Tuesday, December 31, 2024

*No one appears concerned at all about what life-fuck sick shit these crap creeps attacking me are, the famous scumbag prostituted gyrating stupid a$$-apes, instead they see the money being handed to these life-fuck sick fucks and rush to get some of that filthy lucre for their dirty gyrating promotions into more consolidation of programming into a death organization to envelope the planet*//Rather than having any foresight into the potential catastrophe that this group of incompetent greed actually is and presents. No one could care, they assume an endless luxury lifestyle and promotions for themselves and their children. This is what is being promised, the line-up for free hand-outs while tax breaks are also promised to them all, so the population is now an "open season" and any unfortunate made destitute by their filthy death squad system, of discrimination that rivals all that has ever transpired in the past. The discrimination will be delivered by those "representing" the targeted group. // Terrorist destruction of life report: the life-fu666k celebrities, through their network of minority minions here where I live, have ordered daily slow death of yet another beautiful potted plant on my patio. I watered the plant, ripping off another huge dead leaf this morning, and upon returning another leaf is dead. This is an avocado plant, and there are few leaves on this tree--maybe 10 in total. I have been growing it for 3 months it grows very slowly. All my plants are killed on my patio. They never stop destroying every beautiful thing about me, ;my body completely covered with scars and poison from their endless hate and attacks, my plants killed non-stop for over 3 years I keep trying they never stop killing destroying spraying stinking filth on my clothing, furniture my body my hair my food and the stink of their dirty, nasty attackers is everywhere they are sick and stupid vile creeps surrounding me constantly. An aura of sick stupidity and stupidity of which they are al "proud" pervades all that they do as "symbol" of their "superiority" by the demonstration always proves how inferior they truly are except in numbers and how their combined greed and murder factor is the cohesive glue putting this pile of life fu666k crap into one huge pile of greasy excrement, in terms of human quality.//

 Every one of these filthy whore, ape, shit scum trash creeps has been handed multi-millions of dollars in pay-out for this non-stop decades of attacks upon me. They are screeching in murderous rage as I fight to unleech the parasites off me every day trying to get any leader anywhere to get the filth parade of sick dirty low -class crap off me. They are established as being the "superior" but by now I only see a huge deformity of all that humanity has striven towards for all these centuries since the Enlightenment and is striving to completely dumb-down and create mass murder squads to complete their "depopulation" agenda so after the wreak they are creating not just environmentally but in every respect has cleared away, a few will be able to enjoy the remnants of what remains for their luxury concentration camp plantation system.

The pig whores are now in line-up for yet another year to have MY IDEAS as their platforms for awards at top level of the rigged contests--absolutely rigged from the moment after years of torturing me they obtain funding for every single thing and automatic promises that the finished result will be a top awards contender. The money poured into presenting their stupid sleazy trashy filth prostituted ape pigs (men foremost in all these categories only followed by the women, boys and girls really; all of them cling to their mommies and daddies as their support system well into their old age or middle age years)

For me to try to regain my health which they laughed about as I was writing on these endless posts day after day that they are poisoning and abusing me to death using this system only brought on more sick fucks from every walk of the spectrum of celebrity and politics--(so it seems to me)

but for me to grow a plant so I can have food, because they can't stand to see me have anything they are fighting for absolutely enslavement on all levels while still they are using MY IDEAS which they can't formulate any single concept that is original to sell as their fake personas of intellect, beauty and sophistication. I have spent years studying was brought up in an academic Ivy League environment (all my parents are Ivy League, none of their shit parents are even close to that level)

they strive to bring into "vogue" Nazi fascism. They have brought in most of the gyrating skanks of the last lost Democrat campaign under the defunct Harris team (not including Walz especially in that claim but I am unsure exactly of him as he did not speak except once)

it was harris coming repeatedly to do her famous giggly stupid ape performance of demonstrating how much she loves having INNOCENT people tortured to death slowly by a pack of scum celebrities tied into Europigapeland fascist Nazism which IS rising in Nazism politically and culturally without the former disguises that were held for so long while America still had some semblance of concern to fight the 3rd Reich now they are embracing entirely the 4th.

So even to have a plant growing so I can have food in my garden, slowly day after day they are killing some next leaf of the now dying plant, as they have been doing for over 3 years--I stopped growing plants because the landlord came throwing objects in my room screaming as loudly as possible that water was disturbing the (terrorist) shit in the rooms beneath mine, the white trash pig apes with their sleazy dirty brown minions servicing them like slaves--to be discarded after a season and grateful for the bump up in money and "power". 

The same exact mentality I saw in the gyrating stupid sleazy shit from the Harris campaign i.e. J-lo, a former P. Diddy skank and then Cardi B, a nasty dirty black Nazi who really helped to throw many Black people into disdain over that caompaign because of the STUPID SLEAZY FACTOR THAT MINORITY MINIONS WHORES PORTRAY which they are truly stupid and they project fake enthusiasm at the "black" girl woman being put into power but hideously murderous when the white trash German pig ape, whom they worship like the slaves that they are, and viciously threatening to kill me in most brutal fashion. All because they happily gyrate and suck up to the white trash power structure because they have been so elevated financially and in every way to PROJECT A TYPE OF SLAVERY TO PLANTATION PROSTITUTION.

So the shit whores, three of them this year, were funded with as much money and top quality producers and filming agents and costumes and money for every single thing poured into the shit fake "feminist" and "ant-racist' movies once more, this year by performing fascist Nazi behavior murder actions towards ME ME ME ME every day every night as often as possible they never stop.

For me defending myself they are killing plants, having me viciously attacked while out with nose-picking stupid nasty dirty minority minion creeps, who are smiling with delight that they are not part of the "victim" class any longer. Just that facet alone is more than the little bit of money they are handed compared to the white shit trash who expect to have millions poured into their filthy gyrating skank a$$es forever for every little stupid thing they say in front of a camera and every projection of fascist Nazism which propels more minorities to join in happily engaged in attacking me. 


Again, as I wrote yesterday on another of the Vignettes blogs, the hackers corrupted the VPN I began using successfully for one day, no interruptions no hacking no block of the keys--. One day after I used this new system, it was hacked so the endless routine hacking blocks had returned because the VPN source is either compromised by a terror agent working for the server where the signal is being re-routed, or they jacked the connection so it is just looped back to this hacking source. .The WiFi is being turned off again constantly, the cursor is jumping to other parts of the page while I am writing, pop-ups are constant. I am ranting as usual due to the endless interruptions and the block to free flow and positive energy. Yet another day has transpired with the same group of fucking dirty ugly shit yelling death threats and insults while my brain cannot filter them out. Seeing more filth destruction and beautiful things destroyed, broken and now a plant dying again, over and over they kill all the beautiful natural things I try to grow, kill all animals I take in or love, abuse and torture me to the giggles of Trump & Harris & Klobuchar & the yelling screaming hate of Lyndsey Graham, John Kennedy, Ted Cruz (rape threat from him) rape from Mike Johnson, and the list is never-ending and my brain and this system is endlessly hacked

the culmination of years of this ongoing daily and night is a bit too much to take with ZERO support towards me from ALL of existing human beings on the planet, regardless of which country or city it is a ubiquitous attack upon me with ZERO SUPPORT (the little I had is now waned due to the enormity of the attack upon me, so the little I used to have years back is now completely gone) the vicious murderous hate and violence from people who had just sneered and smiled faintly as they participated in attacking me years past, when I had zero concept of anything related to all of this global system

viciously murderous in teleportation. This teleportation which people like Musk are working to enlarge so more and more people can be raped beaten tortured poisoned and murderously abused

but the dirty hatefulness of the attackers is now outright murderous violence in teleportation

the killing of my plants is symbolic

I am still fighting to heal my body from decades of murder attempts by these same shit filth whores who sit staring with hate and eying the endlessly sleazy filthy German ape shithead whore who is endlessly willing to commit any action of murderous violence if given the chance

all his dirty stupid filth life of watching documentaries of the Nazi holocaust, which are endlessly shown on German tv when I lived in Stuttgart for over 5 years the endless parade of Hitler videos and concentration camp sagas was the programming to entice dirty filthy shit like him into re-enacting the same situation in the future--

this dirty filth creep has superimposed me onto a template of victim and the shit from Whorewood have been handed a never-ending bottomless pit of money to circulate to the ever-increasingly Nazi scumbags they are bringing in, as I am the only person fighting Nazism apparently in all of American society. There is no one saying, "wow, what a great job she is doing all fucking alone sitting writing into a set of blogs and on facebook about impending Nazi rise, which was met with torture mutilation and sneering contempt and being silenced and ignored.

Then countless scumbags from podcasts and news outlets (namely MSNBC) the January 6 Select Committee joined in with blaring giggly laughter and now are featured in documentaries about what heroic fights they have personally made, sacrifices for "Democracy" I remain silenced and tortured without end.

Not a single "thank you" for the ideas these dirty meaningless shit whore prostituted fuck pieces of shit who have gone to the Oscars yearly out of stealing my ideas but just mutilation torture and destroying without end because more of the filth who have been backing this for 30 years, 40 years, they are screaming that I am fighting for my life to get them off of me, writing these daily posts to a vacant and hateful readership which supports this filthy trash group, leaves me begging online for help, as you all fully support all of this, most of you do and the rest are just fighting by getting on air or a podcast to lecture but as for actually doing any single thing that would  jeopardize your stability within the 4th Reich, of course not.

So I have to have everything destroyed all my efforts destroyed my ideas stolen and being tortured for more ideas on a non-stop basis while I wallow in death, toxic filth, my body endlessly sick and broken and deformed and they are slashing into my skin every single day and smearing filthy toxic destruction chemicals onto my skin every single fucking day and night. I am so ill from non-stop poisoning and drugging that I literally collapse into a faint on my bed, where they teleport me to hate and death and rape and abuse skits while I am too sick to wrap all the items around my body to try to protect against more damage. They then insert metal objects once more under my cuticles, smear more hair-destroying chemicals on my scalp, kill more plants destroy more property spray more dead meat stinking semen substances into my refrigerator on the floor on my clothing on the walls

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