Monday, September 23, 2024

The lament about the squads of locust conquering flying worms (similar to flying monkeys but insect parasitic leeches more like not even charming to any degree but totally evil and insect creepy crawly devouring worms--but with wings and locusts plagues of death coming to your theater near you the political theater the war theater etc):I am so completely blocked from earning any money that I can't get out of this situation. My entire family has profited off this contract all my life and some of the most abusive live in luxury mansions while they are so life-threatening to me I can't even talk to them ever again they are such greedy leeches on me. I need money if these filth ape whores of whorewood can't even contribute $100 per piece per month for me to MOVE to a home where I have a private pool so I can try to heal my body from the violence they keep on inflicting. Their point is to completely destroy and break my body. Right now my body looks like an 80-year old woman, my arms are pencil thin with skin hanging down because it has atrophied from over 15 years of non-stop paralysis poisoning and mutilation and abuse. Everywhere all over my body poison is hanging off my limbs and abdomen and they have made most of m y hair permanently gone--a huge hair loss I used to have abundant hair and this is not from stress (although the ability to heal is one of the factors in why it won't grow back, and each and every day without pause they are abusing me literally every single moment for over 6-8 hours, every day without end). This is applauded by all politicians who are endlessly makin speeches in front of Congress about breaches of moral dignity and the Law. On all sides of the proverbial aisle. //I need money. My family has a lot of money they obtained in part by this contract out on me, and like all the hate of the terrorist celebrities, they all have spawn who are then reliant upon this contract in order to get more and more free everything. My family was "forced" to intermarry with 4th Reich users and haters. Some of them remain in "happy" marriages but they look like destroyed people. Others are divorced or they all look destroyed from the oppression of this humiilation and destruction hate contract. They obey every issuance and they are "allowed" to live in suburbs and all are in friendly contact with society. They shun and abuse me as viciously as any of the violent Nazis whenever possible. My uncle is a multi-millionaire who constructed, along with my Nazi half-Jewish grandmother a very deadly attack on me and they actually had someone killed as a part of this contract. My uncle got his gay magazine approved-of by the Arizona bigot 4th Reich community as a result I was left with a fractured spine, having to escape my mother trying to blame me for a theft although I had no car and the bus could not have taken me to her home and etc and they have been paid also in millions for this contract out on me. I dearly love my body and it is broken from this. I need a SWIMMING POOL NOW NOW NOW and not some time in the future when some vicious Nazi bigot tells me that he has a swimming pool and if I just have a baby with this pig ape whomever whichever shit scum Nazi bigot hater who offers me all the lies possible, I can have access to a swimming pool (would that be before or after the murder once you obtain a baby although dirty shitalin and pig pitt made sure to have part of my uterus severed out while I was drugged and in deep sleep, they then had my money stolen so I could not afford any sort of health care and could not afford to eat for the last week of the month, as they stole my momey and then poisoned whatever they could as well. My body huge and rotund from bloating poison as I lay in beds paralyzed for years and years as they asked me for ideas every day with deep sleep skits of homelessness and murder and death and hate and being raped and beaten as i kept fighting for justice for human rights for my privacy my right to live in peace for my right to not be fucked sucking penises on my knees wh ile the men would insult and berate me and slap and hit me and then have me poisoned and tortured afterwards., I am being assaulted now by Senator Kennedy who is fully enjoying this. He is being highlighted as they all get in the media after they participate so in the upcoming election the Nazi circuis of America can see that he's going to continue Nazi endeavors indefinitely as you keep putting him and his ilk into power.//I need a swimming pool to heal in a safe and not contaminated home--and if any of you don't need a fascist Nazi State I suggest not doing nothing as you all have been doing for years and years watching me cry out into this void for someone to stop this murder. Krapola is fully embracing the German Nazi swine pig ape who is foul and dirty and stupid and sick. As long as it's German and a Nazi she will devote all her loving enthusiasm to him the more Nazi-like he is, the more love he and all these pieces of shit get. The furtherance of Nazism is thusly assured unless you reading this don't stop this group and this contract-not just on me but it's of course being worked on for expansion by people like Elon Musk. Every president in the race is fully embracing spreading more of the poisons drugs death squad cartels increasing Nazism and white supremacy.//I need a swimming pool a private house this to be stopped. Make some of them pay me and then get them off me. I left that country many years ago because of the death squads and the lack of justice. Now It's like every top politician and media personality is in league with this. I need them to be stopped, is there anyone left on the planet not totally either apathetically accepting of this surge in this locust expansion of devouring conquering worms?

"Edgar Allen Poe: The Conqueror Worm (read by Vincent Price)". Christopher MacIntyre. March 25, 2015.

 I can't express how meaningless and sick and stupid the whores of whorewood are. Ugly sick prostitutalina is focused solely on making my appearance as destroyed as possible. The one and only qualification is that she look better and thusly she is entitled to use my ideas as her own while they block everything from my own use for my own career or life. This is not just stupid meaningless shitty prostitutalina or pig shit pitt ape, but the entire 4th Reich is dedicated to blocking my every single thing of love, enjoyment, happiness and physical beauty. Having poisoned me all my life I was literally denied health care while having Medicaid in the U .S. I was refused correct diagnoses. I was lied to repeatedly by everyone involved. I was so drugged and in a state of drugged stupor that I could not produce anything. I went to grad school for something like 6 years only to be nearly poisoned to death that by the end of my last semester I had to be rushed to the emergency room in so much paralysis pain I literally had to crawl to get to the door and I had to argue for 20 minutes with emergency dispatch to send an ambulance (this was in rotten Germany where I was being poisoned to death by someone I had known as a "friend" who began poisoning me when I refused to be sexually exploited by him, because he offered me a room in his home which was divided into apartments. I had never told him anything about attraction and he offered me this little rental room when I phoned him from Phuket saying I wanted to visit Germany again (in a drugged and brainwashed belief that Germans are not sick and disgusting as I now know most of "them" are--despite what most of you believe due to the psychopathic nature of these filthy vile creeps, they are not warm and friendly they are sick and parasitic. The leech concept of parasitically using and exploiting using all propagandized means has become so successfully imported by Germany you all instantly welcome in the most stupid and banal of ass-wipe scum shit because you are all so brainwashed. I know this because I used to be. It is not because of "me" it's because you just have not discovered it out yet. Some may never discover it as they are experts at delusional mind control.

But that is somewhat straying from the point. I have been bedridden since 2011--and even long before that but completely paralyzed and sick but able to move occasionally. i am still in that condition and I fight to heal I fight to get the poison out. It is so toxic and such a shock and the hours of rushing screaming in a frantic display of mental illness on my part of just needing them off me as they are sucking my life out of me and they ask me for ideas every day. I am now being constantly sucked dry not just by dirty ugly shitalina who has made damn sure my body is sagging broken down aged like I'm an 80 year old woman with wrinkles all over my body from sickness, shock to my system and they keep pounding spider veins into my body and blemishes and marks and scratches and cuts and incisions into my cuticles and toes--every day something else. EVery day life-destroying abuse for hours an dhorus per day. Finally I begin to scream ideas after having been drugged and abused and now it's another pair of fuckers sitting there listening in to get ideas, just as stupid meaningless shitalina has been doing for FIFTEEN YEARS so now she can perform as if she has any emotional and intellectual "depth" that is an imitation of me screaming out ideas for FIFTEEN YEARS under non-stop torture. My body is now reflecting horrific murder attempts that they would not stop as they also want me in a coma to teleport and rape me in that state as well. They would not stop poisoning me with hardening bloating poisons. The politicians like shit rotten hillary all the democrats came (I mean, those I have written of for years, the most violent was Raskin who is a most vile and dirty lying Jewish Nazi and then Michael Cohen who is also endlessly  featured as an "opponent" to Trump came to viciously murderously yell at me in a way that is like a form of murder--the hate and violence of this black empty hateful demonic thing yelling furiously at me, just like Graham just like Kennedy just like all of them except shitalina gets one pig fuck after the next to do it for her--

and so, she has been working to tear my body apart and have me broken on every level. But every day another fucker joins in to abuse me and take down the ideas I am saying because I sit here analyzing all day due to paralysis, they then suck the ideas out and poison and torture me TO DEATH afterwards with sneering contempt calling me a loser a bitch they laugh they go off snorting in entitlement they all get more and more money and millions and millions more and more and more and leave me to be raped and beaten and abused by their gang of "friends" in whorewood and congress whorewood, nono-stop day after day after day no matter what holiday it is.

When I am finally able to do the very intense but non-aerobic exercise I am capable of, which must be done very slowly to try to break the internal poisons as they are supposed to be impossible to get out. From the first, when I had done master cleanse 10-fasts for 2 years, and the poisons were in combination with being raped and my body put out of alignment every single night by the mostly Russian terrorists who broke into my room while I was teleported and unconscious in the "prime' body state. Regardless of the many locks and strings I tied into the slide-through lock systems, my home was breached every day and I could not understand why. I was so drugged and shitting (for years) huge horrific piles of black poison as the bloating poison expands to a huge massive mass upon the concentrated heat of the gastro-intestinal system and internal body heat and etc. They put my body out of alignment and then when it took me YEARS to try to figure out how to block the front door, they were still injecting poison through mechanical arms through my vagina with sewage stinking liquids every single day for years they did this. That alone is another form of murder. They injected so much toxic sewage stinking liquids and hardening bloating poison I had to rush to the bathroom nightly (this continues as they keep on drugging me in this way, while smashing my legs so capillaries burst, which they just did in the last few days as this is fresh blotch of horrific spider veins and all is done while I'm in an unconscious deep sleep state being abused put in murder and death situations and then being abused upon waking as the celebrity shit sit in rows and rows watching as one fucking pig ape after the next takes turns abusing me so I begin to yell the concepts of justice and my analysis as they need this to have any other perspective than the blank and sleazy shit ones they all are told to believe in and promote.

So, to continue, after years of being so sick and under so much torture, I began to try to exercise as I had tried to remove the hard tubes that literally are pulling my spine in every direction upon each and every vertebrae.
That was after Senator Graham, and he has gained a lot of media attention since the 2 years ago of his violent yelling and abuse spree upon me while I was bedridden completely in pain from the poisons expanding beneath my knee caps I could not move, it was agony. Like the German sick fuck ape the physical pain was only an opportunity to viciously exploit me and so he had my bathroom flooded by having his teams of minority brown and black Nazis gouge holes in the metal pipe so there was 1 inches of water in a floor in my bathroom. I had to fight that, not being able to literally move, I had to clutch onto walls to stop from falling oer while he was violently murderously screaming at me in the teleportation because I said no to his fucking exploitation offer with his goddamn Nazi family Christian bigots et al. to live in S. Carolina and be fucked or whatever by how many I dont know so more Nazi lynch mob sick apes can have more and more, as if Whorewood and it's Nazi promotion of Trump along with Oprah fully endorsing every Nazi alongside Krapola--so there is no difference almost only in skin color superficiality
but I began to exercise after that hell hate greying hair life sucking fucking hell of another greasy sick fuck--who was given immunity from testifying instantly that month, and dirty fuck pig pitt obtained a $40 mansion in Carmel with Graham sitting there as Shitalina stripped for him (topless) while I sat there dazed in the telportation whorewood skit of quid-pro-quo nastiness.

I began to exercise and instantly Baryshnikov came to abuse and try to control the situation. I had watched a few of his movies and wrote, like with so many in my drugged and dazed saturated with drugs and poisons bloated state--I complimented him--and he appeared to yell violently at me bringing people I had known in Minneapolis who are now older, not as cute and young, and openly violently yelling at me like fascists looking to murder only because their careers were in decline (non-existent for this person I will not name)
and that has begun YEARS of Baryishnikov forcing his unwanted control attacks upon my every exercise, giving me "hints' after I think them. He has given me about 3 or 4 helpful hints and had his staff hack a load of exercise and massage videos. He told me to hold my shoulders back and to lift my head up. He would yell at me while I was cooking because I used mushroom soup broth and he screamed fascistically like a murderous tone that the food was "brown" and stupid sick things like that. He was so intrusive as  I kept shouting to shut up and go away for about 1 year as he constantly forced himself upon me after having raped and slapped my face (he only had me giving him blow jobs while he slapped my face and calling me bitch or whatever in front of ugly sick prostitutalina, as the 10th or so fuck whore pig to have done that in front of her--I think it's more like 20 at this point after 15 years--all the while, featured as a feminist for the United Nations as I scream concepts about domestic violence and women's rights, she only steals them to present herself as caring about women and violence against women. 
This discrepancy is so enthusiastically embraced by this filthy like Senator Graham that while she stripped for him he told them to continue the MURDER of me and the poisoning as he went off being complimented and is now featured as a good guy for the Repug party once again. No trial in Georgia appears to be ever forthcoming and he is exonerated for his role and all done because of dirty shitalina and pig filthy ape pitt and this deal they made
now while I am stuck in paralysis and sickness, he comes every time I begin to exercise to try to break out more poison. I am in 100% concentration while he forces his disgusting self upon me by commenting constantly about what I am doing. Some of it is helpful but the atmosphere is antithetical to healing and he is then allowed to have me abused so his daughter and his filthy fucking friends can continue to get movie deals for this intrusion. The advice he gives is constantly beset by his interruptions of my thoughts while I am pulling my body in all the directions that the poisons have latched onto my spine, yelling that I must not stretch like that but only stand still. For the 100th time I have to repeat that my body needs this. I literally had to physically fight to get him to shut up and now he's back with the German rotten fuck ape who has brought every kind of hate upon me he possibly can, to the degree that isn't outright murder. Or in conjunction with Trump.j

Also, the dirty old women skanks who were Fassbinder's actresses (Rainer Werner Fassbinder not the scummy actor who has also joined into this contract for his nasty promotion, not as rancid as most of them however I must admit but anyone who joins in is a creep in my opinion--if I ask my self I do admit yes they are all shit).
so he is now exploiting me every time I exercise and I can't get him to stop doing this. I need silence I need this fucking rapists to go away
but I was writing about the women conntected to Fassbinder who made NAZI STATEMENTS at me and I defended myself so dirty Baryishnikov then viciously attacked me in defense of the German Nazi brigade. Now with the German sick fuck he is out of the closet with physical slaps abuse insults and constantly interfering with my little bit of exercise while having me poisoned as he had done, while screaming at me using every kind of body shaming he brought that into the "game" and this is being used by ugly shitalina constantly--my body is now so broken down and distorted and scarred and blemished as a result he kept having me poisoned to keep me paralyzed as he and his nasty friends continue to latch on as long as possible, using any excuse such as I need to fucking exercise to break the poisons out of my back.
I wrote something a few days ago about Fassbinder in one of the extremely sick detox posts on Facebook--because I have to divert my attention from the pain--I don't use pain killers my body is already so drugged and poisoned I fear I am on the brink of liver collapse they keep poisoning me
but I wrote that I was only referring to the genius of Fassbinder and not his goddamh actors who are not even close in intellect or genius
that night in deep sleep I believe it was Baryishnikov who ordered that --and this has happened many times in the past--they can make bile come up my throat and because I am so used to them forcing things like my jaws snapping shut--they tried to make me bite my tongue like this for years while in deep sleep
and I can control this by now
but it's like acidic bile and that was done for saying anything about Nazi-spewing Germans who all claim they are anti-Nazi in every public statement, as does Baryishnikov.j

HE WILL NOT go away so the little amount of exercise I get is fraught with a violently rapist abuser attacking me viciously with Nazi bigots (and this is no exaggeration) commenting with yelling that I should not do the things that are healing me, and torturing me for not 'obeying" as he also has my cat and  had her beaten and tortured in front of me. This life fuck sick dirty creep still has my cat. And he won't go the fuck away and shut up while I am exercising.

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Terrorist property destruction. A brand new humidifier, which I bought to replace the last broken humidifier, was broken today while I was out of my room. They also put another virus or malware on my laptop so I can't use any speakers and one of the USB ports doesn't work at all. All operates, mostly, after doing a reset function (2-4 hours) any usage of the internet brings back, instantly, all the malware. Within about 5-10 minutes the laptop is hacked and blocked. I have turned the laptop and router off more than 20 times since 2 pm to try to restablish the wifi connection. The router lights are all on, it is being turned off remotely but the system shows it's "on". These are multimillionaires and wealthy people just making money off my ideas and then destroying all I have barely managed to scrape up for living to tortrure me for not giving them my entire life and everything as they fuck abuse and poison and mutilate because they can't stand to see me compete or have anything. Compounded by all and every political entity and all of society. Almost, 98%. Well, screw you all anyway. My motto. This is disgusting that it's never stopped. I'm still being assaulted for saying no to being this hate crime object who passively accepts my life destroyed so expletives can make sure I have nothing and they steal all I create so they can claim it as their idea while they poison mutilate and attack me then demand to know why this is "wrong" as they ask this constantly and for over 15 years as I scream in rage after repeating the obvious for the past 15 years every single day. I watch the destruction of the USA from climate change but I feel that it's the evil and sickness of the power structure I am surrounded by, unwillingly, who have made "top" tier of the lowest denominator common bottom for being as low as possible but posturing otherwise and claiming the exact opposite. The destruction will continue and who will blame whom or what if everyone agrees to this system of hate? The hate has a consequence and it is showing now in the form of climate change. The dumb blindness of greedy consumption is the same driving force of these leeches I can'at pry off me who just accumulate to suck my life out of me demanding that I claim that they are "great" and that there is nothing "wrong" with this and the "problem is you" they sneer in contemptuous glee as they are smug and disgusting. Everyone has stolen an idea form me and made a movie out of it who asks this question constantly while they have not only not paid me but were intentionally murdering me to stop anything original from being presented in any viable form unless it's a part of the compliance to Nazism and white supremacy league. So, the hate they truly imbibe is a rebounding effect. There is more to come. And they still can't even stop after 15 years of non-stop prizes they never obtained until they tortured me for the sake of t his contract. They can't even stop or they can't get the millions of dollars in funding and the fast track to every top promotion. //I remain having to clean literally constantly so as to remove the embedded goo and filth and muck and debris and my clothing there is a huge pile of stinking clothing sprayed with foul stinking putridity that I have to clean--brand new clothing, clothing I have made by hand--stinking like rotten meat substance--all day cleaning up their filth and stink and writing posts for years. I am assaulted by politicians and news anchors who are supposed to abide by law and report facts and expose corruption and not allow it to happen. They glare and demand to know why I am not doing what they want--which is to just allow them to poison me to death and rape the poison into my body as they steal ideas and fuck and abuse and discard me with contempt afterwatrds passing me off to the next fuck whore ape with his skank whore girlfriend/wife/daughter (all intermixed they are pedophiles, most of them at heart and mostly woman-hating on all sides).//But if they "love" any women it's going to be the most sinister Nazi adherents, whatever color they are it doesn't even matter any longer but mostly it is a male-white supremacy dominated culture. That I have only done my best and competed and won and was healthy and athletic and wanted to have my chance and could achieve and out-perform some of t hem, the men are affronted and ready for slaughter rape and mutilation and murder and the women as well--it's mostly blonde culture but the minorities are some of the most fervent of the attackers as proxies. //I write of this every day, it goes on every day. When I write these motoffs I am mocked by people making shows and movies about freedom and democracy and all that "jazz". It's meant for white males and their adjoining woman-folk who can have some power only if they help the men to push people like me "down". They get promoted. Little do they understand that the ultimate goal is to revert culture back to the time when women were barefoot and pregnant happy cooking and being beaten with no domestic violence support teams and you know, the old school that they are trying to reinstall like a hard drive into the consciousness of the "modern" society. The icons are happily selling off female feminism and the fight for violence against women not to be dealt towards them. They so happily redivert the hate of their nasty men onto me as often as possible. This substitution is working the men are enthralled as they hug their nasty "bitch" women even more lovingly after they vent their vicious hate upon me.

Terrorist proxies didn't actually "break" the humidifier, they are blocking the signal because it operates just a bit on a rem...