Saturday, December 28, 2024

Threats to break my arm happened while I was asleep and in teleportation the German pest came to threaten grievous harm to me. He comes from side angles while I am in deep sleep punching hitting and raping. He was sent by Obama and fithalina and the rest of this putrid team--who have made millions of dollars off attacking me and stole my ideas stole my cat broke my body tortured me daily and nightly fed off torture obtained awards and t hey won't ever stop. The addiction to torture is enough alone for them to never stop, the hormone high off it. The pestilence ugly filthalina must torture me non-stop so the Nazis will award her for the movie concept she stole verbatim while feeding off my life force to energize her empty meaningless ugly sick self, plastic coated shit. The German is in love and she is giving him chances to infest America with his Nazi crew. You all asked for it, you have got it! You wanted Weinstein gone and you want a real Nazi rape culture to thrive instead. You wanted movies about Nazis, now you are getting actual real ones out of Germany in Whorewood for your entertainment programming and to inflict more rape upon drug-dazed microchipped victims whom dirty ugly shitalina and the filth cesspool of that contagion of English, French and German and mafia Italian thugalugs all want to wreak their sexual humiliation abuse and torture upon.

 When I think of the last 4 years of the Biden sickness of endless rape, my money almost being cut off twice, countless politicians circulating in this lynch mob arena to beat abuse torture and laugh with delight as the ape shit filth of Whorewood, dirty ugly and stupid mediocre shitalina and pig filth pitt, endlessly there with smiles watching as they try to force me to say they are great, that them poisoning my body to death and abusing raping torturing and then stealing my ideas as their "right" (only implied they don't say that outright)

and then when I demand justice and for this to be stopped, I get more torture from politicians who rush to get media coverage instantly afterwards. 

Again, years and years of the cliche-ridden mediocrities stealing my ideas, but the torture of me after they steal my original ideas because they have NONE they exist only in stereotypes pitting themselves automatically by assumption into "superior" roles by racist decree, enforced by lynch mobs, which is what this situation has become, a slow public execution of me by non-stop beating and groups surrounding me endlessly raping abusing insulting and destroying and stealing. Some of the most vigorous are blacks, latinos and then the 'Jew" are most violent and ugly and openly viciously hateful.


They depend on stereotypes of their racist "entitlement" (I use quotes because I do not condone that term, I use it in their context but of course they can burn in hell they are inferior as I have seen endlessly for years of the sick stupidity and the feigned elite moral and ethical superiority and compassion they portray endlessly and are paid to represent those whom they are very clearly working to further disenfranchise while "representing" their interests.


Congratulations. Ugly stupid meaningless shitalina was at the forfront, as were many of the dirty filthy foul rape enthusiast skank cheerleaders of their filthy, dirty "men" who raped and tortured me for saying no to all my human and constitutional rights, all legal  rights being on a 24/7 basis torched and obliterated with full support of disgusting members of Congress; by now a very long list.

They got rid of the Jew to make way for Nazi 4th Reich rapists who are really violently rapist sleaze material much, far more violent and ugly and nasty than Weinsteins groping and sexual demands quid pro quo for work. They are using sex slavery and torture human trafficking, that is what sick ugly shitalina is doing now to me after years of stealing my ideas and feeding off violence as the parasitic ugly sick leech that she is.

This German sleaze dirty stupid fuc**is so disgusting and the epitome of the murderous abuser tainted by the Nazi roles he has played in his violent portrayals of all the worst of German historical society, almost the worst of German society he has portrayed with applause by all involved in the current overtake of America by Nazi forces. 

Because they may "live" in Germany occasionally in their mansions as their prizes for promoting fascist Nazism, they have not really learned to speak German and live amongst Germans and know much about the post Nazi era. All they appear to cling onto is the 3rd Reich and endless reference is made to the 30's-40's in Nazi Germany as if nothing else has ever happened in Germany before or after. They are so immersed in replicating Nazism that this is the dominant theme; for this they obtain the best of funding for their projects derived from the ideas they have stolen from me, with not just violent dismissal but violence mutilation torture and poisoning. The sickness of the politicians in laughing jeering punching threatening to kill me (the worst coming from the Democrats making the biggest waves about "|Democracy" and "The Constitution" and "The American People" and caring about all human rights that the "Democrat Party" espouses as opposed to the "authoritarian" threat that the Republican Party poses, they claim.

The Republican Party actually controls these hateful "Democrats" who assault me. 

And so, another day of writing. Tomorrow I have to use another tactic to try the most difficult lesson in life, which is made exponentially even more impossible by the drugs and micriochip implants down my spine plus the hate voices of these filthy sleazy Nazis yelling insults and hate and death threats and stupid ugly remarks constantly and hitting punching into my face because the German Nazi told them to GO AHEAD just become extremely violent. Dirty shitalina can't win anything outside of playing psychopathic sleazy skanks, and her glorified roles have all come from my ideas. The attempts to completely crush and break my body from having cars hit me to slicing parts of my body out to poisoning me to mutilating me to my entire body slashed poisoned scarred up to completely mutilate me and laugh calling me ugly and herself beautiful as the violent slapping punching pig ape shit whore "men" yell at me that she is more beautiful--they all get media attention instantly as I keep on fighting to get them off me. Impossible because there is no justice no law and no government in America it is sleazy dirty sick crap looking for ways to destroy the chances for competition and put people into straightjackets homeless encampments sucking out their money and life and killing as many as possible in many various ways while the filth shit whores of their ilk suck out as much of the national money fund debt whatever they can, from funding bills from insider trading from grift from black ops from donors from Citizens United the list is very long. From the Europigapeland shit and filth funding this operation they will accept any crime committed against me if they can profit off it, and the money doled out to each scum lying sick fuck from Congress is bottomless. They rush to attack me and allow this to continue. Now instead of just putting Nazis into direct contact with the government executive branch they are including Nazi death-spewing concentration camp filth creeps into Whorewood to continue the programming into fascist Nazism--through the very sleazy dirty skank ugly sick plastic-coated shit filth who threw Weinstein to be poisoned to death in a prison cell. The death squad units have arsenals of poison just waiting to kill people through food intake.

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