Thursday, December 19, 2024

Hammering continues in the room directly beneath mine--now non-stop pounding on the walls//terror teleportation with me not able to breathe and control the affliction of remotely-administered "rage" which I could not control--my breathing was remotely controlled as was my nervous system. Seeing the sinister expletives who have been literally feeding off my ideas my body my life force and everything destroyed as they revel in it, no "adult in the room" anywhere to be seen anywhere--hours of screaming and trying not to rant and scream and hit them as I did--tried to stop myself--finally after 3 hours tried to breathe without their drugging and brain-attacking tech forcing my shallow breathing, nervous system attack which was impossible, literally I was drugged always am drugged every night in deep sleep. If there is any compassion out there, I desperately need a place to live where they can't insert mechanical arms into my room or poison my food any longer--but it's being done while I sleep. IT is a form of murder.. They ekep asking me if I "like" them as I rush to try to kill them. Trying to breathe and not react requires hours to not be so drugged that I cannot breathe or control my energy--it is remotely being forced as well as drugging that forces reactions under the hate of the sick group which is death hate stupidity sickness rape ugly filth scum hate endlessly as they are plastic surgery rennovated applauded and the government continues to allow this so their sleazy media reps can continue to sell every kind of concept of freedom and equality. They are absolutely death fascist bigot murderous bigot filth, their filth polluting every aspect of my life is cntinuous. Their stupidity s non-stop their ugliness is sickening I am confronted with it every day. Every day I am convinced that they cannot have more and I try to do my duty of not allowing filthy shit to control the country that doesn't give a damn about me and has allowed this to continue unabated for over 15 years for over 50 years the government I am now a murder operation of. I see and hear the youtube podcasters now bemoaning all the new developments that THEY--the "liberal" commentators and political pundits of the "Left" have actually fully allowed to come into being. They read my posts they teleported me they participated in torturing me when I wrote that Elon Musk was a foreign agent set to create a fascist Nazi 4th Reich and is a Euro-Nazi agent and everyone has been raping beating torturing me prior to me writing this and after--without pause. The same people warning America to just wait for another 4 years and to be strong now and try to fend off the fascist wave under Musk and Trump are the same sucker s who rushed to abuse attack and torture me for the same scum group of celebrity filth and stupidity and sickness who put Musk and Trump into power. The torture continues without pause, because they all want Musk they all want fascism they are all murderous bigots--all, all put into any media position of any "side". And so, I am tortured for not allowing some scum filth pig whores to just suck my life out of me without resistance. The ugly sleazy shit never stop, filthshitpigapealina the team of sick rotten fucking shit--every day they are sucking my life out of me so their stupidity and blank fascist rape racist shit can be applauded as representing the "Fight against racism, fascism and rape culture' they are sleazy evil abomination. Absolutely deferred to in their 4th Reich status since they were handed this tech as torture rape and murder agents of me--and ideas non-stop from me are being put into limelight Oscars and Broadway awards from dirty ugly sick prostitutalin and shit pig pitt--this year his anti-racist movie is so stupid driving miss daily fake bs really the programming is to revert racism back to the Jim Crow era which these old time movies about black men fighting racism are really about. They are so sick, ugly and putrid and every day I am screaming that I wish them death. My body is being blasted during these times of rage and hate, as grey hair spreads now from daily death energy forced upon me through drugging, teleportation where I can't block them out can't stop from responding to the stupid sick things their dirty ugly English yapping shit whores are saying that are so ugly and sinister--their forte--asking me as usual for ideas. I try to control it I AN'T. the government and these fucking whore apes laugh about inducing a form of trauma upon me as the stress grows from this filthy Gemran ape shit punching slapping raping beating having my home made filthy dirty stinking broken and teams of white trash Hamburger body builder crap pushing into me going into my room when I am out they approach me coming out of the elevator as I go upstairs--the hallways of this condo completely empty so the terror operation will not be evidenced and the criminal thug operations surrounds me--anyone approaching me when I am returning to my room has gone into my room and sprayed and stolen and destroyed--the filth hate death continues. I cannot control the remote attacks on my breathing, nervous system while I am completely drugged and under the hate envelopment of the stupid yapping hate death creeps who are trying to poison, drug and rape and abuse me to death. Every day seeing them smiling as they get more fuck actors now out of England and Germany to yell sick insults as the filth shitpigapealina pair sit smiling watching glowing with joy over it--watching me age and die from stress. It is calculated It is never stopped. The government officials are being interviewed about how they are "fighting" Trump when they rushed to join in having me poisoned raped and beaten, as they did too (Raski n in particular) now he is "fighting' trump. I see the senators and politicians yapping about their "fight" against fascism the news anchors who rushed to assault me yapping about fighting trump--they all joined in. The people angrily describing how Elon MUsk has become president as they interview their "experts" on how they will fight the destruction of the country and the endless money poured into the sleazy wealth fascist group that Whorewood represents. Thusly no one stops this filth group, and all I see are liars on the news and in the media especially the "left" most famous political podcasters and news talk show and joker interview talk shows--it's abomination. After more than 15 years of this and my endless detailing of how sick they are of how Musk and Trump will create a fascist Nazi dictatorship and the same people who are now descrying the situation rushed to join into abusing me because I was writing about the inevitable daily as they all participated in the rise of fascist Nazi dictatorship. Nothing stops this group of filth out of Whorewood, not years of writing about their shit and stupidity, not years of asking for help, not years of them putting people like Musk and Trump into power which everyone who yaps about fighting it in the media all are aware of and they protect this information. //So it's never stopping. With the poison and drugs in my body, Imust find a way to not be killed from stress and screaming murderous rage which envelopes me because tolderance is now low from daily rape beatings because ugly sick shitalina and pig filth pitt are once more up for oscars and 15 years of them winning on my ideas they tortured out of me is not enough. Their shit spawn also expect nepo-baby entitlement and they ahve to go on and on until I am dead from fighting and torture poisoning and abuse. The politicians join in laughing and mocking me as they continue to do NO FUCKING THING TO EVER STOP IT.

This whorewood group, and especially this stupid English group of dirty sick skanks, I call ugly they are out of racist stereotypes supposed to be this standard I can't subscribe to any longer. Women exactly like them, and it is monotonous repeats of cliche types coming out of these Europigapeland fascist Nazi countries--England being one

and their nasty stupidity is ongoing and it's like dirty rat hybrid leeches yapping and gnawing into my brain with ugly sick statements. For hours, ongoing non-stop  the most evil and sick things any dirty foul crap creep could ever invent and they do it non-stop their ugly black holes in the middle of their blank stupid ugly dirty faces go on emitting frogs toads of words of evil and hate.

Dirty ugly shitpigapealina sitting there smug and smiling as usual--15 years of them torturing ideas out of me and they cannot obtain a single original idea, they are paid in millions with top fashion designers and production teams for years of hourly torture of me. Literally if they stopped for a single day their mediocrity ugliness and stupidity would not be able to get them past any finish line for any single endeavor.

They can't "win" the Oscars unless they torture me literally into hysterical enraged murderous reactions of violence because of the endless poisoning for over 15 years of rape poisoning non-stop beatings rape with politicians rushing to laugh with them and threatening my life for fighting to stop this sick fucking shit. 

I have never done a goddamn thing to deservenon-stop torture rape only tried to compete and not let shit fucking pig creep Nazi bigots abuse and exploit me.

That is the Nazi 4th Reich you all put into power. They can't win unless they continuously abuse me and they can't succeed or have any single idea unless they extract it through torture out of me. They can' stop for a single day,not one. Once they "win" they continue without a single hour of cessation of torture of me. They keep "winning" and their circle of Engish shit and scum also are relying on this endless torture so they can infest America and you all want it to happen as obviously no one ever stops this and it continuously enlarges by the day.

And I am just trying to get them off me. Their filthy movies their ugly shit faces and stinking foul energy their ugliness their stupidity and it's forced upon me; then I have to meet the smug and ugly sick politicians who are a sick joke upon humanity. Then I have to meet these lying abusive violent podcasters who are all yapping about the evils of Musk and Trump now, an they HELPED TO PUT THEM INTO POWER and are violent white supremacist bigots--the black ones as well and Jews especially if they are in leading positions of power.

Still I cannot remain calm, I feel the external control over my nervous system as I drink the drugged energy drinks that they break into my room and replace what I have bought with drugged energy drinks. I need the energy drinks in order to wake up from the poison detox that they spent at least 13 years continuing so I would shit diarrhea black poison out every day and become huge, bloated and deformed with the poison compressing into my back as ugly shitalina laughed about it and the filth men she brought on in monthly rotation pounded the poison as deeply into my body as possible--all extremely turned on by it, filth ugly sitalina laughing and smiling about it hugging them all and being invited to the White House by Biden afterwards and by Schumer for supporting the Violence Against Women Act and at the United Nations.

The death squads are being more fully funded as this group grows. 

So no one stops this inhumanity.

I cannot stop my reactions which are also being enhanced by creeps using extremely deadly subliminal content spewed into my subconscious while the groups of yapping and sick stupidity out of England are teaming up with the extremely murderous and violent German shit team who are using the tech to blast murder threats and insults and all name calling into my subconscious while the English are yapping hate.They all expect an entire empire out of this for just being sick sleazy ugly dirty and foul and abusive and then performing lines they don't understand nor care about. Endlessly promoted by the government and by Whorewood

i remain fighting a fight no one else will get involved with. 

If you sick fuckers want a fascisst government with Europigapes controlling your country and lives, and I don't, I have already been abused into moving to the other side of the planet, and that is not enough for you goddamn fuckers you can't ever stop this or get it to be stopped.

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