Friday, October 4, 2024

Another techno-terror "online" operation of discrimination. After my bank has put a block on my account but claims they have not, while I can't access my bank account without being sent an OTP, which is an optional 2-step verification process that I never chose, and they claim that they "can't remove" because I am international. To the OTP being blocked since June, when they then closed my cards so I could not withdraw money, and then blocked my physical address so all mail was not sent so they sent back the cards to grilling me for days and hours each day to try to verify my identify, over and over and over as they lied and lied and lied so it required 6 weeks of no access to my account by the time I got a card sent that was not returned by both Fed Ex (part of the terror network) to my condo (1 million percent a terror and murder operation) and now....because I am so injured from being hit by cars and poisoning with most horrific poison that the apes of Whorewood and congress laugh about as they watch me bloat and die while they all extract information and ideas out of me to use as their own, but continue the forced impoverishment block of all earnings and theft of my property money and time and life and everything they can suck out and trash claiming "superiority" all the while; and now, Tops Online, which I need to recieve all the heavy items that I otherwise must lug around harming my already destroyed body--trying to get bottled water (which, in one store the bottled water was tainted and put on the shelf--it was at Lotus--I bought the bottled water and it was stinking putrid taste and odor--so I can't shop at that store for that item any longer--the cheapest water source---and now trying to order online means they can just deliver more poisoned water but I am trying. So far, the driver had no change for a "cash on delivery" order---which is mostly impossible as drivers have change but they LIED. I expect 2 more deliveries today and I tried to get into chat to tell the agent to inform the drivers to have change and she literally would not respond. She "confirmed" that the order was in the system after I explained the situation 3 times while she responded only with, I see the order in my system. She then left the chat blank for 20 more minutes, it took her over 10 minutes to just respond that she identified the order. After 30 minutes I ended the chat hoping to get a different agent. She is, apparently, the only person working the chat. I asked her again, she would not respond. I then wrote in the most basic English telling her I need her to inform the driver to have change. After 10 more minutes of waiting she said she would do it. I then phoned the office number (this was all at night, after 6 pm) and I got a woman who mumbled, literally in the most soft voice possible unintelligible that she would let the department know--which she said as I first began to explain the situation as she interrupted me repeatedly so while I was talking she spoke over me. I had only explained the first sentence as she tried to silence me. I kept telling her that I had not even explained the situation she said she would forward the compliant, and kept interrupting me but so softly it was impossible to understand and of course, she ignored my requests to speak more loudly. I began to shout as I am under mind control and while this was ongoing my voice was being tweaked as I was chocking because the microchip implant in my throat was constricting my vocal cords. //I then got into the website for this "world class" shopping store and explained in two messages, only to get a response this morning that by sending multiple emails I would not rush the process, as if admonishing me. I just wrote a response saying that the service had been so incompetent that I assumed that the office that hired such incompetent workers would also require multiple explanations because of the lack of help and understanding. //I now expect absolute horrible service and the food I order to be poisoned, as they do this in the store on a routine basis if possible (in all stores and all restaurants my food is poisoned so I cannot go to a single restaurant probably for the rest of my life, regardless of what anyone says or promises I can't trust any food store or business with anything). All a seamless Banana Republic of hate and discrimination, worldwide. Many people are commenting upon this, but I can confirm that the United States is so much a colonized vassal State of Europigapeland fascist Nazism and Mafia control and lies and polite bs posturing with vicious murderous intent on crushing opposition, impoverishing the "masses" and in lying all the way to the cameras with huge smiling crocodile smiles. A banana republic I have seen the politicians who are, at best, obvious liars and the more artificially they lie the more they get cheered on by the greedy of America who assume they will also share in the banana republic of exclusion, murderous genocidal policies which are assuaged by lying "minority" minion 4th Reich Nazis and fascist Mafia criminals. It is extremely clear, the pattern here in an actual "Banana Republic" that has become a "world class" tourist destination and they are making the economy into a "digital wallet" economy--so imitating bankrupt America and debt economy is now in the process of making more people lose their homes and lives due to debt--a Banana Republic policy that is disguised as "opportunity" and the other way of opportunity is to join the hate ranks of the fascist murder operation in whatever name and color and skin and race it is presented as. //After I wrote the complaint, the hackers changed grammatical tense, deleted and rewrote some of the words, and I was so exhausted from having to backspace and rewrite what they constantly kept inserting as I had to correct constantly that my emails read like gibberish and anger, as I was very angry but spending over 20 minutes fighting to get the words out correctly, deleting the insertions, the lack of commas and grammar which hackers also inserted by deleting punctuation, and writing past and future and present tense constantly hacking into every sentence in this formal complaint. //I have dealt with the shopping mall office before they are corrupt lying crap controlled by the agents who follow me around and begin to interrupt me as I am talking to the staff in the office in the basement area (parking lot area there is an office) and they lie and lie to me, from the main office which just "reprimanded" me for writing two messages on their page with the complaint series. The emails I sent were so badly rewritten and I was also under mind control, which exacerbates the anger after hours of just TRYING TO GET A DRIVER TO BE INFORMED THAT I WILL NEED CHANGE FOR A 1,000 BAHT BILL. The whole thing has lead to hours of writing angry responses, hoping to get a single person not a piece of sick sleazy shit from this office, all being told what to say and do by a white trash Nazi pig ape group of rotten dirty ugly old men and women (young sometimes but they are akin to old rotten shit as well). //As with my bank, 2 years of requesting that this 2-step verification be taken off my account and the bank "can't " do it somehow. They changed the system so I used to get an automatic OTP code when the computer was prompted to phone me, but now it demands me to press a button to receive the code "from your financial institution" and whatever I press is not registered and the call is ended by their system. Nothing I do makes them stop this as the "executive managers' then play a f** game by denying me any help, as they ask me questions that are ridiculous and tell me to use another phone number, will not respond and will not do anything so now I have to spend more H OURS AND HOURS of my life fighting to get this off because it is blocking me from accessing my bank account.//Now just a simple online delivery is taking hours of me fighting to get a message to drivers to have change, to being kept in silence in chat, with only one agent responding (I can't believe they only have one) to this mistreatment from the office which would not listen and kept silencing me and then they did nothing I had to write on their form, to the office complaining that I had sent 2 emails which is too much and that I was trying to be "pushy" for me to write in anger about the hours of fighting for basic service only for hackers to rewrite my email making me appear incapable of English language and then my throat constricted while I was on the phone making me sound hoarse to me being under mind control during the entire hateful discrimination series of orchestrated bs operations so I lost my temper--all because of the emotions of this outrage going on with every single digital and electronic form of business and communication. //the dependency of the world on such systems ensures that a Banana Republic world is being fully advertised as being a "wonderful" addition to "life". The debt-based economies are faltering, as America is heading down an abyss on that level but the digital age of debt, borrowing and instant gratification and demand for more is a deluge that will eventually sink a lot of people around the world. It's happening physically from the same source as endless instant everything and discrimination and the greed and lack of humanity that i experience every single day from the corrupted rotten cesspool of Whorewood "influencers" to the politicians----the bananas are so rotten but the world will suffer it already is. The floods are almost apocalyptic as a warning but still no one really takes heed they only want to continue to suck more and more and fuck and drain and abuse and torture and discriminate--all the while smiling sweetly into cameras promising instant gratification instant loans instant delivery of everything until people can't function without these systems, and then they are blocked from access so as to further eliminate them. The wealth gap increases as the despotic and open discriminatory policies go unheeded by the most disgusting politicians who are fully being awarded with promotions for allowing this electronic terror operation to continue. All the ubiquitous forms of normalized telecommunications are so denied me that I can't use MOST of the functions on my phone or laptop to do even the most basic of operations, and the rest is open discriminatory practice that goes REWARDED upon the scum who operate as proxies for the white bigot Nazi league of hate. (mafia nazi it's all white supremacist in origin, they are temporarily employing a lot of blacks into the Nazi fold as well as greedy lying Jews and Asians and etc. As in Thailand, the minority minions of America truly do operate like Banana Republic goons and it's not hard to compare the ghettos of America with Banana Republic ghettos--).

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Terrorist property destruction. A brand new humidifier, which I bought to replace the last broken humidifier, was broken today while I was out of my room. They also put another virus or malware on my laptop so I can't use any speakers and one of the USB ports doesn't work at all. All operates, mostly, after doing a reset function (2-4 hours) any usage of the internet brings back, instantly, all the malware. Within about 5-10 minutes the laptop is hacked and blocked. I have turned the laptop and router off more than 20 times since 2 pm to try to restablish the wifi connection. The router lights are all on, it is being turned off remotely but the system shows it's "on". These are multimillionaires and wealthy people just making money off my ideas and then destroying all I have barely managed to scrape up for living to tortrure me for not giving them my entire life and everything as they fuck abuse and poison and mutilate because they can't stand to see me compete or have anything. Compounded by all and every political entity and all of society. Almost, 98%. Well, screw you all anyway. My motto. This is disgusting that it's never stopped. I'm still being assaulted for saying no to being this hate crime object who passively accepts my life destroyed so expletives can make sure I have nothing and they steal all I create so they can claim it as their idea while they poison mutilate and attack me then demand to know why this is "wrong" as they ask this constantly and for over 15 years as I scream in rage after repeating the obvious for the past 15 years every single day. I watch the destruction of the USA from climate change but I feel that it's the evil and sickness of the power structure I am surrounded by, unwillingly, who have made "top" tier of the lowest denominator common bottom for being as low as possible but posturing otherwise and claiming the exact opposite. The destruction will continue and who will blame whom or what if everyone agrees to this system of hate? The hate has a consequence and it is showing now in the form of climate change. The dumb blindness of greedy consumption is the same driving force of these leeches I can'at pry off me who just accumulate to suck my life out of me demanding that I claim that they are "great" and that there is nothing "wrong" with this and the "problem is you" they sneer in contemptuous glee as they are smug and disgusting. Everyone has stolen an idea form me and made a movie out of it who asks this question constantly while they have not only not paid me but were intentionally murdering me to stop anything original from being presented in any viable form unless it's a part of the compliance to Nazism and white supremacy league. So, the hate they truly imbibe is a rebounding effect. There is more to come. And they still can't even stop after 15 years of non-stop prizes they never obtained until they tortured me for the sake of t his contract. They can't even stop or they can't get the millions of dollars in funding and the fast track to every top promotion. //I remain having to clean literally constantly so as to remove the embedded goo and filth and muck and debris and my clothing there is a huge pile of stinking clothing sprayed with foul stinking putridity that I have to clean--brand new clothing, clothing I have made by hand--stinking like rotten meat substance--all day cleaning up their filth and stink and writing posts for years. I am assaulted by politicians and news anchors who are supposed to abide by law and report facts and expose corruption and not allow it to happen. They glare and demand to know why I am not doing what they want--which is to just allow them to poison me to death and rape the poison into my body as they steal ideas and fuck and abuse and discard me with contempt afterwatrds passing me off to the next fuck whore ape with his skank whore girlfriend/wife/daughter (all intermixed they are pedophiles, most of them at heart and mostly woman-hating on all sides).//But if they "love" any women it's going to be the most sinister Nazi adherents, whatever color they are it doesn't even matter any longer but mostly it is a male-white supremacy dominated culture. That I have only done my best and competed and won and was healthy and athletic and wanted to have my chance and could achieve and out-perform some of t hem, the men are affronted and ready for slaughter rape and mutilation and murder and the women as well--it's mostly blonde culture but the minorities are some of the most fervent of the attackers as proxies. //I write of this every day, it goes on every day. When I write these motoffs I am mocked by people making shows and movies about freedom and democracy and all that "jazz". It's meant for white males and their adjoining woman-folk who can have some power only if they help the men to push people like me "down". They get promoted. Little do they understand that the ultimate goal is to revert culture back to the time when women were barefoot and pregnant happy cooking and being beaten with no domestic violence support teams and you know, the old school that they are trying to reinstall like a hard drive into the consciousness of the "modern" society. The icons are happily selling off female feminism and the fight for violence against women not to be dealt towards them. They so happily redivert the hate of their nasty men onto me as often as possible. This substitution is working the men are enthralled as they hug their nasty "bitch" women even more lovingly after they vent their vicious hate upon me.

Terrorist proxies didn't actually "break" the humidifier, they are blocking the signal because it operates just a bit on a rem...