I spent a long time sleeping with a gel pack covering my mouth all night--my skin became so destroyed from saliva as the microchip implants were tweaked and I was "drooling" under the gel. When I first began to tie this around my mouth, it never was wet and that lasted about 2 weeks and then the terrorists did their hate storming activities to create this next destruction of the skin on my cheeks. So I stopped and now they are cutting into my gum tissue again. I am saving my cheeks only for my gums to be slashed every single night, albeit now on a much less evident level but I can feel it every time I eat. They have eroded and cut into my gum tissue to the root in some cases.
I must emphasize that this is not "normal" abrasion or dental problems on my part of my perfect teeth I have enjoyed all my life. It is slashed gum tissue and I know this from waking up tasting blood and the gum tissue swollen and tasting bloody and reduced until they cut all the way down to the roots of the gum tissue--all around my teeth. And they are doing this now, but at a smaller intensity the cumulative effect is to make my teeth rot or fall out. I h ope the pig apes all have horrible everything who are doing this and ordering this against me.
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