Monday, December 23, 2024

All of the expletives mentioned in this post are under direct influence, incentivized by the German team one of whom is a most foul violent rapist who forced his nasty self upon me and began terrorism and torture--is now instructing his minions, which means the A-list of Whorewood, into Nazi-strategies for "breaking" someone's soul and personality. All actions are a result of the initialization of this German filth dirty "demonic'" porno Nazi-concentration camp spewing filth cesspool and his blonde Nazi friends and family and organization, whatever it is, it now has full sway over the dirty and really stupid and incompetent Whorewood team--shitpigapalina and all the hundreds of celebrity shit and scum who rush to violently abuse me, the German is instructing them on forcing absolute silence, no commentary on my part, but their uninterrupted torture using teleportation drugging trauma-based mind control, which i24/7 poisoning drugging mutilation rape and assault from millions of operatives who are everywhere, all the time so there is no place on earth I can go to live in peace and no representative of any government who will stop this and protect me, not anywhere around the world. This group is now fully performing the acts as proxy for this filth creep they all adore. Thusly the rest of this post regards the training and programming of Whorewood into Nazi brutal methods for psy-ops torture, rape and silencing of any criticism. //They are ALL fully engaged in this torture protocol Stasi/KGB methodology. This filth German actor scumbag who truly is sick and stuipd as they really all appear to be, has played in his roles, mesmerized by the violence and "power" obtained through torture concentration camp methodology--he has played a corrupt Stasi agent scumbag, and a concentration camp sexual predator abuse. He is fully imprinted in the roles in a form of transference ,and is instructing the already filthy and Nazi programmed group of expletive-soiled filth into more extreme methods of violence. Not that anyone appears to be concerned as my 15 years of writing about this has resulted in only a rise in fascist Nazism in all aspects of life, and around the world. All I have done is writing in resistance of, and this is now being rteleportation terrorism by the endless Tyler family--hitting, punching, yelling death threats. I wrote a post about a general condition of politics and entertainment on Facebook--dirty parasite from this filthy tv show Harlots who have rushed sprinted to get their free entrance into American media and of course politics--because I watched a shit tv show about prostitutes in London back in some early century--I like period dramas out of Europ-a-land also for the costume and design, just by the way it wan't just fascination with much more than that and watching Samantha Morton, a most vile fake feminist bigot racist and I wanted to see if her slew of white trash feminist k-rap was intriguing--as I had hoped that someone who appears soft-spoken could be somewhat intellectual. No such luck, they are just trying to capitalize on the American "woke" scene by incorporating the empowerment of their characters along something like Disney lines of entertaining upcommance to white male superiority. The first people who attacked me from their group were white males and then the blonde skanks--then using their black minions and then sliding on down to the Tyler family, who had been behind the endless attacks in the first place. I did not watch that tv series to watch Americans from Whoreowod and her character appeared in ether Season 2 or later on in the series. I just went on like a dumb tv addict not assuming that this trash filth would viciously hand me over for their entire plot to attack me so viciously--as Europigapes do they are practiced in fascism and Nazism and Totalitarianism and Centralized control structures and lying and deceit about their true intentions--vicious vultures and liars and absolutely into Nazism and Totalitarianism. Equating that with elite entitlement as if there is a difference. And thusly, the vicious hateful Tyler is kicking punching and yelling death threats for me writing a post on my Facebook page today about the fakes of the entertainment and political machine on the "Democrat" side. As they all do, using any single pretext/lie to attack me viciously and Tyler is a horrible sick personality--whatever his imbalance is or his vicious assault and lack of intelligence on the part of himself and his really uneducated daughter who has not read a book has nothing but "give me/I demand" mentality, as all this filth and crap all behave like the politicians and the sleazy fakes of Whorewood. I wrote that politics should not be intertwined with celebrity any longer, that Harris should NEVER run again and to get the Obamas, Hillary and Oprah OUT of the collective political clown show. That they are money grabbing fakes destroying the legitimacy of the authenticity of concern about their "vulnerable" constituents (I only alluded to that, in general they are only out for money and are fake and the sleazy sick clown show of the Harris campaign was a sleazy dirty event)--and then I added a youtube video in the comment section about a band, 711 Spacechoir, which was too cool for the norm and have been relegated to obscurity. I recommended song #3 called "ego trippin'"nd that was b

 **hackers have blocked my typing in the space above, I tried thrice to scroll forward to finish the sentence and every time I highlighted and scrolled forward as soon as I let my finger off the mouse it reverted to the beginning. I fast-forwarded using the arrow key and then I could not access where I had left off, so here I am, they want to interrupt my writing they are blocking my internet despite using a VNP nothing is not hacked or blocked no matter what I do or what system I use--I assume paying for any service would mean the same hacking and I also can't afford it

*for the 2nd time, I was adding the intro to this post and in the middle of a sentence the cursor jumped the page disappeared I got lost in fighting to retain my brain feels like a fog is smothering thought coherency--as it is.

I was writing that for the past 15 years I have spent my life writing about the threat of a Nazi rise, and it has happened because so many people have been completely primed by the Whorewood 4th Reich movie machine and celebrity worship of Nazis disguised as being heroes of themes and scripts they never conceived or or wrote. It follows with my example that for 15 years they cannot think independently of their own award-winning ideas it comes from me. The problem is not "them" but all of society (It feels like "all" to me from a lifetime of this going on and on) which followed these same protocols so I was drugged and exploited tortured but not like this group of hyena whores who are the most foul of all people I have ever met, the most apparently stupid and sick (but I never got very close to the majority of the terrorists as they amount to millions of sick creeps doing sick and violent nasty things) but to continue---the programming into brutal rape and torture protocols is being implemented not by Victoria Gotti or any of the celebrity or mafia Nazi shit I find detestable and just think of them as slime ooze by now and they prove it with their semen-laced dead meat insertions into my refrigerator because I called them slime-they are slimy they are greasy sick operators--but it's the majority of society which I can only blame as without the major consent of the "silent majority" none of this would ever have happened. I could add that if Citizens United were no implemented these lobbies would not exert such control or through the rigged electoral college have voted such nefarious haters who I have had to deal with from the political spectrum. But they are trying to just suck out ideas from me while murdering me--not a single penny not a thank you in over 15 years of them going to top festivals and awards with ideas they have dispersed to the creeps who join in. Not a single day of cessation no holiday no break nothing they are going on until I break and die---I have no doubt. But, this German sleazy fuck who is just another dumb muscle-bound porno scumbag (I see them every year in this tourist place where they come to learn boxing and have sleazy encounters almost for free with master-slave entitlement which only bolsters their Nazi mentality in attacking me with circles of brown and blacks around them; it is exactly the same in affluent Whorewood.

But the programming is entering a notch of violence of repression of any commentary about the reality and the truth as I see it and observe through analysis not conjecture. I base my writings on experience and detail the structures. In all these 15 years EVERYTHING i HAVE SAID WAS GOING TO HAPPEN HAS HAPPENED in terms of the vicious rise of authoritarianism and Nazism. I believe Trump and his team were aware that they had the electoral college and election fully under control (they could have bought out the e. college or a conspiracy theory I believe is very likely possible (emphasis on likely) is satellite interference and hacking. I have not seen any study or research negating that hypothesis). 

And so the training into fascist violent repression of anti-fascist operatives is being by proxy instructed to the stupid meaningless mediocrities who otherwise refuse to spend their own money and they are repeats of repeats so they can't think of any original ideas whatsoever. The daily torture of me so they can obtain ideas, I can assure anyone that I can indeed think of creative ideas without being tortured. But the themes they ask me for to scream out are about victimization, as that is the "revenge" and "righteous" assumption of power over unjust powers that these perpetrator Nazis are struggling to find original ideas for, plus the Nazi rape cheerleader bigots need new ideas about "feminism" to sell and etc.

THey continue to ask me why I don't like them or being tortured, literally every single, single day until I 'break" due to the drugging and HOURS AND HOURS OF ABUSE TORTURE and assault . The smiles on their ugly sick faces after abusing me and then the sneering hate looks of murder when I fight back--and it's still being completely protected and funded by the ersatz government. Protected by Whorewood and championed as such. Defended by "society" at large.


(((***It is truly unfortunate that in writing this post naming these foul criminal psychopaths (I suggest most of them former addicts or current, and in many respects other than just drugs or alcohol but now they are addicted to torture)

Too bad these people I write of will only be more promoted for me writing about how sick and vile they behave towards me. It has proven 100% that everyone I write about is almost instantly promoted into a much higher orbit. The waiting line of shit, scum and lying pretentiously creative artist k-rap shit is never-ending Like rats starving with rabies, they rush frantically to abuse me for as long as they can per day and night. The gottis have clutched on for maybe over 7  years by now. Truly sinister and disgusting, they truly are. Absolute Nazis absolutely anti-semitic and beloved by all the Presidents and all the politicians and they are just foul and slime sleaze and it's sickening to have to be around such filth creeps every day every night paralyzed writing about them every day and hoping some decency will emerge in Christian and "liberal" fucking American government. 


so, I had written about one little paragraph on my personal facebook page in response to Harris being mentioned as running in 2028. I wrote no no no and why, which I elaborated upon above.

For this slim pretext, it is now INTO HOUR THREE of Tyler punching me from side angles, my rushing to strangle and kill him and punch his filthy ugly face as they pull me off him. His ugly sick spawn daughter is there to help, her "daddy" abusing me for her as she also got her vicious English skank whore white Nazi and Black Nazi trash team to viciously for 10-16 hours per day to assault me because they --the Tylers, are blank hateful sleazy and have NOTHING TO SAY.. Tyler with his crap cock rock band always had nothing to say and  always creeped me out---his appearance the horrid music in my opinion I have never liked them, her in Lord of the Rings-and now they are filthy they have been spewing semen and dead meat substances into my kitchen for the past 3 days every single moment possible using mechanical arms to wreak their parallel stink their ugly dirty evil energy manifested into this stinking attack--and they are sick ugly and foul.

I can't use correct grammar I am not using commas the keyboard is nearly impossible to pound on constantly and backspace and rewrite constantly

3 HOUR HOURS HOURS of this dirty ugly old creep man with his shit career in having infiltrated the alternative music industry to promote NOTHING BUT WHITE MALE SUPREMACY.  That is all they are all about. The white "feminists" capitalize on feeding off the wave of white male succor and endless instant assumption to being given everything first.

Last night in teleportation it was sleazy horrid Victoria Gotti having me sexually abused and they had a skit where I was told I was a waitress and that in serving food to a table a man told me to only be his waitress and "serve him" so I said I would, assuming I was a "waitress" and I was actually in a restaurant setting. Instantly I was sexually assaulted by a women gyrating into my body and then the seeming "hostess" told me that some other man and his group wanted me to "service" them--as if it was an escort service but I was in deep sleep, could barely see anything in front of me or around me; they had me in "stop and start" mode of consciousness being blanked out and then re-awoken in another place, and I could not say no I just was frozen and uncomprehending could not see and said that I was only going to "serve" this person I had made this "promise to" assuming as they had me under hypnosis, while in deep sleep, drugged, that I was a waitress but they turned it into a prostitution situation.

And more greasy sick stupid crap going on in the teleportation.

Obviously this is part of the murder, these skits are psychically murderous every night for hours and hours.

When I saw that the Democrats want Harris to run again, I thought of her smiling into the German sick greasy fuck's face after the Gottis put him into viciously beating and raping me--and now every rotten white trash pig ape and his black minion is punching into my face while I am put instantly into the sleep "waking" state of teleportation\

so this filthy dirty ugly creep, who is using my post about not wanting Harris to run again, is screaming any excuse that I have no right to write anything bitch and I will kill you punching into me, as I hit this ugly rat skunk creep his dirty daughter rushes to attack me as well

and now, they are benefiting from me writing about their sick ugliness, which will remain as it always is, them being handed this tech again tonight and tomorrow and forever, 30 years of them having me slowly paralyzed raped poisoned and fighting for my life is NOT enough because they are blank hateful sleazy filth all of these filthy fuckers who teleport me--they can't think of any single original thing but they can't stand to see me have more talent, and more beauty so they have spent decades mutilating poisoning abusing torturing me every single day for hours and hours per day plus poisoning my food and infecting my home with fungus and mold making me paralyzed slicing into my body making my hair fall out permanently etc

and now this pair of filth will as usual as all this shit does, get more promotions for murder threats, using my every written post about the sleaze, corruption and this dirty death system of lies and corruption and incompetence that has been put into lead positions not only in politics but especially in dirty, stupid filthy Whorewood, that is all  I have seen of them never heard a single intelligent sentence not even once from any of these filthy parasites for over 15 years. They are instructed to say nothing and to insult me in every way so that is all they exhibit. 

Still, writing about it to try to get someone to get this incompetent pair of parasites, this ugly rat sleaze dirty skunk-looking creep S.Tyler and his apparently even more stupid than most of the stupid celebrity skank whores-absolutely incompetent both of them to have been put into power. Their ugly miserable faces detail the agony of their careers being in decline so they are most viciously assaulting me under every pretext.

I only hope that what I wrote this morning will have some effect on having some actual real people running for the Democrat Party--to get fucking rotten Obama and Hillary and Oprah OUT of their endless political grifts using this contract on me to crank out constantly pure bs about how "great" they are (not) and how viciously abusive and despotic they are in actuality--including so many of the senators like the Democrats who have joined in even more vicious than the Republicans in open racism and violence and stupid narrow-minded bigotry. And putting these filthy stupid meaningless shit whore celebrities and the dirty evil Gotti and Mafia crime families in partnership with the Government has indeed created this criminal rotation of ...well, just look at the situation of Impeachments and attempted Impeachments on all sides--those who could hide from the law played their hands very well (i.e. The Clintons with Whitewater and the murder of a politician--his name escapes me now but they slithered out of all direct legal repercussion with their slime partnership with the English Crown, as Hillary and her hubby are intimately connected Bill Clinton studied at Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship; there can be no doubt, but of course I  am not able to obtain evidence, but the connection to England is feasibly connectable. 

I wrote to stop putting entertainers into political campaigns.

\It really must be done and the landscape of celebrity dinos who are vicious miserable ugly nasty lying filth who were put into these movements about political change for more freedom for women and minorities are just pure bs operators, agents, probable CIA agents death squad operatives-such as dirty filthy Fonda by the way--and she is also connected to the Manson Family and that group working with drug dealing and prostitution and etc. She is a most nasty representative of fake alternative culture and a vulture usurper of all these feminist and other movements; a complete Europhile as well

they all are death threatening me for writing about the heinous behavior they all exhibit like rabid rats on crack.


After "traumatizing" me with sexual assault--a woman stood in front of me and began rubbing her behind onto my body while I thought I was a waitress in a restaurant in front of the hostess who watched smiling and laughing while I was being sexually assaulted by some creep gyrating into my body while I had been put into an instant "waking" state so I had no preparation for anything

Victoria Gotti then showed me some "Movie clip" or something of that nature, about a female being mind controlled who was absolutely following orders but other people were around her. She asked me for another idea, which this group has capitalized off for over 15 years, the Gottis and DeNiro in Joker (they tortured a puppy in a place I am familiar with, the puppy was just abused so badly it shrank into a little ball looking like it was dying from sorrow--I pet it played with it and bought it toys--rushed out to the dollar store to help this little puppy baby--and they asked me "what name should we call it?" and I said, "Happy" and that is the name they used for the Joker character and the trauma skit was to entice me to be in the "trauma" state of mind, as I tried to raise the energy they just sucked another idea out of me--and they have been "traumatizing' poisoning paralyzing mutilating abusing raping putting me in accidents making my home stinking filthy as they really are and they spew their filth on me every day literally all day long in one facet or another

and she asked me again, and they all go off taking whatever idea they can out of me, every day they ask me "why" and for ideas after they drug me in deep sleep, have me abused for hours in deep sleep, then I wake and they begin using voice-to-skull saying they will smash my head against objects and etc to stab myself they will stick the pair of scissors  I am using into my eyes, etc they go on and on and on and on for hours and hours.

Finally I write on Facebook or here to alleviate the stress as I am constantly disabled, constantly in pain, constantly unable to move bend or do anything most of the day. They poisoned me with hardening poison until my body cannot bend while stinking filth is poured on all cracks and angles that you must use a curved spine to clean or patch up because the mechanical arms are coming out of low-lying places in my bathroom and behind the kitchen sink piping there is a huge space and they also literally used laser tech to slice through the bottom of the cabinet so there are huge gaps. They are insering these mechanical amrs consatantly--I try to block the 1-2 inch gap at the top of the cabinet doors which they broke so they are crooked, the hinges are rusted nearly shit. I would have to spend a huge portion of money to try to repair just so I can try to do what my body will not allow.

They literally carved out of the floor the top layer of PVC plywood (if there is such a thing) but it was a top layer over the more crude wooden floor-they cut 1-inch hole into this area behind my chair plus everything is stinking broken and the mechanical arms are being pushed through wall sockets and behind unreachable objects for me, with this paralysis of hard poisons

And so, they go on torturing poisoning and insinuating that I am a prostituted sex slave that I am ugly a bitch and stupid yet they keep on asking me for ideas, never paying me, having me poisoned mutilated and thusly all their "loser' "nothing" "bitch" when I am fighting back against this dehumanizing extremely antisemitic situation of Nazis disguised as alternatives, feminists and anti-racists.

One thing I told that hideously nasty undoubted drug saturated creep Tyler, is that he usurped the alternative movement with his dirtynasty porno cock rock crap and all that the 70's and 80''s had to bring he and his nasty cock rock crap buddies who have rushed to assault me, ranging from the nasty and meaningless Paul McCartney, to Roger Waters (yelling screaming hateful slime nothing to do with the alternative movement and all of his music which purports to be against all the fascism and materialism but in private he is every single thing in spades that his public image--ltd claims as his personality--a nasty group of racist rape culture bigots who Weinstein only was imitating in his need to be "one of the guys" of Whorewood, 

they use every sex abuse against minorities to oust them and put this white trash shit into the former place of the "Jew" they could not tolerate to see him have more creative talent than their insipid entitlement demands which are backed by almost nothing--shitty stupid songs, a few chords and shitty simple lyrics that is all that this awful sleazy dirty creep has ever been about

and his daughter, I asked her if she had actually ever read any books or studies on feminism--like them all, she remained silent because they are instructed to just suck ideas out of me so they can have some unique approach to integrate with their old racist bullshit hegemony posturing---

they say nothing, but I saw that she is blank as hell has never done any research and they are not superior in any respect. The mentality of these lying fakes, from the politicians to the scum of Whorewood is an atrocity to culture in that they are lacking, all of them, in any ethical superiority they are callous criminals and psychopaths the Democrats and Republicans mouth some gestures of Christian and Ethical concern all of which are thrown out when this contract is dangled in front of their filthy snouts. All use the pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi posture (Obama uses this Nazi pose quite often) Hillary as well. They are all indoctrinants of the 4th Reich and they all have about a list of repeat slogans they use in alteration repeating one another as well.

They keep traumating and torturing me and I can't even stop the mechanical arms from poisoning and drugging me every night while they just inflict death and hate and murder upon me. I write in rage suppressed about the topics of these shit group which are destroying America and have destroyed all my plans for my life my cat stolen my uterus partially severed out my hair almost destroyed completely

and they have made millions off my ideas are constantly going to the Oscars. The schedule of non-stop murder against me is still never thwarted they may be instructed to "tone it down" and then they resume. The influence of this greasy German scumbag filth creep, whom they all nearly worship as if he is their leader, they are such meaningless shit and that this group of fucking trashy filth is using my ideas to sell off Nazism in disguise is horrific

and this ties into the Kamala Harris run for president in 2028

goddamn do not let that awful stupid creep run again along with dirty foul obama and oprah selling their greasy clown show and the gyrating dirty filthy Cardi B that filthy creep once more selling "Freedom" along with Beyonce. 

Get something that actually has meaning, both in Whorewood and in politics.

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