So please, the technology and hate operation has been used by foul and evil Stallone and tyler and their filthy children wives friends and the circles enlarge constantly--since 1997 --it has been going on and on and on and on
what I said to Mk-gay-clown the Shakespearian Lord of the Cock Ring Flies was not rude, not "impertinent" it was just intelligent, not just playing him up and remaining silent as he approached me with sneering contempt so his career like all of them can more and more be funded by the take-over of the United States--they all gravitate to the openly Nazi scumbag who everyone appears to love for his sleazy sick violent assumption of just being as nasty and violent as possible and taking and grabbing--they have been waiting for the green light. No intellectualism about any of it. Nothing there but fake gestures of expected adulation because of the endless stereotypes that they have all been superimposed into. Meanwhile they strive to superimpose me into an extremely negative stereotype and when I am capable of responding intellectually, not out of spite just answering some statement made to exemplify his supposed intellectual "superiority" and I just made a comment adding to it but elaborating upon it in a way that is original and now "bowing " to some stereotype of the craggy white male "controller" of thought and intellect. The stupid lying violence of "victim woman" actor Samantha Morton her every role that I have seen is about a woman being oppressed by the male structure rising up through--machiavellian ruses and assumption to power.
It is empowering but alas it's only meant for white Nazi trash women who love watching me get poisoned raped beaten and my original ideas stolen--any performance of my part in demonstrating intellectual capability because their racism is so deeply entrenched into the structure of their culture that any expression of intelligence when expected to listen and just bow and agree by the white pig ape cartel which I never thought was great, intellectual or anything just watched the roles of how women evaded white male suppression, usually the racism is embedded into their tv shows as the only minority ever shown are blacks (representing a demographic minority in their country) but always depicted as agreeable and subordinate mostly sex object partners disposable but necessary.
And they expect that out of me.
thusly the yapping stupid trashy gutter trash talk of yet another blathering English endlessly yapping skank creep has been ongoin because the white vampire male the black subordinate "victim of racism" thug punching into my face the German rapist sleaze scumbag the 15 years of the torture and rape of MULTIPLE LORD OF THE COCK RING FLIES rushing likewise to assault me--one of whom "won" an Oscar for that stupid syrupy racist "antiracist" flick --what was it called, something about "green" but my brain is being blanked out--a white man racist driving a black intellectual to some event through lynch mob southern places and oh, how they became "friends' a "true story" etc won an award. That kind of syrupy trashy supposed "anti racist" crap dirty stupid racist bigot Nazi pig shit scumbag pitt has been "winning" awards for through his Anniston production company since they all began attacking me
but over 30 years of this Liv Tyler and her teams attacking me--and others from that movie as well, and then spiraling to THEIR FAMILY and friends, and on and on
so I am fighting to get t hem off me. I sold cigars at the Stallone-Tyler little cheesy club called "Bar None" as an independent cigar seller. My money was being stolen from my purse nightly while I was rendered unconscious due to the brain implant microchips as they stole my money, replaced $100 bills with $1's, and raped me and I was so drugged normally I would fall asleep nearly collapsing on my bed with my clothing still on, so drugged. I always had not enough money to eat, I was always financially desperate I could not count my money I was living in perpetual poisoning with bloating and hardening poison retaining the mind control drugs through the shell of hard filthy poison.
that is what dirty "feminist" Liv Tyler and her nasty Lord of the Flies group who, as they all do, took the anti-nazi theme that lord of the rings had intended and by putting Nazi filth trash from Whorewood and an ensemble of established Nazi thugs who can recite Shakespeare regardless their intention is racist highly smug and through the established cliches of their "superiority" any threat by me just making a statement, adding to the statement that Mk-clown made I embellished it, I was not trying to "compete" I was just adding but a gasp and shock from what has proven to be a most thug and stupid ox-like animal named Samantha Morton, who plays well at disguising her power motives in movies so it was intriguing for me to watch the machinations of Europigape power-mongering ploys for power (by women against men)
unfortunately, her assumption to power is based on the same system of men oppressing women and children and other men, but as long as it's not her, or rotten Liv Tyler, they are 1 million percent into DECADES of torturing me to obtain more and more. Most of these filthy creeps have their careers in decline--that goes for the German sick rotten fuck, that has gone for Dolly Parton who got endless plastic surgery and endless deals endless promotions it has happened to Helen Mirran and Jane Fonda. They rush to embrace the |German sleazy violent sleazy sleazy dirty creep and they are rushing to violently assault me for "insulting their friends" after hours of torture per day and me responding and writing
and DECADES of Liv Tyler being established as an "actor" and they all get huge chances at "winning" awards and endless promotions for just being nasty stupid and sick, endlessly unabashedly.
How can any of this denote any higher intellectual superiority--?
They are a serious threat to my body and life, I need anonymity and for them to be pried off exploiting me FOREVER FUCKING DECADES OF THE FILTH OF STALLONE AND H IS DIRTY COCK RING CREW OF TYLER AND ENGLISH ITALIAN GERMAN SICK CRAP RUSHING TO TAKE OVER AMERICA
this is not paranoia--I can't express how many Americans want Europigapes to fully control America and turn it into a Nazi death squad KGB concentration camp plantation with Europigapes put into highest office best real estate and instructing on the old school complete oppression and trauma-based torture control of the "old world".
-------Get them off me goddamn fuck off you Tyler group of goddamn white trash shit and your Europigapeland scum you bring in like flies to your cock ring power cartel, cock rock music that is disgusting I never could hear that awful cacophony.
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