Sunday, December 8, 2024

My situation of non-stop endless torture mutilation rape and attempted murder is by now one of the most violent and sickening examples of state-sponsored torture I have ever heard of. The Holocaust lasted a few years, but this is decades of non-stop torture and violence from presidents senators congress fuckers and whorewood scumbags, all exalted because no one will demand justice for me or provide evidence or stop this.///I have done nothing but compete and win, try to succeed and win and be healthy, athletic and beautiful and happy in living and then NOT TAKE ABUSE without defending myself. That is my list of crimes for which death is the sentence imposed upon me by this group of never-endingly sick stupid shit and scum who are constantly being put ito awards lists for my ideas, much of the years of this ongoing endless information -sucking rape fucking ordeal that they all just revel around like demons around a phallic maypole.//

 ...and now, the cursor has disappeared from the line above, I can't move the cursor and I am resorting to beginning here----

the hacking is contributing to the sensation of my head being in a spinning wheel just dizzy and when I stand-up, I am literally dizzy my vision is blurred the attacks on my brain are constant.

The shit whore apes are trying to force a contract of poisoning and raping the poison into my body by "entitled" white trash pig ape shit, mostly from Europigapeland whom I met mostly in MIami, stemming from the celebrity shit filth of Rambo and his French and Italian degenerate scumbags who are glorified in Miami because they are "Europiean" and so "classy" they can afford top designers to conceal the real stupid trash that they are. All they have to do is pay for designers to create an image illusion of class, to which Americans in particular the former "redneck" Floridians rush to worship, literally they worship these f-ers and the attacks upon me to replace me and many others for a total Europigapeland infusion taking over every business and residence with non-stop scores of realtors out of EUropigapeland and Russia is absolutely now taken-over

I was targeted for the American hate they have of the old world of genocide pogroms and endless crushing of Jews to be re-installed into America and I can remember all the years of the American parents of my former good friends in grade school telling their children in front of me, with derision, that "do you want her to really win any longer?" and the programming began for hate with English FROM ENGLAND programming the bigot Americans. As opposed to the lies of the trashy filth of Whorewood, I didn't grow up in their mediocrity mainstream suburbs I grew up around Ivy League professors I was around very wealthy and established people who have since been murderously targeted for destruction with full support of the bigots who have run the U.S. government and eliminated all threats to their take-over long ago.

The parents of my friends, also Ivy League educated tenured professors (the man who "programmed" me in the MK ULTRA is renounced for his linguistic series of books on educating children on language acquisition which includes tools for programming in learning and mental acquisition of implanting ideas and ways of thinking and perceiving. His name is Richard Anderson, from the Department of Psychology from the University of Illinois.  His nasty daughter Rachel was programmed into my brain by my Nazi mother to be my "best friend" and this was a lying abuser programmed by her years of living in ENGLAND while her father was on sabbatical in England being awarded for his programming into being mind fucked and then fucked by mind fuck scumbags who are stupid as hell porno sick fucks fromWhorewood.

It was the ENGLISH who began a campaign against my family and myself. AT least one of the groups, and my posts writing about this overtake is because IT HAS BEEN HAPPENING and filthy stupid dirty shitalina and her nasty father (the father first) were part of the movie Deliverance and my father, the professor a poet and Vietnam activist, were in literary consortiums in Atlanta being featured as promising writers by the author of Deliverance, James Dickey in 1975 this happened. The filth English fuck who raped and poisoned me for years, named Danny Moynihan, out of ENGLAND is married to the skank daughter of the pig ape shit (forgot his name, I think it's "ford" but he also directed Exorcist 3, which of course would be fitting for the demonic mentality and spiritual morass of these a$$-scumbag shit whores who are evil as sick muck)

I am now cursing. It has taken years of writing about this repeatedly and I do hope that after Trump Obama Hillary Clinton et al have participated in this heinous contract out on me, including Musk, that someone is fucking listening at least partially to this.

The father who directed Deliverance is the father to the wife of Danny Moynihan who is a part of the Royal Crown establishment in London and England. He has attacked me since 1987 but I believe much earlier as my father was creative and unique, so these stupid filth hate whores decided that many original ideas could be sucked out of my father, who made sure that he was a part of my London "green card" visa stay in England and in Euroland which I obtained after graduating college. I was put on a street, Redcliff Road, across from Danny Moynihan in a bedsit. I never chose the location I asked a realtor under drugging for a little room to rent with a garden backyard, which this had in Chelsea. Ever since Moynihan stole ideas from me back in 2009 until now, dirty ugly English-mother spurted out sick shitalina and pig pitt have been following what MOynihan had done to me by stealing my ideas, having me poisoned to death and fucing the poison intom y body every day

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