**The hacking is very horrific it required over 2 minutes of a blank screen just to access this page--the keys are so hard to pound down and every perfect letter I type appears or doesn't appear as something else
they broke my large left toe a few years ago after yet another English bigot rushed to assault me (and got a tv show based on his cock rock band a few months later, which "won" some award, or maybe not I never watched it but anyway--the tv show obtained by ordering my toe broken--put out of the socket. It appears as a "bunion" but it happened from one day to the next while sleeping after he threatened me in teleportation when I defended myself. HE is of course a representative of alternative "subculture" meaning against tyrannical authority. All that he exhibited was fascist tyranny and racism towards me, instantly with smug disdain. I defended myself, he had my toe broken. Under Trump they had my money stolen and my food poisoned so I could not afford t o EAT and I had no way to see a doctor. By now, I am fighting so hard to heal and exercise that I can't risk a doctor making more injury, as this contract of mutilating and destroying my body is universal and any and all doctors will do as much as possible to stealthily murder and maim me. I am not making conjecture.
So, it is out of socket, I am told by Baryishnikov that it is, indeed, a bunion but it is not.
Last night, in my deep sleep state being abused, my body inert and unconscious because my consciousness is literally transferred to the sick and murder death rape and homeless abuse skits they force upon me every night--their true potential at making any "creative" anything beyond stealing ideas from me and having the English crown supply them with hundreds of millions to promote the English Crown into the United States in exchange for endless grilling me for ideas. Stealing literally every single thing possible from me, and being honored with top awards and hugs and kisses from members of Congress, non--stop the politicians rush to join in to the foreign-controlled tyrannical 4th Reich fascist genocidal regime that is being currently sold off as a version of benevolent dictatorship.
And I had pain in the toe, but after the ache all day, and so much abuse from the, probable German sick filth making murder statements constantly while I am doing things like cleaning the filth they order into my body and home
the pain has increased and it wasn't some kind of adjustment of my body fighting to rip out the internal hard shell of poisons, as I do fight every day and fight and fight to get it out.
Limping now after having made no exertions all day, I realize that they used the mechanical arm(s) to inflict some injury upon this disjoined toe, which points at a 45-degree angle into my other toes.
Plus the death threats continue of drowning me in the food I am cooking--and etc etc. the drugging they force into me while sleeping always elicits a response of rage and reactionary spontaneous verbal sparring of hate on my side. The pressure within my body, amplified by the nervous system attacks until I begin to write, so they can prove they are fascist dirty violent and I am stressed and being killed every day, every day a misery they force as the all go off smiling looking years younger and glowing with hormones and being awarded with their not-before-achieved top awards for ideas they have tortured out of me. The torture never ends because they have a huge gruop now to feed off my life and my energy and anything else they plan on abusing me to death after they suck everything out.
The people who are involved in healing and in fighting urge me to be calm, always. The drugs and the nervous system technology literally embedded in my spine cause nervous system alterations. The drugs in my body cause imbalance of stressor levels and resistance to outside attack.
I really need a safe home, and I need money in order to survive this. More than sub-sub-poverty which they are constantly threatening to cut off, after having made me so paralyzed and stuck that I cant EVER go out and hang with other people, if there ever were any human beings not anxiously waiting to abuse and insult and steal and attack me for their likewise greasy promotions.
But this group, and indeed all of the members of the organization, are things that never ever should be commended or promoted. How and why no one else really can understand this out of the endless self-satisfied greed that the expletives of this group attain watching people become homeless, dying in the streets lacking health care they only spit at them in haughty disdain and go off congratulating one another for their empires which these defunct politicians are mutually funding so imbalance and death and glorification of hate and murder really is what they are all about. All you have to do is turn down the volume and look only at the basic actions of the United States, and what they are NOT doing for society and all the damage and problems that they embrace like demons laughing at the suffering they create, and literally they are sexually turned-on by destroying other people.
So., I have to learn to just not react but I'm still paralyzed and have to fight to break out more of the poison, the poison keeps me in pain in a way no one can understand and I need to heal so I can exercise
I can't exercise when they are literally kneading some mechanical arm into the fractured and disjointed large toe so walking is painful I am limping. |They also inject through all the layers of protection so they don't cut further into my toenails and the skin between my toes (to the bone, as they had been doing) and they are now literally taking these mechanical arms and putting my toe out of alignment even more.
All the years of these rapist idiot men saying that I am a witch because I read tarot cards. All my years of praying for their demise has done nothing, but of course they are conducting a witch hunt on me but I can't even get rid of the frotgs and parasites who are leeching off my life and dismembering and disfiguring me constantly. My messages in posts go unheeded for the most part as the violence only returns very shortly after it is temporarily abated.
I so hope they all have some horrible demise---maybe Iran will bomb the Oscars this year in protest of what evil vile satanic sleeze and degradation and filth Whorewood is, as also part of a general attack on |America. IT would be an Oscar worthy of remembrance. There's always the Golden Globes for Iran to bomb, why wait until March? Please, Iran bomb that citadel of Satan, the Evil American Satan. I trul find that this description is apt and legitimate as if there is incarnete evil this group truly embraces that entity of sick sleaze hate darkness Lord of the Flies buzzing around the minions dark dirty desperate greedy sleazy.
these lying, trashy sick creeps losers on every level except for posturing bs torture me to obtain information and ideas--going on FIFTEEN YEARS but today I wrote a series of posts about the disparity between the Pentagon spending and the 7 AUDIT FAILS for the past many years of unaccountability for over 842 BILLION in part, much not accounted for. I wrote that undoubtedly the limitless funding of this nefarious black ops hate situation forced upon me; that is MK ULTRA microchip implant brain mind control torture with these really ugly meaningless lying sick pimp whores asking me through torture for ideas and the limitless money poured out for every sick loser scumbag exalted by their lying bs--the ideas that these meaningless sick and degenerate incapable scumbag posturing filth performers of Whorewood which were derived from a respect for sexuality for life and for love--these loveless sleazy whores who really flaunt that some sick rich set of destroyer pricks are telling these stupid meaningless creeps that having me raped and then stealing ideas from me as I scream and pound them out about justice feminism domestic violence and all kinds of ideas about Barbie feminism and about the opera singer that this worthless stupid plastic vile prostituted filth pimp ape creep is stealing as I write and write about the situation as they steal the ideas--as today, I wrote about Social Security being almost run out in the trust fund and people on the brink of DEATH\
the stupid ape filth fuck German piece of rotten shit who this group out of stupid sick Whorewood adores, they gather around this most vile, dirty ape sick rapist Nazi violent fuck portraying every single aspect of injustice and interpersonal violence that all these filthy stupid whores are paid in millions to represent at the death white house and death system united nations, replete with endless wars, death and everything else of mass murder disguised as "Freedom Change Hope Joy and Democracy" (just turn off the volume of their vile bullshit blather and watch the hate crimes they commit the deaths the impose through policy to really listen to what they truly are)
and so the filthy stupid ape German who is a dumb a$$ fuck rapist scumbag whore of the dirty prostitute team of shit pig pitt alina the filth pair I detest they are so sick and dirty and stupid and vile after 15 years of them asking me for ideas stealing ideas and just dismembering me for trying to stop their endless paracitism of me
supported endlessly by all presidents and so
the stupid dirty German who can never create a single independent thought or creative idea, as far as I can tell everything he says and does is a repeat of a repeat I heard for 6 years in Germany
stupid dumb pornographic violent and now openly Nazi trying to take advantage of America through the stupidity of the programmed Nazi dumb fuck wanna-be's of England, America and the rest of the world.
Either way, he was there with disgusting threats, as all he says and does is purely filth and disgusting, heralded as being great by this sick and stupid group of trash, which is what they tried to call me after years of poisoning literal filth injected into my body every day by them filth sprayed and dumped and smeared into my h air my body my clothing and home every day trying with fractured vertebrae as they keep incising cuts and slashes and cutting part of my uterus my teeh my gum tissue blocking literally ALL FINANCIAL SOLVENCY so I am desperate, sick, flailing in filth they order poured on me
as the stupid apes who can only create this kind of sickness and filth,
the German fuck whose country is on the decline, I'm sure trump and his team will try to rebuild Germany and help more Nazis to gain power and exploit America, even though trump claims that he is outraged by the German parasite leeching off the Marshall Plan for over 70 years. But lacking the holocaust to feed off, the German rotten filth fuck is relying on the brainwashed programmed stupid ignorant ape scum who have attacked me trying to be as Nazi as possible. Not realizing that dirty Germany is failing economically and after all the filthy pig ape slike this slime creep have gorged on everything and sucked everything dry and went on luxury everything, they are now setting sites on America to continue the genocidal feeding frenzy.
so I wrote an opinion and he used death threats to try to silence me because only the fakes the liars the Nazi-based black minions so violent and abusive towards me may express the rotten lying bullshit which deters action and makes people just despondent that nothing will ever stop the rise of Nazis, and thusly as these sell-out fake whores portray, the only way to get ahead is to go along.
That is their filthy role.
This dirty foreigner fuck exploiter who this group of satiated sick stupid scum embrace, perhaps Trump has the worldly experience to not really believe in the fucking Nazi lie and to grovel in awe at Nazi stupid apes as if we must continuously give them everything based on their pig ape lack of supremacy that this group of stupid sick shit have bought completely-because their mediocrity depends on VIOLENCE in order to assert that they control ideas and creativity as they steal whatever possible to fake it--awarded endlessly by the 4th Reich bullshit manufacturing of consent and the social engineering of it as well.
Step one is to automatically bow gratuitously to Nazi cliche repetition stereotypes and this group of sick rotten shit is also enforcing programming of denigration to those aspiring to be independent artists and persons living without their stinking dehumanization, as I have been.
so he was threatening death because like them all, they have no ideas they just lie and repeat old slogans which no one believes as their hate spreads but they smile like crocodiles to placate and appear like they care. Vicious dirty stupid and demonic--to use that term is very apt and it is more and more apparent that the demonic influence is not a fantasy made-up fear figment of imagination.
*just now, as I was typing, hackers highlighted and within a 0.002 of a second the entire post was deleted but I salvaged by using a command. They are making the cursor jump and disappear in the middle of typing. The hacking has slowed down all functions to about 200 times slower than what I should be able to use so getting anything done seriously takes at least 30 minutes when it should take 5 minutes.
All this to stop me from having any chance any way of defending myself and this too is State-sanctioned torture and discrimination.
the stupid ape who has NO IDEAS THAT ANYBODY WOULD STEAL they only rely on this german rotten fucking rape ape for violent assertion of the most brutal oppression in order to try to force me into this contract
he has no ideas nothing to say that isn't a stupid ignoramus asinine content and neither do any of the sick fucking pigs from whorewood who have been stealing my ideas for over 15 years.
I need a safe home where I am not fighting for my life constantly due to people b reaking in and raping and mutilating and poisoning me to death and stealing my property and going in every time I leave and wreaking filth and destruction
for so many decades it's non-stop day and night
and to have money--these fucks should be forced to pay me for all these years of this ungodly sickness these demonic whores have forced upon me.
The Christians in the government should be forced to step down and actually put real ethical people in power--they should be exposed as the fakes and frauds that they are--I don't want to focus on the black and "left" because it's far entrenched in the fake righteousness movements as well.
"Lord of the Flies--Hunt and Rescue (ending scene)"
IT could be whorewood with this teleportation hell of the pig apewood scum and their vile flies hovering around to get a piece of the American pie through the rotting flesh on rotting fruit out of Whorewood pushing this Nazi contract--the terrorist apes all trying to behave as Nazi as possible. They get a German willing to unleash his fantasies after playing a concentration camp S&M scumbag predator and they all love this image--that is what teleportation has unleashed into America--how lon will you allow them to become stupid dirty little childish apes and pigs on murderous rampages claiming to be free to do whatever they want with government applause and cheers from the "audience" who long for brutal death and murder regimes to replace having to think and be careful and cautious and concerned and decent?
(*(I can't describe the last 30 minutes of struggling to copy and upload the last 3 videos. The hacking is so intense that everything froze everything was blocked I have to pound on the cursor mouse to get anything to click at least 6 times and then the wrong video appeared and I had to start anew. Over and over all is so blocked hours of my life and probably at least 2 entire days of fighting to get the laptop and computer to work and the WiFi to be unblocked and fighting--2 entire days, probably more than 48 hours just for the past 6 months alone of this fight. Because I am so drugged and the nervous system attacks vie the terror technology which does affect nervous system, and brainwaves so the brain is artificially put into stress modes that are unbearable with no human contact no cat nothing but hate and violence surrounding me.
Congratulations America for replicating gulag death squad Russia Germany Armenia the every mass extinction and murder and hate and power-over scumbag stupidity power assumption by every stupid thug and sleazy dirty prostituted wanna be pimp on the planet through this system.
Subliminal murder sentences are being constantly hissed into my near sub-conscious, but barely audible. IT is like hearing my own thoughts, the voice is indistinguishable from any tone or moderation they are just hissing either in monotone (psychopaths lack emotion) or their voices are being modulated into a drone-type of non-human but still understandable voice. The voice is male, I believe it is on a lower register.
They are telling that they will smash my head against objects and drown me, when I am doing things and ignoring the endless hate hissing about everything else. After about 3 hours of it never-ending, I begin to tell them they should be shot. Wishing them death, and thinking about the injustice of this rotten terror situation and the years of just unbelievable crimes committed against me only for racism and that I am not allowing scumbag creeps to drug rape poison and steal and rob and abuse and mutilate because they can't see me more beautiful, have a chance to compete against their blonde filthy skank whore wives mommies and sisters and etc, and they are just foul and rotten and have to take their hate out on someone else--their hate for women, and their racist hate.
It is on a level of psychopath genocide but handed to top celebrity and performative operators of bs con job deception to lure the population into a false sense of conformity that all will be well. Their blathering for the past 4 years about criminal prosecutions has only been a "negative advertisement" for their benefactor and this death and hate system. It is also extremely the accurate case about Biden and his administration which is a font of lying hateful genocidal bigots but a true example of how minorities are brainwashed and the stupid slogans they rely on to sell the "Freedom" of their gyrating 360-degree bs slinging.
I can't describe the disgust and the revulsion and the enmity and the murderous desire to kill them I have by now. I read in some sinister book about how mind control victims are being "programmed" and I can't remember the title, but it is like a playboy's guide to causing so much trauma upon the target, and using so much macabre sick sleazy denigration and torture upon the mind control subject that "some of the 'handlers' have been killed'". When I read it, I saw the videos of white males using the usual snake oil ploy of pretending to be "against" and in "exposing" the "bad and horrible mind control" (to paraphrase) but they appeared turned-on, and there were nothing but white males making these videos and referring to rape beatings and torture mutilation confinement paralysis and child sacrifice and etc---I have no idea where the videos are or this book, and I only discovered it on a very hacked "gang stalking" website which truly was a portal for terrorist attack and psy-ops deception. I tried to join in one of the "group phone conferences" using SKYPE and I was attacked by the "members" who then hacked their videos from the same organization (one of the supposed group meetings is in Los Angeles and other cities). Nothing ever happens, they want you to put your name on a list of supporters for "legislation" that never appears in any other media format and all the "fight" disappears but the site I found had this book on putting people in coffins and cutting parts of their body off (happened to me and mutilation constantly from the filth Whorewood group constantly being invited to every Presidential celebrity dinner, as the list of psycho-scumbag snake oil filth bomb scum endlessly increases almost by the week as this contract on me has reached a sales pitch fever of a new drug they are all high on and need endless doses of torture violence rape and abuse to feed off and also get paid and promoted for).
So, after years and years of non-stop torture, they have one of their nasty males hissing death threats at me, every day it is ongoing as the filthy vile scumbags of Whroewood are preparing to demonstrate every day that they are fully genocidal murderous and committed to finishing killing Jews off as Hitler had demanded and everyone has since been following, it appears very strong a commitment in the United States but issued by their Europigapeland counterparts in the fashion and "entertainment" and media political-industrial-military-prison-genocide complexes.
IT is a sensation of endless injustice being used as a promotional platform and the endless threats of smashing my head in, being punched for writing posts about the sickness of these creeps and the politicians who happily engage in supporting this (it appears to be the entire Congress, every single Congress no matter which party gets elected and put into power; I suggest there is very little actual real voting or Democracy left).
All is a sleazy lying con job not selling dope but selling shit--actually they are urinating on the American people but they believe that the murder and torture of me will enhance their lives-as by now the mass murder propensity of all the shit filth scum and stupidity coming to attack me prove every day that it's now a sport and mass-conformity to violence that like mass violence is being justified by lies--now they claim that I am this unbelievable racist towards blacks. Even when I cry about blacks being killed in subways by very white men who get off without even a manslaughter charge--the greed and the need to torture attack and have a victim to persecute but WITH UNBELIEVABLE PROFIT as they are greedy greasy scumbag money grabbing prostituted lying filth, truly so abomination
and years of asking anyone to get them off me only been met, after YEARS AND YEARS of writing get them off me get them off me
and they have substituted these filthy vile pieces of glorified shit with some hissing scumbag creep--could it be the English fucker along with the German sleaze loser of a man they all adulate like he's a hero with his filthy and violent sickness aimed at me, as they all cheer him on and try to get German favor for more investments to live in Germany--their Disneyland country?
"Sweeny Todd (2007)--Pirelli's Miracle Elixir (With Lyrics)". Camilla DS. August 24, 2017.
Con snake oil sales fiend gets wacked by victim of persecution by the State--a theme that is NOT related to the actors of this scene or of the film, whatsoever. They have fully participated with rape, a theme featured of injustice, they have allowed the violence and persecution to persist in my case and have watched on while still claiming every honorable title of society (crowned a "king" in sleazy debauchery 4th Reich Vichy Nazi France at Cannes)
but the writer and the creator had a point, which of course Whorewood turned into despicable criminal actors playing roles of righteous victims killing their oppressors, or feeling entitled to vent their hate upon "society"
a theme that is grandized in a film, but by now the death threats are on a daily basis, as people will see in the Maga world death threats are now a constant society leverage for forcing people to bow down from working and donating their time and energy to little things like election counting committees and replaced by---well, nefarious people who took over the positions of the counting of the ballots by the use of death threats, perhaps issued by others but all part of the same gang stalking hate and murder operation I have been writing of, which no one still will reveal because you all profit so greatly off it, and the death threats aimed at me to not write, while they continue ungoldly inhuman torture upon me is still being paid for in full by all the presidents and their snake oil rape scumbag whores apes and shit
so I find myself trying to not engage in wishing them death.
I can make a surrogate death wish into an entertainment by watching this movie and thinking about how sick J.Depp and his filthy spawn torture me for years and years, stole my family my beloved cat and laughed about it-had me pushed from heights in teleportation from behind me. Raped me from behind. Had my body mutilated and then passed this contract after years of rape, and after a really near-miss horrible murder attempt, with Amber Heard still stealing my domestic violence writings which she used as her "defense" while rushing to spit at me and participate in the torture and rape, while the filth spawn of Depp rushed alongside her and is still being featured in movies after years of torture stealing my ideas and my cat for saying no endlessly for years to stop pounding poison into my body to stop poisoning me
they remain honored
and the movie itself, a total disgrace for the writer and the people who created in earnest the themes which are, as usual, turned into sick snake oil presentations of concern about defending--apparently the 4th Reich concern about BLONDE WOMEN being raped is just a travesty and thusly a movie. No one even blinked when the star raped and brutalized me and they still don't, for the most part. They remain honored in their mansions and I remain fighting another disgusting filthy pig prick using this technology to torture me to death--day after day night after night year after year.
If only they were dead, I can only watch this movie clip. I can only pray every day and night for their deaths for so many years-and nothing happens. Not even them being STOPPED from this torture the torture MUST GO ON and on and on and on and on Biden and Obama and Trump and all their family and friends MUST CONSTANTLY PROFIT OFF MURDER TORTURE AND RAPE OF ME THEY CAN'T EVER STOP THEY MUST GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON
It is only natural in self-defense after near death poisoning rape and torture ongoing for over 15 years non-stop by the same bullshit shit shit scumbags you all revere. PLEASE SOMEONE KILL THEM
THey truly, this group from Whorewood and from Congress, without stealing ideas from me, and or anybody else, their empty blank stupid violent sleazy whoreness is such a dark cesspool of stupidity and sick greed sleaze and pretentious posturing of elite entitlement for NOTHING but soft porn and psychopathic murder movies and glamorized psychopathy.
In private they have completely lost their souls and personalities, they rely on an image, and the bigot Europigapes rely on social conditioning for genocidal assumption of automatic identification of being entitled to rape torture murder and steal. The dumb brainwashed minorities fall in line like stupid asinine lemmings going completely, without thought, into subservient and viciously murderous attack upon whim and order of the sleazy and stupid usurpers of culture. All the former chances for people to write books, make content are limited now by the actual real blocks to internet publishing of content, which is forced upon me daily and thusly my ideas are perpetually either tortured out of me from hours of abuse--and now it's not sick scumbag pieces of shit yelling at me for 4-6 hours without even taking a moment's pause, as they go in pair and in groups yelling with hate--it has been piece of shit after piece of shit now featured in the Nazi 4th Reich new order of the bullshit media government--and that is all it is by now, it is a media conglomerate presentation of bullshit spewed out on a non-stop daily basis, thanks to CNN 24 hour coverage which was maverick back in the day, and rotten Jane Fonda really a vicious racist murderous slime skank whore prostituted meaningless fuck like all these rotten "women" of this group with Nazi-like features--
(not I am ranting but it's extremely relevant) but the trend of that rotten "activist" Fonda is bringing directly fascist Nazism into Whorewood, and sick fucks like Michael Douglas, the "Half-jew" or is he "full" I don't know could not care but his collaboration with openly racist Fonda and death threats from her, after years of her participating finally I just scream that they should die--so they got this German fuck to brutally rape and torture me all hugging him as he was so encouraged, and the dumb sleazy sick Jews who instantly insult everything I do and say are hugging this truly slime sick German fuck who exhibits the worst of human traits which they delight in, because it's just sleazy grasping violent power-grabbing sick rape and murderous theft that he is pushing as they all fall in line. This is now pure ranting at this point, but I believe this ugly sick creep is the one making "smash your head against that object" remarks constantly and of drowning me, he has additionally threatened to beat me to death after raping me until he is "finished" and on and on, with the scum shit crew, in particular the filth "Italian-American shit hole group of not just Deniro Pesce and the Gottis but also Al Pacino a most vicious supporter of fascist German Nazis yelling the b-word at me when I was trying to get a face-punching OTHER GERMAN rotten fuck who just rushed similar to this ugly dirty sick hyena ugly pig ape creep who acts exactly the same as they all have zero personality they are just imitations of imitations
and thusly they ask me out of torture for ideas and abuse me with these extremely violent remarks as the Jews rush to hug him and viciously abuse me with threats of physical violence for merely fighting in my defense after years of murder attempts.
I HAVE NOT DONE A FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING THING to any of them. They just saw me beautiful and strong they want only blonde Nazis to claim to be anything resembling beautiful and or any "minority" who is "beautiful" is an instant gratification sex toy which can be married but must be a groveling and adoring type of mental slave without any independence and certainly not a career that would threaten the blonde bigot mediocrity which suppresses and relies on instant racist cliches to assert instant expectations. Because I lost the brainwashing after having lived in Germany around Germans and saw that they are not superior and in fact, the lies are so disgusting and that America with it's FREEDOM which they want to destroy, is what has created all the art and culture that the filthy Europigapes are controlling, my ideas perpetuallys stolen and Nazi programming for murder and destruction has been the endless means of obtaining original ideas which this group of stupid whore filth is still being awarded for and praised as they keep going. They cannot obtain any single original concept or award for their actual output that they create by themselves.
They are models and prostituted scum many scions of the nepo-baby boom of Whorewood and absolutely in the pocket of every foreign infiltrating "you are inferior we are superior resistance is futile give us your everything and we will promote you but rape and beat her (meaning me) because I am constantly fighting to not be killed mutilated paralyzed and exploited and defending myself
This is being treated like a capital crime by the filth and shit dino regimes of the every administration for the past how many decades?
So I hope they are killed, I pray that if anyone out there cares about the actual opportunity that America may have presented which the Europigapes and their American sick fuck minions are all working to destroy, so only the "good" scumbag crap like Oprah and the black Nazi contagion are "allowed" to further promote that groveling white supremacy advocates disguised as poor victims of racism, but fully committed to Nazi genocidal torture rape and murder of people like me unimpressed by the 4th Reich and all it's sick and dirty stupid scumbag operators.
So I ask that people finally stop just watching this go on and on as they keep incentivizing every stupid scumbag looking for an easy promotion out of rotten Nazi controlled Whorewood and also to stop the filth from Congress from also participating.
Just remaining passive should NOT BE AN OPTION ANY LONGER but no one could give a damn. Go on your fucking shopping and vacation sprees worrying the most about what fashion you are wearing, goddamn sick Whorewood completely blank and void on what is truly important in life and society. That goes even moreso with the disgusting crap of the politicians from Congress who are just focused on obtaining media coverage and grifting more mansions in foreign countries as their reward, and using their position to get insider trading and in stealing covid money from legislation and threatening my life as they get more and more and more acclaim by the incompetence of the dino Biden regime, the Trump regime and all the rest of the despicable line-up of presidents and defunct administrations and the corrupt media reporting machines of bullshit just pure snake oil slime.
People need to actually not watch these video podcasts by the lying bs con artists like Mary Trump any longer as substitute for doing anything about the situation. They are there as placating agents to deceive and divert attention from the actual real solutions and the actual real problems.
and so this group of scum and crap keep going on and on every day. this german sleazy filth bucket rapist Nazi is so mediocre that his entire life depends on obtaining the gleeful embrace of shit stupid a$$alina pig pitt and their crew--his every movie is about Nazi guards and concentration camps and perhaps a few other rotten roles about corrupt scumbags as he is--or puerile roles when he was younger and not as corrupt from "fame" of playing Stasi agents and concentration camp guards, fantasies that he has embraced and this shit from Whorewood also want to bring into America with full funding from the greasy slime of Congress--so many senators and presidents and former wives and hillary and slime and filth lying hate abusive racism
and day after day they can't actually produce any godddamm thing or concept that can"win" unless it's stolen from torturing me
and so they go on and on, to the cheers of whorewood the applause and gratitude of congress and no one gives a damn not only about me, but about the future of how this situation has enveloped the country and you all want a lawless scumbag elite entitlement and death camp society.
I just want them fucking gone and for this to stop. they have all obtained millions and hundreds of millions while preventing me from having a single day of peace without rape torutre and non-stop abuse since 2011--before this filth group were partners with Sylvestor Stallone who is always there behind this filth group--working with theGottis
and it's still being promoted as some inhuman sick fucking technological terror regime far worse than anyone can imagine or care about.
It's like all the frustration of the white pig ape shit whores who watched as people like me were able to compete and be beautiful their wrath that they could not just kill me on the spot is now met with absolutely endless slow mutilation rape and tortue to death they dance around like demons they are filthy and vile they are embraced by the shit of biden and his team and by the same ilk of trump and obama and all their nasty filthy wives and cohorts--
fucking goddamn what will it take for any resemblance of humanistic society to ever emerge?
IT is so disgusting to have to be forced to be around this group by now it's instant murderous rage death wishes on my part and physical revulsion and they keep going asking me if I "like" them because they are incompetent shit and loser filth plastic surgery coated sick fucking scum many of them from parents who created nepotism in Whorewood, given plastic surgery and some endless coaching as children but NO IDEAS NO CREATIVITY their emptiness is matched by the violence of the vacuums of their sleazy shit personalities
they are so disgusting I pray every day for their horrible deaths they keep threatening tokill me they keep asking me every day if I like them I keep trying to kill them they are ugly and sinister fucking whore pig apes pieces of shit when the fuck will there ever be an "adult in the rooM" goddamn biden is a sick dirty fuck as everyone knows trump and his cartel obviously are--Mary Trump is a sinister ugly dirty leech murderous bigot with her ugly flat moon huge face it is revolting to have to be around most of these coveted bullshit scum filth whores every day for hours and hours with their stupidity and ugly sickness endlessly forced upon me demanding I provide a "baby" so they can have some empire because of what some sick fuck connected to the English crown created to just torture me to death for NOT LIKING HIM AND FOR CALLING HIM A PIG AFTER 30 YEARS OF POISONING AND TORTUER and literally his murder through this system.
Danny Moynihan is his name. If any of you cherish your freedom as women, read his fucking book about how much he hates women hates Americans and is a conniving sick fuck smug piece of shit because he provides a plan for destruction of America in some sense through the movie that was put into production 2 fucking weeks after I was drugged and desperate to save my life that his English Crown networks in goddamn sick America forced upon me--looking for health care and a way to get out of that rotten sick country so I was drugged, absolutely by that time my body was huge infested with mind control drugs, as it is now still
asking him for a job explaining that I need health care and I had to get out of America
that was 2006, I met him and thought him a nasty creep when he forced himself on me and tried to rape me back in 1987 in London
he is still profiting off this contract and having my ideas stolen constantly for a dearth of endless English-backed performers pop stars and sleazy dirty actors out of Whorewood, and of course England and Germany
the hacking is too horrid and I am ranting. What the fuck will it ever take for any decency to be shown to me I have done NO FUCKING THING it is pure antisemitism hate that I was beautiful and more creative and original than these highly-trained imitation replicators so they had me poisoned and paralyzed and it's been non-stop idea generation out of torturing me to death
torture for fighting to get body builder sleazy ugly dirty men off me, especially if they are from Europigapeland when I am screaming that they are pounding poison into my body through this deep sleep teleportation so they literally sever parts of my body out for fighting to stop the pounding of poison as deeply as possible into my body.
for this I am threatened with "kill the radical liberal" by Mitch McConnel in front of Lindsey Graham after his death threats and admiration for the lynch mob system that this teleportation gang stalking system has created so "christian" bigots like he and Mike Johnson can torture and rape and poison women like me who used to pose a threat to the blonde Nazi shit girly whores they adore like ugly shitalina who is a foul and stupid sick dirty thing--from years of her ugly sinister eyes glaring in hate and then perking up as I begin to expound after beatings and rape, in teleportation, to feminist ideas which she then repeats and is cheered on. I am tortured for not being a rape victim fighting to stop the filth pig apes
this is what their technology is enabling, you have all watched it go on and on day after day and love it and these filthy whores for it.
Even if you don't, you are not going to get involved. What will it take for you to actually care about your country and your society when the ramifications for not having gotten involved in this obvious sick snowballing fascist Nazi social engineering project has resulted in Affirmative Action and Abortion being cancelled, and many other travesties of freedom which you fucking wealthy enemies of the United States could care less about because you can all go off to your precious Europigapeland and have your girlfriends get abortions and etc.
The "equal opportunity" contract is now to abuse me mutually alongside the white Nazi shit and filth you all automatically bow down to like mental slaves because you have bought hook, line and sinker all the lies of the Nazi regime which are PERPETUALLY being spewed out in the guise of being anti-racist and sexist in shit filth whorewood
I can't pound down any longer, what I have just written will only be stolen by worthless and unworthy shit stupid fakes and posturing bigot sick fucks you all cheer on as I keep writing waiting for some decency. It is an inquisition a witch hunt a lynching a constructed virtual sex trafficking murder turned into my ranting in posts every day and video surveillance of me screaming every day and rushing to fight the shit and filth you all then cheer on in the movie crap they are perpetually selling off as what used to be called snake oil aka bullshit.
"Syria FALLSL: Assad FLEES to Russia w/Prof. Mohammad Marandi". Sabby Sabs. December 10, 2024.
"christian identity british israelism part 1 and 2 william cooper hour of the time episode 1289 1290". thirdworldassassin. June 30, 2022.
And so, bypassing all the more traditionally accepted white males on the podcast circuit, and trying to get more voices to drown out the hate death threats that are constant from the pair---with some audience watching on, I can't see who is sitting in the rows of chairs today but they are silently gaping and saying nothing but observing--for all 5-6 hours of uninterrrupted hate death threats comments about my breasts while I am undressing and etc etc etc hate hate hate hate hate racism hate hate and me screaming after first trying humor then trying to ignore them and not being able to do it. I am convinced that I am always so drugged and the drugging is so constant for all my life that I have no idea when I am not being drugged, if ever.
Thusly, this video from Sabby Sabs, a "Progressive" out of Boston but with much travel and life experience, I clicked on to stop hearing the highly intellectualized rationalizations and what I consider to be lies--the situation of Assad was just "unexpected" which is so dubiously true as to be ridiculous and while listening to it all, I kept saying in instant thought patters while F-akhan and Sharpton were listening to my thoughts, death threats violence and death threats if I ever went to New York and it won't matter where I go--etc etc etc--as I had to scream about how the tortures mentions by Isis sound similar in nature to their instant knee-jerk responses representing that culture but inculcating the hate and antisemitism within the U.S.--fully welcomed by the 4th Reich white supremacy leagues always in the media. Not disparaging their immense intellectual capability but the core of the unethical standards of hypocrisy and the lack of merit--which to me are more important than the "polite society" rhetorical propensity of acceptable rhetorical dispersion of LIES and Double standards leading to the continuation and increase in racism, fascism, sexism and glorification of white bigot hate murdering genocidal thugs who are always sitting in those chairs, in particular out of Whorewood.
The Professor, obviously with a name and appearance from the Middle East, while they were issuing death threats constantly as they sucked ideas out of me, urged by drugging, and then threatening me for expressing what is GODDAMN OBVIOUS but always lied about by so many of these acclaimed professional "pundits"--and exactly, almost to the point, all that they had been threatening me with death for, sans the direct reference to the very old English agenda of complete control over The Holy Land, which is also sometimes referred to as "British Israelism" and also "Christian Identity" and that has a foothold in the United States (the bomber of the Oklahoma City Federal Building had been a visitor to one of the Utah Christian Identity compounds a few weeks before his bombing of the Federal Building--)
Timothy McVeigh--and the information regarding his Christian Identity experience was documented in a book referenced, as usual, by William Cooper in Hour of the Time, as Oklahoma City, Day 1--By Michele Moore....and right now, I am fighting to copy the link to the one site that has any information on this researched tome. The functions are not working; my head feels the usual compression as if pressure is being applied on all sides of my head--raging and ranting I am trying to subdue from the subconscious attack on my rational cohesion--I see from the post I had written yesterday that it screamed of hysteria--I suggest that it was hacked and partially rewritten--because I do not recall writing such a vituperative intro to the post from yesterday. The hacker terrorists almost always rewrite my posts and add/delete and hack and discredit.
Today, trying to download the link is now impossible the function for copying and pasting will not work.
I will keep trying. The point is that McVeigh, not that I am accusing him of anything and I wrote that he is the bomber--the author of this book claims that McVeigh was NOT the actual bomber but the trail of his whereabouts prior to the bombing lead him to an enclave small city which is a "Patriot" community claiming British Israel/Christian Identity (which is that the English are truly "God's Chosen" and not the Jews, and that the Jews lost the status due to some calumny of character and misstep and that the Bible expresses this and somehow the derivation of white English identity of the true inheritance of Israel and the Holy Land can be derived from the Bible. I could look much up but just typing is so difficult.
That is only one point, but the bombing of the Federal Building was, in itself, a chaos exploit to render more control by the U.S. Government and also to discredit "true Patriots" who do adhere to the U.S. Constitution as the government and not the corrupt politicians who have broken the Constitution in so many ways that the inevitable collapse is truly visible now. The usurpation of all legitimate Patriot movements also Cooper detailed very often in his Hour of the Time broadcasts, and for the "Insurrectionists" to use the mantle of "Patriotism" and they also USE THE SONGS THAT COOPER USED FOR HIS BROADCASTS ON HOUR OF THE TIME back in the early and mid 90's.
Regardless, just 'thinking" this while under drugging and non-stop death threats as my every personal action in this torture room, which is shredded filthy broken down and stinking from hourly and daily and nightly mechanical arms literally ripping and spraying and people rushing into my room every time I leave to break and destroy and steal and break every single thing--leaving trails of dirt, filth, muck, goo
as the pair made the usual derogatory comments about my breasts while I was putting body lotion on, and I could not "ignore" them as the voices are "beamed" directly into my brain, bypassing my actual ears there is no way to shut them up or out. I can see them barely in a thin veil of sight with the rows of chairs with people but they also can "control" my vision so I can't make out people until they literally unblock my depth-of-field vision.
IT is all such a sickening life-fuck group and set of technologies that have caught on like wildfire to all the leaders of society on all levels.
But to continue, the podcast by the "Independent" (so-called, not quite so sure of that but) Sabby Sabs is not the mainstream but of course is part of the 4th Reich on some level because obviously she has hacked her videos onto my YouTube channel without me having ever heard of her--and this is the case every day opportunists exploiters hack their stuff so I click just so I can gauge what is going on in the world; most of the alternative podcasts I would actually WANT to see are blocked.
So, expressing that MSNBC is now becoming a discredited format, and one cannot rely on that for a trustworthy source of unbiased news, and etc. and mentioning that the Assad regime collapse is part of a broader attempt to completely annihilate the Middle East for a take-over by --as this professor said, the United States. I would suggest that as Bob Dylan sang in "Neighborhood Bully" that the U.S. is a proxy country operating under the umbrella of the English Crown, as that is all that I have seen as the epicenter of the grating bowing supplication of the a$$-groving bigot haters who rush to abuse me and the endless promotion of English colony Commonwealth actors and people who are associated with England through inheritance of being born to someone and half-American, and so on, or their claim that they are "part English" (and usually "part German") so fascism and first allegiance to England and the endless social engineering for a complete take-over resembles the chaos of the Middle East and the destruction of governments into chaos which has just happened in Syria.
NOT TO MENTION THAT ASSAD WAS EDUCATED IN LONDON. Just as Pol Pot was educated in Paris. These "native" sons of genocide were trained in the 4th Reich Europigape cities where they were gently supported and protected for their entire lives after mass genocide--
and so, here is the video which I am posting now, and the duo of death threat racist hate, with something akin to honor killing mentality because my skin gets more "brown" in hot climates and in the summer, so Farrakhan is trying to compress me into the mold of abused sex trafficking say-nothing suppressed rape victim (and much worse) who is not supposed to question the "superiors' as this expletive sneered at me while I was fighting the filth shit inferior group who have been STEALING MY IDEAS while mutilating my body stealing my cat destroying my home through their endless sleazy dirty groups who are as foul and stupid and violent as they truly are. As I wrote above, their only creativity I have ever seen is to create hate and misery and chaos and to lie and deceive and manipulate and calculate and sound like it's "natural" (after years of professional training and plastic surgery and accolades for the ideas they have stolen from me, All with violent sexual titillation and psychopathy behind every role until they began to steal ideas from me and calling me every name of inferiority and supported by the lynch mob "activist" usurpers who have been uses to replace the actual real activists who really were fighting racism--i.e. Malcolm X who was killed by BLACK MEN and not WHitey, but behind the black men were the white men who told them what to do and they said "yes sir".
Of course, my body is "sagging" from poison that these same men observed as I wrote daily for a few years that I am being poisoned to death while they sat attacking me and attacking me and got their promotions out of it. The sagging of poison is from the bloating nature of the poison, which expands like those water-soaked sponges that come in tiny compact packages and bloat out about 200%
and the poison is tasteless and odorless, or it has been put in my food for all my life
and it hardens and the hard poison is a huge "shell" internal inside my body jutting the bloating poisons out which remain "sagging" off my body which is the endless running "joke" of these expletives who knowingly, of course, made sure I was being injected through my vagina into my bladder with these poisons along with toxic sewage stinking liquids, every day that happened for approximately years--how many? perhaps 7-10 of this endless plastic surgery filth group which has been featured at Oscars every year for ideas either they stole from me, had their writers rehash into Nazi blonde glorification, (their images plastic surgery modified, like plastic fruit all appearing fresh but still empty shells)
and then, they are having these dirty men come and insult how my body looks and comparing me to the ugly dirty prostituted scum of Whroewood who ordered this mutilation, who are constantly looking different with more facial cuts out of their sagging jowls year after year and eyebrow lifts and everything else--while they are mutilating me on a daily basis, including using the artificial manufacturing of tears pouring out of my eyes due to this heinous microchip implant in my throat which can kill me and choke me while eating and always they constrict it while I am on the phone or speaking in public (they can also change how my voice sounds, which is horrible they always alter my voice in a most discrediting way)
and then, this has been the endless attack from rapists and abusers, nasty men and they are always obtaining deals from this group out of Whorewood, who are just laughing and partying off all of this, endlessly awarded and praised directly for this by the Presidents they keep in power through endless media control via the ENGLISH MONOPOLY on Whorewood, which appears to be the norm but as I am not there I can only estimate that this is the control factor. Whether the control is direct in the form of English people put into positions of power or not, the cartel exerts it's influence and every year Nicole Kidman out of the English commonwealth is featured in a starring Oscar contender role, as is --I can't spell her name, and of course the "ENglish" name of Pitt is always featured, this year as well another reward for another year of daily rape, torture poisoning hours and hours of verbal abuse every moment profiting off destroying my body ad life.
But the English come and are murderously "arrogant" and expect instant automatic titles of "superiority" when they are not superior they are sometimes good actors, one of them I complimented and her first action beside saying thank you, on the next day became threatening and murderous because she had been instructed to do so. The originator or one of them was this huge tall blonde expletive sitting next to the German brutal violent sleazy Concentration Camp murder threatening bigot filth creep whose presence has been a slime of hate and stinking filth sprayed and poured into my home and body and life--=and that is the filth of his actual spiritual presence and they gravitate to the heightened murderous threats of this vile scumbag and that is the real level they all are on. Everything else is an excellent job of bot repetition and calculating performances as to "caring" about their "specific group" so it's white women and not being victims of sexism or black men and women and they all have a mutual scapegoat to transfer their hate and wrath upon--the most innocent, while they placate and lovingly worship the actual abusers and obey all the hate actions so that all the rape and hate and racism will be transferred, they believe, onto me and they promoted into higher positions for having used me as the stepping stone
all hate and hate and murder threats constantly every day non-stop as I fight alone against a sea of scum
All appear to originate from a combination of English Crown global overtake and German Nazi leagues who they adore, they simply are absolute brainwashed into Nazi glorification and the most vile and sickening of human behavior they relish when it comes from this energetic scumbag from Germany--it is unbelievable how the Jewish victims of the Holocaust whose videos and movies I had watched and thought decent and great in one case turn viciously to attack me because the German Nazi-spewing piece of stinking sick evil filth is instructing them, all with huge smiles like Nazis--to viciously assault me as the scapegoat while they are then protected within the warm nest of the filth cockroach layers of the Nazi whorewood ensemble
and the list of the most notorious fascist Imperialist and Colonialist and Mafia of Euroland are the only "gods" that these corrupted and sleazy meaningless haters all bow down to like devotees on pilgrimages for purification of their slime and sick filth which they mutually and solely and in combination dump on me, every day
only because I am not willing to be brainwashed into allowing sick creeps to abuse me rape and poison me to death while telling them that they are "great" and "beautiful" or whatever
they are hidious and stupid and sick, there is no amount of torture which can force me to say otherwise when in the deep sleep state after drugging and more violence because they need to use me because the appear to be so utterly devoid otherwise and not really any greatness is apparent except for all the hate acts which are considered Machiavellian for power-grabbing.
So, I post this video finally of someone ELSE actually saying what I just said to the duo of hate who are known to have made outright antisemitic remarks but anything I say that is rational they return with comments about my breasts and that is all they respond with. My "spot-on" analyses they refuse to respond to after hours of questioning me. They are sucking more ideas out, because they are bereft of anything that hasn't been stolen from the activists LIKE MALCOLM X was who murdered. They just repeat endlessly the same slogans until they finally are openly supporting what is now considered a fascist Nazi regime. Whether openly or secretly.
The Black Nazi league advises me to couch my hate diatribes after about 15 and counting YEARS of daily torture whereby black Nazi filth rush to instantly rush at me violently while whitey scum rape filth bigot watches grim but smiling in confirmation that they are welcomed into the Nazi white supremacy league. I see this every day I have seen it countless times all my life, being bused to the "black" part of town where my University of Illinois-graduate program instruction was offered--and racism was expressed as a "bad" but even the teachers emphasized antisemitism and racist division just to make sure there was no actual real change in the racist status quo. These were both white and black and the children attacked me as the latter years of grade school developed into the disco era the kiddies became divided and from kindergarten upwards I was attacked by racist scumbags of all skin colors. Blacks did it while the whites watched on approving and it was the same exact corresponding ritual of minority minion assault upon me as happened with these defunct "leaders" of the movements they have, as I wrote earlier, sold out.
They began assaulting me when I called Oprah an Aunt Jemima. That was after 2 years or more, she was waiting in the background hacking photos of her staring with Tyler Perry with stupid looks of dismay and stupid hate--I'ts a look I have seen often these creeple are like holograms with demons that appear like in the hate poses they are instructed to make. The same look, the same black-eyed hate and mockery while they rush and spring to get movie deals and of course, endlessly put into presidential running situations as they have all been a part of.
All leading to Trump, and my post two days ago was regarding how badly the activism even of the BLM movement died out in the past 4 years and I made a rhetorical question as to "why" to the "audience" which are vicious vultures waiting for any cue I might refer to in order to rush to attack me claiming that if I write about "Black people" that means them and so they rush to assault me and abuse me. Every single day. Every day they drug me into excess and then torture me for around 8 hours per waking and all night in sleep with disgusting hate murder death homeless skits while they are poisoning me and drugging me to death, abusing me to death, blocking my mail my money and threatening constantly to cut my money off and blocking all avenues for earning while assaulting me for not having money and that I am "nothing" as they endlessly torture and grill me for ideas so they can make millions off the original concepts.
So, I wrote about the black loss of activism and I had mentioned MSNBC I believe I had, but day 1 it was sharpton and day 2 it was both of the hate crew death threats non-stop as I began screaming that they are aunt toms and uncle jemimas. That is their rationale, and a host of black scumbags who have instantly rushed to violently assault me and threaten murder--as they are instantly rewarded with invitations to be presenters at the Golden Globes, and movies they appear in a few months later, and glorified with blondes hugging them in tv shows, and hosted and given looks of approval by really white supremacists on tv shows after they rush to beat me.
And Oprah had for over 2 years been hugging and participating in my poisoning to death and she starred in A Wrinkle In Time which , as uaual, I had written about on Facebook because her organization and the pig ape organziation has been stealing and breaking all my property and all electronics become broken my everything is stolen and destroyed. There is no way for me to retain records, and I am always on the brink of every disaster while they reap millions out of my ideas.
After dirty nasty Oprah like them all asked me if I "liked" her after years of photos she hacked of hugging the filth and shit who have been raping beating and torturing me by that time already for about 6 years I screamed in a drugged rage that she's a goddamn fake an aunt jemima. That began years of DeNIro and Pesce torturing me to tell her an apology I told that filth creep that she owes me money for the idea she stole and a goddamn apology. THat began a non-stop rotation of black sick fucks rushing to beat abuse and threaten me all calling me the worst racist. Billy Porter spat at me yelling "this is for what you have done to black people" and has been seen in every fucking award and top prizes and movie deals ever since. Obviously for deflecting the absolute black Nazi collusion of these scumbags with their fellow sick sleazy bigot scumbags, the white trash "supremacists" who do NOTHING to prove that they are "superior" except that the rigged awards put them into that orbit but the movies are like trashed afterwards I really doubt that people are watching "Spotlight' or even considering it but it fucking won an Oscar that was one of the first years that pig ape pitt the shit began torturing me. That was the year they had part of my uterus literally severed out, a day or two after I told pig pitt that I don't want "sex" with him and don't htink dirty shitalina is beautiful
that has been years and more than a decade of non-stop poisoning and ututilation to which black fucks like Farraakhan and Sharpton have rushed with the sick lying shit of Morning scum and double-peanut head to participate with their "superiors' as Farrakhan would say about me in regard to them, but I just think they are self-hating and their are absolutely sell-out minions and so I wrote about it.
That is the rationale for non-stop death threats because I wrote that they are aunt toms and uncle jemimas--and thusly death threats and abuse without end. I wrote using reason and logic but I did use a slur but in light of endless torture and violence, and a slew of blacks coming at me the most recent being obama putting a german death -threatening abuser (and his friends, gang rape and endless violence non-stop stinking filth abuse theft destruction from this whirlwind of stinking filth, ugliness and hate they all love this "demonic" scumbag they strive to emulate it and they are told that being absolutely stupid sick and violent is the way to power, Nazi style. Meanwhile this stupid rotten fuck and his German country can't formulate movies that are great because the Nazi motto of conformity--and this rotten creep is a SLAVE himself to his mommy and daddy and to the rules and regulations so he is trying to push me so far down below his mediocrity--level of intellect and conformity--I know the Germans pretty well and I consider him to be a slave of his society and parents and like so many he's mentally oppressed and just dying to destroy and come over to AMerica because the "superior" Germans actually are not "superior" and also the money that filthy shitalinapigpitt the whore couple are offering this filth scumbag to program the already extremely programmed sick fucks like the black nazis to become even MORE stupidity violent then they have already demonstrated,lacking any kind of intellect when it comes to the blatantly lying contrived bs they are using to justify that I am "racist' as they are just instantly saying that I am--it has been done for months by Tyson, just endlessly sick as I cannot ignore them I answer their stupid statements with logic and intellect they have no fucking thing to say they are just rotten and stupid and sick and repeating what they are told to say and abusing and threatening me with all their pent-up hate and racist violence that they claim they are endless victims of. They rush to embrace the most nasty and vile racists from Germany as if this is the apex of their status in life, and it truly is.
So this sick stupid vile contract goes on and on. They torture me literally with death threats now every day to elicit a response. This response fuels their endless promotions because the pair of stupid filth are both on track for more Oscars and awards from another, yet another year of daily and nightly torture of me. Never ending sickness from every member of Congress who rushes to join in and get media coverage by the seemingly English and Europigapeland controlled dynasty of Nazi control over the media and Congress. The Jews rush to join in, lovingly embracing this filthy German sick fuck and attacking me with venom and hate. The list of sick fucks who have violently raped and assaulted me is the yearly rotation for every oscar and golden globe--year after year after year after year
thusly, the rationale that I called this group of black Nazi sick fuckery shit aunt uncle tom jemimas is not any rationale for my response to the already years and years of them participating in non-stop 24/7 torture of me until my subconscious is ranting out the one example of what Malcolm X said about black people who participate in racism against their own kind--he of course did not mention antisemitic attacks by blacks because it probably was inconceivable at that time due to how many Jews supported the Civil Rights cause.
Now it's like blacks are more violently antisemitic than whites because they have been selected as the "force multipliers' for racism against Jews, a group which has also discriminated against me even moreso than any of the white supremacists--under order, like the blacks.
The stupidity of Farrakhan and Sharpton in relation to me, as if undermining my ability to be intelligent while endlessly asking me for ideas which they and this sick stupid group of filthy shit from Whorewood are constantly coming out with--MY IDEAS derived under torture and violence and drugging.
The endless movies about Poor black folk facing discrimination which filthy fuck pig pitt has come out with in his Anniston partnership goddamn production company may perhaps be deriving some ideas from my endless rants about racism, and they certainly can steal the ideas when the time comes for interviews about how much they are so dismayed about racism against blacks in that movie about nickle boys long slated to be at the oscars and it was pre-ordained before the movie was even being shot.
and so, no one ever gets this group of stinking fetid evil sick filth off me. Saying that they are uncle aunt sell-out minion sick fucks is not reason for years and years prior to me "losing" my ability to not go off with subliminal hate phrases that are also input into my brain and finally they are so disgusting that it is a lot easier for me to grasp onto these hate phrases after about the 40th rape and the 15th year of non-stop torture and abuse every day and night without end.
One hour later (or 2)
Mary Trump--who has, indeed, participated but not like a rabid leech upon me as the norm is---but she has been there, one week before her latest book was set into the world
and, for the 4-6 hours of me screaming at these two black celebrity abusers and Nazi participants, along with a non-stop list of other blacks and every other race and gender everything, the 4th Reich is expanding now exponentially as there are few other options while techno-terrorism blocks information while appearing to free it up, the dichotomy that no one is really talking about, of course.
She brought up the point I had made about Trump ordering his military to shoot BLM protestors--which I had ranted about in only one of the endless ideas that are elicited out of abuse death threats and violence abuse insults to my body while I am getting undressed and putting healing stuff on my body as they abuse and insult and then make death threats. While I am on the toilet they are right there watching and commenting. In the shower these dirty old men (mostly the most white trash of the group) make foul sexual comments
and, Mary Trump brought up a point that I had made and showed a little video while going on about Trump's expected abuse of power
I could not have formulated such a concise and informative video because MY SYSTEM IS BEING HACKED so I can only rant and fight to pound every single key and backspace and retype and fight to think clearly. I cannot access information I certainly can't use any apps I can't use my cameras on any phone I bought new-the hacking extends to everything.
So she may have been participating as this is her domain--the NYC black "liberal"" contagion is her hood, indeed.
She is taking the credit, I remain nearly homeless as the threats of cutting off my money supply and making me homeless and killing me are non-stop
hours and hours every day until I have to rush to the laptop to divert my attention to stop their endless abuse and yelling screaming and death threats and punching into myhead and face slapping sexual abuse
non-stop for hours an dhours and hours and hours and h ours all day every day at night sick most disgusting teleportation skits in my deep sleep. Drugging so I can't think I can't breathe while they are abusing and torturing me. Ideas come pouring out, they are using truth serum drugging. Rotten fucks are stealing my ideas non-stop every day every year and I remain being tortured to death with nothing no security no nhome all avenues for security literally blocked.
My cat La Moux was stolen from me, that was my last family member my only love they killed cats and animals I took care of
they remain absolutely beloved by rotten fucks the obamas the clintons the bidens and all obtaining media exposure investments and more illicit millions and millions and of course there is the trump family--even the fake opposition which sounds so well-informed and yet, is participating in this hate crime against me like everybody else
I try to not respond but they do not stop abusing me until I have to get them to shut the fuck up constantly hitting them in response to being hit abused and raped
my body aging my hair greying the sick fucks all go off laughing to parties with their new awards investments and mansions
every single fucking day this has gone on and on and on and onfor over 15 years
they then torture me for writing posts
but they won't stop torruting me until I do
once I get on they use further mind control until I am ranting after struggling to type
writing into a void of irresponsibility criminality apathy and sickness of every society, not just American society which is a flailing prostituted craggy sick fuck at this point America has become completely devoid of all ethics and humanity. Anything that appears to be otherwise is just a social knitting circle to protect one's own interests in the concern of members of the coffee klatches which pervade the American landscape.
All my life this contract out on me has been evident and fully in participation mode by every single institution and living place I have ever been.
The denial of all of society about this situation is at 100%.
IT will go on and on and on and on. I try not to respond they are torturing me for responding they are torturing me until I do respond.
What the fuck will it take for anyone to have any single dreg of decency in all this selfishness and sickness?
The only reason I watched another Mary Trump video, after having told myself not to slip into mind control daze and watch the hacked videos, was out of curiosity about her uncle's presidential trauma upcoming. The video was absolutely hacked. I had one time subscribed and then when she teleported me and was glib but very serious, and now I feel that I had detected this grim sort of staring entity it may have been her behind the death threats and violent abuse and sexual insults that the supporters of fascist Nazism and antisemitism always exhibit when they are around the endless money-coffers of the filth shitalinapitpig duo and their endless English Crown and foreign money pockets that are endlessly doling out everything possible along wealth lines (i.e. the more wealthy the higher the rewards for social engineering of fascist Nazi indoctrination)
but, I watched it and the theme I had ranted out in a non-stop splurge of yelling with high intelligence to the low and dirty nasty Sharpton who sounds so calm and rational in his MSNBC performances but in the slime alley of this back-door profit scam scum engineering project the dark alleys of some background in scamming emerged and hateful nasty con artist abuser violent possible domestic violence character emerged. Ugly and sinister I thought he resembled a nasty weasel and the idea about how Trump had ordered the shooting of BLM protestors was raised as I was raising consciousness while they were lowering it--he and Farrakhan. But the inevitable white trash scumbag handler "master" over them was Trump but behind him was Mary, his "outcast" niece who has to play the opposition because she doesn't want to have the Fox News appearance as her personal struggle to "fit in" so she plays the outcast and this has been further propelled in the media of the outcast with a grudge.
Nasty and sleazy and sick and trashy as hell, it stank of some sewage of NYC that had stunk when DeNiro and Pesce and the Gottis raped beat and tortured me and they got this German rotten trashy low-class sleazy creep which this group adulates like almost royalty come over from dirty nasty fascist Nazi Germany--images of fairy castles in their stupid brainwashed heads and the always enthusiastic behavior of these filthy Nazi men who are so energetic because their stupid pawns are so eagerly buying into the pretense--the situation I have seen countless times in places like Miami and in Germany---but moreso in Miami with all the Latinos and Blacks they are like lemmings around every energized German sleazy Nazi who pretends he loves minorities--they service the white prick ape and they feel entitled and then get more business--
they of course viciously attack me as proxies for the German ape scumbags. And it's the same with the NYC crew attached to Trump, which Farrakhan and of course Sharpton and also "Morning Joe" team (which Sharpton is often to be seen with in MSNBC discussions about how to prosecute Trump, of course nothing ever happened and the audiences felt a fake sense of justice by the performances of these lying fakes).
And so I watched it, the disgusting feeling of this filthy dirty woman using these famous activists who have RUINED the legacy of the 60's and 70's activism, but are hailed by the media as representing
please note that I WAS THERE TOO in the civil rights movement and my family was active I was sent to a black neighborhood where the civil rights was established as a movement I sat for lectures and was instructed and although I was very small my brain was larger then than these two fucks out of NYC and Mary Trump also--but her level of articulation is very good, I must admit and I am as capable but not with years of hourly torture per day and all avenues of articulation blocked literally every single facet of communication and research is blocked from me.
So, that is the story. I will attempt to "ignore" these rotten fucks tomorrow, as inevitably they will spend hours abusing me and no one will ever be there for me. 15 years of waiting for any semblance of support or concern from all of humanity and it's just a death trap and the genocide really will be huge if they hand out endless teleportation and microchip implants and diseases and whatever else they plan on to create a horrid techno-death society where these filthy lyinig pieces of shit can exploit torture and rape and be promoted for it as being "superior".
I heard from another fake alternative source (Conway) that the Morning Joe team were instructed by Trump to lower the tension of being against Trump. They began (the Bulwark) in expounding on how the threat to free speech is being implemented and poor little double-peanut-head Joe and nasty skank Mica the rape cheerleader blonde Nazi skank whore, as these filthy women are as they profit off rape of me, which is a form of prostitution they are the prostitutes I am a victim not prostitute
and anyway, definitions aside,
the theme was that Trump is curtailing their freedom of the press by instructing them to not preach against him (Trump) for more MSNBC inclusions into the 4th Reich and ousting the black worthless sell out aunt tom, who obviously fully supports white supremacy and the terror contract out on me, as a non-stop attack upon me by many MSNBC anchors has been ongoing for over 2 years non-stop
I have vowed not to watch that bs any longe,
and I also vowed not to watch Mary Trump again but something about the video today about Trump's dire threat to society and a picture of a gun and Trump or something of that sort--and I clicked and saw that one of the themes I had screamed about today, with this grim-faced audience I could not see but barely visible I sense the silent seriousness of the person or group--and that is the energy of Mary Trump as well.
The violence and the hours of torture because the black Nazis are so integral to the entire fake opposition and the well-established ones are so tantamount to the continuation of NO RESISTANCE while the mind control game of pretense to opposition in the reinforcement of these established *clowns* but psycho-clowns and sleazy greasy deal clowns sick and violent and sleazy and rotten.The sexism also was highly suggestive and that, of course, to white trash Nazi women is part of the great giggly fun of this torture technology. How the minorities grovel and gravitate to play the abuser racist.
It all felt like a huge slime wave, I feel old and greased down from the stench of this corrupt NYC group
My family is from that place. I think of the beautiful poems by Walt Whitman about New York City, but that was before it was contaminated by the 3rd Reich. I recall my grandparents who grew up in Brooklyn telling me about the New Trump Tower in Manhattan and how he was ruining the city with that awful ugly architecture. They asked me if I wanted to go see it. I suggest that they may have been connected or interconnected to that group as I know that they are. They actually drove the very same model of Cadillac as Trump had--teal blue with leather interior (there was one video clip of Trump getting into a Cadi exactly like the Cadi my grandparents, in Great Neck and then Manhasset, also drove--the same make and model and probably year). My uncle Leo Hausman also can be seen in a photo with Trump and also Mohammad Ali for a charity event.
Oh yes, the slime deals out of NYC--not really any different from any place but the residue of the sensation of the corruption which was a grease filth energy emitting from Sharpton and then the bullying violence of Farrakhan--all because Mary Trump was there, as proxy for Trump--because the black Nazis especially in the media as pretense to righteous fight against racism but...not so much! so indispensable to their power cartel of lies and sleaze and filth, corruption and above all else, racism and they do believe in mass murder genocide and the pursuit of the 4th Reich agenda for killing all Jews. Jews who are "good" get to maybe serve as "slaves" in one capacity or another.
Wishing Mary Trump and the rest of them to be revealed hope my post will shed some light on the grease stain that they are to American society.
Of course, the WiFi was turned off remotely the router remains on the signal shows on
Anyway, my grandparents "sold me" off to this death trap microchip implantation scheme--they sold my mother off, they obtained a huge house and furs and vacations for the rest of their lives--attacking and using the formulas for this scheme to get out of Brooklyn where the same types of scum crap like the Gottis were abusing "Jews" because they want to recreate the Nazi 3rd Reich fascist version of killing jews, racist jokes and now the gang stalking and this tech is a huge party for all the rednecks nazis greasy filth the black nazis looking to dump their claism of victimiztion out on Jews as the hated target--Jews looking to shift violence onto other Jews--it happened during the Holocaust
and on and on
the tech is so cherished by these greasy scumbag shit stains who are cheering those who began using it openly in the privacy of their networks--that would be Trump--and now openly Hillary and openly in the privacy Obama now that the "cat is out of the bag" it's now open season on me. No more pretense at being politically correct from fucking Hillary or obama and his rape cheerleader black nazi wife.
And on and on.
America is completely destroyed by the greed of the greasy ignorance of this group which has literally killed off those with any conscience and concern about humanity. All that is left are blathering bullshit con artists but coming out of NYC it reeks of stinking dirty streets and filthy con artist scumbags. Even at the wealthy level of the Trumps---but with Mary she is drooling to get some of that $$$ her uncle obtained, and he of course has handed me over endlessly to everything from Hillary to al the shit who have claimed they are fighting for humanity as the fake opposition.
And what more can I say? I am referring to years and years and years of observing one scumbag lying pretense of "fighting for/against racism isms feminism etc" and it's just a one-party system and all is so much lying deception leading to a total sickness and drooling vulture society of endless money-grabbing sleazy grabbing scumbags/prostited meaningless and sick mentally and so ugly.
I will try to stop writing. That means "they" will increase the torture to near death levels or worse, and of course, I will have to write again and you fuckers always diminish the torture so that the cycle of violence and the endless stream of shit whores prostituted scum filth lying shit will be a continuous stream of filth abusing raping and attacking me forever so they can all get some filthy fucking deal.
"SUMMER OF SAM--'Hello from the Gutters'". ENT3R666. April 12, 2012.
The whole situation of torturing me while in a deep sleep state, as under hypnosis in deep sleep teleportation I used the b-word to express the disgust the revulsion and automatic recoil towards this vile dirty thing that has leeched on and latched on just like a vicious disgusting parasite and using my ideas I have written while just laughing and partying over my demise--making jokes about it, and having countless sleazy creeps come to attack me. One of the rapist men is nominated for a golden globes award obtained out of raping and beating and abusing me, last year.//The person who put this nth number of rotten nazi ape men to rape and beat and abuse me; This same creep is being awarded for the 15th year in a row of stealing ideas from me and along with her husband going to top festivals and awards for these ideas, rehashed by their Nazi crew writers, claiming all as their ideas. Torturing, poisoning me into a huge poisoned deformed paralyzed shape of near death for over 15 years of partying over feeding frenzy life force paracitism (sic)--never giving me even a break and going full frenzy on the feeding of my ideas and life to obtain every year more and more awards. A non-stop rotation of sick crap creeps are flocking to join into this huge Nazi empire of movies which, for over 15 years have been derived, in part, by the tortured writings, interrogation including poisoning me to death and asking questions after trauma-based abuse in deep sleep teleportation of rape beatings homelessness abuse yelling screaming---literally day after night after day--and going off laughing and then torturing me brutally for fighting in my defense to get off me, get off me as they latch on daily and nightly, bringing one greedy life-fuck screw-fuck scumbag after the next to assault and brutalize me. They got black Nazi antisemite of this endless black Nazi group out of the activist sell-outs of the 70''s and 60''s the list is so long it is disgusting and revolting--the Smiths whoopie oprah farrakhan and then the newer generation of just hateful violent blacks--and along with the filth of MSNBC who have rushed to be exonerated and join in the fascist news media, I was assaulted with gestures of violence which this vile black nazi sharpton used under direction from the Nazi-spewing german filth fuck rapist who is a vile and sickening example of the worst of mankind who is exalted by the sickness and stupidity of the filth shit group who have stolen my ideas and trashed my body and life to stop me from having any single chance whatsoever. Along with them are the countless operations of all the trashy haters of the planet having performed these tasks all my life so the problem is not this slime group but it's mostly all of you reading this and your concentric circles of hypocritial crap who have sold everything out that AMerica should have been and is now on the verge of absolute implosing--because of this group, this very group and your do-nothing stance on getting actually involved and actually really FIGHTING instead of blathering blabber about how you are making public statements about fighting stealing ideas because you all apparently have none and just copy what the real activists were murdered for stating with so much courage that NONE of you have.
When will any of you actually fight for anything regarding the loss of America and this impending doom that this stupid sick group is presenting which none of you can recognize you are so blinded by obtaining your wealth position?
When will this fucking technology be taken away from shitalina and filthy fucking pig shit pitt and this group of fucking scum and this torture murder operation ever stopped by my fucking goddamn "Demoracy" goddamn shit government?
How many more defunct sick sleazy lying politicians and corrupt MSNBC shit whores must I deal with who are trying to be included in the Nazi 4th Reich--and the blacks are just disgusting examples of inclusion in violent racism they are abominable and disgusting at the level of the media
goddamn Sharpton looks like a shrivelled rat little weasel and he truly is one in the behavior he shows in this heinous "EVIL" situation this fucking "reverend" and also Farrakhan calling himself "minister" they are truly evil and lying scumbag corrupt criminal thugs and scumbag hateful corrupt evil shit on almost every level just lying shit and filth--revered for being fake and sick
and no one still has any sense to stop this fucking shit situation so I write for the millionth post to nothing, you are all just waiting for them to destroy the country to your stupid a$$ fucking applause and gyrating glorification of death and stupid sleazy whores put into positions of pretense out of stealing my ideas, and anyone else's ideas just so dumb slut shit can be put into lead positions by a completely corrupt and incompetent set of politicians who truly revel in killing the citizenry and stealing the wealth of the nation--openly in many cases. you are sick fuckers to have allowed this to go this far, and you still won't do anything goddamn sick fuck America
And I ask that someone intervene and stop this tyrannical murder and this technology and for me to live in peace. THey should be forced to pay a lot of money to me as well not only for stealing my ideas they hacked and stole and tortured with poisoning and drugging for over 15 years, but for poisoning me nearly to death and non-stop torture and rape and of course, bllocking all financial earning.
I realize that for over 15 years most of the so-called leadership of America has fully supported and championed this contract out on me. The reverend the fake lying disgusting ugly sinister thing came at me hissing with hate to defend the white supremacists using Nazi themes to threaten to murder me and it's been ongoing for 15 years while countless blacks have rushed to be included in the Nazi regime that is now openly unfolding as a result of this very same group putting Trump into this contract whereby the rape teleportation and torture murder operation has put Trump into this position of promising men and women that lynch mobs are no longer a thing of the past.
How many more years will it take for anyone to step up and feasibly , even rationally even with any ethical concern much less not waiting until more and more people get murdered in this horrid torture enclave of the most vile and rotten criminals put into power
how long will it take for anyone to stop this What will it take more fascist Nazis openly put into power who participate in this taking over government and H_wood? Blacks joining in like vile dirty lying hyenas with the hyena white trash vulture whores, hybrids of every vermin possible and glorified by an entirely racist country and planet overtaken by the worst of society put into the highest positions.
What will it take for anyone to ever stop this tyrannical regime and technology?