Saturday, November 16, 2024

The next morning after my last suicide note post: the terror was reduced, as usual, perhaps for a little bit, for half a night, and it WILL resume and in fact they put a hacked attack on my fan which is coated with rust due to endless sprays of rusting chemicals and now it's making about a High C note, so it's so loud it's impossible to use it sounds like an airplane engine coming out of a 12-inch fan. Every month my money is spent on healing and repurchasing what is endlessly broken by this filth team of scum partnering with Biden, Obama, Trump and this stinking evil coagulation of mediocrity Nazi/Mafia programmed sick filth from Whorewood. More points I could not type out yesterday night because of the hacking making typing just a rant impossible:

"DARPA Mind Control (CIA Engineer) Dr Robert Duncan VOICE OF GOD Weapon". Check TheFacts. December 4, 2021.


Dr. Duncan has written BOOKS on satellite technology afflicting the human brain and his research on such technologies that are never even remotely discussed on any podcast on YouTube that I have been hacked into viewing to gather any kind of resistance to the 4th Reich Trump and Biden and Obama and Clinton hellscape that is now unfurling a huge Swastika of death squad goonery upon the world.

I found ONE SINGLE 5-minute video with Robert Duncan discussing technological death and murder mind control technologies. There used to be many but now there is only one and it's shortened as to be almost ineffectual. I have typed in searches on YouTube and got almost nothing. You can look on Amazon for his books, there are many one is titled "soul catcher" I believe. 

My internet is hacked so searches for vital information that could help me as blocked out. This is what the Musk satellites will be doing in conjunction with Nazi quantum computers of the California Uber alles variety the realm that Musk was handed access to creating a techno-terror global prison with his sinister technology


Duncan has made many videos and written books but I am in such a rush to avoid the abuse of this landlord who is rushing to have some greasy slime white trash Europigape to come to "view" my studio and he is trying to make it so I remain here to be abused by this team of Nazi and brown-skinned minion abuse, under the Trump murder tyranny and the whorewood shit pigalina team and et al, the list is ever-growing all showing up for the Oscars yearly and without end.

There are books and videos I have no time to search any longer today. You can do it  yourself!

""Correction to the below: once I walked away from this spot where my brain is pummeled with mind control blasting memory and cognition blocks (compartmentalized so I can still "sort of function" with rantings galore also pumped into my subconscious)---I had written that Dr. John Hall had written books on Satellite surveillance and mind control tech, but Dr. John Hall is more akin to the Alex Jones' variety of lying rape enabling  fake opposition and that is the only name that I could remember, probably intentionally this lying agent provacateur's name was injected into my brain by this tech that is so subtle and sophisticated is it beyond all the awareness of the lying podcasters of all the media who use it on a regular basis--they only want the effect of screwing others over and taking a monopoly for themselves on information and mass behavioral consensus with their lying, but absolutely "convincing' podcasts they are expert liars and manipulators, as are the politicians. The actors, many of whom are just too stupid to think of much more than basic stupid one-line platitudes.


HIS NAME IS ROBERT DUNCAN he worked for DARPA and conducted research on mind control and is a WHISTELBLOWER. That is remains alive, if he is still alive, makes me suspect but he does elaborate on the complexities of satellite torture and the myriad of capabilities that are NEVER mentioned by the white pig ape male culture with their white lying skank women playing along as "commentators" always bypassing this explosion of death cult technology that has been handed to Musk. Maher said that Musk is some ground-breaking engineer. What in actuality is being done is the tech that has been developed long before Musk left Apartheid S.Africa, which the U.S. government created, is now being unfurled as the Musk product line, in a never-ending succession which he personally cannot be the engineer of as he is busy social engineering with lectures and leaping frog jumping for joy presentations to the public. Buying everything out under the jurisdiction of lying Trump, inc. 


I have listened, for the last few days, to the lying Nazi infiltrator traitors posing as "liberal democrats" on the sucking YouTube portal of disinformation and lies. These creeps have hacked their worthless analyses of politics and all have followed the same "talking points" as one another, a script to be sure. That would be many of the "former Repubicans" and while I fight as usual to pound words out, the names escape me utterly because my brain is under truth serum memory blanking effect, as always while I am in this place typing and always in public so I can't even count, remember basic sums or be able to function while people surround and screw me over and attack me and then discredit me for not being able to function because parts of my brain are compartmentalized to stop functioning, especially in rational and calculation ratitional thought.


The creep liars working as disinformation agents for the 4th Reich are all stating with calm "authority" that The Musk satellite "theory" is absolutely false. They never, not once, expound upon technology, how hacking does or doesn't work, or how satellites can be used and the Marc Ellias (I knew he and the never-ending Jewish "Democrat" pundits like ...and of course my brain is blocked--tyler cohen something, who endlessly brings on the most vicious of the Jewish Nazis Jamie Raskin, a name I remember because it rhymes with Ratskin and also because he's a violent supporter of Nazism as so many Jews are (they are not "jews" they are Jewish Nazis and if they observe the religious rites, such as what C. Schumer does in his FAcebook posts, they never follow any of the actual precepts when it comes to obeying and allowing a Nazi takeover as long as they remain in their privileged token seats and have their views of the courtyard of the Capitol bldg, as Ratskin has and I know this because he teleported me to his office. His view is spectacular of the cherry blossoms blooming in front of the entire beautiful panorama of the Capitol Building because he is so honored for his role in the Insurrection and the false dissecting of the Trump actual insurrection which obscured the fact that the other Jewish Nazi plant in the DOJ< Garland, was not beginning any investigation of Trump's many Nazi and overtake crimes until far, far too late to be of any consequence. Garland is a byproduct of Nazi escapee refugees fleeing Nazis but I know, from my personal experience, that the Jews who obtained Visa's to enter the very Nazi-laden administrations at the time were instructed to become full participants of Stasi-like surveillance of the "Jewish Community" thereby to viciously have them covertly murdered while appearing to yap endlessly about being "Jewish" and also "victims" of racism, as Ratskin and Garland have done on many public occasions, but fully and absolutely supporting with all their "Jewish intellectualism" the full onslaught of Nazism and fully supporting a Nazi and Mafia death squad operation that has enveloped not just the entire USA but also the rest of the world to covertly assassinate people like me.. First to rape and abuse me to obtain more ideas so the other "Jews" or "Half Jews" like Bill Maher to also intellectually steal ideas and then support Nazi filth in his blathering interviews and giggly laughing political sexualized analyses--everything is based around dirty nasty sex jokes wrapped around false narratives, all written for him. He is good at memorizing lines and being able to deliver them in a savvy way, I will give him that.

And so, the torture has been suspended for a brief few hours but another item has been broken, so all my money is spent on repurchasing and not being able to clean up this stinking filth unit which is a non-stop open-portal panel torture situation of rape and mutilation and endless slow murder with poison injections into my food and into my vagina directly into my bladder, while greasy ugly EUropigape white males and American wanna be Nazis stick their filthy grease slime penises in my mouth, slapping and punching my face and calling me "bitch" for any slight resistance as ugly trash filthalina the prostituted scum stupid ugly plastic surgery and gastric bypass anorexic created shit just sit laughing for years as one ugly dirty German and scumbag creep does this as I am drugged in a way that is unfathomable to people who take drugs on a normal basis (like drugs that could be used for surgery to induce a waking zombie state and the technology and brain compartmentalization forces an "unbearable" sexual desire so the violence is over-ridden by the chemical and physical insatiable faked sexuality that is so overpowering I can't do more than sit helpless while these ugly trash buckets of slime and pornographic hate rape filth are praised by dirty Jane Fonda, a full-on friend to this current German scum piece of filth shit, and by Helen Mirran, a dirty ugly endlessly lying scam scum actual real female dog with countless plastic surgery renovations since she began to asault me in 2013 and has not stopped being praised and awarded. The dirty sick Meryl Streep (I had to remember it rhymes with Creep) is a full-on blond Nazi endlessly playing the "liberal" card as are so many of these rotten dinos who partner with endless energy vampire sleazy whore ugly prostitualina who is working daily to destroy my body and health and beauty so she can have groups of filth yell that she is more beautiful. This endless mutilation and poisning of my body which they began in 2012 or early through the English Crown group's Danny Moynihan, who I met in London because he lived across the street, as did the actor Christopher Reeve who also began following me around, and the theft of my concepts by mostly mediocre, but well-trained and endlessly promoted English Nazism under the protection and the endless purse of the English Crown "aristocracy" organization has been non-stop, with partnership by Obama always looking for a few extra endless monetary handouts for his endless Oprah-style empire of billions and billions--Oprah is one of the most racist pawns and has been absolutely put into every billionaire seat for this con job so dirty ugly shitalina can watch the blow jobs that these pig whores are forcing on me with drugging under mind control while my body is in sheer agony from over 15 years of daily shitting thickening hadening poison which latches onto my; bones and tissue and into my intestines, forming hard blocks so I can't move while they have my body zapped with heart palpitations tears pouring out of my eyes non-stop filth and toxic shit poured into my living space on clothing on a daily basis everything sprayed with toxic chemicals that remain permanently and stink like filthy cooked grease which I am certain has been added to the mix.


The lack of any block to the ELON MUSK HACKING OF THE ELCTIONS has been met by a cacophony of a chorus of "the people who claim that Musk's satellites have hacked the elections is sheer nonsense" style condemnation experts who "used to be Republican" are now secular humanists and astrology converts and fastidious rape Christians like Mike Johnson, a most nasty rape cheerleader bearing  crucifix around his Party mask of "purity" and actual religious non-parity with the actual religion. An Inquisition with rape for the "witches' they plan on raping and abusing to death, like me, that is what both the MAGA and the lying scum fake operatives Democrat Jewish Nazis and actual Nazis like DeNiro who absolutely supports Trump, and so has Biden and MUSK HACKED THE ELECTIONS.

The creeps i.e. from the Florida-based Lincoln Project, also another hack into my YouTube page endlessly when it first came out 4 years ago (or longer) is a redneck from Florida who uses the analogy of Waffle House to describe how benign Trump is or whatever, the redneck Waffle House is a Southern Comfort place to indulge in carbs and grease and have little diner conversations--(but of course they would make jokes about "Jewish delis" in NYC, using racism as disguised slurs, I would venture to guess in their private little soiree moments of actual real Nazi racist jocular collaborations).

They are all stating that obviously and of course there was no satellite interference, mockingly condescending to the "audience" that they are really immature and stupid. The absolute and instant collapse of any actual doubt about anything the Repub party did, with polling booth workers being threatened with death for years prior to the day of election and replaced by MAGA operatives--which Democracy now did make some mention of, but Marc Ellias who was mentioned as a "threat" by the big Trump supporter --his name very famous, blocked out completely--a very violent man who was incarcerated for not appearing in court and just recently released--a huge hefty red-faced man advocating for murder and bloodshed--very famous I will know the name instantly once I get off this laptop. He used to work for Breitbart, everyone knows his name, his "War Room" podcasts very famous. He mentioned Marc Ellias as a "threat" and that if "ellias" were going to investigate, it is a serious legal threat. Ellias is undoubtedly "part of all Jewish" as it would seem, as Brian Tyler Cohen has had him and Raskin interviewed on his long-winded very fast-talking show which has proven to be a futile lying concealment of actual research and really relevant analysis. All a cover-up including the so-called "experts" who rushed to "protect the elections" but are mentioned as "threats" by the actual real murder cartel MAGA death squad leaders because he did such a great job of concealing the actual misappropriation of the elections, focusing solely on the gerrymandering and not on how satellites that dirty lying Biden welcomed with fanfare by Musk to be placed in space; not so people can live on Mars but so on Earth the 4th Reich can wipe out and cancel anyone not complying and hack into polling booths while the "experts" on  YouTube who have no technical expertise claim that it's foolish and "come on stupid idiots" this is a real election.

We know that Trump is a professional liar and lied about all the previous everything. He promised that he and Mike Johnson had some "surprises" so they would "win" in the election--and the entire Nazi structure followed their instructions to comply instant and concede the election, and all have been granted immunity from the murder death squads as a result. Trump points to them publicly like nasty foul January 6th Jews who rushed to pull down their pants exposing penises and insults at me, not raskin this time thankfully but he used physical violence and endless hate and violence but the other one, the California Senator (again, my memory is completely blanked out) after such an attzck, rushed to ask me and attack me when Trump mentioned him as a death target in his list of "enemies' which will be killed by his eager murder Nazi mafia goon squads of now openly touting plantation rape culture white trash pig apes, the type that dirty trashy ugly prostitutalin has been bringing over with dirty rapist ugly sick shit pig pitt for all these years from Europigapeland. They in turn will influence the white trash of America to really becmoe violent Nazis

all fully welcomed bythe filth shit of Whorewood, the Jews or "half Jews" like Maher so endlessly stealing my ideas and turning them through his Nazi writing staff of California into outright sales pitches for Nazi white supremacy with his smoot-talk bs intellectualism but always tinged with support for Nazis.


Once I walked away from this spot, the name ADAM SCHIFF returned instantly--as the California Senator under assault but he first came sneering with hate pulling down his pants as symbol of abuse of me, then once Trump mentioned him as a death target for his goon squads, fully armored by the U.S. government now in partnership with Elon Musk to produce brain implants, and orchestrated attacks using vector analysis satellite surveillance and etc plus forever hacking of voting booths fully exonerated by the shit of MSNBC which was the first almost to congratulate in MORNING JOE bs hate team for his stunning "win" so historical. IT WAS an historical hack that has been bypassed by bigot Nazi Biden fully allowing Musk to plant his satellites without oversight of NASA.

There are books on gang stalking used in combination with satellites written by Dr. John Hall---a U.S. Government contracted researcher into various technologies--has written extensively on how satellites have been developed with aid fully in surveillance and murder open people, seemingly no-touch torture and murder operated by satellites. 

If drones can inflict death and catastrophe, how much more space-based technology working in triangulation with ground-based techs receiving the undetectable signals from space, all wrapped around the tooth-gap grinning Biden the Nazi dino and his team of greasy lying "Democrats"?

Now overtaken with full warm hugs by Biden in the White House and "accepted" with a "sign" by the podcasters who have been programmed and paid to be exonerated from the massive murder "purge" that is ongoing on me, to which NO ONE ever stops, all my life this has been ongoing without a single person warning me that I was being poisoned and stalked so by now, the murder of people who might fight it has fully established a global network of news casters and whorewood celebrities fully viciously murderous and being paid to be more and more like their Nazi "friends" from Europigapeland.

I write of this, am tortured endlessly and being murdered raped and tortured and they obtained a truly stupid conniving German scumbag to viciously beat and threaten my life consortantly--punching into my face and body with murderous violence like those old commercials of gorillas in zoos thrown luggage which they pound down on and throw around--that is the level of this German lying scum bucket grease stain who emits filth and trash into my room through his greasy dirty minions, almost always the brown and black lower class or nasty white "trash" looking for any easy way out of almost slave labor conditions which will be enhanced now under Trump. .Already the Trump administration is taking down overtime worker's rights which Biden established and Biden has let the pig apes loose to begin their Nazi regime already, and upon  me the effects are the vicious and military landlord (there was a photo of him hugging the military coup leader who enforced prison-time punishment for any single protest against their regime for over a decade in Thailand).

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