I don't know what else they managed to break while I was out in the lobby--I was followed in the hallway by the lanky white creep (not sure if he's russian or Europigapeland--the same thing essentially although they all claim there is such a huge difference and there truly is not)
but, the onset of the German creep into this situation with the full applause from the 4th Reich trashalina crew, including her most disgusting mommy and daddy--the KKK and the English Crown and the United Nations putting this filthy dirty vile skank into this position of power which no one even questions and there is never any scrutiny--how corrupt and sick America truly is...)
and, so, the German creep is now re-instituting vile creeps opening their doors the second I walk past the door. He comes out of the two apartments on this floor which have been renovated purely for terrorist attacks. A series of creeps come out of these same apartments and of course there is the shit in the rooms on either side of me (above and below as well) but no one in the rooms really nearby. Since the German hater has come on board, this old situation of creeps opening their doors violently as I pass suddenly while the microchip implants in my body are jolted so I get a "shock" to my nervous system while they are almost slamming their doors open violently the second I pass--how imposing the surveillance tech is for the ape whore pigs being handed free rent for this kind of ape shit behavior-so touted as being "superior" by the low filth who have been put into power. Trust me, this is not defensive on my part using these seemingly "immature' and nasty words although my brain is absolutely under attack as is my keyboard so I can't access any higher level of intellectual verbal usage--the point being to discredit me. But these terms of pig ape and everything else that sounds so puerile on my part is really the reflection of their actual behavior and sickness and dirty filth that they project and truly are--pouring it out onto me only because they are instructed to do so. Just as the dumb consumers of the media culture are instructed "who" to love so they do it unconditionally just as they "hate" someone like me a target for any reason possible. They act like such stupid low dirty filth and crap but they are receiving so much remuneration for this sleazy dirty behavior. It's all I can do is use the actual verbal equivalency to describe in a most nasty way the nastiness that they all imbibe and transmit on a non-stop basis in every single thing they say and do.
Fighting physically after about 1-2 hours of this rotten old sick fart to shut up and go away as I finally began yelling it while he was insulting me--after years of this filthy dirty Nazi piece of crap having me poisoned raped his filthy stupid daughter stealing my ideas and being awarded for them year after fucking year--as well as the ideas that Pitt has stolen and parceled out to people like Tarantino then torturing me to obtaiin the funding then torturing me to obtain more ideas and then torturing me to obtain the awards and torturing me forever for every thing they have obtained since they were NOT winning awards until they began to torture and steal the award-winning ideas from ME (for the most part) that includes Blonde (but not that awful boring movie about Miami in moonlight whatever --but I did write about Miami and the homosexual scene and maybe a few words about Overtown but nevertheless...)
getting off point now, sort of but it's still relevant.
This rotten sleazy sick old man f(** kept going off because I wrote the actual reality of what sick shit they truly are, in my post on Faceboook yesterday regarding Rosewood and then I mentioned how disgusting it was to see this dirty creep actor and wrote about the years of his profiting off this racist plot and Nazi rising and KKK terror technological tyranny that he, personally has profited off for years and years (as well as a host of other white trashy performers who are supposedly "liberal" but in reality they are just more extremely racist white supremacist Nazis disguised by the black and other "minority" minion props they use as their co-stars and co-singing partners and their "activism" and etc-like the stupid ugly skank daughter of this filthy vile dirty ugly sick creep Voight--who starred in a movie Deliverance in which my FATHER was involved to a slight degree back in the 70's (my step-father, the English Lit professor) who was friends and creative writing allies with the author of Deliverance, James Dickey. I do not believe it is coincidence that this connection exists between my father being involved in a seminar in Atlanta as this movie Deliverance was out and famous and this actor, or the father of the English sick fuck Danny Moynihan who was murdering me and began this contract of stupid whores from the 4th Reich stealing my ideas--his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance. Connected to the English Royalty through being the Royal Painter--Moynihan's father was. A cheap and sleazy dirty "art dealer" he began stealing my ideas and selling them off and then having the ideas out in distribution--appearing in places like the Sundance festival where Robert Redford has also been involved in this terror contract for probably much longer than shit pig pitt and dirty stupid ugly prostitutalina.
I know I sound "immature' but I can't express it professionally in any literate way any longer because years of writing in calm and deliberate pace about them has resulted in NOTHING happening.
So many politicians are rushing to join into this contract, which obviously is hosted by the English Crown which obviously has great control over the United States not only in the entertainment and media but also in politics, so inextricably intertwined and as yet so not reported on by any agency.
Attacking me fascist style for writing about what a fucking piece of shit he and his filthy spawn are. Like Lindsey Graham had yelled at me after his death threats, his destruction of my home for saying "no" to being carted off to S. Carolina so his fascist Nazi MAGA 4th Reich bigot team can have more and more hegemony whereas my goal is for them to have less and less--so I am not supporting any of these pieces of hate and I fight to get them all off me as they force themselves on me every single day and for years, now going into nearly 2 decade of this whorwood group, and Moynihan began in 2008 back when I was in Miami and he has not stopped profiting off this in millions and millions of dollars and more empowerment for the English crown, the Nazi KKK leagues and every other fascist group on the planet aligned with this group.
So yelling that "you can't talk to me like that' this dirt bag scum whore ugly fuck old man began yelling at me as I kept saying \go away go away fuck off go away shut up for over 1 hour then 2 hours and finally yelling in immature style as I am writing now so it really sounds like 3rd grade but it's serious dirty fuck adolts out of Whorewood being promoted by the president of the United States for this.
Yelling back that he's a fucking piece of sick shit and fighting and then fighting pig shit pit physically fighting this fucking dirty "duche bag" creep the rotten fuck father of stupid sick prostitutalina to sh ut the fuck off finally
they all do t his, they go on and on and on and on for hours and I can't ignore them screaming into my inner ear. There is no way to block it out and ignore it and the drugs they continuously insert inject and poison my food with make all barriers impossible as well.
As usual the government is only supporting them and this. As usual everyone watches doing nothing or it seems that way to me. They can't do it openly so it's still a disgusting situation that is detrimental to life on earth at this point. Still no one could give a fucking damn.
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