Sunday, December 29, 2024

Terrorist (Nazi) death threats, beating-to-death threats just like what I watched regarding the black inmate being beaten to death now a famous NY State prison shockwave (not shocking to many). Watching it, and being told by the never-ending German scum stain filth grease stink who is never gone, always there, ,months and months of this fithy piece of sick skank prostituted crap with dirty ugly sick shitalina, the lovers who have gotten every politicians now to hug them for violence against me--as if I have done the most horrible crime for fighting in my defense after tey suck my energy out suck my sexuality out suck my ideas out destroy my body my home make my home a perpetual toxic shock sepsis near-death infecting filth cesspool abuse me for hours every day to extract ideas go to the Oscars for the ideas claim the idea as their own have their Nazi writers redo my ideas into the 4th Reich protocol programming, after they win the very next day after obtaining an "award" always completely rigged, always bought by the 4th Reich for making mind control teleoprtation torture rape and violence extremely desirable with everyone rushing to join in--to attack me, every day it's me. The video of the black man surrounded by white trash Nazi bigot thugs exactly the same with the filth shit from Whorewood they are overpaid redneck white trash and black wanna be white trash and bigots everywhere in every skin color. //I fell asleep yesterday becaause they are poisoning my energy drinks I use to get energy during the 4-10 hours of yelling abuse through teleportation every singleg morning. I fell asleep because my food is drugged, my energy drinks are drugged because I can't arry them around with me to protect them---(I buy boxes of the stuff just to try to have energy with all the poison they put iny body to paralyze me--this same group of fucking shit who are never stopped but only awarded. The german scum filth shit whore compared me to the black man and how they will beat me in the same manner as the filth who have profitted off torturing me in groups of rows of chairs of the immeasurably corrupt "leaders" of media and politics approving and watching on and joining in. The German sick ugly fuck creep was saying that this is what they will do to me, as usual I told him to f-off and that he's about the equivalent of a 5-yr old little boy, which he is and shitalina the ugly stupid sleay parasite, and I cannot understand how this ugly sick creep can be so protected forthis crime, but America is a sick and dead country it is a death trap trip America is so fucking destroyed and horrid and disgusting at this point.

 This morning teleported to dirty foul Liv Tyler once more, an ugly hateful dirty woman and her filthy father who have been leeching off my life for over 30 years using this contract. Fully in line, as they were back in 1997 on South Beach , with Europigape fascists they welcomed into South Beach who then took over, created a fascist Nazi atmosphere, kicked the artists out and put franchise corporate discos replacing the individuality and peaceful joy that the place had once been; turning it into a violent place with people getting killed and robbed, due to this vile hate and death energy this group truly imbibes

I am not able to type

the hacking is so awful it's impossible to write, think or express myself

Liv Tyler asked me what herbs I took for healing, and then began insulting me. That is the protocol to suck ideas out of me so they can use for themselves in any way, to sell off while blocking every single aspect or avenue for me in all respects and then calling me every kind of name for being some "failure'.

The German scum parasitic ugly filth pest began teleporting me while I was in a drugged sick deep sleep state and I was unable to wrap all the layers of protection around my hair, hands feet and everywhere else that they have routinely sliced to the bone, cut out, destroyed mutilated

and they poured horrific chemicals on my skin on my hands once more, which they have been doing literally every single day including slicing my nails to the bed and cuticles lifting the nail up with sharp objects and smearing damaging chemicals on my forearms and my skin and injecting drugs into my bladder through my vagina and if possible cutting gum tissue away from my jaw and making my hair fall out in clumps to a balding rubbery scalp and  my hair will not grow back from years of them attacking my hair until the hair is permanenty gone on over 60% of my scalp

the pig ape shit whiores got this vile German scum filth bucket trashy stupid ape to threaten my life constantly as he worships shitalina and beats punches abuses and threatens to beat me to death in front of her smiling ugly trashy face

it is amazing to me what low standards American truly holds now that this kind of sick filth is being paid for promoting this murder technology and mentality from truly stupid meaningless shit filth scumbags.

Whenever I drink my energy drink, whether day or night, the filth ape especially this German PARASITE who attacks me always after they drug me and I am most vulnerable, and he claims that I really like it because I am reacting and because I am reacting in any way that means they have procured a reaction which means I must "like it". 

But after about 10 minutes the drugs kick in after I drink the energy drinks, which I really need to get energy my body is polluted with murderous toxins that this group poured and injected into my body while stealing ideas. They act like I have committed a capital crime for responding to being abused and raped on top of everything else while they are championed by AMerican and Europigape society for this Nazi programming protocol system they are projecting into the world through this movie sick shit. The more I see of them the more sinister and disgusting these movies and of course the "actors" are--and how little intelligence they truly have despite being able to recite scripts or Shakespeare of anything else, even if they have great degrees the stupidity of their actions is telling about how much they can only repeat--I am telling you.

There are some who are more "intelligent" have Ivy League degrees who continue to feed vicariously off this terror contract, but they remain in the shadows very stealth giving instructions. They have remained relevant in media and society as a result of helping to orchestrate

so the drugs make my nervous system on a tight-rope walk over a chasm--I can't control my breathing, the drugs they are spiking and injecting make it impossible for me to literally breathe independently they are "controlling" my nervous system. I go into hate and violently screaming rampages I feel my body literally aging and dying as this transpires, and they do it every day day after day

Then they threaten my life constantly for having reacted. I try not to react but I must have food and I do need energy drinks my body is so poisoned (from what they have done and are still doing)

it is almost impossible to think and write right now, hacking is so bad I can't get any words out--it is so hard to type and pound I am not using commas or correct grammar I am going on a sort of run-on sentence structure like stream-of-thought--sometimes the lack of punctuation is my unintentional mechanism to bypass the hacking I just keep trying to get the words out--it is so stiff they are blocking keys constantly I must pound with my entire hand to get a single letter out


Another hate/mind control attack happened at a tiny "mom n pop store" where I was looking for some repair items, should be very reasonably priced and I had luck with this shop before. There was a different man behind the desk, not like the usual store with a counter but a desk. I asked him about the product as people followed me around and asked me if I needed help, I would ask for a simple item, they reacted by saying "huh?!" with absurd stupidity at me, and my brain was under attack so I reacted in ways I could not control--please note I am now aware that my body is embedded with a network of microchips down my spine and into my brain it literally "controls" my thoughts and actions so I cannot respond in a meaningful defense mode and I appear smiling while under attack. People are very happy to exploit this, without doubt so many more people than fewer are overjoyed to exploit someone whose brain is being wadked out with microchip implants or drugging, they don't care they get high off torture and abuse, a power high.

He said he had "something" and told me to go to a back room which is not part of the store. He showed me a carton box of something with label and told me that it was what I was looking for. I asked him how much out of curiosity there was no package only a crate with some item in it appearing like the substance I was looking for to patch up some material--and he told me it was about $80 for a football sized bag of unmarked brownish material. I laughed automatically like it was fun and a joke and told him as I walked away "thanks" without being able to express anything other than giggly laughter (hacked, programmed microchip implant reaction very often forced upon me in stressful and rip-off lying nasty situations. My reactions come out sporadically with no forethought or intention to react in this manner whatsoever.

I walked away he followed me and pounded my back with his finger and as I turned around he told me to go with him to another shelf in the store proper. I said something again that was far too polite and complacent for the situation it was something like 'that's' okay" with a chirpy voice that I had not even intended to say or do it came out automatically---from mind control. I was followed by slithering-around creeps and people driving into me and blocking my path the entire time.

I then went to another store and I looked at items with foreign language instructions and no English. I asked the people to translate, the male who answered picked his nose as he was responding then kept swiping his nasty nose and with a huge ugly grin told me what the package said. I could not even believe what he was saying. Everyone in the store was following orders to be rude and nasty--almost

but I had to buy this item to repair what the German sick rotten ugly putrid whore fuck and his gang rape friends ordered to inflict upon my living space, utter destruction of the floor they gouged a hole about 4 feet in circumerence in a circle around this chair in front of the laptop and broke a wheel off my chair so it's a complete physical stress to sit and use the chair and kick the wheels, which are crammed with threads and muck almost every day so using the chair and sitting here means endless work to use the chair and get in and out. I am trying to repair it with my own money and getting this mind control while fighting to pay my money to repair what this vile rapits scum piece of shit and that filth group from Whorewood ordered. The barbarity and cruelty is being honored by every president and Congress and has been for over 15 years. The cruelty and murderous mass war genocidal aspect of America I can see very clearly through this group. And I have to hear a single word of wisdom or any meaningful or beautiful thing out of these so-called self-proclaimed "superior" bigot white trash supremacists who are inferior as hell, literally.

The mind control was used again by this hideous nasty thing from the Tyler family who had semen and dead meat poured into my refrigerator defrost tray every day using the mechanical arms which are endlessly destroying my body and life and room despite years of fighting to block every panel every tile and nearly killing myself in the process (chair slipping on the floor while pounding a hook into one of the cabinets and my head missed the edge of the table by less than one inch and  I landed on a bag of plastic bags which I use to save the environment so I save all usable bags--it looks bad, but I try to save the environment in that way. It saved my life

but working endlessly to block the tiles and holes and threat for my life from this system

but this morning after I drank the energy drink Tyler assaulted me for about 2 hours, I could not stop responding in the deep recesses of my "inner mind" I respond to their prompts and sucking energy life fucking parasitic information extraction which they do every day because they are blank hateful meaningless vile scum--in the most important realm of life, that if respecting life enough to not constantly have to feed of abusing others to feel "empowered"

I respond instantly I can't control it. The drugs in the dirnks make me hyper-enraged as well. They are threatening my life for reacting in rage due to their drugging and violence and endless hate and torture rape and destruction. It is being a promotion leverage by members of Congress so how to assess the state of the nation based on their lack of finesse sanity wisdom and beauty?


To repeat, it is very very horrifically difficult to pound every word out

Tonight, at 10 pm I was so thirsty from driving around all day, that I opened up one of the bottles of energy drink which usually I drink in the mornings, only . Thusly I got the "experimental" view of how the drugging and teleportation hate life-sucking system works. I began to drink from the glass bottle, and within 15 minutes, for the drug to kick in, from being relaxed but exhausted just from years of hours of abuse per day without a single day of it stopping, day after day and this morning of course as well. But having left I was in a different state from the norm of sitting in this room all day in pain trying to rid my body of cement-hard poisons which never come out

the 15 minutes of the drug absorbing into my system and instantly the German parasite appeared as I went into a screaming rage about what a sick fuck he is--hitting him ect and this reaction on my part is part of their endless promotional protocol system it enables and empowers them emboldens them to continue indefinitely to my death, as this is murder there is no doubt and the death threats are constant now.

I was not teleported, not in any semblance of that old age ranting old woman state and I felt decades older, they are doing something to my subconscious while I am screaming due to violent brutal rape torture from this German greasy ugly dirty parasite along with dirty ugly shitalina who is abusing me to death to obtain an oscar as is dirty filthy pig shit pitt with his fucking "poor black victim of racism" movie once more, as he has come out with every year using this terror racist contract out on me. He and they all use blacks to beat and viciously assault me and they do, as do many Jews. 

and so, the energy drink as I surmised before is absolutely the "carrier" of the signal, or howver the terminology goes for a conduit of the electrical signals transmitted over the network of microchip implants

suddenly I was "screaming" in my "inner ear" to this ugly filth creep as he stared at me grinning because that wortheless creep is being paid and promoted for creating this reaction. He is such a parasitie slime scum he attacks me always at the point of falling asleep, the moment the mind control drugs kick in he's there feeding off my life force the first second possible;

I can surely assume that his career was on a downhill trajectory as it has been for most of the shit and scum who attack me in this horrid dirty contract

so he's never stoppe and he's never going to stop

I need my energy drinks

 I need my youth they are literally abusing me into old age and death and this Old age sensation only began with this German parasitic rotten fuck who is truly an energy-sucking leech.

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