Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day but there is no representation for me regardless of outcome. And after more than a DECADE of waiting for responsible leadership to stop this out of America or anywhere, now the election is a divide of fascist autocracy versus "Democracy". Obviously the "Democracy" leadership has failed utterly and this contract out on me is a very large reason why. This has been a training ground, blueprint for every kind of elitist fascist Imperialist autocratic type of mentorship to filth and scumbags outside of actual Nazi training camps.//The same pseudo-fascist Democrats will block all exposure to this Republican fascist Nazi protocol system of torture, rape, dismemberment and murder via teleportation, torture, gang stalking and all the rest of the sickness that has made America bankrupt and on the verge of Democratic collapse. Yet there is another disgusting ugly putrid Europigape piece of shit rapist I have been writing of for the last month who raped me yesterday in a way that was pornographically violent and disgusting. The spawn daughter of Depp has been behind so many acts like this, along with Filthalina the wife of pig pitt the actor. They are an abomination and yet they remain with these technologies, handed to them by Democrats I will list who have profited and joined in on the "fun" of abusing me for their career enhancements. One of the worst was Kamala Harris. Along with Oprah --for their "strong black woman" caucus, which is just similar to Kanye West but only with more superficial blatherings about feminism and equality than what Kanye has stated openly with his Europigape-influenced probably mind controlled racist rants--there was kamala Harris using mind control WHILE I was teleported, drugged, in a deep sleep state, repeating that I thought Kamala Harris should become president (this was before Biden was elected but after the primaries when Harris had already dropped out of the race because her ratings (rightly) were so low. Now an embarrassment to the Democrat Party Harris was put into VP position after having participated in this fascist, Nazi hate technological torture system which of course Elon Musk has fully conjoined with to help augment more of these technologies so more dirty and foul sleazy parasitic wealthy people and their greasy foul minion can also feed off human beings while they are sleeping, drugged, under torture conditions, deprived mutilated and then teleported so they can wreak their hate and violence upon someone and then press a button and the victim disappears and the disposable victimization is being so highly coveted that Harris used it to be propelled and has abruptly disregarded my YEARS of begging forf help and for protection. To that end, Pelosi, Raskin, Kinzinger, AOC, Graham and of course Trump have all participated with hate, insults and threats to be a willing victim of their tyranny. Now the elections are upon America and I was just raped by this dirty and rotten Russian Dancer after writing about how violent and nasty he is, last month--and now it's culminating in pornographic rape, stinking fluids being inserted into my vagina every night--stinking filth is being sprayed everywhere in my home--more than usual and that is the filth and ugly foul psychic energy of this rotten dirty whore Russian dancer who has probably been a complete sleaze for at least 5 decades after his celebrity red carpet walk of Fame by dumb Americans welcoming in every Europigape piece of shit to just spew their hate and filth upon America--and in particular with their rabid racist fascist mentality upon me---then emulated by Americans who were always glued to their Europigape fascist Imperialist colonialist heritage in the first place.

 **Nota Bene: The hacking and brain-altering effect of tech just blasted this post into ranting and rage. I was pounding each key as the keyboard is (even now) hacked to the degree that I must pound down as hard as possible to just get letters to print, then despite everything, the hackers insert spaces or juxtapose the letters as i fight to pound down, I must backspace continuously and rewrite. The hackers, as I see, deleted 80% of the commas and grammar and deleted words so this post became intangible early on. They are affecting my brain functioning as well, as usual, so I can't move my fingers, I can't think clearly, and it's coming out as hyperbolic rant hate---please note when reading this.


As I have been writing for years and years, there are always women behind the violence these men inflict upon me. The German violinist last year began slapping my face and sodomizing me while I was so drugged and under mind control tech I responded with this passion that I truly reserve for people I love--but sucked out of me by the tech, while sleeping, teleported to utter ugly scum I always, immediately, tell to get off me. They present such handsome and grandiose romantic personas for their media presentations, and I am continuously surrounded by sick and ugly people surrounding me, the men are dirty and nasty and insulting and abusive so I have to remain absolutely alone in addition to being outcast from all of society. Thus, while non-stop torture is ongoing without end, as I have to fight to get permanently-embedded hard poisons out of my body while the pig apes who are billionaires are blocking everything from my typing, internet, ability to earn money and thus health care (and I can't trust a single doctor for any kind of real care, I risk my life every time going to any doctor all are involved and none will provide me with actual real health care--everywhere I go it is the same the entire world is ensconced in this hate violent operation of "gang stalking".

But the celebrities with their posturing bluffing about how romantically exciting they are is a greasy scum bubble that is popped almost immediately upon actually "meeting" them in teleportation where they have an audience of the former rapist abusers sitting in chairs with their legs spread encouraging the good ole boy pig apes to do what they had done--stick their greasy pig penises in my body and slap and abuse me and then insult me afterwards while they continue to insert stinking foul mind control poisons and drugs into my vagina so it's stinking as I respond with "love" to loveless bigot racist fascists who are being promoted for "successfully" implementing this hate and murder crime using the tech that Elon Musk has become so wealthy helping to further expand into the planet. 


Yesterday it was Baryishnikov--now so repugnant to me I have to ask once again for people anyone to get this shit off me. Behind that ugly sleazy whore pornographic pig ape is the never-ending clutching and clinging of the daughter spawn of Depp, this filthy and stupid skank who has been latching on this contract since she was about 13 years old or a teenager--whatever--I never looked up her information except one time quickly to see what kind of shit I have to fight against--but there are so many it's never ending and I never look them up any longer. They paste their videos on my YouTube channel as I fight to look for any way to find any support in this endless travail but the internet is so completely hacked all I get are more losers but who are puffed up with millions of dollars or put into these slots of media exposure and I can't get a single bit of realistic information for any group or person even who may not be another shit stain on the fabric of Life who is attacking me to get another promotion.

This rotten and foul dancer has been using the voice-to-skull and all the microchip implants in my body to "see" through my eyes--they can "hear" what I hear so when the hard pieces are cracking while I am stretching they tell me they heard it. Because this group of foul filth from Whorewood and the Europigapes before them blocked all my health care, and I was blocked from receiving it even when I had Medicaid in the US--just lied to, discriminated against usually and almost always by the "minority" types of clinicians--it's always the same story everywhere of minority minions--attacking me viciously while white supremacist Nazis listen in or watch from a short distance away (or on their cameras, etc).

But he's become a rapist pig ape and he's so vile and ugly and nasty I can't bear this disgusting creep any longer. Not that last month my writing about his abuse did ANYTHING to stop him, no, no one not the politicians who have all participated in this hate crime (plus media scumbags like Bloomberg, a most repugnant ugly sinister sick minion with most hateful anti-Semitic violence but he's just another Jew married to a blonde Nazi with a screeching ugly daughter and they are sinister and part of the problem and not any solution).

So this dancer has been inflicting the rotten and disgusting daughter of Depp upon me. Two days ago he raped me and the both of them began calling me a "loser" after this greasy pig old man ugly and demented in his sleaze and filth and elitist stance because of his ballet--like Pelosi (who, I just saw when looking on IMDB, was part of Whorewood yes that ugly disgusting thing also is a part of the Whorewood cult/sect of rapists and white supremacist Nazis with all the blacks fully welcomed into the gang who participate--like Kamala Harris, et al).

But that was two days ago, and I told that ugly rotten pig I would try to castrate him that he is disgusting (he has tried to force sex on me before and I have politely declined, and thus his violence has increased because he truly believes that he, like they all, are entitled to doing whatever they want to me with my full permission and otherwise, as they berate, insult, poison and pollute my body and home, I "have to" not fight back and "accept it' as they steal my ideas block my career and the US Government fully complies with it all.

The pig then raped me yesterday slapping my face and sticking his huge greasy whore pig penis in my mouth as I responded with absolute sexual ecstasy because I was sleeping, I was drugged (they stick foul and stinking poisons and drugs into my vagina every single day---along with a DECADE of non-stop murderous violence inflicted upon me every single day--EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT--with drugging that never ends, my home stinking I'm breathing and absorbing poison as they keep inserting it deeply into my bladder to really murder and deform me--fighting every single day for my life as one filthy dirty pig whore ape comes to abuse me to gain leverage in the media empire which control CONGRESS and top leadership positions in the Whorewood/media complex which rules the entire United States. The people who are part of that criminal cartel are NOT AMERICAN and are aggressively working to undermine the United States through this portal of violence and part of that is this insidious contract out on me.

STILL unrecognized as a THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY that this contract out on me entails--the pigs think it's just a fun exercise in power, the Senators like Graham scream in hate at me that this is just another part of their former lynch mob culture, the rest are being trained into Europigape aristocratic Medieval absolute exploitation that has lead to revolutions where the poor rose up to massacre as many of the pigs as possible (i.e. French and Russian revolutions).

Now it's this skank scum filthy daughter of pig Depp with the French mother and her crew of Imperialist fascist Nazi Europigapes who are so welcomed in because they "represent" fascist iconography in "fashion" (Please note that Kanye's anti-Semitic hate and threat of murder against Jews came out of his Paris fashion debacle in order to more impress the Europig fascist fashion industry which so highly controls all the US political leaders and they are adverse to supporting or protecting me and are fully endorsing fascist Nazi takeover--and that includes Jamie Raskin the Jew who fully threatened me for my exposure of what the skank daughter of Depp truly is--writing about how Lagerfeld put that ugly dirty stupid piece of crap into a modeling showcase after endless violence from the Depp family with the French mother, formerly a model, clutching on and advising them on old school fascist "aristocrat" pummeling of people they want absolutely crushed. No "equal opportunity" America any longer, and all I have ever done is just compete and win in many forms of competition including being beautiful and so now all I do is fight to stop being mutilated and poisoned to death while piece of shit after piece of shit comes to join in and all follow the same protocols.


Similar to my situation, the lack of concern about these protocols being further spread and implemented by people like Musk--the hate, the racism, the fascism that truly put Trump into power--as his rape of me in this teleportation hate crime, the technology handed to him by Elon Musk and Amber Heard just after she dumped Depp and latched on to Musk (thus generating for this B-Actress millions and millions of dollars in prizes for so fully helping to administer this racist policy--as usual, pig ape Heard like filthalina and the shit daughter of Depp stealing ideas I had written about how sick and vile they all are--to promote herself as being a "feminist" and advocate for women. And so, like all the calamities that this contract out on me has helped to produce, the only thing that generates concern for this most incompetent of governments that I am watching undergoing a slight change of administration but of course only those people already deemed to be full and active participants in this hate organization are "allowed" to apply for leadership position. The vetting process (death squad and blacklisting) has fully ensured that so I can't even expect that if crap like Pelosi or even Biden (fully welcoming this racist Europigape fascist Nazi protocol system because of their absolute racist proclivities--Obama fully welcoming in the advertising and media promotions for himself and his wife by allowing it to continue with Biden behind him--all those years ago back in 2015 and the years of me begging to get Depp off me--as he just kept getting awards and lead roles and this dirty ugly sick daughter did as well and welcomed and now she is an absolute fascist Nazi completely high and sexualized off of torture and violence and being told endlessly she is "entitled" to it, along with billions of dollars thrown to these scumbag low-class grease-bags while I remain here fighting to get stinking substances out of my body and asking for this piece of shit Barynishnikov to be stopped from further rape and torture along with that stupid ugly skank whore daughter of Depp endlessly latching onto attacking me so her mediocrity which would be more suited to porn flicks than top media productions is put unjustly into top role position.

As for Baryishnikov, he is so foul and nasty I can't stand his ugly personality any longer. What a sleazy and ugly whore. But what he encapsulates so clearly is the old Europigape rape and mutilation and destruction system that you can read of in Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities. I can so fully understand the desire of those completely oppressed by this hate system to want to murder with as much blood flowing in the streets as possible if only to get some kind of leadership into power. Unfortunately, as in all cases, the same mentality has risen to the surface of both Russian and French societies and is being brought to America via this media Europigape fascist media cartel which control news outlets, news anchors, newspaper scumbags like Bloomberg, all the Whorewood directors--and lets not forget the Mafia of course especially coming out of Italy.


So, here is the election. The greasy disgusting creep with the ugly stupid sick porno skank scum of Depp have raped me two days in a row with that ugly rotten creep daughter who has obtained her ENTIRE career out of having men like her father and this dirty piece of rotten old man sleazy skank shit Baryishnikov rape me because he's really raping me for the benefit of the extremely wealthy French who are behind that stupid ugly dirty skank--as she's just a portal--a pawn or a tool if you will--of fascist Nazi infiltration into America, as I have been writing of since I had to be exposed to these pieces of shit in Whorewood--the Depp debacle of creepy foul hate and violence--for all these years as the United States is now an openly fascist country because these same pig apes put Trump into the rape and abuse seat of power using this technology--with Kamala Harris also participating, former Whorewood actor Pelosi this incompetent slurring rotten dirty thing who has helped to usher in the home invasion and death squad culture in this contract and technology being used against me--as the prototype which has ensued in a cascading effect and now America is on the brink of total fascist takeover on this election day.


Yet I beseech you readers to finally put an end to this hate violence heaped upon me perpetually day after day by one sleazy and ugly loveless whore skank "famous" personality after the next. It would appear that they have "love" as they pose for photos in embraces with other lovers, but I can't see that they are capable of anything other than deception and illusion which leads ultimately to a miserable mentality that they then promulgate through their media exposure--in all it's intricacies of course.


As for B the dancer--he has had his Europigape fascist Nazi partners here in Phuket absolutely discriminate against me in a most stupid and sick way--I went to a small shop for the first time to buy medical marijuana because I am always so ill and my muscles are so tense from not only violence but also poisoning that hardens into the body. The dirty Thai women in the tiny shop literally told me that the prices of the goods listed on the shelf were wrong after I had purchased and walked out of the store with the items. She came after me, grabbed the things I had just bought and paid for and told me she had the wrong price. Because I am not able to go to the police I had to play along with this game as I have no legal protection in small shops like this. The place I had bought the mj was a large department store but marijuana is being fought against by the alcoholic community and so it was pulled from the larger store where I could just have bought it without problem. This Thai skank, who had been staring with a group of blonde Europigape gang stalking scumbags as I walked into the store, as they all began to cough as I approached the door--she was not the store employee by the way, as with all these operations she is an agent sent to attack me. The woman who actually worked at the store was there going along with everything--so like all the pieces of shit in this organization who attack me, they all get a prize, a deal and of course the more wealthy and white supremacist they are, the more prizes they are awarded. Baryishnikov is obviously getting a heap of promotions for his crappy plays and nastiness by absolutely trying to almost brutally enforce this hate racist old school tyrannical Nazi mentality of me being a "slave" he rapes and abuses and thus has "entitlement" to making m yhome and body stinking and poisoned if I don't just accept and "love" or "Obey" this rotten disgusting pig afterwards. All fully endorsed by greasy and nasty Graham, Pelosi, Raskin, Kinzinger, AOC (literally, yes) I forgot Bernie Sanders is part of this and knows about it, has insulted me once years ago when Hillary Clinton joined in, just before a spate of media slots featuring her were then put into the mainstream--as I saw, it was more of a surge for her endorsement and of course more plastic surgery has been heaped upon all of these fascist pretentious pig apes of the Old Guard, fully followed by the younger shit like the skank of Depp.

It is the usual hacking so I am fighting to pound out every word. My brain is under assault as I begin to rant. And after more than a DECADE of waiting for responsible leadership to stop this out of America or anywhere, now the election is a divide of fascist autocracy versus "Democracy". Obviously the "Democracy" leadership has failed utterly and this contract out on me is a very large reason why. This has been a training ground, blueprint for every kind of elitist fascist Imperialist autocratic type of mentorship to filth and scumbags outside of actual Nazi training camps.


Because I could only "remember" what I was in the middle of writing but got so lost in backspacing, mind control tech blasting my ability to think and the endless interference of the keyboard--I was going to write about this hate discrimination skit that the Russian has, through his operation of Europigape fascist Nazism--orchestrated against me. I went into this marijuana shop to buy packaged MJ bags, which were sold in a large department store called Big C--now taken off the shelves due to Thai government interference. I have to resort to the closest store which sells this product--in the very Nazi infiltrated part of Phuket (as they all are) called Rawai. The harassment began as I approached the shop. I walked in, looked at the menu, and saw the bags i wanted on shelves with prices listed below them. The two Thai girls (the real shop staff was sitting on a chair, the terrorist Thai was standing encircling me and blocking my every move and etc lying and claiming she "no understan" and can't really speak English and etc (they cater in ENGLISH to English-speaking clientele in this million-tourist/year enclave of Thailand). I finally bought the packages that were listed with 125 baht on the shelves. I left the store and was about to get on my motorbike and this terrorist agent came out apologizing and just grabbed the bag I had just bought from my bag while I was literally FROZEN by the tech (they can FREEZE my body, even if it's for a second or a few seconds, I literally can't physically move or think while the terrorists attack me. She just grabbed the bags out of a bag I had put them in around the handlebars of the motorbike--I could not move or think. She then walked with what I had just bought back into the store. I had to follow. I could not phone the police nor get any kind of legal representation, as usual (for reasons I won't detail here). She then told me that another form of the packaged MJ was the real price, and I told her that I had bought this product at Big C under the price I had just paid, and I told her to get on the website as these Thais always operate in stores using cell phones. She refused to get to the website and just kept repeating what she had been told to say. Meanwhile two blonde Nazi pig apes came in, part of the terrorist attack, speaking to them with perfect English the Thai women catered to them as they all interrupted what I was saying, and had been saying as I felt this surge of artificially-forced rage--they make me enraged while they use this brain-mapping technology to pinpoint various forms of emotional hyperbolic reaction--ensconced in rage and anger understanding that this was an attack--and I could do nothing but wait it out and try to not succumb but I was blasted with brain-altering tech while surrounded by shit creeps and I NEED THIS MARIJUANA FOR MEDICAL REASONS I can't express how helpful even the cheapest version of Sativa has relaxed my muscles and helped me exponentially to heal. I couldn't just dismiss this shop because the other tourist areas in Phuket sell stronger brands at almost 7 times the price so I am stuck using this one brand. The other shops in Phuket are hours of driving away where I can find this same product. Big C is just a 10 minute drive from where I live--so convenient--it was like a dream to get it so easily now the cartels that want to encourage alcohol are blocking it's sale at larger stores. 


After 10 minutes of me getting more angry as the blonde Nazi filth came in to participate in the hate attack, while as usual--as I had experienced for years here in Phuket before the pandemic--Thai people operating just like Kanye in glee and determination to help Nazis enforce racism upon other groups as they are elevated into the dominant strain of fascism and racism. I finally told them to give me to the other type of bags she said were actualy the other price. I finally got her to stop blathering bs at me yapping and nasty--as I walked out with the bags of the other type of MJ she once more followed me and put her nasty dirty head on my shoulder like an embrace and apologized--under mind control, my brain absolutely not functioning but appearing "normal" thus, also in the back of my mind understanding that this most critical of medical health care I need--because all other options I truly need like ultrasound to break up the hard poisons are beyond my subpoverty income that the billionaire pig apes are forcing upon me (the actors, politicians and et al). She once more grabbed the bags as I was "frozen" and then I had to follow her for the 2nd time into the shop because she said "I only work here one month I no know price" as the prices are listed on the shelf. Also, when I finally got this sick skank to open up the website and show that the price I had paid was the correct price, this nasty foul whore of the Nazi whores attacking me said, "this price of website, not store in Rawai" (using stupid broken English, but of course mating with perfect English to any Nazi out of Europigapeland possible, as these women really are only functioning in their lives to have possibility to join in. The product of Imperialism and Colonialism). The slave then, after this most discriminatory of actions, followed me outside and as I put my earphones on, after taking the initial first product I had paid for 15 minutes or longer before she began this most nasty attack--as my brain was pummeled with the tech, after being raped and abused while in this room by yet another filthy ugly dirty pig ape celebrity who, as they all do for their filthy promotions, go on and on and on and on attacking me for hours and hours and hours and hours day and night day after day after day--all hidden, all disguised. So I was exhausted, and then under this brain-altering attack. She began to yap something at me with this look of ugliness as she stared as deeply into my eyes as possible while I turned to have to deal with her one foot away from my face. I began making fun of her in a silly way, which made all the Thai women standing around outside giggle. This made the stupid skank back off as I continued to make this weird silly noise and hand swirling in front of her face instead of demanding her to get off (if only I could have made a video and sued this shop for discrimination, as I may have been able to do in my own country).


I have to get up from the laptop and fight to clear my brain from sickness and dizziness that is being forced upon me as I write by the brain-altering tech (mind control). I get up so dizzy I can't think I can't even walk straight. It takes at least 5 minutes to begin to clear my mind and think about what I was in the middle of writing and got "lost" in backspacing and pounding out while, I am certain, subliminals are being pounded into my brain so I am absolutely "lost" in intangible phrases fighting and then I get into cursing as my emotional centers of my brain are being enhanced while subliminals of hate curses are being pumped into my subconscious brain "hearing" so I repeat it. Likewise, when I try to re-read the posts. I see that hackers have completely deleted parts (i.e. about how bad the hacking is, which is the discrediting plus the mind control affecting my (in) ability to articulate without getting into hyperbolic hate ranting and cursing. They also inserted portions of paragraphs into random other paragraphs to completely disorientate the coherency of this post. I wait for my defunct government to "change" and will they wait until it's an absolute fascist tyranny before "the people" will be forced to have some kind of bloody revolution to get rid of these parasite people put into wealth and power positions who are absolutely mediocre crap on a personal level. They are so foul and low but so exalted in the media with all this packaging and coaching on how to posture to appear attractive (endless plastic surgery to conform the contours of the faces to appear as Nazi-iconography as possible). I am then mutilated, poisoned, my body deformed as they constantly use this tech to force their filthy and unwanted persons upon me, calling me all kinds of names only due to the endless various multi-faceted assaults they have all forced upon me, not due to my deficiencies but to their State-sponsored violence against me. I am now fighting to get my fingers to move to the keys, my brain's motor functioning is being hindered, I can't think, I am dizzy and sick from what they are blasting into my brain. It is horrible how much these parasites can get away with discrediting me. My only crime has been to not accept their abuse and discrimination and to work to achieve top levels according to my ability AND I used to be very happy and beautiful. It was far too much for the millennia of Europigape fascist racist mentality to bear. They must infiltrate AMerica, they must ensure that people like me can NEVER be a threat to them unless I suck and serve crap people so they can have power-over and abuse and exploit, steal and rob and rape with impunity. The vote is on us today as Democrats expect a Red Wave. They still do nothing to help me or stop this tyranny and so many are fully aware of it. It is unbelievable to me that they cannot equate this mind programming contract out on me with this surge of open and expressed fascism in the United States (always cloaked under well-trained posturing of calm "Democracy" by the covert fascist Nazis out of Europ-a-land.) Always welcomed into America by the thieves who have stolen the mantles of power and are ensuring the blockade to fair and equal opportunity that America used to represent is thwarted, infiltrated with minority minions like Kanye openly expressing the real programming going on---.


I'm listening to DeSantis' win speech right now. I think of the criminals people like DeSantis and also Charlie Crist both and uniformly have endorsed to participate in this gang stalking mind control terrorism. All go off with money poured into their lives, and cheers even if they lose their controlled races where both sides are controlled by the same fascist centrifugal force.


Baryshnikov, in addition to endless Nazi youth celebrities yelling and assaulting me (the dumb generation brainwashed on fashion and entitlement and are just the next generation but even more dumbed and numbed down on Nazi programming).

But the items in my house, not only being thoroughly doused with brown stinking goo and sprinkled debris/filth and grime and dirt he is ordering that screws are taken out of this office chair that I had to fight to be able to afford. It's being taken apart by their mechanical arms and I am stuck with people who "no speak English" at every store, discrimination without end, not being able to function on any business level to try to fight this off or replace screws or get anything done in any business here in Thailand.

He's having the materials I glued and pasted to the walls and floor ripped up daily. The entire room is a stinking frayed and broken down mess because I can't use any of the endless row of cupboards that the terrorists installed like a row of portal entries from the flimsy panels that separate my room from the terrorist in the next room (on all sides, top and bottom). He's having people call me all kinds of names, insulting me, raping me, using violence against me, having all kinds of very nasty gang stalking skits by absolute Nazi filth creeps which is like an exponential increase after the pandemic was listed as being "over" but the pandemic of these locust parasites has now resumed as global warming and destruction of Freedom and the upsurge of fascism now appears openly around the world (except in wonderful "Democratic" Europigapeland Europe--I discount those from that country who actually are authentic and I would gladly call them European if only I could meet a single one who is not a disguised Nazi fascist).

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...