Monday, October 28, 2024

In order to actually fight racism, you have to actually do more than spout beautiful rhetoric in front of a microphone or camera, you have to actually DO SOMETHING to fight it. //You MUST be actively anti-racist and NOT ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN TO A SINGLE PERSON regardless of your comfortable position. The endless selfishness and greed of the American psyche has lead America to the point it now is in with "leaders" crying into cameras that it's not "fair" somehow for this mysterious ailment of the culture to have just sprung up somehow under Trump and perhaps a few "crazy" "right-wingers"'s the fault of the do-nothing "alternative" who ALL want comfortable incentives to pad their no-net American Dream catastrophic economy lifestyles of the rich and homeless--the threat constantly looms and the greed for more and more drives the death and hate culture.//"Ganz Klar Gegen Nazis/WIZO": How can a single day go by where I am not writing--to the utter delight of the hate--about some torture and violence? They gouged my right-hand middle finger under the nail so badly it is "dead", the cuticle completely bulging in horrid red bloody puffed-up injury (for years, but because I am trying so hard to protect my hands, any day I am too ill from the non-stop drugging they inflict on me every day, so I write and they get more deals out of forcing a negative reaction out of me also they steal whatever ideas I write of possible--trying in vain for years and years to persuade anybody that this situation has deadly ramifications. Now the people who had joined in years ago are bewailing that fascist Nazism is a threat to themselves, now, the movements that are openly making racist jokes for rallies---about the very people who helped put the system in power by participating in this crime against me. One of them obtained a free pass to be glamorized at the MET Gala. It is now complaining that it's heritage is being targeted for racist "jokes' in prep for a real racist ole time revival in anticipation of the election to ensure that ole school racism is "back" in force with deadly repercussions that I had warned of that no one even cared about taking even slightly seriously. I am still here being mutilated, while they have completely ignored me. They are now making the same comments I had made years ago about the racist hate-mongering and targeting aimed at me by my very own "race" which happily joins in as well to the 'fun" and "games" with the A$$-lister group combined with the now openly racist death squad promoting "leaders". //So my fingernail is "dead" they cut so deeply under the nail they severed capillaries--I have to wait for it to perhaps fall off---it's just huge swollen and I can't use that finger very well. I read in papers like Huff post about the very people who teleported me years ago, under the $45 regime; fully engrosed in the free deals and media and glam promotions that have since been endlessly handed out. I must remind people to listen to people like Floyd Cochran, who was interviewed by Terry Gross from Fresh Air, and this podcast is also available from the Hour of the Time MP3 collection from the William Cooper archive, HOTT #706--named Floyd Cochran and Aryan Nations. It was a something like 1992 interview, in which he stated that the ultimate goal of Aryan Nations was to exterminate--meaning genocide--in America, at the minimum Blacks and Jews (of course, now Jews are the first priority as so many flock to join the 4th Reich and try to "replace" being the lowest ranking genocide target while still espousing that they are "fighting racism" (for their "group" but so ever-so hatefully joining in with vicious and murderous white supremacists in targeting--for the death hunt that is now "on the plate" in plain sight for the election as people cheer it on---those who joined in years ago to attack me are now descrying that "racism" is aimed at them. Little did their little sleazy dirty greedy selves begin to contemplate the range of racism that I was endlessly writing and ranting about and that they, also, would not be exempt from death squads if this group remains protected by top politicians such as Senators Kennedy,, Cruz, Graham, and the Democrats some of whom, I mean all of them are now "fighting Trump" but are "safe" because they attacked me. I believe that the vicious death squads might not see it that way if they get a chance to shoot first and ask questions later. The stupidity goes on and on, as I have been writing of, for years about the participants of this group of puerile money-grabbing idiot savants. But still, despite me writing about inevitable death squad culture rising up, the same people who are now trying to convince Americans of the dire necessity of voting for Kamala Harris as if she is going to rescue the I remain tortured, attacked, poisoned, drugged the very same people who are now shouting into microphones and in front of cameras about what a Nazi monster Trump and his ilk are, they remain doing NOTHING to really stop this group and not a single one, not one, has done an iota of actual "fighting" to stop this. Not one of the famous personalities of the entire gamut of the media and political strain that has put this situation into reality for all these years. /

"Ganz Klar Gegen Nazis/Very clear about being Anti-Nazi Live  (Taubertal)". DeZet. September 28, 2022.

"They", the meaningless do-nothing "yes" groveling money-grabbing "power elite" want YOU the voter to rescue them from their selfish greed and need to accommodate the 4th Reich regime which controls THEM. They can't do anything but go along with death squads and never speak out.

They are safely in their wealth enclaves spouting out the scripted rhetoric after having viciously threatened my life and allowed this shit filth gang of trash scumbag whores in Whorewood to put Trump into power, as they joined in they got invited to the Met, they got interviewed endlessly for being on the J-6 committee "fighting" Trump but joining in fascist violence against me to prove how much they are really aligned with antisemitism and fascist violence.

If any of them feel threatened, they are yelling into microphones and shouting on platforms to crowds about the "threat that Trump poses" but neery a one will do a damn thing, not one, to stop this group which put Trump into power out of Whorewood with their fascist Nazi partners who are still teleporting me right now but promising them mansions and yachts and every kind of other thing--the hand-outs for free loot are endlessly--the loot obtained from genocide that is.

It is now in the impossible range for me to fight the hacking to the keyboard, plus pounding on this very injured finger because the "terrified" laxity do-nothing energizer bunnies of the media in a frenzy to obtain coverage and applause actually do nothing more than actuality promote vicious death squad culture and this has been influencing America despite all the fake concern they spew out on a daily basis to the contrary.


**Written 1+hours later

not sure if this post cites the Hour of the Time Podcast interview with Terry Gross (of NPR fame) and the former Aryan Nation recruiter/leader Floyd Cochran. I had written (I try to recall) that it was HOTT podcast #760, but it may have been  instead #706--which I think is the correct number. Under this pernicious mind control tech influence I often juxtapose numbers, can't remember names that pop up instantly once I am away from the laptop and it is off. 

My recall and ability to think clearly is diminished at least by 30 % or higher for all verbal and written communications, except when I am teleported so the mind rape and rapist thieves can continue every day to steal ideas that they torment and torture out of me--I mean deadly abuse and torture ,not just harassment or slight discomfort but it is intended to keep me on the edge of death, and furthermore is ultimately a murder situation and they are fully aware of it.

The names, it includes all I have written of who have partaken and the worst remain stoically fixed on obtaining every single bit of information life force sexual energy hate all they suck out to my daeth.

but, Hour of the Time repeatedly warns "America" about this very threat, not from celebrities because William Cooper was an Air Force and Naval Intelligence Officer, working with the high Command of the Pacific Fleet declassifying top secret documents for generals and thusly he obtained access to the information he details in most of his podcasts. He was nit in the celluloid-verse but his only advice was to have your little children break the tv and warnings to not believe or watch anything for longer than a short while, per day and to avoid all "belief" without proof for anything offered on tv or cable or the internet from teachers and from anyone unless you can verify it yourself. It is increasingly difficult to do so as internet is hacked and blocked not only for myself but I suspect I am just a prototype of the future of complete and total obliteration from access to speech, mobility, freedom of speech, and access to controversial information that questions the authority you are supposed to believe for "your side" and hate the other and etc etc etc

anyway, this man, Floyd Cochran who had been a training personnel for Aryan Nation in Idaho, who was a full-fledged genocidal training and recruiter (focusing on vulnerable teens, for example he details what types of the most vulnerable were susceptible to full indoctrination) but my point is that full-on genocide was never openly expressed in public but fully indoctrinated in private, openly in their private enclosures and facilities where they all had their little promised incentives. He told specifically that much was promised to the recruits but most of what was promised never delivered. Lied to perpetually but given a feeling of "security" and "stability". 

As one can imagine, when his own son was condemned to DEATH for being born with a cleft palate (in his mouth, duh) the leaders informed him that "euthanasia" was the best final solution for an "imperfect" child, regardless that the father was fully a believer and follower and that the child came from "white supremacy" stock.

The Black and Jewish populations are determined to be herded onto concentration camps as in Nazi Germany and worked slowly to death, and etc etc etc. That is what he expressly discussed openly with Terry Gross on Fresh Air from National Public Radio (NPR).

The interview was made in 1992, but that was a time when the real intentions of the neo-groups were not deemed a dire threat and the information was taken as a "fringe" group that could easily be "controlled".

I must state once more, implicitly, that this very contract on my life has fully helped to bring open and direct fascist Nazism into the mainstream in America. I am not grandizing myself in any way, only to state the serious lack of actual diligence on the part of the "leaders" I have been writing of for years. My contract is not the sole reason, but if not for this contract I really doubt Trump would have ascended at such a rapid pace directly after he began to attack me after he was handed this teleportation hate contract access by the Whorewood team, who have since continued to "win" Oscars year after year with top funding and all everything at once handed to them with full applause from Whorewood, et al.

It has only continued before Trump after Trump and this must end if you don't want what Floyd Cochran was warning to really truly turn into death squads with heart attack microchip implant murder capability for those they don't like, and poisoning of targeted POPULATIONS not just one person--and not just like the poisoning of water in Flint, Michigan but entire groups will be bloated and huge with this stinking death poison inserted directly into their food or many will just be targeted by the endless eager little leeches who are happily sick and psychopathic just waiting for someone to beat the life out of and get paid for covert assassination(s) and they will attack anyone, I suspect it won't even matter that they are white if the flag is given they will race to inflict as much damage as possible and horrific murder they are willing and happy to perform, and will do it again and again and again and again.

I suggest that the people who are now complaining that Trump is calling their country a "garbage can" should look at how they supported this group attacking me while Trump was in power, and then Biden, and how they obtained access to posturing like a celebrity for the Met Gala and schmoozing with "Haute Coiture" culture. That goes for the other celebrities who are "fighting racism" because they are "proud" of their skin color which they bleach as white as possible and also dye their hair as blonde as  possible and can be seen on Haute Living Magazine and in Milan shopping as often as possible at the "best" boutiques but calling me a "dirty Jew" and that I should "die in a concentration camp and ...hee hee giggling just kidding" they laugh in front of the German rapist from Berlin, before the others came to do the same from that same country and others who are of their "righting against racism" brothers and sisters have  smeared and done the same.

SO PLEASE LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW back in 1992 when the honesty was "allowed" to air in the dire warning of murder inc from this genocidal Nazi group which has spread throughout openly and everywhere across not just America but also around the planet. Now very disguised under "beautiful" rhetoric so expertly written and scripted about how intricate these pundits are about fighting for "Democracy" and against "fascism" but in private---ach nein scheisse nicht THEY ARE as much a factor in the rise of Nazism as Trump and his accolytes.

The warning from Floyd is that BLACKS AND JEWS are on the top of the list for extermination. You may believe that you helped put Nazis in power, but the millions of the lower echelons of the Nazis may not know or realize that you were given a "pass" by those you helped put into power at your "top level" of Beverly Hills.

But I am not sure as I am not part of that group. Probably you will be kept "safe" while so many others get killed off but you will remain safe and going to your merry Haute orgy parties luxury and endless entitlement and laughing at the victims but then playing the concerned loving kind benevolent for your public persona.

They get more nasty when I try to state that they are presenting a false image and that I only watched their "shit" because they claim to be anti-Nazi and I wanted to feel that there was something in Whorewood or in politics that was not pro-Nazi. They teleport me after their "anti-Trump" and "fighting against racism/sexism" etc categorical paradoxes only to be absolutely fascist and pro-Nazi to a disgusting degree (100%) in the "private" promotional orgy prostitution sex trafficking ring tent of the teleportation hate and hell contract out  on me.

Floyd Cochran was interviewed because no one "believed" that Nazism was a threat back in 1992, and even as shortly as last year the smug certainty that nothing was going to ever touch all the sanctity of the celebrity politicians and their ilk in H-wood has since been slightly dented as of late with open fascist genocidal jokes and references to reverencing Nazis by the Trump campaign.

Guess who helped put them all into power and keep them there?

I suggest that the people who think that Trump is going to save them from recession and improve the economy should instead do some research and listen to Hour of the Time podcast (mp3 under "Milton William Cooper" on the "hour of the time" website (just write it into a search and then click on the Milton William Cooper link at the top and go to the mp3 collection and there, #706 is this interview and Coopers assessment--and he was exposed to multiple death threats and then he was, in fact, assassinated by the police (from behind as he was running into his house after a surprise "sting" shootout and his "crime" was for not paying taxes, legally as he had filed legal omission of the illegal requirements for the taxation imposed upon him and many others. But his podcasts were openly hated by the Clintons and by many others of top repute).

The actual agenda that Floyd Cochran stated is now coming to fruition. 

The reprimand that Obama made to black men which made a "stink" of rage by that demographic should nevertheless just take out about 45 minutes of their life to listen to the actual agenda that Cochran is detailing in this interview. It is the same thing but expressed in it's actual stark deadly reality but so watered down by the ominous threats of the Republican candidates right now (i.e. Project 2025 would implement "legal" murder by taking health care and other life-saving resources away from the most vulnerable and that means blacks and then the final solution against Jews would just come on the heels of that (perhaps Beyonce and JazZ would help along as they did with supporting the violent rape and Nazi memes from the German dude just before endlessly more worldwide applause which has not died down even to the last concert rallying for Harris--which means maybe for themselves as continuing to be "safe" from a Nazi genocide against blacks (and Jews they could give a damn about they laugh about it).

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