Monday, December 16, 2024

This group of sick f's is torturing me to death for having watched the shit they crank out on the tube--I watched some movies hacked into a cable tv show in 2013--the sick shitalinapigpitt sick fuck duo have been poisoning raping beating torturing me ever since. I watched a tv show out of England I watched MSNBC I watched the news I watched movies slated for The Oscars--the sleaze grease cesspool have slithered en masse to torture rape beat and threaten to kill me BECUASE i WATCHED THEIR FAKE SHIT ON MY LAPTOP IN THE SICKNESS OF THE POISONING THIS GROUP OF SICK S H IT HAVE FORCED UPON ME. This is not sick enough for the members of Congress, apparently because as I search for ANY RESPONSIBLE MEMBER OF CONGRESS, ANY PRESIDENT, PAST FUTURE OR PRESENT, THERE IS ONLY laughing gaiety as the sick rotten crap put into highest office are absolutely juvenile addictive sleazy stupid scumbag hateful parasitic sleaze and so are their counterparts, on all "sides". The society at large can't wait to shoot and kill anyone they don't like by now. The drooling frenzy of "do whatever you want" scumbag sleaze idiots who are being brainwashed by all the sick stupid shit I am teleported to constantly that sleazy Nazi racism in the form of pretended alternative concern about everything can be substituted for every action of violent crime if you can get away with it.//The stupid skank whores ask me for concepts I studied under a literature professor upbringing at a Top Ten university--the shit say the most STUPID AND IGNORANT sick statements and then torture erudite and intelligent responses out of me in reaction to how sick and unqualified and stupid and sleazy and deadly filthy they are---and then they steal the ideas, pretend they are erudite intelligent have beautiful hearts and souls and go off sniggering like the niggardly scum that they are--especially the white trash sick fuck pig ape cartel 4th Reich unqualified untalented filthy and over-paid in exponential millions by the undeserved applause that is endlessly credited to the sick s tupid sleaze--who could not win any top award except a few times for playing psychopathic whores, and that is NOT acting they "win" for unleashing the sickness that they truly are in these evil roles--otherwise, it's been my ideas that they "win" top awards for over the past 15 years--all funding by the English Nazi fuck cartel having taken over the United States completely through these stupid sleazy portals of stupid parasitic underserving celebrities--and their political partners in CRIME absolutely unworthy on every single level--and to be tortured to "help" them further destroy the country--and NO ONE can be concerned about this? No one cares that they put fascism into the American vocabulary by putting their good friend into top political power, and then the fake aunt jemima oprah put incompetent stupid fuckery into the opposition--Obama as well absolutely an evil vile greed black Nazi contagion calling itself "victims of racism" to elicit pity for the criminal Nazi could care one single fuck not about black people about helping anyone but the wealthy--who shower them with millions so more stupid fuck black Nazis will follow suit. And I will NOT help SHIT LIKE THIS to have more and more--I am resisting my body is covered with scars and poison they have been beating poisoning raping me and they did this before I began to resist--I was fighting for my life--before I began to resist I was being murdered but without teleportation death skits and non-stop torture via teleportation. That is the only difference. The apathy and stupidity of the people in power who could not give a fucking damn about any of this, watching like stupid apes as the fascist bigot cartel keeps including more fascist Nazis like the stupid whores from Harlots who rushed with violence, t he black Nazi of course being the most violent as representative of the white pig ape scum shit who always have to disguise their real motives so they use the "poor victim" black scumbag whores t o do the violence for them--and it was a blonde stupid ape skank piece of parasitic shit saying the most stupid and ugly things as finally I reacted in rage after my emotions my nervous system everything was under attack for the hours of me not turning on this infernal fucking laptop to get them to shut the fuck up. They never stop until I get on this laptop to shift the hate and negative energy from the hours of this voice-to-skull shit t hat the government NEVER will take away from the endlessly increasing stupid ape whore group of most foul and dirty sick evil shit, endlessly being handed more and more and more and more and more--Elon Musk also comes from this group in addition to Trump via Amber Heard and Depp--the pieces of shit, excluding the only woman who fought rape culture in reality, |Amber Heard who has been lambasted by the rape enabler whore ugly sick shitalina and the other skank filth of that group--and she is gone, Elon Musk is now hacking into elections (still no one will admit this all the power structure is geared to empower more tyranny and more eventual horrid enslavement and death for I can't imagine how many they want to eviscerate/murder in the future but they are life fuck worthless shit if anyone gives a damn then stop doing nothing about all of this--

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