Thursday, October 24, 2024

IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND THE RISE OF NAZI FASCISM IN AMERICA IN THE LAST MANY YEARS, YOU NEED ONLY LOOK AT THE GREED SELF-INTEREST OF Dirty, ugly sick prostitutalina and the maybe 10th movie in 15 years of her stealing my ideas to claim as her own, and having endless funding and advertisement for it. The movie MARIA, which absolutely is verbatim almost what I wrote of years ago on Facebook (slight details below because I could not use any electronic equipment to save ideas I didn't know how to stop the stalkers from breaking into my room and stealing and destroying all--they hack into every single thing I do and steal ideas without end and get glorified for it as if they are original and creative instead of dirty filthy rape Nazi parasites---yes, this is a rant piece, which I should not write only because it gives more empowerment to the Nazi skank filth who STOLE THE IDEA OF MARIA FROM MY WRITING years ago, as I was writing constantly my ideas on Facebook, because my room was being ransacked daily and my every electronic device and CD disc was being stolen or destroyed so I could not save anything or create or write. I wrote constantly during the 2013-2016 or 2017 years about women's rights, rape culture and violence towards women. This dirty filth piece of shit has stolen these same ideas from me along with filthy pig pitt for over 15 years and they have, with countless celebrities and Congressional politicians had me beaten, tortured and raped with DELIBERATE ATTEMPT TO POISON ME INTO PARALYSIS AND DEATH after they steal ideas, even word phrasing. the problem, in actuality, was not a result of Trump rising to power, it was from OBAMA and his administration and you can also "blame" Obama himself for helping to further racism at it's worst through his endearment of white Nazi agents working in the entertainment and media industry. For his assistance in a false pretense, he remains the "favorite' of the Dem party along with Hillary who is no different but I was only made aware of this contract and celebrity inclusion during the Obama admin, so it's probably been handed down for decades from one administration to the next, but heightened once the celebs got a "hold" of teleportation rape and poisoning torture and theft of ideas (which was handed to them by an English bigot Nazi living in LONDON and thusly, as I have been writing for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS DIRTY SICK PROSTITUTALIN is an AGENT of the English Empire in it's quest to infiltrate and usurp American H-wood media and in effect, politics as well. The man, Danny Moynihan also stole at least three ideas I had written of, back in 2006 or 2007 he began his email correspondence with me (his email address dmoynihan (or I can't remember how, but it was AOL and moyn was part of his email address. I know all of this sounds skakey in memory but multiple emails were deleted and under mind control I changed my email address assuming that someone else was stalking me for years and it was, instead this same person and multiple others. Obviously the English are going to parade th is filth creep as English in a large part are Nazis and some of the most violent are English (Germans as well) but they are all sick and violent. I wrote about Maria Callas while Trump was in power, and I was so sick and dying from drugging I wrote of her self-isolation and all that this stupid and ugly filth skank whore has stolen and with her director, who has gladly participated in this as Natalie Portman and the actress who played Diana have also both attacked me in teleportation as well (one very violently threatening me, the other smug and self-satisfied--she later "won" an award for Jackie). It is clear that the Golden Globes, which is a very Nazi-controlled "awards" ceremony which routinely puts either people who have viciously attacked me as presenters (i.e. Amber Heard and Snoop Dogg--the daughters of Stallone who has been endlessly having me posioned raped and tortured my money stolen has been going at me for his nasty career since 1997) his daughters were presenters, Quinten Tarantino who made comments about sending me off to a concentration camp after asking me to just give him ideas as I said NO. And dirty filth shitalina who has laughed and embraed at least I don't how many at this point--maybe 20 Europigape fascist men to beat rape and torture me as she hugs them and embraces them. I fight crying out that I am sick from poisoning that this ugly dirty skank has profited off, as they pound my body and go on slapping my face and punching my face when I say NO and to Stop while they are obtaining lead roles--Tom Hardy is yet another example of the English filth being awarded, and Ozzy Osbourne, and Roger Waters, and et al And so the Golden Globes will probably feature this film only because of the Nazi contract that this filthy whore and prostituted ignorant and stupid hateful ugly (plastic surgery renovation) creep has stolen from me as anyone who does so gets unlimited funding for the production (pig pitt in Babylon, I had written endlessly of the decadence of Whorewood as I saw it and then Blonde, I also wrote of Marilyn Monroe and her bereaved state of psych-trauma but all of these ideas I had written in the context of societal pressure and not the glorification of blonde Nazi filth like this team of shit who are so closely allied to Nazis and the English Crown and et al of that ilk. In the last 3 months of hell they put a German sick fuck to brutally rape and drug me into a state of absolute sickness and all the while I was detoxifying from my years of trying to figure out how to remove this dreadful murder poison from my body while this group had my money stolen routinely for years so I could not afford food and definitely not health or health care, of any kind I was stuck with no money by the last week before my next payment. For years while they kept poisoning me yesterday I eliminated what were hard pieces that were white, coated with the poison black drudge that is the bloating poison. I believe that this hardening poison, which is of the texture of a bouncing hard rubber ball, was mixed with other blackish poisons which appear as cellulite and it is murder non-stop. Golden Globes puts into every year all the "best" Nazis who are programming the country into fascist Nazism. The result is that 50% of Americans are now cheering on Trump's push for a fascist regime which is now the standard statement from news sources such as MSNBC.. I was writing about this during the Obama admin and then more fervently, for years, under Trump and then I have had to continue non-stop under Biden. For my writing about reality, I have been beaten raped and castigated by top politicians who are publicly descrying Trump and the rise of Fascism in America. They beat threaten to kill me, make mockery of the poisoning and how bad my body looks alongside dirty ugly prostitutaina who is the central madame whore pimp orchestrating every lying scum into power through the English Crown and through their much disguised fascist Nazi regime of the 4th Reich (plus of course Germany--they got a violent and openly Nazi German scumbag creep to bruatlize me as they all laughed and applauded him, including Obama and Harris and of course Trump could n't give a damn). They are all indoctrinated and indoctrinators of the 4th Reich fascist Nazism and genocidal violence which they are all pushing into the public mental substrata of awareness and now some are openly pushing this (their partner Trump for just one example). If Harris wins, then LET HER BE THE PRESIDENT AND GET THE PAST LACK OF LEADERSHIP OUT OF THE LIMELIGHT AND STOP ENDLESSLY CREATING A VACUUM OF NEW TALENT AND STOP ENDLESSLY WANTING THE SAME OLD SAME OLD OVER AND OVER AND OVER, WHO HAVE PROVEN REPEATEDLY THAT THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT BUT YOU ALL WANT A FANTASY AND LIE AND ILLUSION I knew back in the 80's that pitt was a Nazi symbol to indoctrinate the "masses" into Nazism, the first time I saw a movie poster of ugly dirty Prostitutalina I thought she looked like a sick ugly skank and that prostitution was replacing feminism in Whorewood. How correct i was decades ago and I have been stuck fighting and screaming to them every day for 15 years that I never liked them and can't stand them. This is the same with this German rotten sick fuck who they all--lal of whorewood, Obama and Harris and all of them love the Nazi from Germany offering Holocaust money and free handouts for inclusion in ushering in the 4th Reich. Trump the same lying, manipulation tactic and formula. That dirty ugly sick skankalina should be in prison and not in awards ceremonies. THat not a single constitutional right or even one single law is being observed by all the top politicians just from the Democrat side, in my situation (and thusly with any situation in which they can pursue power and money and a continued monopoly on power and promotion) should be at least alarming to anyone who has any kind of foresight, but stupid greed and narrow-minded ignorance reigns in America. It is the purposeful plan of the Nazis from foreign country to put greedy money grasping idiot savants into power, usually they are sleazy and ignorant and can only focus on their little compartmentalized domain of "success".

**from the onset, this post was written after I had edited all, and after I published the typos and rewrites appeared, and I can't get them all so bear with this rant.

I was writing in disgust at the endless injustice and lack of observance of legal rights and humanity by the "leaders" of America (and beyond, but the focus is on America, for myself, as it's supposed to be a leader in human rights--ha ha).

In trying to put this little asterisk comment underneath the title, because I wrote it in the first line after fighting the non-stop hacking (today I spent OVER 2 HOURS fighting to get the WiFi on my laptop, after 2 hours of waiting for a system restore function to finish--they turned off the WiFi without fail every 4 minutes for over 2 hours. They would and continue to block functions. I tried to highlight the sentences above and the highlight would not work. The hackers literally changed the sentences around in different wording and the highlighting would not work. I must try to highlight anything I want that is more than a few words at least 6 times, no matter how many times I clear the cache and fight to stop the hacking and malware.
This is why I wrote my ideas on Facebook, and even with protecting what little I have with much effort and YEARS of fighting to figure out how to do it, you see I can't get anything done.

Meaningless hateful stupid and ugly shitalina the prostituted skank from English crown and KKK American Nazism--her nasty parents--is just a worthless overpaid prostituted rape enabler who has used me, along with pitt, to pretend she is intelligent has ideas is a feminist and is actually the exact opposite of the ideas that she has stolen from me while having all these Nazi pig ape men call me a "loser" a Bitch after they drug me into "making love" to people who are murdering me and gladly doing it and laughing mocking my writing but stealing all they can and torture without end every day to sacrifice my life so they can have more meaningless shit movies cranked out with top funding from the Nazi genocidal league to inculcate Nazism into the American public. It has been working.

No end in sight for this shit against me nevertheless because the politician are being PAID AND PROMOTED they are little pawns in the hands of sleazy Nazi filth like this German filth ape pig who has his mommy and daddy to hand out genocidal wealth stolen from millions of victims. all the Jewish Nazis are there for hand-outs as well, including and especially the Black Nazis like Cornell West, the "brother and sister" fake radical "woke" bs artist.

It is all sickening. In the midst of them all has been dirty ugly conniving lying sick and fake rape enthusiast ugly prostitutalina--awarded once more for her role in putting Nazism into direct view in America by fully supporting Trump and putting him into power by handing this tech to him in exchange for a never-ending awards and stolen ideas from me surfeit of limelight praise (this year she also stole ideas I had written of about the State I grew up in, Illinois--which she was on Broadway for and also Hillary Clinton making a farce of feminism at the same time--an extremely racist and disgusting rotten fake like Obama endlessly put into power for her  helping to put English Nazism into power (Bill Clinton studied at Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship and then through the English Crown was made Governor of Arakansas and then as a great corrupt and screw-over American politician (Whitewater) become prez. With "feminism" as her human shield Hillary has been feeding off this contract for years and years and partners with dirty shitalina and like them all, they rush back to assault me to get more and more and more and more free deals worth millions.

As Harris says endlessly but can't perform in the reality of Dark Money funding needs, mocking and laughing as I am raped and poisoned to death while her benefactors the English Crown through ugly sick shitalina the prostituted meaningless nothingness less

and so
Harris, GO FORWARD and stop allowing these filthy money-raking parasites of the PAST to partner with you for their endless grift on the American huge excess of money they have been sucking out to millions and millions of dollars and mansions and Whorewood tv shows and book tours all selling snake oil constantly.

Be a fucking prosecutor defending actual reality and law and justice and at the very least kick them the f--out of controlling you and continuing to advise and guide you into being another destroyer of America, as they have been. 

LET THE DINO LEAGUES DIE WHEN YOU WIN, HARRIS AND WALZ!@ Stop allowing the burden of the past become the next neanderthal Nazi generation during your profound time of shifting the fascist Nazism out of office out of power. That means all your corrupt and disgusting lying fake sinister predecessors be the change that is necessary to stop this evil sickness and corrupt lying Nazi filth legacy don't inherit it GET RID OF IT. Harris and Walz and the rest any one from Congress who cares not just about themselves and if the fascist 4th Reich can harm them. so far that is all "they" are all about. 

Otherwise, they laugh about people "like me" being so unjustly raped and tortured because white Nazi shit filth from England can't stand to see me have more original ideas than he or them, and they put their filthy conformist Nazis into Whorewood who then pay the politicians and in turn, Nazism is openly visible now in American culture--since they got a hold of this contract out on me--at the end of the Obama regime and the beginning of Trump.

They just turned the WiFi off for the 20th time today, at a minimum and that is literal, not figurative count.


the disruption and hacking to this keyboard have been non-stop, as has turning off the wifi while the router lights are all lit, it is remotely being turned off constantly every few minutes. No amount of restore functions can stop this. I can't afford to buy a new laptop. Every single mobile phone I use is hacked no mater whether it's new and doesn't even have internet sim--I can't use any mobile phone to protect my online use as well. The capabilities for hacking and stealing ideas by stupid violent criminals like ugl prostitutalin and shit pig pitt is endless. They are fully protected and endlessly glamorized and promoted by Congress, the Presidents of the past 15 years. Harris, when will you goddamn stop this endless criminal thuggery as you are a prosecutor work for the people finally and not for the wealthy sick fucks who could give a damn about you, America or anything else but their selfish scehes. This is a stupid hateful lying sick skank, ugly sick prostitutalin who has been awarded for ideas I have written of for over 15 years while my every written communication is so blocked, hacked and stolen and typos and mistakes and discrediting rewrites are endlessly forced, I am blocked from almost all online activity and I cas't even "save" anything to protect my ideas as they steal all even if I am thinking it--because they can hack into my thoughts. And all of this so fully supported for decades by all the famous politicians--the list is endless of hateful lying sleazy greedy sick fucks from Congress the Oval Office but the real fault is in the millions of people who fully support this system who violently attack me for thei rown collective sick racism--always disguised and potected by these fake movies about themes of caring about fighting racism and rape culture. But, nevertheless, it is TIME FOR A CHANGE and getting rid of this filth from Whoreood and their adjoining Congressoinal celebrity co-rapist Nazis of both the Progressive and Democrat and of course the now 'out of the closet Nazi variety in the MAGA .

and again, the wifi was remotely turned off for the 2nd time in less than 10 minutes while the router is fully functioning. The keys of this keyboard and laptop behave like there is glue keeping them stuck and it's impossible to type any longer--must bacspace and retype constantly. While these filthy fucks of Whorewood are being celebrated as I am stuck fighting to get the keyboard to t ype to ask once more to get them the fuck off me finally ater years and years and years and years of writing about this as fascist nazism is now openly a threat and still the shit sick politicians keep allowing these filthy fuckers to go on and on and on promoting nazism and fascism--which is death squads, discrimination on a scale that the Nazis have only dreamed of

when the fuck will any of you goddamn stupid apes reading this ever "wake up" to the idea that perhaps you sick stupid fucks will be the next in line for death squad targeting because you have all allowed this to fester until it's engulfing the country--so stupid ugly sh italina and pig filth pitt can s teal ideas to present themselves as being intellectual and arrtistic and compassionate? Which of course there is nothing of any ofthose quslities in these blank and disgusting ape whore pig ape scum shit whores. And the rest of their filthy meaningless ilk.

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