Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Terrorist physical violence report via mechanical arm while I was in deep sleep being tortured by the filth team you all app;laud endlessly=--

**The hacking is very horrific it required over 2 minutes of a blank screen just to access this page--the keys are so hard to pound down and every perfect letter I type appears or doesn't appear as something else

they broke my large left toe a few years ago after yet another English bigot rushed to assault me  (and got a tv show based on his cock rock band a few months later, which "won" some award, or maybe not I never watched it but anyway--the tv show obtained by ordering my toe broken--put out of the socket. It appears as a "bunion" but it happened from one day to the next while sleeping after he threatened me in teleportation when I defended myself. HE is of course a representative of alternative "subculture" meaning against tyrannical authority. All that he exhibited was fascist tyranny and racism towards me, instantly with smug disdain. I defended myself, he had my toe broken. Under Trump they had my money stolen and my food poisoned so I could not afford t o EAT and I had no way to see a doctor. By now, I am fighting so hard to heal and exercise that I can't risk a doctor making more injury, as this contract of mutilating and destroying my body is universal and any and all doctors will do as much as possible to stealthily murder and maim me. I am not making conjecture.
So, it is out of socket, I am told by Baryishnikov that it is, indeed, a bunion but it is not. 

Last night, in my deep sleep state being abused, my body inert and unconscious because my consciousness is literally transferred to the sick and murder death rape and homeless abuse skits they force upon me every night--their true potential at making any "creative" anything beyond stealing ideas from me and having the English crown supply them with hundreds of millions to promote the English Crown into the United States in exchange for endless grilling me for ideas. Stealing literally every single thing possible from me, and being honored with top awards and hugs and kisses from members of Congress, non--stop the politicians rush to join in to the foreign-controlled tyrannical 4th Reich fascist genocidal regime that is being currently sold off as a version of benevolent dictatorship.
And I had pain in the toe, but after the ache all day, and so much abuse from the, probable German sick filth making murder statements constantly while I am doing things like cleaning the filth they order into my body and home
the pain has increased and it wasn't some kind of adjustment of my body fighting to rip out the internal hard shell of poisons, as I do fight every day and fight and fight to get it out.
Limping now after having made no exertions all day, I realize that they used the mechanical arm(s) to inflict some injury upon this disjoined toe, which points at a 45-degree angle into my other toes.

Plus the death threats continue of drowning me in the food I am cooking--and etc etc. the drugging they force into me while sleeping always elicits a response of rage and reactionary spontaneous verbal sparring of hate on my side. The pressure within my body, amplified by the nervous system attacks until I begin to write, so they can prove they are fascist dirty violent and I am stressed and being killed every day, every day a misery they force as the all go off smiling looking years younger and glowing with hormones and being awarded with their not-before-achieved top awards for ideas they have tortured out of me. The torture never ends because they have a huge gruop now to feed off my life and my energy  and anything else they plan on abusing me to death after they suck everything out.

The people who are involved in healing and in fighting urge me to be calm, always. The drugs and the nervous system technology literally embedded in my spine cause nervous system alterations. The drugs in my body cause imbalance of stressor levels and resistance to outside attack. 

I really need a safe home, and I need money in order to survive this. More than sub-sub-poverty which they are constantly threatening to cut off, after having made me so paralyzed and stuck that I cant EVER go out and hang with other people, if there ever were any human beings not anxiously waiting to abuse and insult and steal and attack me for their likewise greasy promotions.
But this group, and indeed all of the members of the organization, are things that never ever should be commended or promoted. How and why no one else really can understand this out of the endless self-satisfied greed  that the expletives of this group attain watching people become homeless, dying in the streets lacking health care they only spit at them in haughty disdain and go off congratulating one another for their empires which these defunct politicians are mutually funding so imbalance and death and glorification of hate and murder really is what they are all about. All you have to do is turn down the volume and look only at the basic actions of the United States, and what they are NOT doing for society and all the damage and problems that they embrace like demons laughing at the suffering they create, and literally they are sexually turned-on by destroying other people.
So., I have to learn to just not react but I'm still paralyzed and have to fight to break out more of the poison, the poison keeps me in pain in a way no one can understand and I need to heal so I can exercise
I can't exercise when they are literally kneading some mechanical arm into the fractured and disjointed large toe so walking is painful I am limping. |They also inject through all the layers of protection so they don't cut further into my toenails and the skin between my toes (to the bone, as they had been doing) and they are now literally taking these mechanical arms and putting my toe out of alignment even more.

All the years of these rapist idiot men saying that I am a witch because I read tarot cards. All my years of praying for their demise has done nothing, but of course they are conducting a witch hunt on me but I can't even get rid of the frotgs and parasites who are leeching off my life and dismembering and disfiguring me constantly. My messages in posts go unheeded for the most part as the violence only returns very shortly after it is temporarily abated.

I so hope they all have some horrible demise---maybe Iran will bomb the Oscars this year in protest of what evil vile satanic sleeze and degradation and filth Whorewood is, as also part of a general attack on |America. IT would be an Oscar worthy of remembrance. There's always the Golden Globes for Iran to bomb, why wait until March? Please, Iran bomb that citadel of Satan, the Evil American Satan. I trul find that this description is apt and legitimate as if there is incarnete evil this group truly embraces that entity of sick sleaze hate darkness Lord of the Flies buzzing around the minions dark dirty desperate greedy sleazy.

these lying, trashy sick creeps losers on every level except for posturing bs torture me to obtain information and ideas--going on FIFTEEN YEARS but today I wrote a series of posts about the disparity between the Pentagon spending and the 7 AUDIT FAILS for the past many years of unaccountability for over 842 BILLION in part, much not accounted for. I wrote that undoubtedly the limitless funding of this nefarious black ops hate situation forced upon me; that is MK ULTRA microchip implant brain mind control torture with these really ugly meaningless lying sick pimp whores asking me through torture for ideas and the limitless money poured out for every sick loser scumbag exalted by their lying bs--the ideas that these meaningless sick and degenerate incapable scumbag posturing filth performers of Whorewood which were derived from a respect for sexuality for life and for love--these loveless sleazy whores who really flaunt that some sick rich set of destroyer pricks are telling these stupid meaningless creeps that having me raped and then stealing ideas from me as I scream and pound them out about justice feminism domestic violence and all kinds of ideas about Barbie feminism and about the opera singer that this worthless stupid plastic vile prostituted filth pimp ape creep is stealing as I write and write about the situation as they steal the ideas--as today, I wrote about Social Security being almost run out in the trust fund and people on the brink of DEATH\
the stupid ape filth fuck German piece of rotten shit who this group out of stupid sick Whorewood adores, they gather around this most vile, dirty ape sick rapist Nazi violent fuck portraying every single aspect of injustice and interpersonal violence that all these filthy stupid whores are paid in millions to represent at the death white house and death system  united nations, replete with endless wars, death and everything else of mass murder disguised as "Freedom Change Hope Joy and Democracy" (just turn off the volume of their vile bullshit blather and watch the hate crimes they commit the deaths the impose through policy to really listen to what they truly are)

and so the filthy stupid ape German who is a dumb a$$ fuck rapist scumbag whore of the dirty prostitute team of shit pig pitt alina the filth pair I detest they are so sick and dirty and stupid and vile after 15 years of them asking me for ideas stealing ideas and just dismembering me for trying to stop their endless paracitism of me
supported endlessly by all presidents and so
the stupid dirty German who can never create a single independent thought or creative idea, as far as I can tell everything he says and does is a repeat of a repeat I heard for 6 years in Germany
stupid dumb pornographic violent and now openly Nazi trying to take advantage of America through the stupidity of the programmed Nazi dumb fuck wanna-be's of England, America and the rest of the world.
Either way, he was there with disgusting threats, as all he says and does is purely filth and disgusting, heralded as being great by this sick and stupid group of trash, which is what they tried to call me after years of poisoning literal filth injected into my body every day by them filth sprayed and dumped and smeared into my h air my body my clothing and home every day trying with fractured vertebrae as they keep incising cuts and slashes and cutting part of my uterus my teeh my gum tissue blocking literally ALL FINANCIAL SOLVENCY so I am desperate, sick, flailing in filth they order poured on me
as the stupid apes who can only create this kind of sickness and filth, 
the German fuck whose country is on the decline, I'm sure trump and his team will try to rebuild Germany and help more Nazis to gain power and exploit America, even though trump claims that he is outraged by the German parasite leeching off the Marshall Plan for over 70 years. But lacking the holocaust to feed off, the German rotten filth fuck is relying on the brainwashed programmed stupid ignorant ape scum who have attacked me trying to be as Nazi as possible. Not realizing that dirty Germany is failing economically and after all the filthy pig ape slike this slime creep have gorged on everything and sucked everything dry and went on luxury everything, they are now setting sites on America to continue the genocidal feeding frenzy.
so I wrote an opinion and he used death threats to try to silence me because only the fakes the liars the Nazi-based black minions so violent and abusive towards me may express the rotten lying bullshit which deters action and makes people just despondent that nothing will ever stop the rise of Nazis, and thusly as these sell-out fake whores portray, the only way to get ahead is to go along.
That is their filthy role.
This dirty foreigner fuck exploiter who this group of satiated sick stupid scum embrace, perhaps Trump has the worldly experience to not really believe in the fucking Nazi lie and to grovel in awe at Nazi stupid apes as if we must continuously give them everything based on their pig ape lack of supremacy that this group of stupid sick shit have bought completely-because their mediocrity depends on VIOLENCE in order to assert that they control ideas and creativity as they steal whatever possible to fake it--awarded endlessly by the 4th Reich bullshit manufacturing of consent and the social engineering of it as well.
Step one is to automatically bow gratuitously to Nazi cliche repetition stereotypes and this group of sick rotten shit is also enforcing programming of denigration to those aspiring to be independent artists and persons living without their stinking dehumanization, as I have been.

so he was threatening death because like them all, they have no ideas they just lie and repeat old slogans which no one believes as their hate spreads but they smile like crocodiles to placate and appear like they care. Vicious dirty stupid and demonic--to use that term is very apt and it is more and more apparent that the demonic influence is not a fantasy made-up fear figment of imagination.

*just now, as I was typing, hackers highlighted and within a 0.002 of a second the entire post was deleted but I salvaged by using a command. They are making the cursor jump and disappear in the middle of typing. The hacking has slowed down all functions to about 200 times slower than what I should be able to use so getting anything done seriously takes at least 30 minutes when it should take 5 minutes. 
All this to stop me from having any chance any way of defending myself and this too is State-sanctioned torture and discrimination.

the stupid ape who has NO IDEAS THAT ANYBODY WOULD STEAL they only rely on this german rotten fucking rape ape for violent assertion of the most brutal oppression in order to try to force me into this contract 
he has no ideas nothing to say that isn't a stupid ignoramus asinine content and neither do any of the sick fucking pigs from whorewood who have been stealing my ideas for over 15 years.
I need a safe home where I am not fighting for my life constantly due to people b reaking in and raping and mutilating and poisoning me to death and stealing my property and going in every time I leave and wreaking filth and destruction
for so many decades it's non-stop day and night

and  to have money--these fucks should be forced to pay me for all these years of this ungodly sickness these demonic whores have forced upon me.

The Christians in the government should be forced to step down and actually put real ethical people in power--they should be exposed as the fakes and frauds that they are--I don't want to focus on the black and "left" because it's far entrenched in the fake righteousness movements as well.

"Lord of the Flies--Hunt and Rescue (ending scene)"
IT could be whorewood with this teleportation hell of the pig apewood scum and their vile flies hovering around to get a piece of the American pie through the rotting flesh on rotting fruit out of Whorewood pushing this Nazi contract--the terrorist apes all trying to behave as Nazi as possible. They get a German willing to unleash his fantasies after playing a concentration camp S&M scumbag predator and they all love this image--that is what teleportation has unleashed into America--how lon will you allow them to become stupid dirty little childish apes and pigs on murderous rampages claiming to be free to do whatever they want with government applause and cheers from the "audience" who long for brutal death and murder regimes to replace having to think and be careful and cautious and concerned and decent?

(*(I can't describe the last 30 minutes of struggling to copy and upload the last 3 videos. The hacking is so intense that everything froze everything was blocked I have to pound on the cursor mouse to get anything to click at least 6 times and then the wrong video appeared and I had to start anew. Over and over all is so blocked hours of my life and probably at least 2 entire days of fighting to get the laptop and computer to work and the WiFi to be unblocked and fighting--2 entire days, probably more than 48 hours just for the past 6 months alone of this fight. Because I am so drugged and the nervous system attacks vie the terror technology which does affect nervous system, and brainwaves so the brain is artificially put into stress modes that are unbearable with no human contact no cat nothing but hate and violence surrounding me.

Congratulations America for replicating gulag death squad Russia Germany Armenia the every mass extinction and murder and hate and power-over scumbag stupidity power assumption by every stupid thug and sleazy dirty prostituted wanna be pimp on the planet through this system.

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