Monday, December 16, 2024

The "sell-out" of independent music at First Avenue, Minneapolis is the same transition of decency human-based politics of the Democrat Party in Minnesota, turned openly fascist Nazi in the promotional sphere of teleportation--and I am dealing with klown-klubuchar with a bunch of Euro-p-a-land fascist bigots, racist sexist ad nauseum and all together in a huge group attacking me with violence and yelling hate for just defending myself and writing the reality of what they truly are, in the private domain which bears no evidence so of course I am discredited, and then otherwise people just are apathetic because the real political activists have been either silenced, impoverished mind controlled but mostly assassinated; that includes Prince formerly known as a living human being.//Hackers have blocked access to my other Vignettes Blogs: one if for outright deadly terrorism (this one) the other two are less threatening attacks (always deadly regardless) and the third is for societal observations. Only this site is accessible, although Google I can access the actual accounts for which the other blogs are created, it is blocked in the Blogger format. //Back to the theme: The REVENGE OF SEN. KLOBUCHAR for having written an honest appraisal of her terrorism aimed at me with the same goofy smiles of delight that others of her ilk on the Democrat side have made. Their posturing is abomination compared to the death they are spewing with false platitudes of concern and death squad allegiance. Along with her is the German rapist who has been completely embrace by the gyrating pu**sy wagon of sex object slaves of the brown and black variety with the glorified equal partners of the white--(it's trashy but acceptable for blacks it's glorified elite sexuality when the same sleaze is done by whites). The English Harlots team is having their white worm predator exploiter who undoubtedly calls Americans "stupid" in the privacy of his "snob" cartel of bigots posing as activists for environmental concerns. And the actress who I had complimented went almost instantly, after obtaining a compliment on her performing women empowerment in all her tv and movie appearances but of course, as long as the sex trafficking for people like me is not only continued, but her entire Harlot crew of all races and seeming affiliations rushes to join into the rape torture beatings sex trafficking enslavement contract out on me--all fully ready to rush to get those investments out of Whorewood and push people like me not only out of all possibilities but out of life. They are just waiting for the cue, and the Government is ready as well just the Democrats who really want Trump and the fascists in power are waiting for the final push to eliminate everything from Prince to me all combined in any threat to the mediocrity of conformity with smug smiles in their BENEVOLENT DESPOTISM DICTATORSHIP appearances they make. Klobuchar, who is busy calling me (right now) stupid because with drugging non-stop, blocks to reading to being able to function but mostly the blocks to information that she has jumped to join in so white supremacy can claim that only "they" are superior, inherently when, in fact, it is a social construction. As I always state, these bigots posing as "Democrats" in places like Minneapolis/Minnesota are the outlier amongst a nest of Red States surrounding them, the fake altruistic appearances of the Governor with platitudes that are so congealed trite deception disguised as what had been really meaningful dialogue, to me is analogous to what happened when the murder of Prince in Minneapolis was achieve (I believe with some evidence by this group of pig shitalina stallone gotti trump et al who have relied on the endless torture of me to usurp power and I had tried to return to Minneapolis and reached Prince through this internet hacking "system" that if writing about it makes me appear "paranoid delusional" and that is the intended construction. Prince was assassinated via a drugging incident with drugs people around him swore he did not intentionally take, it was ruled accidental by forensic specialists, but the "system" is rigged on all accounts and in particular outside of Hennepin County in the white 4th Reich suburbs (which Klobuchar really is a representative of, in her mannerisms I know that culture well enough) and the ire and hate "they" had for Prince in having MORE than they, the racism is well-entrenched in Minnesota and in it's politics, while it retains the "Democrat" insignia it is all but a fasco racist "liberal" State. Prince was murdered about 2 weeks after I established contact and tried to get this group of parasitic filth off me---Trump then "won" the election and Oscars have been handed out to the teams of stupid filth ever since, yearly most of the time my ideas stolen (btw, I DID write a post on Facebook while the Depp slime rape tyranny with his filthy spawn creep satanic spawn were beating raping and torturing and poisoning me every day--I wrote a post about NOSFERATU by the way--they will deny that the concept was stolen, because it is a film that many point to--yet, the coincidence is not random. They were reading my every post. The scum who are attacking me out of Whorewood have been stealing concepts I wrote of back in 2013-2016l, when year after year I saw that posts I had written of such as The H andmaiden's Tale became tv shows within the year I had been writing these concepts, daily, on Facebook because all my electronic gear all my documents all was destroyed on a daily basis, I could not retain or save anything. Repeatedly my laptops have been broken my everthing has been stolen non-stop and attacks and theft are constant on everything I own.//To continue, with Klobuchar having the blonde Nazi team of rapist "feminist" cheerleaders out of Englland, and the German rapist now seemingly fully ensconced in LA but he was sent to attack me by the Gotti/DeNiro/Pesce/Obama team to rape and torture me brutally using the Nazi concentration murder themes that they had performed in, or supported (I forgot the "Jewish" mafia dude in Tarantino films who really sicced this German violent rapist on me, but he plays Jewish characters now in his elderly years--Keitel, that's the name (he will be promoted for me having writing his name, the intended objective but I have just done it again--not opps though, hoping one day someone will actually be dismayed instead of titillated over this).//Now, back to my original point as I fight to pound every key down with my entire hand. Sitting with Klobuchar behaving in the typical fascist "you will die if you dare criticize me and expose the lying corruption that you have personally been exposed to in the privacy of the 4th Reich teleportation torture non-stop decades of abuse which I fully love watching unfold and profit off--" Klobuchar was giggly again but in a grotesque manner so unbecoming that even the Euro-fasco team was in a bit of disgust and I could tell. I went once more into the lecture of how white bigots like her in Minnesota hated Prince and were part of the death squad "system" of having him assassinated--whether she knew or not, she is part of that absolutely wanna be aristocrat Europigapeland as possible cohort which has great death squad control over Minnesota. The little exception had been the domain in which Prince and his creative group (and many others) thrived, which was the downtown Hennepin Avenue strip where there were independent music clubs,. bars and bands played in all kinds of venues, including the very little-known to the mainstream 7th Street Entry and the former bus stop which became First Avenue. I have written of how the Governor, that being the jolly roger Walz, and probably Klobuchar, ordered the complete destruction of that zone, which had created the independent artistry that is so threatening to the mediocre wanna be fascist Nazi aristocracy Democrat wine-tasting party of the Democrats which are so bereft of concern about "The People" that even their joking stupid platitudes can no longer conceal t heir "snobby" approach to independent through or art. //Thusly, they tore down Hennepin Avenue and built pristine little empty spaces with trees and some benches and the entire culture was scattered into oblivion with destitution poverty as the economy spiraled down and the tax breaks shifted the wealth of the nation to the "Democrat" elites so-called. My analogy is the change in First Avenue after Prince and even probably before his death--the music was "raw" it was vital it was alive it was threatening to the status quo. Now it is like WNYU in New York's University "underground" music DJ selection, which has been culled of any threatening music or mentality and the fake screeching "alternative" imitators have replaced the actual artists. The pretense at raw screaming as in punk music is now a shrill musical boredom with no meaning but like the Democrats, stolen phrases and meanings are what is left of the former really vital and meaningful scene that people like racist white supremacist Klobuchar and the rest of the "Democrat" fascist white supremacist Nazis abhor and cannot tolerate to have any sway, certainly not in politics. I was so threatened in Minneapolis, as I am everywhere else. I have seen the destruction of independent artists taken over by the parasitic vultures who steal the art and kick the real artists off in so many locales and places. Another such place is South Beach, Miami which used to be a thriving artist scene. I know painters, artists and musicians (used to) who told me horror stories of their paintings literally being stolen by the vultures who were wealthy who were curators of art openings. They were stolen from their art concepts stolen they got kicked out eventually and those who remained went to Wynwood, Brickell or Little Haiti--and now they are kicked out of those places as well, blocked from financial success as covert discrimination is rampant. I will post just one example of the First Avenue that I attended, where people were really open-minded (for t he most part) but now, the absolute old dino resurrection of that former scene is a bunch of boring awful folk music and younger manufactured store-bought hipster-clad imitators of the old scene, so manufactured losing the sharp edge both of reality and of actual artistic individuality although they can play the chords almost perfectly. it is very similar to how Green Day, another rotten fascist Nazi "punk" band so openly violent and abusive towards me were granted publicity instantly after having joined into assaulting me. They sound pitch perfect, the spikes in their coiffured hair are perfect art specimens, their perfect studio sound is a perfect electronic manufacture of synthesized pre-recorded sound bytes stolen from authentic cassette tape punk bands but perfected into glossy one-dimensional fake "subverrsive" lyrics which are just Hallmark cards in comparison.//

"Husker Du live at First Avenue--1985". FirstAvenue7thStEntry. March 31, 2010.



A few weeks ago--here you have the typical reversion to estsablished underground music, which was mainstream back in the 80's-90's--the bands that did play were not old back in the day--it was never established older musicians looking for comeback--the audience knows all the lyrics and all the chords---it is another "throwback" and this appears to be the apex of what First Avenue can achieve for it's line-up, is aged and (I believe, as Metallica has done it's share of hacking their "stuff" into my YouTube as just more dinos looking for a restoration of their old bones--much beloved because there is very little that is played and known that is "new"--this trend continues, I am just looking up on YouTube First Avenue performances from THIS MONTH Decmeber, 2024 and that is the first that came up)


but let's take a peek at what the 4th Reich has reverted First Avenue into besides repeats of old 80's and 90's trend-setting mainstream...from this month

I can't find anything but repeats of repeats in the YouTube line-up of music videos from this year--my searches are limited. Every single video is a cover version of a 60's-90's subculture "song" which hit the top 40 as the "alternative". I find also that the WNYU line-up of the "alternative" sections for what had been completely unheard of originators and unique musicians is now completely rammed with established terrorists WHO HAVE JOINED INTO THE FASCIST NAZI ATTACK ON ME in order to have more dino documentaries about their rancid careers displaying them as mavericks (controllers and usurpers) of the former "subculture", while the real creative innovators are now ignored and replaced.

I must dig to find bands that are not covering established mainstream songs that were turned into the "alternative" and I find that the old archives of WNYU play those who actually were the original innovators, their themes and styles were stolen by the 4th Reich fascist Nazi fakes--entirely.

In short: all of this is analogous to the take-over of the "Democrat" Party not just in the isolated "Blue" State of Minnesota but at higher levels as well. That Klobuchar, who is part of the "team" of those who surreptitiously ordered the assassination of Prince, under directive by the emerging fascist New Order when Trump needed to ascend to power and the fasco "feminist" Nazi league in dirty mediocre Whorewood had to oust Weinstein, whom I believe is being poisoned to death in his cell but it's made to appear like health failure, as this group does with their covert assassinations after they discredit the personality target, in this case the "too many Jews in Hollywood" whining lament by the Europigape Nazis (especially out of England) I have met in foreign countries--I asked them how they knew about this, they spat in hate at me that they have "a cousin who works in Hollywood" etc etc. It is the same trend with politics. 

I CANNOT FIND A SINGLE TEENY WEENY VIDEO ON YOUTUBE that doesn't feature an "old school" band or cover version of an old band that had "represented" in mainstream the "subculture" but which, instead, just stole the theme. The filth of Whorewood have been doing this to me for almost 2 decades with poisoning and drugging beatings torture for writing in my defense to get anyone to stop this parasitic stupid filth group---and the politicians watch on giggling and looking for mansions and elite status in ole Europigapeland, where they "really" took care of any upstart group with brutality and genocide--now being adopted by the U.S. political "left" not just the Repub side of the pub which used to be a political body politic perhaps bipartisan at one point in history.

I found a 3 year-old documentary about the Black innovators, Prince being just one. You will NEVER see these bands performing at First Avenue and then posted on YouTube--they are relegated to obscurity and their style stolen, as usual, by the culture which steals all they can with impunity and glorifies their every sleazy racist bigot mind programming duplicity as being elite because it imitates fascist Europigapeland mass murder theft rape and genocidal culture with snouts in air posturing. They have SOLD OUT AMERICA that is really the bottom line. They want NO INDEPENDENT creative threat to their wine-tasting mediocrity. The alternative and the "radical" concept of people having chances for creative independence out of control and racist hegemony of all invention that is stolen, endlessly by the 4th Reich formerly the 3rd Reich formerly plantation Colonialization Imperialism English Crown German fascism Russian brutality despotism--now re-imaged the Europigapes are stealing American memes of "feminism" in order to sell their white supremacy disguised as being almost "radical woke" the rehashing of history that empowers the fascist blonde Nazi women and their "fighting against racism" a la American feminism and civil rights assassinated originators--is the theme I am writing of today. The former movements originated by JEWS AND BLACKS who are not pitted against one another by the manufacturing of hate slingers. Europigapes are trying to sell this off, but they are being embraced by Whorewood for viciously and unapologetically racist Nazi and fully welcomed by the Democrats the Republicans and the sickeningly mediocre Whorewood scumbag mob. (not "all" I refer to those participating in this hate terror mafia Nazi contract out on me, which is fare more scumbags than I can even begin to write about--I only write about the most violent sleaze haters who are "in my face" constantly. As usual, typing is a stressful torture for my hands and it's so time-consuming.

"Where is the Funk? How Prince Created the Minneapolis Sound (feat. Jellybean Johnson of The Time)". Sound Field. January 2, 2020.


First Avenue "back in the day" of the mid-80's when hard core was a common theme. That type of music has been synthesized on various levels and regurgitated in the entropy line-up of current bands which litter the playlist of monthly bands, in a weak syrupy imitation of what First Avenue had been created originally in it's "Heyday" when JEWS AND BLACKS had created a club, in unison, working together, to create a modern epic of musical invention and open-minded alternative to the disco and top 40 entrails of flatulent music--of course, the "hipster" "youth" of today strive as assiduously as possible to rehash all those top mainstream bands which had usurped the alternative subculture and then to claim that I am not what was acceptable at that time (at least at First Avenue I had protection from the Prince and Jewish crew to express myself and be and feel welcomed) but, now it's only about their shopping mall and online ordering of the fashion which we had to scrounge and piece together from 2nd hand hip stores in order to not wear the horrid stifling fashion of the 80's which, in comparison to today, is much more fun even with the mainstream "alternative"

Anyway, reveries aside, (it has been told that every generation bemoans the loss of their culture and the onset of what they consider a huge defeat of culture in the next, and I must join in that list what I see is just a repeat of a repeat striving to emulate the 80's mainstream but calling itself the underground or striving therefore

attacking me for wearing "their" fashion and "trying to be a 20-something" so I have to remind these idiots that with their racist concepts they can't identify that this subculture was not entirely all white, not in Minneapolis back then, but only under the auspice of Prince and now the fascist racist Democrat "elite" have welcomed something perhaps like Ilhan Omar into First Avenue, but she is anti-semitic or labeled as such, and the label suffices. What the Jewish managers of First Avenue created is only seen in the  hip atmosphere of the movie Purple Rain--it was not Prince who did this. Btw, my father was involved in the Minneapolis music scene and had invested in a radio station when he lived in Milwaukee--a one-hour flight away. My father an attorney also for Mafia in many times of his life-and the Purple Rain theme includes some references to Italians--and etc I wont' go further

this is about the transition of the targets of Nazi wrath who had created First Avenue to a great degree in the programming and atmosphere, not recognized except for Prince, but it was not Prince who "allowed" this freedom of expression and seeming lack of racism to thrive in that tiny oasis of an otherwise EXTREMELY RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST MINNESOTA. The hateful comments about Prince made by Frat boys in beer conversations I heard from the boyfriend of a former terrorist roommate have stuck with me and condescending as they were, they descried Prince for his overt sexuality while they were raping me and attacking me, as Klobuchar is now doing with this team of rapists and outright racist abusers (including the black members).


So, see the transition of what they destroyed in the underground "black and jewish" club that is now world-famous, but now a weak and copy-cat horrid space I watch videos of the current Minneapolis who thrive off stealing the concept--as this group of mediocrity out of Whorewood, adept at portraying pornographic sexuality stuffed into a template of aristocrat elitism so plastic surgery modified packaged and computer concocted false personality traits that are defunct (not the funk for sure).


The entire mentality of every celebrity involved every politician is that I have zero human rights, and for me to question, defend myself or write about their crimes and traitorous behavior towards not only me, but the U.S. Constitution, the laws they break on a non-stop continuous basis like eating doped-up candy with applause and promotions meted out like more dope. They all behave like instant fascists after rushing to abuse me in the contract which enables them to obtain plastic surgery (as the senator above lightened her hair and got plastic surgery, I can tell) and like them all, the programming to become a violent fascist murdering bigot is compounded by the instant applause of the only group of human beings (so-called) on Earth: fascist Nazi Mafia who are rushing in droves, more like locusts to help the Americans who behave like doped up locusts on a feeding frenzy to devour the immense wealth they can endlessly procure out of all that is handed as a social engineering tool by the 4th Reich fully in control of all sides of every political farce; that is all this is, a complete farce.

They yell at me, white supremacist Republican men and Democrat Women, saying I am not allowed to "speak to them like that' in rage after more than one or more decades of non-stop torture, poisoning and destruction of my every chance to have even slight stability so I am not thrust into a turbulence at every attack with no basis or stability in which to make a foundation of defense. All I do is write every day to emptiness and nothingness. It goes on every day.

All I see is that the creeple attacking me are competent to push papers, say the lying lines they are instructed to repeat, are capable of performing their tasks and educated on these fronts. Otherwise, unexceptional, they must have a fascist Mafia death squad backing up their lack of ethical concern to disguise the true fact that they are scoundrel traitors incompetent to lead a fair and free society.

Their censure of any exposure of their lies, not with me but in general there are some of the lying podcasters who say that any open criticism of the Biden administration is a fear-factor in why there was so little opposition to that fascist regime all these years. That was Steve Schmidt in an interview and that was the most I got off the interview which stuck with me; otherwise it appeared as a fake pretense of being alarmed that Harris did not win and one of those "blame" podcasts which came out after all of them stated directly into cameras to mesmerize (Hypnotize, brainwash) the public by stating with absolute certainty that Harris "will win".  I believe they knew she would not, I believe they were instrumental in achieving this lie as a force of deception. Perhaps people did not vote assuming their vote would not matter as much.

Schmidt of course is one of the participants in the attack upon me. My rage when seeing these scumbag creeple after scouring YouTube to get any kind of affirmation that there is anything but lying fascist Nazi Mafia deception agents who have infiltrated all aspects of the "opposition" to the tyranny they all really embrace so wholeheartedly but they continue to spew their lines because all the opposition has not yet been completely destroyed. 


That was Klo this morning with the German rapist, the English man both physically attacking me. I had complimented one of the actors (female) who always plays a "strong" feminist in her many roles for English television (of course, she has played in a Spielberg movie, so many of the fascist Nazis who have viciously attacked me as she had her mininos to and the blonde Nazi bigots) all part of the Spielberg fame-making anti-racist league of posturing bigots--the lislt is so long. One of the most heinous I call Dumb Whorren MIrrage because using her vile name is so offensive by now, as she is. When Prince was (assassinated) she was featured wearing a purple suit/dress at the Cannes showing of Purple Rain with her fist upheld in some kind of mockery solidarity (mockery if you knew and understood the English fascist murderous bigot who is truly a Nazi of the English variety, as are all the English who rush to assault me; one of the rapists went from his career being obscured with no real notice, he hacked his f-ing video onto a music video I was watching from a Russian band--he rushed to violently rape me with his wife; he is now slated for a Golden Globe, and I doubt seriously he would have obtained this if he had not raped and beaten me using the disgusting formula that only sleazy scumbags would use, but for this filthy group, that is considered elitist entitlement and "shaming" of me, not any of these filthy whores of stupidity and posturing sick filth

He, of course, in his British Israelist hate for Jews and the Evangelical usurpation of Israel has played Jesus, the Jew in a dual role of being Satan revisited in the desert for temptation--

the theme being hate for Jews and another Holocaust in reality. Thusly, Klo the senate "feminist" Nazi is fully into this, and had two body builder martial arts "men" so-called physically assault me. They began just as I was falling asleep--they forced my throat to constrict making a chocking constricting noise--they began to physically beat me and I had to fight to get them off. Screaming in rage for a few more hours, it went on until I fell asleep and began even before I woke up the next morning. Klobuchar was there. The English team of Harlots all assembled after I had complimented one of them, she began the next to day abuse, use threats insults and got her team of blonde Nazi bigot skank men and women, the white male in particular in a hegemony English Imperialist posturing about his so-called "superiority" which he only implied as his right, as I fought this filthy creep who I only see as a dirty nasty bigot trying, as they all are, to insinuate instant programming for white supremacy, which most people through trauma have been and still are being programmed into instantly accepting without question.

Thusly the yelling pig ape skank who I had complimented began yelling fascistically while her blonde bigot scumbag began hitting me as the German rapist began hitting me and I had to scream and fight my way out of it with Klobuchar literally gyrating sexually with a demonic smirk on her vile face--she was so grotesquely stupid and sickly looking that the crowd of Europigape bigots stared in a kind of shock because it was so openly sick and creepy. I could tell they froze, the performance of trying to appear as fascist and happy and thrilled about bigot racist Nazi genocide imposed upon me by members of Congress they must demonstrate in front of the German scumbag slime filth that they have huge sadistic smiles on their ugly sleazy filth faces so they have huge smiles now. This program to use Nazi facial suggestions of sadistic delight in torture rape and murder has begun under the filth slime of this German sick fuck crap creep

the English are all instantly going along---and thusly, I had to fight this and I have to fight it when Lyndsey Graham and John Kennedy Ted Cruz and et al rush to appear as fascist entitled abusive genocidal Holocaust-promoting as possible.

And that is what was forced upon me. I wrote about Klobuchar after having been tortured yesterday for hours by the team of English shit and filth, absolutely meaningless stupid crap people relying entirely on the stereotypes of English supremacy that was the driving force of mass murder for a few centuries around the world. The propensity of these white trash Europigape pig filth apes to become instantly murderously brutally violent is so supported by the "feminist" white trash contagion I was forced to have in my deep sleep and waking state so I could not even try to ignore them--the physical torture from the torture technologies pointed into my bed from the room below has been used to create extreme torture and for years--it is where the teleportation technology is being used, I believe. The bed frame is unmovable it is literally bolted to the floor and I can't even see where the bolts are, the floor boards are above the base of the huge bed

and so, that is the weak and sleazy nature of these creeps. The Europigapes are relying on the necessity of the stupid ape crowd from America, the whores and pigs you all love with their sleazy psychopathic movies you have all loved, the sexualization of murder and crime to which they are heralded.They have zero original concepts or ideas, not a single one. The politicians yap constantly about themes that is akin to the terrorist "alternative" dinosaurs who play their instruments who have been paid in millions upon millions as they steal the image the style of the artists who are now invisible. All that remains is a copy of a copy which is awarded as being the originator but is a worse fake the a plastic-coated duplicate.

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