Saturday, November 23, 2024

I cannot express adequately how deadly sinister and foul the hate death energy that is constantly, daily and nightly forced upon me through this hate technology from your favorite celebrities (or maybe not so much for the few who aren't enthralled by pop culture which is a bubble instantly exploded if you are teleported to their hate machinations) every morning they have my body pumped with poisons and drugs whilst in deep sleep mode. My brain is capable of being shut down into unconsciousness at any moment this group so choses. Because they have experts in biomedical and other technological wizardry psy-ops professionals capable of dissecting various symptoms of brain and mental and any other ailment or deadly disease or distemper ("Mental disorder" is the technical jargon) literally forced upon a person in superficial appearance so that an instant and carefully created "diagnosis" can be rendered by one of the "following orders" professionals adjudicated in such diagnoses --so called.//The hate they all pour into my otherwise very happy life has been non-stop for over 12 hours per day, every SINGLE day, for over 15 years but much longer than that. I am referring to the teleportation and voice-to-skull which is al literal brush with "demonic" influence and I have to really venture to state that "The Devil is alive'" and Evil is truly a phenomenon after all these years of this ongoing without end. //The hate they pour on me is evident in my hysterical ranting posts, for which they create "justificatoin" for more mutilation and torture, which they were doing long before I ever had an inkling of what "gang stalking" is and they were mutilating and poisoning me long before I had any capability to consciously "resist" and say "no" to being destroyed in every single way possible almost to the point of death repeatedly and etc for so many decdes.

The amount of hate and violence that is poured on my sleep, life, body home property finances health wealth love and joyful living is a constant death energy of crushing violence that is inflicted by otherwise hugely grinning celebrities after they dump their filth upon me in every way possible and are applauded for it, by seemingly "everyone" possible on the planet while I remain reviled and a societal target pariah by "everyone" and the snowballing effect is universal. 

The need for a witch hunt is now an "open season" in the guise of technological wonder.


Thusly, my every hate rant post is at least 80% hysterical due to DRUGGING which is never-ending while I sleep. The sleep state is filled with murder suicide and hate subliminal content and then hate and death and homeless skits intertwined with non-stop subliminal programming into hate and death and self  destruction and programming and the result is I wake up with no one here for me, ever, no one wants anything to do with me (and this is not "me" because, I must state that I found some "comfort" when I listened to former white supremacist Neo-Nazi Floyd Cochrane state that he had become a targeted person (not using that exact term) after he began to denounce Aryan Nation when they instructed him to have his son killed due to a birth defect (cleft palate).

He claimed that people avoided him, and he was a target of stalking and surveillance or in those loose terms in one of the Hour of the Time interviews, which I wrote of a few weeks ago. The interview was aired on Fresh Air with Terri Gross.

Thusly, if a white male formerly a Neo could be targeted, then this is no direct inference on myself and being a target can happen to anyone, even the group designated to "control all with one ring" (still in a sort of Lord of the Rings mode at this time, somehow references of Sauron and a single Eye hovering over the planes of existence and the many worlds is in my background memory database as I delve into this horrific murder contract that is never stopped and I remain fighting for my life and surrounded on all sides).

The sickening behavior of these cretins is so abominable and yet this is such a trending condition of acceptance into "high" rank. It is like saying that "deplorable" is a fine and dandy trait compared to this behavioral conditional protocol system

the hate and hate and ugliness and hate they all emit, and every time I see them being glorified on tv almost immediately after the violence and hate and filth they spew through their hateful proxies onto me

and they appear light, glowing this is a truly parasitic dumping opportunity for miserable hateful sick people striving endlessly to push others down for their opportunistic elevation in status.

But one after the next, to the point that these faces are so sickening to me at this point it's nauseating that they are still hacking their "stuff" and I just want to find other people who have opinions but literally--I mean literally, all my searches result in an unreasonably short list of the same people or their accomplices, who are all in networks associated with one another if you follow the threads of their networking online.


I used to have access to individualistic writers and now it's just so consolidated and the people who are social influencers have appeared to me and the bottom line below $$$money is hate and dumping hate on other people, so it seems.

I appear hysterically filled with hate every day. The drugs and the ravaging of my body and home and life which is non-stop and the destruction, combined with non-stop abuse to render ideas out of me as the leaders of America and everywhere else CHAMPION that opportunity is being so blocked from me in everything from typing on a keyboard to obtaining any money to having privacy for even one second to my thoughts being monitored to attacks on my nervous system, brain and body all day in various horrific ways and thousands upon thousands upon literally MILLIONS of creeple participating gleefully in "gang stalking" murder operations with zero restraint but instructed to not outright murder me, perhaps smash me under truck wheels with greased meat on the road placed in a spot where all the motorbikes that had boxed me in all parted just at this rectangular shiny piece of shredded meat, literally placed in a precise rectangle on the road with a huge 10-wheel truck about 2 feet behind me as my handlebars would not budge to the left or right--without exertion to move the bars just a fraction of an inch just before driving on the greased up meat which was only visible within 5 seconds of the terrorists on motorbikes parting just as I approached this literal death trap.

That happened the month that Elon Musk and Amber Heard handed the teleportation system and technology to Trump, I believe Heard with Musk's assistance stole the tech from Depp.


That was the month that Trump's campaign ratings went from nearly losing to being at the top of the heap of candidates, also around the time that Prince was dead (and I was trying to get away from this group and contact Prince and try to move to Minneapolis)


The HATE that is poured on me is --there is only a word for it, and that word is so "lame" in comparison to the actual sickeningly deadly ugly vile energy that is dumped on me continuously. The aging process has so broken my body down into premature older aging and the cumulative effect is of course, because this goes on literally hours per day every day as one hateful miserable celebrity and politician yells screams abuses and insults me--only for saying NO to being tortured abused without any resistance.

I must stop writing. The murder has not been stopped. My attempts to find a single person who actually means a single bit of all that they advertise as their cause celebrity and political stance, always with the absolute "best intentions" of "fighting" some injustice, all who assault me viciously are "fighting some injustice" even if they are the most MAGA the "injustice" is of not having enough Christianity and they are victims of a "radical liberal" infestation, etc etc the plight is always expressed as they are targets of some 'injustice" perceived or otherwise.

I must stop writing. The gorgeous flowers I just bought are dying, from having been sprayed with chemicals. My clothing is sprayed with rotting meat substance that is laced with chemicals to make the substance absorb permanently, although I can clean the stench remains at a slight level unless I wash bleach at least two more times.

And for all these years, not a single person has come to support me or care or say a word to any authority or defend protect or even to think that this is wrong. The prevailing attitude is their entitlement to destroy my every moment of happiness, joy to kill all that is beautiful that I love, all animals are killed and taken away.

And it just goes on and on. The same people who are the main podcasters of America who denounced the uprising (with so many tangential reasons "why" this has happened except for the truly relevant real issues and of course, this technology and massive surveillance technology and thought reading tech they all have participated in and obtained promotions and their books and movies and tours have been made universal and global as a result)

and the hate, hate hate ugliness it is like masses of decrepit stinking foul evil permanently dousing my life with stinking filth and hate. For me trying to get rid of them, I am persecuted by politicians who go off with tv interviews from major networks and they are showered with applause for various "fights' against whatever the very same day or the next.

This group of hate has been leeching ideas off my love for myself and my life, and because I love myself and my life, they are trying to pound in self-hate and self-destruction and every single struggle I have to stop them and say no has been met with increasingly violent rape and murder threats, constantly.

The "opposition" colluders of fascist tyranny are now bemoaning the Trump take-over which they fully supported in this covert contract out on me and their fascist instant jerk-off knee-jerk reactions to me under drugging and non-stop torture is met by violence hate and torture instantly and they are applauded for it.

Writing about the endless threat to my life without a single politician coming to monitor or stop the non-stop attacks on my finances my security my life my body my sexuality

they rush at me slapping hitting yelling and screaming insulting, and now this extremely violent German rapist is sitting next to the blonde women who are "feminists" and hearing them declare the "hypocrisy" of the other media commentators who met with Trump recently, while they themselves met with a real Nazi -spewing rapist violently murder-mentioning endless magnet for every "oppressed" feminist and minority possible in American media--(I am exaggerating a bit, but not by much) the absolute violence of the "feminists" who have "fought" against sexual discrimination such as at Fox News are gladly sitting next to this German who has beaten and raped me while I fought to get him off me constantly for weeks in this hell teleportation-the sex was derived from extreme drugging and techno-interface that rendered me so delirious and also I was very extremely sick and in extreme pain because I have been working on ripping the hard shell of poison out of my body and some of it has been coming out--literally ripping my flesh at a cellular level off my spine, fractured vertebrae in multiple places due to deep sleep mutilation multiple times in my life due to, their "excuse' is me fighting to get nasty abusive "Men" off me who drugged and date raped me, as I now ascertain from the not wanting anything but a conversation to being helpless in a daze as they exploited me, and then clung on with violence when I tried to get rid of them from insults abuse and with their nasty wives or girlfriends just standing nearby. Entire groups of people surrounding me for trying to get a gang stalking MK ULTRA Nazi abuser off me, and being rendered physically disabled from bones being fractured.

And all medical care denied me literally lied to by medical practitioner after the next in the U.S.

I have barely managed to survive so many death threats and deadly attacks

the scant health care I do have is self-administered from guessing what my body needs and barely being able to afford to pay for herbal healing, and that is all I can do. I cannot afford massages and I am stuck with the landlord, my mail service, and the little subpoverty I get always on the edge of being cut off due to Trump always using this as leverage to further profit off destroying my life for his endless promotion out of this contract. The rest are never-ending abusers on me as well. The "powerful" are so completely murderously hateful and shallow in terms of humanity and any concern for human beings unless they can get something out of manipulating on any level to obtain something as an exchange.

The hate they imbibe is truly "demonic" and I am forced into this constant murder my energy sucked out daily from hate and hate due to drugging and I can't get away from this group with this infernal hell technology. 

because it is daily torture-to-death, and  I need an outlet because they are also using subliminals to force me to write--this is mind control after all--and then they call me all the woman-hating names call me every kind of woman-hating insult especially in sexuality

the people who are paid to have me raped or who rape me are glorified but I am castigated for being a helpless victim in every way

with full applause and congratulation and never-ending awards as they never stop torturing me to obtain ideas for more movie themes and any sexual energy they can suck out and return with violence hate abuse insults and when I fight back, they use torture destruction of my property

and all my years of detailing this has only encouraged more expletives to join in, rather than shun this system and actually care about the "causes" that they are catapulted into the "limelight" for expressing.

Woe to the United States. The hate will recoil into a murky future, it would seem as there are various physical laws that this kind of deeply penetrated hate which is the unanimous essence of the daily assaults upon me, without any end they are so endlessly filled with hate and violence

wreaked upon the country until it is at a breaking point

still, no one could give a damn about this situation forced upon me which brought so much chaos

they all want murder and death

I have tried to stop writing. When I do stop, they increase the torture literally exponentially until I begin to write again.

I swear the drugging makes not writing impossible

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Landlord death threat terrorism: not direct death threats, but threat of pulling the tiny fragment of a rug underneath the endless block of all telecommunications from me so I am stuck with ZERO resopnse when I look for apartments online, all personal emails are deleted and blocked (for decades all emails I send out to people who might be friendly are never responded to, not a single friendly email has been in my inbox for over 20 years of absolute isolation through block to all telecommunications. //Landlord has viciously had me tortured and near-death murder attempts in this room from the trash Trump teams and the filthy Biden terrorist Nazi "Democrats" for years and years and years and years non-stop. THEY KNWE THAT TRUMP WOULD WIN YEARS AGO. I have tried to write about t his, but obviously I don't have documents of "evidence" and obviously none of the participants have any evidence either as "they" are careful now with an ever-increasing growth of experts in sabotage, such as Elon Musk, a most vile Nazi bigot out of S. Africa who has learned in Whorewood how to posture like he's just a cool dude playing video games of soldiers rushing into population centers shooting "enemies". I know this from one of the podcasters out of California who tried to run for Governor, "Met Kevin" who detailed the Musk "games" online which the white Nazi "dudes" played along with about soldiers going into civilian centers and shooting the "bad guys". It was a token symbol for what actual real murder they are building up in reality right now.//The landlord has begun, in the past week, but was plotting to do this months ago I feel certain--to begin a terror campaighnn of showing this apartment every few days as a form of torture and abuse while he told me over one month ago that he would renew the rental agreement in December.

 The hacking is now as usual extremely obstructive as keys I press appear as a three-key mess and letters I pound down appear as other letters--the space bar doesn't work despite pounding as hard as possible--which means this will be rewritten as a discrediting operation, as usual**

I understood a few days ago that this nefarious scumbag landlord who is a greasy hateful sexist abuser, rapist enabler who has had a rotation of Russians and white trash pig ape Nazis both enter into this room and viciously violently rape me while I was comatose and teleported drugged---putting my spine and hips out of alignment, stealing my money, destroying my clothing and backpacks and spraying permanently STINKING foul substances on my clothing but mostly STEALING MY MONEY  damaging my passport making it stinking frayed and broken down damaging my shoes so they were always worn down into a crooked worn-out sideways slide on one side of the heal of the shoes--to further the crookedness of my spine which they put out of alignment every day after putting semen and fungus into my hair and vagina. During Covid I finally was able to detect a way to protect the physical entry of human beings into this room but the mechanical arms have been inflicting spider veins into my legs by pounding down on my legs and injecting crap into my body such as silicone bulbs which appear like huge cysts on places like my rib cage and above my knee on my thigh--

and etc

he is now instituting a campaign of abuse whereby he is "showing the apartment to prospective buyers" every few days, asking me repeatedly to be there while some white trash pig ape scumbag and his brown "real estate" scumbag Nazi slave "show" me and the apartment. I keep telling him that I will meet a landlord if they buy the apartment. He has told me that if he sells the apartment I will be able to remain, but he doesn't say if the payment or conditions will remain the same.

The prices of rent have skyrocketed to the point that as usual I can't afford to live anywhere or if I have to move I will have to instantly fight to protect my life in a tiny stinking room with no internet and no access to anything because they have hiked prices so badly for everything (it's not just in the United States but this Nazi push to make people disenfranchised and only to cater to the wealthy is everywhere).


In short, they have blocked all emails and information from me by which I could barely manage a way to defend myself. The complicity of the high-ranking Democrats who have rushed to abuse and attack me has proven to me for years that the plan to have Trump re-instated has been years in the making. The affront of "justice" through the J-6 committee has been a pure farce to display the sham of a justice system, with Merrick Garland fully complicit in burying actual justice and the MSNBC "legal analyssts" in particular Glenn Kirschner have been instrumental in displaying how "Justice works" but in actually creating a diversion.

I could go on writing what I have been writing about for over 4 years about this group of "Democrats" and MSNBC in particular which is another affront to justice and legal analysis and is just a splinter group of the Nazi party which has fully enveloped the entirety of the U.S. media. I have been so viciously accosted by some of the anchors, the most yelling knee-jerk jerk-off scum have been the first to be invited to "meet with Trump" and they knew, or they were "playing both sides" years ago, that he would win.

I believe the black Nazis such as Farrakhan have also known that Trump would win, as they likewise rushed to assault me to prove their Nazi affiliation and contempt for "Jews" by attacking an outsider to that diaspora, and thus a very easy target for their programmed hate, as they have been used to promote the actual German and racist agenda of destruction of Jewry and to institute an Americanized version of Nazism with blacks and Jews and Latinos and all the rest of the "oppressed" "minorities' playing victim and "Democracy" "fighters" for their non-convincing but yelling bombastic performances while fully supporting every most heinous open fascist Nazi possible. All receive millions or billions of dollars for this endeavor and are promoted as to create an emulation chain of (fools) who fully sell out America and rush to go shopping in Milan hoping that the white Nazi bigots will "allow" them to enter into the "haute" shopping boutique and buy some over-priced bs crap as demonstration of how "chic" and "established" they are. How "powerful" they are and how 'far" they have come in demonstrating that they are at least seminally in "parity" (my term but I use it in a quote form because it's not an actual term they would use but just a sham of a sense of equality which is not in actuality)

.So, my writings, as the filthy Senator Graham sneered in contempt glibly telling me, "Go ahead, keep writing keep trying to get anyone to care" with mockery because he knew that the entire network was a complete farcical sham and that all the "Democrats" in power were jst playing a game until Musk could completely dominate the satellite skyway, which the heinous fakes like Biden and Michael Bloomberg, one with his presidential pulpit and the other "Democratic" nominee could advertise through his famous newspaper about the wonders of the technology as a positive boon to society and humanity NEVER ONCE a WARNING SIREN of how deadly and dangerous these satellites unrestrained by a private non-governmental entity could pose, they only make their snake smile appearances as conveyors of "hope and information" and block the real information from being displayed and keep the lies going through the farce of posing as the "opposition to fascism and the 'existential threat'" that they fully comply with, buckle instantly to grovel to with vicious hate aimed at me for defending myself and writing to the blank Nazi void of smirking rapist murder bigots including the "successful" Jewish Nazis who are nearly worshipping blonde "Jews" and disdaining anyone lighter than nearly white blonde anemic coloring in the brainwashed "elite" Jewish Nazi diaspora which is endlessly intermarrying with actual real Nazis--(Trump family, and the Rotschilds with dirty sick Whore Hilton, absolutely a vile part of this attack upon me for YEARS AND YEARS with vicious hate glares into cameras foisted hacked into my internet for YEARS while I continue to write and fight     ALONE

So, the landlord is now going to endlessly attack me to have my home violated by scum dirty white pig ape men and women with their brown slaves showing this apartment. 

This dirty landlord has obtained huge construction and building projects to build huge estates and buildings in other areas otherwise he used to live here sponging off this contract with endless murder attacks upon me (poisoning, torture, rape and fungus mold injected into my body directly, which is MURDER by the way)

and now it's every 2-3 days he's "a prospective buyer wants to see the apartment TOMORROW" and " be there to help show the unit" and of course, it's not my job to help advertise the endless opportunities of some rotten pig ape scumbag coming to abuse and rape me so another  Nazi trash filth scumbag can have me poisoned raped and he may or may not want to rape me him or herself with endless abuse poured on me while the entire Democrat Party has always watched and fully participated in it, as has MSNBC which fully is coordinating with Trump and has been, just like Biden always has.


They have blocked my every ability to just get health care after poisoning me with murder chemicals which harden into skin and bone and tissue--they have been blocking my internet for decades I can't earn a single penny onlinie I am stuck fighting to remove hard poison that shit pig pitalina group has happily poured into my body for years while I cannot defend myself agaisnt mechanical arms injecting poison into my body from the panels they open on all sides of this room, which they create after I fight to block off all the endless panels that cover all sides of this room which was constructed to have no wall but a set of cabinets separating my room from the next in certain areas--cement wall remains in a tiny portion of the room (behind the refrigerator, for example because it's put into a nook of the room and mechanical arms have so many other panels it's just endless.


The running joke with the shitpigalina group of celebrity shit filth and stupid sick scum but conniving, lying and manipulative dirty parasitic information suckiing parasites that the are, the joke has been to demean and insult how my body looks from over 15 years of this group having me mutilated poisoned my body put out of alignment every day mechanical arms pounding spider veins into my legs slashing my skin if I fall into a drugged stupor they slash the CUTICLES COMPLETELY FROM MY NAILS so the nails can't grow back without being raised like clam shells. The cuticles are completely gone from my right large toe on the left side, they literally cut out, severed the entire cuticle nail bed the nails will not grow back because there is nothing there, they have cut out part of my uterus under the shit pig whore ape pig pit group of terrorism which is never-ending for over 15 years as they continue to torture me and have Europigape Nazi "actors" brutally rape me while the drugging and mind control tech creates a sense of drugged up fake response from me while consciously I revile these ugly pig scum so-called "men" my instant reaction upon waking and in more conscious state is revulsion they then torture me for defending myself.

All has been thoroughly supported by Biden for all the years he has been in office . Kamala is a shadow puppet who just follows orders and if some of the more disgusting of the Nazi collaborators such as Obama and Hillary are not there to control her, she begins to actually care about the platform she is running on, but otherwise once the farcical performance pop music tour is over, she recedes and has left me to be brutalized to death, as have all the people who may care but are put into a despotic obedience cartel which appears to have a sense of "opposition" but truly does not.

So this landlord, he is a threat to my life right now. I am still healing I need peace and tranquility, he is working to kill me for his profit as all t he rest of this shit have been doing, viciously daily by the psycho scumbag shit team of shit bullshit pig ape alina the pair of disgusting and truly stupid dumb apes plastic surgery coated out of Whorewood, main perpetrators of fascist Nazism in America.

Dirty sick ugly prostitutalina and her rotten dirty mediocrity and her mediocre daughter and this German Nazi rapist scumbag are ordering endless torture as usual--murderous, violent and endless attack from my landlord under the Trump tyranny that has already begun, of course, having me poisoned to death was under the Biden tyranny of the "soft kill" but now it's truly harassment home-invasion very disgusing in a very direct and threatening way, once more as happened constantly under Trump--for 4 years of hell near death and being hit by cars and raped by Russians with photos of PUtin hacked into my Facebook page for years, and etc etc it's beginning again and there are no blocks ever to this group of fucking sick and disgusting shit from Whorewood, refelcting the death squad mentality that no one has stopped while the tech and the organization has fully taken over--thanks to all of you yearning to get free deals out of this situation: : Home not-improvement report (repetitive formulaic terrorism from years of the same endless repetition of the same attacks in almost all rental places): Landlord is now on a "potential buyer wants to see my apartment TOMORROW" type of spree. No warning about selling the apartment when he agreed to renew the lease last month. The renewal is due in December.. Oddly, ,because dirty shitalina is in the crowd watching me exercise and her presence is sheer disgusting and odious and I need 100% concentration and not bad energy from some sick ugly dirty parasitic skank who has been poisoning me to death, with all assistance from this same-said landlord and his teams of terrorist infiltrating acts of poisoning, mutilation and rape and tec poisonning my food injecting poison into y body, into my hair, ad laughing this dirty skankalina laughs and mocks how mybody looks. I told her to go away and she made some nasty comment isulting me I began yelling at her after saying go away (for 15 years) and her nasty bigot mediocrity daughter who must require this contract in order to achieve anything on that level, once more physically threatened me as I fought her off because of years of this group of sickness just forcing their odious violent murderous rapist skank shit selves on me every day when I am in the shower when I am exercising when I am sleeping. With full permission from all presidents and all senators and all of Congress and applause and cheers and full suport from equally sick celebrities and shit scumbag creeps, non-stop for over 15 years, not just a few times per week but EVERY SINGLE DAY THIS UGLY PIECE OF DIRTY WHORE SHIT is having some goon white trash Europigape raping me or having another shit celebrity violently rape and abuse me as gangs and groups of sick fucks gather to abue me in every single thing I do, all day all night every day every night every month every year 15 years. The landlord sent the message for more creeps to ifiiltrate my home with a "potential buyer" email and this is 2 days since the last invasion. The email was sent exactly when--just 20 minutes before I got on the internet because of trying to shut the filthy fuckers and the fight, physical fight I had wth the trash spawn of that pair of unwanted dirty ugly shit pig pitalina--and there was this email sent exactly at that time--within 5 minutes of the dirty spawn shit thing of pigpitalina coming to abue me for telling ugly shitalina to go away for the 15the year in a row. So they just contact the landlord and have him attack me by endless "potential buyers wants to see apartment tomorrow" ploy, and it's now going on every 2 days. One day notice. I asked landlord to give me more than one day notice but the email was sent when the shit ugly shitalina and her filthy untalented mediocre shit spawn were filled with the shit mentality that they are "entitled" to attacking me very moment any time all day for years stealing ideas poisoning mei into paralysis. Invited to the fucking Biden White House, to Schumers goddamn office to promote the "violence against women act" and other bullshit and now with truly violent Trump and his cartel, it's non-stop my money being cut off, m mail being a situation of very dire threat and lies from the mail service and all since Trump re-emerged when he and they all knew that he was going to "win" the rigged election. Michale Cohen came with Trump to violently screech at me and it was clear to me that this was a symbolic gesture of practicing open antisemitism by the more openly "Jewish" Cohen than I have ever been in my life--and he and all the rest are just endlessly vicious and violent. //drilling in the room adjacent to my room all day with the front door open wide, as they drill in rooms across the hallway from my room and keep the door open so the drilling sounds like an echo chamber. Simultaneously pounding and drilling into the walls in the room beneath mine and then another room a short distance on another floor; all surrounding me, as the "gang stalking" slow murder and torture contract employs on the targets; it's been written of on gang stalking websites it is constantly employed against me, in particular when people out of America have access to this contract. The deep lack of respect for people's privacy and personal space is a true feature of American life and surveillance and now every kind of intrusion is considered the "entitlement" of the bigot crap who are put into leadership positions.

 Whenever any of these "buyers" who endlessly are thrust into my living space, from Miami Beach to Boulder,CO to here in this place I live, the general area this has been forced upon me to the point that I went to the police because the week I moved into a place, the landlord kept coming over and then saying he was selling the apartment and was going to send people all the time. I told him I was studying in grad school and this was not part of the rental agreement when I signed up, just a week prior to moving in. I went to the police and I was harassed and then followed around *stalked) by the police and called "crazy" for having reported this breach of contract. 

The WiFi went out again. I have done a restore function today and within 20 minutes the hacking was so prevalent that every 2 minutes the WiFi was cut off, all lights "on" the router. Constantly, it is turned off constantly..There is nothing I can do to even clear the system. 


dirty, trashy filthy whorealina has made damn sure with this group to block all internet, all functioning of my body, has been poisoning and murdering me and abusing me with intention to just shut my body down and murder me through stress while extracting new ideas and being funed and promoted along with her shit spawn and all is cheered on constantly and never even stopped for a single day.

On and on for 15 years. I don't want that sick ugly fucking trash whore to sit there staring with her beady ugly sick eyes while I am fighting to heal from the poison she laughed about having raped and injected and inserted into my bladder through my vagina my poisoned food with mold and fungus and fungus and mold on my clothing into my hair into my furniture for years and years. That ugly sick dirty shit skank sits there endlessly as often as possible to get more and more free deals, as they all do.

So they are now using the landlord, once Trump has established the "sleepy Joe' is going to just let him do whatever to me, even before the hell of Trump officially begins. .Just this year alone Trump tried to have my money cut off. The endless murderous violence from Trump has been ongoing for over 8 years. 

Dirty ugly sick shitalina has been profiting off this for over 15 years and it's never being stopped by anyone.

Get that ugly sick black energy white trash n -word fing skank off me

and not to sit staring with her ugly beady disgusting eyes, the dirty German sick fuck who raped and beat me as she hugged him and al the rotten Europigape dirty ape "men" who all did the same disgusting act of violence against me as she swooned over them, fucked them undoubtedly as she is doing with this greasy violent ape

and if it's not trump ordering this never ending "potential buyer" stint of attack, it's from that stupid dirty creep because the "playbook" he is using is so old and he's doing things that endless repetitions of Eurotrash shit pigs have been doing. He is so mediocre so nasty so violent and he's so welcomed by all of that Whorewood group.

He is so revolting and truly abusive. violent and murderous. He is probably the main factor in this while I need healing privacy and to get these murderous bigot fucks off me.

wbhey the fuck can't anyone get this group off me and just to fucking leave me alone? they have been going to the Oscars for years and years for ideas they stole from me and they have given nothing but slow murder and rape and mutilation literally they are murdering me while stealing and destroyig all I am and have. MY body is entirely mutilated from mechanical arms pounding into my legs making capillaries burst so I have just spider veins everywhere and they have appeared like out of nowhere in the last few weeks--I feel my legs burning when I wake up--they are just mutilating my entire body as this fucking sutpid ugly whore is abuing me so the Nazi regime of Whorewood will give her another nomination for the idea that stupid ugly pig piece of shit whore stole from me, verbatim and is just mrudering me for the group to hand her anomination and this ugly dirty shit creep hopes the top award. 

this german ape fuck obviously has a lot of influence he is offering money and the parasites flock around this filthy dirty sick Nazi bigot creep and he is brining endless stress and hate and violence into my life. I have a grey streak in my hair from the weeks of him violently raping and beating me as I fought to get him off me the abuse was so stressful.

Can't anyone fucking ever stop this goddamn sickness?


*hackers rewrote much of the post above--many grammatical and typing "Mistakes' which were hacked in. I do edit whilst I am typing and these "mistakes" I never allowed to get past.

But the stiffness of the keys and how the space bar doesn't work is a factor in SOMETIMES I just can't backspace, retype rewrite for hours as the WiFi is constantly shut off while I am fighting to get this stress out of my body because it also is one of the murder operations--to kill the "target" just through sheer stress.


I was cursing because of the landlord  trying to basically have proxy abusers harass me for him in this guise of "selling the apartment" which, of course, he never told me about until Trump "won". 

The landlord is elsewhere in another location so he is sending out creeps to try to force their way into my home, where I have to protect my food as I go out shopping and I have to not cook or eat because the creeps POISON MY FOOD when I leave the room.

With one day notice, the open food I have will be poisoned, it is 100% guaranteed. The last time they came to look supposedly as "potential buyers" they poured stinking muck in the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink, it stand. There had been a very nice moth on the wall, high above one of the little areas of the room near the ceiling. It was there for about one day or two and when I left with one day notice for this sudden attack plot to endlessly "show" the apartment, and the landlord is trying to force me to be in the room so rotten ugly men can look ME OVER to see if they want to pimp me out and "buy" the apartment or if they want access to raping me and handing me over to their friends and partners to do the same. It is a pimp situation and it is me not having any single recourse to earning money, not a cent I have tried and tried they cut my WiFi service while the computer appears on, and the webpages I use to try to advertise are labeled as "on"< but when I do a deep search for if a site is actually on, it has been disabled (it is a programming type of search, it was an obscure search I had done to locate how to gauge whether a site actually is "on" or 'off" and so, that is how I have written endlessly for the past 2 weeks that the potentialities for hacking while  system appears fully functional is why I believe the satellites from Space link or Star link, or any system which cannot be monitored by secure government agencies, could relay some type of similar deception. After I wrote my post about DARPA and the unbelievable technologies that NO ONE in the media makes known, I was nearly killed by cars driving through red lights to drive into my in intersections--deliberately of course. Cars hitting me and almost hitting me was a 4 years phenomenon under Trump and it's already resuming now, like all the other attacks.

No one appears to be concerned about the potential for mediocre sick psychopaths to endlessly be put into high positions of "power" because of their propensity for extreme violence and criminal acts of racism and sexism. To put it bluntly, this is not "woke' they make Nazi comments about killing me and the German expletive has been doing this while raping and beating me in front of sick crap-alina this foul and dirty ugly sick thing. 

I can't express the disgust I have for this group and they are constantly forced upon me. 

I have NOWHERE to live, NO INCOME and I spent 6 years in grad school.

When Hillary Clinton, just  yesterday, came to once more get more "feminist" movie deals and tv shows and a Broadway play alongside shitalina who made some Broadway play referring to Illinois, my years of writing posts about music the university of ILlinois out of the insults from Trump about me growing up in a cornfield when my family is from Brooklyn, Ivy-league and some members very wealthy at the level of the Trump wealth world--I was ousted as a communal sacrifice by those people my relatives but my great "Uncle" is in a photo next to Trump and Mohammed Ali for a charity event (his last name Hausman, married to my aunt and I spent some time in his mansion and going out with the Hausman's in King's Point, a very "posh" area)

but not trying to flaunt anything as I was the family sacrifice and thusly always attacked (in latter years, but as a child I was welcomed, but eventually I got targeted because of me being top in the fields I endeavored into and thusly the 4th Reich could not tolerate that)

everyone one falls in line.

So, hacking is once more awful.

very hard to type.

The last time this landlord had a "potential buyer" just 2 days ago, they poured stinking muck into the kitchen area, they killed this moth which was a beautiful little creature harming nothing, they put it smashed into the oil diffuser candle next to my bed. And I believe this is just one of the itinerary of the Black Magick practices that this group employs constantly. If you could see the creeps from 
Whorewood and Congress you would believe in Satanism ruling the "elite" of the world, much less America as everything from Christianity to feminism is a joke

I am digressing completely my memory is being blocked while I struggle to get words out, the space bar never working letters I must literally pound with my entire hand don't appear and others appear, etc

Hillary I tried to talk to her in an erudite educated way. She just abused me and had the brain-altering goons afflict my brain so I just began to curse, as I have done in this post.

I can't talk to any of these smug stupid dirty "demonic" whore apes they are so beset with the notion that they are "gods" and that their entitlement is every violation of every law and all my years of studying and coming from Ivy League university professor in literature background is just a farming field for them to abuse and torrure out of me endlessly for over 15 years whild they block my every endeavor just to type and earning money they are saying that I am a "slave" the German rotten dirty fucker says this outright as he beats and rapes and they all gather around him with love sa he is adorned with everything hye could not obtain in dirty nasty Germany

all from being a rapist pig ape with Nazi outright statements aimed at me, and when I fight back the threats of killing me pour out of his black ugly sick hole in his dirty meathead face

they love the Nazis this group of shit, they are so completely programmed into Nazism and that is even moreso with the Blacks and the minorities, who are outright Nazi and racist towards me in front of these dirty white trash creeps who are just ignorant truly they are stupid and the ideas they come out with are all from me, for the most part--not the movies they star in but sometimes that is also the point, but the movies they direct as if it is their own concept.

Not :all" but this is just disgusting that the rape culture senators and representatives truly need Nazis to have "alternative" compassionate concepts to sell off more of their bullshit "hope joy change" shit crap they are spewing out after they fuck the country over, sell out to every fucking Nazi infiltrator traitor enemy who offers them a mansion in fucking Germany with a huge crocodile smile.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The next morning after my last suicide note post: the terror was reduced, as usual, perhaps for a little bit, for half a night, and it WILL resume and in fact they put a hacked attack on my fan which is coated with rust due to endless sprays of rusting chemicals and now it's making about a High C note, so it's so loud it's impossible to use it sounds like an airplane engine coming out of a 12-inch fan. Every month my money is spent on healing and repurchasing what is endlessly broken by this filth team of scum partnering with Biden, Obama, Trump and this stinking evil coagulation of mediocrity Nazi/Mafia programmed sick filth from Whorewood. More points I could not type out yesterday night because of the hacking making typing just a rant impossible:

"DARPA Mind Control (CIA Engineer) Dr Robert Duncan VOICE OF GOD Weapon". Check TheFacts. December 4, 2021.


Dr. Duncan has written BOOKS on satellite technology afflicting the human brain and his research on such technologies that are never even remotely discussed on any podcast on YouTube that I have been hacked into viewing to gather any kind of resistance to the 4th Reich Trump and Biden and Obama and Clinton hellscape that is now unfurling a huge Swastika of death squad goonery upon the world.

I found ONE SINGLE 5-minute video with Robert Duncan discussing technological death and murder mind control technologies. There used to be many but now there is only one and it's shortened as to be almost ineffectual. I have typed in searches on YouTube and got almost nothing. You can look on Amazon for his books, there are many one is titled "soul catcher" I believe. 

My internet is hacked so searches for vital information that could help me as blocked out. This is what the Musk satellites will be doing in conjunction with Nazi quantum computers of the California Uber alles variety the realm that Musk was handed access to creating a techno-terror global prison with his sinister technology


Duncan has made many videos and written books but I am in such a rush to avoid the abuse of this landlord who is rushing to have some greasy slime white trash Europigape to come to "view" my studio and he is trying to make it so I remain here to be abused by this team of Nazi and brown-skinned minion abuse, under the Trump murder tyranny and the whorewood shit pigalina team and et al, the list is ever-growing all showing up for the Oscars yearly and without end.

There are books and videos I have no time to search any longer today. You can do it  yourself!

""Correction to the below: once I walked away from this spot where my brain is pummeled with mind control blasting memory and cognition blocks (compartmentalized so I can still "sort of function" with rantings galore also pumped into my subconscious)---I had written that Dr. John Hall had written books on Satellite surveillance and mind control tech, but Dr. John Hall is more akin to the Alex Jones' variety of lying rape enabling  fake opposition and that is the only name that I could remember, probably intentionally this lying agent provacateur's name was injected into my brain by this tech that is so subtle and sophisticated is it beyond all the awareness of the lying podcasters of all the media who use it on a regular basis--they only want the effect of screwing others over and taking a monopoly for themselves on information and mass behavioral consensus with their lying, but absolutely "convincing' podcasts they are expert liars and manipulators, as are the politicians. The actors, many of whom are just too stupid to think of much more than basic stupid one-line platitudes.


HIS NAME IS ROBERT DUNCAN he worked for DARPA and conducted research on mind control and is a WHISTELBLOWER. That is remains alive, if he is still alive, makes me suspect but he does elaborate on the complexities of satellite torture and the myriad of capabilities that are NEVER mentioned by the white pig ape male culture with their white lying skank women playing along as "commentators" always bypassing this explosion of death cult technology that has been handed to Musk. Maher said that Musk is some ground-breaking engineer. What in actuality is being done is the tech that has been developed long before Musk left Apartheid S.Africa, which the U.S. government created, is now being unfurled as the Musk product line, in a never-ending succession which he personally cannot be the engineer of as he is busy social engineering with lectures and leaping frog jumping for joy presentations to the public. Buying everything out under the jurisdiction of lying Trump, inc. 


I have listened, for the last few days, to the lying Nazi infiltrator traitors posing as "liberal democrats" on the sucking YouTube portal of disinformation and lies. These creeps have hacked their worthless analyses of politics and all have followed the same "talking points" as one another, a script to be sure. That would be many of the "former Repubicans" and while I fight as usual to pound words out, the names escape me utterly because my brain is under truth serum memory blanking effect, as always while I am in this place typing and always in public so I can't even count, remember basic sums or be able to function while people surround and screw me over and attack me and then discredit me for not being able to function because parts of my brain are compartmentalized to stop functioning, especially in rational and calculation ratitional thought.


The creep liars working as disinformation agents for the 4th Reich are all stating with calm "authority" that The Musk satellite "theory" is absolutely false. They never, not once, expound upon technology, how hacking does or doesn't work, or how satellites can be used and the Marc Ellias (I knew he and the never-ending Jewish "Democrat" pundits like ...and of course my brain is blocked--tyler cohen something, who endlessly brings on the most vicious of the Jewish Nazis Jamie Raskin, a name I remember because it rhymes with Ratskin and also because he's a violent supporter of Nazism as so many Jews are (they are not "jews" they are Jewish Nazis and if they observe the religious rites, such as what C. Schumer does in his FAcebook posts, they never follow any of the actual precepts when it comes to obeying and allowing a Nazi takeover as long as they remain in their privileged token seats and have their views of the courtyard of the Capitol bldg, as Ratskin has and I know this because he teleported me to his office. His view is spectacular of the cherry blossoms blooming in front of the entire beautiful panorama of the Capitol Building because he is so honored for his role in the Insurrection and the false dissecting of the Trump actual insurrection which obscured the fact that the other Jewish Nazi plant in the DOJ< Garland, was not beginning any investigation of Trump's many Nazi and overtake crimes until far, far too late to be of any consequence. Garland is a byproduct of Nazi escapee refugees fleeing Nazis but I know, from my personal experience, that the Jews who obtained Visa's to enter the very Nazi-laden administrations at the time were instructed to become full participants of Stasi-like surveillance of the "Jewish Community" thereby to viciously have them covertly murdered while appearing to yap endlessly about being "Jewish" and also "victims" of racism, as Ratskin and Garland have done on many public occasions, but fully and absolutely supporting with all their "Jewish intellectualism" the full onslaught of Nazism and fully supporting a Nazi and Mafia death squad operation that has enveloped not just the entire USA but also the rest of the world to covertly assassinate people like me.. First to rape and abuse me to obtain more ideas so the other "Jews" or "Half Jews" like Bill Maher to also intellectually steal ideas and then support Nazi filth in his blathering interviews and giggly laughing political sexualized analyses--everything is based around dirty nasty sex jokes wrapped around false narratives, all written for him. He is good at memorizing lines and being able to deliver them in a savvy way, I will give him that.

And so, the torture has been suspended for a brief few hours but another item has been broken, so all my money is spent on repurchasing and not being able to clean up this stinking filth unit which is a non-stop open-portal panel torture situation of rape and mutilation and endless slow murder with poison injections into my food and into my vagina directly into my bladder, while greasy ugly EUropigape white males and American wanna be Nazis stick their filthy grease slime penises in my mouth, slapping and punching my face and calling me "bitch" for any slight resistance as ugly trash filthalina the prostituted scum stupid ugly plastic surgery and gastric bypass anorexic created shit just sit laughing for years as one ugly dirty German and scumbag creep does this as I am drugged in a way that is unfathomable to people who take drugs on a normal basis (like drugs that could be used for surgery to induce a waking zombie state and the technology and brain compartmentalization forces an "unbearable" sexual desire so the violence is over-ridden by the chemical and physical insatiable faked sexuality that is so overpowering I can't do more than sit helpless while these ugly trash buckets of slime and pornographic hate rape filth are praised by dirty Jane Fonda, a full-on friend to this current German scum piece of filth shit, and by Helen Mirran, a dirty ugly endlessly lying scam scum actual real female dog with countless plastic surgery renovations since she began to asault me in 2013 and has not stopped being praised and awarded. The dirty sick Meryl Streep (I had to remember it rhymes with Creep) is a full-on blond Nazi endlessly playing the "liberal" card as are so many of these rotten dinos who partner with endless energy vampire sleazy whore ugly prostitualina who is working daily to destroy my body and health and beauty so she can have groups of filth yell that she is more beautiful. This endless mutilation and poisning of my body which they began in 2012 or early through the English Crown group's Danny Moynihan, who I met in London because he lived across the street, as did the actor Christopher Reeve who also began following me around, and the theft of my concepts by mostly mediocre, but well-trained and endlessly promoted English Nazism under the protection and the endless purse of the English Crown "aristocracy" organization has been non-stop, with partnership by Obama always looking for a few extra endless monetary handouts for his endless Oprah-style empire of billions and billions--Oprah is one of the most racist pawns and has been absolutely put into every billionaire seat for this con job so dirty ugly shitalina can watch the blow jobs that these pig whores are forcing on me with drugging under mind control while my body is in sheer agony from over 15 years of daily shitting thickening hadening poison which latches onto my; bones and tissue and into my intestines, forming hard blocks so I can't move while they have my body zapped with heart palpitations tears pouring out of my eyes non-stop filth and toxic shit poured into my living space on clothing on a daily basis everything sprayed with toxic chemicals that remain permanently and stink like filthy cooked grease which I am certain has been added to the mix.


The lack of any block to the ELON MUSK HACKING OF THE ELCTIONS has been met by a cacophony of a chorus of "the people who claim that Musk's satellites have hacked the elections is sheer nonsense" style condemnation experts who "used to be Republican" are now secular humanists and astrology converts and fastidious rape Christians like Mike Johnson, a most nasty rape cheerleader bearing  crucifix around his Party mask of "purity" and actual religious non-parity with the actual religion. An Inquisition with rape for the "witches' they plan on raping and abusing to death, like me, that is what both the MAGA and the lying scum fake operatives Democrat Jewish Nazis and actual Nazis like DeNiro who absolutely supports Trump, and so has Biden and MUSK HACKED THE ELECTIONS.

The creeps i.e. from the Florida-based Lincoln Project, also another hack into my YouTube page endlessly when it first came out 4 years ago (or longer) is a redneck from Florida who uses the analogy of Waffle House to describe how benign Trump is or whatever, the redneck Waffle House is a Southern Comfort place to indulge in carbs and grease and have little diner conversations--(but of course they would make jokes about "Jewish delis" in NYC, using racism as disguised slurs, I would venture to guess in their private little soiree moments of actual real Nazi racist jocular collaborations).

They are all stating that obviously and of course there was no satellite interference, mockingly condescending to the "audience" that they are really immature and stupid. The absolute and instant collapse of any actual doubt about anything the Repub party did, with polling booth workers being threatened with death for years prior to the day of election and replaced by MAGA operatives--which Democracy now did make some mention of, but Marc Ellias who was mentioned as a "threat" by the big Trump supporter --his name very famous, blocked out completely--a very violent man who was incarcerated for not appearing in court and just recently released--a huge hefty red-faced man advocating for murder and bloodshed--very famous I will know the name instantly once I get off this laptop. He used to work for Breitbart, everyone knows his name, his "War Room" podcasts very famous. He mentioned Marc Ellias as a "threat" and that if "ellias" were going to investigate, it is a serious legal threat. Ellias is undoubtedly "part of all Jewish" as it would seem, as Brian Tyler Cohen has had him and Raskin interviewed on his long-winded very fast-talking show which has proven to be a futile lying concealment of actual research and really relevant analysis. All a cover-up including the so-called "experts" who rushed to "protect the elections" but are mentioned as "threats" by the actual real murder cartel MAGA death squad leaders because he did such a great job of concealing the actual misappropriation of the elections, focusing solely on the gerrymandering and not on how satellites that dirty lying Biden welcomed with fanfare by Musk to be placed in space; not so people can live on Mars but so on Earth the 4th Reich can wipe out and cancel anyone not complying and hack into polling booths while the "experts" on  YouTube who have no technical expertise claim that it's foolish and "come on stupid idiots" this is a real election.

We know that Trump is a professional liar and lied about all the previous everything. He promised that he and Mike Johnson had some "surprises" so they would "win" in the election--and the entire Nazi structure followed their instructions to comply instant and concede the election, and all have been granted immunity from the murder death squads as a result. Trump points to them publicly like nasty foul January 6th Jews who rushed to pull down their pants exposing penises and insults at me, not raskin this time thankfully but he used physical violence and endless hate and violence but the other one, the California Senator (again, my memory is completely blanked out) after such an attzck, rushed to ask me and attack me when Trump mentioned him as a death target in his list of "enemies' which will be killed by his eager murder Nazi mafia goon squads of now openly touting plantation rape culture white trash pig apes, the type that dirty trashy ugly prostitutalin has been bringing over with dirty rapist ugly sick shit pig pitt for all these years from Europigapeland. They in turn will influence the white trash of America to really becmoe violent Nazis

all fully welcomed bythe filth shit of Whorewood, the Jews or "half Jews" like Maher so endlessly stealing my ideas and turning them through his Nazi writing staff of California into outright sales pitches for Nazi white supremacy with his smoot-talk bs intellectualism but always tinged with support for Nazis.


Once I walked away from this spot, the name ADAM SCHIFF returned instantly--as the California Senator under assault but he first came sneering with hate pulling down his pants as symbol of abuse of me, then once Trump mentioned him as a death target for his goon squads, fully armored by the U.S. government now in partnership with Elon Musk to produce brain implants, and orchestrated attacks using vector analysis satellite surveillance and etc plus forever hacking of voting booths fully exonerated by the shit of MSNBC which was the first almost to congratulate in MORNING JOE bs hate team for his stunning "win" so historical. IT WAS an historical hack that has been bypassed by bigot Nazi Biden fully allowing Musk to plant his satellites without oversight of NASA.

There are books on gang stalking used in combination with satellites written by Dr. John Hall---a U.S. Government contracted researcher into various technologies--has written extensively on how satellites have been developed with aid fully in surveillance and murder open people, seemingly no-touch torture and murder operated by satellites. 

If drones can inflict death and catastrophe, how much more space-based technology working in triangulation with ground-based techs receiving the undetectable signals from space, all wrapped around the tooth-gap grinning Biden the Nazi dino and his team of greasy lying "Democrats"?

Now overtaken with full warm hugs by Biden in the White House and "accepted" with a "sign" by the podcasters who have been programmed and paid to be exonerated from the massive murder "purge" that is ongoing on me, to which NO ONE ever stops, all my life this has been ongoing without a single person warning me that I was being poisoned and stalked so by now, the murder of people who might fight it has fully established a global network of news casters and whorewood celebrities fully viciously murderous and being paid to be more and more like their Nazi "friends" from Europigapeland.

I write of this, am tortured endlessly and being murdered raped and tortured and they obtained a truly stupid conniving German scumbag to viciously beat and threaten my life consortantly--punching into my face and body with murderous violence like those old commercials of gorillas in zoos thrown luggage which they pound down on and throw around--that is the level of this German lying scum bucket grease stain who emits filth and trash into my room through his greasy dirty minions, almost always the brown and black lower class or nasty white "trash" looking for any easy way out of almost slave labor conditions which will be enhanced now under Trump. .Already the Trump administration is taking down overtime worker's rights which Biden established and Biden has let the pig apes loose to begin their Nazi regime already, and upon  me the effects are the vicious and military landlord (there was a photo of him hugging the military coup leader who enforced prison-time punishment for any single protest against their regime for over a decade in Thailand).

My post yesterday was about asking anyone to stop the murder situation you have all watched and cheered on, applauding and promoting every abuser, idea content creator thief of ideas I wrote under drugging and torture--making the ape whores millions and billions of dollars while they raped and beat me for writing in rage about their crimes. I was RAPED AGAIN by the grease stain German filth w ho has had filth and sick muck and destruction poured into my home with his endless beatings and rapes in front of ugly sick dirty filthy prostitutalina with a team of thge black Nazis like shithole Scoop pig dogg shit absolutely violoently disgusting. But the German ape filth is rapign beating rapin abusing and being promoted and has ugly trashalina as his lover, and she encouraging the mediocrity stupid sick ugly ape to beat and abuse me endlessly--it's gone on endlessly for 4 months of this dirty filth ape shit pig rapin and abusing me for his filthy promotion and his dirty porno sex and loving embrace by ugly sick trash prostitutalin. The shit of Whorewood have all rushed to join in, and included in them is Bill Maher and also Conan O'brian. I write about Maher for the idea he stole from my writing just aa few days ago regarding hopes that RFK, Jr will institute health reforms for natural alternative medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. What Nazi Maher did was put a blonde Nazi "alternative" medicine blathering New Age style money rake who talked about "cellular regeneration" which is probably a segue to selling a load of bs crap in the name of alternative medicine. He literally quoted what I had written, including that I would need to use antibiotics if I had an infection but also would incorporate Western and Eastern medicine (which Maher soldl off as the blonde Nazi "alternative" health care which is just admonitions to not eat junk food and to buy into whatever snake oil she is peddling regarding "cellular regeneration" sounds like the typical load of bs advertising for useless k-rap, which is all "they" all sell anyway all t he time they can't tell the difference or differentiate between shit and actual quality any longer. O'Brien is hosting the Oscars, a shit-studded huge throng of abuser rapist terrorist Nazis including so many of the blacks and minorities and Jews of Whorewood who have joined in with attacking me. For some reason the last name of this famous scumbag is eluding me--his father was great actor, I never liked this creep "michael" but his last name, my brain is under mind control I can't think any longer and the endless rape with a crowd of sick ugly pig whores ugly prostitutalin who has been allowed to steal ideas and have me mutilated poisoned to death tortured to death and now raped with death treats by pig after piece of shit with full awards by dirty disgusting bidehn rotten shit obama nasty filthy Hillary Clinton and of courrse s hit Trump--all I can h ope is that somehow Iran blows them all up as they are a rising filth evil that has been so mass advertised as being a positive. The evil stink of America is so unbelievable at this point. //The landlord, the same jerk-off Thai filthy creep who has ordered all this filthy grease filth muck broken everything stained disgusting stinkin destruction of my home by his dirty minions--under dirty filthy shit Trump that sack of utter shit and ugly ape whoreness--he would come to my room at 8 pm and pound on the door demanding that I open or he would break the door down. He would throw items in my room yelling and insulting and touching me. The group of shit who has made endless billions of dollars off my ideas have forced me into subpoverty have blocked all financial earning have had my money stolen and I am sttuck with homelessness as a constant threat to my life. The landlord informed me that he has a potential buyer to viow this room. For years I had to deal with landlords just barging into my livin space to "sell" the unit but never told me that it was for sale when I signed rental agreements. I have taken them to the police and the police begibn to insult me and then follow me around abusing me afterward, here in rotten Nazi phuket it is seriously corrupt and of course in Aemrica as well. Ugly shitalina who is a foul parasitic contagion of scumbag white trash and black trash scum whores rushin to get the English Crown permission to appear in s hit tv shows and movies with this dirty ugly sac of shit prostitutae ugly shitalina and stuipd dirty pig pitt--they have sat smiling laughing and wathcing this dirty German ape piece of shit violently raping me--making love to that ugly pig and he's glowing like they all are with huge smiles and glowing wealth as they have stinking filth their hate the4ir muck their filth and they are always using MY IDEAS and stealing them verbatim, as Bill Maher just did literally once again verbatim stealing what I have written. Taking full credit for it, as one of the guests who has also been a constant hacker so a constant participatant, Cuomo of News Nation---told Maher that the idea was so great and gave Maher credit for it--perhaps he knew that it was my idea stolen but I am still tortured.

 I have been fighting to have this stopped to h ave any kind of different politician stop this--I only clicked on the fucking shit of Trump back in 2015 becuase of the lies he was disseminating that he was not paid for, t hat was the big lie he began his initial bullshit campaign on. He's so bought and sold he's the utter epitome of a sleazy sold out whore and bought and paid for entirely by mafia and Nazi black organizations (meaning criminals) 

the evil is rising

I can't live with this any longer. I have been fighting to get any justice any stop to this absolute hate and injustice and have been tortured for fighting in my defense by the entire US Congress with shit senators rushing to abuse insult and threaten my life as they rush to embrace ugly sick stupid prostitualina and they all go off joyously being awarded by an even more sinister media conglomaerate of lying bullshit.

I will stop writing, I have writtgen about the pig whores for years and you have allo awarded them and put shit into power and the country is now being destoryed from withihgn by the real enemies you put into power.

I have nothing left. I have spent years in grad school only tgo be poisoned and repoisoned every day by this gorup sas stupid ugly pigs and whores have torturedme to obtain ideas and ghave only poisoned and raped and tortured me in return with nothing left.

No one of you wil do anythihng at least have me killed quckly and painless you fucking pigs and whores.

I will enver help these fcucking pigs to win by saying that ugly sick stupid greasy dirty Nazi sh it pig parasites are beatiful sexy or I lvoe or like themm. Wish them death eveyr day I pray for it every day. I pray that Trump is assassianted by Iran or someone finally succeeds. I hope Biden is reevealed as the shit that he truly is, the incompetent Nazi enabler and shit that he really is along with Hillary and Obama and the rest of this shit.

compounded are the scumbag podcasters who hack their lying "Democrat" bullshit like Mary Trump, a most foul plant of the Trump organization just like AOC is as well. Hackin their lying blathering shit endlessly on my YouTube and they are hideous.

so, I can't live any longer. The German ape whore will never stop abusing me his filthy dirty ugly sick stupid abuse is becoming an endless hate crime with the woman he truly loves, ugly sick prostitutgalin and dirty sick ugly shit pig pitt there watching and showering this filthy violent Nazi whore ape with praise and invitations and he is glowing with pride and fulfillment atht his stupid mediocre shit movie career is being so enhanced in America where his Nazi team will be showered with love by rotten Obama the disgusting Uncle Tom to cap the most vile disgrace to the civil rights movement--and thusly\

I can't stand this any longer. This organization drives people to su icide and they have been poisonin abusing and rapin beating me to death. 

I have nothing else to live for, so I will try to find a way but it's not easy. I can't live with this any lojnger. They will laugh if I kill myself but this is just over 15 years of non-stop 24/7 tortrure and pooisobning and rape, decades of being abused chased out of every living place  with every landlord making my livin space fithy abusive and people showering me with poison hate and tortrure and drugs adn rape.

I can't survive this any longer. I need a way to kill myself.

Otherwise, if I possibly can I will kill these fuckers and I pray that Trump gets assassinated. He is such rotten shit and filth, his team of crap is utter sickness and Biden also I so pray that that filth dies a horrible death he is one of the worst most incapable prresidents ever in history. Wish that at least Kamala would then be put into power and have Trump assassinated or that Iran will do this. I pray eveyr day that ugly prostitutalina and shit pig pitt and their teams of uncle toms and aunt jemimas like whoopie and oprah are also killed h orribly. Maybe the sickness of america will finally kill some of them off, but not the Nazis. I encourage people to get armed and prepare insteaad of listening to the bullshit yapping of the "formerly a republican but now fighting Trump "bullshit operators and AOC is a most heinous lying fake. Get Nancy Pig-lously out of office, Hakeem Jeffries is just another pawn and potential uncle tom, not sure he joined in the teleportation and just remained silent and then DID NOTHIN to stop any single thing

there is no leadership except for violent genocidal nazis endlessly lying about their actual intentions in the entire political and whorewood establishement

but every time some sick ugly old man joins inh to attack me, this Michale piece of lying sick shit whose father really was a great actor, but the rotten sleazy shit Nazi son, half Jewish or whatever like any programmed Jewish Nazi--the rotten son who has completely been altered by the adulation fo the 4th Reich for his insults abuse and huge grins and smiles as this German rotten ape grease staing ugly pig beat slapped raped forced his filthy dirty pig penis in my mouth as ugly prostitutalin, who has been at the Oscars with dirty shit stupid pig pitt for over 15 years stealing ideas from me perpetually non-stop along with their shit Nazi friends like maggot robber with barbie, as I wrote abvout what shit she is, she had me raped repeatedly and went off being awarded and loved by her nazi shit husband and the rest of the fuckin world. I remain with another landlord threatening my life with pigs coming to "see if they want to buy the studio" which he used to just rush to my room day and night pounding threatening but now he is not in th is same city so he is u sing the pretext of having people look to see if they want to buy--this has been a non-stop schedule of abuse from landords without end for decaders. This sh it of whorewood have stolen and made millions of dollars off my ideas--and so has Bill Maher who just welcomes every abuser--this Michael piece of shit made a tv sh ow about Benjamin Frankilin and I wanted to see the patriotic content. Instead he's like a Nazi MAGA fanatic looking for Nazi approbation by viciously abusing me. Now he's featured with Maher, has been put into a UN delegation, and I remain vbeing drugged abused raped because I am fighting for my human righs as Biden has allowed Trump to resume this endless assault by tghe landlord, which Biden at least stopped. Biden is a piece of sick shit who has sold America off

I can't live with this never ending shit any longer\

so at least have me killed quickly I was suicida l years ago under drugging and I can'ta take any more rape and abuse

I will never help ugly sick shitalina to win an oscar for the idea from Maria that shis ugly stupid ape whore stole, like  Malificent which she stole, which anothe romvie aboutg the Wall Street Journal which she stole, and the list is endless and they have also handed my ideas out to their other Nazi shit whore friends like pop singers. Taylor swift the nazi bigot hacked h er disgusting ugly face on my every internet serach for about 12 years u ntil I kep twriting and writing and writing to get her to be stopped. I just watched a fucking tv movie show about concentration camp gay sex whichi this filthy whore pornographic  ugly sleaz German pig starredin playing of course he violent murderous Nazi. I just watched this fucking show and 4 months of saying NO being beaten shit poured into my bathroom the floor ripped out the room stinking and broken down, like every room I have lived in

for over 15 years begging to have the one an donly love in my life returned to me, my cat which they keep as punishmehnt because I was screamin to stop the rape whie they kept poisnoing me so the poison was being ounde dinto my body

and the hacking has blocked thi

I can't sleep and under sleep this German murder sick pig fuck has murder skits which the mafia deniro and pesce did to me for years,m and insults about my body every time I took a shower with endless sexual abuse and insults and they put this german rottne dirty fuck onto attacking me as ugly shitalina was invited to Bidens wh ite house an dugly sick trump laughed along with them as the beatings poisoning and rape has not stopped but the poisoning has been so murderous and I have been fighting a huge deformed body as they abuse me w hile I am exercising as well-physical threats of murderous violence and body shaming insults by this German fuck with ugly trashalina alwys there because they are lovers and he's trying to impress her. I keep scaraeming at him that he is trash ugly ahd a fucking pig that he's disgusting he goes on and on because he' been so encouraged by fucker Obama, rotten crusty dirty Whoopie this black Nazi scumbag whore who should hve been kicked off The View years ago and put on a shelf as being a waste product of ly ing aunt jemima filth decayed  half-life toxicity w8ith her fake black woman liberal bullshit always selling The View

the hackin has m ade this impossible to get out

I can't live with this any longer. Someone organize that I get killed quickly and without pain, I can't find a way to do this. I was put under suicide programming by the english and italian sh it and filth who have been behind Stallone who  has just embraced shit filth Trump ebecause Stallone in part handed Trump his win by handing him this rape and murder system, so fully embraced that there is nothing left for me to live for. There are nothing but cheap and stupid sleazy whores in the Ameican landscape putinto power, the rest are blank and stupid and sick just tyring to get over and get more money.

I remain without anything left. I can't earn money I cant' get out of this poverty while my ideas are making u gly stupid sh it whores millions of dollars from my originality and love for life.

I am being raped beaten and tortruerd after more than 15 years of non-stop tortrure by this one group and they are so ugly and sick I constantly anm calling them shit and whores and pigs and wishing them death. They go ona nd on and on and on tryin to get this contact of me sayin I love some rapist like this german piece of sick pig greawse sh it. I have begged for helop for years and no one has done a fu cking thing. I just need a fucking gun to shott myself with I cna't live with this fuckihg shit of no one ever helping me everyone cheering sixck fucks on who are disgusting and ugly and rotten who are beating raping me so the nazis can award them for the shit they crank otu perpetually.

the pig hackers have retyped most of the words so most of this page is completely misspelled. I can't survive this any longer, this is literally 24 hours per day of non-stop abuse rape poisoning mutilation and non-stop stinking filth sprayed into my living space from all directions in a s hit tiny room where all has been broken and is stinking foul dirty and I can't bend to clean due to the poisons I can't get out

I have been writing to get them off me for years, and no one will do anything. YOu fuciing pigs wnat me dead but to suck everything possible out of me. All I can do is remain silent so I can try to live in this filthy dump without the landlord under Trump coming to bause me with viewings of the room on a one-day notice and the pigs are never going to stop teleporting me and aubsing me  utnil I am screaming ideas out as they are murdering me. Writing about them murdering me for yeas and they are raping me still with zero nothing from anyboyd. Trump is a fuckin sick piece of shit. I urge people to rise up and have him assassinated he is truly a sick evil thing brought about by rotten evil sick Whorewood. 

I really can't live with this any longer. If I ever am forced to be close to this filthy Germin parasite will do what I can to kill him and any of these pig whores. This is not survivable it is murder and you are all cheering it on. Maybe fucking Iran will blow you all up. I will cheer if that happens, hope it will be soon you fuckers.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Yet another appeal out to the void to please, someone with any ethics, to stop this murder torture contract out on me. Every day the trauma abuse from night time skits of hate, death and rape plus HOURS per day of screaming abuse and yelling violence death threats and non-stop insults from one celebrity to the next, for over 15 years without end, day after day, 6-8 hours per day and in the shower they insult my body they abuse me non-stop. They suck so much of my time and money and energy out and without any support whatsoever on any level, as I wrote my cat was stolen, all human beings on earth are trained to just castigate the target until they are artificially turned into a global pariah witch hunt target, shunned by one and all. I spend hours fighting hacking to get the stress out. Exercising doesn't work because this is MURDER and I constantly, day after day, reaching out in what is a vain attempt to get a single person to say, "wow, this is wrong" but so far, it's just silence of the sheeple and the lambs as well. Please, someone stop this goddamn sickness of these creep horrid parasites who are endlessly clutching rushing abusing spitting raping beating slapping yelling screaming as they get free from Nazi attacks free from being in a situation they can't get out of (like not having enough fame) free from all legal repercussion free to get allowance to commit more crime free to join the 4th Reich free to rape and beat a target endlessly forever to death. They feed off it so much energetically and I lose my life force every day. Can't this ever be stopped can't anyone find a bit of heart or soul in America in the planet on the planet anywhere at all?

 The sick dirty nasty parasites who endlessly and temporarily and even if for one day go off with huge glowing smiles in new freshly minted promotions almost directly after attacking me. They are flattered, they are seen in photo ops they are smiling and get refreshed by torture.

I am sagging, dying from stress, the contract is to have every aspiring Nazi posing as a liberal and free-thinking advocate for the "underdog" be promoted with endless plastic surgery and orgies and mansions and millions in contracts for pushing huge deceptions upon the public, which by and large also participate going off glowing smiling and thrilled to have a scapegoat victim to once more persecute, as groups of sick lemmings have had access to throughout history.

The "Democratic" societies have handed me on a platter to all sleaze parasites who are the most demonstrative of kindly benevolent but dictators underneath the facade. 

I am an endless feeding source for energy vampires whores pigs scum and hateful bottom feeding liars endlessly foisted into top positions evermore so for this violence against me, which they feed off they go off with huge smiles glowing and alive vital look decades younger for dumping the hate and violence upon me--they are then endlessly showered with applause and invites and deals afterwards.

Once I react in rage after this injustice, they are encouraged to beat me down more with the technology and scumbag teams of crap who they order to inflict more violence and more slow murder upon me endlessly night and day. They go off laughing glowing and look like energy has been pumped directly into their hateful sneering faces.

The plump image of smiling sadistic Nazis so ever appeals and appears after they torture me, as this protocol image of hate that is now like a constant attack situation endlessly encouraged and never stopped or halted.


I have been tortured, mutilated, raped and threatened with murder for simply watching tv shows or movies while so poisoned I can't read, think or move so I watch these shows under mind control.

For enjoying a tv show or movie, some actor rushes to abuse me, usually (of course, always forced upon me I would never be a "fan" rushing to gush over any of them, on any celebrity although I might be a bit more fanish if I ever met Mozart, and happily I will never be disappointed if he were another expletive and perhaps he might have been towards me, but I doubt it.

Anyways, there is nothing I want to do but watch tv shows and movies. I have never really been a legitimate "fan" of anybody but I used to supplant celebrities over the sleazy ugly men I was forced to be around under mind control; that happened for a few years when I was "glued" to being with someone who was repulsive in many ways but supported me in the most important ways but attacked me in deadly ways so I had to superimpose an image of a celebrity born on the same day with very similar features to try to imagine him instead of the other. This same celebrity has since teleported me, perhaps he knew that in my past I had a poster of him but it was to try to erase someone else and to have some kind of more brilliant image. I am not a fan type person and they are demanding absolute slavish devotion, something I have never been that type of personality in my life and them trying to force this on me through torture and mutilation and rape just still doesn't convince me to worship anyone like a statue but a human abuser in real life without anything to worship whatsoever in real life.


How many messages posts requests begging pleading fighting being raped non-stop by Nazi-trained bigot haters who force their unwanted nasty hateful selves on me in deep sleep, join laughing with the murdering bigots pig shitalina the pair of filth who have been laughing partying stealing ideas torturing ideas out of me having me raped beaten tortured without fail day after day for year after year with smirking trump and obama participating in teleportation laughing smug and glaring with deadly threat at me ordering me to be hit by cars for having written that this group of shit should not be awarded any longer

having my teeth nearly knocked out, my toes slashed my fingers and hands slathered with chemicals so my hands look like withered decayed old and broken down huge red welts on every finger from years of sharp incisions (again happened last night, the skin ruined completely on my hands) most of my hair gone from repeat chemicals and fungus poured into my scalp as the pig whores are younger and younger glowing turned on having me raped and tortured by shit pig scumbag who is EMBRACED by this group of shit endlessly it goes on and on while America keeps having the same sick fucks shout campaign slogans about caring and protecting women and caring about injustice and laughing and hitting torturing poisoning me for fighting back against this sick contract because the pig ape shit whores need people to abuse to get power energy out of it--they go on and on and on and on to break and poison and abuse and have me raped and abused to death poisoned to death. I fight I write about what sick shit they are I get more celebrity "friends" rushing to "defend" their friends as they also get more promotions that are without end, global tours tv shows and heralded by the media endlessly it never ends. 15 years and still not a single human being in America only parasitic hateful liars put into positions of power, and the rest watching on doing nothing

when will this sick fucking shit ever be stopped?

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A copied post from Facebook---writing about a band out of Miami but after having tried to dig the heavy cloud of hate and abuse from the whorewood ensemble of hate crimes, mediocrity and stupid ignominy--

 Every time I listen to music on YouTube to try to shift the death and murder oppression energy that is heaped upon me every night in sleep and for around 6-8 hours upon waking and extending into mid-afternoon. The filth ape whores don't stop abusing and threatening me with their ugly sick faces directly in my face in teleportation so I can "see" the ugly sick parasites like a thin veil with their sneering and jeering smiles and hate glares as they call me every ugly sick name with death threats going on and on and on . I CANNOT NOT RESPOND I have been trying. It is their filth voices going on with hate and sarcasm constantly commenting on any and everything I say and think for over 6 hours. After 2 hours per morning of abuse I finally can't tolerate the endless yapping hate as I try to listen to podcasts and music somehow their voices override anything I blast in ear pods into my head. THeir voices override the ear structure so that the vibrations are more inwardly into the ear canal, not sound that your ears have to filter and process but vibrations that go directly into the comprehending stage so anything listening to externally does not have primacy for the aural functioning of the brain.

I mean auditory--my brain is as usual not functioning as I write curses and after I get off I always "remember" the much more erudite sentences I would have written, as if they are stuck in my memory and come out after the brain censoring tech stops being aimed into my brain while I fight to struggle to pound out anything

characteristically the internet wifi has been turned off literally for the 35th time in the last 4 hours. Every 5 minutes or 10 it's turned off. The router lights are all on and the signal icon is "on" at the bottom right-hand of the screen but the hacking is done (I do a command prompt "ping" request and I get that there is no connection but all the other signals show operational 100%. That is why I believe that the testing of the polling booths by all the untrained tech "experts" would not be able to understand the sophistication that Musk and others are capable of when hacking and blocking signals but the system appears to be "on")


I listened to a wonderful and inspiring band out of Puerto Rico that I discovered from the pre-Trump era WNYU archives, once Trump got in and the Mafia out of Brooklyn (Scorsese, who bought an entire building for NYU for film creation, and not saying it's directly tied to him but he is directly tied to this attack upon me and his film which almost "won" or maybe it did, I don't know really but some aspects of the film about the Native indigenous characters directly echoes the type of minority death mind control poisoning and theft that is really akin to the Nazi theft and mass murder and the system has been in operation for centuries nothing is new. .But he was incorporating through fake "compassion" the very system that is being indoctrinated and systematically programmed and paid-for in full by the U.S. Government in partnership with all mafias all governments and the millions upon millions of "Normal" creeps around the world who pose as law-abiding "citizens").

And the music from NYU became so stale and mediocre the alternative subculture has been cancelled out and replaced by mainstream pop style just utter k-rap which is pretentiously called "alternative". And anyway, before that era I obtained music and one of those shows had Fania Allstars, a band out of Puerto Rico.

After over 8 hours of torture, mentioned above the sleep teleportation sick hate abuse psycho-torture that is inflicted upon me every single night without exception into death homelessness abuse rape and etc every single night some sickness is forced into my deep sleep. ONly mediocre sick crap people would conceive of these skits and then enact them EVERY SINGLE NIGHT FOR 15 YEARS AS WHOREWOOD SCUM has done.

And, I was put into a fuzzy "happy" zone of videos hacked into my youtube page and then I was literally subliminally instructed to go to an old video by J-lo & Marc Anthony from a song that was originally sung, or covered by Hector Lavoe I think and another very famous singer---and this is getting long, but J-lo appeared began insulting me and grabbing my breasts when after going on with insults I made a little retort, trying not to react knowing that is what they were striving for. That was after around 8 hours of non-stop teleportation torture abuse from this group of filth. The German rapist who I have been screaming NO to for over 4 months, it seems like at least 4 months it began when Harris began running and has not stopped. I have not stopped telling him no to get off me as he beats abuses and the German Nazi programming of this group is so profound that they gather around this unbelievably un-hip uncool absolutely fascist white supremacy Nazi-toting bigot who is embraced by the black rappers the asian martial artists the whorewood white supremacists who are glowing with delight he is providing them with more benefaction for their sick violence, and assured every new mansion and yacht anywhere the 4th Reich can provide it, endless awards more oscars as the Nazis completely control the Golden Globes and the Oscars. THe people like Whoopie who are "governors" or she used to be are fully indoctrinated into this system and fully endorse all this violence against me, and the few stupid remarks she has made in the past about the Holocaust not being about race is a psy-ops type of statement exonerating her for her racism, in a roundabout way but the hacking is so intense most of my time is spent correcting backspacing and fighting to return the cursor back to where I was typing as they keep insering it into other sentences while I"m in the middle of writing.

J-lo came and kept calling me names after I had complimented her on her dancing, which after I watched it today don't think it was actually great dancing but for a professional level acceptable. 

But I never said anything like that, behind J-lo was the German abuser user rapist violent Nazi-spewing hater who has been showered with so much praise by all involved--by Senator Kennedy who told me I liked being raped to ugly prostitutalin and pig shit pitt and I can tell that they have done a huge quid pro quo between the German Nazis conntected to this lying sleazy nasty rapist but he's warm and affable loving towards ugly shitalina and I know there is a huge exchange. He also said that they had slept together as well after he raped and slaps my face with full-arm violence while ugly prostitutalina watches on. The minorities like Snoop the rapper become very threatening when the German Nazi aura gives them "permission" to just become "Nazis" and the threats of violence incrase, as they did with J-lo as this German was there smiling with the group sitting in their chairs for hours as I screamed in rage that they are disgusting to fuck off and die--for the 15th year in a row literally every single day. Smiling and smug he gets minorities like snoop and j-lo to become violently abusive which has become a nearly daily routine. He got Finkelstein to also become immediately abusive threatening with violence and using that b-word when I defended myself against his instant insults while he was asking me questions (which they do constantly as I cannot stop talking the drugging the mind control and the non-stop torture and that EVERYBODY ignores my situation I have no support and they took my most precious cat away from me and have killed off all animals I love as they abuse me for over 8-10 hours and longer per day, and that is not including the torture technology making my eyes tear and water and my heart palpitate my facial muscles pulled down plus the poisoning and the endless fight to survive their 15 years of mutilation and poisoning with intention to paralyze and murderme.

so I write this post today, after J-lo became violent when I reacted i anger after telling her to go away as I did with snoop just yesterday--repeating go away go away for over one hour yesterday until i finally began to hit him and death threats were the response (hacked into my youtube page were endless murder types of insinuations and fighting people much stronger and being killed and etc-or the threat of)

and today it was j-lo who subliminally put the idea to look at her video, as I wrote something positive she came to abuse and abuse me as i said ad then began shouting after she grabbed my breasts that I didn't want to fight but finally they also attacked my nervous system which they also do so I react in violent rage

\then get their fucking promotion after hours of this and they all go off fucking each other going to parties laughing and being awarded and paid in millions for it.


But mostly, they are paid to "represent" the "Democrat Party" as feminists and people who play roles of Nazis or Stasi intelligence murdering secret police (The German) but for their rotten interviews disparage these activities but in teleportation state-sponsored Nazi hate crimes against me I can't detail the huge erection the sexual thrill this porno creep had in raping and beating me while I was drugged and in agony from poison ripping out of my body at the time and had only abuse torture beatings and violence committed against me every day and night for over 15 years.

So here is my post about the J-lo who yapped on a stage for her promotion to sell off Harris, and instantly her immediate reaction because I was listening to music from "her country" was to viciously abuse me and like the other programmed Nazi icons with black skin and brown or Jewish or whatever, with "permission" from the Nazi German male, the one and only real symbol that they worship on this planet nothing else matters to them

they are vicious violent. I have tried to tell Harris that allowing him to influence the Whorewood idiot savants was very dangerous, but Biden fully allows the worst to come and rape me as to influence the rest to become indoctrinated slaves obeying fascist Nazi orders. It was Obama who smiled with loving gratitude at this foul rape bigot while I was screaming to get him off me.

The hacking is so awful and I have spent hours and hours and probably months fighting the hacking just in terms of time wasted so here is the copied post--undoubtedly rewritten by hackers.


SPAM ALLSTARS--A particulare Miami band---met the singer in front of Jazid (Washington Ave., South Beach) and went to the Part-ee. Dancing was like hot cloistered free and vibe. It was 4th of July, hotter than.

In a tiny little jazz club with couples dancing in ways I could only watch and admire---like fluid jazz and flowing good hearted vibrancy.

The name "SPAM" implying a mix-fusion of various other genres, so funk jazz along with some scratching mixing and etc---always a variety never an expected single genre. Very Miami very mixed variety of types people colors musical mesh spam spam spam grinded meat who knows what's in the bag next? Could be pork could be chicken could be lobster and fillet of sole...?!! Fried plantains, arroz con pollo mixed with some gin and tonic and white bread along with electronic fizz...But rarely, if ever, distortion all is harmony and smooth fun interesting deviations and good times in the mood very pleasant. The bald guy is the person I met who had a very good happy and bright personality, very joking but friendly and very positive. You can see it here in the video!

Very sadly, as I peruse the Youtube I see that the last videos shot at the apparently former Jazid nightclub were all NOT JAZZ and not even close to being jazz. It had turned into electro-hip hop without any saxophones...

it is apparently closed, at least at that location. The last I checked, an entire block down the street from Jazid has been thoroughly remade the buildings are gone it's been reconstructed totally.

Everything of course is highly expensive as well--but no loungy jazz none whatsoever it appears. Also, the few videos I have watched of Washington Avenue in the same vicinity as Jazid (formerly) are like empty in broad daylight. Used to be completely packed all day during heat and rain, people everywhere. Now it's like no one anywhere before sundown. And the jazz may have been relocated but probably, perhaps, not on South beach. Perhaps something like Jazz little cozy clubs have been moved to Brickell or Whynwood?

Not to try to make assumptions. Jazid was one of the places I really liked but always was very busy and for other reasons I could not frequent it close to how much I would have if I had the choice. Gone gone a wonderful club that USED TO HAVE JAZZ LIVE JAZZ and an atmosphere of actual musicians playing actual music not rapping and tweaking electronic equipment.

But on the other hand, as I recall the guy who handed me the Spam Allstars, the lead (who at the time had hair on his head and not shaved bald) and I thought he was a bit squirelly---weird, a bit forced and of course in aftermath I realize it was yet another opportunistic performer looking for a free ride to a promotion and my sense was to not go. I have to reconsider at all to post this video because I had earlier posted one about J-lo and got this hateful skank creep (her) who just began verbal abuse and wanted eagerly to ruin my good mood with really nasty and ugly sick behavior. Marc Anthony was there but probably was the driving force and yet didn't speak. I had to delete and while I was deleting they even turned my WiFi off so I could not delete their odious presence. I was under mind control drugging and I know that posting or even clicking on any movie or music scumbag who appears interesting is in actuality a sleazy sick f-ing fake posturing bs hateful Nazi advocate a horrific antisemite (including Jews) and just out for someone to abuse and get a promotion. The list of such crap scumbags is a global phenomenon of stupidity and ugliness and hate. Every time I see the planet going into decay I can assure you that the universal laws of positivity are actual real, and the ugliness, the bottom-line stupidity for awareness on any higher level than "what can I get out of it...and I can dump my hate abuse and misery onto someone else too andn torture rape and even murder?! Oh boy..." the line-up of such sick people has created a universal acceptance of actual mental illness and spiritual decay to the point of global catastrophe of hate leading to blind ignorance of how to treat people and the environment--the environment also is supposed to have this "butterfly effect" and the social engineering for stupidity and hate and barbarity and ugliness does have a rebound effect. They are too sick and stupid greedy greasy and sleazy to even begin to contemplate anything.

The ugliness of J-lo and Marc Anthony is intolerable as the hate of these ugly sick filth creeps who are just miserable misery-making shit on this planet polluting it and destroying it in the name of "Democracy" and "Entertainment".

I see my body dying from non-stop being bashed with the ugliness misery and violence from shit sick crap from whorewood and congress who all smile with delight as they get put in front of cameras for the bullshit lies they are constantly blathering about.

In regard to the "liberals", as for the emergence of the fascist Nazism of the outspoken Republicans and their "base" of Neo-Nazis, it is not acceptable but you know what they are all about. The "left" fascist side of ignorant abuser anti-semite racists is smothering all opportunity for REAL RESISTANCE and that is the real problem and I write of it so often
never is what I write taken seriously by my ideas are being used on a daily basis and annually some one of the shit group is winning some award or another for the ideas they torture out of me on a daily basis. I am aging into death from non-stop torture. The old dino disgusting men of the Repug party come laughing saying "that's great" and the Dems viciously abuse me and say I "deserve it" as they go off with huge smiles blathering the bullshit about "Democracy" the "Constitution" about 'BLACK victims of racism" and then they all come back to get more and more tv interviews by abusing me into death. So far no one is stopping them for a single second of the daily torture.

Why did the Democrats lose to outright criminality fascism besides the fact that the election was rigged---I have no doubt that Musk had the satellites that Biden allowed him to put into space without government oversight so anything can be done, and I know what the hacking and technological death machine they are building with the non-governmental private firm(s) that have made Musk a darling fave with all the fascist Nazi countries claiming to be "democracies" but are all falling into "right wing" rapidly--using financial woes as the usual excuse.

So, I tried to write something positivity-like and my brain was suffused with mind control tech, I wrote about this hateful pair of crap whose music to me is now in the heap of boycotted shit from shit fakes who are sinister and deadly ill on all levels--emitting death into the atmosphere behind crafted plastic surgery

so don't wonder why the planet is dying and the economy is on the brink of a Martial Law take-over by fascist Nazis at this point

no one mentions that Trump created such massive National Debt (I wrote $3 trillion but I got the number wrong) and accrued more debt that cannot ever be paid back by his squandering and graft grift along with his repugnant crew (the Democrats and liberals are part of that crew)
the economy will implode
and you will all wonder how all the hate that arises out of chaos, how the murders the stabbings that are already an almost daily barrage of head-scratching wonder by Americans as they wonder how any of this could happen in such a free society-as they urinate on the poor and use tech to torture me without any oversight and full permission of all of Congress and society
without end they are out to abuse me to death
never stopping for a day not a minute of the day with their teams of filth and shit and stupidity
I was put into a mind control daze while trying to be positive to write something positive for once
so this filthy dirty skank came to make most disgusting comments, while I was busy and the input of her nasty voice beamed directly into my inner ear my brain without any barrier--I can't move in any direction and not have to hear or see the shit and filth from Whorewood who rush to attack me while I am endlessly sick from poisoning and detox and fractured bones they forced upon my perfect body for all my life .

so, here is your daily dose of the reaction to sick hate forced upon me.
they sit for HOURS to get the chance to abuse me in rows of chairs, I can't see anything but murky bodies behind the front row of slathering hyena ugly sick celebrities and vicious (particularly in the highest positions of "power" but from the Senate on the Repug side they are outright murderous and say the most lynch mob racist statements--those from the South--and I can't forget the House as well and the hacked election has put them back)

Jesus f-ing Christ.
So, here is your filthy daily dose of me writing to the empty sickness of all "ya'll" worthless do-nothing corruptors and supporters of the death and destruction that will just blast into the sphere of society in what appears to be a short time in space if there isn't any halt to this indecency. It put Trump into power, and no one is concerned you all want a fascist dictatorship of murderous bigots slaughter of Jews because you watched all those movies and got such erections and had orgies watching Schindlers List and all the documentaries and wanted the black boots of the Nazis to adorn your racist hate that is now being so fully promoted.

Yet another "Minority" minion has viciously attacked me because I was drugged and under mind control and after hours of abuse from the rapist German Nazi-spewing disgusting parasitic death-threat endless parasitic leech who is so repugnant that I do get a slight PTSD experience of endlessly saying screaming to get off me

so I listened to music but under the endless drugging which is injected into my food and body I wrote some post about this low dirty Latina who like another Latina who won an award after violence and fascist yelling after forcing subliminal content and I am just under so much abuse and torture with ZERO support always on the brink of death they ahve forced me into
as you all fucking watch doing nothing
wait to see the result of your stupidity and apathy
but I tried to get into a good mood and just put it out there so I am not always writing about hate which no one responds to in any meaningful way
you all just allow them to go on and on

what am I fighting for, not America
only for myself at this point
not going to waste my life helping shit like this
so I don't know what to do

but watching YouTube appears to be a shark tank
but I remain extremely ill with deadly poisons endlessly circulating in my body which have compacted and the poison rips out of my body and it's just staggering I remain in this torture sitting duck situation endlessly for years

So dear Democrats, don't let fucking J-low the low-dirty blonde dyed fascist Nazi "Minority" who is trying desperately to be as blonde as Beyonce, ever speak for any Democrat candidate again

What people don't realize is that these fake scumbag haters really emit subconscious deception that people do pick-up on. the filthy lying of many of the Democrat politicians who have viciously assaulted me but have the most meaningless one-dimensional performances about how they are fighting for their "black" constituents but somehow, people just can't buy the bs any longer
and if the election was legitimate and the satellites that Biden allowed Musk to put in space, without government oversight which could affect voting booths
and if the election was legitimate which I really don't believe it was, my instinct knowing what these haters are capable of

then stop putting white-supremacy minorities with their every attempt to sound like Hallmark Democracy cards into the pulpits of the bs factory of the Obama/Hillary endless Democrat monopoly as they are paid in millions and millions to deceive the public
the greed of Americans really want to go along as they all want to be a part of the endless money raking machinery

eventually the economy and the dollar will crash, many speculate and are in dire seriousness that this will happen
when that happens, the hate of these filthy dirty creeps will explode into the atmosphere as the lies they have endlessly been projecting will leave people in rage understanding that the government and the bs factor of whorewood are actually enemies of "The People".


literally struggling to copy and paste the post above, the hackers are deleting and changing paragraphs and as I fight to copy they make another page pop up

I write these posts only to be ignored by smirking smug biden and his adminsitration.

it was trump who was ushered by this group into power using their Nazi connections so an endless monopoly of their mutial power pact would remain intact, ostensibly forever as probably with the Musk satellite systems all future elections will be "won" by the most violent fascist running. Biden is a fascist Nazi I must say there is no other delusion to be had from years of his instant public congratulations for all the expletives raping and abusing me the most violently.

I am spending now so much time fighting to get anything out--and for what purpose you fuckers reading this are all part of this 4th Reich as well.

But I have to state that the election was not just a fraud due to harris not being strong enough or whateve,r it was a constructed failure and the fascist Nazi 4th Reich has taken over the entire entertainment and political machine of the United States and the rest of the world.

Right now the pounding and drilling into the walls of this building in some room near mine--I cna't tell where, they drill in rooms next to mine and leave the front doors open so the noise reverbs around the entire hallway. My floor is shaking as are the walls. The noise if of a construction demolition drilling and pounding of the entire building. They have been poudning hammering and drilling like this for over 6 years in all rooms on all sides of me

the hacking has made this at least a 1 hour fight and it should have taken me 15 minutes