Friday, December 6, 2024

The new 4th Reich techno-terror murder systematic hierarchical re-ordering of any freedom for the long-standing oppressed groups previously imagined (anticipating murder and destruction of millions of lives, many millions already murdered by "traditional means") for the sake of a few greed expletives to obtain endless prizes for doing---nothing to deserve any of it.// I must, I am forced to look to relocate completely out of this area where I am targeted with poisoning rape torture and attempted murder on a non-stop daily basis by billionaire celebrities and politicians (made billionaires from the DECADES of participation in this hate crime techno-terror operation pitted at me, by the pitt cesspool you all cheer on because they are so adept at sexualizing fascist Nazi take-over with fake pretenses of concern about humanity--encompassing all of Congress the media and most of the controllers of society, the rest go along without any resistance the few remaining are brainwashed into complicity.//I must move because they have blocked my earning capacity with poisoning into paralysis through hardening bloating poisons laced with mind control drugs, so I could not even begin to exercise once the poisons began to harden internally (with injection agents through various modalities of injection and poisoning) to harden the chemicals which were impossible to detect because they remained flexible as polymer type inorganic compounds--tasteless and invisible to the eye---as the poisoning continued and I wrote about it, for years and years no one would stop this group they are still being championed at the Oscars and all top awards for ideas they have stolen from ME ME ME and have left me fightin for my life as they sadistically have me beaten and tortured mutilated and laugh about what a "loser" and how "ugly" I am compared to "them", who steal ideas because they are blank hateful prostituted mind control bots who eagerly engage in the most heinous of human trafficking sadistic torture because this is all "protected" by all ALL PRESIDENTS ALL ADMINISTRATIONS and all of top "society" members who watch on like Nazi soldiers smiling with sadistic delight at the bloating hardening misshape they have forced on me. My internet is so hacked that the little I can do to salvage the lost years of sitting shitting poison out while being tortured through every single moment of greedy sleazy ugly sick stupid filth from Congress, presidents and members of congress and from the celebrity sick stupid shit filth team who are just endlessly being championed by the planet for this fascist Nazi overtake of mental programming and sexualized murder repackaged as "Horror thrillers and comedy murder and sexualized 'beauty" plastic surgery stomach stapling facial reconstruction endless beauty treatments and FEEDING OFF TORTURE AS AN ENERGY HIGH AND HORMONE-DRIVEN SEXUAL ENHANCEMENT for their posturing appearances. I cannot earn any money and the prices have skyrocketed to the point that I can no longer survive in this entire area or place and must move to a remote area which is bereft of the healing and it's also as all places controlled by the filth and sick crap I am endlessly screaming with murderous hate that they are UGLY STUPID SHIT **again, the page disappeared while I was typing and a new page popped-up on the screen. I don't know how much was rewritten--but to continue--every single day I am screaming in a freshly-drugged waking or deep slelep state upon instant "consciousness" in the teleportation state, so this is my honest opinion it is done instantly upon forcing a sort of "consciousness" out of me, drugged while sleeping and I reply without hesitation that they are sick ugly stupid I pray for their deaths every day; this is a joke to the fascist Nazi s hit of Congress who are funding this. They laugh about my enraged screaming and it is done to victims of torture everywhere as well--the orchestration by the Senators who are on all sides of the "aisle" only the sneering contempt of the Democrats is met with their real controllers the Republican haters who rape yell fascistically and urge greater violence upon me as the Democrats dance around because as usual their deception roles are being so amply rewarded for collusion with a fascist Nazi take-over.//Funded not by the U.S. government as the sole entity but by the English Crown and the Italian fascist Nazi Mafia which has put their puppet greed performers into power, they lovingly put black Nazis into lead positions who endlessly have usurped the black activist against racism roles of former assassinated actual real activists: and it goes on and on with every group and class, this programming stratification of fascist Nazi overtake which has been completed and is now visibly in operation.//I keep screaming in "truth serum" rage that they are ugly and stupid and sick that I wish them death hope they die---and it's a fun joke to the house speaker and the nazi senators and a mirthful dancing party to the democrats who gleefully laugh alongside their nazi openly racist brothers and sisters in congress, who have donors who want reestablishment of plantation murder society--which will be mass production of torture and death; the plantations will not be slaves working to pick cotton it will be the Killing Fields so that the profit will come from depopulation and mass murder will be the crop(s). Enslavement will be happily achieved by the slaves who are still being told that they are "free" as long as they obey and happily kill targets like Jews who don't comply with fascist Nazi take-over.//So, in searching for a new completely different area to live with is less expensive because my 6 years of grad school have only provided politicians and MSNBC and other defunct corrupt news anchors with ideas to steal as they also gleefully join in with fascist violence hate and death threats and are endlessly promoted into secure slots to sell "anti-Republican" news while completely engaging in the usurpation of all of society for the benefit of this political-media-news-celebrity cesspool conglomeration cesspool of lies and hate disguised as entertainment politics in all it's deviant forms. Politicians must now entertain and be visible in the news or on podcasts in order to be "approved" for the 4th Reich leadership jockeying.

"Pornography Andrea Dworkin 1991". Robert Jensen. November 17, 2011.


HE'S' NOT FUNNY but still a part of the psycho-clown posse of scumbag Whorewood fascist Nazi Mafia murdering bigots !$$$$$$$$$$$$$ // Even the designated host has been a parasitic leech on me in this hate pornography contract sponsored by lascivious whores, depictions of MY IDEAS by sleazy stupid lascivious whores who are instructed on exactly what to say derived from MY WRITINGS ON THE TOPICS THEY HAVE STOLEN, readjusted to make "them" appear intelligent and not stupid sick sleazy psychopath scumbag pieces of shit crap---and every aspect has been dominated by filth stupid ugly crap representing my ideas or people participating in this major Nazi hate crime against me, or knowing about it and going along, hugging the filth and crap in Whorewood to show that they are in solidarity---it's all a porno show all ideas that are great stolen from me (by the filth endlessly "winning" the RIGGED AWARDS very similar to the political rigged awards)- WHO WILL HOST THE 2025 OSCAR S-WEINER AWARDS? I see on the ever-terrorist Whorewood main site for propagating fascist Nazi actors and their vile movies, that interviews with the terrorist filth who are pretending to be intellectual, sensitive and culturally sophisticated while having me tortured raped and beaten on a non-stop basis for over 15 years in order to prove that they are violent sleazy prostituted sick filth--honored by the ideas they have stolen from me, and making sure I am penniless always fighting for my life against oisoning and being made homeless in a global network of cyber-terrorism blockage of all finances as they are using MY IDEAS to promote their filthy dirty ugly sick selves for movies that are in the Oscar's penis awards line-up of fascist Nazi displays of fake advertising for humanity---to still full applause by Congress-Whorewood which goes along happily with delight that if they participate they get monopolies investments in the media empire of filth and hate and mass murder. The hacking is so bad that I have spent 30 minutes fighting blockages to everything and WiFi DOS attacks, constant while fighting the hacking disruptions blocking keyboard function every second I am typing fighting pounding down unable to remember what I was about to write all blanked out by mind control tech blasting cognitiion as well. THey should be in prison you are still awarding this group of vile filth and shit who are stupid and ugly as hell. Every day they need to torture me into this contract where they have me raped by ugly sick pig fuck men who then abuse and lovingly are embraced as they insult and abuse me and lovingly hug the filthy whores who are funding their mediocrity into power positions. Not just hosting the Oscars but in every facet of politics and society possible. The interview of the ideas for the upcoming Oscars contenders the interviews are of stupid ugly skanks stealing my ideas that I wrote originally and repeating them as if their own concept. Otherwise, they are constantly murdering me on a very slow level or sometimes eyr quick murder attempts with cars and trucks hitting me or almost--escaping within a fraction of a second in one case--and to force me through torture to repeat that they are "beautiful" and "superior" to me as they deform abuse mutilate with full government appaluse as the rotten politicians also profit off this contract AND ARE RIGGED INTO POLITICAL POSITION FOR MONOPOLY AND NEPOTISM AS WELL. I need to copy and paste this to my blog entry but the hackers are blocking copying and paste function so it's impossible to do so for all I try to search for online, looking for new survival routes because my living situation is now a death threat of a landlord screwing me over and not renewing a contract but saying he will once it expires and not to worry don't ask questions. This is what the filth ape whores are doing because I can't say that I like them or they are beautiful or anything but that they are sick stinking sick ugly shit--for over 15 years it's all I can say, I an't lie helping this group of filth is the same thing as committing suicide But no matter how much I fight and write more politicians rush to join into this so they are constantly being handed me as a torture-to-death abuse victim to feed off and exploit with politicians rushing to aabuse me for not allowing my own murder and telling filthy stupid ugly shit stealing my ideas and destroying my body and beauty that they are "superior" and more beautiful and that my ideas that they steal are THEIRS and that I deserve endless sexual violence and abuse as they also are stealing my ideas written and stolen about sexual violence against women. What the fuck when will anyone ever begin to not support fascist sick Nazi takeover of death squads and destruction of the United States and full  takeover of mediocre sick filth put artificially into control positions while they only want to exploit and destroy and suck dry the entire country watching it go down as they build death factories and plantations of slavery which everyone is cheering on, especially those slated to be the slaves? Cheering it on believing that they are "superior" because they so lovingly embrace the abusers and oppressors in poblic, calling it "Joy" and "hope and change" in the process.??wtf stupid fuck A$$-MeriKKKans



**Hackers turned the WiFi off (router lights all on, the signal for WiFi showing connection---but hacked off while I was writing this--so they have deleted and rewritten much of it--I can't go back and re-edit due to hours of just fighting to write this out--internet turned off in the middle of ordering items online so that ordering any simple 3 items that are too heavy for me to carry due to the endless injuries this group has forced upon me with poisoning and accidents they ordered as hits upon my life---and internet turned off constantly while ordering 3 items which required over 30 minutes to get the internet back on, every time I logged-in they would log me out, and etc) and now the internet is back on, or shows that it is--and that is why I cannot earn a single penny and the pig ape whores, who can't create a single unique idea that isn't a sick sadistic stupid violent teleportation skit are still making millions off MY IDEAS AS I remain now on the brink of homelessness with non-stop leaders politicians who have been paid in MILLIONS for protecting this Nazi bigot system remain attacking me with hate and full protection for their beloved celebrity Nazi group posing as humanitarians and  unique creators, while the ONLY MOVIES that they are put into Oscar and award winning roles ae from IDEAS THEY STOLEN FROM ME---

I am now dealing with a life-threatening situation of this landlord, a completely violent personality, sexual harassment and abuse person, and because I have been stuck without any income earning beyond perhaps prostitution, the only avenue left but really sex trafficking slavery--while shit whores from Whorewood and Congress and media news anchors and tv show hosts, pop singers all being paid in mega billions millions for their participation in this INTELLECTUA THEFT CONTRACT and murder contract rape and pounding of poison into my body by ugly sleazy white trash bigot Nazi performers so that the trashy filth nazi women can pose as caretakers of feminism and against rape culture by "the dirty Jew" Weinsteain--and for years of their forged pretense at being intellectual American analysts entertaining and persuading the public into being representatives of culture fighting corruption rape culture white male supremacy and etc. All absolute lies. The hacking is non-stop and the next paragraph was partially deleted I know that, but the hacking and the cursor is moving to other parts of the page into other paragraphs while I am typing--and I can't go on. But they are still this year, as I have been writing of for years to silence and full permission, are making millions and being awarded for my original ideas while they are killing my plants mutilating my body every single day--having dirty foul pig scum shit men come to rape and beat me as they lovingly embrace them, this group of shit, in particular if they are from Germany or England--and then, my home is made broken down and filthy every day, and the landlord is working with them to threaten my life, lying to me constantly about renewal of the lease which he agreed upon at the end of October, then remaining silent as I wrote twice more politely about what was happening with the lease renewal which was met by one-day "I"m selling the property be at the unit to show the apartment an agent will show them they want to meet you". I know what the ugly pot-belly rotten old men and their pumped up rotten dirty porno-whore sons and daughters are like now, mostly from EUropigapeland one of them is in the group of shit from Whorewood now, I have seen his ilk endlessly for years and years with sleazy dirty trashy prostituted brown-skinned minions who help them to absolutely invade this country, raise the prices, and institute fascist Nazism into the country and I have seen the psychological overtake of the types of people brought in as the prices rise and the levels of prostitution are put into more entertainment mode. 

I am now pounding my entire hand down to get letter s to print out, the pages are being deleted the cursor is moving my writing is being deleted and once I publish it will be re-arranged half-deleted half-deleted sentences strung together--

but my ideas stolen, sometimes in phrases, but for over a decades entire movies made out of concepts stolen from my writing, done under murder conditions of non-stop torture rape and teleportation torture and poisoning, blocks to all earnings stuck shitting poison out while being raped beaten and abused for hours upon hours day after day dof year after year by a non-stop never-ending group of celebrities with politicians--and so on and on it goes. The landlord, kin operation with this team, from the top echelons of society under the umbrella of the "real" controllers---have instructed him to not renew my rental contract which is finished in February. The renewal date is on December 10, and the landlord refuses upon pain of evicting me instantly to not ask questions about what is going on. He tells me that he has sole the unit but the new owner will allow me to stay under normal conditions. I ask him for details and if the price will remain the same, and if the new owner will allow me to stay under new conditions why won't the owner give me a contract now instead of waiting until the contract expires in February? I get told to not say any more, and that in February the landlord will come to my apartment to renew the lease. The years of his teams in this building of literally breaking every single item that I am financially responsible for looms over me. THey are breaking cabinets the sink the toilet the floor has been literally cut out behind the chair I sit on--there is a huge circulalr one-inch hold in the floor that they cut out. I just put silicone in the sink cupboard under the kitchen sink area (just a broken and sautered broken area across the 3-foot area of the bathroom--) and they shrunk the size of this room by inserting huge cabinet structures which have replace the actual walls--but to continue, the room has been completely sprayed with stinking brown permanent staining goo liquids which nothing gets out. EVerything is brkoen and stinking and brown and stained and shattered they have broken the patio doors and the railing and every single thing. all performed by the landlord's team of abusers who are using mechanical arms to slash my skin pour fungus into my hair body food and mold and etc constantly to murder me in this covert fashion while the celebrities are constantly going to the Oscars with ideas they stole from my writings on FAcebook because all my property, especially computer gear and all telecomunications, are broken and made stinking and functions don't work, all is hacked so I tried to write my ideas on a "safe" place, my blocked "no friends" facebok page which they ahve been stealing ideas for over 15 year, and before that this same contract was headed by English Crown member Danny Moynihan, whose father was a Royal painter, who has handed this to the English-backed skanks of Whorewood, and from Australia. The programming using my ideas and turning them into Nazi glorification is still ongoing with nonstop awards prizes ranging in millions of dollars I remain with hair greying from poisoning and torture and mutilation and all blocks to survival literally taken away.

And, while I am searching for yet another place to live, because I am blocked from using the computer without non-stop WiFi black-outs, DOS attacks that are literally ever 2-5 minutes at times when the hacker terrorists are not working (they get free rent in this emptied-out condo where I am a torture victim, the room with constructed panels on all sides so mechanical arms can poison pour filth slice my body steal items spray dead meat substances continuously on my clothing dump debris much grease shit and filth into any and all places poison my food and open the front locked with multiple locks to scumbag whores can break into my room while I am in the shower and while I am in deep sleep with the brain implant literally blocking my immediate consciousness while I am teleported to rape hate and torture abuse and the most vile and sick stupid mentally ill "skits" performed by the dumb scum minions of the stupid sleazy ugly whores you all champion as your heroes of society.

The internet is fraught with the triggering videos of the whores pigs and shit who have been torturing me for years. The filthy ugly Nazi German rotten fuck is ALWAYS THERE to instruct the shit whores on how to smile with delight as the Germans did in photos over dead Jews they beat and tortured to death. This is now being done by the filth team who is endlessly feeding off my ideas and going to the Oscars for them and of course they all are put into top consideration by the Nazi-Europigapeland dominated Golden Globes which is a Whorewood construct of agent infiltrators stationed in California who are part of the general Whorewood take-over. The Oscars even with the Jews and Blacks put into governor positions are retained in these high-ranking positions for the ability to perform lies and claim they are dedicated to humanity while they are installing death and technological tyranny. I have mentioned at least one of the governors, not sure if she is still in that position I strongly urge people to use a different VIEW of critical analysis of movies rather than pop culture bs con artists who sound so hipster "woke" like jive turkeys in teleportation and the juxtaposition is the catch that wins them the endless monotonous monopoly to which they endlessly gain acclaim.

The only great themes that this group has come out with HAVE BEEN MY IDEAS which have been funded with millions of dollars in production glamour visual effects.

But besides all that I have been writing about, this morning while searching for another place to live, because this landlord under instruction created a hateful attack situation of not renewing my lease, saying he was selling the apartment, demanding that I be in this room to be attacked by some greasy Nazi filth scumbag of this hate dirty trash organization and I told him, with his ONE-DAY WARNING after telling me in writing that he would, indeed, renew the contract due on December 1, which he refuses to do, saying that once the contract expires he will renew the contract by selling the apartment to someone else--or maybe he may decide not to--he later wrote after I sent a few questions in emails and asking for some assurance besides a written email, that I can remain staying here if a new owner buys the unit. IT was a hate exercise in screwing me around. All the blocks to my earning plus the poisoning which has been continued with torture and raping poison into my body as I scream to stop killing me while I have been writing for years and years and years and years that I am being poisoned to death as more and more and more shit whores who are performative filth in congress and in Whorewoood joined to abuse rape and torture me with every lying pretext possible as justification

they insert phrases into my subconscious and after I repeat them, they then get scores of similar scumbags to assault me because I "said" this thing to one of them, and therefore every opportunist scumbag "has to defend their friend" as they all obtain endless tours (if they are musicians) endless more movie deals and more media exposure and election "wins" in rigged contests, I feel sure now that the elections are far from being legitimate and the fake 'opposition" is fully bs as well, allowing it all to grease it's way into a complete and total fascist Nazi dictatorship and mass murder machine, being put into operation every day as this continues without any real opposition.


My searches for new places to live are polluted by the videos of the filth shit who are endlessly teleporting me, their filthy whore movies their sleazy dirty old dino men who proclaim how their area is so wonderful to live, and in the midst of their videos they implant videos of the very ugly sick skanks who  have been paid in millions and billions over 15 years of murdering me through poisoning torture and rape--I try to click the f-ing videos off and the cursor and page are frozen while the video continues to play. I avert my eyes to not see the ugly sick stupid next piece of sick filth from Whorewood who is trying to trigger me, as they did because I am writing this because they blocked my earning I am stuck fighting to not become homeless they have made millions off my ideas they have blocked my mail, I literally cannot obtain mail information and I have been lied to perpetually due to this global network

I cannot earn money and I can't get information online because ALL INFORMATION is being blocked and diverted. Every phone call is diverted to a terror agent. EVERY PRESIDENT has come to abuse and assault me either through the candidates that were aspiring to be president (on the rotten Demo side) and the Repugs are just happy that the Dems are such easy stooges and that their lynch mob plantation mass murder Nazi concentration Camp Russian Gulag system has prevailed and now all there is to do is to continue the mass programming for depopulation by inserting these same Nazi-established performers and politicians into mass subliminal programming "forever" into the population.

So I can't get rid of this shit filth they inject their ugliness into my sleep and waking state, and they are injecting liquids into my bladder while I am sleeping so I get up in the middle of the night having to urgently urinate--it's not from what I ate or a bladder problem---I know this 100%

they have injected stinking sewage water into my bladder as part of a sepsis murder attempt and they are insering now water after years of me crying out that I am being killed--it required years for anyone to stop this form of poisoning into my body directly--as my body shows signs of poisoning, liver spots cover my arms and blemishes from being sliced and slashed and smeared with damaging chemicals and knives--and so after 3 times of huge amounts of water coming out-plus drugging in utter sickness and exhaustion in a deep sleep from poisoning and drugging,  in an unconscious state I ripped off the layers of gloves I use to protect my fingers from being slashed into the nail bed, every day they slash cuticles off my fingers, slash the nails halfway down the vertical middle, uplift nails from under the nails--and there are bloody bulges on my fingers every day. I have begun to use so many layers of stiff materials to cover my hands that after 3 poisoning and drugging injections into my bladder through tubes going through my vagina, in utter sickness and in need of sleep, in drugged sleep state I took all the layers off so they could then inject directly into my blood stream the drugs and they teleported me to the SICK AND STUPID SKITS which these filthy performer scumbag whores truly are capable of creating--the ideas they steal from me they are being awarded for, but they create hate death and stupid sickness as the REAL creative output they perform every day upon me

literally they must steal ideas because what they really are and what they truly create is sick stupidity and ugliness and death

but no one can understand this, I am the "stupid target" and people in particular women are "shamed" into being "stupid did something to deserve it" discredited. Any semblance of intellect is thusly reduced to the victim who did something to deserve it level of negation of all that the woman truly is

and sometimes the man as well, much more pity is showered upon male victims but not necessarily, mostly men remain silent due to the endless shaming of victims to exonerate the perpetrators, which society honors constantly with showers of awards.

So, they are blocking my every ability to survive while they are making millions still off my ideas which I wrote many years ago on Facebook , realizing years ago that my ideas were being stolen year after year, I stopped but still my writing is still being stolen in political context because now I write about politics-so the MSNBC and CNN and other news anchors rush to participate, stealing a few phrases to sell off the bs lies they are constantly perpetrating; they remain in monopolized positions of endless mind programming as well. Partnering directly to viciously abuse me as the perpetual target of all of American society by now and death squads of Europigapeland completely immersed in death culture as they created this system and have reveled in it for centuries--at least the last century the last entire century of technology enabling mass production of murder but now combined with mass communication entertainment news media and entertainment production of effete lying scumbag political leaders.

So they have been threatening to cut off the subpoverty income I can't live in anywhere any longer on. My years of ideas they have stolen have been met by mutilation torture and me literally FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE ON A DAILY BASIS and grey hair my body covered with scars and mutilation and poison they laugh about it and the teleportation for their endless promotions is never stopped.

While searching for a new place to live their ugly sick fucking videos are hacked into the bullshit podcasters who partner with the shit and scum to let me know that they are going to sic their death squad networks upon me no matter where on the planet I run to try to survive this massive murder operation of the planet.

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