Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Hammering non-stop every second in the room (or rooms on other floors directly beneath my room)--these tiny cubicles are maybe 300 sq feet, or less. SIX YEARS of non-stop drilling and pounding in the rooms beneath mine every day, for hours per day, day after day, it's been 6 months of non-stop pounding--some days pause, but non-stop for the past 2 months. They are just pounding into the walls and floors repetitively as a terror attack.

Subliminal murder sentences are being constantly hissed into my near sub-conscious, but barely audible. IT is like hearing my own thoughts, the voice is indistinguishable from any tone or moderation they are just hissing either in monotone (psychopaths lack emotion) or their voices are being modulated into a drone-type of non-human but still understandable voice. The voice is male, I believe it is on a lower register.

They are telling that they will smash my head against objects and drown me, when I am doing things and ignoring the endless hate hissing about everything else. After about 3 hours of it never-ending, I begin to tell them they should be shot. Wishing them death, and thinking about the injustice of this rotten terror situation and the years of just unbelievable crimes committed against me only for racism and that I am not allowing scumbag creeps to drug rape poison and steal and rob and abuse and mutilate because they can't see me more beautiful, have a chance to compete against their blonde filthy skank whore wives mommies and sisters and etc, and they are just foul and  rotten and have to take their hate out on someone else--their hate for women, and their racist hate.


It is on a level of psychopath genocide but handed to top celebrity and performative operators of bs con job deception to lure the population into a false sense of conformity that all will be well. Their blathering for the past 4 years about criminal prosecutions has only been a "negative advertisement" for their benefactor and this death and hate system. It is also extremely the accurate case about Biden and his administration which is a font of lying hateful genocidal bigots but a true example of how minorities are brainwashed and the stupid slogans they rely on to sell the "Freedom" of their gyrating 360-degree bs slinging. 

I can't describe the disgust and the revulsion and the enmity and the murderous desire to kill them I have by now. I read in some sinister book about how mind control victims are being "programmed" and I can't remember the title, but it is like a playboy's guide to causing so much trauma upon the target, and using so much macabre sick sleazy denigration and torture upon the mind control subject that "some of the 'handlers' have been killed'". When I read it, I saw the videos of white males using the usual snake oil ploy of pretending to be "against" and in "exposing" the "bad and horrible mind control" (to paraphrase) but they appeared turned-on, and there were nothing but white males making these videos and referring to rape beatings and torture mutilation confinement paralysis and child sacrifice and etc---I have no idea where the videos are or this book, and I only discovered it on a very hacked "gang stalking" website which truly was a portal for terrorist attack and psy-ops deception. I tried to join in one of the "group phone conferences" using SKYPE and I was attacked by the "members" who then hacked their videos from the same organization (one of the supposed group meetings is in Los Angeles and other cities). Nothing ever happens, they want you to put your name on a list of supporters for "legislation" that never appears in any other media format and all the "fight" disappears but the site I found had this book on putting people in coffins and cutting parts of their body off (happened to me and mutilation constantly from the filth Whorewood  group constantly being invited to every Presidential celebrity dinner, as the list of psycho-scumbag snake oil filth bomb scum endlessly increases almost by the week as this contract on me has reached a sales pitch fever of a new drug they are all high on and need endless doses of torture violence rape and abuse to feed off and also get paid and promoted for).

So, after years and years of non-stop torture, they have one of their nasty males hissing death threats at me, every day it is ongoing as the filthy vile scumbags of Whroewood are preparing to demonstrate every day that they are fully genocidal murderous and committed to finishing killing Jews off as Hitler had demanded and everyone has since been following, it appears very strong a commitment in the United States but issued by their Europigapeland counterparts in the fashion and "entertainment" and media political-industrial-military-prison-genocide complexes.

IT is a sensation of endless injustice being used as a promotional platform and the endless threats of smashing my head in, being punched for writing posts about the sickness of these creeps and the politicians who happily engage in supporting this (it appears to be the entire Congress, every single Congress no matter which party gets elected and put into power; I suggest there is very little actual real voting or Democracy left).

All is a sleazy lying con job not selling dope but selling shit--actually they are urinating on the American people but they believe that the murder and torture of me will enhance their lives-as by now the mass murder propensity of all the shit filth scum and stupidity coming to attack me prove every day that it's now a sport and mass-conformity to violence that like mass violence is being justified by lies--now they claim that I am this unbelievable racist towards blacks. Even when I cry about blacks being killed in subways by very white men who get off without even a manslaughter charge--the greed and the need to torture attack and have a victim to persecute but WITH UNBELIEVABLE PROFIT as they are greedy greasy scumbag money grabbing prostituted lying filth, truly so abomination

and years of asking anyone to get them off me only been met, after YEARS AND YEARS of writing get them off me get them off me

and they have substituted these filthy vile pieces of glorified shit with some hissing scumbag creep--could it be the English fucker along with the German sleaze loser of a man they all adulate like he's a hero with his filthy and violent sickness aimed at me, as they all cheer him on and try to get German favor for more investments to live in Germany--their Disneyland country?



"Sweeny Todd (2007)--Pirelli's Miracle Elixir (With Lyrics)". Camilla DS. August 24, 2017.

Con snake oil sales fiend gets wacked by victim of persecution by the State--a theme that is NOT related to the actors of this scene or of the film, whatsoever. They have fully participated with rape, a theme featured of injustice, they have allowed the violence and persecution to persist in my case and have watched on while still claiming every honorable title of society (crowned a "king" in sleazy debauchery 4th Reich Vichy Nazi France at Cannes)

but the writer and the creator had a point, which of course Whorewood turned into despicable criminal actors playing roles of righteous victims killing their oppressors, or feeling entitled to vent their hate upon "society" 

a theme that is grandized in a film, but by now the death threats are on a daily basis, as people will see in the Maga world death threats are now a constant society leverage for forcing people to bow down from working and donating their time and energy to little things like election counting committees and replaced by---well, nefarious people who took over the positions of the counting of the ballots by the use of death threats, perhaps issued by others but all part of the same gang stalking hate and murder operation I have been writing of, which no one still will reveal because you all profit so greatly off it, and the death threats aimed at me to not write, while they continue ungoldly inhuman torture upon me is still being paid for in full by all the presidents and their snake oil rape scumbag whores apes and shit
so I find myself trying to not engage in wishing them death.
I can make a surrogate death wish into an entertainment by watching this movie and thinking about how sick J.Depp and his filthy spawn torture me for years and years, stole my family  my beloved cat and laughed about it-had me pushed from heights in teleportation from behind me. Raped me from behind. Had my body mutilated and then passed this contract after years of rape, and after a really near-miss horrible murder attempt, with Amber Heard still stealing my domestic violence writings which she used as her "defense" while rushing to spit at me and participate in the torture and rape, while the filth spawn of Depp rushed alongside her and is still being featured in movies after years of torture stealing my ideas and my cat for saying no endlessly for years to stop pounding poison into my body to stop poisoning me
they remain honored
and the movie itself, a total disgrace for the writer and the people who created in earnest the themes which are, as usual, turned into sick snake oil presentations of concern about defending--apparently the 4th Reich concern about BLONDE WOMEN being raped is just a travesty and thusly a movie. No one even blinked when the star raped and brutalized me and they still don't, for the most part. They remain honored in their mansions and I remain fighting another disgusting filthy pig prick using this technology to torture me to death--day after day night after night year after year.
If only they were dead, I can only watch this movie clip. I can only pray every day and night for their deaths for so many years-and nothing happens. Not even them being STOPPED from this torture the torture MUST GO ON and on and on and on and on Biden and Obama and Trump and all their family and friends MUST CONSTANTLY PROFIT OFF MURDER TORTURE AND RAPE OF ME THEY CAN'T EVER STOP THEY MUST GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON

It is only natural in self-defense after near death poisoning rape and torture ongoing for over 15 years non-stop by the same bullshit shit shit scumbags you all revere. PLEASE SOMEONE KILL THEM

THey truly, this group from Whorewood and from Congress, without stealing ideas from me, and or anybody else, their empty blank stupid violent sleazy whoreness is such a dark cesspool of stupidity and sick greed sleaze and pretentious posturing of elite entitlement for NOTHING but soft porn and psychopathic murder movies and glamorized psychopathy.
In private they have completely lost their souls and personalities, they rely on an image, and the bigot Europigapes rely on social conditioning for genocidal assumption of automatic identification of being entitled to rape torture murder and steal. The dumb brainwashed minorities fall in line like stupid asinine lemmings going completely, without thought, into subservient and viciously murderous attack upon whim and order of the sleazy and stupid usurpers of culture. All the former chances for people to write books, make content are limited now by the actual real blocks to internet publishing of content, which is forced upon me daily and thusly my ideas are perpetually either tortured out of me from hours of abuse--and now it's not sick scumbag pieces of shit yelling at me for 4-6 hours without even taking a moment's pause, as they go in pair and in groups yelling with hate--it has been piece of shit after piece of shit now featured in the Nazi 4th Reich new order of the bullshit media government--and that is all it is by now, it is a media conglomerate presentation of bullshit spewed out on a non-stop daily basis, thanks to CNN 24 hour coverage which was maverick back in the day, and rotten Jane Fonda really a vicious racist murderous slime skank whore prostituted meaningless fuck like all these rotten "women" of this group with Nazi-like features--
(not I am ranting but it's extremely relevant) but the trend of that rotten "activist" Fonda is bringing directly fascist Nazism into Whorewood, and sick fucks like Michael Douglas, the "Half-jew" or is he "full" I don't know could not care but his collaboration with openly racist Fonda and death threats from her, after years of her participating finally I just scream that they should die--so they got this German fuck to brutally rape and torture me all hugging him as he was so encouraged, and the dumb sleazy sick Jews who instantly insult everything I do and say are hugging this truly slime sick German fuck who exhibits the worst of human traits which they delight in, because it's just sleazy grasping violent power-grabbing sick rape and murderous theft that he is pushing as they all fall in line. This is now pure ranting at this point, but I believe this ugly sick creep is the one making "smash your head against that object" remarks constantly and of drowning me, he has additionally threatened to beat me to death after raping me until he is "finished" and on and on, with the scum shit crew, in particular the filth "Italian-American shit hole group of not just Deniro Pesce and the Gottis but also Al Pacino a most vicious supporter of fascist German Nazis yelling the b-word at me when I was trying to get a face-punching OTHER GERMAN rotten fuck who just rushed similar to this ugly dirty sick hyena ugly pig ape creep who acts exactly the same as they all have zero personality they are just imitations of imitations

and thusly they ask me out of torture for ideas and abuse me with these extremely violent remarks as the Jews rush to hug him and viciously abuse me with threats of physical violence for merely fighting in my defense after years of murder attempts.

I HAVE NOT DONE A FUCKING GODDAMN FUCKING THING to any of them. They just saw me beautiful and strong they want only blonde Nazis to claim to be anything resembling beautiful and or any "minority" who is "beautiful" is an instant gratification sex toy which can be married but must be a groveling and adoring type of mental slave without any independence and certainly not a career that would threaten the blonde bigot mediocrity which suppresses and relies on instant racist cliches to assert instant expectations. Because I lost the brainwashing after having lived in Germany around Germans and saw that they are not superior and in fact, the lies are so disgusting and that America with it's FREEDOM which they want to destroy, is what has created all the art and culture that the filthy Europigapes  are controlling, my ideas perpetuallys stolen and Nazi programming for murder and destruction has been the endless means of obtaining original ideas which this group of stupid whore filth is still being awarded for and praised as they keep going. They cannot obtain any single original concept or award for their actual output that they create by themselves.
They are models and prostituted scum many scions of the nepo-baby boom of Whorewood and absolutely in the pocket of every foreign infiltrating "you are inferior we are superior resistance is futile give us your everything and we will promote you but rape and beat her (meaning me) because I am constantly fighting to not be killed mutilated paralyzed and exploited and defending myself
This is being treated like a capital crime by the filth and shit dino regimes of the every administration for the past how many decades?

So I hope they are killed, I pray that if anyone out there cares about the actual opportunity that America may have presented which the Europigapes and their American sick fuck minions are all working to destroy, so only the "good" scumbag crap like Oprah and the black Nazi contagion are "allowed" to further promote that groveling white supremacy advocates disguised as poor victims of racism, but fully committed to Nazi genocidal torture rape and murder of people like me unimpressed by the 4th Reich and all it's sick and dirty stupid scumbag operators.

So I ask that people finally stop just watching this go on and on as they keep incentivizing every stupid scumbag looking for an easy promotion out of rotten Nazi controlled Whorewood and also to stop the filth from Congress from also participating.
Just remaining passive should NOT BE AN OPTION ANY LONGER but no one could give a damn. Go on your fucking shopping and vacation sprees worrying the most about what fashion you are wearing, goddamn sick Whorewood completely blank and void on what is truly important in life and society. That goes even moreso with the disgusting crap of the politicians from Congress who are just focused on obtaining media coverage and grifting more mansions in foreign countries as their reward, and using their position to get insider trading and in stealing covid money from legislation and threatening my life as they get more and more and more acclaim by the incompetence of the dino Biden regime, the Trump regime and all the rest of the despicable line-up of presidents and defunct administrations and the corrupt media reporting machines of bullshit just pure snake oil slime.
People need to actually not watch these video podcasts by the lying bs con artists like Mary Trump any longer as substitute for doing anything about the situation. They are there as placating agents to deceive and divert attention from the actual real solutions and the actual real problems. 
and so this group of scum and crap keep going on and on every day. this german sleazy filth bucket rapist Nazi is so mediocre that his entire life depends on obtaining the gleeful embrace of shit stupid a$$alina pig pitt and their crew--his every movie is about Nazi guards and concentration camps and perhaps a few other rotten roles about corrupt scumbags as he is--or puerile roles when he was younger and not as corrupt from "fame" of playing Stasi agents and concentration camp guards, fantasies that he has embraced and this shit from Whorewood also want to bring into America with full funding from the greasy slime of Congress--so many senators and presidents and former wives and hillary and slime and filth lying hate abusive racism 
and day after day they can't actually produce any godddamm thing or concept that can"win" unless it's stolen from torturing me
and so they go on and on, to the cheers of whorewood the applause and gratitude of congress and no one gives a damn not only about me, but about the future of how this situation has enveloped the country and you all want a lawless scumbag elite entitlement and death camp society.
I just want them fucking gone and for this to stop. they have all obtained millions and hundreds of millions while preventing me from having a single day of peace without rape torutre and non-stop abuse since 2011--before this filth group were partners with Sylvestor Stallone who is always there behind this filth group--working with theGottis
and it's still being promoted as some inhuman sick fucking technological terror regime far worse than anyone can imagine or care about.
It's like all the frustration of the white pig ape shit whores who watched as people like me were able to compete and be beautiful their wrath that they could not just kill me on the spot is now met with absolutely endless slow mutilation rape and tortue to death they dance around like demons they are filthy and vile they are embraced by the shit of biden and his team and by the same ilk of trump and obama and all their nasty filthy wives and cohorts--

fucking goddamn what will it take for any resemblance of humanistic society to ever emerge?

IT is so disgusting to have to be forced to be around this group by now it's instant murderous rage death wishes on my part and physical revulsion and they keep going asking me if I "like" them because they are incompetent shit and loser filth plastic surgery coated sick fucking scum many of them from parents who created nepotism in Whorewood, given plastic surgery and some endless coaching as children but NO IDEAS NO CREATIVITY their emptiness is matched by the violence of the vacuums of their sleazy shit personalities

they are so disgusting I pray every day for their horrible deaths they keep threatening tokill me they keep asking me every day if I like them I keep trying to kill them they are ugly and sinister fucking whore pig apes pieces of shit when the fuck will there ever be an "adult in the rooM" goddamn biden is a sick dirty fuck as everyone knows trump and his cartel obviously are--Mary Trump is a sinister ugly dirty leech murderous bigot with her ugly flat moon huge face it is revolting to have to be around most of these coveted bullshit scum filth whores every day for hours and hours with their stupidity and ugly sickness endlessly forced upon me demanding I provide a "baby" so they can have some empire because of what some sick fuck connected to the English crown created to just torture me to death for NOT LIKING HIM AND FOR CALLING HIM A PIG AFTER 30 YEARS OF POISONING AND TORTUER and literally his murder through this system.
Danny Moynihan is his name. If any of you cherish your freedom as women, read his fucking book about how much he hates women hates Americans and is a conniving sick fuck smug piece of shit because he provides a plan for destruction of America in some sense through the movie that was put into production 2 fucking weeks after I was drugged and desperate to save my life that his English Crown networks in goddamn sick America forced upon me--looking for health care and a way to get out of that rotten sick country so I was drugged, absolutely by that time my body was huge infested with mind control drugs, as it is now still
asking him for a job explaining that I need health care and I had to get out of America
that was 2006, I met him and thought him a nasty creep when he forced himself on me and tried to rape me back in 1987 in London
he is still profiting off this contract and having my ideas stolen constantly for a dearth of endless English-backed performers pop stars and sleazy dirty actors out of Whorewood, and of course England and Germany
the hacking is too horrid and I am ranting. What the fuck will it ever take for any decency to be shown to me I have done NO FUCKING THING it is pure antisemitism hate that I was beautiful and more creative and original than these highly-trained imitation replicators so they had me poisoned and paralyzed and it's been non-stop idea generation out of torturing me to death
torture for fighting to get body builder sleazy ugly dirty men off me, especially if they are from Europigapeland when I am screaming that they are pounding poison into my body through this deep sleep teleportation so they literally sever parts of my body out for fighting to stop the pounding of poison as deeply as possible into my body.
for this I am threatened with "kill the radical liberal" by Mitch McConnel in front of Lindsey Graham after his death threats and admiration for the lynch mob system that this teleportation gang stalking system has created so "christian" bigots like he and Mike Johnson can torture and rape and poison women like me who used to pose a threat to the blonde Nazi shit girly whores they adore like ugly shitalina who is a foul and stupid sick dirty thing--from years of her ugly sinister eyes glaring in hate and then perking up as I begin to expound after beatings and rape, in teleportation, to feminist ideas which she then repeats and is cheered on. I am tortured for not being a rape victim fighting to stop the filth pig apes
this is what their technology is enabling, you have all watched it go on and on day after day and love it and these filthy whores for it.
Even if you don't, you are not going to get involved. What will it take for you to actually care about your country and your society when the ramifications for not having gotten involved in this obvious sick snowballing fascist Nazi social engineering project has resulted in Affirmative Action and Abortion being cancelled, and many other travesties of freedom which you fucking wealthy enemies of the United States could care less about because you can all go off to your precious Europigapeland and have your girlfriends get abortions and etc.
The "equal opportunity" contract is now to abuse me mutually alongside the white Nazi shit and filth you all automatically bow down to like mental slaves because you have bought hook, line and sinker all the lies of the Nazi regime which are PERPETUALLY being spewed out in the guise of being anti-racist and sexist in shit filth whorewood
I can't pound down any longer, what I have just written will only be stolen by worthless and unworthy shit stupid fakes and posturing bigot sick fucks you all cheer on as I keep writing waiting for some decency. It is an inquisition a witch hunt a lynching a constructed virtual sex trafficking murder turned into my ranting in posts every day and video surveillance of me screaming every day and rushing to fight the shit and filth you all then cheer on in the movie crap they are perpetually selling off as what used to be called snake oil aka bullshit.

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