Wednesday, November 6, 2024

More continuous, non-stop hammering in the room directly beneath mine (or 2 floors beneath, the hammering is still a constant into the walls. Had to spend another 2 hours of trying to "restore" my computer system due to non-stop blocks to all streaming You|Tube videos, all commentary stopped mid-stream continuously. The hacking has begun and has never left off with the keyboard nearly impossible to write on. No ability to order any technological device online and can't buy a recovery disc anywhere in this place I live. /// Teleported to death-threat English actors because I have enjoyed watching a series of blonde Nazi "feminist" tv shows with an actor I admire. All exemptions to women not being abused, raped or beaten and tortured to death are aimed at me as their replacement for the nasty dirty men they marry who still fund their lavish lifestyles and promote these "women feminists" into power. Writing my analysis of their atrocious fake presentations and because it is apt, threatened with death, told that "they" are automatically "superior" and I must re-assert that microchip implants into my throat preclude me from any speaking or acting accomplishment, much less singing as I used to be in choir and love to sing. Now even a phone calls means that the microchip implant is tweaked to constrict my throat muscles. They then remain silent as I kindly remind them that their claims to superiority are not based on performance using speech, they remain silent as the automatic assumption to white supremacy and Europigapeland hegemony has already been to thoroughly implanted into the American psyche I have to wonder why they attack me when I am in the extreme minority in that respect. All opposition has already been killed off by their American "I'm Euro-American" partners who form the emulation and imitation of all the Imperialist and Stasi and Nazi death squads in Amerikkka under supervision of English and German and other nationality implants who are welcomed with fanfare to obtain the "best" real estate. That means that equal opportunity is being constricted by the very well-trained Nazi fascist mafia operatives who have centuries of subterfuge and pretense under their collective belts as under the belt is the main target area they strive to attack first in order to knock the opponent out in any way possible (psy-ops are their main claim to this exchange in America--the training of, that is based on centuries of political machinations well-established in the training for hegemony in their restricted circles.

It is also creepy but not surprising to see that Trump is winning so far in the election--I had to stop watching all the news when the 50% count had been established more than 2 hours ago (it is 1:07 a.m. EST and I can't find many open and performing news networks openly commenting in this middle-of-the-night time zone and  have missed out on 80% of the relevant commentary about districts and voting trends and etc.

My point of writing is about how the programming for fascist Nazi Mafia training has been an ongoing program instilled and institutionalized in Whorewood and also through Congress for the 15 years of me being attacked in the most disgusting way with all human rights, all Constitutional Rights, all civil laws all Common Law every moral religious (mainstream religious) principles absolutely shattered by this heinous group and this has been instilled into the mindset of the American population through the false dissemination of the Nazi "feminist" culture.

Now dealing with an actor out of London or some area--of England I assume. Her movie and tv themes are always about women struggling against male domination and injustice and the atrocious attacks upon women.

When it comes to me, however the "heathcliff" syndrome always rears it's racist head and I am assaulted for writing in defense of my self and in trying to expose the horrific mind programming and absolute vicious violent behavior used by this group, in particular out of England and the Crown Monarchy Group (my term for it it has many other titles, groups and names)

Trust me in that they are murderous bigots with dumb superficiality concealed by being able to quote Shakespeare with blithe appearances of depth and profundity. It is, as I wrote earlier, a result of over 400 YEARS of Shakespeare being studied and the lines so well-rehearsed in generations of students from early childhood all the way up to adult and professional life.

Any questioning of the deceptions that I know to be accurate as they are funding, the group in it's entity not just the performative hate puppets being trained to be hate puppeteers of the whorewood meaningless 1-dimensional crap hate group which has, under their direction, been poisoning me to death with giggly bemusement as vicious yelling dirty English "men" have rushed to beat and rape me while the pig apes sit in rows of chairs smug and posturing and feeding hormonally off torture for their sense of "superiority" and entitlement.

I still want to watch this tv show called "Harlots' as it's a fascinating usual beautiful display of costumes (I love looking at the old fashions of that era, generally speaking the 2 or so centuries of dress that these "vintage" shows always display, so that is one of the reasons and it also is part of my personal amateur sewing inspiration for my clothing modification --which this group makes sure to spray with stinking substances and then rip holes in the clothing after I spend hours and hours hand sewing every single stitch which they also rip out so all is unraveled with with holes and stinking--all to force the lie that "they are superior")

So, that is the situation as usual for another day

looking at how many Americans have been programmed in fascist Nazism in just the past 4 more years of the same group which put Trump into power being awarded for the deceptions of concern about minorities but they are truly instilling subservience and subordination and a kind of mental slavery with love and devotion for being able to live in the "Master's House" in Whorewood for their participation

also in condos in various other white "entitlement" areas like Miami and Florida in general otherwise they are relegated to American suburban versions of low-status but still sustainable--often very raggedy and in deterioration quality--which is an imposed version of enforcement under penalty of the new versions of lynch mobs which are part of the "gang stalking" death squad culture which has only spread to every corner of the planet and people are rushing to join in.

The terror of being left behind is one of the factors in this huge spread of fascist Nazism. Trump appears to be winning but the last stretch where the Democrat vote may surge is still in the process of being counted. 


Then there is the ugly sick fact and reality about these English meaningless scumbag whore rape culture imperialists and scum Nazi fascist with Shakespeare quoting resumes are so thrilled with inflicting white bigot trash whore ape "men" from places like Italy and Germany, where hormone growth for their greasy filthy bodies is a ubiquitous fact as their huge hormone-testosterone skewed sick sleazy porno "entitlement" Nazi pig ape selves are  being applauded like they are heroes by these same sleazy dirty fake trash Skakespeare performers, well installed into the culture to present a false image of intellectual sophistication

the Eurotrash ape hormone pigs pound the stinking filthy poison that the American partners pour into my body and into my bladder while I am thoroughly unprotected by the sick dirty politicians like John Kennedy (Senator part of the many Congressional subcommittees dedicated to stopping Jewish "pedophiles" who are in no way responsible for the online predators that shit like these filthy senators actually are endorsing on the sly-and absolutely patting the cheap and greasy dirty pig ape men like this German sleazy dirty pig ape who has been, like by now countless pieces of shit who have been welcomed in by ape prostitutalina and pig shit pitt and their ilk to pound poisons as deeply into my body as possible while I am sleeping, teleported and also while the filth break into my room--the tourists the expats who are paid free rent on their vacations with greasy stupid dirty Thai slaves viciously attacking me for these ugly dirty apes who are really enslaving and stealing the land from these a$$-groveling minions--the exact same behavior is performed by the blaks and latinos not only in Whorewood but also in the gang stalking terror death squads which proliferate in places like Miami and Los Angeles.

It is now impossible to type any longer due to hacking and my brain is under assault so I am ranting while I can barely pound a single word out

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