Sunday, December 15, 2024

Currently, into HOUR #FOUR of teleportation torture from yet ANOTHER ENGLISH member of Harlots, the English tv series about prostitutes in some studio book fabrication of the fantasy -version of empowerment of blonde Nazi and Black Nazis using "woke" culture to re-examine their actual still-preserved enslavement racist sexist agenda--transmutated (sic) to people "like me" who they are viciously assaulting--the performers with less-affluent careers are the most prominent. I was asked by the blonde martial arts bigot actor last week which of the actors Il liked in the show. While surfing yesterday on YouTube two of the "Harlots' were hacked onto my channel I was trying to click away and I got "them". They are now using the verbal death threats, body shaming my breasts my body calling me ugly making murder threats when I get near any potential deadly object--corners of tables heavy objects they shout should be smashed into my head. Hour 1 hour 2 I tried to not comment, hour 3 and currently into hour 4 I got on the internet and wrote opinions for which they began instantly to shut the internet connection off-hacking into the laptop keyboard so I must stop every word and backspace rewrite pound every key as they are smiling because I am beginning to curse at them and calling them names as they smile. They obtain HUGE PROMOTIONS for this, and they smile with delight because as a group of about 15 or more, they sit shouting death threats directly into my brain, bypassing any ability for me to drown them out. Everything I o they turn into a death threat or insult of absolute stupidity and vile ignorance, on their part. The filth shitpigaline team are there smiling as usual once I break down after HOUR 4 OF NON-STOP, literally every second some insult abuse threat from the team of 15 expletives shouting death threats to every single action possible. As I fight to heal my body from the 15 years of just THEIR mutilation poisoning deformation and destruction of my home, my life mmy finances as they are paid in multi-milions for it, stealing my ideas year after year and going to the Oscars year after year, the politicians continue to fund and parade these foul expletives like heroes of society--using MY IDEAS while I am endlessly in homelessness stuck with no money to survive my cat stolen from me all animals killed and stolen from me, surrounded by sick filthy creeps operating for this group of sick filthy creeps adulated by everyone in the world t seems they just love sick filthy creeps who are meaningless stupid and rotten posing as being benevolent as they all have charities which they flaunt as their secondary characteristics, absolutely null and void on all levels in reality and usually the absolute reverse of all that their "woke" films portray them to be (especially the "feminists" and the "discriminated against minorities"--use any color but the predominant violent group is always black).

 So FOUR HOURS of me struggling to not react. I can feel my body aging when I finally break down. I am once again feeding the idea machine of meaningless Nazi expletives who are not capable of highest artistic merit or output. They steal my ideas and anyone else who is not a life-sucking parasite as they all truly are, truly and unfortunately

I am now writing again

As I struggle daily not to DIE FROM TOXIC SHOCK because of literally decades of bloating poison which has hardened along my spine, congealed internally while these torture apes use huge hormone-growth or just huge body-builder men to rape pump poison into my body as deeply as possible. I fight to get them off me so they cut out part of my uterus, make  my hair permanently fall out, slice into my nail beds, smear horrific chemicals on my skin nightly, poison my food with fungus, mold and poisons and drugs, mutilate my feet and toes permanently, they are deformed. My spine is fused with literally hard-as-rock poison which they have continued to poison me with all the 15 years of ugly shitalinad pig pit the whore pair of stupid ignoramus filth, their ugliness poured out on me, my beauty sucked out by them my intelligence sucked out and then I am drugged so I can barely function on any level while they scream how ugly and what a "loser" I am on a verge of homelessness constantly while they block my internet and my body my voice my health and block all I could use for healing or self-protection. With full funding in millions by the U.S. Government, not a conjecture by myself at this point the years of senators and house reps and their ilk rushing to join in, instantly obtaining huge promotions and advertising like products of "Democracy" fabricated by Whorewood for a sales pitch of empty caloric intake fraud. My spine fractured, as they keep poisoning me with hardening poison so I am paralyzed, unable to move. Trying to break the hard poison out requires weeks of toxins that are deadly pouring into my blood stream while literally ripping my flesh out of my body along my spine as this group of weak and ugly sick shit, told they are Nazi superduper heroes and playing roles as such combined with sexualized political violence behind their posturing bs presentations which are endlessly put into the Oscars every single year--and, the stress from hours and hours of this torture they inflict upon me with screaming into my head using Voice-to-Skull technology (V2K) was written of in Wired Magazine as an Army inaudible field technology to transmit instructions without detection by enemy--now taken off the Wired site but kept or retained in various websites---what can one trust. But the violent sleazy psychotic deep sleep dreams they constanty, night after night, force upon me with hours literally hours per day of yelling death threats insults which are unnerving as I was very beautiful a top athlete a top student and awarded musician---all gone from poisoning done by my family and by every society around the world, it is an interconnected terrorist regime globally seamless. The smug stupid empty leech parasites of Whorewood are so empowered by the endless applause for my ideas they steal  year-after year--the ideas they sell off as their own achieve almost nothing but empty awards, are never heard of again basically stupid "anti-racist" themes with black Nazi celebrities who are otherwise skank "woke" but not in actuality just fascists playing lesbian toy-girls and boys for white supremacy porno titillation

but the abuse and death threats and the endless drugging the subliminal content and the rows of shit pig filth fuckers who are there every day to essentially torture me to death, giggling and laughing and feeding off my ranting enraged reactions after already more than 6 hours of deep sleep then waking freshly drugged abuse which I fight to "ignore' and I remain calm until after a while no one could tolerate it being blasted directly into the skull with also microchip implant networks along my endlessly surgically rendered paralyzed spine creating nervous system reactions of rage and hate. I become "old" I am repeating really ugly death-wish sentences as the ugly sick prostitutalina smiles in "victory" because they got a reaction out of me to ruin my day suck my energy out and I write all the thoughts about their injustice, that of the fucking politicians who have rushed to join in, now below one of them who appeared one or two times laughing and giggling as she saw I was being raped poisoned beaten to death using this tech--the "feminist" working for "women" (Klobuchar): 

:* :(

this current nasty English "harlot" I mentioned as liking her character. Her interview, which I clicked off as soon as I could get to the mouse to stop the noise, was on my youtube screen for less than 30 seconds.

FOUR HOURS of her abuse, with the same Whorewood endless team sitting there, I cannot see them, but the glowing feeding of the most vile dirty ugly creeps who are there every day instructing the teams of Nazis and black bigots and Jewish haters and all being told to follow in these same instructions for a uniformity of terrorism and torture.

The government of course always there backing it all up, every senator and every representative in one way or another fully condones this or they fear retribution of ==by now, because they never did anything when they could have, when they should have, if any of them ever cared in the first place--the open threat of murder is now a continuous saga in the news of anyone threatening the criminal conduct of anyone part of this team is now a constant American uprising of 4th Reich mass murder.


So as the ugly sick parasites are instructed daily to make comments about me being "ugly" while ugly trashalina is smiling with delight as they all perform this hate attack upon me, from Jamie Raskin to Kinsinger to the next scumbag prostittued shit whore in line out of England--and I say trying not to become screaming enraged, trying not to react to the obvious provocation, but I am drugged every night in deep sleep my food is drugged because I cannot carry around bottles of energy drinks around with me everywhere I go along with everything else--so they drug and poison my food and I am also under nervous system attack, with subliminal attack and "mind control attack" and after 4 hours I react in the way of losing balance, not able to not react but trying not to become so wacked out of balance (typing is so hard I can't use hyphens and correct grammar_-any need to extend my hand to use the hyphen means they will insert a page if I move my hand and any other key is touched near any command key_ pounding so hard it's breaking the keyboard from pounding--every day the same thing---wonderous that the WiFi has not been turned off yet, or it might be the signal shows "on" but they do that and the signal has been turned off but it appears "on")

so, having to write once more because sitting in this room not responding for one hour, two hours and then becoming more agitated because of DRUGGING AND NERVOUS SYSTEM ATTACKS NON-STOP INSULTS MY BODY BEING CALLED UGLY THEY ARE CONSTANTLY CALLING THIS AT ME AS THEY GLORIFY UGLY TRASHALINA THIS FILTHY UGLY SLIME STUPID IGNORANT WHORE

I am losing it right now--years of this ugly beady-eyed sleazy stupid dirty creep who has no personality is a dirty foul rape cheerleader for every sick sleaze rapist whore pig ape male so-called is why she has been kept in commission as the representative of feminism, along with most nasty and foul Hillary Clinton, her partner and collaborator along with rotten Oprah and the rest of the crew you all watch every day--

so, trying to ignore this, trying to not be enraged as I spend hours trying to use the healing lotions and powders from murder attempts horrific poisoning that hardens into the body--stinking foul black poisons I fight for years to get out--they kept me poisoned with intention to paralyze and murder me--

so, they are still allowed to continue

every day, I can't ignore the hate with poisons drugs mind control all loving animals taken from me every time I even pet a cat that is outside the cat is gone forever--they take all away and they surround me with hate and torture. The only human contact I have is with this foul group and they hack their sick fucking shit onto my youtube channel so if I watch by accident, as they hack it all in while I am doing something else, forced via autoplay--and I watch YouTube to finally drown out the death hate ugliness of shit whores I never wanted anything to do with they have been following this death system of torture to get me to scream ideas out after drugging and torture for over 15 years and are still going to the Oscars from MY IDEAS.

And obviously I am only human, but they act like its' a victory for this stupid group of parasitic shit to have me "break' after years and years and years of isolation, shitting poison that is ripping out of my spine while I was denied health care absolutely and still am--lied to denied and told lies and screwed, attacked and mutilated by doctors, all part of this system so my talents my aspirations were just completely suppressed because of the life threat this group forced upon me of being poisoned to death without any health care

now I sit here with still no protection, they are allowed to go on daily

this show Harlots is about the usual Oreo configuration of a few token blacks always oppressed and "fighting" for their equality and whites especially men playing the abuser exploiter basturds (sic) who are in reality exploitative turd basturds to the delight of the blonde shit filth of that team of not-performing roles of being whores they truly are--and they are now the oppressors, as I write every day-these Nazi women play oppressed feminists fighting for their "power" while in reality they rush to have the violence they claim is being done to them, heaped onto me. They do NOTHING to stop RACISM or sexism they do everything to shift the onus of the violence onto a new group of "acceptable" expendables--me being silenced completely--absolutely shunned by the entire planet for just standing up for basic human rights without any legal or any kind of representation

every day they go on gnawing into my psyche to get reactions of hate out of me, dripping with sarcasm and sentences that are being subliminally encoded into my subconscious-I do not sound like myself

I believe some old hateful woman is spewing this hate into a microphone somewhere so I sound like a spiteful hateful woman and old---I feel my body old as they are breaking into my brain and body after HOURS OF THIS TORTURE

no friendship no one will have anything to do with me  unless they get some profit out of pretending any friendliness and then they just attack me whenever given the signal to do so--attacking me surreptitiously anyway constantly and coordinating with murder teams to drug poison and attack me and then viciously once the teams have destroyed and broken through whatever resistance I have built up

in every way every day

so, watching the senators discussing AI and election hacking

as if they are defending the people they make direct references to the people but in reality

they are putting on just another charade. The main "protagonist' in this drama senate hearing is a woman giggling watching me in her team of senators as I was shouting in rage after being beaten and raped by yet another scumbag sleaze actor who I had done nothing to

this contract out on me I believe is because I was being MURDERED by an "aristocrat" English scumbag filth creep who tried to rape me within 30 minutes of me being brainwashed into going into his house--absolutely like a docile animal being lead to the slaughter and there were references to human sacrifice in his "art" through which the rationale for attacking me was used as a prop to lure me in (a painting was situated next to a garbage can, I knocked on the door under drugging that had already been forced into my body by that time all my life, literally from infancy onward--and I asked if they were throwing the painting away--it was in London--Redcliffe Road in Chelsea where I just happened to be offered a "bedsit" room for rent and it was the one-and-only room I was offered by a reputable realty company in downtown London--as if only one single room was available for rent in ALL of London because I had no idea how to find a short-term rental)

the painting was of a bull skull in Picasso-depression dark hues of blue--doorways behind the bull skull. At that time, in the 80's, artwork depicting bull skulls were somehow popular and I just thought it another of that pop culture genre--

and since typing is now a continuous pounding and destruction of my laptop because the keyboard does not work

I am writing this to get this shit to be stopped--yet today another scumbag whore with ugly sick prostitutalina whose everything is about mutilating me and making all the shit like Jamie Raskin and Amy K. (in video below) to giggle watch on and congratulate ugly prostitutalina for having stolen my ideas so blonde Nazi bitch whores can pose as "feminists" so their black and blonde whore males can STILL CONTINUE TO RAPE AND OPPRESS WOMEN--oh no, never change THAT but just re-direct the violence to the easily accessible women like me who are tortured by society literally society is the mechanism of state-sponsored torture for the "gang stalking" death squads still funded entirely by covert Government funding

Listen to the absolute bullshit that Klobuchar and her allies spread about concerns for "The American People" when they are detailing their great "research" on the effect of AI on elections and public perception and "disinformation". 

What I learned from Obama was a brutal attack when I said that he was just going to "continue to have me tortured for (his) profit as he had been doing for over 15 years" with this team of filth and shit  and stupidity and meaninglessness. Obama tried to "correct" me by saying, "you mean that I MIGHT continue to attack you" while then more viciously supporting death threat rape by a Nazi spewing german scumbag filth bucket whore creep who was lavishly offered sex by prostitutalina and Obam then smiled at him after the brutal rape death threats and destruction of my home--the floor was literally gouged out and stinking filth is every day poured into my home, as it always has been but foul and stinking because he is a foul stinking "demon" and they all love that filthy piece of stupid shit--because they truly imbibe that they truly are that

and, so I succumbed, but listening to Klobuchar and the "double-speak" about the wonderful "concern for the American people and elections and disinformation" is just a throwback to the rotten statements and postures of this group of shit, scum and whores--they play murder mass murder heroes with slight justification--for murder--and when it happens in society that a person seemingly "Justified" in shooting a health care CEO the audience showers money upon the "good looking" Nazi-style image (Italian is Nazi in history and still is in reality--not "all" but whomsoever has evaded the death squads since WWII is exceptional they have a lot of protection if any real decent person survived all the murder purges)


What I learned from observing terror politicians (endlessly retained in power for decades) is the skill-set for polite dissemination of turning viciousness into seemingly gentle persuasion for a benevolent disposition. Underneath this is hateful and murderous hints as to how the polite superficiality can be used to further deadly pursuits of power without government oversight--while feigning government oversight. Can't forget the giggly looks of delight on HER face as she joined in with other of her rank to observe the terror against me. Doing NOTHING to stop it. Except to urge others of her "side" of he aisle to join in so now they can seek "pardons" for their nefarious stunts of "fighting" injustice (while leaving the actual agencies doing NOTHING about doing their actual JOB of exacting justice--a true performance) and then.....the audience cheers it on. Progress with careful Government oversight and funding. The new threat is being carefully contained of it's pernicious effects by the wonderful "liberal" and cautious committees. I understand how benevolent they are (not) absolutely NOT.

"Artificial intelligence impact on Future of U.S. Elections". electron media group inc. December 14, 2024.

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