MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Monday, September 23, 2024
I desperately need a swimming pool in order to try to salvage what is left of my body, which is now covered with liver spots from poisoning shock, my immune system broken and shattered every day by 6-8 hours of torture and abuse after having been drugged, my body broken down from non-stop decades of poisoning and mutilation, absolutely exponentially increased since dirty ugly sick shitalina and pig pitt took over this contract. and this non-stop nightly and daily 6-8 hours per day of teleportation torture and abuse to be stopped: They are murdering me. No one has done a single thing to stop this within the entire United States media, corporate and political sphere. All join in and all participate. I am being murdered by stress--just that factor alone. The poisoning has been slowly eroding my body as they abuse and torture me so I have no strength to fight the poisoning detox. Every day for 6-8 hours per day using this teleportation and voice-to-skull and emotional/mental attacks on my brain (changing hertz levels of my brainwaves, the microchip implants afflicting the nervous system, my body has multiple microchip implants from my brain, down my spine and one in my larynx and etc). //I NEED A SWIMMING POOL in a private house, it is not expensive relatively speaking here where I am now. I have asked this hate group of billionaires to please just contribute $100 per piece in the rows and rows of this filthy shit sitting abusing me--they have all made millions of dollars in prizes awards and deals out of this theft of my ideas and the contracts of abusing me for their promotions. They refuse even $100 per month which is like loose change in their pockets. Dirty prostitutalina the ugly piece of sick shit smiles and shakes her ugly sick head "no" as the pig apes all obey and smile and laugh alongside that ugly sick trashy filth skank. //My body, as she has wanted me BROKEN for telling her she's a sick ugly piece of shit, and I only said from the beginning almost politely that I don't consider her beautiful. She urinated on me and has spent 15 years ordering 1. my uterus partially severed out. 2. No hormonal therapy and all money stolen except for sub-sub poverty. They used to steal money from my room so although I am forced to live on less than $1000 per month, they took away at least $50 from my purse, a minimum, every month as they sprayed fungus on my passport, my backpack, broke my shoes made the soles worn down into a 30-degree angle so I had to walk crooked--also contributing the crooked spine they also contributed to by having people adjust my spine and hips out of alignment every night after raping me. I can't enumerate the list is so long. They have made most of my hair permanently fall out by saturating it with fungus and chemicals so it fell out in clumps for years. The bald spots will not go away they damaged my skin so badly they have smeared such damaging chemicals on my skin that I look like an 80-year old woman my skin is shriveled and also--they just added MORE spider veins to my legs. It was not there yesterday, but this evening I see that a huge patch of fresh spider veins have appeared on my lower calf region on my left leg. They have put pressure on my legs so the capillaries are injured and the spider veins appear. I am not standing up all day like people who have such conditions I am paralyzed. My hands look like I've been working in a field all my life they are wrinkled. The liver spots are all up my arms from my liver poisoning from non-stop poisoning and drugging they never stop. The abuse compounding the poisoning has put so much strain on my immune and lymphatic system and nervous system and the shock of rage hate and screaming every single day now for over 3 years literally every day I am fighting someone physically as they keep on with abuse and hate and I can't take it any longer. //I need a swimming pool because the nature of the detox is so severe that if a chunk of hard poison finally comes out, I am so exhausted in toxic shock and my body is injured from internal ripping out of the poisons latched into my vertebrae and skin tissue--on whatever level it is, cellular (obviously). I can't move for at least half the day as they teleort and abuse me so I am a "sitting duck" being abused in pain, while toxic poisons they put in my body for years, laughing about it as I shat out black piles of poison diarrhea every day while ugly trashalina, every year obtaining ideas from me, laughs and smiles as she has dumb scumbag Europigape after ape pig Europigape rape slap my face while sticking it's greasy pig penis in my mouth and calling me "bitch" as ugly prostitutalina watches on showering affection to the piece of shit so-called "men". //They then get a reward and praise from the Whorewood team of Jewish Nazis, Black Nazis, and of course the usual variety. //then it's augmented by Senators like Kennedy and Graham who pour money into shitalina the pig pitt duo, and now Kennedy the hateful yelling bigot is fully supporting with good ole boy enthusiasm the violently Nazi-referencing concentration camp "I will kill you bitch " dirty German ape whore creep w ho has been showered with congratulations because in the endless physical torture of just shitting poison out that is hardened and connected to my bones my spine my hips into my skull (there are poison hard tubes connected to my shoulder blades and neck into the top of my skull, where obviously micochip implants have been placed, as the poisons latch onto any cut, any injury and these terrorists are injuring my body EVERY SINGLE DAY. The stress of non-stop abuse in teleportation and the death and rape adn abuse skits while I am in sleep--as of late, the German ape pig is putting death and murder, just like the Nazi Mafia has done--and my body is like 80 years old by now. Wrinkles in my shoulders like I am 80 or 90 years old from my body so bloated from poison and so much stress I look like I'm well over 70. Just physically with wrinkles on my hands. I fall asleep after detoxing a chunk (more like a layer, there are layers like shale from some metallic mineral deposit that has ossified and hardened but sometimes it's just hard round pieces, plus gall bladder stones, because of the congealed poison rotting inside my body. While I"m in the deep sickness detox state I am highly and impossibly susceptible to mind control so any vulnerability they go full out with forcing people who have threatened to k ill me and have raped me stuck in front of me grinning because shitalina is there offering every kind of dreamed-for prize to the filthy creeps whose careers were sort of failing, just as shitalina's career was sort of failing until 15 years of stealing my concepts and all her projects being fully funded with the top priority most of the slated for every festival and for top billing and best critical analysis by the standardized rigged critics promotions--all intertwined into the 4th Reich social engineering of the Nazi construct that you all LOVE. Yes you all love them so much. It's so much fun to watch me get slowly tortured to death, isn't it?! Ha ha. So I need a private home with a swimming pool that is not poisoned and the home is not filthed-up by goons rushing in every moment possible and with mechanical arms to destroy my body life and home. I fell asleep today in sheer toxic shock, unable to sit up, in absolute pain as a little "hard shelf" of poison very hard, feeling like a flat and compressed piece of shale mineral, and the toxins underneath the stagnated piece shot through my body. I could not even sit and watch the tube needing to get out of the pain and agony state I had to lay down. This has happened to me very reguarly as I fight to break the poisons out of my body. I stand and fight to break the poisons and I really NEED A SWIMMING POOL My muscles are completely atrophied from over 15 years of not being able to MOVE they began poisoning me so badly here where I am, a complete Nazi "paradise" and the hate level is unbelievable (it's as bad as America, I can't tell which is worse any longer America is by now a complete fascist Nazi State of death squads and police and political fascism). I need a swimming pool because I need to EXERCISE. I tried to pay resorts to swim in their pools late at night because during the day the terrorists had groups of people blocking the entire pools. Every swimming pool I have used goons rush immediately to congest the pool with children pouring all over the place so it's impossible to swim laps. In American pools where there are lanes, and people swim in mini circles, terrorists would flail their arms to try to hit me as they swam right into me from the opposite side of the same lane. They would try to butt me in the head and push me into the ropes and I had to swim as close to the ropes to avoid being hit straight on by huge body-builder men who were the terrorists. I then began to swim around 11 or midnight in the Phuket resorts which allowed me to pay to "rent" swim time. People would then turn on bright lights in front of the little bungalos and sit and watch me swimming. Sometimes men would come out in tiny thongs and spread their legs and stare at me as I was swimming. And in little jaccuzi areas I was always accosted by men in huge groups coming to sexually threaten me and yell about their penises and throw my towel onto the ground (this happened in Beaverton, Oregon, the center of Nike sports gear and Trump country). they would also ATTACK MY HEART with heart palpitation technology so I could swim no more than 2-4 laps and then heaving for air, my heart pounding because of the tech used against me--I could not exercise. I am paralyzed I need to swim and going to the beach is impossible for me at this point due to all the things ineed to carry to protect my passport my money --if I have anything unguarded at all times they steal my money poison my food and etc. //BUT PLEASE STOP THIS MURDER TELEORTATION to this group in Whorewood. Can't this ever be stopped? They are MURDERING ME. And laughing about it. Once more ugly sick prostitutalina is being paid in millions for an idea she has stolen from me. Once again she is still murdering me and the need for this group which, like Trump, CANNOT WIN unless they are fucking raping abusing poisoning and torturing me--so they can't have their empire without me being physically destroyed, on my knees sucking shit ugly pig ape men off as they slap my face and call me bitch in front of dirty ugly prostitutalina who is overjoyed to feel entitled as she orders non-stop mutilation of my body, poisoning and my home made broken stinking dirty foul nasty disgusting as she keep having every aspiring meaningless fellow skank scumbag yell how much more "beautiful" she is than me as she keeps reveling at the ideas of original design she stole from me. They keep blocking my internet so it took me over 90 minutes to turn on my WiFi once the terrorist in the room on one of the sides right next to mine stopped blocking access (remotely, as all functions are lit-up and "on").
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