (in name).


"5 Facts About The Dead Kennedy's Drummer, Dead at 63, According to D.H. Peligro". Stars News. October 31, 2022.

I was so ensconced with the Midterms and the stress of the California Uber Alles troupe of A-hole celebrities and politico co, GmbH, Ltd, Inc-- that I neglected to write this honorandum (sic) to that drummer who passed under seriously suspect circumstances. A 63 year old athletic drummer dies from blunt trauma to his head after "falling" in his bathroom? Sounds murky and a bit homicidal to me but so far no foul play has been detected by the detectives (under rulership ultimately of Pelosi who fully supports home invasions when it comes to "punks" like me but of course not to the puke that she is (on a private level when you can't see the snarling beast emerge to placate all the fascists--in particular out of former Axis Powers countries--with their cocktail lounge $$$ banter of exploitation and torture---(reference to cocktail lounge is the beginning of this song in the cocky lounge musical mockery)--.


"California Uber Alles (Jazz mix)". acespectruments. March 8, 2012.

Please knock California transplant fascist Pelosi out of House Speaker Position for the next selection for that seat of power---(even if Dems lose the House, get that rotten psycho creepy thing out of the minority position and put someone actually a boon to the Democrat Party and not the covert fascist blathering bs Party!!!

"Dead Kennedys--Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death (full album)". Irish O'African. November 15, 2020.

IF there were a time capsule, one would open it and think this album was a commentary on our current political state of disarray---but it was made during Ray-Gun zeitgeist--the favorite old time capsule that the fascists now want to re-emulate in every way possible---
Every song is a political commentary that the current spate of Whorewood gyrating meaningless pop singers don't even begin to contemplate....and that of course is a testament to HOW SUCCESSFUL MIND PROGRAMMING/BRAINWASHING THROUGH WHOREWOOD AND 9IT'S PLAYERS AND WHORE/BIGOT SCUMBAGS HAVE TURNED INTO just absolute puppets of a global fascist regime.
i DARE YOU TO LISTEN TO THE ALBUM AND PERCHANCE THINK ABOUT how what was just a "punk" movement is now almost the entire Progressive Democrat rallying cry--not quite, as they are also partially in bed with the fascist regime (those who have teleported me who are media presenters for the farce takeover of any true alternative to the fascist post-Ray-Gun-era MAGA celebrities and politicians.

***oh yeah, I had to correct the grammar just in the first sentence above--as hacker terrorists changed all to wrong and discrediting--I only read the very first sentence and already it had been hacked to make me sound pretty bad. I corrected it but have not gotten past the first sentence as hacking is so bad that it's really a trial and tribulation to fight to get past hacked keyboard and blocks and the cursor jumping to other functions while I fight to get anything done--etc etc it's many other forms of obstruction---

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