Tuesday, October 1, 2024

My bank, a bank I did not choose--PNC--operates for the 5th year absolute and open Financial terrorism of direct discrimination against me; probably (undoubtedly) sponsored by Trump and his associates: Serious attacks by this Pittsburgh Bank, PNC, blocking access to my account. (I am re-reading and see that hackers are rewriting my post so excuse the typos and grammatical "mistakes' which have been hacked in**) I are going through the "stupidity" process of an "executive" manager not being able to "understand" the 6th time of me explaining that their system is locking me out because of a hack they forced to have to press a button on my phone in order to "receive the One Time Passcode for a 2-step verification process that is 'optional" but has been forced on my account and no one will remove it. They sent the passcode for over 1 year by just automatically sending the code once I received the phone call generated by their computer system--to my phone (International).//Two months ago, after Trump and his goon squad came to abuse and then force blocks to my account, trying to cut my money off ( serious death threat so I had to spend hundreds of dollars which I had saved meticulously to get out of in this emergency situation that Trump created, along with vicious fascist Michael Cohen and the rest of that infernal hate group) and they then began blocking access to my bank account by having my mail returned so my debit cards were all canceled, then forcing me to wait for SIX WEEKS before this bank which I spent over 50 hours arguing on the phone with, as they blocked access to speaking with supervisors, hung up on me, have lied so repeatedly about every single question I ask about legitimate simple banking processes which are NOT listed on their banking site so I have NO IDEA which is a lie or which is viable. They then blocked the One Time Passcode by adding another '"layer" by forcing me to press a button on my phone keypad in order to receive the code--which happened the month that my cards were sent back. Thusly trying to cut off my money, blocking my access to ATM's for 6 weeks, the bank lying and lying to me continuously, the condo where I live participating and stealing my mail and not delivering it, then not being able to log into my account due to this block. Then hours of managers shunting me around lying about their working hours lying about sending out emergency cards lying about the procedure. Banking employees lying about how Visa services work, by phone. After hours and hours and hours and hours of yelling on the phone because they can't "hear' me they state so I must talk almost at a shouting level so I can get this emergency that they all created taken care of. I asked this ever-so-professionally-friendly "executive" lying manager to remove the 2-step verification process from my account, and she told me she had "fixed" the problem. I checked it and accessed my account as the prompt worked last month. This month it has been blocked once more. I have just spent 3 days writing responses to her questions asking for the basics about what the problem is, although I explained it 6 times last month, wrote it out repeatedly, and this month she can't understand at all. She has told me there is no lock on my account and to "try again". I thought maybe she had unblocked the hack or whatever THEY did and nothing had changed. That was 2 days after writing clearly that the problem, which I explained, was back. I then had to re-write the situation to which she sent a "dumb duh" type of response. It is the same thing as the Thai people pretending they can't speak English but just repeating basic information back to me in a question form and asking me about unrelated items of the situation--such as, " you receive the phone call for OTP but you are unable to get the code because you are international?". That one sentence refutes the 2 days and the days of explaining by phone, then writing in full explanation by email 3 times, to this manager. I had to write it out to every detail then growing angry I told her to REMOVE the 2-step verification as I have requested this for 2 years and explained the current hack/problem it multiple times already

In very easy-to-understand terms and that if she can't understand the technical side of this problem to send this situation to the correct technical department to REMOVE 2-step verification off my account.

I did not ask please any longer as I know the drill for the grilling abuse patterns of this infernal operation by now from years and years of it being very clear with Thai terrorists "no understan" to anything I say or ask in very simple terms whenever 'THEY' create a problem (it's always them for these serious problems).

The language barrier does not exist but the pattern is very clear. Having to explain this problem out more than 6 times, verbally and through email with the person "not understanding" at an executive level, who I had asked to remove the security measure which is supposed to be optional for 2 months already. They "fixed" it, it worked I could press the button to receive the code after she said, "I have correctly input your number in the system so try it out" and it worked. They hacked and blocked access THIS month and she pretends she can't understand the OTP process that I have repeated and repeated so obviously as I already knew, she's full of this bs terrorism and I have lost my patience and temper trying to get access to my bank account.

Her name is Kendra, McDonald. I do not ever want to help promote her by writing her name, but if there is anyone who is defending any kind of fight against discrimination, then this is a truly racist banking system which was FORCED upon me when Trump was president. My former bank, BBVA Compass was closed and I was forced to transfer to this bank. I was not informed by my terrorist mail service about the bank transfer mail which they would not inform me of any and all mail for years as I was forced to beg for my mail information and was lied to by the mail service.

I therefore only had seen that there was a transfer but I had no idea my bank was completely closing.

Once it was closed, the month the entire transfer was made, then I received an "emergency" last notification letter from my bank which this mail service finally sent to me as it had in red letters on the envelope "open immediately" so this mail service "obliged" me (they had promised and advertised digital mail services, but it was a family-owned mail station not one of those huge virtual mail systems).

The bank sent me a pair of new debit cards because my BBVA cards were going to expire. They sent me one new PNC debit card, but then they sent a BBVA Compass card instead of a PNC card for my 2nd account. I was lied to on the phone when I phoned PNC, as they told me that I could use the BBVA Compass card until it expired in 3 years even though it was coming from the bank that had just failed it was still registered on my new PNC account. I never used it so I have no idea how much of a lie that was. But they sent me a card from a bank that was bankrupt. That was the first huge lie but I have been so poisoned so sick and under hours and hours every day of torture plus non-stop drugging and poisoning to death that the one card I only kept in a "safe place" and there is no safe place in my home all is rummaged through, sprayed with stinking fungus into every box under everything so I can only put important papers and items in places that are sprayed and made stinking and putrid in stench regardless (nothing gets the stink off--and it remains for years on paper).

They have lied to me consistently throughout the years of having to deal with this bank until I almost go through complete brink of having no access just not to have to undergo yelling into my laptop to get information which is just lies, being aggressively and hatefully treated by many of the employees all instructed to be as nasty as possible--some yelling or very nasty in tone as I fight to get this 2-step verification process off my system they refuse. 

I told this manager that I was informed that one of their employees told me that because I am international the security measure is automatically put on my account. They can't remove it, I am told.

I know this is a lie. Still, on my account, there is the "option" to have 2-step verification that remains unchecked and never has been used.


Email exchange (copied and pasted from the email threads from just the past week--I have listed of emails back and forth for 6 weeks from various supervisors who kept me waiting and I also filed a discrimination complaint with the bank in the interim because the lies and blocks were so pervasive and nasty but I did not follow-up--now that the threat of my accusation is gone, they are once more openly discriminating as usual. Pittsburgh ,where this bank is located, is the place of a Synagogue shooting and it appears that Trump had this bank in a nest of Nazi dens take their hateful "northern" nazi nastiness out on me under his bidding--because Don, Jr. stated in a video hacked onto my YouTube feed that he loved PNC bank and always uses it. This was a deliberate hack onto my system as I never subscribed nor watch Don Jr and near the end of the last tenure of Trump I was bombarded with the Trump team and their videos (plus the Mafia podcasts who of course support Trump, including DeNiro which is playing the opposite reverse psy-ops role).

September 30, 2024

Hello Kendra, how are you? 

The problem I had with the phone verification was fixed last month but this month it has once more returned. Any key I press upon request for accessing the OTP is not registered with your system. i have just tried twice and don't want to get blocked trying a third time.

Perhaps the solution you offered last month only lasted for a tine frame and then the system reverted back to not registering any prompt on my phone?

Please help to get this problem resolved!

Thank you, (my name)

October 1, 2024

Hello (my name deleted by myself)--


It doesn’t appear to be locked out. Have you attempted to log in again?


Kendra M.

VP, Executive Client Relations

PNC Bank

T | (412) 467-2822

F | (844) 674-5380


October 1, 2024

(from me to Kendra, the 5th time explaining to her the problem--they created, hacked, obviously)

I'm not locked out. The phone system is not accepting the prompt I press to get the OTP code. "Please enter number 'x' on your phone to receive the OTP from  your financial institution" and like the last time I wrote to you about this, what I input is not received. I get silence and then the system informs me that they did not receive the input. I am prompted to try again and press the correct prompt key and your system will not accept it and ends the call. I tried this twice yesterday, and I just tried it again now.  This began happening 2 months ago when the system was changed from sending automatically the OTP to having to press a certain key to obtain the OTP. Last month you informed me that you had fixed this problem. I attempted to log-in and at that time I was able to input the number and receive the OTP. Now it is not working once more and whatever I press is not recorded on the other end. My phone keypad works perfectly and I can phone other businesses and use the keypad for prompts.

Is it possible to have this 2-step verification removed from my account? It appears that regardless of what you do on your end, whatever block there is on this system is unstable so if you did whatever was done last month, the problem will come back, apparently.

 I have never opted for this security measure in the first place. Otherwise, whatever you did last month is now not working and I am still locked out. ...

I am able to log-in using only one browser, so I will be transferring money from my accounts today or tomorrow. It is reliable using only one browser but only at this location (my apartment) and/or on my laptop. i don't know if it's my laptop or the IP address recognized by the browser, which is cloud-based but no other computers using other IP and internet provider systems in my area (all of Phuket) allow me to log in without going through the 2-step verification process.


Response received this morning, the f**ery reply of "no understan" that Thais use on a routine basis for any question, in particular by phone but also in person they "no understan" but the same principle applies here. Anyone can understand what I have explained twice already in these thread email responses, which litter my email account for the past 2 months explaining the situation of the cards not arriving that I have been told conflicting things that I am waiting--I could spend a long time just reading through a very basic situation of sending me replacement cards but they kept me waiting to "check" my identity although my address has remained the same since I was transferred to this bank. 

Here is the next f**ery reply from this "executive" manager who can't understand what I have explained, by now over 6 times (I lost count, something more than 6) and twice in the email thread, very easy to comprehend especially for a bank manager at executive level:


I am so sorry that you’re still experiencing this problem. Just confirming, you are receiving the telephone call that is providing the code? With an international number you are unable to receive the text messages.


I did confirm the phone number is still in your profile, as well as the 2nd line you provided.


Kendra M.

VP, Executive Client Relations

PNC Bank

T | (412) 467-2822

F | (844) 674-5380


My next responses are of having lost my temper, which is their aim. To make the very easy and simple a long-lasting hell of being lied to, given the endless run-around, and then fucked over and over by simple procedures that they claim are embedded computing they can't stop. But they placed the block on my account, changed the template of my system, and forced this security process on me just to block even the return automated call so I can access the OTP to log into my account. They then can't "understand" the nature of what they "fixed" last month instead of my request to take the security block off. Now they can't "understand" what I have explained so repeatedly so I lost my temper because it is clear they are fucking me over and around. 

This is what i wrote back, which I probably should not have done but I ask that if ANYBODY can stop this fucking bullshit and stop their attacks upon me under the instruction of Trump (undoubtedly) but regardless, they will continue to do this when and if Trump is even dead this is a Nazi bank with a plantation system type hierarchy. It sounds like something from The Ole South with white bigots at the top executive level an black people in the bowels of the hard jobs and aspiring bigots in the mid-level range--all white. It's like a true old plantation with the same style of all the old cliches of the Jim Crow era but it's in the "North" so it has escaped detection all these years, disguised as being part of the "liberal" North or something--not far from Philadelphia--who would suspect how racist it truly is in that region? You can bet that if Harris wins in PA it will be out of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will shift all to Red completely--and the surrounding regional districts as well. IF there is not gerrymandering in that area I would be surprised.


My responses today, having "played into their game" with very polite explanations and then being fucked over and over by this creep once more i have begun to rant at her to transfer this case to someone who can understand. I played into their nasty game of becoming angry, losing my peace and equilibrium which is ALL they are after, to turn every single normal routine into a series of openly disguised discriminatory abuses and then to laugh as I turn into a frustrated and screaming enraged person fighting to get basic services to unlock the blocks to accessing my money. I have never once overdrawn or caused any problem, the pig ape cartel told the bigot Nazi American 4th Reich to openly discriminate using a plethora of lies in polite terms and so here it is, my response which I doubt they will do anything about SO I NEED PEOPLE TO INTERVENE and get this f-ing bank to stop this. I can't go into the bank and I change banks at this moment.


From me to Kendra, Oct 1, 2024:

I am able to log-in using only one browser, so I will be transferring money from my accounts today or tomorrow. It is reliable using only one browser but only at this location (my apartment) and/or on my laptop. i don't know if it's my laptop or the IP address recognized by the browser, which is cloud-based but no other computers using other IP and internet provider systems in my area (all of Phuket) allow me to log in without going through the 2-step verification process.


I am so sorry that you’re still experiencing this problem. Just confirming, you are receiving the telephone call that is providing the code? With an international number you are unable to receive the text messages.


I did confirm the phone number is still in your profile, as well as the 2nd line you provided.


Kendra M.

VP, Executive Client Relations

PNC Bank

T | (412) 467-2822

F | (844) 674-5380


Written in response to above email, received this morning after months and years of lies and discrimination, but now more and more days of her not understanding what she "fixed" last month and now can't "understand" and repeats basic irrelevant questions as if what I explained makes no sense. 


When I try to log-in, I get your forced 2-step verification process so I can't just get into my account.

I am forced to receive a OTP, whether it's because my phone is international or not I don't know. I can't assume that every person who is overseas must go through this 2-step verification process.

I am asked if I want to receive a phone call with the OTP. I click on "send OTP" 

Once I receive the phone call from your 2-step verification system, There is a request to receive the code by pressing a number (1.2.3 etc it's randomly assigned)--to press a button on the keypad. The system will not accept any number I press so I cannot receive the code. The message that your system gives me is that they got no input--nothing was pressed, only silence. You system disconnects the call.


You "fixed" this last month. This month it is back to where it was 2 months ago. I call, your system is BLOCKING the alpha-numerical reception of any key I press on my perfectly working phone. You "fixed" it and now it is BLOCKED again. The problem is on your end, obviously. (Your meaning PNC)

I have been requesting PNC to stop forcing a 2-step verification on my account for 2 years. Until 2 months ago, I had no problem receiving the code which was automatically sent without having to press a key on my phone in order to receive the code.

I am unable to log-in on 99% of all browsers because of your forced "security" measure I never chose as an option.\
I ask once more to REMOVE THE 2-STEP VERIFICATION PROCESS from my account--PERMANENTLY....

Please pass this message on to your department which resolves these technical problems and programming hacks or errors. I have explained this very easy-to-understand problem over 5 times already so now I have written it out in a most simplistic manner so that anyone can understand it. 

It appears you are not on the technical side of your banking system and I have explained this problem many times aleady to you, your assistant and I asked for the 2-step verification to be stopped and you "fixed" the problem and then it was hacked or put back on my system so this requires someone who understands the problem who will not force me to undergo waiting for more months to have to explain only to be kept waiting for some reply and then to have to explain it over and over and over, requesting over and over to remove the 2-step verification process which is "optional" but now 'forced" on my system. You have many people who deal with international business are they forced to undergo 2-step verification processes where the prompt keys are blocked from being accepted by this system so t hey can't receive the code and thus can't log-into their accounts?

Please get someone technically capable of understanding and taking this 2-step OFF my system. Refer my case to the appropriate department and person and copy what I just wrote so they understand instantly so I don't have to repeat it again.

All of this discrimination is due not only to the endemic racism of the USA and everywhere else around the world, with this organization having taken over most of the planet through a systematic assassination and culling and promotion pyramidal process.

But after Trump brought his hate team to demand that I "support" him for the election, so my country can openly, as opposed to covertly, become a totalitarian fascist Nazi Mafia criminal organization business cartel enterprise rather than a pretentiously open-minded freedom and Democracy system.

After Trump brought on hundreds of dollars in me fighting literally for my life because he tried to have my money cut off in Florida by forcing a kind of Inquisition upon me. He also had a live shrimp inserted into my inner ear, beneath the ear drum or I am not able right now to deal with the slow internet to look at the configuration of the ear canal but behind the tiny closure protecting the brain from the ear canal--it was inserted because I was drugged and in such a state of sickness I collapsed before I could protect my hair, head and hands and feet with all the layers I spend winding around my body before bed every night--requiring at least 30 minutes to simply put on carefully--and then hours per day of taking out because I have to air everything I sleep on or it gets stink spray doused on it on any bottom layer or side if it's folded in anything, anywhere in this tiny stinking destroyed room of hate and torture that Trump and Obama and Clinton and all the rest forced upon me (notably the "humanitarians" of Whorewood and their Nazi Mafia cartel).
After Trump did all that, it was then the Mafia (Gottis, Deniro and Pesce and their families) laughing about all the violence they created operating for the blonde Nazi cartel, as usual (Axis Power cartel still in full operation)
Then came Obama, glaring in hate demanding that I bow in subservience to his "power" and his group obtaining this most lucrative contract after not just years but more than 15 years of him, Clinton and whomever else profiting and having me poisoned and tortured with intention of murdering me for their gain--being awarded endlessly and handing this and allowing this in Whorewood, their partners (the same skanks from Whorewood--the males and female whores of Whorewood).
Then Obama and Kamala came jointly to hand me over to this vicious and violent S&M German rapist routinely making Nazi concentration camp remarks, hitting slapping and punching me and then raping me every moment I am in extreme pain from detox and ripping poisons out of my body. He never stops and the technology and drugging put me into a dazed reverie of false passion which is due to me being a human being and this "need" and hard-wired response of sexuality is being "tweaked" so that I am playing into his sadism and game--to drag me to Germany where he promises to pass me around to his friends and family to be raped and then he will beat me and will be so happy it will be so much fun and I won't be able to get away--as Nazism is openly rising in Germany.

Harris then handed me over to this man, first hugging me after asking me if I wanted to "work" for her, I said yes only to get this German rapist off me--as she handed me over to him giggling that "We will find something for you to do" meaning being a raped and abused "sex slave" which is a quantum sex trafficking victim--the newest trend so endlessly endorsed by so many dino senators and their representatives friends and partners of both Parties--the most televised one so recognizable in the country due to endless media coverage, enhanced greatly after they participate laughing and violent at me and continuing in the murder and destruction (of me, and other lives as well). All claim that I have zero rights and my defense for my life is that I"m a bitch and deserve it a loser and I have no right I should be killed or mutilated (Pelosi suggest my foot being cut off while sitting next to Austrian Terminator and the next time, again, one week before the Covid Relief legislation was passed for stimulus, she arrived with the former CA governor to attack me and then she obtained a huge boon from these bills to fund luxury swimming pools and other not helping anyone but her wealthy donors for the next election cycle--


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Terrorist property destruction. A brand new humidifier, which I bought to replace the last broken humidifier, was broken today while I was out of my room. They also put another virus or malware on my laptop so I can't use any speakers and one of the USB ports doesn't work at all. All operates, mostly, after doing a reset function (2-4 hours) any usage of the internet brings back, instantly, all the malware. Within about 5-10 minutes the laptop is hacked and blocked. I have turned the laptop and router off more than 20 times since 2 pm to try to restablish the wifi connection. The router lights are all on, it is being turned off remotely but the system shows it's "on". These are multimillionaires and wealthy people just making money off my ideas and then destroying all I have barely managed to scrape up for living to tortrure me for not giving them my entire life and everything as they fuck abuse and poison and mutilate because they can't stand to see me compete or have anything. Compounded by all and every political entity and all of society. Almost, 98%. Well, screw you all anyway. My motto. This is disgusting that it's never stopped. I'm still being assaulted for saying no to being this hate crime object who passively accepts my life destroyed so expletives can make sure I have nothing and they steal all I create so they can claim it as their idea while they poison mutilate and attack me then demand to know why this is "wrong" as they ask this constantly and for over 15 years as I scream in rage after repeating the obvious for the past 15 years every single day. I watch the destruction of the USA from climate change but I feel that it's the evil and sickness of the power structure I am surrounded by, unwillingly, who have made "top" tier of the lowest denominator common bottom for being as low as possible but posturing otherwise and claiming the exact opposite. The destruction will continue and who will blame whom or what if everyone agrees to this system of hate? The hate has a consequence and it is showing now in the form of climate change. The dumb blindness of greedy consumption is the same driving force of these leeches I can'at pry off me who just accumulate to suck my life out of me demanding that I claim that they are "great" and that there is nothing "wrong" with this and the "problem is you" they sneer in contemptuous glee as they are smug and disgusting. Everyone has stolen an idea form me and made a movie out of it who asks this question constantly while they have not only not paid me but were intentionally murdering me to stop anything original from being presented in any viable form unless it's a part of the compliance to Nazism and white supremacy league. So, the hate they truly imbibe is a rebounding effect. There is more to come. And they still can't even stop after 15 years of non-stop prizes they never obtained until they tortured me for the sake of t his contract. They can't even stop or they can't get the millions of dollars in funding and the fast track to every top promotion. //I remain having to clean literally constantly so as to remove the embedded goo and filth and muck and debris and my clothing there is a huge pile of stinking clothing sprayed with foul stinking putridity that I have to clean--brand new clothing, clothing I have made by hand--stinking like rotten meat substance--all day cleaning up their filth and stink and writing posts for years. I am assaulted by politicians and news anchors who are supposed to abide by law and report facts and expose corruption and not allow it to happen. They glare and demand to know why I am not doing what they want--which is to just allow them to poison me to death and rape the poison into my body as they steal ideas and fuck and abuse and discard me with contempt afterwatrds passing me off to the next fuck whore ape with his skank whore girlfriend/wife/daughter (all intermixed they are pedophiles, most of them at heart and mostly woman-hating on all sides).//But if they "love" any women it's going to be the most sinister Nazi adherents, whatever color they are it doesn't even matter any longer but mostly it is a male-white supremacy dominated culture. That I have only done my best and competed and won and was healthy and athletic and wanted to have my chance and could achieve and out-perform some of t hem, the men are affronted and ready for slaughter rape and mutilation and murder and the women as well--it's mostly blonde culture but the minorities are some of the most fervent of the attackers as proxies. //I write of this every day, it goes on every day. When I write these motoffs I am mocked by people making shows and movies about freedom and democracy and all that "jazz". It's meant for white males and their adjoining woman-folk who can have some power only if they help the men to push people like me "down". They get promoted. Little do they understand that the ultimate goal is to revert culture back to the time when women were barefoot and pregnant happy cooking and being beaten with no domestic violence support teams and you know, the old school that they are trying to reinstall like a hard drive into the consciousness of the "modern" society. The icons are happily selling off female feminism and the fight for violence against women not to be dealt towards them. They so happily redivert the hate of their nasty men onto me as often as possible. This substitution is working the men are enthralled as they hug their nasty "bitch" women even more lovingly after they vent their vicious hate upon me.

Terrorist proxies didn't actually "break" the humidifier, they are blocking the signal because it operates just a bit on a rem...