Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Dirty sick ugly prostitutalina and her rotten dirty mediocrity and her mediocre daughter and this German Nazi rapist scumbag are ordering endless torture as usual--murderous, violent and endless attack from my landlord under the Trump tyranny that has already begun, of course, having me poisoned to death was under the Biden tyranny of the "soft kill" but now it's truly harassment home-invasion very disgusing in a very direct and threatening way, once more as happened constantly under Trump--for 4 years of hell near death and being hit by cars and raped by Russians with photos of PUtin hacked into my Facebook page for years, and etc etc it's beginning again and there are no blocks ever to this group of fucking sick and disgusting shit from Whorewood, refelcting the death squad mentality that no one has stopped while the tech and the organization has fully taken over--thanks to all of you yearning to get free deals out of this situation: : Home not-improvement report (repetitive formulaic terrorism from years of the same endless repetition of the same attacks in almost all rental places): Landlord is now on a "potential buyer wants to see my apartment TOMORROW" type of spree. No warning about selling the apartment when he agreed to renew the lease last month. The renewal is due in December.. Oddly, ,because dirty shitalina is in the crowd watching me exercise and her presence is sheer disgusting and odious and I need 100% concentration and not bad energy from some sick ugly dirty parasitic skank who has been poisoning me to death, with all assistance from this same-said landlord and his teams of terrorist infiltrating acts of poisoning, mutilation and rape and tec poisonning my food injecting poison into y body, into my hair, ad laughing this dirty skankalina laughs and mocks how mybody looks. I told her to go away and she made some nasty comment isulting me I began yelling at her after saying go away (for 15 years) and her nasty bigot mediocrity daughter who must require this contract in order to achieve anything on that level, once more physically threatened me as I fought her off because of years of this group of sickness just forcing their odious violent murderous rapist skank shit selves on me every day when I am in the shower when I am exercising when I am sleeping. With full permission from all presidents and all senators and all of Congress and applause and cheers and full suport from equally sick celebrities and shit scumbag creeps, non-stop for over 15 years, not just a few times per week but EVERY SINGLE DAY THIS UGLY PIECE OF DIRTY WHORE SHIT is having some goon white trash Europigape raping me or having another shit celebrity violently rape and abuse me as gangs and groups of sick fucks gather to abue me in every single thing I do, all day all night every day every night every month every year 15 years. The landlord sent the message for more creeps to ifiiltrate my home with a "potential buyer" email and this is 2 days since the last invasion. The email was sent exactly when--just 20 minutes before I got on the internet because of trying to shut the filthy fuckers and the fight, physical fight I had wth the trash spawn of that pair of unwanted dirty ugly shit pig pitalina--and there was this email sent exactly at that time--within 5 minutes of the dirty spawn shit thing of pigpitalina coming to abue me for telling ugly shitalina to go away for the 15the year in a row. So they just contact the landlord and have him attack me by endless "potential buyers wants to see apartment tomorrow" ploy, and it's now going on every 2 days. One day notice. I asked landlord to give me more than one day notice but the email was sent when the shit ugly shitalina and her filthy untalented mediocre shit spawn were filled with the shit mentality that they are "entitled" to attacking me very moment any time all day for years stealing ideas poisoning mei into paralysis. Invited to the fucking Biden White House, to Schumers goddamn office to promote the "violence against women act" and other bullshit and now with truly violent Trump and his cartel, it's non-stop my money being cut off, m mail being a situation of very dire threat and lies from the mail service and all since Trump re-emerged when he and they all knew that he was going to "win" the rigged election. Michale Cohen came with Trump to violently screech at me and it was clear to me that this was a symbolic gesture of practicing open antisemitism by the more openly "Jewish" Cohen than I have ever been in my life--and he and all the rest are just endlessly vicious and violent. //drilling in the room adjacent to my room all day with the front door open wide, as they drill in rooms across the hallway from my room and keep the door open so the drilling sounds like an echo chamber. Simultaneously pounding and drilling into the walls in the room beneath mine and then another room a short distance on another floor; all surrounding me, as the "gang stalking" slow murder and torture contract employs on the targets; it's been written of on gang stalking websites it is constantly employed against me, in particular when people out of America have access to this contract. The deep lack of respect for people's privacy and personal space is a true feature of American life and surveillance and now every kind of intrusion is considered the "entitlement" of the bigot crap who are put into leadership positions.

 Whenever any of these "buyers" who endlessly are thrust into my living space, from Miami Beach to Boulder,CO to here in this place I live, the general area this has been forced upon me to the point that I went to the police because the week I moved into a place, the landlord kept coming over and then saying he was selling the apartment and was going to send people all the time. I told him I was studying in grad school and this was not part of the rental agreement when I signed up, just a week prior to moving in. I went to the police and I was harassed and then followed around *stalked) by the police and called "crazy" for having reported this breach of contract. 

The WiFi went out again. I have done a restore function today and within 20 minutes the hacking was so prevalent that every 2 minutes the WiFi was cut off, all lights "on" the router. Constantly, it is turned off constantly..There is nothing I can do to even clear the system. 


dirty, trashy filthy whorealina has made damn sure with this group to block all internet, all functioning of my body, has been poisoning and murdering me and abusing me with intention to just shut my body down and murder me through stress while extracting new ideas and being funed and promoted along with her shit spawn and all is cheered on constantly and never even stopped for a single day.

On and on for 15 years. I don't want that sick ugly fucking trash whore to sit there staring with her beady ugly sick eyes while I am fighting to heal from the poison she laughed about having raped and injected and inserted into my bladder through my vagina my poisoned food with mold and fungus and fungus and mold on my clothing into my hair into my furniture for years and years. That ugly sick dirty shit skank sits there endlessly as often as possible to get more and more free deals, as they all do.

So they are now using the landlord, once Trump has established the "sleepy Joe' is going to just let him do whatever to me, even before the hell of Trump officially begins. .Just this year alone Trump tried to have my money cut off. The endless murderous violence from Trump has been ongoing for over 8 years. 

Dirty ugly sick shitalina has been profiting off this for over 15 years and it's never being stopped by anyone.

Get that ugly sick black energy white trash n -word fing skank off me

and not to sit staring with her ugly beady disgusting eyes, the dirty German sick fuck who raped and beat me as she hugged him and al the rotten Europigape dirty ape "men" who all did the same disgusting act of violence against me as she swooned over them, fucked them undoubtedly as she is doing with this greasy violent ape

and if it's not trump ordering this never ending "potential buyer" stint of attack, it's from that stupid dirty creep because the "playbook" he is using is so old and he's doing things that endless repetitions of Eurotrash shit pigs have been doing. He is so mediocre so nasty so violent and he's so welcomed by all of that Whorewood group.

He is so revolting and truly abusive. violent and murderous. He is probably the main factor in this while I need healing privacy and to get these murderous bigot fucks off me.

wbhey the fuck can't anyone get this group off me and just to fucking leave me alone? they have been going to the Oscars for years and years for ideas they stole from me and they have given nothing but slow murder and rape and mutilation literally they are murdering me while stealing and destroyig all I am and have. MY body is entirely mutilated from mechanical arms pounding into my legs making capillaries burst so I have just spider veins everywhere and they have appeared like out of nowhere in the last few weeks--I feel my legs burning when I wake up--they are just mutilating my entire body as this fucking sutpid ugly whore is abuing me so the Nazi regime of Whorewood will give her another nomination for the idea that stupid ugly pig piece of shit whore stole from me, verbatim and is just mrudering me for the group to hand her anomination and this ugly dirty shit creep hopes the top award. 

this german ape fuck obviously has a lot of influence he is offering money and the parasites flock around this filthy dirty sick Nazi bigot creep and he is brining endless stress and hate and violence into my life. I have a grey streak in my hair from the weeks of him violently raping and beating me as I fought to get him off me the abuse was so stressful.

Can't anyone fucking ever stop this goddamn sickness?


*hackers rewrote much of the post above--many grammatical and typing "Mistakes' which were hacked in. I do edit whilst I am typing and these "mistakes" I never allowed to get past.

But the stiffness of the keys and how the space bar doesn't work is a factor in SOMETIMES I just can't backspace, retype rewrite for hours as the WiFi is constantly shut off while I am fighting to get this stress out of my body because it also is one of the murder operations--to kill the "target" just through sheer stress.


I was cursing because of the landlord  trying to basically have proxy abusers harass me for him in this guise of "selling the apartment" which, of course, he never told me about until Trump "won". 

The landlord is elsewhere in another location so he is sending out creeps to try to force their way into my home, where I have to protect my food as I go out shopping and I have to not cook or eat because the creeps POISON MY FOOD when I leave the room.

With one day notice, the open food I have will be poisoned, it is 100% guaranteed. The last time they came to look supposedly as "potential buyers" they poured stinking muck in the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink, it stand. There had been a very nice moth on the wall, high above one of the little areas of the room near the ceiling. It was there for about one day or two and when I left with one day notice for this sudden attack plot to endlessly "show" the apartment, and the landlord is trying to force me to be in the room so rotten ugly men can look ME OVER to see if they want to pimp me out and "buy" the apartment or if they want access to raping me and handing me over to their friends and partners to do the same. It is a pimp situation and it is me not having any single recourse to earning money, not a cent I have tried and tried they cut my WiFi service while the computer appears on, and the webpages I use to try to advertise are labeled as "on"< but when I do a deep search for if a site is actually on, it has been disabled (it is a programming type of search, it was an obscure search I had done to locate how to gauge whether a site actually is "on" or 'off" and so, that is how I have written endlessly for the past 2 weeks that the potentialities for hacking while  system appears fully functional is why I believe the satellites from Space link or Star link, or any system which cannot be monitored by secure government agencies, could relay some type of similar deception. After I wrote my post about DARPA and the unbelievable technologies that NO ONE in the media makes known, I was nearly killed by cars driving through red lights to drive into my in intersections--deliberately of course. Cars hitting me and almost hitting me was a 4 years phenomenon under Trump and it's already resuming now, like all the other attacks.

No one appears to be concerned about the potential for mediocre sick psychopaths to endlessly be put into high positions of "power" because of their propensity for extreme violence and criminal acts of racism and sexism. To put it bluntly, this is not "woke' they make Nazi comments about killing me and the German expletive has been doing this while raping and beating me in front of sick crap-alina this foul and dirty ugly sick thing. 

I can't express the disgust I have for this group and they are constantly forced upon me. 

I have NOWHERE to live, NO INCOME and I spent 6 years in grad school.

When Hillary Clinton, just  yesterday, came to once more get more "feminist" movie deals and tv shows and a Broadway play alongside shitalina who made some Broadway play referring to Illinois, my years of writing posts about music the university of ILlinois out of the insults from Trump about me growing up in a cornfield when my family is from Brooklyn, Ivy-league and some members very wealthy at the level of the Trump wealth world--I was ousted as a communal sacrifice by those people my relatives but my great "Uncle" is in a photo next to Trump and Mohammed Ali for a charity event (his last name Hausman, married to my aunt and I spent some time in his mansion and going out with the Hausman's in King's Point, a very "posh" area)

but not trying to flaunt anything as I was the family sacrifice and thusly always attacked (in latter years, but as a child I was welcomed, but eventually I got targeted because of me being top in the fields I endeavored into and thusly the 4th Reich could not tolerate that)

everyone one falls in line.

So, hacking is once more awful.

very hard to type.

The last time this landlord had a "potential buyer" just 2 days ago, they poured stinking muck into the kitchen area, they killed this moth which was a beautiful little creature harming nothing, they put it smashed into the oil diffuser candle next to my bed. And I believe this is just one of the itinerary of the Black Magick practices that this group employs constantly. If you could see the creeps from 
Whorewood and Congress you would believe in Satanism ruling the "elite" of the world, much less America as everything from Christianity to feminism is a joke

I am digressing completely my memory is being blocked while I struggle to get words out, the space bar never working letters I must literally pound with my entire hand don't appear and others appear, etc

Hillary I tried to talk to her in an erudite educated way. She just abused me and had the brain-altering goons afflict my brain so I just began to curse, as I have done in this post.

I can't talk to any of these smug stupid dirty "demonic" whore apes they are so beset with the notion that they are "gods" and that their entitlement is every violation of every law and all my years of studying and coming from Ivy League university professor in literature background is just a farming field for them to abuse and torrure out of me endlessly for over 15 years whild they block my every endeavor just to type and earning money they are saying that I am a "slave" the German rotten dirty fucker says this outright as he beats and rapes and they all gather around him with love sa he is adorned with everything hye could not obtain in dirty nasty Germany

all from being a rapist pig ape with Nazi outright statements aimed at me, and when I fight back the threats of killing me pour out of his black ugly sick hole in his dirty meathead face

they love the Nazis this group of shit, they are so completely programmed into Nazism and that is even moreso with the Blacks and the minorities, who are outright Nazi and racist towards me in front of these dirty white trash creeps who are just ignorant truly they are stupid and the ideas they come out with are all from me, for the most part--not the movies they star in but sometimes that is also the point, but the movies they direct as if it is their own concept.

Not :all" but this is just disgusting that the rape culture senators and representatives truly need Nazis to have "alternative" compassionate concepts to sell off more of their bullshit "hope joy change" shit crap they are spewing out after they fuck the country over, sell out to every fucking Nazi infiltrator traitor enemy who offers them a mansion in fucking Germany with a huge crocodile smile.

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