Friday, December 20, 2024

2nd time today: more semen-dead meat-laced permanently staining/sticking gelatinous substance poured into the defrost tray behind my refrigerator---put into a nook in the otherwise hugely protruding wall structure of extended cabinets which are the fake wall separating my room from the room next door; there IS no wall, it is a series of removable/opening panels through which mechanical arms are entered to pour suck stinking filth into my space. I was on my patio so I could not see from whence the attack had come. The foul dirty filth who ordered this are watching feeling sexually turned on, excited and vindicated by the endless decades of these attacks upon me for any resistance or response to the terror apparatus, writing to a nearly black and void readership which can barely respond until the threat is so looming into your own lives that finally you emerge as a collective albatross to respond--lethargic but a bit panicked now as all I have been writing of, considered "crazy" and so "bad" is now apparently coming to life as a monster that might actually be coming for YOU next. As I wrote so long ago, there will be no action until people realize that I am not the problem and that I did nothing to deserve it, but if people saw this happening to me and did nothing, and they now fear that they will be targets, and t hey are now losing power, they may lose much more when the 4th Reich comes into full international power, then you will have indeed deserved "it" if you continue to allow this group to go on with domestic, State-sponsored terrorism. So far, no president has given even the smallest concern about this they gloat in it, they revel in it, the Senators revel and dance around and laugh, the former "hope and change" laughs about a reversion to fascist Nazism imposed into American culture because he and his family can continue to get media coverage for their tv shows about Black blonde Beyonce being a private Nazi-spewing hate along with Jay Z and the tv shows this former president family write is about black girls being "strong and powerful" by killing any black men who get in their way--or white, not sure I can't remember how many casualties and which race I do remember that black men were the targets. It was based on Nazi Beyonce, in my situation I wrote of this for years. That is why they are joining with Nazis (rhetorical question)...? To promote Black nazism.

 On the same theme of the "pecking order" the "food chain" and the "feeding frenzy" for down-pressor rights in the 4th Reich being fully implemented by all above--so they are paid in multi-millions for their effort to conform to 4th Reich standards of minority minion antisemitism and the murder of those who will not submit or agree to their supremacy claims and demands---(this group is torturing me for analysis of the symbolism contained in their Nazi-programming media--I have not yet seen any cultural interpretation of symbolism done by any of the critics they only focus on performance and basic theme as if there are no underlying programming messages embedded, whatsoever).

Jackie Chan (I did not want to write THE OBAMAS openly above) but now I will name names

he spent more than 2 months--I don't know how long but it felt like forever--attacking me as a vicious bully when my nervous system was under attack, I was drugged, my body huge with poisons (as it still is but then it was liquid stinking filth trapped in pockets inside my body which I have had to rip out using extreme exercises which I had to amalgamate myself from observing some of the videos which the Chinese Martial Artists hacked into my YouTube--and others which I discovered myself and then they began a barrage because if I clicked on one video, they could then justify teleporting me to torture abuse and more drugging poisoning and etc.

Chan the worst of the bullies

he is now coming out with his formulaic movie about the young (white Italian-sounding name actor) boy as victim of bullies, needing the ancient-knowledge nice old Chinese "victim" of racism--so it would seem something like a poor janitor or whatever--Karate Kid, is that the name my brain is currently under mind control blanketing and I only watched a few minutes of the movie back in the day--

it came out again with the Smith's son playing the poor little victim role and the Chinese "sifu" training him to be a fighter for righteousness (of course, all actors are horrid racist perpetrators of fascism when they possibly can obtain promotions for their movies based on formulaic returns of movie themes--for decades)

and, the pecking order movie that Jackie Chan has made, out of bullying me viciously to the point I had to write and write, he was yanked off feeding off abusing me as a parasite

and the movie trailer I saw is apparently about the former white privileged male who had starred in the 80's version (looking well-off, looking like a wealthy white male because in real life he is, probably)

and there is a young "victim" Chinese boy--teen I mean. I can only guess that the subject is of the Chinese boy being bullied looking for martial arts support to fight off the bad guys. My interpretation of the "message" of this film is that by bullying me viciously, Chan let it be known that Chinese, and males in particular, are on a higher level of the trickle-down Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich than me (representing the "bad" Jews who do not automatically conform to Nazi subjugationg and allow racism and antisemitism to continue, laughing at victims like me and trying to fully bring in every fascist white Nazi Mafia supremacist not only into their homes, their bodies and into Israel but into the world with me being the universal target--and I have not  been associated with Jews just the cliche they are trying to endlessly foist upon me--as a symbol)_

that is the feeding food chain that the blonde Nazis of Whorewood and of the English Harlots team which has just wrought as much hate vitriol physical violence, the same principle applies--push her down (meaning me and all that I am supposed to "represent" and we are on the higher level of the death food chain of the 4th Reich)

and that is what I believe is the "real" message of the next Jackie Chan movie. They will probably say that they want to bring "martial arts" into America as Bruce Lee had done. Bruce Lee's widow is fully a part of this team, by the way. She has been personally involved in all these months of torture since I clicked on a series of Bruce Lee videos because I was searching for some alternative to the basic stretch videos that Baryishnikov had his employees hack into my YouTube, so HIS friends could be incorporated into the terrorism group if I so much as clicked on their hacked videos

hacking is very horrid now, pounding and rewriting backspacing is constant almost every word and letter

another set of hours cleaning, writing pounding on the keyboard and so much time wasted. Hopefully this will do some benefit to fighting in real time fighting not fictitious movie fantasy "fighting" or photo-op political "fighting" for a real cause that no one can be concerned against until the "wolf is literally breaking down the door".

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