Watching the damn tube because of the sense of endless attack, needing to hear if anything possible is going to stop this fascist Nazi group from taking over all the sides of all the sides---hearing the "Left" discuss how great things are going, seemingly. And while watching the stinking filth is being constantly injected into this tray--I have to pull it out from the nook in the wall nestled in the stinking foul cabinets which I cannot use due to stinking filth sprayed on everything whether outside or in, but if any enclosed space the smell permeates and then they spray such stinking permanently-absorbing filth on my clothing hanging on racks in front of my front door so the room stinks constantly of foul odors I spray and spray bleach water and fabric softener everywhere but this seme dead meat stinking ooze is being constantly sprayed
it sticks to the plastic defrost tray and it sticks to the porcelain of the toilet as I have had to pour it out 6 times all day--I pour in bleach and flower-scented cleaning stuff and within 20 minutes it is oozing with white dead meat semen stuff--somehow put into that tray behind the fridge. I must pull it out constantly. It is very heavy--the paint scratched off everywhere stains and literal holes dug into the front of the fridge so it looks like a pock-marked catastrophe--they have broken pieces inside the fridge--the room itself is completely broken down in disrepair completely, 100% from the endless daily attacks and the sick creeps working for the filth scum who order these attacks
all foul and dirty and nasty, but they all have cleaning people cleaming up their mess constantly
so they torture me to get a reaction and the torture never ends even if I remain silent until I finallly can't take it any longer
they drug and poison my food so the culmination of non-stop years of attacks constitute a lack of balance while I am shitting out the poison and sick from the poison ripping out of my body as they drug my food and all love friendship companionship is gone--
my body covered with poison and scars literally from being slashed pounded made crooked drugged and my hair gone my fingers slashed into the nail bed liver spots from so much toxicity my body is being slauthteredj
every day some hate so traumatic I write to get my brain into another gear because there is no companionship no way for me to move I can't get out of this room due to the hard poisons and fighting to rip them out--they are completely embedded into my spine in a huge piece similar to some turtle shell but half-broken latched all along my spine as they never-ending torture me before they win after they win the day after they win for ideas they have stolen from me
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