Monday, September 23, 2024

More teleportation slow murder death by torture and abuse and poisoning with me trying yet again to kill another sleazy filth parasitic cockroach who has clung onto attacking me for his sleazy dirty "career" but mostly they all get a sense of power out of this plus the money and endless awards. Me screaming as I h ave been doing now for over 3 years every single day tryin to kill the fucking whore apes. They laugh, it's fun for them after 15 years and no one ever stopping this for even one single day.//I did a system reset on this computer a few hours ago, already it's hacked so badly that it's in the impossibility range for writing and thinking clearly. . Every day the same life-sucking poison of this group of what I now associate with cockroach leeches and parasites continue this assault. I write cockroaches because this group infested my home with them. I observed the nature of these little monsters for quite a while. I finally had to submit to self-preservation and use poisons to kill them off. But I observed the cocky parasitic nature of roaches and their behavior is akin to "entitlement". If you "give an inch they will take a mile". They are as sleazy and slimy as ugly prostitutalina and all the dirty filthy whore men who rush to rape and torture me. The senators the representatives from Congress. The women who want to compete in the "Man's" world all with the blondish features of the 4th Reich viciously threatening my life for saying no while they spout endless "feminist" cliches they learned to repeat by their coaches (famous "Democrats" are in this list). //But, regardless, pig apes is also synonymous. Today I am looking up the commemoration of Norma Marder, a childhood influence for both evil and positive creative and intellectual inspiration. To compare the stupidity and ugliness of shit like prostitutalina who no one, not a single person will ever pry off me as this ugly sick meaningless dirty lying prostituted scumbag whore is vying for an Oscar just as sick and dirty pig pitt the piece of shit is as well--. The movie this dirty sick creep, meaningless and stupid in the most basic sense but conniving and with all the influence of plastic surgery and money and money and Nazi KKK lynch mob backing and the portal to the highly influential English Crown (Ltd/Inc) no one will pry her off me because they are all so greedy and short-sighted that the money and media exposure far outweighs any other consideration such as humanity decency their oaths of office, for example. The future of the United States, they only believe that there will be a fascist Nazi dictatorship and they are ALL working for this aim so they keep on allowing that stupid ugly piece of prostituted sick shit to allow dirty vile rape Nazi bigots into America if they can further influence the outcome of elections. THey have put fascism and black Nazis on the map of the collective conscious of America and the world. Their greed and sickness is insatiable and they are constantly being showered with applause for having done so. If there were any sane and reasonable leadership in America this would never have happened. //

 I can't describe, after 15 years of telling the same sick ugly whore pieces of shit that I can't stand them, their movies, them, anything about them, that I hope they die, trying to kill them at any possibility when they are near me if I can find a chair to smash their heads in with or a knife I surely will try to kill them in teleportation--as this would be "no evidence" but of course the death squad system is still the one and only force they rely on as a "justice system". In other words, as a corollary to Trumpism, the justice is only what they can get away with using their covert death squad units for "justice" otherwise they use the courts and that, too, is rigged constantly in their favor.

But it is so far beyond detestation and disgust and revulsion for having to be forced to be abused by this group of disgusting shit, ugly prostitutalina who has glowed with titillation at having me beaten poisoned my body is so degenerated from poisoning it's nearly paralyzed it's b roken down from nightly insertions of sewage water into my bladder poison non-stop for years and years as they mock and laugh at how I am not in a glamorous state as they are--

as they keep coming out with the ideas I wrote and wrote and wrote because I always tried to have a career in the arts

anda this group of sick stupid fucking shit are not the ones who stopped me, but the slick and greasy senators like Kennedy Graham Cruz the Clintons the Obamas (in particular, how hateful they are and nasty and dirty and sleazy and what liars they are, how well the perform for the public as well)

and it's really their fault, but before those pig ape scumbags had access to profiting off this contract out on me, it was a world of exploitative scumbag pig apes cockroaches who have done the same thing---but not clutching onto abusing me for decades and decades--but there are many who would if given the chance.


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