Tuesday, November 5, 2024

My WiFi is being hacked/turned off every 2 minutes, the router remains with all lights "go" but hackers are blocking the signal through various other hacking portals. IT is every 2 minutes while I watch election coverage. The stupid dirty filth white Nazi trash with their endless teams of black and brown and "white" minorities and poor "white trash" constantly are under control and influence bh the filth from whorewood-congress to block my writing while torturing me in teleportation to obtain ideas. They are having my freshly cleaned clothing ripped and sprayed with stinking foul substances while it's drying outside, so I can never have clean clothing or linens. spraying layers of perfume and fabric softener repeatedly per item doesn't get the foul stink that they are perpetually spraying on my boy my clothing my furniture my floor the curtains and everything else they can they are slowing the operation of the computer down to a level that I can brush my teeth wash my face put stinking foul clothing back to dry after re-cleaning before the computer turns back on as they slow down the computer while I must turn off the router and computer and unplug all from the power source plug (which it appears is what they are using to hack into my system, or partially) and then, I miss all the commentary as I am doing now. They were discussing on ABC that Florida has turned outright Red in Miami Dade county, formerly a Democratic country. I have been writing non-stop for years about the encroachment of fascist Nazi infiltration through SYLVESTOR STALLONE among one of the Mafia/Nazi operatives who has welcomed German fascists and ITALIAN fascists to kick the "liberals" and install violent and nasty black and brown minions into the political and socio-politician arena--plus a TON of Jewish Nazis (similar to Ben Shapiro but even worse as they are not with any media platforms so their nastiness is much more feverish to impress Nazis) They have put people in jail, I was viciously assaulted in Florida and South Beach and Miami has become a DEADLY nad violent fascist environment if I were not endlessly hacked I could write a story about it, but the filth stupid ape whores of WHorewood have been stealing my concept s literally for over 15 years along with English and Italian friends of shit like Stallone who has put Harris on the "Rocky Steps' because the knowledge, insider knowledge that Harris will "win" somehow and the collusion with fascist Nazi mafia in and out of Whorewood and Congress has been so firmly established.

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