Wednesday, December 25, 2024

I cannot control reacting to parasites leeching onto abusing me for their promotions-they drug me every night, they teleport me to stupid abusive dirty foul creeps--again, people I would never have any single thing to do with are forced upon me in this deep sleep state who say and do violent ugly sick dirty demonic shitty things--I respond as if it is a normal situation and most of the events happen within a few seconds; I must be "programmed" in a completely altered unconscious state while they are preparing me to respond with actions or words that suit their discrediting agenda--I have no idea where I am, who these people are I am instructed that I am friendly that I say or do things that are not my choice. To get me to comply they frame the programming instructions in a way that appear benign as, for example, 2 nights again I was told I was a waitress in a restaurant and I was in deed in a restaurant while teleported. But their intention was to use the word "serve" as in a slavish sexual trafficking mode rather than a waitress serving a customer, which I have done only briefly in my life but I do know that in America at least you serve with a smile and are agreeable to the customer when they ask you to "serve" them. thusly, in a real waking state this morning, as happens every day, I find myself responding to threats and abuse without even realizing that I am doing it. The scum creep Tyler hisses into my brain using this tech I am drugged every night, I respond without any filters and my nervous system is put into extreme rage state. I respond with hate, I feel old as well. This old miserable man and his miserable daughter make me fee, by transfernece very old, I look old now I am shriveling up from rotten sucking parasite coming after me after the next. It is a veritable feeding frenzy of slime shit filth stupidity coming to rape beat and suck everything out of me. I have appealed in writing for over 15 years for ANYBODY to top this. ##the hacking is atrocious, my last post today was completely half-deleted and rewritten--ideas were changed to the opposite meaning by cutting out suffixes and deleting parts of sentences. It is christmas and I was attacked without a break so another dino andhis filthy spawn can obtain more out of this contract out on me, as groups of shit andwhores have been doing every single day, day after day, after day after night after day after day after day politicians rushing to profit off it there isnot asingle one in congress who is not afoul Nazi disguised as being a Progressive or a democrat or a christian.

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