Monday, December 23, 2024

I can't tell if the Trump terrorism remained in full place under the Biden Mafia Nazi crime family syndicate, or if Biden''s criminal ties to Mafia are linked to Trumps---(collective inc). The same Mafia Nazis remain firmly being welcomed and applauded who for years have assaulted poisoned and tortured ideas out of me because inherently they are inconsequent mediocrities not suited for artistic expression, and if so, not at top quality level, the levels the sick mediocrity of politicians have kept them in as their criminal partners so the politicians can have media Broadway shows as Hillary had under this hate contract, and she just came back to get another boost by sleazy sinister attack upon me. The Tyler rat skunk hate family along with the Gottis are mocking abusing me--for hours this morning, because I wrote about the declining dinos that Stallone and Tyler were back in 1he 1997's when I first began to sell cigars, upon invitation from the Italian scumbag manager Freddi DiGrassa and Nicola Siervo--scumbag dirty creeps I would not know their names of if I had not sold cigars in that filthy dirty club of thugs, skanks and crap disco music--but the money was flowing, and my money II had earned by selling cigars up and down Ocean Drive, in the other French Mafia-controlled restaurant down the street, The Strand owned by the malevolent rape Nazi brother duo Frances and Eric Milan, who also very nastily forced me to work for the thuggery of Stallone/Tyler and then the Italian Managers who spent the next 3 decades having me poisoned they raped they teleported they stole and were handed, after years of just managing tiny little clubs, a huge huge building called The Wall. Tyler, whose career was in decline just like Stallone, has remained "relevant" through endless DECADES of feeding parasitically off sucking my life out of me aloing with his mediocre and really untalented daughter who has a range of vocal skills and facial expressions ranging into three--really linept, non-intellectual promotes "feminism" with Nazis from England who are also in the decline of their crap careers and are latching viciously onto abusing me under any pret ext of words they either forced out of me using mind control, including reactions. And yet my days and weeks and years of writing about this has produced cheers from the Biden Criminal Family, the Obamas and the Clintons, Elon Musk Mike Johnson of course Trump--there is a linear singularity betwixt them all. All criminals, all violating every single aspect of Law and the Constitution, all claiming t hey adhere fastidiously but they make it clear, only for their priority group, which is never me because I was shunted out of everything all my life. The English have been scouring America in a Search and Destroy mission for overtake all my life, or beginning very openly as far as I know back in 1974 (a long story, I have written of it before many times, it involves the director and the dirty Nazi father of the filthaliona spawn who made the film Deliverance---to which my step-father was involved in a parallel context with James Dickey (in Atlanta) due to my father's involvement in poetry and the anti-War effort.

It is in the range of impossible to type anything out without non-stop backspacing and rewriting. Pounding every key constantly because of the malware afflicting the keyboard functioning. They will be rewriting this once I publish as always happens with my every written communication in any context.
The Tylers, as I wrote a few days ago, appear like vicious parasites lunging at me for displaying intelligence, over the English filth bigots who sit violently assaulting me for responding to the condescending old white gay male sentences which I can easily respond to with light retort--not in an attempt originally to over-ride him but just responding as I have zero people to talk to, no one with any intelligence has ever come to attack me or they display only greed, sleaze and silent observation and do nothing say nothing and are obviously part of the hate cartel that appears to be completely mediocre

The theme of this attack was in forcing me to have to get up and urinate by injecting liquids into my bladder--I got up and was told subconsciously that I was awake, I felt lively, and that I would take off all my glove protection for my hands because they slash under my nails and cut into cuticles every day unless I cover u my body as much as possible--they inject liquids into my body and drug and poison me, I can't find anything to block that portal of attack 
and I went into a deep sickness sleep they had poisoned me so badly
I woke up at 11:30 a.m. with yelling screaming and the filthy parasitic family of the Tylers who must rely on this contract, as well as the rotten Gottis and DeNiro and Pesce, although they are famous, how many decades of rotten mafia thug movies can America endlessly watch with these dirty nasty criminals endlessly  playing the same roles? 

thusly, torturing me for years endlessly with murder and poisoning to bloat dismember disfigure and make me spend my life fighting to block mechanical arms, cleaning most foul stinking filth

the tylers are most foul and dirty, like the greasy filth of the German Nazi they are completely "in bed" with Europigape Nazi fascism, their souls are dirty and blackened by their sleazy orgy luxury and the hate and viciousness they rush at me that i have no right to write about THIRTY YEARS of torture poisoning rape that this dirty foul spawn like shitalina and the rest of this Europigapeland group depends on for the continuation of their mutual criminal enterprises with the politicians who also rely on rigged everything to remain in power.

I have no doubt that the political elections are as rigged as the movie rigged awards system, which I have been privy to for years and I know that they must demonstrate some kind of deterioration movie plot disguised as "exposing corruption" which subconsciously makes the viewer associate the "heroes" with the Nazi adherents--the actors whatever race, skin color must all prove that they are fully into the 4th Reich.
And so, there is no one to stop t his. THIRTY YEARS of the Tyler spawn and this ugly rat creep cock rock "singer" latching onto attacking me with brutality and violence to be put into every kind of media focus as possible although they are not great, I don't think so at all and never have, but America loves this crap shit and I could give a damn about the stupidity of Americans any longer to keep believing in the stupidity and rancid filth of this political-entertainment mafia crime syndicate endless rotation of the obamas the clintons the trumps and the endless non-stop entrenched dinos who remain in congress literally until they fall over in comas while in front of cameras. Rotten Biden is completely so corrupt that I can't determine if he is moreso than Trump or Musk?

And no one will pry this ugly rat family off me, nor the dirty stupid shitalikna team of pig pitt incorporated which adds dirty greasy filth to that enlarging group literally every day to join into this attack upon me to prove their absolute oath of fealty to the Nazi Mafia organization which controls both Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood (they are inextricably intertwined).

They are pouring dead meat and stinking semen into my refrigerator defrost tray as many times as possible per day. THis is mixed with permanently staining-absorbing chemicals which they likewise spray around my room so no matter how much I scrub (and it's very painful for me to clean, impossible most of the time) the stains are never diminished they are coated onto everything.
the vicious clinging latched on parasites are screaming to keep on feeding off my life beauty health my ideas--the stupid uneducated spawn nepo-shit spawn of this creep cretin tyler is endlessly asking me for ideas because it is blank and believes that my life is for them to feed off until they suck everything out, with hate and violence afterwards and assumption of entitlement because of cock rock bullshit rape culture which the cock rock rape culture of the world embraces---(they can also be classical musicians but the rape scumbags who are classical who join in also play boring horrid pop and Nazi folk music because like monkeys who are trained to play instruments or whatever, they can mechanistically play, or even learn to emulate the masters but get them to create a single original theme they are defunct in all relspects.
So the dirty black energy demonic hate team of the English and the German scumbags with the Tylers, and the German sleazy dirty fuck who claims that he is something akin to Bach because when I clicked on a hacked Bach music video on youtube to listen to some music he rushed to claim that this is what he can play, and thusly he is a sophisticated aristocrat and entitled and suave--he's a greasy stupid thug playing cock rock but in the form of German oompa music schlager and he's just stupid as they all are--=but conniving, lying leeching and parasitic feeders.
the endless association of this group with Italy and England, because their rotten ancestors went from those countries to the U.S. and now all they care about is killing Jews like the "old country" so the old system of death pogroms and oppression can continue.
This is evident in what Trump is doing with Musk and the universal devotion of fascist Nazi Eurpigape-based fascism is now openly made clear. 
It was embraced by the white "liberal" males of America who happily watched me raped and tortured and many participated. I was drugged and this sexual enhancement technology blasted my mind, along with no concept of mind control and that I was a target so their system "worked".
Get the screeching parasites off me. THe years of them sucking my life out--with full applause by Biden who embraced DeNiro who pretended and feigned to be against Trump--an absolute deception as all the "opposition" to fascist overtake is the same.

-----------------Stinking filth is everywhere, I am in pain from the stinking filth poison shit like the tyler ugly skunk/rat family and the dirty sleazy greasy Stallone family have remained "relevant" as America loves Rambo and dumbo shit like cock rock crap.

Lunging at me, punching into my head from a side angle while I am put within half a second into "waking" consciousness while in deep sleep teleportation terrorism. This began with the greasy ignorant stupid filth of the German rape Nazi machine who is a most foul ant-everything that Whorewood supposedly stands for. HE is one of the most imitated and coveted of all the line-up of shit and scum from EUropigapeland in all the years of they violent murder operation against me which I have been fighting for my life against literally every single day for more than 15 years literally every day.

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