Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Trump Tower is sinking (in Florida Sunny Isles tax exempt-land): amongst other huge high-rise luxury developments I saw while driving from South Beach to my Medicaid dental appointment in Sunny Isles, just a Left-hand turn from the new high-rise with a huge billboard-sized photo of Donald Trump nestled in between two other of the developers, could not recognize them, but they had the bombastic approach of advertising Trump in the center to lure in prospective buyers--the building new, the condo building appeared a bit empty. No other building along the shoreline had any huge billboard display of developers and I have never seen it before or since. As I turned, I thought with disdain not of Trump in particular, but that the former moratorium that Miami Beach had ordained against building such huge high-rises had been struck down by the Europ-a-land influx when the Euro caused the dollar to weaken in comparison and investment in South Beach became almost exclusively 4th Reich French, Italian and it was called the "Riviera" ---others had more deragitory names. I only thought that the endless blotting out of the skyline as one drove up the Beach on Highway 1, and the endless huge rise of nth-story building on South Beach, which had been forbidden, and the deadly fascist attacks upon me after the influx, but in particular once the Euro came into effect and the dollar was weak in comparison and the investment became non-stop of fascist Nazis and the American eager-to-invest and suckling little piggies who wanted to be part of the 4th Reich (the underlying dire threat also urging them to "play the game to get a piece of the pie". So many who do not did not play the "game" were kicked out unceremoniously. One who warned me, and a few (mostly black men) who had been extremely original, beautiful people (i.e. American rasta, dreadlocks, selling the BEST crippie available on the beach, riding little Mongoose bikes around in the sun, happy and beloved as clams, were put in prison for drug possession and distribution after years of being welcomed on the beach. Replacing them were vicious cocaine and lower quality mj dealers out of France and Italy--absolutely nasty, vile and dirty with zero personality but vicious attainment of a consolidation of fascist Nazi envelopment. Ensuing was the endless development of skyrise after skyrise whereas formerly the area was peaceful, rife with beautiful artists, young people making art, music all kicked out and their art stolen if possible. I wrote years ago when one of the English rapist scumbags out of something like Brixton, a Dubstep artist, (cannot discredit him for his artistic talent but his black friend is much better at the genre--the one who came along and probably dissuaded finally the viciousness of the dude who sank back to his tour that he obtained in America---I had written about the huge techno festival that is so famous now in Miami that this dubstep dude was featured in--and how t he origins of that festival began on South Beach and how the Europigape invasion began to robotically change the artistic American atmosphere of peaceful and languid love for the beach, for creative and independent pursuits now a completely technocratic Mafia Nazi enclave of hateful bigots who are murderously 4th Reich--I was tortured attacked mostly by Latinos and Blacks by the end I had to literally run for my life from literal gangs of people I had never seen before frenetically rushing to viciously murderously poison and deny me service in outright discriminatory abuse at a Jewish-owned restaurant --as usual the Jew was catapulted afterwards for his open racism aimed at me. But to continue, I had written a few years ago that this Florida greed for racism entrenched to kick out the alternatives to put down all and any black, Jewish or otherwise not 4th Reich person. I had my own little business my money was stolen I was raped and forced into deadly health condition by this group with t heir poisoning and h ate. All t he people involved said that they were "half-Italian" but American and they only identified with being "Italian". Called the Latino fellow gang stalkers "monkeys" openly while we were walking on Washington Avenue--it was extremely loud. The Latinos hung their heads and pretended to ignore it. The same types of Latinos are openly vicious towards me when they are ordered to do so by their openly racist white 4th Reich counterparts. The end is that, by years of this Florida-endorsed 4th Reich Nazi-Mafia collaboration with urging foreign investment so South Beach could be sold off as a Riviera with "real" europigapes and their franchise corporate discos replacing the American independently-owned clubs with live performances and people happily open in the streets dancing and laughing. I NEVER heard of shootings, rape and murder until a German who attacked me when I sold cigars at the STallone-tyler owned club Bar None came to "invest" in high-rises--named Thomas Kramer--he introduced RAPE CULTURE and building high-rises. He assaulted me with white male Americans watching transfixed in neophyte training on how to become more fascist Nazi=the exact replication of what has already been established in Whorewood. I wrote of this, and also that the buildings that were built so the greed sleaze that the fascist 4th Reich is trained and programmed to automatically deem the "superior race" whether consciously or not, blindly agreed to the building of these foreign-investment pig apes to build build build huge condos along the shoreline in order to suck the life out of America, a country so many of the fuck scumbag Europigapes all sneered openly in hate saying that "Americans are stupid/Americans have no class" etc etc--they hissed this at me and other Americans just stood dumb and silent. Obeying they kicked me out, destroyed my business were poisoning me to death under instruction. I wrote years ago that the huge condos that the pig ape scumbags built are built on sand, literally sand bars. I wrote that the buildings would sink. It doesn't take an engineer to understand this, I knew it because I lived on 2nd Avenue off of Washington Avenue in the now extremely over-priced Europigapeland controlled mafia nazi area called "South of Fifth"--now extremely exclusive, hugely overpriced condos line the formerly clear beautiful skies--the water on the beach is greasy, the fish that had been so beautiful to see when swimming before this German-lead rape cartel of Italian French fuck whores who you all worship but have no idea that they are just copying imitations of copies of fashion while they also control the American fashion scene so it appears automatically '"inferior" in comparison. And now the BUILDINGS ARE SINKING AND TRUMP'S TOWER IS ONE OF THOSE SINKING. I knew the buildings would sink because I tried to plant a garden in the little area next to the house I was renting--it was just a bit of dirt comprised mostly of sandy material. The few sunflowers I was able to grow the German ape who was part of the Latino-American bund of hate assaulting me (one was brought to assault me a few months ago by the Europigapeland-controlled stupidity Shitpigapealina pair who bring every ch ildhood abuser terrorist to threaten my life if they possibly can.

**The tone of this post, and all posts, is written after about 3-4 hours of the usual English pest infestation of my private life in my morning routine of endless hate, insults and finally they broke through my attempt, after the 2-hour mark of the yapping dirty scumbag parasites who sit in chairs making murder statements when I am holding anything sharp, insults about my body while I am on the toilet, the detoxification of the poison that creeps like them poured into my body--including the filth prostitutalinapigpitt duo they lavish with love 'n joy for bringing ignorant mediocrity like them into more tv show awards and series and like the other English rapists and German scumbags they are put into the limelight ONLY for me having watched a show, in a drugged dazed attempt to ignore hours and hours per day after years and years and decades of this same formula going on day after day. So my hate-riddled ranting about Europigapes is part of the endless disgust and rage that I try to quell, but I am drugged. I have not yet reached the Nirvana stage of enlightenment under this unhuman stress of non-stop torture that I think has never been recorded in history of DECADES of torture of an individual to destroy and suck everything out of them and steal and rape and plunder while the target sits in sickness from a global network of poisoning rape terror agents who are just "normal" citizens who create the death that omits all higher intelligence from having any say or any life because only stupid dumbing down is all that they need to continue to thrive and jive turkey their way into the limelight, into political positions of power and etc etc etc.

It's sinking now, their structures are sinking. The global warming will create massive death of their Nazi pig ape cartels when the tsunamis hit Florida--or a huge hurricane--it is possible and not in the far-too-near future which ever it is feasibly a huge catastrophe in the making already a done deal. The culprits can go off back to Europigapeland with all the lucre they were handed for the rape and pillage of America. Literally making date-rape drugging "popular' which brought the way for gang stalking MK ULTRA torture of me into a huge undertaking as all the dumb lemmings try to be "elite" Europigapes in emulation. Little do they know that this behavior is highly frowned upon in actual Europigapeland but when the filth scum teams rush to invest and rape America, the full red carpet treatment is given. Stupid dumb swaggering psychopaths who are incompetent and dumb scum whores like pig shitalina need violent crews from EUropigapeland to feign being sophisticated with so much posturing lessions they emulate fascist Nazism and Mafia criminality which AMerica has fully embraced . Literally or figuratively, your stupidity in general has made a death zone of the dumb minions who invested and thought that they could be swank celebrities, get plastic surgery to appear more white privileged and now, they could just get the wrath of whatever--nature?? instead of more luxury plantation mentality 4th Reich-ism. But my tone is peppered with hours of hate, days of the same rat ugly sick filth rushing to get infestation allowances into America. My years of writing about how they rush to develop invest take over and they don't care if the country is wrecked, and Americans are so brainwashed to worship white Nazi appearances and culture they go along completely brainwashed. Anyone intelligent enough to not AUTOMATICALLY follow the directives to let this shit and filth completely infiltrate the country are met with death or elimination, being made homeless or whatever (they must flee the country). I am now halfway across the globe from having to get away from stupid sick shit like this, only to have more of the filth building building over nature, more brown and black eager greasy minions puffed up in Nazi poses glorified and promoted--the nature dying, the high rises non-stop, ugly dirty men investing their porno sleazy sons rushing to marry women they would never have anything to do with in their own country because they must invest with a native partner.

And I'm teleported to the sick SHIT AND FILTH of these Europigapes now, with stupid ugly dirty prostitutalina-shit-pig pitt the pair of brainwashed "puppet" whores who are so glorified--brining in every sleazy dirty fascist, the leagues of dirty filth minority pussy-gyrating scumbag whores rush to threaten to kill me as they lovingly glance next to the greasy filth rapist German scumbag they all nearly worship automatically which is why and how they were put into lead positions to see filthy shit instead of actual art. All sinking but no one notices they just gyrate like they are "Free"--symbolically or not.

Thusly, my tone is so "old" so embittered. Laughing and disgusting Nazi racists put into positions of power where they should be protecting their citizens but instead are putting murderous genocidal shit and filth into the country, using tactics of torture, rape and murder and being honored by the white supremacy idiot savants who claim they are otherwise for their public positions of fake representation of their own culture and country.

It is the same when the Americans of Florida wanted Nazis to control their art and culture scene so the blacks and Jews would be kicked out (killed). All must comply or face dire threat. The lemmings rushed and rush to attack me with murderous hate now when I am in Miami--but it used to be warm welcome, I did not outstay my welcome the trend became what I detail below--the United States decided to let the Euro surpass the U.S. Dollar and in particular the British Pound Sterling. No one mentions how this is a covert Imperialist strategy for the financial overtake of the United States.

Now hacking is very bad. Perhaps you can connect the dots, if possible. The stupid and ugly dirty English remain making the most stupid yapping hate murder remarks fully supported by the Senators and the House of Representatives. Most claim that they are "part English and part German" a huge mix that controls America. They will kill in order to "preserve" their heritage which is death squads pogroms concentration camps, ghettos and absolute open humiliation destruction of Jews so that America can NEVER once ever again be a threat to the instant assumption of white supremacy that all the shit who coagulate like a bunch of poison  parasites infecting my life through this technology use to put in their death and hate and racism. I am now pounding with all my hand strength to get a single word out--I am ranting due to subliminal hate words these stupid ape death whores and pig filth scumbags are hissing into their dirty nasty microphones. They are or will be starring in Whorewood productions because the decades of these filth creeps mostly cranking out old ancient themes of royalty and Victorian crap which is fascinating (I love looking at the fashion, mostly they drape the costumes with American-made "feminist" plots which are just bs wrapped in white supremacy)

I can't pound this out any longer. Keep following the pied pipers off a cliff oh brainwashed and dumbed-down Americans. The cliff is sinking the idiot Europigapes and their American Nazi puppets are stupid as hell you should recognize that their soft-spoken well-heeled mannerisms and seemingly sophisticated allure is a cultural mandate they are forced to adapt to. They have never created anything they claim they are the owners of in cultural superiority. Because so much higher superiority art has been made (so often by Jews) they rush to get their parasitic leeching apparatus into controlling and sucking all money possible out of America, controlling the stupid greasy filth of Whorewood and Congress into more emulation of fascist Nazism.

I have "seen this movie before" on South Beach. The result is sinking buildings, dead aquatic glory of the nature that is dead and gone, and the deterioration of the coral reefs that the Nazi-controlled governor is not really paying attention to and is stifling any protest, and etc etc.




"Florida high-rises and luxury hotels are sinking, study finds". CBS News. December 18, 2024.

**I am going to just copy and paste videos of past years of violence on South Beach that NEVER, NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER EVER happened while I lived there before the fascist Nazi overtake once the Euro and Pound put in Europigape investment in the year that the Republicans stole STOLE the election in 2000 between Bush and Gore--from the Broward County elections and onward, the election was turned to Bush in 2000. That year the Euro was instituted as the more powerful and also especially the British Pound. The fascist rise had already begun as the investors and those in the Nazi 4th Reich know that this was going to happen at least one year before it actually was put into real financial establishment control and the Europigapeland invasion of Miami and of FLorida and the United States began in earnest. Now the crime and death is a common theme on South Beach. With all the mixing of races that had been the norm before the white supremacy league cast out the Haitians and replaced their hang out with Nazi biker bars (wet willy on Ocean Drive) drove the prices into hundreds of percent increases and etc which the Europigapes and in particular the English controlled, took over and here is the ultimate result because their (the 4th Reich Nazi Europigapeland league of filth and hate, they are not sophisticated they are not glamorous they have been handed through generations of people creating fashion which they emulate, they are worshipped out of trauma-based mind control programming by the victims)

and it's too hard to pound every word out. I spent a few hours fighting to type this out instead of getting what I need done. However, this theme must not be ignored as I am being attacked BECAUSE OF THIS SAME PROGRAMMING which I am trying to express is just the dumb being lead by the sleazy death parasites who are not classy they are not superior they are filthy trash and shit--sorry, that is all I have seen for years and years there is NOTHING superior whatsoever. They are training the rotten mediocrity of Whorewood into fascist take-over so THEY can take over and turn it into another death catastrophe of destruction. Their divide-and-conquer racist strategies are working extremely well, their take-over of the United States into a fascist colony of their control HAS ALREADY BEEN ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH THIS SICK STUPID INCOMPETENT MEDIOCRITY OF WHOREWOOD using MY IDEAS by the way. I am still being tortured and asked for ideas by the sick Europigapeland shit and no one can recognize the deadly threat they impose--so I am writing it is a relevant topic it is critical that people stop being brainwashed into handing control over to ENEMIES.

here is a slew of videos depicting what NEVER happened before the Europigapeland invasion which kept rotten dirty Stallone and Steven Tyler into power (the dirty daughter of Tyler is involved with the Europigape stupid shit whore group out of London so this applies even moreso today)

I am the ONLY PERSON writing or even thinking in this way. HERE IS EVIDENCE ABOVE AND BELOW I am an insider I sold cigars on Ocean Drive and throughout Miami Beach South Beach for over two years just prior to this invasion and I saw it happening through this filth of stallone and tyoer and many others

do not discount me although I am being discredited with hacking and mind control ranting-the pounding of every key is breaking my laptop and my hands are just exerting non-stop top strength to getany key out I am ranting--try to understand if anyone out there can get past their greasy selfish gaze for just a moment to try to look at the absolute destruction that has been wrought on Florida by this filthy stupid 4th Reich organization and it's white Nazi Mafia minions brainwashed completely so people like me cannot be a threat to their conformity to mediocrity.


**it is also  nearly impossible for me to expand the video on the page, besides all functions being hacked like highlighting so I can copy and paste anything whatsoever on any page or format-I must fight to highlight codes, sentences at least 6-8 times for any single word or sentence or url link--now I can't expand the videos I click on the expand and it is blocked--this makes ranting for discrediting more possible because I spend so much time of my life fighting hacking and pounding and backspacing to fight to write one single word,,to get anyone to fucking think about what you are allowing to happen to the county in the endless smiles giggles of the white supremacist who are rotting the country and being called everything from Constitutional Democrats to Patriotic Christian Republicans they all adhere to fascist Nazi white supremacy death squad divide-and-conquer they get mansions estates they are all lying fucking scum--the celebrites are just greasy stupid ignorant filth and their are controlled by conniving dirty Europigapes who are sick and stupid as hell. They want death and crime and by allowing them to take control you are helping to destroy your own "crib" think about it goddamn do-nothing Americans who may care about your lives, if that is possible outside of trying to be as Europigape aristocratic as possible for your gyrating sleazy orgy lifestyles you hope will make you "someone important".

 I had written just about 1-2 years ago that the sinking of the buildings was inevitable and it didn't take any genius engineer to figure that out.

The greed of the sleaze of Florida once the Nazi Mafia invasion took over not just Miami but the government as well of that State, the Nazi networks of poisoning and death squads using this disgusting technology and the manufacture of this sickeningly disgusting poisoning which I know is being used, and has been used, on many people (look at Andrea Dworkin to see her huge deformed body, her death ruled a mysterious source undiagnosed she just "died" somehow--it was internal suffocation of her intestines and it is obvious that no one looks like that rotund puffy bloated bouncy and I know what this filthy poison is, and I know the filthy sick shit whores who perform these poisoning tasks they took over the networks of Florida, they are completely in Los Angeles as well)

The sinking of the Trump Towers on Sunny Isles--there are two very closely situated, and I saw these towards as they were selling Trump in order to sell the buildings

and the dental exercise in terrorist gang stalking abuse was done by really creepy latinos--who in these awful Medicaid offices (actual offices not specified as being Medicaid but they accept Medicaid and they treat Medicaid clients with hate, misdiagnosing and when I called the Florida Medicaid complaint line I was told with a sigh by the woman on the phone that complaints of malpractice abuse insulting treatment and abuse were extremely common.

The nasty dental appointment with stupid questions and me being drugged before, during and  of course eternally almost after were by Latinos who perhaps, eventually did buy into those luxury condos that Trump and his cohorts built, on Sunny Isles facing the  Ocean. Thinkin that they really got it good in America a real piece of the pie.

All they had to do was berate, abuse and give substandard treatment, cut into my gums and make insults and get paid, promoted and can now live in the sinking condo that Trump and the other developers, all completely Europigapeland controlled not INDEPENDENT as you-know-who claims he is.

You can make the connection to that thing called "Karma" but....

it's too bad that it had to take years of the encroaching disaster for this to be officially recognized years after it should have never happened in the first place. Anyone with any inkling of soil content and the plated structure of the S. Florida coastline in that area would know how extremely unstable the sand structures really are. I knew it without having studied architecture but my father was in charge of a high-rise development in Florida which DID collapse (and kill construction workers). He told me that he was lied to about how the cement was being paid-for and mixed, and how "corners had been cut"  but my father was out playing golf, because that is what the wealthy do when they are investors in Florida, aren't they?


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